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Dan's behavior of constantly seeking his mother's attention and displaying jealousy towards his father
can be categorized as belonging to the psychoanalytic stage of development known as the Oedipal
complex. which suggests that during the phallic stage of development (ages 3-6) children experience
unconscious desires for the parent of the opposite sex and also harbor feelings of jealousy and conflict
towards the parent of the same sex. It is a stage of development that encompasses feelings of love,
competition, and jealousy towards the opposite-sex and same-sex parent, and it is important for parents
and caregivers to provide understanding and support as children navigate through these complex
emotions. By recognizing and addressing these feelings in a healthy and constructive manner, children
can successfully move through the phallic stage of development and continue to grow and thrive.

2..2 Yes, the perspective mentioned is a good example of student-centered learning. In student-centered
learning, the focus is on the needs and abilities of the students, rather than on the teacher or the
content being taught. In the case of Teacher Dennis and his tumbling lesson, he begins by physically
guiding his students through the correct movement, ensuring that they understand and can perform the
basic skills before moving on. This approach is student-centered because it takes into account the
individual abilities and needs of each student, providing personalized support to help them succeed.

2.3 Teacher Dennis should also portray encouragementin this setting. Becasue encouragement is
another important aspect of teaching tumbling. As students attempt new movements and techniques,
they may feel hesitant or unsure of their abilities. It is the role of the teacher to provide positive
reinforcement and constructive feedback to help boost their confidence and motivation. Teacher Dennis
should offer words of encouragement and praise when students show improvement or master a new
skill, creating a sense of accomplishment and pride in their progress.

3. Diversity in the classroom is a beautiful and enriching aspect of the educational experience. When
students from different backgrounds come together, they bring with them a wealth of knowledge,
experiences, and perspectives that can greatly enhance the learning environment. To exhibit a good
attitude toward diversity in the classroom, it is important to create a welcoming and inclusive
environment where all students feel respected and valued. When it comes to instructional strategies, it
is important to recognize that students have different learning styles, abilities, and cultural backgrounds.
One way to take the uniqueness of students into account is by offering differentiated instruction.
Additionally, it is important to create a supportive and collaborative learning environment that embraces
the strengths and contributions of all students. This can be achieved by promoting group work, peer
tutoring, and cooperative learning activities that allow students to share their skills and knowledge with
one another.

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