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Data Analytics


-Abrar Ahmed

Project description

Hiring process analytics is an important and fundamental function in a company.

Most of the MNCs use this analytical process to gain insights and catch trends
about hirings in the company. A data analyst has to work with the hiring
department to gather and work with such insights. It helps the company to keep
record of the hirings and make efficient decisions in future hirings.
In this project, a data set of a MNC is provided. This data set consists of the data of
users registered for the job at different departments in the company.

Our task , as a data analyst, is to use statistical knowledge and spreadsheet

formulas to gain insights based on the questions asked and derive necessary


- The first step is to choose a specific spreadsheet tool, In my case its Google
- Load the data set in a spreadsheet.
- Clean the dataset by looking for any nulls or any other inconsistent data.
- After making the data set consistent, start looking for the solutions based on
the question asked.
- Make use of pivot tables and pivot charts to analyze the data in an effective
- Derive specific conclusions based on the results.


- Google sheet ( Spreadsheet tool).


A. Hiring: Process of intaking people into an organization for different kinds of


How many males and females are Hired ?


There are about 4085 males and 2675 females hired in the company out of
7168 employees. The rest of the employees either don't prefer to say or the
data about their gender is missing.

B. Average Salary: Adding all the salaries for a select group of employees and
then dividing the sum by the number of employees in the group.

What is the average salary offered in this company ?


The average salary in the company is about $49983 , while the average salary
as per the department is listed above. The department with maximum
average salary is the ‘Marketing Department’ with the average salary of
$58722 and the department with minimum average salary is ‘Sales
Department’ with the average salary of $48489.

C. Class Intervals: The class interval is the difference between the upper class
limit and the lower class limit.

Draw the class intervals for salary in the company ?


I have taken a continuous class interval with a constant range of 80000. Here
the maximum count for salary class interval is in the class “0-80000” which is
5795. While the minimum count is in the class “160000-240000” ,”
240000-320000”, “320000-400000” which is just 1.

This indicates that high paying jobs in the company are very less compared
to low paying jobs. The lower is the number of salaries , higher is the count
of employees.

D. Charts and Plots: This is one of the most important parts of analysis to
visualize the data.

Draw Pie Chart / Bar Graph ( or any other graph ) to show the proportion of
people working in different departments ?


According to the pie chart report, the “operation department” and the” service
department” hold the maximum proportion of employees - 38.7% and 28.7%
respectively, while “General Management” and “Human Resource Department”
hold the lowest proportion of employees - 2.4% and 1.4% respectively.

E. Charts: Use different charts and graphs to perform the task representing the

Represent different post tiers using chart/graph?


There are a distributed number of employees based on different tiers post.

The posts named “c5” and “c9” consist of a maximum number of employees
which is 1747 and 1792 respectively. While the posts “m6” , “n9”, “n10, m7,
m6” have the lowest counts - 3, 0 ,1 respectively.


Here , I conclude my project report. I have answered all the questions

asked in this analytics project. I got to learn a lot of statistical knowledge and
how to implement it on spreadsheet tools. Got to implement different pivot
tables and charts and analyze the data in an effective way.

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