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1. Who instituted marriage?

2. What is the nature of marriage? What are its constitutive elements?
3. What is marriage in fieri and marriage in facto esse?
4. What is the biblical reference of the institution of marriage?
5. What is the meaning of the biblical expression “one flesh” of the husband and wife?
6. What is the teaching of Jesus on marriage?
7. What is the purpose of marriage?
8. What are the properties of marriage?
9. What is sacramental marriage?
10. What Christian marriage stands for?
11. Who is the minister of marriage?
12. What are effects of sacramental marriage?
13. What is matrimonial consent?
14. What is the form of the celebration of marriage?
15. What are marriage impediments?
16. What are the blessings of the Christian marriage?
17. What are the sins that gravely opposed to the sacrament of matrimony?
18. Define family.
19. What is the relationship between the Holy Trinity and family?
20. What are the two false conceptions of family?
21. What are four missions of the family?
22. What is the place in the society where a human person is formed?
23. What is the principle and strength of the family, which is a necessary factor for the formation
of persons?
24. What are the conditions in the family for the development of the community?
25. Why the family is called the school of deeper humanity?
26. What are the three characteristics of the rights and duties of parents to educate their children?
27. What are the fundamental rights of the children in the family?
28. What is human procreation? Where its dignity comes from?
29. What are the two meanings or purposes of sex?
30. What is chastity?
31. What are the offenses against chastity?
32. What is responsible parenthood?
33. What is contraception? Why it is evil?
34. What is abortion and why it is evil?
35. What is natural family planning?
36. Why artificial fertilization is wrong?
37. What is the content of the formation of children?
38. What is the first and vital cell of the society?
39. What is the principle of subsidiarity?
40. What are the fundamental rights of the family? Can you mention some?
41. The Christian family has an ecclesial identity. Why it is called domestic church?
42. How the family participates in the mission of the Church?

Nota bene: There is no need to memorize the answers. You need only to prepare the answers of
these questions and be familiar with them.

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