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MSI Mot or Ser vice Int er nat ional Recondit ioning of Al uminium Engine Bl ocks | 83
Re co n d i t i o n i n g o f A l u m i n i u m En g i n e B l o ck s
At t achment

4.1 The small study of surfaces

The real surface (workpiece surface) Surface characteristics

separates a body from its environ-
ment. (DIN EN ISO 4287) Ra, Rq roughness averages
DIN EN ISO 4287, ASME B46.1
The sensor intersect process is a tech-
nical measuring method for recording The Ra roughness average is the arith- The Rq roughness average is the
a two-dimensional image of a surface. metic average of the amounts of all square average of all values of the
A feeding system moves a scanning the values of the roughness proÞle. roughness proÞle.
unit with constant speed horizontally
over the surface. (DIN EN ISO 3274) Z(x) = values of the roughness proÞle.

The scanned proÞle is the shell of the

real surface scanned according to
the sensor intersect process. Its most
important content is distortions in the
form: deformations, waviness and
roughness. (DIN EN ISO 3274, DIN 4760)

Characteristics, unless otherwise

indicated, are deÞned for individual
Fig. 1
measurement sections. The results
are calculated as averages of several
individual measurement sections. Five
individual measurement sections are
considered standard for roughness Rz, Rmax depth of roughness
characteristics. The measurement data DIN EN ISO 4287, ASME B46.1
for all the measurement sections is used
as the basis for characteristic curves The individual roughness depth R z1 is The Rz roughness is the arithmetic
and the associated parameters (e.g. the sum of the height of the greatest average of the individual roughness
material portion). (DIN EN ISO 4288) proÞle peak and the depth of the gre- depth R z1 of successive individual
atest proÞle valley of the roughness measurement sections.
proÞle within an individual measure-
ment section (Ir). The maximum roughness depth Rmax
is the greatest individual roughness
depth within all the measurement sec-
tions (In). (Cf. DIN EN ISO 4288; Rmax
corresponding to Rz1max), R z, Rmax depth

Fig. 2

84 | Recondit ioning of Al uminium Engine Bl ocks MSI Mot or Ser vice Int er nat ional
Re co n d i t i o n i n g o f A l u m i n i u m En g i n e B l o ck s
At t achment

Rk , Rpk , R vk , Mr1, Mr2

DIN EN ISO 13565-1 and -2

A special Þltering process that sup- The reduced peak height Rpk is the ave-
presses ridges produces a roughness rage height of peaks protruding from
proÞle according to 13565-1. A special the core area.
adjustment line on the Abbott curve
breaks them down into three areas The reduced ridges depth Rvk is the
from which the characteristics are average depth of ridges located in the
determined according to 13565-2. core area.

The core roughness depth Rk is the Mr1 and Mr2 indicate the smallest and
depth of the core roughness proÞle. largest material portion of the core
roughness proÞle.


2 6


1. ProÞle peak area

2. Core area
3. ProÞle ridge area
4. “Peak area”
5. Material portion curve (Abbott curve)
6. ”Ridge area“
7. Material portion

Fig. 3

MSI Mot or Ser vice Int er nat ional Recondit ioning of Al uminium Engine Bl ocks | 85

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