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Adaptations of Plants in Different Habitats

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2. Pores on root to enable the exchange of gases with 1. Plants that live in desert.
the atmosphere. 3. Leaves of xerophytes has thick _______.
5. Plants that live in swampy habitats at the river 4. Plants that live in aquatic habitats, either on the
mouth water surface or submerged in the water.
6. The leaves which are ______, thin, and flat help 7. The roots of xerophytes grow widely and can
these plants absorb maximum sunlight for penetrate _______ into the soil.
photosynthesis. 8. Most plants are ________.
9. The stem of hydrophytes consists of light tissues 10. Stems of hydrophytes are small and hollow to
called _______.
reduce water flow resistance.
12. Absorbed water in xerophytes is stored in the
11. Old leaves can store salt and _____ off when the
roots, stems and _____.
concentration of salt stored is too high.
13. Breathing roots of mangrove tree.
14. Special structure to eliminate excess salt.
15. Halophytes live in swampy area is rich in _____
16. Example of floating plant.
17. The leaves in xerophytes are modified into _____.
18. Thorns can also prevent xerophytes from being
eaten by animals.
19. Water provides _______ force that helps plants
20. Stomata of xerophytes are _______.

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