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NAME………………………………… DATE: ………….



1. A compound is a…..
(a) Chemical combination of two or more elements.
(b) Combination of two or more elements
(c) Mixture of two or more elements
(d) Physical combination of two or more elements
2. An element X forms an ion X3+. What is the number of electrons, neutrons and proton
in this ion?

Electrons Neutrons Protons

A 27 13 27
B 27 33 30
C 24 33 27
D 24 60 24

3. Element X has valency electrons equal to six (6). In which group of the periodic table
does element X belong?
(a) 6
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 2
4. What is the concentration in (g/dm3) of hydrogen ions in 0.05mol/dm3 sulphuric acid?
(a) 0.025g/dm3
(b) 0.05g/dm3
(c) 0.10g/dm3
(d) 2.0g/dm3
5. Dilute hydrochloric acid was reacted with magnesium ribbon and the volume of
hydrogen gas evolved was measured for the first 80 seconds.

What was the rate of production of hydrogen?

(a) 0.4cm3/s
(b) 2.5cm3/s
(c) 4.0cm3/s
(d) 25cm3/s
6. Sulphur trioxide is prepared from a reaction between sulphur dioxide and oxygen in
the contact process.
2SO2(g)+ O2(g) 2SO3(g) ΔH= -196kj/mol
Which change would increase the yield of sulphur trioxide?
(a) Removal of sulphur dioxide
(b) A decrease in pressure
(c) A decrease in temperature
(d) An increase in pressure
7. Which of the following salts cannot be crystalized from an aqueous solution?
(a) Barium Chloride
(b) Magnesium Sulphate
(c) Silver Chloride
(d) Sodium Ethanoate
8. Which one of the following oxide has a PH of 7?
(a) Calcium oxide
(b) Hydrogen oxide
(c) Sodium oxide
(d) Magnesium oxide
9. Some bond enthalpy in kj/mol are shown in the table below.

Bond C-H Cl-Cl C-Cl H-H

Bond enthalpy in kj/mol 413 242 346 436

Find the enthalpy change for the reaction below

CH4(g) + 2Cl2(g) CCl4(g) + 2H2(g)

(a) +53.8kj/mol
(b) -53.8kj/mol
(c) -120kj/mol
(d) +120kj/mol
10. Which of the following common substances contains ethanoic acid?
(a) Cooking oil
(b) Dish washing liquid
(c) Jik
(d) Vinegar


11. (a) Using the periodic table to state the
(i) Name the element with the electronic configuration:
…………………………………………………………….. ………………..(1)
(ii) Chemical symbol of the element that forms an acidic oxide of formula XO2
(iii) Name of the electronegative halogen
………………………………………………………………………. ……...(1)
(iv) Name of element in group v and period 3,
……………………………………………………………………………… (1)
(v) Number of metals in group iv,
……………………………………………………………………………… (1)

(b) Elements A, B, C, D and E are arranged in order of their increasing atomic

numbers. If element C is a noble gas, state the
(i) Formulae of the ions formed by B and E

……………………………………………………………………………………. (1)

(ii) Only noble gas that cannot be C

……………………………………………………………………………………... (1)

12. The molar enthalpy changes of combustion of the first 4 alkanes are given as follows
from calorimetric combustion analysis:
-890kj/mol, -1600kj/mol -2220kj/mol and -2880kj/mol respectively.

(a) Suggest the molar enthalpy of combustion of the fifth alkane.

………………………………………………………………………………….. (1)
(b) Explain why the amount of heat energy produced increases consecutively when 1
mole of each alkane burns completely
………………………………………………………………………………… (2)
(c) Write a balanced chemical equation for the complete combustion of the second
alkane showing the enthalpy of combustion.
………………………………………………………………………………….. (2)
(d) (i) Use the following bond energies to calculate the ΔH for the reaction:
CH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O
Bond Bond Energy KJ/mol

(ii) Draw an energy level diagram for the combustion of methane? [4]
13. Crystals of copper (II) sulphate (CuSO4.5H2O) are obtained from aqueous solutions of
copper (II) sulphate (CuSO4)
(a) State the four steps (processes) in their order, and each step give the reason for
carrying out such a step, in obtaining the crystal.
(i) Step 1: ………………………………………………………………………
Reason: ………………………………………………………………… [1]
(ii) Step 2: ………………………………………………………………………
Reason: ………………………………………………………………… [1]
(iii) Step 3: ………………………………………………………………………
Reason: ………………………………………………………………… [1]
(iv) Step 4: ………………………………………………………………………
Reason: ………………………………………………………………… [1]
14. A leaner carried out an experiment to investigate the various factors that affect the
rate of reaction by reacting 2.0g of granulated calcium carbonate (CaCO3) with dilute
hydrochloric acid as follows:

(a) Write down a balanced chemical equation, include state symbols, for the reaction.
………………………………………………………………………………….. [2]
(b) What would happen to the rate of reaction if the concentration of hydrochloric
acid was increased?
(c) Explain in terms of the collision theory why reducing the temperature of the water
would lead to the reduction of the rate of reaction.
………………………………………………………………………………….. [2]


1. (a) A solid substance S was suspected to be acidic. Describe what test you would
carry out in the laboratory to determine whether S was acidic or not. [3]
(b) When an acid react with an alkali, a neutralization reaction occurs and heat is
released to the surroundings.
(i) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction of an acid and an
alkali of your choice with salt and water.
(ii) Write an ionic equation, with state symbols, for the reaction in (b)(i) above
(iii) Describe how you can obtain crystals of salt from the salt solution formed
in the reaction in (b) (i). [7]
2. Methane is a hydrocarbon whose molecular formula is CH4. The gas burns completely
in air to produce carbon dioxide, water and heat energy.
(a) (i) Write a balanced chemical equation for the complete combustion of methane.
(ii) Why should methane never be burnt in limited air? [2]
(b) (i) Methane is used as a fuel in industry. Using the bond energies in the table
below, calculate the enthalpy of combustion of methane. [3]
Bond Value in kj/mol

C-C 348

C-H 412

C=O 831

O-H 464

O=O 490

(ii) Calculate the amount of heat that would be produced from the combustion of
1200cm3 of methane gas measured at r.t.p. [2]

(c) Draw the energy level diagram for the combustion of methane. [2]

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