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Fellow delegates and esteemed members of the Dias, I am honored to stand before you as

the representative of Canada. These 2 days we had a great opportunity to create our
coalition and work on our resolutions.

Canada is a nation deeply committed to environmental preservation, we recognize the

significance of responsibly managing nuclear waste. This is a global challenge that
transcends borders, and we firmly believe that by working together, we can develop
solutions that safeguard our environment and secure a sustainable future.

Nuclear waste management is a complex problem that requires our full attention and a
collaborative approach. A lack of waste management can have disastrous effects, putting
human health and ecosystems at risk. For these reasons, Canada is willing to take the lead
in talks and promote global collaboration to identify the most effective methods for managing
nuclear waste.

Our vision is to establish a committee dedicated to this specific challenge. By focusing on

the proper disposal and containment of nuclear waste, we aim to mitigate environmental
risks and ensure the safe development of nuclear technologies. This committee should serve
as a platform for sharing expertise, promoting research, and setting global standards for
waste management.

In line with our commitment to sustainable development, Canada is eager to allocate

resources and expertise to support this initiative. We call on other nations to join us in this
endeavor, as only through collective efforts can we make progress in the responsible
management of nuclear waste.

This committee represents a crucial step in addressing an issue that affects not only our
generation but those to come. It is our shared responsibility to preserve the environment and
make responsible technological advancements. Let us move forward with determination and

Thank you, We now yield our time to the chairs.

Fellow delegates and esteemed members of the Dias,

Speech-implementation of a climate regulation commitee

Fellow delegates and esteemed members of the Dias, yesterday, we had a great opportunity
to work together on an important issue that connects the environment and technology.

In our discussions, we've explored various aspects of this issue, from understanding its
implications to forming alliances. But, as we all know, knowledge and intentions are not
enough. We must translate our words into action.

That's why Canada, along with other nations, proposes the establishment of a climate
regulation committee. This committee will serve as the driving force behind our climate
goals. It will be a platform for the practical implementation of policies, strategies, and
measures to combat climate change.
We view it as a committee that keeps tabs on developments, evaluates our
accomplishments, and provides a forum for the exchange of best practises and
accomplishments. It will guaranty responsibility in our mission to safeguard our planet for
future generations.

Canada is committed to dedicating resources and expertise to support this initiative. It's not
just about leading by example; it's about creating a collaborative environment where every
nation has the opportunity to contribute and learn from each other. Together, we can be the
change-makers we aspire to be.

Thank you for your attention. We yield the rest of our time to the chairs.

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