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Course title: Research Methods and Presentation

Course code: 4341
Group member ID Number
Rigat Teame 06824/10
Selemun fkre 01229/09
Mebrihit Tsehaye 06621/10


The intension of this project is developing a supplemental web based online

c l e a r a n c e s y s t e m f o r A d i g r a t u n i v e r s i t y . The designed system will serve as a more reliable
and effective means of undertaking students clearance, and also this system includes all the
directives that is performed in the manual system beyond to that it minimize costs, saves energy ,
increases performance, and also it is important to get well organized ,systematic, data records of
Adigrat university students .

However, the current system is limited on manual work. this has limitation in controlling the
work securely, consumes much time , and has high consumption on resource in contrasts, web
based online clearance system is more potable, accessible, centralized and it easy to mange

The system we are going to design will serve as a more reliable and effective means of
undertaking students clearance, remove all forms of time delay and stress as well as enable the
student to understand the procedure involved, as well as how to do your clearance online. This
project work makes use of data collection from the university, materials and journals from
various authors and the software was developed to effectively achieve the aim of the project. In
this project the implementation is carried out with PHP, MYSQL as the database.
CHAPTER ONE……………………………………………..1
Background of the project……………………………………..1
Statement of Problem………………………………………….1
General objectives……………………………………………..2
Specific objective……………………………………………....2
Scope of the system…………………………………………….2
Significance of the project……………………………………...3
Target beneficiaries of the system……………………………...3
Feasibility Analysis…………………………………………….4
Operational Feasibility……………………………………….....4
Technical Feasibility………………………………………….4
Political Feasibility…………………………………………..4
Schedule feasibility………………………………………….5
System Analysis and Design………………………………………..5
Time and cost schedule……………………………………………….6
Cost schedule…………………………………………………………...7
Risks and Contingencies………………………………………….….8
CHAPTER TWO…………………………………………………….9
Literature Review……………………………………………………...9
Description of Existing System…………………………………….10
Players in the Existing System………………………………….10
Report generated in the existing system …………………….10

Problem of Existing System……………………………………..10

Business Rules of Existing System………………………………11
Over view of the proposed system……………………………......11
CHAPTER THREEE ……………………………………13
Requirements specification……………………………………….13
Functional requirements………………………………………….14
Non-functional requirements……………………………………...15
Analysis model of the proposed system…………………………..16
ADU-------------------------------------------Adigrat University

OOD------------------------------------------Object oriented Design

OOA------------------------------------------ Object Oriented Analysis

E.C-------------------------------------------- Ethiopian calendar

CD---------------------------------------------Compact Disk

HTML-----------------------------------------Hypertext Markup Language

PHP--------------------------------------------Hypertext pre Processor

CSS---------------------------------------------Cascade Style Sheet


1 Introduction
This proposal document is a guide to propose the system in which the project activities are started and
completed during the whole development of the system. It states that the objective of the system, the
procedure and method followed, the material required, the method of data collection, the time it takes and
the cost it need during the development of system are included. In general, it is guide to develop the online
clearance system during the entire process of the project.

1.1 Background of the project

Adigrat University clearance processing system is one of the processes that will be done to clear students
and staffs when they want to be cleared from the campus. The system gives its function to many users of the
University. The number of students and staffs grow from year to year in many numbers. Now days, there
are many users of the clearance processing system. For students, the students get three copies of clearance
sheet from registrar and get signature and stamp from around eight offices. After they finished all necessary
requirements, finally they summit one copy of form to Advisor, one copy to Registrar and One copy for
themselves. This processing makes the students worried because they go to about eight offices.

For Staffs, they also take three copies of clearance sheet from Human Resource and get signature and stamp
from about twenty-two offices with five campus and the university administer. After they get all the
signatures and stamp, they return one copy of the sheet to Human Resource, one copy to faculty Office and
one copy for themselves.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The current clearance processing system in ADU is done manually which uses paper based system and needs
more stationary materials. This manual system which creates the following problems: -

 Data recording system is not centralized which is difficult to search.

 It creates wastages of material because of unlimited preparation of clearance paper and improper usage.
 Data redundancy because It does not well-organized and updated working clearance process.
 The user may spend more than four days to finish the clearance.
 The user spent more time to get clearance form in one office.

 It Require more manpower to process the clearance.
 Error is happened during filling the information on the clearance paper.
 Lack of security.
 Unauthorized body may sign clearance form.
 Absence of some staff officers who sign Clearance form which leads to students and staffs repeatedly
visiting a particular office in order to sign his/her clearance form.
 Need more man power to process the clearance in the respective office?

1.3 Objective of the project

1.3.1 General objectives

 The general objective of this project is to develop a web based Application for ADU
Clearance management system.

To develop user friendly interface design

1.3.2 Specific objective

The specific objective of the new system is:-

 To gather requirements..
 To develop a database for store user information.
 Reviewing the current system of the problem.
 To minimize the amount of resource that will be wasted improperly.
 To minimize consumption of time due to manual clearance system.
 To eliminate the common cheating problems.
 To develop system that works 24 hours of a day.
 To implement the propose system.

1.4 Scope of the system

This Project is limited for Adigrat University students and staffs, which is to implement automated clearance
management system of the university. The task that can be done in this project includes: -

 Record properties that concerns students and staffs i.e. properties that are borrowed by the students and
 This system should allow the officers to lend the material and return the material.
 To approve or reject the clearance process for the student and staffs (Check that borrowed materials
before approve the clearance form).
 Making announcement of range of dates and values of clearance for user.
 Accepting problems or complaints and suggestion.
 Create temporary user accounts to secure the information.
 Accessing the form and filling it.
 User can view their profiles.
 Registration for membership.
 Generate Report.

1.5 Significance of the project

The project has a lot of significant to the university society.

 Easy to search and retrieve of the required users data or information i.e. it saves time.
 It helps the officer to easily controls the resources which are borrow to student and staff.
 Provides security mechanism (unauthorized person cannot access).
 The system removes travelling to different office and queuing.
 Reduce the amount of resources that are wasted.
 Provides fast information processing.
 It is convenient to use in anywhere.
 Keep user information safely.
 Store data in reliable ways.

1.6 Target beneficiaries of the system

This system provides benefit for: -

1. Students and staffs: -by providing fast access to clearance system by reducing time like waiting in
the queue and going to different offices. The system can they access anywhere any time when they
need clearance.

2. University:-in manual system there is loss of materials like time, paper, pen which is cost and more
manpower, the system reduces loss of costly materials and manpower.
3. Developers of the project: - it increase our knowledge and we get moral satisfaction from the project
we developed.
4. Officers:-The project reduces the time and work load for clearance checking officers for serving the
students and staffs who wants clearance.

1.7 Feasibility Analysis

The feasibility study is the preliminary study that determines whether a proposed system project is financially,
technically and operationally viable. Feasibility study is essential to evaluate the cost and benefits of the new
system. The alternative analysis usually include as part of the feasibility study, identifies viable alternatives for
the system design and development.

1.7.1 Operational Feasibility

The system to be developed will provide accurate, active, secured service and decreases labor of workers and also
it is not limited to particular groups or body. The system will easily operational, as it doesn’t affect the existing
organizational structure. So the system will be operationally feasible.

1.7.2 Technical Feasibility

The system to be developed by using technologically system development techniques such as PHP, Java script,
CSS and MYSQL database without any problems and the group members have enough capability to develop the
project. Our focus is to develop well organized dynamic web site that is technically efficient and effective for
managing the clearance system. Therefore it can be conclude that the system is technically feasible.

1.7.3 Economic Feasibility

The system to be developed is economically feasible and the benefit is outweighing the cost. Since this project
already computerizes the existing system, by now the reduction of cost for materials used in manual operation
becomes beneficiary to the university.

1.7.4 Political Feasibility

The system to be developed is not conflict with any government directives, because it gives services for the
people effectively and efficiently. This project system will avoid conflict between the users and workers because

of both of them are beneficiaries. So the government is profitable and the system will be politically feasible.
Therefore the system is free from any legal and contractual risks.

1.8 Schedule feasibility

The project deliverables will be providing to the organization based on the time schedule.

1.9 System Analysis and Design

In this project the team will use Object Oriented System Development Methodology. This has two phase.

1. Object Oriented Analysis (OOA):-During this phase the team used to model the functions of the system
(use case modelling), find and identify the business objects, organize the objects and identify the
relationship between them and finally model the behavior of the object.
2. Object Oriented Design (OOD):-During this phase the team used to refine the use case model to reflect
the implementation environment, model object interactions and behaviors that support the use case
scenario, and finally update object model.

2 Development tools
While developing the project starts from the documentation to the implementation we use the following case
Tools Activities

Notepad++ For editing code

CSS For attractive lay out

PHP Back end(server side coding)

HTML Client side coding

MYSQL Backend (Data base)

Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome Browsers

Ms office word 2013 For Documentation

Ms office PowerPoint 2013 For Presentation

Ms office Visio 2007 To draw UML Diagram and for designs

Adobe Photo Shop CS5 To design back ground image

Table 1.1 tools used in the project

1.10 Time and cost schedule

1.10.1 Time schedule
Time schedule is very important to manage all the activities in the project on time. It helps us to go through all
the phases of the project with the scheduled time. As a result of this, the total time needed to complete the project
has been estimated as follows

Preparing of instrument tools such as note pad, server One weak

(installing on computer the required instrument tools)

Data collecting and also making analysis One weak

Coding and programming One month

1.10.1 Cost schedule

In order to accomplish this project, need financial support. The following are the cost estimation that are needed
during the software development.

Cost Estimation of the entire Project

No Materials Quantity Unit Price Total Price

1. Pen 12 5 60

2. A4 size paper 1 destin 120 120

3. Print 200 0.75 150

4. Flash Disk 1 8 gb 110 110

5. CD-ROM 4 15 60

6. Toshiba 1 12,500 12,500

Total 13,000

Table 1.2 Cost estimation

1.11 Project Team organization

Adigrat University online clearance system

Name Id E-mail Responsibility

Selemun fkre 01229/09  Project manager

Rigat teame 06621/10  Programmer

Mebrihit Tsehaye 06824/10

Rigat teame 06621/10  System designer

 System analyst

Mebrihit Tsehaye 06824/10  Data collector

 System analyst


Table 1.3 Team Composition

1.12 Risks and Contingencies
Some risk and Contingencies that may happen during the development of the system are

 Absence of team member during work

 Absence of electrical power.
 Absence of internet connectivity.


2 Literature Review
This chapter describes how the existing system is operating, players in the existing system. In addition to this the
business rule of the existing system is identified, report generated in the existing system, drawback of existing
system, the proposed system description and functional and non-functional requirement. The system model
concept also discussed, which describes the analysis of the project by using different scenario like use case model
and user interface prototype.

2.1 Description of Existing System

Based on our data gathering the current clearance system of the university is a manual System. . When the
students of the university leave the university, they take clearance form from the registrar and go to different
office to sign clearance form. The students may sign clearance form when they want to fill withdrawal, to take ID
card for the second time, during the end of each year and finally when they graduate and leave the university.
This makes the system so tedious and time consuming. Here, students have to visit all the clearance offices with
a form for them to sign. Once these forms are signed, it proves that the student have been cleared and validate as
they return the materials they borrowed. This process takes a lot of time to be completed and possess a lot of
stress for all students involved. When the staffs of the university leave the university, they take clearance form
from human resource and go to different offices to sign clearance form. Once these forms are signed, it proves
that the user have been cleared. This process takes some days to be completed a lot of stress to all the users and
workers who provide clearance system.

Before sign in the clearance form each officer first check all the property borrowed by the user whether return or
not. If that is return, he/she signs in to the clearance otherwise he/she didn’t sign in to the clearance form. In the
manual system, the clearance forms are documented in a file cabinet. Each time the clearance form is needed, a
search operation is conducted on the file cabinets to locate a particular user clearance form.

 For staffs

 For regular Student

 For summer student.

2.2 Players in the Existing System

The main players in the existing system that interact with the system. Persons that are responsible for the work
are: -

 Students and staffs: - a person who are getting service from the system.
 Registrar worker: -are persons who cleared the students at the end and where the student submits the
cleared clearance form.
 Human resource: - are persons who cleared the staffs at the end and where the staffs submits the cleared
clearance form.
 Officers: -are office workers who sign clearance form for the users. These includes
Employee at Library, book store office, sport master office, Housing office, Students café, Continuing
Education office, they may also be any employee who works in the university and who will sign clearance
 Department Head: person who distribute clearance paper to the respected department.
 Department Advisor: a person who checks the student clearance paper and signs.

Report generated in the existing system

The forms generated in the existing system are in the form of forms and files.
Forms: - Forms are the reports generated in the existing system that contains all information filled by the
university student.
Files: -Files are the collection of information about the students and staffs who involve in the clearance
processing system. These all reports kept in the registrar office for student and Human resource record office for
staffs of the university to store information about the university users.

2.3 Problem of Existing System

Due to the manual system used by the university, keeping clearance information has a lot of problems are
encountered such as;

 The processes of clearing require that the students be cleared in various office of the University from all
the office it is time wasting, stressful.

 Absence of some staff officers who sign Clearance form which leads to student repeatedly visiting a
particular office in order to sign his/her clearance form.

 Less security i.e. unauthorized person may approve the clearance which means that any one signs with
similar signature.

 Difficult to easily manage users who don’t return the equipment that borrow from the office.

 Wastage of resource and consuming storage space and time.

 Difficult to search, retrieve, update and delete the data about the borrower of the materials.

 The absence of electronic data storing mechanism it requires huge storage space.

 The current process requires high human-power.

 During filling of the form the user may fill inaccurate or incorrect information and may miss necessary
information, this show the system is inaccurate and the system is not flexible because if user wants to
erase the form he/she must only change another form.

 Damage of document due to fire or rain incident.

2.4 Business Rules of Existing System

A business rule is effectively an operating principle or polices that the project team try to specify for both the
existing system and the new system must satisfy. The business rule is a principle or a policy in which the
proposed system operates accordingly. The main business rules or principles of the existing system are: -

 BR#1: - anyone who signs clearance form must be the member of university students.
 BR#2: -Registrar officers give clearance form for student’s advisor.
 BR#3: -HRM officers give clearance form only for staffs of the university (by checking their id no).
 BR#4: - Officers of the university are not expected or obligate to give service on weekend (Sunday), and
 BR#5: - when the students want to sign clearance form they take the clearance form from their advisor.
 BR#6: - when the staffs want to sign clearance form they take the clearance form from the HRM officers.
 BR#7: - user must fulfill their responsibility before they go to sign clearance in different officers/for the
return of university equipment’s.

 BR#8: - Every student of the university must sign clearance form at the end of each year.
 BR#9: - the officers of the university must put their signature and the date when they sign on the clearance
 BR#10: - student should take three piece of approved clearance form from registrar for their validity.
 BR#11: - staff should take two piece of approved clearance form from HRM record office for their
 BR#12: - student must return one piece paper to registrar one paper to advisor and the rest to themselves
 BR#13: - staff must return one piece paper to HRM one paper to advisor and the rest to themselves

2.5 Over view of the proposed system

During our observation and interview of users the project team observed certain problems from their manual
based system. Because of this the project team proposed to solve the problem of the existing clearance system by
developing automated clearance system. That means our proposed system will minimize the current problem and
weakness of existing system by providing centralized clearance system. The proposed system will also provide
easily resource controlling mechanism and create communication between selected offices. When the student
request for clearance signing their information checked in the central database and approved or rejected by the
system. When the students request, the system display the clearance form then the user save the approval
clearance form, and goes to registrar for student sign on it.

As generally the proposed system will able to minimize the existing problems and resource consumption because
the university clearance activities are based on manual system.


3 Requirements specification
The purpose of requirement is used to prepare requirement specification before starting the actual design. This
enables the project team to have a clear idea about the structure and content of the information system. This
project is concerned within the functional requirements and non-functional requirements.

3.1Functional requirements
Functional requirements describe the interactions between the system and its environment. The environment
includes the user and any other external system with which the system interacts.

Administrator: -

Fr1. The system shall allow to login and logout to and from the system.

Fr2. The system shall allow to create an account for user.

Fr3. The system shall allow to create an account for user.

Fr4. The system shall allow to recover an account for user.

Fr5. The system shall allow to change password.

Fr6. The system shall allow to view profile.

Fr7. The system shall allow to view notification.

HRM admin:-

Fr1. The system shall allow to login and logout to and from the system.

Fr2. The system shall allow to register staff.

Fr3. The system shall allow to view staff status (accused or not accused).

Fr4. The system shall allow to change password.

Fr5. The system shall allow to view profile.

Fr6. The system shall allow to view notification.

Fr7. The system shall allow to approve or reject staff clearance request.

Fr8. The system shall allow to generate report.

Registrar Admin: -

Fr1. The system shall allow to login and logout to and from the system.

Fr2. The system shall allow to register student.

Fr3. The system shall allow to view student status (accused or not accused).

Fr4. The system shall allow to change password.

Fr5. The system shall allow to view profile.

Fr6. The system shall allow to view notification.

Fr7. The system shall allow to approve or reject student clearance request.

Fr8. The system shall allow to generate report.

Officers: -

Fr1. The system shall allow to view student status (accused or not accused).

Fr2. The system shall allow to change password.

Fr3. The system shall allow to view profile.

Fr4. The system shall allow to view notification.

Fr5. The system shall allow to generate report.

Fr6. The system shall allow to check clearance

Fr7. The system shall allow to manage property and borrow.

Staff and student: -

Fr1. The system shall allow to login and logout to and from the system.

Fr2. The system allows the user to send clearance request.

Fr3. The system shall allow to change password.

Fr4. The system shall allow to view profile.

Fr5. The system shall allow to view notification.

Fr6. The system shall allow to view clearance schedule.

3.2 Non-functional requirements

Performance: -

Since the system is going to be accessed by different users with different needs, it should be capable of handling
and processing their queries quickly. Besides the software, Hardware will also be a great factor in the systems’
performance. Generally, the system should be able to handle many users and it will be response per click.

User interface: - This works as an interface between the user and the system by properly guiding the user how to
use it and perform operations. The developed system provides web application user interfaces that are compatible
browsers like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome, etc.

Security and access permission: - This system provides an access to an authorized user by giving account for
each and every special function. User must enter valid user name and password to login to system.

Usability: -The system shall be very easy to learn, needs a basic computer knowledge to use and have a help
menu to guide the user.

Availability: -There is no delay in the availability of any information, whatever needed, can be captured very
quickly and easily. The server should be always on to be available.

Error Handling: - Our system tolerates to wrong inputs and prompts the users to correct the inputs. It gives
notifications as and when required, guiding the users to properly utilize it.
Portability: - It is the ease with which a system or component can be transferred from one environment to
another. Our system runs on all operating system and in all browsers.

3.4 Analysis model of the proposed system

3.41 Use case diagram

Use Case represents interaction between a user (human or machine) and the system.
Use case components:
 Actor: is a person, or external system that plays a role in one or more interaction with the system. And
represented with:

 Use case: describes a sequence of actions that provides something of measurable value to an actor and is
drawn as a horizontal ellipse.

Use case

 System boundary: indicates the scope of the system project. Anything within the box represent
functionalities in side in scope. Actor identification

There are list of actors that involved in the online clearance system these are discussed below: -

 Administrator: The administrator manages the overall system.

 HRM Admin: - the HRM admin can approve clearance for the staffs.
 Registrar Admin: - the Registrar admin can approve clearance for the students.
 Student or staff: is someone who wishes to sign clearance form due to different reason and at the end of
each year.
 Officers: - Who uploads/checks material that is lend to the student or staffs


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