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Zoom Stereo Microscope System

Bright, Clear Images and Easy Operation f +

Make the SZH an Important Contribution to Stereo

Microscope Design

T b SZH Sam microsoope bs srpplied with

hwwmlw wm-f
~ ~ d 2 4 ~ a ~ f a c
a iarge
G w H ~ ~ a s s t a n d a r d e q u l ~ .

~ b ~ ~ .
T b W h b a f t h e binclhed
4 P a n d ~ ~ w f o r ~
,- rn Wl as stereo rn-
2. +'

I . . '

DMdbRw oqdme
m Oiympus SZH stem ndcmcope offers
we dlffemi dimmfreeabjectlves, eedl
formulated to fully meet fw the dhtdom
These h w i t y obkcd- therefore not
oniyddhrer I ~ orpilbw ~
distortion, but'they also cmpleMy diminate
spkrW a b e m *chWmtIc aberrablon,
fleld curvature and other Wmlbs.
h R o r e w e r , ~ t h @ 6 Z H I s ~
wtttrobjecWeIn m @ h t h e o f 0%
0.7% 1 X , 1 . 5 a ( d 2)6tkereknOwfw
auxlliay mm
.: - .

A Wide A m of System Modules Based on the

Building-Block Design Concept
Various llluminators to Meet Diverse Research Needs

~ L I C ~ ~ I l l ~
*m$ZH-ILLC maxw vedw illurninam
Witem the ahwdbn of Integrated
drum mu mp a w , =rwws
o n ~ s u ~ a n d ~ a b ~ s t h a t
~ ~ t a ~ w l d e r a b t ~ e
l r d c k n t ~ ~ ,
*- the @rbm incorporated in the
Ilkrnkbr wlth a 114-X plate resub In
~ w ~ m ~ c o n k ~ .
& I r e f ~rmteM&.suchas mbrals and
lw c m m ' b e o b ~ r v e din shnple

W-j light -
.Illbmwm -cam is 1 2 8 .
wihl l u m l n a ~is a &*2OW hakgen
b u B . ~ c a n b ~ ~ ~ r y .

* ~ w m w t ~ o f ~ ~ , t t r e
W M tllumlrrettfon in qdb of its d l dze.
IbaLSGAmphysaW, 15Whabgen
krb that produces 20,000 kac of illumhtbn
*The LSGA can b~ 1 & attached y
to iha rnidrosmpe body using an IHB
mwnaing am.
*AS.- damter f l b r mn be used wtth
m W mwnted to the f12 transfomwr with
~ I H A W m , t h e ~ ~ a s a n

.Tb LSD-W udwml illuminator b k W for
ms0 shatbs rmdw espeew b r n
ilhW@m. Either perallel elmkwus fW
c x ~ h m i n w s f f l a c ~ ~ ~ .
Numldm. TheTGHM tr€m&rmer 1s m%d
Iw w.

- ~
~ I

b W r than
ilkmirmm, while
temperature at
l k w n ~

-m #mdmtkn Mniclues h as high
&mt, b camst and -&!qua 1ILrnlna
r n e r e ~ ~ f r o m ~
~ 9 0 r v l a t h e r i S ~ ~ ~ ~
a Wmsfamr has k m
hmqmatd htu the m-IU.8. An d l i s r y
ollipntranslbrmer,atso tui~t-~n,
*rntiamwmmwWa~a dmple polemng
*Mw a ? w 7 mk a b una- by
a nwlstum.
.m W l L m tmw tlght i m m


* ~ S ; W - I L L K ~ ~ ~ i t s o b l ~

of R b
*&ha dvablllty Is ensured by the water-
W g n of the SZHIlLK
bd@tw &math. DwkW llumkmtkm
~ l y ~ ~ ~ ~ o f
is hlEdhly eftkdw In &Wing striae and
s G r a W m l n ~ ~ ~ a s ~ ~

in m-
*A &@B pdarhing filter may be used WMI
the a - I L L D ulumlnatw.
*A IN,5MIV p c m b m d habpn bulb
*Exha dmbillty 1s emred by the water-
m@mt of the W L L D .

'- I
Silica gel1 Tr Sll~cagel ITranamltted light liumlnatlon (darkfield)
Photomicrography System to Meet a Wide Range of
Documentation Needs

*mPM 8 W s photomicragraphieequip
m y t r p r ~ ~ i y t o t h e
I m ~ o r m % -
~ ~ 8 0 % ~ . ~ b
I s ~ f w t r r y t h t h a ~ a n 1d
~ r P a t s n r ~ ~ ~ f o c u s i ~


P M O ~ t M i p ~ a m c b m e r r t ~
lb'm range can be
att these me^,
~ ~ ~ P h o Q o S g h c m l n g ~ ~ r e
~ . Mamtb
~ ~ l ~ . ~

~ ~ f o r 4 eheet* fih~ 5 ~
.,M3 tBx4 114" w m,M Wl a&
m m.
A Wide Selection of Accessories to Expand the Range
of Applications

@timing and can he freely adjusted

to any a w l q l e .

fllter may be attaGhed to the adapber.

place6 the surfaoe af the stage only m m
*The SZH-STAM stage m r cmn-
the BHMK: large 4" x4" mechardcal
Fitage tathe~HmandSzHSTLmlcm
*Akugh t b sfHSTAD2 is not dedgned
for use wlth thg transmitled IQMUluminatlon
m, transmmed I!gM il!mhdm
can b p m d d by an &Qmal Illumlmr.
*When the W er Is used, the wrrfacre
ofthe stage C w t e l y 125mrnakm
*asp I d .
efhe SZH.BRO b m t y p e stand Is cW@
t o h a n a e ~ ~ ~ ~ e o b p l a c e
mmmmr of the microscope body up to
s ~ ~ d ~ i n s e q u e n c e b r
faster, easier hw@atbn.
am W NV h r W stand permDEB W
rwSe indkspmwe lor .-
~ m D u a c . v l e w h g ~
-The SZH-DOI dual-vlewlng amhment
permiCs Wo Wmrs to simuhmudy

view the same W m m . Abmgh the
image drection Is reversed for the second
W r , Inme rnagnlfldon, brlghlms,

-The W n t of tlw SMS145N is sel

53rrrm h r than the SZH-BI45 to enable
&math with greater comfort a d eas~-
even when ushg attachments such as the
-RE2 Doubls R*ulolvhe Nwepkee
to be atEeched to the microscope and offers
a sh@e onetouch wrath.
the GZH-REi! dwMe mepiece, Um
the rnkn>aoope h r e k cannot
interfere with obfvation or manipulatlan.
.The SlKDA drawing attadrment factlhtes
ih8 tracing of q m k n e n i w f t m
required In research and -st
cm k mounted on dhar s b of the
m h v w.
-The unique desm or the SfH-DA drawlna
atEEachment a r e a Ihat specbnen image

and drawn I mr e g l a precisely,

dhis a b d m m t facilitate tm M
WM p M m k m , p e m w of
b l r m matertals under crossed fllters.
.The w r UWh thk system is a c h e d
tothetlTmlnmedIi@lti # m m base,whlle
W W e r battached4~theobjecth.
D.E Plan 3.W 0.125 I 4.8
m r ru--.ma 4- Cl
It takes a tremendous amount of skills to build a reputation
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Ez%zEams=. shlnMdu. Tdw,JWn

~ - ~ % k ! - ' , ~ ~ * , m " Y
~ ~ P m O N
. 4-DM Lawe- N Y 11012-11lP U S A

Aa M EN r n n t i n d i y impmuing and d.u+iq our p m h c ~th cpnipnunt a u p p k d nwy not ynr .

boll- withth&~ru~Ilbubrlbnr~~tunfntMsmm&.

Printed In Japan M48E-1-

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