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Name: Devansh mittal

Branch: bsc cyber security
Section: A 2201830016
Subject: Object Oriented Programming in C++


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1. WAP in C++ to display a name on the output screen.

2. WAP in C++ to calculate and print the sum of two numbers.

3. WAP in C++ to calculate and print the product of two numbers.

4. WAP in C++ to calculate and print electricity bill and accept the number of units consumed from
the user (using else if ladder).

5. Wap in C++ to print first 10 Natural Numbers.

6. WAP in C++ to calculate and print area of circumference of a circle.

7. WAP a program in C++ to print reverse counting from 100 to 1.

8. WAP in C++ to print the table of 2.

9. WAP in C++ to accept the day number and display the corresponding day name.

10. WAP in C++ to accept a character from keyboard and check whether it is a word or comment.

11. WAP in C++ to accept a Number.

welcome to greetings

13. WAP in C++ to accept Rollno, name and marks of 5 subjects if a student(use array to store the

14. WAP in C++ to accept a number and check if it is even or odd.

15. WAP in C++ to calculate and print sum of digits of a number.

16. WAP in C++ to print reverse the digits of a number.

17. WAP in C++ to check whether the number is palindrome or not.

18.Wap in c++ To check whether entered number is Armstrong or not

19. wap in c++ to print Fabonacci Series

20.Write a menu-based program in C++ to perform following task.

// 1. Sum of digits of a number.

// 2. Reverse the digits of a number.

// 3. Check whether a number is palindrome or not.

21.WAP to find whether entered character is

1) Lowercase , Uppercase , 0-9 ,Special Symbol like # @ * &

22.Wap in c++ to implement a class rectangle.

24.Wap in c++ to implement class Student

//i) For 3 Student

25 . WAP in C++ to implement a class of n employees with id,name,salary

26. WAP to find factorial of a Number.

27. Wap in c++ to find the greatest number among three numbers

QUE 1 Write a program in Fibonacci Series up to n number of terms

QUE 2 C++ program to print a multiplication table:


QUES 4 write a program in c++ to accept and display the details of the student in proper format
using classes and object

Que 5 write a program in c++ to calculate and print the sum of two no using class and object
Que 6 write a program in c++ to implement a class rectangle
Que 7 write a program in c++ to calculate and print sum of first n natural number.

Que 8 write a program in c++ to calculate to print factiorial of a number

Que 9 Write a program to accept a five digit no from the user exract all the digits and
display individual digits

Que 10 write a program to calculate and print sum of digit of no

Que 11 write a faleuate and print the reverse the digit of number.

Que 12 write a programe in c++ to calculate and print sum of digit of number
Que 13 write a programe in c++ to calculate and print check wheather the number is

Que 14 write a progame in c++ to calculate and print check wheather the number cirmstro no
Que 15 write a program to calculate and print the prime no

Que 16 write a programe in c++ to accept the day number and display the corresponding day name
Que 17 write a programe in c++ to accept a charcter from the keyboard and check wheather It is a
vowel or a consonant.

Que 18 write a menu based program in c++ to accept a number from 1 to 5. 1 namesta 2 hello 3
good morning 4 good night 5 exit
Que 19 write a program in c++ add the element of an array

Que 20 write aprogram in c++ to print factorial of a number using function

Que 21 write a progame in c++ to check wheather prime number or not prime number using the

Que 22 write a programe in c++ to display 4 different greeting message using function
que 23 WAP in C++ to accept three number through the keyboard and display the largest of these
Que 24 WAP to accept the marks of 5 subjects and display the grade of the student

Que 25 WAP to print the square of first 10 natural no.



-for loop
Que 26 WAP to print reverse counting from 100 to 1.
Que 27 write a programe in c++ and make calculator using function

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