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God understood our thirst for knowledge, and our need to be led by someone wiser; He needed a heart of
compassion, encouragement, and patience; Someone who would accept the challenge regardless of the
opposition; Someone who could see potential and believe in the best in others... So He made Teachers
SIR REY: Ladies and gentlemen we are gathered as one big family for our Year-End Party here in SDO-
Guimba East Annex under the leadership and supervision of our District Supervisor, Dr. Mario R. Quiambao,
MAM ANGEL: the GEPSTA Officers headed by Sir Romualdo C. Padua,
SIR REY: Ma’am Elizabeth C. Navarro the PESPA President and the School Principal IV of Guimba East
Central School,
MAM ANGEL: and of course we have with us the Brgy Capt. Of Saranay Dist, Kapitan Joseph Ramil Andaya,
SIR REY: Our Hon. Mayor Jose R. Dizon and of course our newly elected Congresswoman of CD1, Hon Mika
Suansing, and to everyone here, welcome!
MAM ANGEL: And to start this remarkable event, tap your shoulder and say it to yourself, “Congratulations
for a job well done, you did it great!!” Sa dami ng ating mga pinagdaanan, mga napagtagumpayan at
kinapaguran, nanatili tayong masaya, matatag at buhay na ngayon ay magkakasama upang ipagdiwang an
gating YEAR-END Party, hudyat na TAGUMPAY tayo sa taong ito at patuloy na panalangin namin ang
magandang pasok ng susunod na taon sa ating lahat.
SIR REY: Yes pakner, kaya patuloy nating idulog sa Diyos ang lahat ng ating mga suliranin at katagumpayan
sa buhay, So that I am very happy and privilege to be here again in front of these wonderful people and see their
beautiful faces and their big smiles,naisip ko nga parang tawag ng tanghalan lang, muli ko na nman nahawakan
ang golden mikropono.
MAM ANGEL: Yes pakner, and we are reunited here on stage again to be the hosts of this year’s celebration
of our YEAR-END Party. And whether you like it or not, we are your hosts for today…I am Ma’am Angel
SIR REY: And I’m Sir de Dios, (palakpakan naman jan!)
I.& II. Opening Prayer and Phil.Nat’l Anthem
SIR REY: And to formally start our celebration, may I encourage everyone to please rise and remain silent as
we offer ourselves to God through a prayer to be led by Sir Arthur De Guzman, HT III of Sta. Ana ES followed
by the singing of the Philippine National Anthem to be conducted by Ma’am Rosalie R. Andres, MT 2 of
III. Food for Thought
MAM ANGEL: Please be seated! And now let us fill our hearts and minds as we listen to Maam Analyn
Vidal, SP1 of Camiing ES as she shares food for thought to us.

IV. Roll Call

SIR REY: Let us see WHO’s IN and WHO’s STILL on their WAY, may I call on Ma’am Joan Fronda, T1 of
GECS to call the roll.
Ma’am Joan will do the given task of calling by Zone or by School.
Yes…YES…YESS.. Let’s do the mAss Dance.
MAM ANGEL: To welcome us today and to be at home in this place, may I call on Sir Jonathan P. Cordero,
SIR REY: "The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one that gets
the people to do the greatest things." Ronald Reagan To inspire us today, let us listen to the GEPSTA
PRESIDENT Sir ROMUALDO C. PADUA as he shares words of inspiration with each and every one of us
here. (thank you for that very inspiring message Sir.)after his message
MAM ANGEL: another word of wisdom, from the PESPA President and the Principal IV of GECS, the
beautiful and gorgeous Mam Elizabeth C. Navarro.
SIR REY: A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and
energy to get it done. –Ralph Nader- “With this quote, may I call on the Public Schools District Supervisor of
SDO Guimba East Annex, the strong and supportive, Dr. Mario R. Quiambao.
Thank You, Sir!
ANGEL: "A like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead,
whereupon the others follow, not realizing that all along they are being directed from behind." Nelson Mandela,
Another message of inspiration to be shared with us by the Brgy. Capt of Saranay Dist.Kapitan Joseph Ramil
“Bimbo” Andaya. A big hand everyone.
SIR REY: It is our privilege to hear a message from one of the great educators of his time, a father of this town,
the Municipal Mayor of Guimba, a friend of the masses, the one and the only, Mayor Jose R. Dizon.
ANGEL: Like mother like daughter, they are both beautiful and stunning, smart and cheerful, they are both
precious gems in our Congressional District 1, so ladies and gentlemen let us hear a message from Hon.
Congresswoman Mika SUansing. (Around of Applause)
This is the best moment to give recognition and appreciation “ para sa mga Bayaning GURO ng SDO GUimba
Praise Awardees:
1. Gerry B. Rapisora- School Principal II of BAntug ES
2. Romualdo C. Padua-Teacher III of GECS
3. Leah Lyn B. Baron- Teacher III of MAnacsac ES
1. Generosa G. Felipe
2. Flordeliza B. Palma
3. Luz V. Derige
4. Luzviminda C. Dela Cruz
5. Luzviminda P. Rivera
6. Maria Luisa T. Barawid, Phd.

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