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Date: 21-09-2023
Time: 4:00PM-5:00PM
Location: LH 20


Faith Vaati.
Jimmy Githegi.
Simon Miogo.
Dickson Murimi.


1. Changing the Meeting Time from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM

2. Arrangements for Children Home Visit at Kianyaga
3. Recruiting New Members in the Club
4. Resuming Weekly Contributions of Ksh 20
5. Any Other Business (AOB)

Meeting Minutes:

The meeting was called to order at 5:10PM by Faith Vaati.

Item 1: Changing the Meeting Time from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Dickson presented the proposal to change the regular meeting time from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
After a discussion, it was decided to implement the time change starting from 28-09-
2023 ,coming Thursday.

Item 2: Arrangements for Children Home Visit at Kianyaga

Jimmy discussed the plan to visit the children's home in Kianyaga. The following points were
Date, time, and transportation arrangements will be coordinated by [Insert Name].
Members were encouraged to contribute towards gifts and supplies for the children.
Volunteers for activities during the visit were requested.

Item 3: Recruiting New Members in the Club

Faith proposed recruiting new members to expand the club's reach and impact. It was agreed to
start a membership drive and organize an event to attract potential members.

Item 4: Resuming Weekly Contributions of Ksh 20

Jimmy reminded members about the weekly contributions of Ksh 20. It was emphasized that
regular contributions are vital for the club's activities.

Item 5: Any Other Business (AOB)

Under AOB, it was noted that the chairman and vice chairman had promised to cater for a goat-
eating party based on the number of new members brought into the club. This was acknowledged
by the members, and details will be worked out as new members are recruited.

Action Items:
· Simon will coordinate the arrangements for the children's home visit and communicate
the date and transportation details.
· Faith Vaati ,will lead the membership recruitment drive and event planning.
· Members are reminded to resume their weekly contributions of Ksh 20.
· The chairman and vice chairman will finalize arrangements for the goat-eating party once
new members are brought into the club.

Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be scheduled for 28-09-2023 from 5:00PM to 6:00PM

The meeting was adjourned at 6:10PM by Jimmy Githegi.

Submitted by:
Dickson Murimi,
Assistant secretary.

Approved by:
Jimmy Githegi,

[End of Minutes]

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