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ycgake bemand

ne PLANNINS tbuy ata yien dind o Incomein One tecounbhy yea

Padvate rschald +
Conaum-HonEenditve Inytstmen+ Èondit (X- -M)

Comawmptibn Exnditu,
is dd'hect infuenced by E by the
bysP0SAB1E INCOMe ncome 0n CAPITAL GOODs On Coumn 4ovsRNENT (Difnene)
from all atwnes for Sndst is(AuTD NOMOVS) Go&Catited
AbhaTWo-Seete Model AD: C+I
mpsntont Points of Ab
Posie Comunotion cven hen Ince me is ZERO
slope of consum}fen Cunveis upwands
3 Slope ot tutotALAMAf Jnvestmentis a STRAIGHT LINE lareltox anis.
kgg. Suply = Natinal Jncomc
Components of AS
Y= As= cts CNatpmadl Jncome =hgeste Supslyy (pnaumbtien+goviy)
CONSUMPT)ON FUNCTION- ( Propencity to Consume)
b Means func tionadselatonshp betwesn Cowsumpten &Natfonal ncome
Equatton- C=f(y Nati nal Sncgme OMPDRTANT PoUNTS- of APC
function Rredationshi
Consumjfe OAPC> than 1)

Ty PEx OF Propongity to Consome APC<I(Lecathsy 1)

APC falls th Jncreascn
twnge Iro þenaity-to Manad rpensiyto INCONE
Conum (APC) ConiwmeCMPe) Ctan nevbe ZER (o)
Jncome (9) Sf(y) CPropenaityto
MPC 4C Jmbortent Polt o MPC (Aavthy) (3nome )
Propensity to Save
|Ø MPC o PODR Is morcthsn that
YIncon 3MPC falls with sceeIslre JNcREAE I» TNCHE roto

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