Chapter One

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There are various types of communities such as home, the school and other
institutions. It should be noted that the school comprises of different students from
different socio economic status in the society. The effect/influence of the socio-
economic status is strong as reflected in his her academic performances in school
subject. Based on information gathered over the years, the investigation of this study
has realized that the society is made up of different social class or social stratification
that is the lower, the middle class and the upper class. This social class is a result of
differences in the style of life, occupation and many other social economic
determinants because some parents are more successful in life than others.

Western education is a foreign system of education that has been accepted as a

socializing agency in Nigeria classroom. Education regard that children have to learn
how to be member of a society and to learn their living.

Conant (2000) noted that education is a social process that our schools and colleges
operate in empty space nor serve identical communities.

The investigator analyses the families from which each students has come and
the opportunity prevented to the students to learning their parents.

The family has the potential of continuity to exercise a strong influence over the live
of the child in the left school.

The status of the family determine the type of education a child can receive
from the parents. The child mental and emotional development which is a factor for
school education will be greatly influenced by the child is born. For example, poor
feeding during pregnancy and after is likely to have adverse effects on the mental
development of the child. Similarly state of abject poverty may lead to emotional
depression of the child.

The upbringing of the child is in the home, the personality and the behaviour
of the development within the home environment behaviour index of personality
(Spinley 2001).

The personality and the behaviour of a child are accepted factors that effect
the academic and social activities of the child (Spinley, 2001, Berstain, 1998). It
could therefore be said that the social-economic status affect academic performance
in school. This view is buttressed by Misgrove (1981) and he stated that the family
moulds the personality of the child before he goes to school and is a potential
influence throughout of his/her school life.

There is no social group or society (Ikole Local Government Inclusive) in

which all members are equal. Therefore there is inequality in most every aspect of

Hence, the long awaited egalitarianism of the society still remains a dream.

The inequality leads to social stratification, social stratification is therefore

the hierarchical arrangement of the society into social status of the upper class,
middle class and lower class. This arrangement is in accordance With socio-
economic status of the individual in the society. Those who belongs to a particular
class have some common thing that distinct them from members other classes.

In Nigeria society the equality of educational performances and the

educational opportunity have been one of the most controversial issues in the recent
years. It is assumed that the Nigeria society is made up of different social classes
and that one of the most important indices of the social class that contribute our
children include the income of to the educational performance of our children
include the income of the family. Money and power and prestige that is possessed
by the family.

In every known society in the world, there is social inequality but the form it
take varies from one society to another. This inequality leads to Clear division
between social group such that they can be ranked due to one above the other
according to some predetermined social indices.

Occupation is a major index in determine what class a group belongs.

This may likely result to inequality of performance. There is an assumption that the
level of a social position of parents help in the student’s academic performance and
that the student from middle social class perform better in academic work than those
from the lower.

Ikole Ekiti local government area is a socially stratified society where

majorities of the population are economical weak and only a few are economically
vibrant. And this is a reflection of the situation in other part of the nation (Nigeria)
sub system. This therefore stimulated and arouses the Interest of the writers towards
investigation on socio-economic status of parents and students academic
performance in some selected secondary schools in Ikole-Ekiti local government


The various views, highlighted by expert of the relationship between socio-

economic status of parents and students academic performance serve as the basis of
the study. The influence of socio-economic status of parents is a continuous one in
establishing and changing the social attitude of individual student while in school
and even after school. This study aims at finding out the socio-economic status of
parents and students academic performance in Ikole-Ekiti local government area.

Though question have always been asked concerning the influence of socio-
economic status of parent on the way student perform academically, so the project
work deals with or tries to determine the nature of the relationship between the socio-
economic background or status of parents and academic of students having known
fully the powerful influence of money all it ramification of human life. To confirm
the above, the research is geared towards investigation the relationship between.

1. Parents social status and student academic performance.

2. Parents' economic status and student academic performance.

3. Parents' educational standard and student academic performance.

4. Parents occupational status and student’s academic performance.

5. Parents family system and students' academic performance.


There is need, however for us to endeavour to identify parent as the

dependable sponsors of the children's education with particular reference to how
social status affect academic performance of their student or children in secondary

The purpose of these research work is to look into the relationship between
parents socio-economic status and the academic performance of secondary school
students in Ikole-Ekiti local government area.

According to Taiwo (2002) appreciating parental risk in the educational

process of a child. he is of the opinion that every student originate from and 0elong
to a form of home or the other. Hence the home influences the student in his/her
academic pursuit and performance. The parent at home shoulder the responsibility
of providing for the various need I required by the child/student in his/her schooling
process and day to day activities.

Having realized or established the discussed fact this research work is carried
out to have a look into how negative or positive this influence the academic
performance of the student and this study or work will serve as an adductive record
for public reader and impending researchers in order to find out about.


The following research questions were raised for this study.

1. Does parents' social status have any relationship with students' academic

2. Does parent's economic status have any effect of students' academic


3. Does parents' educational standard have any effect on students' academic

4. Does parents' occupation have any bearing on students' academic

5. Are there any significant differences between the academic performance of

students' from monogamous parents' and polygamous parents?


1. There is no significance difference in the academic performance of students

who failed from low and high social class parents.

2. There is no significance difference in the academic performance of students

who come from low and high economic status parents.

3. There is no significant difference on the academic performance student from

literate illiterate parents.

4. There is no significance difference on the academic performance of students

who come from low and high occupational parents.

5. There is no significance difference in the academic performance of from both

polygamous and monogamous family system


This study will highlight the effect of social-economic status on student’s

academic performance in school subjects it will also throw more light on the uses of
social satisfaction in our society.

Therefore, the result will be of help to the following:-

It will motivate the government to take the case of student from the lower to
social class into materials resources and conclusive learning environment to satisfy
the needs individual student in the society.

The government should provide equal opportunities to the students. It will

also help the parents to understand that at home goes a long way to help children
progress in school.
It should also be noted that the development and stability of any country
depends on the education of the citizen. So, the gap between "have" and "have not"
must not be too much in order to prevent advert effect on all aspect of the social
structure of such a nature.

In view of this, this research work will therefore be filling an important gap in
educational field and abide contribute to the development of knowledge as well as
enhancing the work of school counselors and teachers in helping the students to
maximize their potentialities academically.


This study of the effects or influence of socio-economic status on students

academic performance in some selected secondary school in Ikole Ekiti local
government area of Ekiti State.

The researcher was limited to only five secondary schools within the local
government due to some constraints encountered.

Lack of funds also limited the some of the researcher to the selected area.
Nevertheless prudent efforts were made to collect the necessary and important
materials need for the research work.


Socio-economic: This is the distinction in the position within a social organization

(where classes are defined in terms of occupational and educational component,
there is hierarchy in status and social mobility for the purpose of study, it is taken to
refer to the indicators such as parents level of education, employment status, size
and system of family and ownership of house which specify the wealth of the family.

SOCIAL STRATIFICATION:- This social of is a particular form groups which

are ranked one above the other usually in terms of amount of power prestige and
wealth there member possess.

SOCIAL STATUS:- This is the position in which a person is placed in the society
either due to such person economic or political power or because of the prestige
accorded him/her in the society.

SOCIAL CLASS:- This implies the grouping or classification of people according

to their social status which is determined by occupation, income, family history and
level of education.

PARENT:- It simply refers to ones father or mother and even guardian who shoulder
the student's responsibility.

STUDENT:- Children at secondary school level of education.

SECONDARY SCHOOL:- This is an institution higher in its level than the primary
school but in status less than tertiary institution. It is the type of education undergone
by children after education

EFFECT:- Simply means the impact of the parent social-economic on the education
of their children.

STATUS:- This refers to position of parent in the society or level of the parents in
the society or level of the parents either socially, economically and educationally.


This study has numbers of limitation for the study was confined to only five
primary school in Ikole-Ekiti Local Government Area Of Ikole-Ekiti, Ekiti State
because of the logistic problem and financial constraint on the part of the research.
Also research instrument used for this study has its limitation. Since the 100 students
selected randomly as samples are not machines, they can withhold relevant
information or give wrong information to any of the items in the questionnaire, if
they fail to do other wise will affects them adversely.

Nevertheless, because of concentration and homogeneity of our educational

system, the results of the study should be important guide to other schools in the
state as well in Nigeria.


This study need to be carried out in other part of the state or country using
large samples for more acceptable generally should be drawn; also it could be carried
out by other people in other area so as to validate the tact further.

There is equally the need to carry out this study on the attitude of the students
towards the government.



This chapter attempts to review some related work already done on socio-
economic background of parents with broad examination of their nature and it effect
on the academic performance of students in primary school.

As it was earlier discussed the sponsorship role on the calculational pursuit of

this could be dependently determined by his status in social stratification. The review
of related literature in this study covers the under listed areas.

1. Social class of parents and children academic performance

2. Economic state of parents and children academic performance

3. Education standard of parents and children academic performance

4. Occupational status of parents and children academic performance

5. Family system of parents and children’s academic performance

6. Summary.

Social Class of Parents’ and Children’s Academic Performance

The concept of “social class” described as the grouping or classification of

people according to their social status, the membership of which often develops
cohesion or certain characteristics common to all members of that group in terms of
value, attitude and life style.

Herbert Hyman (2000) in an article tattled ‘the value systems of deferent

classes’ states two differences between lower and middle class on education.

They place less emphasis on formal education as a means to personal advancement

and they also place low value on achieving high occupational status.

In contrary, member of middle classe place value on the education of their

children because it realized to be a means to personal advancement and a way of
achieving high occupational status.

Secondly, an individual of the lower class does not at much success because
of the limited resources at his disposal, thus the motivation to achieve be it is
generally low among members of the lower working class often aim higher for the
children and for this, they are ready to spend much of money on their children’s
education just to prepare them for future success in life.

It seems that the attitude of the parent to education matters much in the
academic performance of the children in the school and the attitude differs along the
line of social-economic status.

Floud, Hasley and Martin (2001) in their investigation in south west

Herefordshire and middle brought in England 1986 and 87 showed that the chances
of a working class child entering a grammar school were greater if he come from a
home rated as having poor material condition but where attitudes toward education
was favorable than if he come from a good materials environment but where they
were in favorable to education they however contented that more parent in the higher
social economic class have favorable attitudes to education than parent from the
lower socio-economic class.

Similarly, Obemoata (2000) claimed that parent background has influence on

the academic achievement of children he confirmed that those children from high
social group performed better than their counterparts in the lower social class, so the
higher performance of the students from the upper class perhaps could be attribute
to a lot of factors like parental value of education among mobility and social class
to which he belongs.

Social class according to Grune (1989) continues to influence students progress at

higher level of educational undertakings. At tertiary level, social class origin
influences the quality of education received by the learner. In this wise his
performance is automatically influenced academically student from the social class
have access to the information and particular to succeed from their parent before
entering school unequipped with the necessary information to succeed stand at a
disadvantage, this is because the criteria for success have eluded them and the
teacher will start his work on the assumption that already acquire the necessary
information before entering school and this invariably make the beginning of the
failure for the unfortunate ones.

Tomori (2000) quoting the ford foundation Report (1988) voted the negative effect
of some homes on learning. The report indicated that children from homes do not
have good study environment or texts for class work and assignments affect

Fontama (1981) remarked that children from low socio-economic homes are less
likely to have material possession that stimulate intellectual activity such as books
and construction toys. They are likely to be read to or to have room where quiet
study is possible to hear complex and verbal structure in the speech of their parents
and siblings and to their parents and siblings and to be moth rate to well at school by
parents who have high ambition for them.

Douglas (1985) and Dave (1987) severally expressed the same view when they said
that well education parents were likely to provide both financial and material support
to ensure their children progress They agreed that children from deprived social
background lagged behind in most aspect school learning as parents find it difficult
to provide financial and material aid for their children. Children from such deprived
home are often sent out of the school due to their inability to provide writing
material, school fees or uniforms. The resultant effect of missing lesson every now
and then is brand to have a negative outcome on the performance of a child.

Swift (1985) observes that children of high social status origin start to attend nursery
school early unlike their counterpart from low socio-economic background.
Psychologically, this creates basis room for intellectual improvement on the part of
both middle and high social strata.

The type and nature of factors that exist in both low and high social economic home
background account for variation in students academic performances. Report show
that well nurtured students perform better in their academic work than other wise.
Poplin and Linr Ybana (1984).

Jubril (1980) report that only few average Nigerian who occupy the middle and high
social positions are capable of adequate feeding of their young ones to their
satisfaction in the present day of economic crunch. As a result, from low income
group stand at a disadvantage position in term of nature techniques and this in turn
goes down to effect their educational achievement.

Moreso, Kayode and Fatoba (1999) also observed that in sociology people are
broadly classified into three distinct classes, according to their income level. These
are high socio-economic class (HSC) middle socio- economic class (LSC). It is

assumed that the class a family belongs to affect almost every facet of his or her
interactions language inclusive. This assumption is supported by the view of
Deutisch (1985) who stated that a low socio-economic class child is handicapped by
a general restriction in the variety of stimulation to which he is expected.

Berntein as quoted by Mulsherjee (1980) found that the restricted and

elaborate codes found in children from LC and Mc are due to differences in the
respective home background. It is observed that much as the low socio- economic
class motive would likely to engage their children to look after apart from running
their homes, they therefore have little time for their children.

According to Mulchierjes (1989) most school perpetuate the middle class

value and teaching is done on elaborated codes which children do not possess. As a
consequence they soon fall behind in their studies and begin to hate schools and
everything in the institution.

From the above authorities, it is clearly seen that the social stratus of parent
have bearing on the academic performance of the child. The children of the middle
and high social classes perform well as a reflection of their parent value and
aspiration for their education which the children from low social class are negatively
affected in their academic performance.

Economic Status Of Parents And Children Academic Performance.

The importance of money in human undertaking can not be over emphasized

hence it is the determinant of the parental sponsorship role. This simply connotes
that the economic fitness of the parent facilitate his financial support for his child's
adequately and conveniently.

Thorndike (1995) claimed that higher academic learning achievement is
commonly found among the children from privileged economic background. In this
sense, the commendable performance of the children privileged economic
background is, perhaps accountable for the value place on education but their
parents. Children from wealthy parents aspire more education than their counterparts
from parents of lower economic status as a result of their parents economic status as
a result of their parents economic position.

According to Douglas (1994) Flood (1996) Fraiser (2000) they all reached a
consensus on the positive impact of economic level of any family on academic
performance of learners the Darvis (2000) and Swiff (2000) also observed that
children from high economic status family background always perform well

According to Sattler (1994) stated that "poverty is the main characteristic of

the lower class and the adaptive strategies of the poor are not always conclusive to
good academic performance" He explain further that "they may cope poorly with
external pressures and experiences failure even in areas where they have some
cognitive strengths". It is observed that "this principle is not only applicable to lower
class alone but their children

Robert et al (1994) spine that the disadvantaged child is a product of a poor

socio-economic status or more accurately is caught up in the self perpetuating cycle
of poverty and failure". According to them intricately involved in thus cycle is a host
of factors that play a part in preventing the poor children from moving into
mainstream of the society they live in crowded building, inadequate housing, suffer
high rate of illness and malnutrition, experience family instability and are
surrounded by delinquency and more crime. It can be established from the foregoing
that children going through all the vices are doubtless to perform poorly in their
academic matter regardless of their level of intelligence.

Nemmdit (1990) spine that "the rate of poor or lower class children dropping
out of school is alarming and lack of formal education and vocational training make
them continue to be under employed or unemployed" one can acknowledge this
assertion on the back drop of situation in the society in which the school age children
have become a full time hawker of petty trade. This group of children or student due
to poor financial status of their parents abandoned school for economic survival at
the detriment of their academic achievement or performance Robert (1994)
identified poverty as one of the factors mutilate against the stability of lower class
families. Individual with inadequate incomes are harassed constantly by financially
worries and tension that strain marital bond" instability and disorganization will
adversely affect children academic performance and make them academically
backward. Conclusively, poor economic condition of a parent will disrupt normal
school activities of their children and degrade the quality of life and the education
of children, many children will therefore face substantially hurdle on their journey
toward adulthood. Parent should pass the word. Of encouragement, motivate their
young ones to strive hard enough and pursue studies with all rigor attention and
interest in order to achieve good academic performance.

They pass motivating comment like "Good of you, this is a me drawing of a

cup you have made for me Jane" From the above it could be deduced that education
standard of the parents affects the academic performance of their children because
their total personality has reflection in their children's lives and academic
undertaking most of the educated parent see the need to assist their children in their

educational process hence, they are willing to advice encourage and support in cause
of their education struggles.

It is this group of parents that shows appreciation to any good work done or
attempts either jointly or single handedly by their children it is also noted that
children of parent who pay regular visit to school to see their children at work are
noted for good academic work at school (Haw son, 1991).

Jackson and Nam Ron (1993), also reprised that children from literate parent
majority who happen to fall under middle class position are noted for difference
efficient reaching abates and encouraging test results.

Ogunlade (1993) was of the opinion that children from literate environment
had a mean score of 52.4% or education attainment test while those from unlit rate
environment had a mean score of 42.9% This then made him to conclude that
children from literate parents had better academic achievement than those from unlit
rate parents. A child who come from educated parent has the tendencies to develop
the right and of attitude to reading test and this may stand him in good stead though
out of his academic career. He is more proficient in the use of English language
because he has the advance ages of going into pre-primary institutions.

Illiteracy is one of the home or parent factors that could militate against positive
academic performance of any child at school On home environment and children
performance in the school, iruine (1996) concluded from test scores in the marimbas
compound series tests administered to of a child parents is a great contribution to
his/her academic performance at school

While house (1986) argued that there is positive relationship between family
stability and academic performance. He went further to say that "accord" home
provide the children with protection security guidance and encouragement. It gives
practice with the methods of group wring and also gives a god grounding in
conventional educational standard while "discord" home has much opposite effects.
They are as marked by persistence conflict and divergence of aims between the
parents. The children seldom gain sense of family unity and they fund them selves
rebelling within their homes and perhaps delinquent's outsides. Acker man (1980)
reported that unhappy homes and emotional instability have effect of offspring at all
stages of life. The disordered behaviour of the adolescent of a particular stage of
growth but beyond as a symptom of parallel disorder of the family and the society.
Separation of the parent by death or by divorce could cause serious emotional
disturbance to the childhood bereavement can predispose girls to depression in later
life. Studies have shows that in the early life of child (Hirer lock; 1998) it could
result into poor development of the communication skill of the child drop I.Q and
retarded growth.

Social class according to Grune (1989) continues to influence students

progress at higher level of educational undertakings. At tertiary level, social class
origin influences the quality of education received by the learner. In this wise his
performance is automatically influenced academically student from the social class
have access to the information and particular to succeed from their parent before
entering school unequipped with the necessary information to succeed stand at a
disadvantage, this is because the criteria for success have eluded them and the
teacher will start his work on the assumption that already acquire the necessary
information before entering school and this invariably make the beginning of the
failure for the unfortunate ones.

Tomori (2000) quoting the ford foundation Report (1988) voted the negative
effect of some homes on learning. The report indicated that children from homes do
not have good study environment or texts for class work and assignments affect

Fontama (1981) remarked that children from low socio-economic homes are
less likely to have material possession that stimulate intellectual activity such as
books and construction toys. They are likely to be read to or to have room where
quiet study is possible to hear complex and verbal structure in the speech of their
parents and siblings and to their parents and siblings and to be moth rate to well at
school by parents who have high ambition for them.

Douglas (1985) and Dave (1987) severally expressed the same view when
they said that well education parents were likely to provide both financial and
material support to ensure their children progress They agreed that children from
deprived social background lagged behind in most aspect school learning as parents
find it difficult to provide financial and material aid for their children. Children from
such deprived home are often sent out of the school due to their inability to provide
writing material, school fees or uniforms. The resultant effect of missing lesson
every now and then is brand to have a negative outcome on the performance of a

Swift (1985) observes that children of high social status origin start to attend
nursery school early unlike their counterpart from low socio-economic background.
Psychologically, this creates basis room for intellectual improvement on the part of
both middle and high social strata.

The type and nature of factors that exist in both low and high social economic home
background account for variation in students academic performances. Report show
that well nurtured students perform better in their academic work than other wise.
Poplin and Linr Ybana (1984).

Jubril (1980) report that only few average Nigerian who occupy the middle
and high social positions are capable of adequate feeding of their young ones to their
satisfaction in the present day of economic crunch. As a result, from low income
group stand at a disadvantage position in term of nature techniques and this in turn
goes down to effect their educational achievement.

Moreso, Kayode and Fatoba (1999) also observed that in sociology people are
broadly classified into three distinct classes, according to their income level. These
are high socio-economic class (HSC) middle socio- economic class (LSC). It is
assumed that the class a family belongs to affect almost every facet of his or her
interactions language inclusive. This assumption is supported by the view of
Deutisch (1985) who stated that a low socio-economic class child is handicapped by
a general restriction in the variety of stimulation to which he is expected.

Berntein as quoted by Mulsherjee (1980) found that the restricted and

elaborate codes found in children from LC and Mc are due to differences in the
respective home background. It is observed that much as the low socio- economic
class motive would likely to engage their children to look after apart from running
their homes, they therefore have little time for their children.

According to Mulchierjes (1989) most school perpetuate the middle class

value and teaching is done on elaborated codes which children do not possess. As a

consequence they soon fall behind in their studies and begin to hate schools and
everything in the institution.

From the above authorities, it is clearly seen that the social stratus of parent
have bearing on the academic performance of the child. The children of the middle
and high social classes perform well as a reflection of their parent value and
aspiration for their education which the children from low social class are negatively
affected in their academic performance.

Economic Status Of Parents And Children Academic Performance.

The importance of money in human undertaking can not be over emphasized

hence it is the determinant of the parental sponsorship role. This simply connotes
that the economic fitness of the parent facilitate his financial support for his child's
adequately and conveniently.

Thorndike (1995) claimed that higher academic learning achievement is

commonly found among the children from privileged economic background. In this
sense, the commendable performance of the children privileged economic
background is, perhaps accountable for the value place on education but their
parents. Children from wealthy parents aspire more education than their counterparts
from parents of lower economic status as a result of their parents economic status as
a result of their parents economic position.

According to Douglas (1994) Flood (1996) Fraiser (2000) they all reached a
consensus on the positive impact of economic level of any family on academic
performance of learners the Darvis (2000) and Swiff (2000) also observed that
children from high economic status family background always perform well
According to Sattler (1994) stated that "poverty is the main characteristic of
the lower class and the adaptive strategies of the poor are not always conclusive to
good academic performance" He explain further that "they may cope poorly with
external pressures and experiences failure even in areas where they have some
cognitive strengths". It is observed that "this principle is not only applicable to lower
class alone but their children

Robert et al (1994) spine that the disadvantaged child is a product of a poor

socio-economic status or more accurately is caught up in the self perpetuating cycle
of poverty and failure". According to them intricately involved in thus cycle is a host
of factors that play a part in preventing the poor children from moving into
mainstream of the society they live in crowded building, inadequate housing, suffer
high rate of illness and malnutrition, experience family instability and are
surrounded by delinquency and more crime. It can be established from the foregoing
that children going through all the vices are doubtless to perform poorly in their
academic matter regardless of their level of intelligence.

Nemmdit (1990) spine that "the rate of poor or lower class children dropping
out of school is alarming and lack of formal education and vocational training make
them continue to be under employed or unemployed" one can acknowledge this
assertion on the back drop of situation in the society in which the school age children
have become a full time hawker of petty trade. This group of children or student due
to poor financial status of their parents abandoned school for economic survival at
the detriment of their academic achievement or performance Robert (1994)
identified poverty as one of the factors mutilate against the stability of lower class
families. Individual with inadequate incomes are harassed constantly by financially
worries and tension that strain marital bond" instability and disorganization will

adversely affect children academic performance and make them academically
backward. Conclusively, poor economic condition of a parent will disrupt normal
school activities of their children and degrade the quality of life and the education
of children, many children will therefore face substantially hurdle on their journey
toward adulthood. Parent should pass the word. Of encouragement, motivate their
young ones to strive hard enough and pursue studies with all rigor attention and
interest in order to achieve good academic performance.

They pass motivating comment like "Good of you, this is a me drawing of a

cup you have made for me Jane" From the above it could be deduced that education
standard of the parents affects the academic performance of their children because
their total personality has reflection in their children's lives and academic
undertaking most of the educated parent see the need to assist their children in their
educational process hence, they are willing to advice encourage and support in cause
of their education struggles.

It is this group of parents that shows appreciation to any good work done or
attempts either jointly or single handedly by their children it is also noted that
children of parent who pay regular visit to school to see their children at work are
noted for good academic work at school (Haw son, 1991).

Jackson and Nam Ron (1993), also reprised that children from literate parent
majority who happen to fall under middle class position are noted for difference
efficient reaching abates and encouraging test results.

Ogunlade (1993) was of the opinion that children from literate environment
had a mean score of 52.4% or education attainment test while those from unlit rate
environment had a mean score of 42.9% This then made him to conclude that

children from literate parents had better academic achievement than those from unlit
rate parents. A child who come from educated parent has the tendencies to develop
the right and of attitude to reading test and this may stand him in good stead though
out of his academic career. He is more proficient in the use of English language
because he has the advance ages of going into pre-primary institutions.

Illiteracy is one of the home or parent factors that could militate against positive
academic performance of any child at school On home environment and children
performance in the school, iruine (1996) concluded from test scores in the marimbas
compound series tests administered to of a child parents is a great contribution to
his/her academic performance at school

While house (1986) argued that there is positive relationship between family
stability and academic performance. He went further to say that "accord" home
provide the children with protection security guidance and encouragement. It gives
practice with the methods of group wring and also gives a god grounding in
conventional educational standard while "discord" home has much opposite effects.
They are as marked by persistence conflict and divergence of aims between the
parents. The children seldom gain sense of family unity and they fund them selves
rebelling within their homes and perhaps delinquent's outsides. Acker man (1980)
reported that unhappy homes and emotional instability have effect of offspring at all
stages of life. The disordered behaviour of the adolescent of a particular stage of
growth but beyond as a symptom of parallel disorder of the family and the society.
Separation of the parent by death or by divorce could cause serious emotional
disturbance to the childhood bereavement can predispose girls to depression in later
life. Studies have shows that in the early life of child (Hirer lock; 1998) it could

result into poor development of the communication skill of the child drop I.Q and
retarded growth.


In the above, the effect of socio-economic background and student's academic

performance has been touched in the review of literatures From the work of various
anthers, researchers and educationists related literature is reviewed under various
element of parental socio-economic background. These element are social status
educational standard, occupational status and family system as they in a way or the
other have bearing on the academic performance of students the outcome of the
studies reviewed suggest that noticeable bearing on students academic performance
of students. The various studies cited in this chapter have immensely contributed
some useful detailed information to the proper understand of a few element of
parented background that have influence on students.


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