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Fire on Mount Bromo

Indonesia has so many beautiful natural views to visit. One of them is a very
famous mountain, namely Mount Bromo. One of the things that Mount Bromo
is famous for is its golden sunrise, because Mount Bromo has been named the
place that offers the best sunrise views on the island of Java. So many parties
take advantage of this situation to make it the most valuable moment in their
lives, namely pre-wedding photos, which are taken by the bride and groom
themselves and officers from the wedding organizer (WO).

During the pre-wedding session, precisely on Teletubbies hill. In the Mount

Bromo area, without realizing it, the tool used in the session was a flare or
flare which was thrown out while it was burning, burning down the hill area.
So the fire that occurred was so big that it burned throughout the Mount
Bromo area and spread to residential areas. The prospective bride and groom
who underwent a pre-wedding photo session using flares on Teletubbies Hill,
Mount Bromo, East Java, apologized for the fire that hit the Bromo area. , as as three village heads

representing six villages. The meeting was hel

at the Ngadisari Village Hall, Sukapura District, Probolinggo Regency, East
Java, Friday (15/9). "We and our friends, and of course representing Andrie's
brother who is currently in police custody, would like to express our deepest
apologies. We address this apology to the entire Tengger indigenous
community, to Tengger traditional figures, to prominent figures. Tengger
community leaders, to the Tengger regional government," he said, quoted
from Kompas TV.

"And we don't forget to convey this apology to the President and Vice
President of the Republic of Indonesia, to all levels of ministers and cabinet, to
the East Java Provincial Government, to the Regional Government, especially
Probolinggo and Pasuruan, as well as all levels of society in Indonesia," he
continued. Andrie Wibowo Eka Wardhana (41), a wedding organizer manager,
has been named a suspect in the land fire on Mount Bromo. He faces a prison
sentence of five years and a fine of IDR 3.5 billion, according to the Head of the
Probolinggo District Prosecutor's Office, David P Duarsa, in Probolinggo,
Friday (15/09).
The five people who were witnesses in this fire case were the prospective
groom HP (30), the prospective bride PMP (26). Then the wedding organizer
crew MGG (38), ET (27), and make-up artist AAV (34). The three crew
members are residents of the city of Surabaya, East Java.
'Already trying to extinguish'
HP claims to have tried to extinguish the fire shortly after it broke out due to
lighting flares during a pre-wedding photo session.
"This incident was accidental. When it happened we had tried to extinguish
[the Bromo fire] with five bottles of bottled mineral water," he explained
when apologizing in front of Tengger residents, Friday (15/09), as reported
by Surya. However, according to him, efforts to extinguish the fire did not
produce results. The fire spread.
"With all our limitations and the conditions at that time, the wind was very
strong and the grass was dry, we couldn't put it out," he continued. Testimony
of volunteers extinguishing fires in Bromo
A volunteer in Lumajang Regency, Sukaryo, said that the fire that had
occurred since Wednesday (06/09) had still not been extinguished due to
weather factors and inadequate equipment.
"Because the wind was very strong while the land was burning dry grass, in
the end the fire spread quickly," he told BBC News Indonesia. "Not to mention
the steep terrain, so manually it was very difficult," he said.
According to the Head of Probolinggi Police Criminal Investigation Unit, AKBP
Achmad Doni Meidianto, the couple tried to extinguish the fire with some
bottled mineral water. But it was useless because the fire quickly grew.
Apart from that, they also do not report directly to the national team.
"They regret it. Actually, at the time of the incident, they also panicked and
tried, but there was no water source," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit
for Probolinggi Police, AKBP Achmad Doni Meidianto, as reported by Sukaryo's observations show that currently 80% of the grassland
is in the park. The national disaster has turned black. Head of the BNPB
Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center, Abdul Muhari, said
that the fire there moved so quickly because there were no obstacles.
He gave the example of fires on peatlands which can still be stopped with the
help of ditches.
Then, blackout can only be done by water bombing from the air.

Impact of the Fire.

Head of the Administrative Section of the TNBTS Center, Septi Eka Wardhani,
said that the fire that occurred for almost a week resulted in losses of up to
billions of rupiah. This value came from the closure of the Mount Bromo
natural tourist area since September 6 until an undetermined time limit.
Working in the tourism sector also suffers losses because there are no visitors
to rent jeeps. "They can't sell and accommodation, both hotels and homestays,
are also empty," said Septi to BBC News Indonesia. But more than that, a
number of endemic vegetation and animal habitats there were burnt down.
such as edelweiss flowers, maleo grass. Including eagles, Javanese langurs,
Tengger earth snakes, and long-tailed macaques have the potential to be lost
due to forest fires.

After the fire incident caused by the use of flares, the national park
management admitted that since 2019 the TNBTS Center has made it
mandatory to purchase cash only through online bookings on the official site.
In the process, visitors are required to read the rules and prohibitions while
traveling in the Bromo area. They have also placed several warning boards at
a number of strategic points.

But in the future, TNBTS said it would further urge the public, visitors and
tourist services to protect the area by not lighting fires or the like. "Apart from
that, TNBTS will also increase the intensity of forest fire patrols, establish
forest fire posts and prepare supporting infrastructure as early detection
measures. ."

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