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Final Project III


- Abrar Ahmed Date - 30/06/23
Today , the automotive industry has developed to a great extent in each and every
country . This industry has brought changes in the whole world and its economy by
providing ease in transport and tourism. During the process of development there were
lots of innovations, embedding of technologies. Due to this, the automotive industry has a
lot of customers in demand. This makes the automotive industry and the associated
companies to be in competition to stay in the market and earn profits.

In recent years, along with the traditional fuel engines there have been growth of
alternative fuel automotives like electric , CNG and hybrids etc. but still the gasoline
powered engines are in great demand due to its varying types of fuels and the capacity of
the fuel engines.

In this project, I have performed some data analysis on the given car data set which
includes different features of various cars and their relative brands like engine HP,
engine cylinder, transmission type, Market category etc. This analysis helped to answer
some business questions like ‘How can a car manufacturer optimize pricing and product
development decisions to maximize profitability while meeting consumer demand?’.

The dataset provided was cleaned to be good to go for the analysis. The cleaning includes
removing unwanted columns, rows, null values etc. Manually filling the null values from
various sources available on the internet and formatting data.

● The project begins with loading the dataset into the spreadsheet tool.
● After loading, the first step is to clean the dataset by removing nulls , finding the
missing values, removing duplicates etc.
● Later based on the questions asked and the problem statement , specific criterias,
calculations and visualization are used to make tables, pivot tables, charts etc.
● The answers to each and every question are stored separately on different


Google Sheets


Tasks: Analysis

Insight Required: How does the popularity of a car model vary across different market

Task 1.A: Create a pivot table that shows the number of car models in each market
category and their corresponding popularity scores.

Task 1.B: Create a combo chart that visualizes the relationship between market category
and popularity.


The above chart is obtained by splitting the market categories which were separated by
comma in the provided spreadsheet. Then for each market category it is treated and
counted individually. The average popularity is calculated by dividing total popularity by
the total count of each category.

This makes the conclusion that the diesel has the highest number of markets followed by
flex fuel and hybrid, this showcases that the consumers are into getting best value for
money out of cars. Most of the consumer wants lower fuel costs and higher mileage
which is an output of the hybrid technology.

Insight Required: What is the relationship between a car's engine power and its price?

Task 2: Create a scatter chart that plots engine power on the x-axis and price on the
y-axis. Add a trendline to the chart to visualize the relationship between these variables.


The chart above clearly indicates that, as the engine HP ( Horse Power) increases , the
price increases gradually. There’s no linear relationship between HP and MSRP , but
when the HP goes higher and higher, the price exponentially becomes higher.

Insight Required: Which car features are most important in determining a car's price?

Task 3: Use regression analysis to identify the variables that have the strongest
relationship with a car's price. Then create a bar chart that shows the coefficient values
for each variable to visualize their relative importance.


The above table and chart clearly indicates that, the Engine HP has the highest
correlation with the MSRP or the price followed by Engine cylinders, rest other
important features are in negative correlation with MSRP. The correlation of Engine HP
& MSRP is already discussed in the previous task.

Insight Required: How does the average price of a car vary across different

Task 4.A: Create a pivot table that shows the average price of cars for each manufacturer.

Task 4.B: Create a bar chart or a horizontal stacked bar chart that visualizes the
relationship between manufacturer and average price.


From the above pivot table and chart, it can be concluded that the Bugatti has the highest
average MSRP making it the costlier car maker. It is followed by Maybach Rolls-Royce &
Lamborghini which are indeed the luxury & high performance car makers. And the
makers named Suzuki , Oldsmobile & Plymouth have the lowest average MSRP among all
the car brands, which indicates that they make cheaper & affordable cars for people to

Insight Required: What is the relationship between fuel efficiency and the number of
cylinders in a car's engine?

Task 5.A: Create a scatter plot with the number of cylinders on the x-axis and highway
MPG on the y-axis. Then create a trendline on the scatter plot to visually estimate the
slope of the relationship and assess its significance.

Task 5.B: Calculate the correlation coefficient between the number of cylinders and
highway MPG to quantify the strength and direction of the relationship.


The correlation score between the number of cylinders & average MPG is -0.65 . The
negative sign indicates that it has negative correlation between them i.e as the number
of cylinders increases , the MPG decreases.

Building the Dashboard:
Task 1: How does the distribution of car prices vary by brand and body style?

Hints: Stacked column chart to show the distribution of car prices by brand and body
style. Use filters and slicers to make the chart interactive. Calculate the total MSRP for
each brand and body style using SUMIF or Pivot Tables.

Results: The pivot table looks like this. It contains the sum of MSRP for each vehicle style
of each brand. (The detailed table can be seen in the xlsx sheet from the link provided

The stacked bar chart is as follows:

From the analysis, it was concluded that, for the 2 door hatchback , Volkswagen has the
maximum number of total MSRP($41,71,275), for 2 door SUV its Ford($4,79,873) & Land
Rover($4,76,394), 4dr Hatchback - Volkswagen ($33,55,760), 4dr SUV - Land
Rover($90,76,595), Cargo Minivan - Ford($7,02,400), Cargo Van - Ford($5,66,351),
Convertible - Aston Martin($73,21,655) & Lamborghini($70,64,450) etc

This detailed view for each category can be viewed in the dashboard created in the excel
sheet from the link given below.

Task 2: Which car brands have the highest and lowest average MSRPs, and how does this
vary by body style?

Hints: Clustered column chart to compare the average MSRPs across different car brands
and body styles. Calculate the average MSRP for each brand and body style using
AVERAGEIF or Pivot Tables.

Results: The pivot table looks like below(The detailed table can be viewed in the excel
sheet from the link provided below)

I have plotted the average MSRP for each category for each brand in the dashboard in
the excel sheet. By selecting the vehicle style you want, you can view the average MSRPs
for each brand for the selected vehicle style.

Following are the average MSRPs of each brand for 4 door Hatchback & 2 door
Hatchback respectively :

4 door hatchback

2 door hatchback

Task 3: How do the different features such as transmission type affect the MSRP, and
how does this vary by body style?

Hints: Scatter plot chart to visualize the relationship between MSRP and transmission
type, with different symbols for each body style. Calculate the average MSRP for each
combination of transmission type and body style using AVERAGEIFS or Pivot Tables.


In the above chart, each vehicle category is clustered with unique colors so that they can
be identified individually.

For AUTOMATED_MANUAL , Coupe has the highest average MSRP around $24,500.

For AUTOMATIC , Convertible has the highest average MSRP around $9,000.

For DIRECT_DRIVE, It's a Sedan with the highest average MSRP around $8000.

For MANUAL, Convertible has the highest average MSRP around $6000.

Task 4: How does the fuel efficiency of cars vary across different body styles and model

Hints: Line chart to show the trend of fuel efficiency (MPG) over time for each body style.
Calculate the average MPG for each combination of body style and model year using
AVERAGEIFS or Pivot Tables.

Results: For calculating the average fuel efficiency , I have considered the average of
Highway MPG. The Pivot table for the same looks like below (for the detailed view of the
pivot table check the excel sheet from the link provided below).

I have individually plotted line graphs for each & every vehicle style over the time
(years) for more detailed analysis. In the dashboard of the excel sheet, you can select the
desired vehicle style & it will display the line graph of the average MPG over the time for
the selected vehicle style.

The graphs for the 2 door SUV, 4 door SUV & convertible have been mentioned below
respectively. In the graphs we can see that the average MPG for 2 door SUV & 4 door SUV
has improved over the course of the years, while for convertible it has stayed the same.

Task 5: How does the car's horsepower, MPG, and price vary across different Brands?

Hints: Bubble chart to visualize the relationship between horsepower, MPG, and price
across different car brands. Assign different colors to each brand and label the bubbles
with the car model name. Calculate the average horsepower, MPG, and MSRP for each
car brand using AVERAGEIFS or Pivot Tables.


The above bubble chart shows the relationship between Average Engine HP, Average
Highway MPG & Average MSRP. The size of the bubble defines the average MSRP for each
maker. From the above chart information about each maker can be gained about their
power, mileage & pricing . For Bugatti, It is highly priced with highest HP & lowest MPG.

The chart is made interactive in the excel sheet. The link for the excel sheet is provided

The overall dashboard looks like follows:

Here , I am concluding my report. I have shared each & every insight for the questions
asked in the given task. While completing the tasks, I got to learn more about the
spreadsheet tool & advanced mathematical formulae. Did lots of visualization tasks
which helped me improve generating insights from the visualization itself.

Spreadsheet link : Copy of Car_data


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