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英文練習 prepositions-1(小五適用)

Part I
Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.(17 marks, 1 mark each)
from to of for out

1 There was a piece paper on the table.

2 I took my pencil.

3 I sent an e-mail my brother two days ago.

4 My bowl noodles is full chicken.

5 I borrowed a pencil my brother.

6 I will give the pen you.

7 I would like to have a plate rice lunch.

8 I received a reply my sister yesterday.

9 Can you lend a rubber him ?

10 We went for dinner last Monday.

11 Could you make a copy this report for tomorrow's meeting,


12 He opened the drawer and took a pair of socks.

13 Mr. White will stay dinner tonight.

14 I made sandwiches dinner last night.

15 I jumped of bed and ran downstairs.

Part II

Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.(6 marks, 1 mark each)

1 I ordered rice meat for dinner.

2 She takes her hat and sits a tree.

3 Can you look my dog tomorrow ?

4 Make sure the computers are all off you go home.

5 Let’s go the playground after school.


英文練習 prepositions-1(小五適用)-答案
Part I
Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.(17 marks, 1 mark each)
from to of for out

1 There was a piece of paper on the table.

2 I took out my pencil.
3 I sent an e-mail to my brother two days ago.
4 My bowl of noodles is full of chicken.
5 I borrowed a pencil from my brother.
6 I will give the pen to you.
7 I would like to have a plate of rice for lunch.
8 I received a reply from my sister yesterday.
9 Can you lend a rubber to him ?
10 We went out for dinner last Monday.
11 Could you make a copy of this report for tomorrow's meeting, please?
12 He opened the drawer and took out a pair of socks.
13 Mr. White will stay for dinner tonight.
14 I made sandwiches for dinner last night.
15 I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs.

Part II
Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.(6 marks, 1 mark each)
1 I ordered rice with meat for dinner.
2 She takes off her hat and sits under a tree.
3 Can you look after my dog tomorrow ?
4 Make sure the computers are all off before you go home.
5 Let’s go to the playground after school.



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