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Exp. PG. #__ So GS =a Date___/_. << Bilt =Sifuctore ——— By: @ Gurious— , Programmer | Bhot fe linked lof? i = 150) |_{t& a Wear dala Shuclire thaf CnswF of Nodeo. In | Which clemenls are not dlored at Gntquoto memory location . The clement wo linked uolng vei = Head —J data [ next -> f nope 7 | WShy we wwe Vinked list 9 @ Hoo dynamic dol& Shudave . JE Can No Memory Nastage. (iy Insertion ard deleGin Eachesstna one @ needed, ie linked SE, A |[20| >| | dingly linked lish. | Osubly linked lst. Gruulay linked list, Exp. 2G. # nee ee Date__/_. ra ea igh Ud TE A_dsiqly Guked lof a Uucar dale Ohudare_w Which the Utmenls are nol” dtored wu (mbquouc memory location aud cach clement to (onnecked only te thy next clement uotwg o pointe aL *T oy] *TeT fol = null Bafa Mexl= Aldvess Huidly lubed lials. ws) Curious. pyogyammey a. || that to doubly Gnked Tal A doubly linked [I= ( DDL) a opeaal type ol Caked lst Oa IShich each nede Contam d pomtey! to the previoun nocle op well ao the nest node qe Unked Tots Next Next a Pee ere NULL Doubly Unked (GE — @ Teacher's Signature, Exp. PG. #. Date__/__. Bo IShaf to Groulay linked list: The Cheulay linked Lisl io 0 Linkecl [isl@ Where all nocleo ave _lonneted to form o Gicle- Jn Grulay linked lish the Hist node and the lool node are Connected [6 cach othey Ishich lows a Gicle. “There & no NULL at the end. HERD — fs Slee) u Curious —.proqrammer EG * Qperedtion on linked ltds. I i || fnsertion in linked isk: Ht to used 16 Gusert new node alo Spedtic pat You_con adel _o node of the paving middle , aud end. | Insert at the beginning 1-|| Create a memony la Hep Hbde, J: Store dald ine new node. 3. Change NexF fo the new node To pomt +o Start. chairte btols fo tll the recenty ‘Geated node - @ ‘Teachers Siguature____ Exp. PG. #. Date__{__ Struct node * NewNodes NewNocle = malloc ( dizeo ( Shuctnode )) + NewWNede=> dala=! 40, New Nocle —> nexf= Start; Atart = NewNode; || Insert of the End. _ Curious —. proqvammer 1 || Insevf a new node and dléie dala tn ik, a-|| Traverse the lat node da linked let. 3:| Change the neat pstuiler ps last node te the newly = created node. Atrad node % Newhlode, NewNode = malloc ( dtccof ( Shud node )) 5 NewNode —> datw = 40; Newhlode > nexT = NULL; Abud node x kmp= Start; While (Femp —> ne#t] = NU “yg een poe —5 next; deme = next = NewNlode * || dasert at the Middle. 4. | Allocate Memory amd lore dala in the Hew node, a: | traverse the Node, Which B pur bere the new node, © Teacher's Signature Exp. BG, # Date__/_. Se Change the nexf pointer fo add a new node in between- I bud hode a NewNode; H Newhlode = malloc ( dtzedf ( Shucl node)); NewNode -» Adta = 40; Stud node -» scale = Atal; | for linti= 25 Tx posilfon 3 "+ ) J it (temp -» nea | = NULL) ae temp» neat; T tt T Na | NewNlocde —7 Next=-+temp— next; temp nett = NewWlodes ! Curious _- ex a: | Deen In linked TOF, Sane tae ae 4 © used to delelé nodes fom a Apeulie positions . You Can also do delehtn tn the 'Iinked! lot in three Nays cither from the end , beginning or from } Specie aa * || Delete bom the beginning. T Care) j-| The pomt Starls at the decond node. 7 Mtart = Start > next, @ Teacher's Signature__ Exp. PG. #. Date___. Bue fom the End, 1. || “Traverse the Second [aot clement in the Imked lists Change ils next Famer fe null, Armuct node catch = Start; | hile Comp => neat >! neat | = NULL) f ‘hemp = EU = next; emp — oe NULLS f UL Pelete from the Middle. Curious _. programmer is Traverse the cleat before the clement to be deleted. Change the next pointed te exclude the node fom thed tinked Ido, stor lint v= 23 1, positim s f++) f ip (Amp > nekt | = NOLL) p= temp = next; I t | a temp > next = song = next> nexfs ‘Teacher's Signature__ Exp. PG. #. Tepe Date__{__ : cea tn _Unked lish Ho used 46 traverse all nodeo one by me. Gn this operation, you sill oer all the wedeo in the linked Tak. [shen the temp null, it means you hraver- =sed all the nodeo, and hou Sema eer To] the Inked list es out oem the While low pl. tract node x temp = dtart, pint ("\n [St embpty are —")5 VW hile (ere | E Tutt) point ("% dl" temp —y data ) s temp = terhp > next; ae I J Teacher's Signature Buy This Complete Premium Notes @ Rs. 149 COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE Uy ade CTLs} CU ay Ce LS % © Oa COMPLETE Ca LT ES) ONT e COLL FOOT LS HANDWRITTEN NOTES 5 COMPLETE a COMPLETE Lie Oye Wty Ly CTL Ua Laced ULS Lead d COU LS CodeWithCurious Store 2 LINK IN BIO ee lat a aes Tuples & Type Conversion = ; Chapter 5 will Be Upload In Some Days Find All PDFs in Our Telegram Channels (sl Curious Coder 100,118 subscribers Eire alaLd ase user smey 1

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