3RD Year First Sem Forchem 3 Prefinal Exam Reviewer

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44. is the outmost layer of the hair shaft 44.

45. the pattern can differentiate human hair from 45. Scale type
animal hair
46. Specimen to be collected 1. head hairs
2. pubic hair
3. blood group
4. urine drug screening
5. nail scrappings for blood
6. swabs
47. types of cuticle pattern 1. Coronal
2. Spinous
3. Imbricate
48. is the middle layer of the hair shaft and 48. Cortex
contains the bulk of the hair’s pigment and
49. is the innermost layer of the hair shaft 49. Medulla
50. the width of the medulla relative to the hair 50. Medulla Index
shaft can help differentiate between human and
animal hair
51. the pattern of the medulla can be used for 51. Medulla Pattern
52. encountered as trace evidence in forensic 52. Fibers
analysis and they can provide valuable
information to investigators
53. are one of the most common natural fibers 53. Natural Fibers
found in clothing and textiles
54. are widely used in textilesm they can be 54. Polyester Fibers
differentiated from natural like cotton and wool
helping determine the type of clothing involved
in a crime
55. are durable and common in various textiles, 55. Nylon Fibers
including hosiery and fabrics
56. are often found in sweaters and other 56. Acrylic Fibers
57. for animals like dogs or cats can be used to 57. Fur Fibers
determine whether a particular animal was
present at crime scene
58. are tiny synthetic fibers often used in modern 58. Microfibers
59. can be transferred from the crime scene to a 59. Carpet fibers
suspects clothing or vice versa, aiding in the
reconstruction of events and identifying possible
60. branch of for sci that focuses on the 60. Ink and Paper Analysis
examination of writing inks and papers to
provide valuable information in various
61. various spectroscopic techniques such as UV 61. Spectral Analysis
visible spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy
are use to analyze the composition of inks
62. is used to separate the components of an ink 62. Thin Layer Chromatography
63. microscopic examination of ink and paper 63. Microscopy
can reveal details about the ink formulation pen
type and writing history
64. various techniques such as the examination of 64. Ink and dating
ink solvents can help estimate the age of an ink
entry on a document

65. ink and paper analysis can determine if a 65. Document Authenticity
document is genuine or a forgery
66. when there is a question of whether two or 66. Ink Comparison
more documents were written with the same
ink, ink analysis can provide answers
67. by assessing the age of ink entries, analysts 67. Dating documents
can determine when a document was created or
68. ink analysis can reveal evidence of 68. Detection of Alterations
alterations, additions or erasures on documents
69. different ink have distinct composition 69. Ink source identification
70. by comparing ink, paper, and writing 70. Associating Documents
characteristics, analyst can associate different

Forensic Investigations Involving Hair and Fibers:
1) Cuticle Importance: The cuticle's role lies in aiding the Forensic Investigations
Involving Hair and Fibers: Identification of substances adhering to the hair, rather than
providing color or thickness.

2) Fiber Significance: Fibers help link individuals to crime scenes and identify fabric types
but are not used to determine clothing brands.

*Synthetic fibers play a crucial role due to their traceability.

Explosives, Gunpowder, and Glass Analysis:

1) Explosives Analysis: Identifies explosive types, aiding in linking firearms to crime

2) Gunpowder Analysis: Determines the composition to trace its origin.

3) Glass Fragment Analysis: Crucial for understanding entry/exit points,

not for identifying weather conditions.

Ballistics and DNA Analysis:

1) Origin of Shots: Ballistic fingerprinting determines shot origins and trajectories,
aiding in reconstructing incidents.

2) DNA Analysis: DNA profiling links suspects to crime scenes and identifies familiar

Identification and Classification:

1) Identification Methods: PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction in DNA
profiling, while

gunshot residue is a substance analyzed in gunpowder.

2) Patterns and Evidence:

Contact gunshot wounds show circular stippling, and

witness testimony falls under indirect trace evidence.

3) Evidence Categories:
Biological evidence includes blood, hair, and DNA,

Witness statements fall under testimonial evidence.

Types of Evidence and Bodily Fluids:

Evidence Classification:
Class and Individual are two categories, and

Bodily fluids like blood, semen, and saliva are commonly analyzed in forensic

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