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Chapter 2&3: Software

Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

and Project Management Process

Dr. Kawther Saeedi I. Heba Gamal
• Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
▫ Software Development stages
▫ SDLC models
▫ Agile project Management
• Project Management (PM) Process Groups
• PM knowledge Areas
• PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
• Chapter Summary

SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

• (SDLC) is a framework for describing the phases

involved in developing and maintaining
information systems.
• The common SDLC phases:
▫ Analysis
▫ Design
▫ Implementation
▫ Testing
▫ Support

SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Examples of different IT project Phases:
▫ Purchasing New Software:
 Requirement analysis, Researching, Analyzing,
Purchasing, Installing new hardware and software,
support (no development).
▫ Modifications existing software:
 Requirement analysis, Design solution , Implementation,
testing and support.
▫ Integrate two applications:
 Requirement analysis, analysis existing systems, Design
solution , Implementation, testing and support.
▫ Outsourcing
 Requirement analysis, Outsourcing contract, Outsourced
Implementation, Outsourced testing and Outsourced
support. Communication at all project phases.
SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
Software Development projects

▫ Predictive life cycle: the scope of the project can be

clearly articulated and the schedule and cost can
be predicted
▫ Adaptive Software Development (ASD) life cycle:
requirements cannot be clearly expressed early in
the life cycle, projects are mission driven and
component based, using time-based cycles to meet
target dates

SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
Example of SDLC models

• Waterfall model
• Spiral model
• Incremental build model
• Prototyping model
• RAD model
• Agile software development

SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
waterfall life cycle model
Well-defined, linear stages of systems
development and support


FIGURE 2-5 Waterfall life cycle models

SDLC PM Process Groups PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas

Spiral Model
Shows that software is developed using an
iterative or spiral approach rather than a linear

FIGURE 2-5 Spiral life cycle models

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Incremental build model
Provides for progressive development of
operational software

Design Implementation Testing Built v.01

Analysis Design Implementation Testing Built v.02 Support

Design Implementation Testing Built v.03

FIGURE 1 Incremental life cycle models

SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
Prototyping Model
Used for developing software prototypes to clarify
user requirements for operational software

Customer Customer satisfied

Design evaluation

Review &

Analysis Implementation Testing Support

FIGURE 2 Prototyping life cycle models

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Rapid Application Development Model
Software is evolve through working prototype. It
requires heavy user involvement and helps produce
systems quickly without sacrificing quality.
Team 1 Team 2 Team 3
Analysis Analysis Analysis

Design Design Design

Implementation Implementation Implementation

Testing Testing Testing

Function 1 Function 4 Function 3

FIGURE 3 RAD life cycle models

SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
Agile software development model
• Agile techniques have an iterative, short-cycle focus
on delivery of working software.
• Requirements and solutions evolve through

SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
Agile Project Management features
• Requirements are unknown or change quickly.
• Agile approach sets time and cost goals but
leaves scope goals flexible.
• Project sponsors can prioritize and reprioritize
the work need to be done

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Scrum framework
Scrum is the leading agile development method for completing
projects with a complex, innovative scope of work.

FIGURE 2-6 Scrum framework

SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
Process Groups
• A process is series of actions directed towards a
particular results.

• Project management can be viewed as a number

of interlinked processes.

Monitoring and controlling

Initiating planning executing closing

Figure PM process group

SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
PM Process Groups
• Initiating Process includes actions to define and
authorize new projects and project phases.
▫ A phase is a distinct stage in project development.
• Planning Process include devising and
maintaining a workable scheme to ensure the
project meet its scope, time, and cost goal as well as
organization needs.
• Executing Process include coordinating people
and other resources to carry out the project plans
and produce deliverables of the project or phases.
▫ A deliverable is a product or service produced or
provided as part of a project.

SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
PM Process Groups (cont.2)
• Monitoring and Controlling Process
measure progress towards achieving project
goals, monitor from deviation from plans, and
take corrective action to match the progress with
plans and customer expectations.
• Closing Process include formalizing
acceptance of the project or phase and bring it to
an orderly end.

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Time spent on process group

FIGURE 3-1 Percentage of time spent on each process group


Monitoring & controlling





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

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Making a hot cup of tea!

SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
Knowledge Areas
Knowledge Areas describe the key common competencies
that project managers must develop at any project.
• Project integration management is an overarching
function that coordinates the work of all other
knowledge areas. It affects and is affected by all of the
other knowledge areas
• Project scope management involves working with all
appropriate stakeholders to define, gain written
agreement for, and manage all the work required to
complete the project successfully.
• Project time management includes estimating how
long it will take to complete the work, developing an
acceptable project schedule given cost-effective use of
available resources, and ensuring timely completion of
the project
SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
Knowledge Areas (cont.2)
• Project cost management consists of preparing
and managing the budget for the project.
• Project quality management ensures that the
project will satisfy the stated or implied needs for
which it was undertaken.
• Project human resource management is
concerned with making effective use of the people
involved with the project.
• Project communications management
involves generating, collecting, disseminating, and
storing project information.
SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
Knowledge Areas (cont.3)
• Project risk management includes identifying,
analyzing, and responding to uncertain hazards or
damages (risks) related to the project.
• Project procurement management involves
acquiring or procuring goods and services for a
project from outside the performing organization.
• Project stakeholder management focuses on
identifying project stakeholders, understanding
their needs and expectations, and engaging them
appropriately throughout the project.

SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
Knowledge Areas are simply
• Integration (The overall ‘How’)
• Scope (What is to be produced?)
• Time (By when?)
• Cost (What is the price?)
• Quality (Does it meet stakeholder expectations?)
• Human Resources (People)
• Communication (Who should know what?)
• Risk (What may go wrong?)
• Procurement (Who else can do what my team
• Stakeholder (Who are involved?)

SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
Process Groups and Knowledge Area Mapping

SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
Process Groups and Knowledge Area Mapping

SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
Process Groups and Knowledge Area Mapping

SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas
• SDLC phases include analysis, design,
implementation testing and support
• Examples of SDLC models include Waterfall model,
Spiral model, Incremental build model, Prototyping
model, RAD model, Agile software development
• Brief on Agile project management
• Project managers need to take a systems approach
when working on projects
• The five project management process groups are
initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and
controlling, and closing
• You can map the main activities of each process
group to the 9 knowledge areas.
SDLC PM Process Groups Knowledge areas PM Process Groups and Knowledge areas

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