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Instructions for the written essay

(extended essay)
Prof. Capretti, Prof. Montagna, Prof. Schiaffonati
An extended essay is type of academic writing. It
is an independent, authentic project on a
topic/argument chosen by the student in
collaboration with their supervisors. It puts
forward a well-reasoned argument in relation to
an “event” (topic, problem discussed in class,
personal experience linked to the topic)
happened during the course or in relation to the
course contents:
What is an A question that has challenged me during the

extended essay? course to which I try to give an answer

The essay should be the result of your

reflections and/or literature reconstruction.
Quotations from the relevant literature can be
done but should be limited in number. Quotes
must be explicitly mentioned by appropriate
Some questions to spur your research question 1/2
• What did you learn about professionalism?
• Thinking about my personal values at the beginning of the semester, what did I learn during these lessons?

• Have you ever experienced a conflict between your personal values and the values associated to your future
profession? And how did you deal with it?
• What model of doctor-patient relationship do you think better respect medical daily practice?
• How was your reaction to the film Wit? How did the film influence your personal values related to being a doctor?
• What I think about my well-being related to my future profession? What can I do to improve it? What strategies I
think would help me to face in a healthy way my medical journey
• What sort of advices or ideas I grasped through the discussion with my colleagues in small group sessions?
• Can you provide an example of conflicting values related to medical practice and possible thoughts on how to deal
with it?
• Reflect, by means of a case-study, on how the principles of bioethics can be integrated with different ethical
frameworks to manage experimental and emerging technologies.
• Discuss privacy as an individual and a common good in the medical practice by using examples.
• Can you analyze the efforts to promote healthier behavior in individuals and populations as a tension between
freedom and control?
Some questions to spur your research question 2/2
• What aspects, emerged from the historical review of medical evolution, do you find relevant in today's
medical world? Do you think it will be relevant in your future profession?
• What feelings and ethical speculations the behavior of doctors/surgeons of the past gave to you?
• What struck you during the discussion of past events and why? Do you think they are contexts, events or
behaviors that can still be found today?
Essay requirements 1/2

In 1000-1500 words state, clearly:

Introduction - your research question (Why) Provide information about your topic
(event) in order to enable the reader to figure out the significance of your research
question (reflection). The research question is the central question you are trying to
answer through your reflection. This question, if properly composed, will enable you
to maintain your focus on a topic and it will also help you to maintain the purpose and
orientation of your entire investigation. Discuss why this topic is important for you
personally. Provide briefly a “game plan” that explain to the reader how you intend to
answer the question and how you propose to proceed in the thesis (“Body”)
Essay requirements 2/2

Body - Your scope/thesis (What): explain your position, construct an argument

based on evidence; describe your analysis and evaluation of the evidence;
describe your own argument and concrete examples; justify your claims in a
manner that may be reasonably understandable. You are asked to
demonstrate the ability to think and argue for your thesis presenting personal
thoughts and evidence that support your argument.
Conclusion - the conclusion indicates unresolved questions and new questions
that have emerged from your research. Summarize your key points and
discuss the broader implications of the thesis.

• Introduction: what is my question? Why is it significat and worthy for

study? Why is it significat to me personally? What is my thesis? What is
my game plan for the essay?
• Body: what is the background information needed to understand my
reaserch question and thesis? What are the distintive elements of my
thesis? Can they be divided in some parts? What evidence will support
my arguments and thesis? What examples/situations can support and
argue my argument?

• Conclusion: How have I answered the question and supported my

thesis? What are the new questions and unresolved questions which
have arisen from your research and analysis?
• You must include footnotes and include the
bibliography at the end of the paper.
(Chicago style guide)
• Essays will be checked for plagiarism and, in
case of positive occurrence, students will
fail the exam, no matter what it is written in
the text
F Disorganized description of the event. fail

Assessment E Description of the event without any clarity of

the research questions to be developed.

criteria of the D Description of the event, recognising that some 18/30 – 21/30

aspects are relevant without explaining why
(lack of personal interpretation).
C Detailed description of the event describing 22/30 - 25/30
your own argument with concrete example
The deadline of the submission is (personal interpretation).
respected (June, 21st ) B Detailed description of the event as in level C. 26/30 - 28/30
Presence of the referred bibliography
supporting thoughts and arguments.

A Detailed description of the event as in level B. 29/30 – 30/30

Ability to discuss the broaden implications of
your thesis (i.e. how you will behave in the
future in the light of the experience you have
A+ Detailed description of the event as in level A. 31 (30L)
original connection between
disciplines/modules of the course or original
interpretation of the issue. Expanded and
pertinent bibliography supporting personal
thoughts and ideas.
Guidelines for the presentation
• Deadline: you have to submit the essay by June, 21st to the following e-mail
• The email should include Name-Surname registration number and name of the
chosen module
Essay layout
• At the top left at the beginning of the document put your first name, surname,
registration number and name of the chosen module
• Body type: New Times Roman; dimension 12; line-spacing: single
• The essay must be structured and organized logically with all arguments and
analysis presented and developed in a systematic fashion and order
• Registration of the examination on MyPortal is mandatory
• Students will receive the result of their essay on MyPortal on July 15th

“The act of watching a person or activity and making certain that everything is
done correctly” [Cambridge English Dictionary]

ask for supervision to discuss doubts, ask for an opinion on the literature you
want to use in support of your thesis.

the request should be sent to the teacher by email with name, surname and
the reason for the request. the request should contain the question(s)
addressed to the teacher not a general feedback on what has been written.

Prof. Licia Montagna

Prof. Giovanni Capretti

Prof. Viola Schiaffonati

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