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Marketing Strategy

1. Introduction:

There are three levels of strategy namely Corporate Level, Business Level and Functional
Level. In any business or company, strategies on all these 3 levels needs to be executed
properly for the overall smooth functioning and success of the organisation.

Concepts and applications:

Let's take Apple Inc. as an example and explore the various levels of strategy for this global
technology company.

I. Corporate-level strategy:

Apple's corporate-level strategy encompasses its overarching approach to managing its

diverse product portfolio and global operations. Key aspects of Apple's corporate-level
strategy include:

Diversification: Apple has a strategy that focuses on diversification within the

technology industry. The company operates in several markets, including smartphones,
tablets, laptops, desktop computers, smartwatches, wearables, software, services, and

Vertical integration: Apple has a history of vertical integration, which means it controls
various aspects of its supply chain, from hardware and software development to retail
sales. This strategy helps ensure product quality, innovation, and customer experience.

Brand loyalty: Apple places a strong emphasis on brand loyalty, building a dedicated
customer base that tends to stay loyal to the brand across various product lines.

Global Expansion: Apple's corporate strategy includes expanding its global footprint,
seeking growth in international markets, and adapting its products and services to meet
diverse regional preferences and regulations.
II. Business Level Strategy:

At the business level, Apple employs various strategies tailored to specific product lines and
market segments:

Differentiation: Apple is well-known for its differentiation strategy, offering unique and
premium products with distinctive design and user experience. This strategy helps command
higher prices and build brand loyalty.

Innovation: Continuous innovation is a core business-level strategy for Apple. The company
invests heavily in research and development to introduce new and improved products,
features, and technologies.

Ecosystem Integration: Apple's business strategy involves creating a cohesive ecosystem of

products, services, and software that work seamlessly together. This encourages customers to
buy into the entire Apple ecosystem, enhancing customer retention and cross-selling

Market Segmentation: Apple targets different market segments, from premium customers
looking for high-end devices to budget-conscious consumers with more affordable options
like the iPhone SE and iPad Mini.

III. Functional Level Strategy:

Apple's functional-level strategy refers to the specific tactics used within various departments
to execute the broader business strategies. Some key elements include:

Marketing and Promotion: Apple's marketing strategy emphasizes storytelling and

emotional connection with customers, focusing on how its products can improve users' lives.

Research and Development: Apple invests heavily in R&D to develop cutting-edge

technologies and features, ensuring product innovation and differentiation.

Supply chain management: Efficient supply chain management helps Apple maintain high-
quality products while managing costs and meeting consumer demand.
Retail strategy: Apple's retail strategy focuses on providing a unique in-store experience,
offering customer support, and increasing brand engagement.

Customer service: Providing excellent customer service and after-sales support helps
maintain customer loyalty.


Apple's success is attributed to its alignment across these various levels of strategy, allowing
the company to continually innovate, maintain brand loyalty, and adapt to changing market
conditions. These strategies have helped Apple become one of the world's leading technology

2. Concepts and applications:

• Startup name: EcoCuisine Solutions

• Vision: To be the leading provider of sustainable and plant-based culinary solutions,
revolutionizing the way people approach food for a healthier planet.
• Mission: Empower individuals to make sustainable and delicious choices by offering
innovative plant-based culinary products and services. Strive to reduce the environmental
impact of the food industry while promoting a healthier lifestyle.

• Goals:

Product innovation: Develop a diverse range of plant-based culinary products that rival
traditional options in taste, texture, and convenience. Constantly innovate to provide exciting
alternatives for a wide range of cuisines.

Environmental impact: Reduce carbon footprint and environmental impact by promoting

sustainable and ethical sourcing of ingredients, eco-friendly packaging, and responsible
manufacturing processes.

Customer Education: Educate consumers about the benefits of plant-based diets for
personal health and the environment. Provide resources and information to support informed
Market Expansion: Establish a strong presence in both the retail and foodservice sectors.
Expand distribution channels to reach a broader audience and collaborate with restaurants and
chefs to integrate plant-based options into mainstream menus.

Community Engagement: Actively engage with local communities through partnerships,

events, and educational programs. Foster a sense of community around sustainable and plant-
based living.

• Objectives:

Product Launch: Launch a line of innovative plant-based products, including meat

alternatives, dairy alternatives, and ready-to-eat meals, within the first year of operation.

Certificates and partnerships: Obtain certifications for organic and ethically sourced
ingredients. Establish partnerships with environmental organizations and culinary institutions
to strengthen credibility.

Sustainability metrics: Implement key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure and report
on the company's sustainability efforts. Aim for a significant reduction in carbon footprint
and waste generation.

Customer Base growth: Achieve a 20% growth in the customer base within the first two
years through strategic marketing, promotions, and partnerships.

Market Penetration: Secure placement of EcoCuisine products in major supermarket chains

and collaborate with at least 50 restaurants to feature plant-based options on their menus.

• Strategies:

Product development: Invest in research and development to create products that not only
cater to the plant-based community but also appeal to a broader audience by offering familiar
and delicious alternatives.

Marketing and Branding: Develop a compelling brand identity that communicates the
values of sustainability, health, and culinary excellence. Utilize digital marketing, social
media, and influencer partnerships to reach and engage the target audience.
Educational campaigns: Launch campaigns to educate consumers about the benefits of
plant-based living, providing recipes, nutritional information, and hosting workshops to
encourage the adoption of a plant-centric lifestyle.

Distribution Network: Establish a robust distribution network with a focus on both online
and offline channels. Collaborate with e-commerce platforms and traditional retailers to
ensure broad accessibility.

Community Events: Organize and sponsor events such as cooking classes, eco-friendly
workshops, and community clean-ups to actively engage with the local community and
promote sustainable living.


EcoCuisine Solutions aims to be at the forefront of the plant-based culinary revolution, not
only providing delicious and sustainable alternatives but also actively contributing to a shift
in consumer behavior towards a more environmentally conscious lifestyle. Through
continuous innovation, community engagement, and a commitment to sustainability,
EcoCuisine Solutions aspires to redefine the way people think about food, fostering a
healthier and more sustainable future.

3.a. Introduction:

Understanding the concepts of need, want, and demand is essential in the context of the
footwear category and marketing in general:

Concepts and applications:

i. Need: A need is a fundamental requirement or necessity that is essential for human

survival and well-being. In the context of a footwear category, the need is primarily
functional and can be summed up as protection for the feet. This protection includes
shielding the feet from environmental factors like sharp objects, extreme weather
conditions like cold or extreme heat, and diseases (e.g., fungal infections).
For example, in a cold climate, the need for footwear is to keep the feet warm and
protected. In a work environment, the need may involve safety shoes that protect the feet
from potential hazards. For instance, in many mines area, its necessary that the entire
body is covered with appropriate protection of clothes and footwear to be able to work

ii. Want: A want is a desire or a specific preference for a particular product or service that
goes beyond basic needs. Wants are shaped by individual tastes, styles, and personal

In the footwear category, wants can vary significantly. People may want specific styles,
colours, or brands based on fashion trends, personal taste, or the desire to make a fashion
statement. For example, someone might want a pair of stylish, high-end sneakers or
designer heels rather than just non-branded simple footwear. In the case of need, one just
needs something to wear for the protection of their feet. They don’t necessarily look for a
high-end branded footwear because it may be out of the ability to buy. But when one gets
the money in hand, and has the ability to buy, the need is then turned into a want wherein
they may want a high-end footwear.

iii. Demand: Demand refers to the willingness and ability of consumers to purchase a
product or service to satisfy their needs or wants. It combines both the desire for the
product (want) and the financial capability to make the purchase (ability).

In the footwear category, demand can be observed when consumers actively seek out and
buy shoes that align with their needs and wants. For example, if individuals in a rainy
region want waterproof boots to protect their feet from wet conditions and are willing to
pay for them, there is a demand for waterproof footwear.


These concepts are crucial for businesses in the footwear industry to understand and apply in
their marketing strategies. By recognizing the distinction between need, want, and demand,
companies can better target their products and marketing efforts to meet consumer
expectations and drive sales. Additionally, understanding the dynamics of consumer behavior
in relation to these concepts can help in product development, pricing strategies, and effective
advertising campaigns in the competitive footwear market.

3.b. Introduction:

The 7Ps of marketing, often used in the service industry, is an extended marketing mix. Let's
apply these to a hypothetical restaurant, " Gourmet Kitchen," to illustrate how each
component can be utilized effectively:

Concepts and applications:

I. Product: Gourmet Kitchen offers a diverse range of culinary experiences, including a

variety of cuisines, a selection of appetizers and desserts. The product extends to the
dining experience, including ambience, presentation, hospitality and customer service.

II. Price: The pricing strategy at Gourmet Kitchen caters to a range of customers, with both
affordable options and premium choices. Special pricing may be available for certain
times, such as lunch specials or happy hour discounts or for special cuisines and food
III. Place/Location: Gourmet Kitchen strategically selects a location in a high-traffic area
with accessibility, ensuring that customers can easily find and reach the restaurant and
also more people can reach the restaurant.

IV. Promotion: Marketing campaigns for Gourmet Kitchen include a combination of online
and offline strategies. These encompass social media marketing, email newsletters, local
print advertising, partnerships with food influencers, and events such as wine and dine
V. People: Gourmet Kitchen places a strong emphasis on its personnel. Staff, including
chefs, servers, and hosts, are well-trained in hospitality, ensuring a warm and welcoming
atmosphere. Their attire and demeanor align with the restaurant's upscale image.

VI. Process: The dining process at Gourmet Kitchen focuses on efficiency and customer
satisfaction. Online reservation options, a streamlined ordering and payment system, and
fast, yet quality, food preparation are part of the process. The restaurant also emphasizes a
smooth transition from the customer's arrival to departure.

VII. Physical Evidence (Ambience): The physical environment of Gourmet Kitchen is

carefully curated to provide an elegant and comfortable setting. This includes interior
design, table settings, lighting, music, and cleanliness, all contributing to an inviting


By integrating the 7Ps effectively, Gourmet Kitchen can create a holistic dining experience
that meets the needs and expectations of its target customers. The restaurant's marketing
strategy focuses on delivering not only delicious food but also a memorable dining range of
patrons, whether they seek a casual lunch or an experience that appeals to a diverse special
fine dining occasion.

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