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Business Research Method MCQ Questions PDF

1. The __________research leads to discovery of new theories and development of

existing theories.

1. exploratory
2. experimental
3. Pure
4. applied

Answer: Pure

2. A set of logically interrelated statements in the form of empirical assertions about

properties of infinite class of events or things is known as_____________

1. concept
2. construct
3. Theory
4. hypothesis

Answer: Theory

3. ________research seeks to explain what is happening in a particular situation.

1. ascriptive
2. causal
3. Formulative
4. None

Answer: causal

4.________ research is a fact finding investigation

1. descriptive
2. Formulate
3. causal
4. None

Answer: descriptive

5.___________ building broadly consists of observation, induction and deduction.

1. concept
2. construct
3. Theory
4. hypothesis

Answer: Theory
6. The__________ method consists of studying several individual cases and drawing

1. Induction
2. Retroduction
3. deduction
4. None

Answer: Induction

7. _______ follows an approach which is from “general to specific”.

1. Retrodictions
2. deduction
3. induction
4. None

Answer: deduction

8. A _________ is an abstraction formed by generalizations from particulars.

1. concept
2. hypothesis
3. Theory
4. construct

Answer: concept

9. ________ research is a management tool that can be used for creating business
strategies, managing production and managing growth

1. educational
2. Social
3. descriptive
4. business

Answer: business

10. A ________is a concept that is not directly observable.

1. hypothesis
2. Theory
3. concept
4. construct

Answer: construct

11. ________ follows an approach which is “top-down".

1. deduction
2. Retroduction
3. induction
4. None

Answer: deduction

12. The__________ research leads to discovery of new theories and development of

existing theories.

1. experimental
2. applied
3. exploratory
4. Pure

Answer: Pure

13. An ……….is a procedure agreed upon for translation of a concept into

measurement of some kind.

1. Operational definition
2. hypothesis
3. proposition
4. concept

Answer: Operational definition

14. ________ research is a preliminary study of a new problem about which the
researcher has little or no knowledge.

1. exploratory
2. Pure
3. applied
4. experimental

Answer: exploratory

15. _______ research is also known as basic research because it is related with a
particular project and problem.

1. action
2. exploratory
3. Pure
4. applied

Answer: action

16. _________ research is a preliminary study of a new problem about which the
researcher has little or no knowledge.

1. applied
2. Basic
3. experimental
4. exploratory

Answer: exploratory

17. The major use of_______ research is explanation of the state of affairs,as it exists at

1. causal
2. descriptive
3. Formulative
4. None

Answer: descriptive

18._______ research deals with practical problems.

1. applied
2. Basic
3. experimental
4. exploratory

Answer: applied

19. A ________ is a statement about observable phenomena that may be judged as true
or false.

1. concept
2. hypothesis
3. proposition
4. construct

Answer: proposition

20. Business research means the discovery of new knowledge in the field

1. General
2. Business
3. Management
4. administration

Answer: Business

21. A hypothesis is a ______ about the predicted relationships among events or


1. prediction
2. conclusion
3. Statement
4. None

Answer: Statement

22. A ______ is an abstraction formed by generalizations from particulars.

1. concept
2. Constructs
3. deduction
4. induction

Answer: concept

23. _________research is mainly concerned with generalizations and with the

formulation of a theory.

1. exploratory
2. applied
3. Basic
4. experimental

Answer: Basic

24. ______ is a set of logically interrelated statements in the form of empirical assertions
about properties of infinite class of events or things.

1. Theory
2. conclusion
3. Abstract
4. None of these

Answer: Theory

25. In ________ research, the researchers try to find out answers for un solved
questions related with business problems.

1. administration
2. Business
3. Management
4. None

Answer: Business

26. A theory explains and predict about a________

1. principles
2. conclusion
3. Phenomenon
4. None
Answer: Phenomenon

27. _______ theory represents the common view of the nature of the relationship
between theory and research.

1. rational
2. deduction
3. Induction
4. None

Answer: deduction

28. A ________ analysis determines the cost of each production item used to produce
goods and services.

1. financial
2. technical
3. Marketing
4. investment

Answer: financial

29 ______ is regarded as reasoning from the general to particular.

1. deduction
2. Induction
3. rational
4. None

Answer: deduction

30. Research is only _______ enquiry into the system of knowledge to disapprove or
approve or to arrive at new conclusions for the betterment of the existing system

1. computerized
2. general
3. Systematic
4. None

Answer: Systematic

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