Mil Essay

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During the start of the lockdown, we, as well as the other people in our community, thought that it
would only be 2 weeks of lockdown, nothing more, so we just patiently wait as we enjoy our first week
of doing nothing. But, we didn’t prepare to buy many groceries and necessities before the lockdown
because we thought that we wouldn’t need to be that much prepared, and we were already in shortage
of food, along with soap bars and shampoo’s. So, we were already having difficulties trying to find our
needs without going outside. That’s when we learned to look through media for it. Our community quite
adjusted after a few days, creating a face book page specifically for ordering online for needs and
announcements, such as buying alcohol or ingredients and keeping in update of the Covid-19.

There were so many things that was needed during lockdown that we learned of, from the need of
business permit, certifications, QR cards, to even the vaccinations and vaccination cards. As well of the
introduction of modules and online schooling to students, was a big which adjustment for us. On how
we obtained these information, we saw it on articles on the internet, as well mostly from facebook and
trusted people.

But other than those, there were so many information to gain from many media, mostly the internet
websites and the social media. Although social media had many misinformations, there were still trusted
sites to be informed to. A problem to this during that time was what to be trusted or not, since we had
the experience of being misinformed, we were very careful on what we searched on. But most of the
time, our neighbors’ and fellow people in the immediate community helped us keep on update at those

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