Anastacio (Fable)

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Using the semantic web below. Write words that would best describe/tell
what a fable is.

Uses animals as the

characters on the story
which act, think, and talk
like human beings.

Commonly. From
Aesop’s influence—
-Written shortly, no
fictional but the
scenes occur in real FABLE lengthy scenarios,
entertaining , and
suits for all audiences.
bring moral to

--gives moral lesson to life,

society, and human
behavior through the
animal ‘s personality plays
from the story
The Hare and the Moon

A hare lived in a forest. He had two friends-a monkey and an

Otter. They spent a lot of time together. One day a beggar came to the
forest very tired and hungry.

The otter was catching fish. The Beggar went to him. He asked for
food. Otter offered him a fish but the beggar said he doesn’t eat fish. He
asked also the monkey, who was eating few nuts, to give him food but the
beggar wanted a lot of it. So, he went to the hare to ask a food.

The hare was eating grass that was the only food he could offer. He
grabbed some woods and pair of stones and made a fire. He jumped onto
it but it didn’t burn him. Only to find out that the beggar was an angel. He
was pleased and took Hare and put him on moon. From then, the shadow
of hare be seen when they looked up to the moon.

Do charity and sacrifice. Don’t be

Brave, loud, The Lion and the Mouse

clever, greedy, foolish The Dog and His Reflection

Pretender, sneaky, scary The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Modest, meek The Raven and The Swan

slow, infallible, persevere The Rabbit and The Turtle

Diligent, terrible The Ants and The Grasshopper

Loud, chic, witty The Hen and The Fox

Loud, sneaky, fussy The Sheep and The Pig

Mischievous, boastful, tricky The Monkey and The Cat


I chose Swan because she is often described with consistent characteristics in
some fables. Some of us knew they were quite, modest, and meek but we didn’t know
why they were like that. Somehow I could tell, Swans are hideous and full of pretentions
that they could not speak on what they feel. They have to keep silent because they
don’t want making fuss but rather they only alter issues through silence. This swan I
compare to me.

This is why I could relate to Swans, but I know there are disadvantages of being
on Swan’s personality (also reflecting to me). Firstly, some people may look on you as
weak but they don’t know you are deadly. Full of emotions that in just one stab of her
feelings she might get burst. Second, they are soft-hearted, they easily cry and get hurt
but chose to understand people and let the silence be their hideout of emotions. Lastly,
they are delicate and also need of comfort when time of oppression (just like me). I also
do self-comfort that I don’t want somebody to disturb when I am sad. But sometimes I
also need a shoulder to cry even in just a minute.

Being a Swan’s personality is very hard that you cannot show your real feelings
to people due to you are always thinking their feelings first rather than yourself. It is so
sad to be something when you’re not. It’s like I have walked alone with the stars in the
moonlit night, I have walked alone that no one by my side. But, I’m trying and practicing
with my head held high that in the darkest time I feel so alive. Hoping I will be healed
with this kind of personality and soon find the real me showing that this is the imperfect
me. So just one day, I can face people without hesitations and pretentions. I just want to
live with people who will never look down on me. But today, I must overcome first this
one of the Swan’s personality, I know this is part of the process. For the main time I
must stay meek and courteous and wait for my time will come to show up.

a.The Hare with Many Friends

This fable I can relate to, because as a courteous woman I am known to be a
friend of all like Hare in the story. I felt happy when someone calls me I have a lot of
friends surround me but I am partly sad because when I am sad or feeling down there is
no one can attempt to comfort me and lend their time when I needed a shoulder I felt a
grief that turns out to many realizations: 1) I should not take some people as trusted one
that when I needed them the most they just ignore me .2) Learn to say NO, if they are
just using you in their needs, that when the time you need them they all have been
missing out.3)”A Friend To All is a Friend To None “ I know there is someone who could
lend me a time, but in times when there is none learn to be independent, sometimes our
friends gets vanished and all we have to do is to make it in our own. I felt pity for myself
sometimes, because I have a long list of friendships but no one could treat me as
special like what I treat to them. Now, I learned the lesson of friendship.

b. The Horse and The Groom

This conveyed that even when someone is not looking to your performance in
service you should be loyal and honest because there is someone who will be affected
on what you are doing. This scenario also reflects in our government, when there is no
one watching you work you will do evil that may affects the mass and multitude. We
should stop this stigma because this is why we are not improving highly. We must take
care of what is given to us, not just in the first stance but until the last.

c. The Lion in Love

We all know Love is powerful, it sounds cliché but that is the reality. Even a stone
heart could soften to say apology. Even the prettiest could be fall in love to the ugly.
Even the richest could be fall in love to a commoner. We cannot define what is exactly
love is, but one thing for sure it is great feeling that we may feel. We can change
something through, love and that is not impossible.

d. The Milkmaid and Her Pail

As a lady, I must say I could relate because what was the lady did in the story is
a girl thing. We simply overthink and overthink that will finally makes us stupid. For me,
it is not bad to think the possibilities but we forget the limitations that would turn out into
trouble. Wait for the process because everything we plan has a steps to take on.

e. The Dog and the Wolf

Life of poor is a simple reminder that life is tough but at least you own your own
battle, you never hurt anyone. But making your life stepped on from cruel people makes
the life tougher just to live with elegance. Don’t get tied up from cruelty make your own
money and run your own race without the maltreatment of slavery. Sometimes, we must
go out of the shell to make ourselves free and happy.
f. Peter Rabbit
A hard-headed rabbit reminds of me sometimes because I am the daughter that
sometimes not following the rules. Just like having a boyfriend at a young age (16 years
old at that time) that is not suit to me. Then, I realized that my mother was right because
when we have broken up I started to cry and thinking where is the way to move out from
this pain and trouble. Now, I realized my mistake I will never do it again but when the
time is right I could begin again. Parents know best.

g. Winnie the Pooh

I love this book and movie ever since I was a kid. Pooh and her company is really
a great model of circle of friends. Though they may see it for young audiences but the
content is for all which I really like about. I could say, friends in need are a family. Even
in a simple life, life could be merrier that wealth cannot be paid off. Sometimes, we think
that happiness is when you have money but the true wealth is being shared the laughter
and comforts with friends.
Specially, when it is your special day, preparations of food, decorations are not
the one should be centered out but the people who are always with your side. Be
helpful, when there is someone needs your help. Have empathy wherever you go.
Accept what flaws your friends have because that is also the key to happiness. Learn to
understand each other and give sympathy. Free yourself to be happy. It doesn’t need
luxurious materials to get the happiness you want, happiness comes from the love of
people, who always been there for you, to catch you even when you’re happy and sad.
Lastly, be true to yourself, you don’t need to hide anything from you because a true
friends never let down their friend.

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