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Support for Market Map, Growth Strategy and

Implementation Plan in Oil & Gas and Renewables

Businesses (UAE)

Prepared for:

Response to RFP Ms. Dina Fares

Director – Corporate Development and Strategy

Private and Confidential

Table of Content

1. Ghobash Requirements
2. Axience Introduction
3. Axience Approach Framework
4. Detailed Scope of Work
 Internal Assessment
 External Assessment
○ Axience Research Methodology
 Growth Strategy
 Business Plan
 M&A / Partnership Target Assessment
5. Leadership Team and Consultants Profile
6. Axience Credentials
7. Project Plan and Timelines
8. Effort Estimate and Project Pricing
9. Appendix

Table of Content

1. Ghobash Requirements
2. Axience Introduction
3. Axience Approach Framework
4. Detailed Scope of Work
 Internal Assessment
 External Assessment
○ Axience Research Methodology
 Growth Strategy
 Business Plan
 M&A / Partnership Target Assessment
5. Leadership Team and Consultants Profile
6. Axience Credentials
7. Project Plan and Timelines
8. Effort Estimate and Project Pricing
9. Appendix

Ghobash Requirements
Ghobash is looking for an experienced firm to advise on new growth opportunities across oil & gas, solar and hydrogen value chain in UAE

Ghobash has multiple businesses operating in the O&G sector and would like to strategically assess its future market positioning
 Ghobash would like to understand the growth opportunities across the value chain, that exist in the traditional UAE O&G sector
 Additionally, it would also like to understand the opportunities across the value chain in solar and hydrogen power generation
 Ghobash would be evaluating Axience’s capability in evaluation of current operations (GCG-UAE and E&I-UAE)*, advice on new growth
opportunities across the identified value chains as well as in design of an appropriate growth strategy

Ghobash would like a phased approach to assess existing operations, identify new markets / targets and implement the growth plan
 Internal Assessment
○ Assessment of in-house internal capabilities within the Group (including risk assessment and investment appetite of the wider Group)
○ Consultant will be provided with Information Memorandums (IM), summarizing their business offering, projects, financials, among others
 External Assessment
Summary of ○ Create detailed market map highlighting where Ghobash businesses operate in and where the potential new opportunities are positioned
Scope** ○ Provide a list of opportunities that Ghobash can pursue for growth plans
 Growth Strategy
○ Devise a go-to-market (GTM) strategy (with options and alternatives: buy vs. build etc.)
○ Provide a suggested list of targets for M&A / partnership and arrange introductions where relevant and applicable
○ Design implementation plan with milestones, targets, opportunity owners and deadlines

Axience is well-positioned to provide research and support development of robust growth strategy across O&G, solar and hydrogen value chain

* Axience has done research on these entities, and we have demonstrated our understanding in appendix slides. However, we request Ghobash to provide additional / internal documents for better understanding of current businesses and their operations;
** Detailed scope as per the RFP is included in next slide. 4
Detailed Scope of Ghobash Requirements
Ghobash expects a multi-phased approach to screen new opportunities that will fit in with its current capabilities as well as investment appetite

 Assessment of in-house internal capabilities within the Group (including risk assessment and investment appetite of the wider Group)
○ Consultant will have access to detailed IM of all companies, summarizing business offering, projects, financials, description of business
Internal processes and key management profiles
Assessment ○ Ghobash will also give the Consultant access to management to conduct interviews; site visits to be organized on a as needed basis
 Indicated timeline of completion of this phase: 2 weeks

 Create detailed market map for the O&G, solar and hydrogen power sector covering:
○ Key sub-sectors, their market size and growth and competitive landscape
○ Complexity of businesses and services under each sub-sector, particularly from technical and operational perspective
○ Challenges and barriers faced by companies in each sub-sector
○ Financial assessment covering profit margins, capital expenditure required
External  Provide a summarized list of opportunities (based on internal assessment as well as independent research) highlighting the following:
Assessment* ○ Opportunity attractiveness (size, growth, profit margin, average time to break even, scalability)
○ Investment required (capital expenditure, resources, etc.)
○ Fit (if any) with current Ghobash capabilities (basis technical as well as financial requirements)
○ Entry barriers (pre-qualification, classification, competitive landscape, etc.)
 Indicated timeline of completion of this phase: 12 weeks

 Devise a GTM strategy (with options and alternatives: buy vs. build, etc.)
Growth  For M&A / partnership opportunities to be identified, provide support in creating a target company list as well as in reach-out / communications
Strategy  Devise a detailed implementation plan with milestones, targets, opportunity owners and deadlines
 Indicated timeline of completion of this phase: 5 weeks

* Ghobash anticipates needing 2-3 weeks to decide on the prioritized opportunities, basis the internal and external assessment done by Axience. 5
Table of Content

1. Ghobash Requirements
2. Axience Introduction
3. Axience Approach Framework
4. Detailed Scope of Work
 Internal Assessment
 External Assessment
○ Axience Research Methodology
 Growth Strategy
 Business Plan
 M&A / Partnership Target Assessment
5. Leadership Team and Consultants Profile
6. Axience Credentials
7. Project Plan and Timelines
8. Effort Estimate and Project Pricing
9. Appendix

Axience Introduction
Axience is a boutique research and consulting firm with strong experience of supporting growth strategy and business development needs of clients
across various industries

 Established in 2007 to provide bespoke services to conglomerates, family businesses and professional services firms
 Operates through three service verticals: Research & Consulting, Business Intelligence and Financial Research & Analytics
About Us  Support group management, corporate development, strategy and planning, commercial, M&A, innovation and other central functions
 Provide dedicated staff augmentation, shared services centres, retainer based or ad-hoc project based services
 Reputed client list and geographical coverage in Middle East, Europe, US, Asia and emerging markets

 Information analysis and insights using 360 o research methodology (secondary, primary and survey-based research)
 Support strategy and business development, sales and marketing, corporate M&A, innovation, R&D, supply chain and
Research and competitive research functions
 Market and competitive intelligence, competitive landscape, sector and geographic insights, trend analysis
 Clients include group holding companies, Fortune 500 and mid market corporates, consulting firms and agencies

 Strategic databases, customer insights, competitors, investors and human capital focused for market mapping
Business  Data / intelligence support for key functions such as strategic planning, sales and marketing, supply chain, human
Segments resources and finance
 Strong experience in designing evaluation frameworks to analyze growth opportunities based on multiple sources,
datapoints and information

 Investment analyst support including financial modelling, auditing, industry / company research, target mapping
 Due diligence support: Mini, midi and maxi due diligence support for M&A deals
Research and
Analytics  Market, competition, sector and geographic assessment; strategic data; research and analytics support for portfolio
development and expansion

Axience Approach Framework
We will work closely with Ghobash to develop a robust growth strategy based on both internal and external assessment and prioritization in line with
overall group strategy

 We will start with robust research about Ghobash’s energy companies to

understand internal capabilities
 Strong experience of developing IM will allow Axience to quickly extract relevant
Internal Assessment details
 Axience will conduct highly targeted interviews with stakeholders and site visits to
determine growth plans and risk appetite

 Based on capabilities of Ghobash, we will scan all the relevant market segments for potential
growth areas
External Assessment –  Through our industry-leading secondary research, we will identify all relevant details for these
Market Map selected market segments
 Finally, Axience will use primary research to complement and confirm findings to complete the
market map of opportunities

 Axience will juxtapose opportunities available in market with internal assessment to establish fit and
attractiveness for Ghobash
Prioritization of  We will develop a logical framework to analyze attractiveness of all opportunities based on size, growth,
Opportunities profit margins and challenges etc.
 Axience will develop recommendations on prioritization of growth opportunities across current capabilities
and new areas

 For selected 2-3 opportunities, we will develop a sound go to market strategy, including key imperatives of business
model, operating model and capital requirements
Growth  Our strength in financial research and analysis will allow us to build a thorough list of potential M&A / partnership
Strategy target for growth
 Finally, in collaboration with Ghobash, Axience will develop implementation plan and governance to ensure
achievement of growth

Table of Content

1. Ghobash Requirements
2. Axience Introduction
3. Axience Approach Framework
4. Detailed Scope of Work
 Internal Assessment
 External Assessment
○ Axience Research Methodology
 Growth Strategy
 Business Plan
 M&A / Partnership Target Assessment
5. Leadership Team and Consultants Profile
6. Axience Credentials
7. Project Plan and Timelines
8. Effort Estimate and Project Pricing
9. Appendix

Internal Assessment
Axience will meet with various stakeholders to fully understand current offerings across the O&G value chain as well as interests in renewables
Process / Approach
 Conduct research on Ghobash to fully appreciate group’s interests in the O&G sector  A team of 2 consultants (Axience senior leadership
and future plan in solar and hydrogen power generation team) will spend up to 2 weeks at Ghobash office /
Information  Identify preliminary list of competitors to understand their response to energy sites to meet leadership team and key employees
Collation transition, competitive position of Ghobash and adjacent areas / opportunities  Axience will compile summary findings and identify the
areas to be considered for “External Assessment”
○ We assume that Ghobash will share opportunities
being considered to avoid any duplication of effort
 Based on gaps identified, create a comprehensive list of information requirements
needed to conduct the internal assessment Indicative list of information needed*
Review and  Review of various documents (strategy / business plans, IM, organization structure /  Business structure and management credentials
Analysis team profile, sales / marketing collateral, market research)  Summary results (and reasons) of past / current
opportunity assessment done on any sub-sectors
 Preferred green energy areas (e.g., carbon capture)
identified for capability building
 Prepare customized discussion guide for all important stakeholders at group level as
 Group company financial statements (historical) as
well as operating businesses
well business plans (3-5 year forward estimates)
 Conduct in-person meetings with leadership team and key employees to understand
 Details of current customer base and their order
Stakeholder sector focus, investment appetite and plans to handle energy transition in UAE backlog potential (segmented by various offerings)
Discussions  Make site visits to fully understand Ghobash’s presence in the O&G value chain  List of all internal qualifications / certifications
 Any past / current market research reports
 Detailed resume of all employees
 Prepare final report summarizing key findings, including the current capability of the
team and probable sub-sectors closer to Ghobash interest areas Axience recommended timeline (Up to 2 weeks)
 Compile approach / plans of Ghobash to balance long term strategic shifts in the  Week 1: Kick-off and requirements gathering
Summary energy industry towards renewables (solar and hydrogen) with short term goals  Week 2: Meeting with various stakeholders and
Findings  Validate findings with Ghobash team and plan for in-depth external assessment finalization of summary findings

* This is a preliminary list based on current understanding and Axience will make a more comprehensive list ahead of project kick-off. 10
External Assessment (O&G) (1/3)
We will leverage our understanding of the O&G value chain to map other sub-sectors that may fit-in with Ghobash’s current capabilities

Assessment of Opportunities across the O&G value chain Process / Approach

 Conduct secondary research across the value chain to
Upstream Midstream Downstream
understand the sub-sectors that will suit current
Exploration Production Transportation Refining Marketing capabilities as well as investment appetite
 As next steps, Axience will analyze the potential of
 Geophysical Evaluation  Bringing the oil to  Gathering and  Fractionation of crude  Retailing
& Design the surface transporting - pipelines, oil into petroleum  Trading
sub-sectors based on a set of evaluation parameters
 Field Development tankers, trucks products ○ All parameters highlighted by Ghobash
 Drilling Operations  Product Blending ○ Additional parameters leveraging our sector
knowledge to determine short-term and long-term
Oilfield Services potential of sub-sectors
 Contract Drilling  Production &  Conduct primary research to understand the gaps and
 Drilling related Maintenance finalize the potential sub-sectors
Services & Techniques  For these high potential sub-sectors, we will identify a
comprehensive market map of opportunities
 Additionally, we will also compile a list of major players
Most attractive sub-sectors will be shortlisted from the above value chain based on detailed research*
to conduct deep dive competition landscape analysis
○ The list of such players may also act as an input for
Parameters for Comparison (Indicative) Field Development Contract Drilling Product Blending target mapping for M&A / partnership (if “Buy”
High Medium Low High Medium Low High Medium Low approach is finalized as part of the “Growth
Fit with Ghobash Capabilities Strategy” phase)
Product and Services Mix X X X
Commercial Reach X X X Axience recommended timeline (Up to 12 weeks)
Customer Base X X X
 Week 1-8: Secondary and primary research activities
Barriers to Entry X X
to prepare a comprehensive market map based on key
Financial Strength
industry trends
Revenue X X X
Revenue Growth (5 years) X X X
 Week 9-12: Design and finalization of the framework
Operating Margin
to create a long list of opportunities for consideration
Capital Intensiveness X X X
Overall Sub-Sector Attractiveness Medium Low High

* Depending on the extent of qualitative and quantitative information available, Axience will prepare a customized framework and get it validated by Ghobash. The sub-sectors identified in the framework above is indicative only. 11
External Assessment (O&G) – Energy Transition Trend in UAE (2/3)
Driven by multiple government initiatives, UAE is witnessing major transition in investment focus and this will have impact on large EPC players
Impact on EPC players
Key Program Initiatives Deployed by UAE
 UAE’s aim is to increase renewable energy
contribution in the total energy mix from 25% to 44%
UAE Net Zero 2050
Ras Al Khaimah Energy Efficiency and by 2050 and reduce carbon footprint through
Dubai Integrated Energy Strategy 2030 Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050 measures such as:
Renewables Strategy 2040
UAE Energy Strategy 2050
○ Integrating decarbonization into new infrastructure
4% ○ Invest in upcoming technology such as H2 and
7% 12%
6% CCS for O&G production
Change in UAE’s Electricity Generation Share  This will have an impact on the investments made by
2020 (2020-2050) 2050 energy majors, which in turn will influence the future
growth of the EPC players
89% Natural Gas Renewable Nuclear Clean Coal  As part of our research, we will thus conduct deep dive
analysis on the following:
○ Review preparedness of leading EPC companies
and trends in sub-contracting to smaller players
Shipping ammonia / H2
○ Analyse prevailing energy trends and highlight
segments that are poised for growth
Vehicle electrification
○ Evaluate recent EPC contracts issued within the
Producing hydrogen
Generating & ammonia Renewable energy O&G and renewable energy segments
wind & solar Zero-carbon procurement / PPAs
supply chains ○ Provide overview of the strategies adopted by
different EPC players to align with the changing
energy dynamics
Energy storage
○ Evaluate the competitive positioning of EPC players
across the different energy segments
Next generation fuels

Carbon capture

Sources: UAE Ministry of Economy, UAE Portals, Khaleej Times, Zawya and Axience Research & Analysis. 12
External Assessment (O&G) – Client and Competitor Ecosystem (3/3)
Axience has strong understanding of the ecosystem Ghobash operates in, including clients, collaborators and competitors*

Competitors Clients and Collaborators

Competitors Collaborators
 Key players in the O&G and renewables industry that will
 EPC players active in the O&G and renewables  Small to mid size players in O&G industry with different
hire EPC companies such as Ghobash firms, can be O&G
industry that compete with Ghobash and complimentary capabilities to that of Ghobash
and renewables majors or large contractors

EPC Players Instrumentation & Automation Firms Energy & Utility Firms

* Indicative list only. 13

External Assessment (Solar)
Solar is a relatively new area for Ghobash and so we will provide overall assessment across all stages and identify sub-sector opportunities
Solar Value Chain and Participants Process / Approach
Material Manufacturing Services Energy Sales  Conduct research to assess the relative growth
opportunities across the various manufacturing stages
Poly-Silicon Water / Ingot PV Cell PV Module PV System Integration End Use
○ Understand all government initiatives that will aid
Illustrative Industry Activities the growth of the sector as well as the level of
 Poly-silicon sorting  Polysilicon  Entails etching,  The assembly and  Power conditioning equipment to  Solar power farm investments (per GW) needed at each stage
 Poly-silicon feedstock is doping, coating of array of multiple convert generated electricity for  BIPV
type check crystallized into wafers and cells on a solar home use / transmission ○ Determine industry / business trends such as shift
 Poly-silicon etch ingot applying electrical panel, along with  Installation equipment to mounting to green energy influencing different sub-sectors
 Solar battery
 Ingot shaping contacts to form a electrical racks, wiring
 Solar grade poly-
and sizing Photovoltaic (PV) connections ○ Conduct deep dive analysis on the manufacturers
silicon  Installation labor
 Ingots are cut and cell (main vs. ancillary equipment players) vs. service
shaped then (design / installation / maintenance) providers
sliced into wafers
○ Create a long list of global / domestic generation
Manufacturing Equipment Players Ancillary Equipment Players players and assess future investments
 Once the sector growth and market potential is
validated, Axience will identify the opportunity based
Initial Research Findings* - Solar Power Market in UAE on agreed evaluation parameters

Solar Power Capacity in UAE (in GW)  UAE is at the forefront of the clean energy transition in the Gulf region, in  We will also conduct required primary research
terms of PV deployment and generation interviews of various stakeholders to plug the gaps in
3.7  Encouraging government policies, pressure to decrease dependency on finalizing the potential sub-sectors
fossil fuels and, falling system prices for solar panels are prominent  We will submit a comprehensive market map of the
growth drivers for the solar market in the UAE
sub-sector relative ranking and opportunities list
○ In 2019, the UAE solar power market installed capacity was ~1.7 GW
1.7 and is expected to grow at a 15+% CAGR until 2025
○ Solar PV is the primary technology used for solar power generation in Axience recommended timeline (Up to 12 weeks)
UAE and holds a majority share of the installed capacity
 Various players are active in the UAE, including the below:
 The external assessment for the solar value chain will
run in parallel to that of the assessment we would be
2019 2020F 2021F 2022F 2023F 2024F 2025F doing for the O&G sector

* This is a part of Axience’s initial research to understand the UAE market landscape. We will do deep dive / analyze as part of the engagement to identify the various components of growth. 14
External Assessment (Hydrogen)
Axience will analyze various stages of the hydrogen fuel manufacturing and service provider landscape to identify top opportunities
Hydrogen Value Chain and Participants Process / Approach
 Axience will follow similar approach of secondary and
Development of Installation and Commissioning of Operation and Maintenance
primary research across the hydrogen value chain to
Hydrogen Infrastructure Hydrogen Infrastructure of Hydrogen Infrastructure
understand the relative growth opportunities across
the individual value chain players
Hydrogen Manufacturing Hydrogen Transport, ○ Understand all government initiatives / incentives,
Utilities Supply Chain H2 Carriers
Distribution and Storage and industry trends to influence different sub-
 Materials and Components sectors
 Markets (with key ancillary
Manufacturing Equipment Monitoring and Control ○ Determine potential of new applications as well as
 Hydrogen Manufacture equipment identified)
end market uses (transportation, steel
 Hydrogen Management manufacturing etc.)
Manufacture of Fuel Cells ○ Conduct deep dive analysis on the various
processes (thermal vs electrolytic vs solar, etc.)
UAE’s Hydrogen Leadership Roadmap* currently available in hydrogen fuel production and
the extent of capital required
Estimated time of market materialization as per UAE Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure ○ Make a comprehensive list of global / domestic
2021 2025 2030 2035 2040+ Priority segments players involved in all stages of the value chain
Low-carbon ammonia pilot shipments
Low carbon ammonia exports
 Key Asian import markets power  Once the sector is validated with the Client, Axience
at world-leading scale and non-power
will analyze the potential opportunities across each
2 UAE domestic demonstration pilots UAE domestic decarbonization  UAE use cases sub-sector, based on a customized evaluation
Sustainable aviation fuel demonstration and pioneering
3 Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) exports  Sustainable aviation fuel
decarbonized air corridors with UK and others
 Based on above, we will submit a detailed market map
4 Green steel demonstration Green steel exports  Europe steel of opportunities as well as the relative ranking / priority
 Key Asian import markets
for Ghobash team to further assess
5 Low carbon hydrogen exports
Methanol exports and ammonia for ocean  Ocean shipping
6 shipping exports  Methanol
Axience recommended timeline (Up to 12 weeks)
 The external assessment for the hydrogen value chain
Some of the major companies in UAE hydrogen energy space: will run in parallel to that of the assessment for the
O&G as well as the solar sector

* This is a part of Axience’s initial research to understand the UAE market landscape / milestones for hydrogen. We will deep dive / analyze further to identify the growth potential of various sub-sectors. 15
Axience Research Methodology
Axience has developed a proven methodology for best-in-class research capabilities including secondary and primary research


Secondary Research Sources

 Market / project data portals on O&G and
renewables (e.g., GlobalData, MEED, etc.)
 Trade associations / industry bodies
(e.g., IRENA, IEA, OPEC, etc.)
INFO ANALYSIS AND  Ministry of Energy and related govt. agencies
PRESENTATION  Market agencies, consultancy firms,
RUN PRIMARY sector analyst reports
RESEARCH Analyse and present  Company / competitor publications
findings on market size &  News portals and press releases
MAP POTENTIAL Establish connects with  Databases (e.g., Bloomberg, Factiva)
growth, competition,
RESPONDENTS** multi touchpoints /  Professional networking and social media
margins, capital
DESKTOP RESEARCH potential respondents for
Map various categories of requirements etc. using
TO IDENTIFY DATA collecting data and
respondents across the PPT based output
GAPS insights. Follow-up for Primary Research Touchpoints**
value chain. E.g.,
Run secondary research competition, experts, data validation  Peers / competitors
 Trade associations / industry bodies
to check data availability / contractors, surveyors,
 Sector experts / local consultants
gaps across the entire and Govt. Officials etc.
 Organizers / exhibitors of industry events
scope and assess the
 Speakers at sectoral events
primary research needs
 Key officials from Energy Ministry
 Contractors and surveyors in energy space
Primary interviews will be conducted via email /
phone calls. For B2B data collection we may engage
a third-party market research agency.

* The source list is indicative only; ** The mix of respondent type and count will be finalized after discussion with Ghobash. 16
Axience Secondary Research Approach
We have developed an industry-leading proprietary methodology for secondary research rooted in Recursive Research approach

Project Set-up and Needs Assessment 1 2 Secondary Research Initiation

 Preliminary research on secondary data availability  Prepare detailed KIQs / KITs based on client needs
 Kick-off call to understand client needs  Develop process guide for structured recursive research
 Gather client’s inputs on focus area, context and  Create specialized keywords universe and optimized
expectations search strings
 Propose clear communication milestones and a response  Generate source library to analyze for relevant results
turnaround time Business

Primary Research Initiation* 4 3 Generating Insights

 Generate gap-specific questionnaire ratified through test run and  Analyze and compile relevant information into a
client sign-off Recursive Research Document (RRD)
 Map potential targets for primary research, assigning corporate  Identify gaps to be addressed through further recursive
tier ranking research
 Analyze and fit primary research insights into existing report  Conduct iterative searches across source library by
framework adding synonyms to earlier optimized search strings
 Deliver "ready to use", "easy to understand" format followed by  Compile relevant information and identify gaps to
discussion of findings via closing call address by primary research

Our approach to Recursive Research is structured along the KIQs / KITs philosophy and imbibes key Principles of Comprehensiveness, 360° approach and Pyramid Principle

* The fourth step is explained in detail on next slide. 17

Axience Primary Research Approach
Axience has significant expertise in mapping relevant respondents for online surveys, telephonic interviews and stakeholder interviews

 MECE (Mutually Exclusive - Collectively  Segment various respondent categories

Exhaustive) mapping / recruiting according to intelligence to be gathered
 Taxonomy based approach to develop a robust o For e.g., market analysts will be contacted to
recruiting process validate publicly available growth estimates
 Recursive search methodology to map  Associations and government agencies are
respondents as per market structure contacted to understand industry trends
 Comprehensive sources and triangulation
4.1. 4.2.
Comprehensive Respondent
Mapping Segmentation

Enrichment of
Secondary Research
Analysis &
 Focused interviews based on extensive
 Populate market model with all primary research
secondary research to understand trends and
data / inputs to fill the gap
seek missing information
 Understand market trends to estimate / forecast
 Share existing understanding of growth
market size / potential and other market dynamics
estimates to validate confidence levels
 Analyze trends and relate the information to fulfill the
 Carefully planned follow-ups and reminders to
research objectives
develop optimum insights
 Summarize results and present the findings / future
course of action

Prioritization of Opportunities
All identified opportunities will be rated for attractiveness through a custom designed evaluation framework
Process / Approach
Internal Assessment (3X opportunities)  We will design a custom framework encompassing
various parameters (including Ghobash suggestions
External Assessment (2X opportunities) as well as our recommendation) to objectively
compare and rate (“High” vs. “Medium” vs. “Low”)
multiple opportunities across various sub-sectors
Oil & Gas Solar Hydrogen ○ The top 2-3 opportunities may be concentrated in
(X opportunities) (X opportunities) (X opportunities) one sub-sector (or sector) based on framework
Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub ○ However, if Ghobash prefers, Axience will also be
Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 1 Sector 2
able to identify the top 1-2 opportunities in each
sector (O&G / Solar / Hydrogen)
 To narrow down to the top 1-2 opportunities in each
Indicative Framework for Opportunities Prioritization
sector, we expect to identify 3X the number of
interested areas as part of internal assessment
Evaluation of Parameters* Opportunity 1 Opportunity 2 Opportunity 3 Opportunity 4 Opportunity 5 ○ We would then filter this down to 2X opportunities
Parameters for Comparison (Indicative) 1 2 for the external assessment phase
Fit with Ghobash Capabilities
 These prioritized opportunities will be categorized in
Product and Services Mix
different categories of growth enablers to achieve
Commercial Reach
Ghobash’s vision of revenue growth
Customer Base
Barriers to Entry  Axience expects to have frequent discussions with
Technical Capabilities Ghobash to “limit” the scope to prioritize if initial
Financial Strength assessment does not identify real growth areas
Current Revenue
Scalability Potential
Revenue Growth (5 years) Axience recommended timeline (Up to 4 weeks)
Operating Margin
Capital Intensiveness  This phase will start post the completion of the market
mapping exercise
Overall Opportunity Attractiveness High Medium High Low Low

* Axience evaluation framework would include a mix of qualitative and quantitative parameters. This will be finalized in discussion with Ghobash. 19
Growth Enablers
High priority opportunities will be quantified and grouped in different growth enabler categories to fulfill the vision of Ghobash
Process / Approach
Target Revenue Build up (AED mn) – Illustrative*  Estimate revenue potential of high priority, selected
opportunities to develop the revenue build up plan
180 ○ Quantify projected revenue based on market size,
share gain potential and internal capabilities
 Categorize all selected opportunities across different
growth enabler categories
○ Linear Growth – Existing Services / Products:
100 Growth achieved by selling more of current services
/ products to existing or new clients

60 ○ Add-on Capabilities: Growth facilitated by

500 acquisition of new capabilities / infrastructure /
40 equipment for adjacent areas
○ Realistic Opportunities (M&A / Partnership):
Inorganic growth options through M&A / JVs /
strategic partnerships

120 ○ High Risk Opportunities (Venture / Seed):

Moonshot investment opportunities to gain
significant growth in future
Current State Linear Growth - Add-on Realistic High Risk Vision  These growth enablers will lead to the two key
Existing Capabilities Opportunities Opportunities strategic options – Build vs. Buy
Services / (M&A / (Venture / Seed)
Products Partnerships)
Axience recommended timeline (Up to 4 weeks)
 This phase will start post the completion of the market
mapping exercise
Build Buy

* Figures shown are hypothetical, for illustration purpose only. 20

Growth Strategy
We will design a bespoke growth and GTM strategy, with recommendations for strategic choices of build and buy

Internal Assessment External Assessment Process / Approach

 Conduct deep dive analysis of all shortlisted
opportunities to understand total addressable market
and the product / service offerings of current players
Prioritized Opportunities (O&G, Solar and Hydrogen)
○ The analysis will include emerging energy industry
trends and sub-sectors, competitive landscape
analysis, gap assessment and technical complexity
GTM and Growth Strategy Assessment* ○ Prepare a comprehensive list of “competitor to
customer” mapping, to identify size and scope of
existing relationships
○ Build a detailed market model to understand the full
Current State Market Product / Services Market Potential Recommendations
growth potential (size of the market, growth
Analysis Alignment and Projections and Road Map
potential of different sub-sectors, expected share
 Industry overview and key  Competitive landscape  Penetration analysis  Product and service gain as well as capital expenditure requirements)
trends e.g., energy transition  Gap identification  Revenue forecast development
 Final recommendation and road map will be designed
 Total addressable market    Partner and channel
Product / service roadmap Cost structure analysis
based on two options – Build vs. Buy
 Unmet needs / pain points  Sales / distribution strategy  Capital expenditure
 Sales / distribution set-up  Marketing and positioning ○ For “Build” option, we will prepare a detailed
 Demand creation business plan covering business model, technical /
operational plan, budgeting and financial planning
○ For “Buy” option, we will prepare a list of potential
targets for M&A / partnership
 Revenue forecast Business Plan Build  Axience would also reach out to such targets
 Asset and capital requirement and arrange meetings with Ghobash
 Projected financials – cash flow
and break-even analysis
Axience recommended timeline (Up to 5 weeks)
 Sensitivity and risk analysis
 Resource planning  Week 1-3: Build vs. Buy assessment
Target Mapping Buy
 Week 3-5: M&A / partnership target mapping and

* This is a part of Axience’s standard GTM assessment processes; this will be further customized as per Ghobash requirements. 21
Business Plan
Axience will discuss with Ghobash to finalize the growth forecast and break-even / returns, based on size and timing of planned investments
Process / Approach
Business Model Operations Financial Implementation  We will conduct this exercise in a multi-step manner
Definition Planning Planning* Planning
○ Assess the market and finalize the business model
for the new opportunity
Implementation ○ Finalize the operating model in terms of service
Key objectives to

Organizational Technology Capital, Cost, Margin

Planning mix, target markets, technology and skillsets to be
acquired / developed

Business Product / Service

Budgets and KPI Timelines / Milestones ○ Build detailed financial model to capture revenue
Development Development
and cost estimates and break-even / IRR analysis

Accounting and ○ Prioritize initiatives basis current business priorities,

Partner and Vendor Operations Monitoring management bandwidth and capital availability
 Finalization of the business plan will be highly iterative
 Finalize core value  Development of  Revenue drivers and  Strength and for management team’s validation
proposition, not only services in view of forecast weaknesses report ○ We will provide recommendations for each stage of
for today but for future energy transition  Expenses budget /  Action plan and the process and validate with management
also, in line with  Finalizing the target working capital mix implementation
industry shifts market / customer roadmap ○ Duration of the implementation plan will largely
 Cash flow projection
 Targets – markets, segments depend on the specific opportunity areas shortlisted
 Income / profitability  Assist in pilot
customers, geography  Investment roadmap projections implementation, ○ A more definite timeline would be proposed closer
for short and long term and operational evaluation to start of the business plan phase
 Assets and liabilities
 Defining strategic strategy  Implementation
 Funding mix
business areas –  Technologies / monitoring
people, infrastructure,  Scenario / sensitivity / Axience recommended timeline (Up to 3 weeks)
capabilities to be  Revise / reset strategy
processes, partners break-even / IRR
acquired / developed and milestones (as  Week 1-2: Defining business model and operations
 Positioning – products,  Training existing team needed) planning
services, pricing in identified areas
 Week 1-3: Financial planning covering projections and
 GTM – sales,
scenario analysis
distribution, marketing

* Some elements mentioned in financial planning, such as cost estimates, working capital mix may be beyond the scope of current engagement. 22
M&A / Partnership Target Assessment
Axience has developed a comprehensive research process and methodology for target screening and fit assessment
Axience Standard Process* in Target Mapping, Due Diligence and Transaction Support Process / Approach
AXIENCE RESEARCH PROCESS AND METHODOLOGY: TARGET SCREENING  In addition to the selection parameters indicated by
Ghobash, Axience will look to provide an exhaustive
Target Screening Target Analysis Target Validation Deal Execution and Post Deal list covering the following:
Due Diligence Support
o Corporate Information
 Target description, ownership details
Prepare MECE** long Capture company Assess the companies Profile the shortlisted o Business Operating Model
list of targets specific details based on synergies targets  Portfolio of services / offerings, key partnerships
/ customers
Identifying fit for M&A / Brief profiles of companies Working with corporate Analysis of strategy, o Key Operational / Financial Metrics
partnership based on current covering product / service development team to finalize operations, customers,
 Revenue, # of employees, profit margin, time to
size / scope of operations mix, customer segments the shortlisted targets financial strength
break-even, scalability
o Contact Details
Parameters for Comparison (Indicative) Target 1 Target 2 Target 3  Name and designation of key executives
High Medium Low High Medium Low High Medium Low  Email and Phone Number
Qualitative Parameters o M&A / Partnership Fit Assessment
Pure play vs. multi-play X X X
 Assess all targets to create a refined list for
Management experience X X X
Ghobash validation
Geographic concentration X X
Offerings mix
 Target Reach Out
Technical capabilities X X o Once the recommended list is vetted by Ghobash,
Shareholding concentration X Axience will reach out to the various targets
Quantitative Parameters o Based on the interest shown, we will set up
Revenue X X X introductory call or meeting for Ghobash
Revenue Growth (5 years) X X X
Employee Base X X X Axience recommended timeline (Up to 5 weeks)
Operating Margin
 Week 1-2: Target mapping in identified opportunities
Capital Intensiveness X X X
 Week 3-5: Reach-out and facilitate introductions
Medium Priority Low Priority High Priority

* However, for Ghobash, the support will be restricted to target identification only; **MECE – Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive. 23
Table of Content

1. Ghobash Requirements
2. Axience Introduction
3. Axience Approach Framework
4. Detailed Scope of Work
 Internal Assessment
 External Assessment
○ Axience Research Methodology
 Growth Strategy
 Business Plan
 M&A / Partnership Target Assessment
5. Leadership Team and Consultants Profile
6. Axience Credentials
7. Project Plan and Timelines
8. Effort Estimate and Project Pricing
9. Appendix

Experienced Management (1/2)
Leadership team consists of seasoned professionals with exceptional track record at some of the world’s best advisory organizations
 Hemant founded Axience in 2007 with the goal of building a specialist, bespoke, global business services firm
 While expanding Axience’s business, Hemant spends his life as a corporate nomad travelling extensively across the world
 Earlier, had set up India delivery centre of a business intelligence firm and worked at Morgan Stanley in London. He started his
career at Schlumberger (Paris)

Hemant Jain
 Hemant holds an MBA from the HEC School of Management, France, and an engineering degree from the Indian Institute of
Founder & CEO Technology (IIT), Bombay
 He speaks English, Hindi and French

 Rahul is the Chief Operating Officer and his responsibilities include operations, business development, new strategic initiatives
and talent management
 He has worked with some of the best strategy consulting firms such as Strategy& (formerly Booz & Co.), Accenture and KPMG
across UK and India spanning broad range of industries from financials services, consumer goods to automotive
 Further, he has also worked in investment banking in M&A advisory role with Tata Capital and has also been an entrepreneur,
Rahul Shukla
founding and running a health tech start up
 Rahul holds an MBA from INSEAD, France, and an engineering degree from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi

 Tarek is an Investor in Axience and a Non-Executive Director on the Board

 During his career, Tarek has held leadership positions in private banking and wealth management at Deutsche Bank
and Barclays
 He also worked as the Family Investment Manager for the Abdul Rahman Saad Al-Rashid (ARTAR) Group in Saudi Arabia from
2000 to 2007
Tarek Walid Tawfik
Investor &  Tarek has a Bachelor of Arts in Financial Management, from the King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Non-Executive Director  He is fluent in Arabic, English and German

Experienced Management (2/2)
Leadership team consists of seasoned professionals with exceptional track record at some of the world’s best advisory organizations
 Alex is a Non-Executive Director and assists Axience senior management in promoting company’s services, in particular within
the financial services industry
 Alex is currently a Partner at Alexander Partners, an independent investment boutique that is part of the Infinitia M&A Alliance
 He is a seasoned investment banker with prior experience at Commercial Bank of Qatar, Abu Dhabi Investment Company,
Rothschild in the Middle East
Alex Carre de Malberg
Non-Executive Director  He started his merchant banking career in 1993 at Lazard Frères (New York), then worked at Peregrine Capital (Hong Kong)
and Equinox Capital (Singapore)
 Alex holds a French engineering degree, an MSChE from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from HEC-ISA

 Ranveer has extensive experience in private investments across growth capital, distressed assets and turnarounds having
operated at CXO / CFO level and held many interim roles in portfolio companies
 Previously, Ranveer was Managing Director at Eredene Capital, a UK based and India focused private equity firm where he
managed a portfolio with an AUM of USD 275mn across infrastructure and real estate sectors
 Prior to that, Ranveer worked with Citicorp Information Technologies and ING Vysya Bank (now Kotak Bank)
Ranveer Sharma
Investor &  Ranveer holds an MBA in Private Equity and Corporate Finance from the London Business School
Non-Executive Director

Engagement and Project Leadership Team (1/2)
Project Leadership team includes seasoned professionals with strong experience of growth strategy, business plan in energy and other sectors
 MBA from INSEAD, France, and an engineering degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi
 Has worked with some of the best strategy consulting firms such as Strategy& (formerly Booz & Co.), Accenture and KPMG across UK and
India spanning broad range of industries from financials services, consumer goods to automotive
 Further, he has also worked in investment banking in M&A advisory role with Tata Capital and has also been an entrepreneur, founding and
running a health tech start up
 He has led multiple growth strategy programs for large organizations, including analytics-driven sales transformation for a leading consumer
Rahul Shukla, products company to drive 3-5% EBITDA improvement and business plan development for a wind and hydro power company

 MBA from Rochester Institute of Technology (New York, US) and M.Sc. Tech from BITS, Pilani, India
 More than 20 years of combined experience in market assessment, consulting and financial research services
 Extensive experience engaging corporates, consulting and financial services from the GCC region across strategy and business plans
support, market research and assessment, competitive intelligence, consultancy, investments and feasibility studies
 Experience also encompasses data analytics, digital transformation and various other IT enabled services
 At Axience, his overall responsibility includes engaging and partnering various clients and managing consultant teams. Has been with the
firm for more than 8 years and has worked across UAE, India, and Europe offices of Axience
Senthil Ganesan,
Senior Director

 MBA from a reputed institute in India, with ~20 years of experience in financial research
 Has supported corporate finance advisors, private equity, asset managers, investment banks, transformation / restructuring advisory firms
 Expertise in business plan (financial modelling, valuation), due diligence, industry and macro analysis, with exposure to all major sectors
 Has expertise in the O&G domain both as a sell side and buy side analyst:
Sourish Gupta, ○ Wrote initiation of coverage reports and built financial / valuation models on leading energy players
Associate Director ○ Conducted in-depth O&G industry research and M&A (target mapping) support for global clients
○ Market assessment / business plan / feasibility studies support for greenfield expansion objectives of GCC based family offices

Engagement and Project Leadership Team (2/2)
Project Leadership team includes seasoned professionals with strong experience of growth strategy, business plan in energy and other sectors
 MBA from Symbiosis University and Executive Programme in Global Economics from IIM Kolkata
 25+ years of experience; of which 20 years have been in research and consulting domain supporting clients with growth and strategy plans
○ Extensive experience in engagements such as market opportunity and entry analysis, growth strategies and roadmap, M&A target
mapping, location assessment, competitive landscape analysis, competitor benchmarking
○ Managed several consulting projects across O&G (offshore / onshore), power (renewable, conventional, alternative), petrochemicals and
polymers, specialty gases, among others
Mayur Bhatia, ○ Spearheaded complex project in KSA for competitor benchmarking of 10 leading players operating in oil field equipment rental market
Associate Director

 MBA from a reputed institute in India, with 17+ years of experience in research and consulting across sectors, including O&G
 Experience in managing engagements to support strategy, business development, digital transformation, market and competitive
intelligence for large and medium sized corporates and professional services firms
○ Supported leading GCC based family offices as well as their operating companies in growth strategy and cost optimization studies
○ Identification and assessment of investment opportunities in O&G and renewable energy
○ Developed and led an onshore research delivery team of analysts for a Saudi-based petrochemical company
Prabhaskar Shrivastava, ○ O&G specific research - sector reports, white papers and thought leadership
Associate Director

 MBA from a premier business school in India and B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
 ~20 years of experience in supporting prominent family offices, investment banks, private equity and advisory firms
 Extensively worked on equity / debt capital markets transactions covering O&G, petrochemicals, renewables and utility sectors
○ Investment evaluation of O&G portfolio for a GCC family office covering evaluation of the business model / scalability factors / competition
benchmarking / financial forecast and valuation / risk and mitigants
Viju Joseph,
Associate Director ○ Led M&A transaction support for a portfolio of renewable assets (wind / hydro) and energy storage terminal assets in Asia / UAE / Africa
○ Worked on several O&G specific initiation coverage notes, valuation models, sector thematic reports and various valuation / business
research assignments

Manager Team Profiles
Managers with significant experience in energy and related industries support the project leadership team
 MBA from MIP – Politecnico Di Milano, Italy, with 8+ years of experience in research and consulting services
 Supported clients across MENASA region in conducting growth strategy, GTM channels, commercial due diligence, competition
landscaping, market sizing and capex benchmarking for medium and large institutional clients
 Supported various consulting projects in O&G, including
Manager 1 ○ Worked onshore for an APAC based O&G firm on various strategic assessment studies - market sizing, competition, trade and etc.
○ Conducting research in niche areas of O&G including oil country tubular goods, oil well cements, among others
○ Analysis of M&A transactions which involved deals related to corporate, asset, farm-in / farm-out and licensing deals
○ Screening of potential investment opportunities in midstream value chain

 B.Tech in Mechatronics from a reputed engineering school with experience in the O&G domain
o Lead analyst for a GCC based investment firm covering equities across O&G and utilities
o Worked on various projects for advisory firms with O&G focus - financial analysis and modeling, valuation and commercial due diligence
Manager 2 o Valuation of various upstream assets utilizing comparable transactions methodology
 Prior to Axience, worked at a leading research and consultancy firm supporting multiple private equity and IB clients
○ Financial modeling for sectors including energy, infrastructure and power & utilities
○ Preparing valuations / financial analysis, identifying investment opportunities and drafting industry / equity research initiation reports

 CFA candidate and M.Com in Banking and Finance from a leading university in India
 Significant experience in O&G, having worked as analyst for an infrastructure fund with several renewable energy assets in Asia
○ Also, worked as lead analyst for strategic consulting engagements for a large MENA-based conglomerate having operations in O&G
Manager 3
○ Led analyst team for preparation of quarterly industry analysis on European O&G industry for a UK-based investment bank
 Prior to Axience, worked at a leading research and consultancy firm supporting private equity and IB clients
○ Involved in the entire deal cycle from target screening, company profiles, financial modeling and creating pitch decks
○ Well versed with multiple valuation methodologies such as DCF / trading and comparable transactions

Research Team Profiles – Senior Consultants
Sharp analysts of our research team are capable of finding and analyzing relevant details from energy and other industries
 M. Tech. in Nanoscience and Technology and engineering degree in Electronics
 Experienced in market research with strong primary and secondary research capabilities, compilation and information analysis on markets
and products to identify potential new markets and business development opportunities
 Involved in projects related to market intelligence, competitive insights and industry assessments to clients across O&G, electricals and
Senior Consultant 1 electronics, instrumentation and automation
○ Worked on an external environment scanner for a national oil company to build a competition and macro-economic dashboard
○ Worked on market sizing and forecasting, competitor analysis, market dynamics analysis
○ Preparation of periodic newsletter on O&G refineries, LNG terminals

 B.Tech from a premier college in India

 Experience in supporting large corporates and management consulting firms for several strategic assessment projects across diverse
sectors including O&G, petrochemicals, infrastructure, building and construction
Senior Consultant 2  Supported global strategy teams of energy clients in projects related to M&A analysis, competitor intelligence and industry intelligence
○ Lead analyst for a deep-dive strategic assessment project in UAE for wastewater treatment technologies and services
○ Developed company profiles / briefing notes, O&G sector specific newsletters and executive profiles
○ Track global LNG market dynamics supply, demand, pricing, LNG contracting practices

 Qualified Chartered Accountant and aspiring CFA candidate

 Experience in financial modeling, corporate finance, transaction support
 Currently manages the renewable energy assets of a reputed UK based fund - maintaining valuation models, due diligence tasks, deal /
Senior Consultant 3 transaction support and preparation of monthly MIS reports
o Lead analyst for a feasibility study to set up a chemicals manufacturing plant in Saudi Arabia through a JV investment route
o Analysis of the complete O&G value chain and regulatory landscape in India to identify opportunities and bottlenecks for entry
o In-depth analysis of a France-based large cap power utility to evaluate investment in its bonds

Engagement Team Structure: Roles and Responsibilities

Ghobash Engagement Team Engagement Leadership

Engagement Oversight team

 Set strategic direction for the
engagement, implement the agreed
approach, present findings to
Ghobash leadership team
Project Sponsor Hemant Jain Rahul Shukla
 Review progress weekly Founder and CEO COO

Project Leadership
Project Lead
 Establish relationships with Ghobash
stakeholders and value chain players
and refine research methodology
 Guide team and track execution of Project Leads Senthil Ganesan Associate Director
Senior Director
action plans / program progress

Execution team 1 Senior Consultant, 3 Consultants

 Conduct secondary and primary
research, collate data, analyze results
Project Location:
 Analyze growth opportunities using the UAE: XX days
framework Sathish S
India: XX days
Ops Transformation
Partner 1 Senior
Project Execution Team 3 Consultants

Table of Content

1. Ghobash Requirements
2. Axience Introduction
3. Axience Approach Framework
4. Detailed Scope of Work
 Internal Assessment
 External Assessment
○ Axience Research Methodology
 Growth Strategy
 Business Plan
 M&A / Partnership Target Assessment
5. Leadership Team and Consultants Profile
6. Axience Credentials
7. Project Plan and Timelines
8. Effort Estimate and Project Pricing
9. Appendix

Axience Credentials Across Value Chain
Axience has vast experience of supporting major value chain segments that Ghobash is currently operating in

Exploration Development Production Distribution Refining Retail


Rental & Fishing

Seismic & Geo


Solids Control


Coiled Tubing
Tools & Other


Well Testing
and Services

Artificial Lift

Pumping &



& Waste






Ghobash Presence Strategic Opportunity Assessment Investment / Business Plan / IB Support

The above represents mapping of Axience capabilities across the value chain that current Ghobash businesses operate in. However, our overall capabilities
are across the entire O&G value chain as demonstrated in the subsequent slides

As part of our equity research

experience, we have maintained
coverage of 24 companies
across the O&G sector

Credentials in O&G (1/2)
Axience has supported multiple large global conglomerates across market opportunity, benchmarking, GTM analysis, and business plans

Selected examples of strategic assessment engagements in O&G, with a focus on GCC

Market Market
GTM Benchmarking Benchmarking
Assessment Assessment

Client Client Client Client Client

US-based Oilfield Global Oilfield Services & Spain-based Global Oilfield Services & Germany-based Drilling
Services Firm Equipment Firm Engineering Company Equipment Firm Equipment Supplier

Segment Covered Segment Covered Segment Covered Segment Covered Segment Covered
Coiled Tubing Artificial Lift Wastewater Treatment Oilfield Equipment Drilling Bits

Opportunity assessment of Benchmarked 10 leading players Benchmarked 15 key suppliers of

Understand and estimate the Analyzed the market for
artificial lift market in GCC, with operating in oilfield equipment PDC Drill Bits in GCC with focus
market demand of coiled tubing in wastewater treatment with focus
segmentation of market by type, rental market in KSA, to granularly on sales operations, customer
GCC region, and mapping of on O&G sector in UAE and
mechanism, well type, and understand their operations, base, products offered, price
major players developed a GTM plan
application offerings and financials points, etc.

Flags shown represent geographical scope of the project, not company headquarter location 34
Credentials in O&G (2/2)
Extensive support provided to large financial institutions having vested interests in the O&G sector

Selected examples of investment analysis, feasibility studies and business plan support

M&A Analysis M&A Analysis Feasibility Study IPO Analysis

Client Client Client Client Client

O&G Equipment
Private Equity Fund Conglomerate Corporate Finance Advisory Family Office

Segment Covered Segment Covered Segment Covered Segment Covered Segment Covered
Oilfield Services Downstream Oilfield Equipment Midstream Midstream

Target screening and financial Quarterly financial KPI

Due diligence support and Investment analysis and
analysis of European companies benchmarking of group company Assessment of IRR / returns for a
valuation of a potential acquisition recommendation for the IPO of a
with downstream assets for add- manufacturing submersible pumps potential project for setting up oil &
target in the O&G services natural gas processing and
on acquisition for a portfolio against overall O&G equipment gas storage terminals
industry pipelines company
company sector in Europe / US

Flags shown represent geographical scope of the project, not company headquarter location 35
Credentials in Other Sectors (1/2)
Comprehensive coverage offered to other sectors for benchmarking and growth strategies

Selected examples of strategic assessment engagements

GTM Benchmarking Benchmarking Benchmarking

Client Client Client Client Client

France-based Utility A Multinational A Swedish-Swiss

Saudi-based Family Office UAE-based Islamic Bank
Company Conglomerate Multinational Corp.

Industry Covered Industry Covered Industry Covered Industry Covered Industry Covered
Waste Management Electronics Retail Renewables Banking Electrical Equipment

Market due-diligence to Developed transition roadmap for

Due diligence and benchmarking Benchmarking of digital KPIs to Analyzed the market for electrical
understand the overall ecosystem a loss making mobile distribution
of top 5 global competitors in India understand the digital eminence of installation materials used in KSA
of hazardous waste management portfolio company via multiple cost
that operate in Wind Turbine key banks across UAE, GCC and across the value chain from oil
to help set up a treatment and optimization steps and organic
Generator (WTG) segment SEA regions and gas exploration to refining
landfill facility in India growth solutions

Flags shown represent geographical scope of the project, not company headquarter location 36
Credentials in Other Sectors (2/2)
Axience has supported large conglomerates and financial institutions for segments aligned with O&G and renewables

Selected examples of investment analysis, feasibility studies and business plan support

Business Plan Portfolio Support Equity Research Credit Research

Client Client Client Client Client

Private Equity Fund Corporate Finance Advisory Private Equity Fund Investment Bank Asset Manager

Industry Covered Industry Covered Industry Covered Industry Covered Industry Covered
Renewables Renewables Renewables Aerospace & Defence Leisure

Financial modelling and Financial forecasting, quarterly

Financial modelling and business Supported roll out of initiation of
forecasting, capital structure valuation and MIS dashboards for Investment analysis and report for
plan for a portfolio of solar power equity research coverage on the
analysis and creditor presentation India-based wind and hydro power high yield bonds issued by a
generation projects in Brazil for a large cap European Aerospace &
for a financially distressed wind assets that are part of client’s fund cruise liner company
portfolio company in the PE fund Defence space
power company in the UK portfolio

Flags shown represent geographical scope of the project, not company headquarter location 37
Table of Content

1. Ghobash Requirements
2. Axience Introduction
3. Axience Approach Framework
4. Detailed Scope of Work
 Internal Assessment
 External Assessment
○ Axience Research Methodology
 Growth Strategy
 Business Plan
 M&A / Partnership Target Assessment
5. Leadership Team and Consultants Profile
6. Axience Credentials
7. Project Plan and Timelines
8. Effort Estimate and Project Pricing
9. Appendix

Project Plan and Timelines
Duration (in weeks)
Stages Activities Responsibility
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Independent research to develop understanding about Ghobash and its energy business A
Ghobash to provide comprehensive list of information pack as requested by Axience G

Internal Assessment Prepare customized discussion guides (scripts and questionnaires) for stakeholder meetings A
(Onsite) Conduct meeting with senior management and do site visits A/G
Meet technical team to understand overall Ghobash current offerings mix and other opportunities A/G
Prepare / submit summary findings A

Project approval and initial discussion / kick-off call


Buffer for feedback, revisions and finalization

Review Meeting 1 - Validation by Ghobash and agree to market boundaries for next phase A/G
O&G - Initiation of secondary research A
External O&G - Initiation of primary research "Detailed market assessment (market size and growth, A
Assessment – competition, business complexities, profit margins and
Market Map Renewables - Initiation of secondary research capital requirements, challenges and barriers)" A
Renewables - Initiation of primary research A
Review Meeting 2 A/G
Design comparable framework and finalize market map across sectors / sub-sectors A
Assessment – Prioritize the top opportunities - expansion and new areas to venture (based on market attractiveness) A
Opportunity Listing
Present findings (Top 2-3 opportunity areas across sectors / sub-sectors) A
Review Meeting 3 A/G
Ghobash Internal Review to Select 2-3 Opportunity Areas G
Buy Strategy A
 Identify and map M&A / partnership target within the selected opportunity areas A
 Establish a connection with potential targets and approach them with M&A proposal A
Growth Strategy
(GTM Strategy – Buy  Help arrange meetings with targets (and follow-ups) A
vs. Build)
Build Strategy A
 Define the business model and operations plan A
 Design financial plan covering projections and scenario analysis A
Review Meeting 4* A/G
A – Axience; G – Ghobash

Note: *Axience senior management team may travel to UAE and do an in-person review meetings. 39
Effort Estimate and Project Pricing – Phase Wise
All inclusive pricing summary across all phases of the project engagement

Phase Wise Pricing Summary

(1) Senior leadership team members will be involved in meeting with key Ghobash
Project Phases # of Days Total Pricing ($) stakeholders and ensuring quality and governance
(2) A blended rate has been considered for a mix of consultants and senior

consultants. Team responsible for document review and analysis

Phase 1: Internal Assessment 1,2,3 25 $39,250 (3) Assumption is that ~3 FTE capacity is dedicated during this phase

(4) Blended rate for a mix of consultants and senior consultants. Team responsible for

data updation, analysis and reporting activities

(5) Assumption is that 2 FTE capacity is dedicated during this phase
Phase 2: External Assessment 4,5,6 96 $95,000 (6) Assumption is that ~20 primary interviews are done across the O&G, solar and

hydrogen value chain players. Includes travel cost and honorarium payment as well
(7) Involvement of COO and leadership team members will be significant in strategy
Phase 3a: Go to Market Strategy 7 60 $67,250 development

Other Important Comments / Notes:

Phase 3b: Target Mapping (Reach-Outs) 20 $23,500
▪ Overall pricing is at a significant discounted rate of Axience standard
Total Project Cost ▪ Pricing assumes commission of full scope; reduction / elimination of some
201 $225,000
element may result in repricing

Axience is keen to start this strategic collaboration with Ghobash and

would like to offer a welcome pricing for this project of $200,000

Appendix – Axience
Understanding of Ghobash
and Markets
Axience Understanding of Ghobash O&G Business
Ghobash top three sectoral focus is on Chemical, Pharma / Healthcare and Technology; O&G is the fourth largest business for them

GCG Office Imaging

(Office Equipment)

GCG Engineering
ABAN Investment GCG Trading

1987 2017 2023

Companies in the O&G Segment
 Emirate E&I EPC
1982 2008 2020
 GCG Engineering Services
o GCG Trading Computer Network E&I Emirates Digitization &
o GCG Mechanical Solutions (O&G EPC) Renewables Focus
 GCG Iraq

Ghobash Energy Business Overview

 Group companies E&I EPC and GCG Engineering Services operates in the O&G sector
 E&I EPC: A specialized electrical and instrumentation contractor providing technical and contracting services
 GCG Engineering: Offers industrial solutions ranging from single precision instruments to project design, turnkey
solutions and annual maintenance contracts
o GCG Mechanical: Provides technical and operational support for operating turbines (steam, gas), compressors
and pumps. Services include integrated solutions, engineering support, supply and maintenance of equipment and
retrofit solutions for the O&G, utility and power industries
o GCG Trading: Through OEM partners and JV, it provides technical excellence and global expertise with a high in-
country value

Market Overview – Key EPC Contracts by ADNOC
ADNOC’s capex budget of USD 150bn until 2027 presents opportunity for several large and mid size EPC players*

Contractors Details

 In Jan 2023, Technip Energies (JV between Samsung Engineering and Tecnimont) was awarded a Pre-Construction Services Agreement (PCSA) contract
worth USD 80mn related to the onshore facilities for ADNOC’s Hail & Ghasha Gas Development Project in Abu Dhabi

 In Dec 2022, Petrofac was awarded a lump-sum EPC contract by ADNOC to design and install facilities to optimise operations and reduce methane and
greenhouse gas emissions at the Habshan Complex

 In Nov 2022, ADNOC awarded three framework agreements valued at USD 4bn (AED 14.7bn) for integrated drilling fluids services to support the ongoing
expansion of its lower cost and lower-carbon intensive production capacity

 In Oct 2023, ADNOC awarded of a contract worth USD 980mn (AED 3.6bn) to ADNOC Drilling to hire two jack-up offshore rigs and associated manpower
and equipment
o This award brings the total value of awards from ADNOC Offshore to ADNOC Drilling in 2022 to USD 5.95bn (AED 21.84bn)
 Earlier in Oct, ADNOC Drilling was awarded a contract worth USD 1.52bn (AED 5.58bn) for the provision of jack-up and island rigs and associated
Integrated Drilling Services

 In Sep 2022, Kent won a contract from ADNOC to work on the full field development of its onshore Bab Far North project. The contract will cover the front-
end engineering and design work

 In Sep 2022, NPCC won USD 548mn (AED 2.01bn) worth EPC contract from ADNOC Offshore to build a new main gas line at its Lower Zakum field
offshore Abu Dhabi. The Lower Zakum field aims to produce 450,000 BPD by 2025
 In Jul 2022, NPCC secured a USD 1bn worth EPC contract from ADNOC Offshore for the Umm Shaif field. It covers engineering, procurement, fabrication,
installation, and commissioning activities required to maintain Umm Shaif’s 275,000 BPD crude production

 In Jun 2022, Archirodon was awarded an EPC contract by ADNOC Onshore worth USD 173mn to develop further production capacity of the Asab oil field
 Other current projects that the company is executing include Al Dabbíya development in UAE, where the company is working on the EPC, pre-
commissioning, and assistance in commissioning of two packages in Al Dabb’iya Thamama Zone B Transition Zone

* This is an indicative list of prominent contract wins by Tier 1 EPC players. Axience will look to build on this to clearly identify sub-contracting opportunities for Ghobash. 43
Renewable Energy in UAE – Market Overview
UAE accounted for about more than 50% of the Middle East’s total renewable energy installed capacity

Renewable Capacity Outlook in UAE (in GW) Change in UAE’s Electricity Share (2010-2050)
9.00 2010 2020 2050

7% 4%
6% 12%

Launch of “UAE 100% 44%

Energy Strategy 2050” 2.35 89%

Natural Gas Renewable Nuclear Clean Coal
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

 The installed renewable capacity of the UAE reached 2.3 GW by the end of 2020,  By 2020, UAE had ~7% share of renewable energy in total electricity capacity
around 91% of which comprises of solar PV projects o Upcoming / under construction projects is expected to raise the share to over 40%,
o Solar PV additions will drive the country’s total renewable capacity to 9 GW by the which is in line with UAE’s National Energy Strategy 2050
end of 2025, with a CAGR of 31%  Majority of renewable activity is based in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, which together accounts
 Share of renewable energy in UAE’s power generation mix is set to increase from 7% in for over 90% (8.2 GW) of forecasted total capacity in 2025
2020 to 21% in 2030, and to 44% by 2050  Major upcoming projects includes -
o With increase in renewable in UAE’s energy mix, UAE predicts to save USD 192bn as o The Al Dhafra (2,000 MW), Abu Dhabi PV3 (1,500 MW), Mohammed Bin Rashid Al
it reduces its dependency on subsidized natural gas power Maktoum Park Phase IVa and IVb (950 MW) and Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
 Additionally, the efforts of UAE in the renewable market has been instrumental in Park Phase V (900 MW)
attracting foreign investments  Companies within UAE have collaborated to create a global renewable energy and
o In 2019, the UAE registered the highest growth in renewable energy investments, green hydrogen venture that will have a generating capacity of 30 GW by 2030
realizing a 1,223% increase compared to 2018

Sources: UAE Ministry of Economy, Rystad Energy Renewable Cube, Boston University for Sustainable Energy, and Axience Research & Analysis. 44
Solar Power in UAE – Market Overview
Existing and planned solar projects in the UAE will drive PV solar energy growth significantly

Solar Power Capacity in UAE (in GW)

Existing and Upcoming Solar Power Projects – Indicative List
Name of project Ownership / Status Capacity (in MW)
Noor Abu Dhabi TAQA, Marubeni, Jinko (Operational) 1,177
Shams 1 Masdar led consortium (Operational) 100
Masdar Solar City Masdar (Operational) 10

1.7 Mohammed bin Rashid 5,000

DEWA (Construction in Phases)
Solar Park (by 2030)
Al Dhafra TAQA, Masdar, EDF, Jinko (Upcoming) 2,000
PV3 Abu Dhabi TAQA led consortium (Upcoming) 1,500

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

Major companies in the UAE Solar Energy Space – Indicative List

 In 2019, the UAE solar power market installed capacity was ~1.7 GW and is expected to  Partnership between Taqa, Mubadala and ADNOC, Masdar operates
grow at a 15+% CAGR until 2025 multiple Solar, Wind and Waste-to-energy power plants at utility scale
 Capacity (Current + Under Development): 20 GW
 Factors, such as encouraging government policies, pressure to decrease dependency
on fossils and, falling system prices for solar panels are encouraging the growth of the  Supplier of wide range of solar products such as PV modules,
solar market in the UAE batteries, inverters and solar accessories
 Associated with companies like Trina Solar, Canadian Solar, JA Solar,
 Solar PV is the primary technology used for solar power generation in UAE. In 2018, PV
DEKA Batteries etc.
held a share of more than 80% of installed solar capacity
 Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) is a relatively new technology. However, UAE has  Largest ARC solar double-glass manufacturer in UAE
installed globally significant capacities in the segment. Key projects include:  Mainly focused on raw material supply in the solar industry, solar panel
manufacturing, and solar project development
o Shams 1 is currently operational (capacity of 100 MW). Other phases are in pipeline
o Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park is currently under construction phase  Produces modules of monocrystalline, polycrystalline, thin-film, and
(will generate 5,000 MW by 2030) flexible types
 50 MW annual capacity automated line for off-grid and on-grid modules

Sources: UAE Ministry of Economy, Rystad Energy Renewable Cube, Boston University for Sustainable Energy, and Axience Research & Analysis. 45
Hydrogen Market in UAE – Market Overview
Efforts are ongoing to integrate hydrogen as a major energy carrier for transportation, industrial use and power generation

Market Overview – Global Low Carbon Hydrogen Projects in UAE

 In UAE, the energy sector accounts for over 85% of the country’s GHG emissions and Players Location Details
efforts are being made to integrate hydrogen into the economy as a major energy carrier
for transportation, industrial use, and electricity generation  1 mtpa blue ammonia production plant located in the
Taziz - Ruwais Taziz chemicals hub
 UAE is poised to be one of the lowest cost and largest producers of blue hydrogen in the chemical hub
 0.2 mtpa H2 equivalent capacity
world, as major players such as ADNOC and Emirates Steel have mature carbon
capture technologies in place  1 mtpa blue ammonia production plant located in the
Masdar – Taziz chemicals hub
o Additionally, ADNOC, Mubadala and ADQ have signed an MoU to create the Abu
Dhabi Hydrogen Alliance aimed to establish the country as a leader in green and blue Demonstration plant  Green H2 initially for road transport, then expanding to
hydrogen in emerging international markets  E-kerosene synthesis and ocean shipping
 Initial development of 1GW of low carbon hydrogen
UAE's Hydrogen Leadership Roadmap together with BP as well as pioneering decarbonized
UAE Hydrogen Hub air corridors between the UK & UAE
 UAE is targeting a market share of 25% in the global low-carbon hydrogen (green and
blue) market by 2030  0.1-0.2 mtpa H2 equivalent capacity

 Three Key Objectives Mohammed bin  First solar PV and green hydrogen producing facility in
Rashid Al Maktoum the MENA region
o Generate new sources of value through low-carbon hydrogen and derivatives exports
Solar Park  Demonstration scale
o Provide low carbon hydrogen and derivative industrial opportunities in the UAE
 Final goal of 200kt of ammonia and 40kt of H2 annual
o Enable UAE Net Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative in hard to abate sectors Abu Dhabi, Khalifa production
Industrial Zone
 0.1 mtpa H2 equivalent capacity
Types of Hydrogen
 Green ammonia project under discussion powered by
Type Source Process Used Viability TAQA and a 2 GW solar based electrolyzer facility
Abu Dhabi Ports
Blue Methane or Coal SMR or gasification with carbon capture High  0.1 mtpa H2 equivalent capacity

Green Renewable Energy Electrolysis of water High TAQA and  MoU for large-scale green hydrogen project enabling
Emirates Steel the first green steel produced in the MENA
Turquoise Methane Pyrolysis Low
Grey Methane or Coal SMR or Gasification Low

Sources: UAE Ministry of Economy, UAE Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure, International Renewable Energy Agency, Arabian Business and S&P Global Platts, and Axience Research & Analysis. 46
Key Initiatives for the Growth of Renewables in the UAE
UAE is an active participant in exploring different renewable energy sources to achieve UAE’s National Energy Strategy 2050

Ras Al Khaimah Energy

Dubai Integrated Energy Dubai Clean Energy
Efficiency and Renewables UAE Net Zero 2050 UAE Energy Strategy 2050
Strategy 2030 Strategy 2050
Strategy 2040
 As a part of the policy to use  The Ras Al Khaimah Energy  The UAE Net Zero by 2050  In 2017, the UAE launched ‘Energy  In November 2015, Sheikh
alternative energy sources, Dubai Efficiency and Renewables strategic initiative is a national drive Strategy 2050’, which is considered Mohammed launched Dubai Clean
developed the Dubai Integrated Strategy 2040 (EE&R Strategy) to achieve net-zero emissions by the first unified energy strategy in Energy Strategy. Under this
Energy Strategy 2030 to drive defines the long-term strategy of the 2050, making the Emirates the first the country that is based on supply strategy, Dubai aims to produce
energy decarbonisation and ensure emirate in the field of energy MENA nation to do so and demand 75% of its energy requirements
efficient use of energy efficiency and renewable energy  The UAE Net Zero 2050 strategic  The strategy aims to: from clean sources by 2050
 Dubai plans to generate at least 5%  The strategy targets: initiative aligns with the Paris ○ Increase the contribution of  The strategy also aims to make
of its power from renewable energy ○ 30% energy savings Agreement, to reduce GHG clean energy in the total energy Dubai a global centre of clean
by 2030, as well as 12% from clean emissions and limit the rise in mix from 25% to 50% by 2050 energy and green economy. It
○ 20% water savings
coal and 2% from nuclear power global temperature to 1.5º C consists of five main pillars:
○ 20% generation from renewable ○ Reduce carbon footprint of
 In January 2015, Dubai announced compared to pre-industrial levels Infrastructure, legislation, funding,
energy sources power generation by 70%, thus
a revision of its targets for the share  The deployment and use of clean building capacities and skills, and
by 2040 saving AED 700bn by 2050
of renewable energy in the total energy solutions is one of the main environment friendly energy mix
 These targets are aligned with RAK ○ It also seeks to increase
energy mix to 7% by 2020 and 15% pillars of UAE’s net zero strategy
Vision 2030, which aims at 10% consumption efficiency of
by 2030  As part of the strategy, relevant
electricity savings and 5% of individuals and corporates by
plans, strategies, and policies 40%
electricity demand to be met by
would be updated to shape UAE’s
solar power by 2030  The UAE government aims to
journey towards net zero
invest AED 600bn by 2050 to meet
the growing energy demand and
ensure a sustainable growth for the
country’s economy

Sources: UAE Ministry of Economy, UAE Portals, Khaleej Times, Zawya and Axience Research & Analysis. 47
Appendix – Axience Offerings
Research, Insight and Intelligence – Strategic, Tactical and Current
Comprehensive research support for corporate development, insight, intelligence, marketing, commercial and other functions

Research & Insight Strategic Analysis Digital and Emerging

Business Research Market Analysis Digital and Data

 Industry and sector research  Market exit / entry  Trends / innovation / disruption research
 Customer / consumer research  Distribution strategy  Transformation research
 Product / geography entry  Country intelligence  Media / blog / digital monitoring
 Market assessment and segmentation  Gap analysis  Digital competition analysis / benchmarking
 Competition profiling / monitoring  New product strategy  Data analytics CoEs
 Regulatory / macroeconomic analysis  Opportunity assessment  Digital Transformation

Market Research Competition Analysis EM Desks

 Qualitative and quantitative  Price / product  Market potential
 Market / customer segmentation  Competition profiles  Location / vendor analysis
 Customer (own and competitors) surveys  Competition strategy  Distribution strategy
 Benchmarking/dashboards  Competition tracking  Roadshows
 B2B end markets assessment Corporate Development  Shared services advisory

 M&A / JV analysis
 Partner / vendor analysis
 Spun out / divestiture
 Competition tracking

Support to Corporate M&A and Business Development
Supporting internal M&A, Venturing and Partnering teams in deal scouting, execution and due diligence

 Target screening
○ Long lists of targets based on in-depth desk research and corporate development goals
○ Short lists of targets based on fit based on products / services, revenues and other parameters
 Target analysis
Target Screening & ○ Brief / moderate / detailed profiles of companies
Deal Sourcing
○ Business / commercial analysis based on publicly available information and primary research
 Target valuation
○ Anonymous approach to acquire information
○ Working with M&A and BD teams to be part of further approach for shortlisted companies

 Financial modelling, analysis and valuation

 Commercial / market / company / competitor due diligence
Deal Execution &
 Post-acquisition scenario analysis
Due Diligence
 Industry and market modelling
 Synergies analysis

 Support in integration and reorganization

Post-deal Support  Validating pre M&A hypothesis, monitoring of synergies realization across various functions
 Post M&A buy and build target mapping

Axience supports in-house corporate development functions through retainer engagements as well as on-demand deal execution
support and in special circumstances through advisory and due-diligence services
Support to Group Strategy and Planning
Focuses on mid to long-term strategy and tactical insights

Axience supports data, research, insights and external consultancy needs of group, business unit, regional and brand level strategy needs and underlying
functions part of strategy, tactics and implementation

Markets / Customer Strategy
 Business planning
 Market expansion / entry
 Digital / Innovation strategy
 Market sizing / modelling
 Portfolio review
 End markets industry analysis
 Forecasting
 Functional strategy

Competition Strategy Execution / Enablement
 Competitive monitoring and profiles  Benchmarks / dashboards / reports
 Threat assessment  Digital, data and analytics
 RFP / bidding intelligence  Functional support

Axience focuses on strategic research, inputs to competitive strategy and tactics and competes with outsourced vendors, market research firms and tactical consultancies

Support to CEO / COO / Program Management Office
Support across strategic initiatives, corporate development, project management and investor relations

 Research and benchmarking to assist policy development and revision in line with strategic vision of the organization
Strategic Business  Support strategic initiatives through external perspective through benchmarks and through internal transversal view
 Support deployment of strategic initiatives across functions, geographies and brands with periodic dashboards and reporting

 Monitoring alignment of projects with overall business strategy and achievement of intended KPIs across regions and brands
Strategic Project
Management and  Assistance in translation of strategic plans into goals for different functions and strategic initiatives
Alignment  Supporting group management / CEO / Chief of Staff in local / brand level initiatives liaison / audit / monitoring / reporting

 Support in creation of investor updates, pitch decks, speeches, conference submissions, and presentations on behalf of C-Suite and Board
Investor Relations /
Strategic  Development of regular industry newsletters and support in communication such as blog posts and articles for different stakeholders
Communications  Presentation, graphics support for senior management and the teams

 Analysis of business line performance - Granular analysis and report on of costs, revenues, profitability by segments
Outsourced  Benchmarking with industry and peers
Financial Analysts
 Cost optimization and efficiency analysis
for CFO Functions
 Other COO function and C-Suite support

 Support in major cost / profitability analysis / reduction / rationalization projects

Specific Themes  Support in topics related to changing world – digital / green / ESG / AI – from C-Suite perspective
and Topics
 Act as a rapid research desk for all CEO’s, C-Suite, Board and Senior Management queries

Support to Group Commercial Functions
Support across marketing, brand, loyalty, insights and account management

 Support strategic marketing and commercial strategies through ongoing and custom market / competitor insights
 Support underlying business units / sectors / brands / geographies through custom market assessments and research
Sales and  Monitor / maintain / research key accounts and support key account management functions and strategy
 Support B2C sectors in customer centricity and analytics
 Act as a commercial services centre of excellence or an extension to it

 Ongoing and custom insights focusing on competitors, customers, partners and distributors
Market Insights  Competition monitoring profiles and analysis around their digital, social media, marketing, distribution and brand tactics
 Track customer segments, markets, regulations to drive commercial strategy and tactics

 Support commercial functions by tracking and monitoring distributors and partnership

Distribution and  Monitor competition strategy and market information around distribution and partnerships
 Primary research among and in collaboration with distributors and partners to drive country and brand level decision making

 Strategic and tactical mapping and monitoring of digital ecosystem – regulators, competitors, collaborators
 Corporate business development and strategy support to Chief Digital / Innovation / Program offices
○ Mapping / researching trends / activities / deals in digital space
Digital ○ Identifying and analyzing potential partnerships, alliances, M&A, collaboration opportunities
 Creation and augmentation of digital centre of excellence to support in digital marketing, monitoring, reporting, benchmarking
○ Social media monitoring / listening / reporting

Services in Market and Competitive Intelligence
Axience has developed comprehensive framework for competitive intelligence to deliver strong insights

Public Information Proprietary Information External Information

 Corporate websites, brochures, investor  Key internal staff and new hires, HR  Competitor interviews
presentations and media files, working party lists, other internal  Current and ex-employees
 Industry websites and databases systems
Sources  Industry experts / observers
 Industry associations, conferences  Sales and marketing teams
 Supplier and vendor interviews
 Social media and networks  Internal knowledge and reports
 Customer interviews
 Other Channel checks

Identify and Map Gather Data / Analyse and Derive

Define CI and MI Needs
Process Sources Information Interpret Intelligence

Following global best practices in legal and ethical data collection

 Strategic newsletters and monitoring, competitor profiles, dashboards and benchmarks

 Thematic projects around market and competition – strategy, structure, products, pricing, innovation
 Comprehensive CI including primary and secondary research and conference / trade show intelligence
o Unique combination of business and financial insights / intelligence / benchmarks

 Support group management / CxO program office / chief of staff competitive and market intelligence needs
 Support to market and competitive intelligence functions as well as strategy, venturing, marketing, country and brand management teams
Axience for
Ghobash  Ongoing or on-demand market and competitive intelligence support
 Internal capability enhancement + agency style support + offshore team = comprehensive solution

K Raheja Prime, First Floor Dubai South Free Zone, 44-46, Henri Barbusse
Marol Cooperative Industrial Estate Road, PO Box: 282228, Cluj Business Center
Andheri (E), Dubai, UAE Cluj Napoca – 400616
Mumbai – 400059 Romania

   +91 22 4278 8788  +91 22 4278 8777


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