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Internal-combustion engines are used exten-

sively in the Navy. They serve as propulsion units
in a variety of ships and boats. Internal-
combustion engines are also used as prime movers
(drive units) for auxiliary machinery. Because they
have pistons that employ a back-and-forth
motion, gasoline and diesel engines are also
classified as reciprocating engines.
This chapter provides you with the general
constr uction fea tur es a nd operating principles of
various types of internal-combustion engines.
After reading this chapter, you will have a basic
understanding of the components that make up
an internal-combustion engine and how these
components work together to develop power.

RECIPROCATING ENGINES Figure 7-1.—Cylinder, piston, connecting rod, and crank-

shaft for one cylinder of an engine.
The internal-combustion engines (diesel and
gasoline) are machines that convert heat energy
into mechanical energy. The transformation of All internal-combustion engines are basically
heat energy to mechanical energy by the engine the sa me. They a ll rely on t hree things—air, fuel,
is based on a fundamental law of physics. Gas and ignition.
will expand when heat is applied. The law also Fuel contains potential energy for operating
states that when a gas is compressed, the the engine; a ir conta ins th e oxygen necessar y for
temperat ure of the gas w ill increa se. If the ga s is combustion; and ignition starts combustion. All
confined with no outlet for expansion, the a r e f u n d a m e n t a l , a n d a n e n g in e w i l l n ot o p er a t e
pressure of the gas will be increased when heat without all of them. Any discussion of engines
is a pplied. In t he interna l-combustion engine, the must be based on these three factors and the steps
burning of a fuel within a closed cylinder results and mechanisms involved in delivering them to
in a n expan sion of ga ses. The pressure crea ted on the combustion chamber at the proper time.
top of a piston by the expanding gases causes it
to move.
The back-and-forth motion of the pistons in GASOLINE VERSUS
an engine is known as reciprocating motion. This DIESEL ENGINES
reciprocating motion (straight-line motion) must
be changed to rotary motion (turning motion) to There are two main differences between
perform a useful function, such as propelling a gasoline and diesel engines. They are the methods
boat or ship through the water or driving a of getting the fuel into the cylinders and of
generat or to provide electricity. A cra nksha ft a nd igniting the fuel-air mixtures. In the gasoline
a connecting rod change this reciprocating engine, the air and gasoline are mixed together
motion to rotary motion (fig. 7-1). outside the combustion chamber. The mixture

Figure 7-2.—Comparison of events in diesel and gasoline four-cycle engines.

then passes through the intake manifold, where The diesel engine uses neither spark plugs nor
it sta rts t o va porize. Then the mixtur e enters the a ca rburetor. On the inta ke stroke, only fresh air
cylinder through the intake valve. Here it is is draw n into the cylinder through the inta ke valve
completely vaporized by the heat of compression an d ma nifold. On the compression st roke, the a ir
as the piston moves upward on the compression is compressed and the temperature in the cylinder
s t r ok e. Wh e n t h e p is t on i s n e a r t h e t o p of i t s r i se s t o a p oi n t b et w e e n 700 ° F a n d 1200 ° F . At
stroke (top dead center or TDC), the mixture is the proper time, the diesel fuel is injected into the
ignited by a spark from the spark plug. cylinder by a fuel injection syst em. When t he fuel

enters the cylinder, it ignites. Figure 7-2 shows the
compa rison of t he four str okes of four-cycle diesel
and gasoline engines.
The speed of a diesel or gasoline engine is
contr olled by the a mount of fuel-a ir mixture t ha t
is burned in the cylinders. The primary difference
is the method in which the fuel and air enter the
combustion chamber. In a diesel engine, the fuel
is injected directly into the combustion chamber,
wh ere it mixes with a ir. In a ga soline engine, the
fuel an d air a re mixed in the inta ke manifold and
then drawn into the combustion chamber.
Mechanically, the diesel engine is similar to
the gasoline engine. The intake, compression,
power, and exhaust strokes occur in the same
order. The arrangement of the pistons, connecting
rods, crankshaft, and engine valves are also the


The power of an internal-combustion engine

comes from th e burning of a mixture of fuel and
air in a sma ll, enclosed space. When t his mixture
burns, it expands greatly. The push or pressure Figure 7-3.—Piston stroke.
created is used to move the piston. The piston then
rotates the crankshaft. The rotating crankshaft
is then used to perform the desired work. connecting rod moves downward with the piston
Since the same actions occur in all cylinders in a straight line. The lower end of the connecting
of an engine, we will discuss only one cylinder and rod moves down and in a circular motion at the
its related parts. The four major parts consist of same time. This moves the crank throw and, in
a cylinder, piston, cranksha ft, a nd connecting r od turn, rotates the shaft. This rotation is the
(fig. 7-1). desired result. So remember, the crankshaft and
First we must have a cylinder that is closed connecting rod combination is a mechanism for
at one end. The cylinder is stationary within the the purpose of changing back-and-forth (recipro-
engine block. cating) motion to circular (rotary) motion.
Inside this cylinder is the piston (a movable
metal plug) that fits snugly into the cylinder but
can still slide up and down easily. Movement of BASIC ENGINE STROKES
the piston is caused by the burning fuel-air
mixture in the cylinder. Each movement of the piston from top to
Y ou h a v e a l r e a d y l e a r n e d t h a t t h e b a c k -a n d - bottom or from bottom to top is called a stroke.
forth movement of the piston is called recipro- The piston takes two strokes (an upstroke and
cating motion, which must be changed to rotary a downstroke) as the crankshaft makes one
motion. This change is accomplished by a throw complete revolution. When the piston is at the top
on the crankshaft and a connecting rod that of a stroke (fig. 7-3, view A), it is said to be at
connects the piston and the crank throw. top dead center (TDC). When the piston is at the
The number of piston strokes occurring bottom of a stroke (fig. 7-3, view B), it is said
during any one series of operations (cycles) is to be at bottom dead center (BDC).
limited to either two or four, depending on the In the basic engine you have studied so far,
design of the engine. we h a ve not considered provisions for gett ing t he
When the piston of the engine slides down- fuel-air mixture int o the cylinder or burned ga ses
ward because of the pressure of the expanding out of the cylinder. There are two openings in the
gases in the cylinder, the upper end of the enclosed end of a cylinder. One of the openings,

Figure 7-4.—Four-stroke diesel engine.

or ports, permits an intake of air, or an to almost t he top of the cylinder. Both t he inta ke
intake of a mixture of fuel and air, into an d exhaust valves are closed during this str oke.
the combustion area of the cylinder (intake The air that entered the cylinder during the
valve). The other opening, or port, permits inta ke stroke is compressed into the sm a ll space
the burned gases to escape from the cylinder above the piston. This is called the compression
(exhaust valve). The two ports have valves stroke.
in them. These valves close off either one
or the other of the ports, or both of them, The high pressure, which results from the
during various stages of engine operation. The compression st roke, ra ises the t empera tur e of the
camshaft (a shaft with a number of cam air far a bove the ignit ion point of th e fuel. When
lobes along its length) opens the valves and the piston nears the top of the compression stroke,
holds them open for short periods during a charge of fuel is forced into the cylinder through
the piston stroke. The camshaft is driven by the injector, as shown in view C. The air, which
the crankshaft through timing gears or by has been heated by compression, ignites the
a timing chain. On a four-stroke engine, fuel.
the camshaft turns at one-half crankshaft
speed. This permits each valve to open and NOTE: The injection portion of a cycle is not
close once for every two turns of the crank- considered a stroke.
During the power stroke (view D), the intake
The following sections give a simplified an d exhaust valves a re both closed. The increase
explanation of the action that takes place in temperature resulting from the burning fuel
within the engine cylinder. For the purpose of greatly increases the pressure on top of the piston.
explanation, we will show the action of a four- This increased pressure forces the piston
stroke diesel engine. This type of engine is d ow n w a r d a n d r ot a t e s t h e c r a n k s h a f t . Th i s i s t h e
referred to as a four-stroke engine because it only stroke in which power is furnished to the
requ ires four complete piston st rokes to complete crankshaft.
one cycle. These strokes ar e known a s t he inta ke
stroke, the compression stroke, the power stroke, During the exhaust stroke (view E), the
a n d t h e e x h a u s t s t r ok e . exhaust valve is open a nd t he inta ke valve remains
closed. The piston moves upward, forcing the
In a four-stroke engine, each piston goes burned gases out of the combustion chamber
through four strokes, and the crankshaft makes through the exhaust valve. This stroke, which
two revolutions to complete one cycle. Each completes the cycle, is followed immediately by
piston delivers power during one stroke in four, the intake stroke of the next cycle, and the
or each piston makes one power stroke for each sequence of events continues.
two revolutions of the crankshaft.
The four-stroke gasoline engine operates on
We will ta ke one cylinder a nd t ra ce its opera- the sa me mecha nical, or opera tional, cycle as t he
tion through the four strokes that make up a diesel engine. In the gasoline engine, the fuel and
cycle (fig. 7-4). The engine parts shown in this air are mixed in the intake manifold; and the
figure include a cylinder, a crankshaft, a piston mixture is drawn into the cylinders through the
connecting rod, and the inta ke and exhaust valves. intake valve. The fuel-air mixture is ignited near
The valve-operating mechanism and the fuel the top of the compression stroke by an electric
system have been omitted. spark that passes between the terminals of the
spark plug.
During the intake stroke shown in view A, the
intake valve is open and the exhaust valve is Two-stroke diesel engines are widely used by
closed. The piston is moving downward and the Navy. Every second stroke of a two-stroke
drawing a charge of air into the cylinder through cycle engine is a power stroke. The strokes
the intake valve. between a re compression st rokes. The int ake an d
exhaust functions take place rapidly near the
When the crankshaft has rotated to the posi- bottom of each power stroke. With this arrange-
tion shown in view B, the piston moves upward ment, there is one power stroke for each

Figure 7-5.—Two-stroke diesel engine.

revolution of the cra nksha ft, or twice as ma ny a s In view C, t he piston is moving down wa rd on
in a four-stroke cycle engine. the power stroke: The exhaust valves are still
closed; and the increased pressure, resulting from
NOTE: A two-stroke engine does not have the burning fuel, forces th e piston downwa rd a nd
intake valves. It has intake ports (fig. 7-5). rotates the crankshaft.
As the piston nears the bottom of the power
The steps in the operation of a two-stroke stroke (view D), the exhaust valves open a nd t he
diesel engine are shown in figure 7-5. In view A, piston continues downw ar d to uncover the inta ke
the piston is moving upward on the compression ports. Air is delivered under pressure by a blower
stroke. The exhaust valve and the intake ports are for two-stroke diesel engines. In a two-stroke
closed, and the piston is compressing the air gasoline engine, air comes from the crankcase
trapped in the combustion chamber. At the top through the intake ports; and the burned gases
of the stroke, with the piston in the position are carried out through the exhaust valve.
shown in view B, fuel is injected (sprayed) into This operation (referred to as scavenging air)
the cylinder and ignited by the hot compressed air. takes place almost instantly and corresponds to

Figure 7-6.—A two-stroke diesel engine cylinder with the
piston at the bottom of the power stroke.

the intake and exhaust strokes of the four-

stroke cycle.
You might expect a two-stroke engine to
develop twice as much power as a four-stroke
engine of the same size and to operate at the same
speed. However, this is not true. With two-stroke
diesel engines, some of the power is used to drive Figure 7-7.—A two-stroke diesel cylinder head, showing the
a blower (fig. 7-6) that forces the air charge into valve-operating mechanism.
the cylinder under pressure. Also, the burned
gases are not completely cleared from the cylinder,
reducing combustion efficiency. Additionally, I n figure 7-7, view A, the cam roller is riding
because of the much shorter period the intake on the base circle of the cam, and the valves are
ports are open (as compared to the period the closed. As the camshaft rotates, the cam lobe or
intake valve in a four-stroke cycle is open), a nose rides under the roller and raises it to the
smaller amount of air is admitted. Therefore, with position shown in view B. When the roller is lifted,
less air being mixed with the fuel, less power-per- t h e a r m r o t a t e s a r o u n d t h e r ock er s h a f t ; a n d t h e
power stroke is produced. Nevertheless, two- opposite end of the arm is lowered. This action
stroke diesel engines give excellent service. pushes the bridge and valves down against the
pressure of the va lve springs a nd opens th e valve
On some types of engines, the camshaft is
The valve mechanism of a two-stroke diesel located near t he cra nksha ft. In these designs, the
cylinder head is shown in figure 7-7. This cylinder action of the cam roller is transmitted to the
head has two exhaust valves that are opened at rocker arm by a pushrod.
the sa me time by t he a ction of a single ca m. They The camshaft must be timed with the crank-
make a tight fit in the exhaust openings (ports) shaft so that the lobes will open the valves in each
in the cylinder head and are held in the closed cylinder at the correct instant in the operating
position by the compression of the valve springs. cycle. In the two-stroke engine, the camshaft
The rocker arm and bridge transmit the rotates at the same speed as the crankshaft.
reciprocating motions of the cam roller to the The four-stroke engine has an intake valve and
valves. an exhaust valve in every cylinder. Ea ch valve is

Figure 7-8.—The fuel supply system of a typical diesel engine.

operated by a separate cam. The intake valve is pressure decreases. T h e n o r m a l a t m o s p h e r i c

held open during the intake stroke, and the pressure then forces the air into the cylinder
exhaust valve is opened during the exhaust stroke. through the intake valve.
Since two revolutions of the crankshaft are Since the two-stroke cycle engine does not go
necessary to complete a cycle, the camshaft of through an intake stroke, a means must be
these engines turns only half as fast as the provided to force air into the cylinders. The air
crankshaft. enters t hrough inta ke ports (uncovered when t he
piston approaches the bottom of the power
stroke). (See fig. 7-5.) Since the exhaust valves are
In the four-stroke cycle engine, air ent ers t he open wh en th e inta ke ports a re being un covered,
cylinders through intake valves. As each piston the incoming air forces the burned gases out
moves downward on the intake stroke, the volume through the exhaust valves and fills the cylinder
in the combustion chamber increases and the with a supply of fresh air.

Figure 7-9.—Mounting of the unit injector in the cylinder head.

On the compression stroke, the exhaust valves You can find more detailed information on
ar e closed, the inta ke ports a re covered, and t he compression ignition systems in E ngi neman 3,
air is trapped in the cylinder. The rising piston NAVEDTRA 10539.
compresses the air and raises its temperature. By
the time the piston reaches the top of the stroke, FUEL SYSTEM
the volume of the combustion chamber has been
greatly reduced. The relation between the volume The fuel system of a diesel engine draws fuel
of the cylinder with the piston at the bottom from the service tank and injects it into the engine
of its stroke and the cylinder volume with the cylinders. Figure 7-8 shows the units found in a
piston at the top of its stroke is called the typical unit-injector fuel system. The fuel pump
COMPRESSION RATIO. d r a w s t h e f u el f r om t h e t a n k t h r ou g h a p r im a r y
As the compression ratio is increased, the stra iner and d elivers it under low pressure to the
temperature of the air in the cylinder increases. injector by way of the secondary filter. The
Current gasoline engines opera te a t compression injector is operated by a rocker arm. It meters,
ratios between 6:1 and 11:1, but compression pressurizes, and atomizes the fuel as it is injected
ratios of diesel engines range between 12:1 and into the combustion chamber. The outlet line
19:1. Remember, that on the compression stroke carries the excess fuel from the injector back to
of a diesel engine the a ir is compressed t o a r an ge the fuel tank. In some units, a transfer pump is
of 400 to 600 psi, which results in a temperature installed between the tank and the strainer. In
ranging from 700°F to 1200°F. However, when other units, the injection pump and injection
the fuel is injected into the cylinder and begins nozzles are separa te units instead of a combined
to burn, the pressure may increase to more than unit, as shown in figure 7-9.
1500 psi and the temperature may rise as high as A diesel engine will not operate efficiently
1800°F. unless clean fuel is delivered to the injector or

injection nozzles. As the fuel is pumped into There are many methods of fuel injection
the fuel service tanks, it is purified. From and just as many types of injection pumps
the service tank the fuel is filtered before and nozzles. The unit injector, shown in
reaching the injection system, where the larger figure 7-9, consists basically of a small cylinder
particles of the solids suspended in the fuel and a plunger and extends through the cylinder
are trapped in the strainer. The filter separates head to the combustion chamber. A cam,
the fine particles of foreign matter that pass located on the camshaft adjacent to the
through the strainer. Most strainers have a cam that operates the exhaust valves, acts
drain plug for removing the water, sludge, and through a rocker arm and depresses the
other foreign matter. The strainers should be plunger at the correct instant in the operating
drained once each day. cycle.

Figure 7-10.—Typical lubication system.

When t he injector plung er is depressed, a fin e variations in the temperature of the engine parts.
spray of fuel is discharged into the cylinder Any abnormal drop in pressure or rise in
through small holes in the nozzle. The smooth temperature should be investigated at once. It is
operation of the engine depends, to a large a dvisable to secure (shut down) the engine unt il
extent, on the accuracy with which the plungers the trouble has been located and corrected.
inject the same amount of fuel into every Constant oil pressure, throughout a wide
cylinder. range of engine speeds, is maintained by the oil
The a mount of fuel injected int o the cylinders pressure relief valve tha t a llows the excess oil to
on each stroke is controlled by rotating the flow back into the sump. All of the oil from the
plungers of a unit injector. The throttle, which pump passes through the filter unless the oil is
regulat es the speed of the engine, is connected t o cold and heavy or if the filter (or oil cooler) is
the injectors through a suitable linkage. A change clogged. In such cases, the bypass valve (filter
in the throttle setting rotates the plungers and bypass valve or cooler bypass valve) is forced
varies the amount of fuel injected into the open; and the oil flows directly to the engine. Part
cylinders on each stroke. of the oil fed to the engine is returned through
the bypa ss filter, which removes flakes of meta l,
LUBRICATION SYSTEM carbon particles, and other impurities.

The lubrication system of an internal-combus- COOLING SYSTEM

tion engine is very important. If the lubricating
system sh ould fa il, not only will the engine st op, Marine engines are equipped with a water-
but many of the parts are likely to be damaged cooling system to carry away the excess heat
beyond repair. Therefore, when lubrication failure produced in the engine cylinders. Fresh water
occurs, the engine can seldom be run again (coolant) is circulated through passages in the
without a major overhaul. cylinder walls and in the cylinder head, where it
The lubricating system delivers oil to the becomes hot from absorbing engine heat. The hot
moving pa rts of the engine to reduce friction a nd coolant then passes through a heat exchanger,
to assist in keeping the parts cool. Most diesel and where it gives up its heat to a cooling medium,
gasoline engines are equipped with a pressure becomes cool, and returns to the engine to remove
lubricating system that delivers the oil under more heat. The cooling medium may be either air
pressure to the bearings and bushings and also or seawater.
lubricates the gears and cylinder walls. The oil A heat exchanger using air as the cooling
usually reaches the bearings through passages medium works like an automobile radiator. A
drilled in the framework of the engine. The heat exchanger using seawater as the cooling
lubricating system of a typical diesel engine is medium may be mounted either on the engine
shown in figure 7-10. or on the ship’s hull. Engine-mounted heat
All of the engine par ts a re lubrica ted w ith oil exchangers require seawater to be pumped to
delivered by a gear-type oil pump. This pump and from them; whereas, hull-mounted heat
takes suction through a screen from an oil pan exchangers (keel coolers) are in constant contact
or sump. From the pump, the oil is forced through with seawa ter an d require the fresh wat er (coolant )
the oil filter and the oil cooler into the main oil to be pumped through the cooler.
gallery. The oil is fed from the main gallery,
through individual passages, to the main crank- STARTING SYSTEMS
shaft bearings and one end of the hollow
camshaft. All the other moving parts and There are three types of starting systems used
bearings are lubricated by oil drawn from these in internal-combustion engines—electric,
two sources. The cylinder walls and the teeth of hydraulic, and compressed air.
many of the gears are lubricated by oil spray As a Fireman, you will probably have more
thrown off by the rotating crankshaft. After the conta ct with t he electric star ting system th a n you
oil has served its purpose, it drains back to the will with the other two types. Lifeboats aboard
sump to be used again. ships use an electric starter to start the engine.
The oil pressure in the line leading from the Electric starting systems use direct current
pump to the engine is indicated on a pressure because electrical energy in this form can be stored
gauge. A temperature gauge in the return line in batteries and drawn upon when needed. The
provides an indirect method for indicating battery’s electrical energy can be restored by

Figure 7-11.—Electric starting system.

charging the battery with an engine-driven (1,500 rpm), the shaft would be spun at a rapid
generator. rate (22,500 to 30,000 rpm). At such speeds, the
The main components of the electric starting starting motor would be badly damaged.
system, as shown in figure 7-11, a r e t h e b a t t e r y ,
cranking motor, and associated control and Hydraulic Starting Systems
protective devices.
There are several t ypes of hydra ulic sta rting
Electric Starting Systems systems in use. In most installat ions, the system
consists of a hydraulic starting motor, a piston-
The starting motor for diesel and gasoline type accumulator, a manually operated hydraulic
engines operates on the same principle as a direct pump, an engine-driven hydraulic pump, and a
current electric motor. The motor is designed to reservoir for the hydraulic fluid.
carry extremely heavy loads but, because it draws Hydraulic pressure is provided in the accumu-
a high current (300 to 665 amperes), it tends to lator by the manually operated hand pump or
overheat quickly. To avoid overheating, NEVER from the engine-driven pump when the engine is
allow the motor to run more than the specified operating.
amount of time, usually 30 seconds at a time. When the starting lever is operated, the
Then allow it to cool for 2 or 3 minutes before cont rol valve allows h ydra ulic oil (under pressur e
u s in g i t a g a i n . of nitrogen gas) from the accumulator to pass
To star t a diesel engine, you must tu rn it over through the hydraulic starting motor, thereby
rapidly to obtain sufficient heat to ignite the fuel. cranking the engine. When the starting lever is
The starting motor is located near the flywheel, released, spring action disengages the starting
a n d t h e d r iv e g ea r on t h e s t a r t e r i s a r r a n g e d s o pinion and closes the control valve. This stops the
that it can mesh with the teeth on the flywheel flow of hydraulic oil from the accumulator. The
when the starting switch is closed. The drive starter is protected from the high speeds of the
mechanism must function to (1) transmit the engine by the action of an overrunning clutch.
turning power to the engine when the starting The hydraulic starting system is used on
motor runs, (2) disconnect the starting motor some smaller diesel engines. This system can
from the engine immediately after the engine has be applied to most engines now in service without
started, and (3) provide a gear reduction ratio modification.
between the starting motor and the engine.
The drive mechanism must disengage the Air Starting Systems
pinion from the flywheel immediately after
the engine starts. After the engine starts, its Starting air comes directly from the ship’s
speed may increase rapidly to approximately medium-pressure (MP ) or high -pressure (HP ) air
1,500 rpm. If the drive pinion remained meshed service line or from th e sta rting a ir flasks w hich
with the flywheel and also locked with the shaft are included in some systems for the purpose of
of the starting motor at a normal engine speed storing starting air. From either source, the air,

on its way to the starting air system, must bypass maintain the same mixture ratio over a wide range
through a pressure-reducing valve, which reduces of engine speeds. The mixture ratio is the number
the higher pressure to the operating pressure of pounds of air mixed with each pound of
r e q u ir e d t o s t a r t a p a r t i c u la r e n g in e . ga soline va por. A rich mixtur e is one in wh ich the
A relief valve is insta lled in t he line between percenta ge of gasoline vapor is high, w hile a lean
the reducing valve and the starting system. The mixture contains a low percentage of gasoline
relief valve is normally set to open at 12 percent vapor.
above the required starting air pressure. If the air The electrical ignition system is designed to
pressure leaving the reducing valve is too high, deliver a spark in the combustion chamber of each
the relief valve will protect the system by releasing cylinder at a specific point in that cylinder’s
air in excess of a preset va lue and permit a ir only cycle of operation. A typical ignition system
at safe pressure to reach the starting system of includes a storage battery, an ignition coil, breaker
the engine. points, a condenser, a distributor, a spark plug
in each cylinder, a switch, and the necessary
START AIR MOTOR SYSTEM.— S o m e wiring.
engines, usually gas turbine types, are designed There are two distinct circuits in the ignition
to crank over by starting motors that use system—the primary and the secondary. The
compressed air. Air-starting motors are usually primary circuit carries a low-voltage current. The
driven by air pressures varying from 90 to 200 psi. secondary circuit is high volta ge. The ba tt ery, the
ignition sw itch, the ignition coil, and t he breaker
COMPRESSED AIR ADMISSION SYSTEM.— points are connected in the primary circuit. The
Most large diesel engines are started when secondary circuit, also connected to the ignition
compressed air is admitted directly into the engine coil, includes the distribut or an d t he spar k plugs.
cylinders. Compressed air at approximately 200 The st orage ba tt ery is usu ally 6, 12, or 24 volts.
to 300 psi is directed into the cylinders to force One terminal is grounded to the engine frame,
t h e p i s t on d o w n a n d t h e r eb y , t u r n t h e cr a n k s h a f t while the other is connected to the ignition system.
of the engine. This air admission process continues The ignition coil, in many respects, is similar
until the pistons are able to build up sufficient to an electromagnet. It consists of an iron core
heat from compression to cause combustion to surrounded by prima ry an d seconda ry coils. The
s t a r t t h e e n gi n e. primary coil is made up of a few turns of heavy
wire, while the secondary coil has a great many
turns of fine wire. In both coils, the wire is
GASOLINE ENGINES insulat ed and t he coils are entirely sepa ra te from
each other.
The main parts of the gasoline engine are quite The breaker points form a mecha nical swit ch
similar to those of the diesel engine. The two connected to the primary circuit. They are opened
engines differ principally in that the gasoline b y a c a m t h a t i s t i m ed t o b r ea k t h e ci r cu i t a t t h e
engine has a carburetor an d an electrical ignition exact instant that each cylinder is due to fire. A
system. condenser is connected across the breaker points
The induction system of a gasoline engine to prevent arcing and to provide a better high-
draws gasoline from the fuel tank and air from voltage spark.
the atmosphere, mixes them, and delivers the The distributor, connected to the secondary
mixture to the cylinders. The induction system or high-volta ge circuit, serves a s a selector swit ch
consists of the fuel tank, the fuel pump, the that channels electric current to the individual
carburetor, and the necessary fuel lines and air cylinders. Although the breaker points are
passages. Flexible tubing carries the fuel from the connected in the primary circuit, they are often
ta nk to the car buretor, wh ile the inta ke manifold located in the distributor case. The same drive
carries the fuel-air mixture from there to the shaft operates both the breaker points and the
individual cylinders. The fuel-air mixture is ignited distributor.
by an electric spark. The spark plugs, which extend into the
The carburetor is a device used to send a fine combustion chambers of the cylinders, are
spray of fuel into a moving stream of air as it connected by heavily insulated wires to the
moves to the intake valves of the cylinders. The distributor. A spark plug consists essentially of
spray is swept along, vaporized, and mixed with a m eta l shell tha t screws into the spark plug hole
the moving air. The carburetor is designed to in the cylinder, a center electrode embedded in

porcelain, and a side electrode connected to the The contact-point ignition system is an older
shell. The side electrode is adjusted so that type. The electronic ignition system is of the newer
there is a small space (gap) between it and type. The basic difference between the contact-
the center electrode. This gap varies depending point a nd t he electronic ignition syst ems is in th e
on the engine. When the plug fires, an electric primary circuit. The primary circuit in the contact-
spark jumps across the gap between the point system is opened and closed by contact
electrodes. points. In the electronic system, the primary
When the engine is running, the electric circuit is opened and closed by the electronic
current in the primary circuit flows from the control unit.
b a t t e r y t h r o u g h t h e s w i t c h , t h e p r im a r y w i n d i n g The secondary circuits are practically the same
in the ignition coil, the breaker points, and then for the two systems. The difference is that the
back to t he ba tt ery. The high volta ge is produced distributor, ignition coil, and wiring are altered
in the secondary winding in the ignition coil, then to handle the higher voltage that the electronic
flows through the distributor to the individual ignition system produces.
spark plugs a nd ba ck to the ignition coil through One advantage of this higher voltage of
the engine frame. It is interesting to note that the approximately 47,000 volts is that spark plugs with
high volta ge that jumps the ga p in the spark plugs wider gaps can be used. This results in a longer
does not come from the battery but is produced spark, w hich can ignite leaner fuel-air mixtures.
in the ignition coil. As a result, engines can run on leaner mixtures
The ignition coil and the condenser are the for better fuel economy and lower emissions.
only parts of the ignition system that require an Another difference is that some electronic
explanation. The soft iron core and the primary ignition systems have no mechanical advance
windings function as an electromagnet. The mechanisms—centrifugal or vacuum. Instead, the
current flowing through the primary windings spark timing is adjusted electronically.
magnetizes the core. The same core and the The sta rting system of the ga soline engine is
secondary windings function as a transformer. basically the same as that of the diesel engine. The
Variations in the primary current change the generator keeps the battery charged and provides
magnetism of the core, which in turn produces the current to operate the lights and other
high voltage in the secondary windings. electrical equipment. The starter motor draws
With the engine running and the breaker c ur r e n t f r o m t h e b a t t e r y a n d r o t a t e s t h e f l y w h e el
points closed, low-voltage current flows through and crankshaft for starting.
the primary circuit. When the breaker points
open, this current is interrupted and produces high
voltage in the secondary circuit. The electricity, SUMMARY
which would otherwise arc across the breaker
points as they are separating, now flows into the This chapter wa s designed to give you a brief
condenser. understanding of diesel and gasoline internal-
The principal purpose of the condenser is to combustion engines. You will find these engines
protect the breaker points from being burned. on all ships in t he Navy. It will be of great value
The condenser also aids in obtaining a hotter to you to learn more about them by reading the
spark. referenced material given throughout this chapter.


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