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Mofdi Zakaria Secondary School Academic Year: 2022/2023

Level :2ND year SC Duration : 2Hours

Mark :…………. /20

Full name: ……………………….
First term English Exam
The first Term English Exam

Read the text carefully then do the activities

What is happening in Ukraine?
Ukraine; which declared itself as an independent country in 1991 after the collapse of the
Soviet, has been forming closer ties with the European Union and with NATO. Russia, however,
sees these ties as an economic and strategic threat to its own security.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has caused the fastest displacement crisis seen in Europe since
World War Π and may cause more human suffering than the continent has seen this century. The
world is bearing witness to the deaths of innocent civilians, the destruction of homes and
infrastructure, and massive displacement of families within Ukraine and beyond.

The 6,5 million internally displaced Ukrainians are increasingly vulnerable as the war
continues and they face the coming winter months. At particular risk are those seeking shelter in
buildings that lack electricity or water, or what have been damaged by the war.

Over 5,200 civilians have been reported killed in the Russian attacks. Approximately 6,5
millian people have reportedly been displaced within the country with an additional 7,6 forced to
flee into neighboring Moldova, Poland and other European states. Most of those who have left
country are women and children.
Part One: Reading.A/Comprehension:
1. Choose the correct answer:
The text is extracted from: a) a book extract. b) a web article. c. a letter.
2. Say whether the following statements are true or false:
a. Ukraine was never a part of the Soviet Union. ……….
b.The Russian attacks turned many Ukrainian buildings into ashes. ……
c. 10000 million people were killed in the attacks……..
d. The great majority of the Ukrainian refugees are old people………
3. Answer the following questions according to the text: (3pts)
a. Why has Russia declared war on Ukraine?
b- What are the causes of Russian attacks?
c- Does the Ukrainian crisis cause any threat to Europe? Justify

4. What or who do the underlined words in the text refer to?
itself (§1) ……………. These (§1)……………… its (§1)………………
B/ Text Exploration:
1-Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following:
a - fall(§1) = …………… b- danger(§3) =………... c- Attack(§2)=……………
2. Complete the following table
Verbs Noun Adjective
To organize ……………………………… ……………………………
………………… Freedom ……………………………
…………………… ……………………………….. Safe

3.Rewrite sentence “b” so it means the same as “a”

a)Blacks were not able to go to the same school as the whites
b) Blacks.......................................................................................
a) We are obliged to act strictly to save our country
a) According to racist laws, blacks are prohibited to take the same bus as the whites
b) According to racist laws, blacks……………………………………………….
a. It is necessary to clean the room.
b)The room .............................................................................................................

4. Fill in the gaps with the following words: (02pts)

individuals - try - disputes - lead- argument- disease .1

People often ………………………… to make peace because conflicts and war always
………………………… to bad consequences such as casualties, suffering and destruction. Peace is
very important between countries and …………………………. Therefore some people do their best to
stop the conflicts and settle ………………………… in a peaceful way.

Part two :Written Expression

Choose only one of the following topics :

Topic One: While you were talking to your sister, she said that her teacher asked her to do a research about
Martin Luther K ing, and she asked you to help her . So write a composition of 100 words in which you
Talk about the contributions this leader did to fight racism and the achievements he accomplished to bring
.back dignity to black people
Use the following notes
.Born on January1929 in Atlanta-
.African American activist-
.Equality between whites and blacks -
Protest /freedom /civil movement. / Slavery / racism-
. Died in April 4th, 1996-
Topic Two: Write a composition about 80 to 100 words about « bullying » , and what to do when being
bullied .

YOUR TEACHER wish you G©©d Luck! ^͜ ^

3-Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: (3pts)
a- In April 2004, talks on the conflict of Darfur (begin) .
b- Rosa Parks (be) still alive today and is 86 years old
c- The UN (not find) a solution to the conflict in Syria yet.
4-Choose the right verb:
a-You (don’t have to / mustn’t) take the bus to the supermarket; it is situated just near our home.
b-The peacekeepers (must/had to) intervene to maintain peace in Libya’s struggle in 2011.
c-When he was young, Randy was poor; but he was lucky and he (could/was able to) do medical
d-You are generally overweight! You (should/ ought to) go on diet!

5- Circle the right answer ( a, b or c): (2pts)

A- We have to drink and eat to stay alive.

a- obligation. b- necessity. c- request.

B- You must not smoke in hospital.
a- prohibition. b- obligation. c- deduction.

Topic two: Use the following notes to write a short paragraph about the aims (objectives) of the U.N.O.
- To keep peace all over the world
- To develop friendly relations between nations
- To work together to help people live better lives
- To eliminate poverty, disease and illiteracy in the world
- To stop destruction of the environment
- To encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms
BELACEL AEK Secondary School Level: 2nd Year LPh / FL
Duration: 2 hours FIRST TERM EXAM OF ENGLISH December 2022
Full Name: ………………………………………..……….. Class: ………

Part one: Reading: 14pts:

A. Comprehension (7pts)

There are now over one million child refugees because of the war in Syria. The United Nations
called this number "a shameful milestone". The children were forced to leave Syria because it is too
dangerous for them to stay in the country. Most of them are in Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon. They have
recently started escaping to Europe and North Africa. The United Nations said: "This one millionth child
refugee is not just another number. This is a real child ripped from home, maybe even from a family, facing
horrors we can only begin to comprehend." Another 2 million children in Syria have no home. Half of
Syria's 2 million refugees are children. Over 740,000 of these are under the age of eleven.

Syria's civil war started in March 2011. The UN says it is the worst refugee crisis for 20 years. The
last situation as bad as Syria was the 1994 massacre in Rwanda. The UN high commissioner for refugees,
Antonio Guterres, told reporters: "The youth of Syria are losing their homes, their family members and
their futures. Even after they have crossed a border to safety, they are traumatised, depressed and in need of
a reason for hope." The UN warned the world that the children face many dangers. Many are now used
illegally for child labour. Others are sold for early marriages or for the sex trade. Very few of the children
can go to any kind of school. The UN said just 118,000 of the children are in education. (24th August, 2013)

1) The text is: (0.5pt)

a-a speech b-a web article c-a magazine article
2) Are the following statements true or false according to the text? (2pts)
a- A quarter of Syrian refugees are children. …………
b- The UN said Syria's refugee crisis is the world's worst in two decades. …………
c- The last crisis as bad as Syria was in Rwanda. …………
d- The UN said that the children are not in danger even after they leave Syria. …………
3) Answer the following questions according to the text: (2pts)
a- How does he UN describe the crisis? ………………………………………………………………………
b- When did Syria’s civil war begin? …………………………………………………………………………
c- What did the UN caution the world about? ………………………………………………………………
d- What are many of the children employed for illegally? ……………………………………………………
4) What or who do the underlined words in the text refer to? (0.75pt)
a-them (§1)……………………… b- it (§2)……………………..… c- their (§2)………….……….

5) In which paragraph is it mentioned that: (1pt)

- Only few children go to school. §……….
- Places where refugees have escaped to. §……….
6) Give a title to the text. ………………………………………………… (0.75pt)

B. Text exploration: (7pts)

1) Find in the text words or phrases that are closest in meaning to: (1pt)
a- unsafe (§1)=……………………… b-genocide (§2) =…………………
2) Complete the following table. (1pt)
Verb Noun Adjective
…………….. …………… Free
…………… education ……….

3) Rewrite sentence “b” so that it means the same as sentence “a”. (2pt)
1/ a- People should settle disputes peacefully.
b- People …………………….. ………………………
2 /a-The UNO is able to reduce conflicts in the world.
b- The UNO …………………............................................
3/a-UNO was created to prevent war however the world witnessed many conflicts since then.
b-Although …………………………………………………………………………..
4/a- It is prohibited to citizens to disobey law.
b- Citizens ………………………………………………………………...

4) Fill in the gaps with only four words from the list: (2pt)
Blacks/ / co-operate / rights / can
During 1950's and 1960's, Martin Luther King Jr lead the civil ………………….movement to fight
racism and hatred because the ………………………were not able to express their opinions freely. Today,
people …................…do so by the help of the UN agencies which had to …………………….with their
member states to achieve these goals.

5) classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “s”: (1pt)
forces -horrors -hopes -conflicts
/s/ /z/ /iz/

Part two : Writing (6pts)

Choose ONE of the following topics.
Topic one: Use the following notes to write a short paragraph about the aims (objectives) of the U.N.O.
- To keep peace all over the world
- To develop friendly relations between nations
- To work together to help people live better lives
- To eliminate poverty, disease and illiteracy in the world
- To stop destruction of the environment
- To encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedom

Topic two: Many children around the world face many difficulties and don’t enjoy their rights .
Write a short paragraph talking about children’s rights.

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