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▬ 99Ki Fire Prevention Activity: Genpo Control Sheet


Summary Tier-1


Step 1: Update 97Ki Data

0 1


ex. ○ 1

i Fire Prevention Activity: Genpo Control Sheet
Use this format to confirm progression of activity
1.Review data in columns that marked "Check". For any changes, please select "O" in Column A and
2.Input data in columns that marked "Input". Data should match with "T2 Detail" worksheet.
3.Make sure that there is no "NG" in Formula check Column
4.Input number of target T2
Total number of Tier-1 1

Total number of Tier-2 0

Number of Tier-2 who paint parts for Tier-1 1
Number of Tier-2 who plate parts for Tier-1 1
Number of target T2 0

Step 1: Update 97Ki Data

Check Check
T2 S
T1 Supplier Name

Supplier A Co.,Ltd 15

Ditulis Nama PT . yang


Jumlah Layer 1 dari PT yang

bersangkutan ,
Genpo PIC Name:

e select "O" in Column A and yellow highlight cells.

2 Detail" worksheet.

suppliers Auto

suppliers Auto
suppliers Auto
suppliers Auto
suppliers Auto
Step3: Data
Step 2: Input Data Target
0 2 1 1 4 0 0
Input Input Input Auto Auto Input
T2 Supplier
No. of target T2
Painting Plating Others Total Formula Check

2 3 10 15 OK 5
2 1 1 4 OK
0 OK
0 OK
0 OK
0 OK
Di isi berdasarkan Proses
0 OKProses
Manufacturnya , Selain
0 OK
Painting&plating diisi Others
( contoh : Stamping0 /Casting
OK dll)
mlah Layer 1 dari PT yang 0 OK
sangkutan ,
0 OK
0 OK
0 OK
0 OK
0 OK
0 OK
0 OK
0 OK
0 OK
0 OK
0 OK
0 OK
0 OK
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0 OK
Die Cast Forging
Have Paint Room X

StampingPlastics Electric Rubber Others
▬ 99Ki Fire Prevention Activity : confirm Tier-2 details
Objective For Tier-1 to collect names and numbers of Tier-2 who make Paint and/or Plat
Instruction 1) Fill T1 Supplier Information
2) Fill out total number of T2 suppliers
3) Fill out T2 names and mark Survey Target

1) T1 Supplier Information
Supplier Code:
Supplier Name:
Reporting Person:
Submit date:

2) Number of T2 Suppliers
Total number of T2
T2 who paint parts for T1
T2 who plate parts for T1
Total number of target T2
3) Name list of T2

No. Type T2 Full Name

ex. 1 Plating Supplier 1 Plating Co.Ltd

Other than Painting and Plating PT. Layer 2

Diisi Jeniy/Type manufactur dari L2 Diisi Nama Perusahaan L2

y : confirm Tier-2 details
ers of Tier-2 who make Paint and/or Plating parts.

Ditulis Oleh PT . yang

bersangkutan (T1)


0 Suppliers Auto
0 Suppliers Auto
0 Suppliers Auto
1 Suppliers Auto


T2 Full Name Survey Target

ng Co.Ltd ○

rusahaan L2
Suplier Code: 1234
Suplier Name: Suplier A Co.,Ltd
Reporting Person: Mr. Nathan Daniels
Submit Date: 12 Aug. 2022

Total number of T2: 15 supliers
T2 who paint parts for T1: 2 suppliers
T2 who plate parts for T1: 3 suppliers
Total number of target: 5 suppliers
Painting Plating Other than Painting and Plating

▬ 99Ki Fire Prevention Activity : T2 Survey
Objective For Tier-2 to report fire prevention countermeasures.
Instruction 1) Fill T2 Supplier Information
2) Answer questions about Safety Training.
3) Answer questions about Fire Escape training.
4) Fill out Country Regulation Survey

1)Supplier Information
Supplier Name:
Reporting Person:
Submit Date

2)Safety Training :
1.1) What is the frequency for safety training?

1.2) Who are target of training?

3)Fire Escape Training :

1.1) What is the frequency for fire escape training?

1.2) Who are target of training?

4) Country Regulation Survey

Check Items

No. Items Regulations Regulation


Updated Y2012
Fire Alarm
Ex Ministerial Regulation ⃝

Fire Alarm
1 ⃝

2 Smoke Detector ⃝
1. Ministry of Public Work
Regulation No.26 / 2008

2.Ministry of Manpower &

Transmigration No.4 / 1980

3.Local Regulation of Bekasi

1. Ministry of Public Work
Regulation No.26 / 2008

2.Ministry of Manpower &

Portable Fire Transmigration No.4 / 1980
3 ⃝
3.Local Regulation of Bekasi

Water Sprinkle
4 ⃝

Auto Firefighting
5 ⃝

6 Fire Pump No requirement No requirement

Fire Hose
7 No requirement No requirement
1. Ministry of Public Work
Regulation No.26 / 2008
Other Detectors
2.Ministry of Manpower &
8 (Heat & Beam
Transmigration No.4 / 1980

3.Local Regulation of Bekasi
9 Add
10 Add
2 Survey

Supplier Name: S
Reporting Person: M
Input Submit date: 1

DI Input Ex:
1.1 What is the frequency for s
Input in case "Other"
Oleh Please input detail

Input L2 1.2 Who are target of training?

2.1 What is the frequency for fi
Input in case "Other"
2.2 Who are target of training?

Input Input
Regulation Confirm
1.Supplier's situation 2.If NO,
Same as Regulation ?
(YES or NO)
please explain the
differences Note :
1 unit/30m2 Item 1, 3, 6,
Mnual & Auto Fire Alarm
is required.
YES - Item 2, 4, 5,
*Jika item
dan bangu
1 unit/30m2 maka diisi

*Jika item
(Smoke Detector is
recommended) dan Bangu
diisi " No "

*Jika item
dan Bangu
diisi " No"
*Jika item
dan Bangu
Placement depends on size.
classification based on
diisi " No "
Ministry of Public Work
Light: 2A every 25 metres *Jika item
Hydrant: Light 2A every
Moderate 800 m2/ Heavy 600 dan Bangu
Heavey: 4Q every 15 metres
Pressure: Furthest
Placement: 6.9 bar/
need install if
diisi " No"
have 4.5 bar
1 floors
or above 8m
Area by45mins/
Item 6,7
Modereate 60mins/ Heavy 90
Head: Jika tidak
Light: Wall : 17 m2 / Other:
12 m2 diisi "NO "
Moderate: Wall : 9 m2/
Other: 12 m2
serta dibe
Heavy: ommon: 9 m2/ In
No requirement
rack: 10 m2/ Other: 7.5m2
atau hotli
No requirement

(Heat Detector is
pplier Name: Supplier 1 Plating Co.,Ltd
porting Person: Ms. Jane Doe
bmit date: 10 Jul 2022

What is the frequency for safety training? Other

Please input detail When new member come and one time per year to all associates
Who are target of training? All associates

What is the frequency for fire escape training? 1 time/year

Who are target of training? All associates

Note :
Item 1, 3, 6, 7 --> Wajib ada
Item 2, 4, 5, 8
*Jika item 2,4,5,8 ada
dan bangunan Lantai 1 atau Lebih
maka diisi "YES".

*Jika item 2,4,5,8 tidak ada

dan Bangunan hanya 1 lantai maka
diisi " No " dan "Not Mandatory".

*Jika item 2,4,5,8 tidak ada

dan Bangunan Lebih dari 2-4 Lantai
diisi " No" dan Jelaskan ketidak adanya.
*Jika item 2,4,5,8 tidak ada
dan Bangunan hanya 1 lantai maka
diisi " No " dan "Not Mandatory".

*Jika item 2,4,5,8 tidak ada

dan Bangunan Lebih dari 2-4 Lantai
diisi " No" dan Jelaskan ketidak adanya.
Item 6,7
Jika tidak ada Hidrant maka
diisi "NO " dan "Local Fire Bridge"
serta diberikan Evident nya ada Kerjasama
atau hotline dengan pihak damkar terdekat/
pengelolah damkar kawasan.
all associates


▬ 99Ki Fire Prevention Activity : Countermeasure Summ

Objective To summary survey result and conutermeasures to be implemented in 99Ki

Total number of T2 Paint/Plate 1 Suppliers
Need C/M 0 Suppliers
Need C/M for Safety Training 0 Suppliers
Need C/M for Country Regulation 0 Suppliers

1 0 0
Input Input Auto Input Input
Safety Training
No. Supplier Name (T2 Paint/Plate) Check
Result Request to Supplier
Please consider
increase frequency
Supplier 1 Plating Co.,Ltd Need C/M Need C/M
of training to 1
ex. 1 time/ yr.

measure Summary Date:
implemented in 99Ki Genpo PIC Name:


Input Input Input Input
Safety Training Country Regulation
Supplier Reply C/M Due date Result Request to Supplier
We arrange this year
training and need to
Jan'23 No need C/M -
discuss with mangement
about this request

Input Input
Country Regulation
Supplier Reply C/M Due date

- -

DI Input Oleh L2
Berdasarkan Temuan /
Hasil Step2_(3)
country regulation
yang tidak sesuai
Need C/MNo need C/M
All Countries Regulations towards Fire Prevention

No. Items

1 Fire Alarm Manual

2 Smoke Detector

3 Portable Fire Extinquisher

4 Water Sprinkle System

5 Auto Firefighting System

6 Fire Pump

7 Fire Hose Carbinet

Other Detectors
(Heat & Beam Detector)
ations towards Fire Prevention


1 unit/30m2

(Smoke Detector is recommended)

Placement depends on size. classification based on

Ministry of Public Work Regulations
Light: 2A every 25 metres
Modereate: 2A every 20 metres
Heavey: 4Q every 15 metres

Hydrant: Light 1000 m2/ Moderate 800 m2/ Heavy 600 m2

Pressure: Furthest 6.9 bar/ Nearest 4.5 bar
Reservior: Light 45mins/ Modereate 60mins/ Heavy 90 mins

Placement: need install if have 1 floors or above 8m

Covered Area by Sprinkler Head:
Light: Wall : 17 m2 / Other: 12 m2
Moderate: Wall : 9 m2/ Other: 12 m2
Heavy: ommon: 9 m2/ In rack: 10 m2/ Other: 7.5m2

No requirement

No requirement

(Heat Detector is recommended)

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