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1- Open Sandbox

Home- Configuration  SandBox

Click on Create Sand and give it a name

2- Modify Page Structure

a. Select “Page Composer”
b. Then click on “Create and Enter”
c. From “Tools” select “Page Composer”
d. Navigate to the page contain the Object need to be Edited
e. Select “Structure”
f. Select the object to be edited (make sure that the mouse icon is lens)
g. From the bottom of the page raise the structure region details
h. Click on “Edit Task Flow” of the region under the object name (Example: Panel Drawer->
i. Repeat step h. if required until reach “PanelFormLayout”
j. Select “PanelFormLayout” then click edit (button)
k. Window Will Open we go to Tab “Tasks List Task Properities”
l. Expand Tasks List
m. Select Object we want to Hide and click Edit
n. Select “Rendered” field arrow then select “Expression Builder”
o. Adding and Phrase (Highlighted Yellow) if there is a condition in the render as per the
below example or add it instead of value “true”
p. Press OK till close opened windows and close page composer
q. Go to sandbox and publish it

#{pageFlowScope.fndPageParams['InvTaskMenuControllerBean'].isInventoryVisible and
flow/InventoryTransferOrderMainAreaFlow.xml#InventoryTransferOrderMainAreaFlow']) and !


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