Lesson 10

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Course Code : CRI 204

Course Title : Professional Conduct and Ethical Standard

Module 10/ Lesson 10

Lesson 10
The PNP Core Values

Learning Objectives:
In this lesson, learners are expected to:
1. Appreciate the PNP Values and Police officer’s Creed under the PNP Code
of Professional Conduct and Ethical Standards;
2. Discuss and illustrate the new set of Core Values of the PNP; and

Every organization has their expected Values and Core values to
establish and to serve as their distinction over other organization. This core
values also referred to as ethical statements serves as a guide for all the
members of the organization. For the Philippine National Police Personnel as
member of the noble profession, they are expected to observe and uphold the
herein Core Values.

Learning Content

I. PNP Values pursuant to PNP Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical


The PNP Values

The police service is a noble profession and demands from its
members specialized knowledge and skills and high standard of ethics and
morality. In this regard, the members of the Philippine National Police must
adhere to and internalize the enduring core values of Fear of God, Honor the
Government and Respect the People.
I believe in God, the Supreme Being, a Great Provider, and the
Creator of all men and everything dear to me. In return, I cannot less than
love Him above all, seek His guidance in the performance of my sworn duties
and honor Him at all times.
I believe that respect for authority is a duty. I respect and uphold
the Constitution, the laws of the land and the applicable rules and regulations.
I recognize the legitimacy and authority of the leadership, and follow and obey
legal orders of my superior officers.
I believe in selfless love and service to people. Towards this end, I
commit myself to the service of my fellowmen over and above my personal
I believe in the sanctity of marriage and respect for women. I shall
set the example of decency and morality and shall have high regard for family
life and chastity.
I believe in responsible dominion and stewardship over material
things. I shall inhibit myself from ostentatious display of my property. I shall
protect the environment and conserve nature to maintain ecological balance.
I shall respect private and public properties and prevent others from
destroying them.
I believe in the wisdom of truthfulness. I must be trustworthy and I
shall speak the truth at all times as required by the profession.

PNP Core Values

 Makadiyos (God-fearing)
 Makabayan (Nationalilstic)
 Makatao (Humane)
 Makakalikasan (Environment-Friendly)

Makadiyos (God-fearing) - A police officer must have faith in God as the

Supreme Being. As such he/she must love and respect God above all and
work in accordance to his plan. He/she must seek for God’s wisdom, courage,
and Strength as he faces the challenge of his chosen profession. Seek for
God’s guidance in dealing with difficult times and conflict so that he/she will be
guided by the holy spirit.
Makabayan (Nationalilstic) - Nationalism and Patriotism are both expected
among Filipino Citizen much more to the members of the Philippine National
Police (PNP) and the Armed Forces of the Philippine (AFP). Both are in
charged of the external and internal security of the people and the state.
Being nationalistic is a pride that every Filipino people is truly proud. Filipino
are known for hospitality, hard-working, optimistic and care for others. Every
Police Officer of the country must patronize our own country.

Makatao (Humane) - Every law enforcer must uphold human rights and
observe that every individual is respected of their human dignity. In the
exercise of police power, law enforcer must see to it that full respect of human
rights is observed and that humane treatment of every people in the
community given due consideration.

Makakalikasan (Environment-Friendly) - Part of the duty of the law

enforcers to ensure protection of the environment and all the natural
resources of the country. Remember that we all have the duty and
responsibility to our environment.


1) PNP Image – PNP members shall possess the following virtues:


2) Career Management: the Key in Professionalism

3) Police Management Leadership
4) Delicadeza
5) Equality in the
6) Police Lifestyle
7) Political Patronage
8) Human Rights

Career Management, the Key to Professionalism

- the PNP recognizes the need to have proper and strict policies regarding
recruitment, training, assignment, promotion, awards, discipline and
retirement to ensure sound administration and to look after the welfare of its
Police Management Leadership
- the effectiveness of law enforcement is reflective of the managerial
capabilities and competent leadership of the men and women who run the
PNP organization

Equality in the Service

all police officers shall have equal opportunities for improvement and career
advancement based on merit.
-sense of pride and self-worth
- police officers must be able to sacrifice self-interest in the name of duty
- police officers must not do anything that would bring dishonor to himself and
to the PNP organization itself

Police Lifestyle
- police officers must live a simple, yet credible and dignified life, free from
greed, corruption and exploitation
police officers must set a good example.
Political Patronage
- police officers must NEVER ASK for recommendations from public
officials in matters pertaining to promotion, assignment, awards and others


1) Commitment to Democracy
2) Commitment to Public Interest
3) Non-Partisanship
4) Physical Fitness and Health
5) Secrecy Discipline
6) Social Awareness
7) Proper Care and Use of Public Property
8) Non-Solicitation of Patronage
9) Respect for Human Rights
10) Devotion to Duty

11) Conservation of Natural Resources

12) Discipline
13) Loyalty
14) Obedience to Superior
15) Command Responsibility

Commitment to Democracy
- police officers must never forget that they are public servants and they
must at all times uphold the Constitution and be loyal to the country, the
people and the PNP organization.
Commitment to Public Interest
public interest = for the good of the people or community
- police officers must always uphold public interest over and above personal
- police officers must respect the fact that their resources are funded by
taxpayers’ money and should therefore be used wisely and economically to
avoid wastage of public funds.

- police officers must not be identified with any particular political party or
they must extend their assistance to all regardless of party affiliation.
Secrecy Discipline
- police officers must guard the confidentiality of all official information and all
matters relating to the official function of the police organization
disclosure must always be authorized.
Devotion to Duty
= police officers must perform their duties with dedication, thoroughness,
efficiency, enthusiasm, determination and manifest concern for public welfare

-= police officers must act and behave according to the rules and regulations
of the organization at all times
police officers must be loyal to the Constitution and to the police service, as
manifested by their loyalty to their superiors, peers and subordinates.
Obedience to Superiors
- police officers must obey lawful orders of their superiors
- police officers must always be courteous to superiors and other appropriate
authorities within the chain of command.

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