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| Pupil’s name : Mark: \20 January 2013 | M RS Regaieg Awatef “End of Term Test N°l 8" form Text ‘ve in Britain. It’s time when the It’s December 31°, New Year’s British celebrate the arrival of the New Year. Today, Jane is having a party in his house. He is sending invitation to his friends .He is decorating his house with colorful balloons and banners saying “Happy New Year” MrJohn, Jane’s father is going to buy presents. While Mrs.Alicia, Jane’s mother is preparing delicious food. On the evening of December 31"yall the ‘membel ist thefamily dress on their best clothes and welcome their fiers They dance, eat and have fun. When the clock strikes twelve everyone shouts “HAPPY NEW YEAR”! They all join hands and sing a traditional British song, «We wish you a merry Christmas”. Jane exchanges gifis with his friends The party is wonderful. Everyone has fun and feels happy It's a t way to welcome the New Year. Reading Comprehension (6 marks) 1- circle the right title for the text(1 mark) - happy new year happy birthday - happy holidays 2 -write true or false (3 marks) ~ a)-Jane is celebrating the arrival of a new year with his family and his friend .... b)-Mr. John prepares delicious food...........+. * c) - Mrs. Alicia sends invitations to Jane’s friends 3 - Answer the following question. (2 marks) Did Jane enjoy the party? Yes/No | Language (8 marks} 1-Mach sentences in A with sentences in B (4 marks) | ne B a)- what the weather’s like? ; | 1)-she goes to the library. : 1 | 'b)- when is your birthday? % 2)- he’s Alicia ‘s father a | c)-where does Nancy 20 “on Friday | 3)- my birthday is on the twenty-six afternoon? _ - fof April itd d)-what relation is Mr. Edison to} 4) - itis cold, foggy and windy. Hi! My name is Alicia. come from Britain, So, ?'m.............65. I English very well. It is my mother tongue. Pm a pupil. I study it @..eceeceeeeeeeee school I go to the school every day except on Saturday and Sunday, Today, I’m going with my mother to the supermarket ('m_ preparing for my birthday .My birthday is the twenty —second of April. I hope the weather will be eae tee and beautiful, so that all my friends could come to my birthday party. 3- circle the right words (1 mark) -The weather in Tunisia is hot and sunny .[’s (beautiful, terrible) -The weather in London is terrible. It’s (raining dogs and cats I ‘raining cats and dogs). Writing (6 marks) Ahmed writes a letter to his pen friend Jane in Britain to describe the weather in Tunisia and tell him what he does during the summer and the winter. Winter: cold, windy, foggy rain, cloud Inthe morning: go to school. In the evening: stay at home, surf the net mmer; hot, sunny, beautiful -not cold In the morning: go to the workshop with his father. end: go to swim. Best Regards Your friend Amed | | Mark : \20 January 2013 | [A /Pupil’s name : Po) End of Term Test MRS Rega Nel | Awatef 8" form Text It's December 31", New Year’s Eve in Britain. It’s time when the British celebrate the arrival of the New Year. Today, Jane is having a party in his house. He is sending invitation to his friends He is decorating his house with colorful balloons and banners saying “Happy New Year”. Mr.John, Jane’s father is going to buy presents. While Mrs.Alicia, Jane’s mother is preparing delicious food. On the evening of December 31"\all the member of the family dress on their best clothes and welcome their friends. They dance, eat and have fun. When the clock strikes twelve everyone shouts “HAPPY NEW YEAR”! ‘They all join hands and sing a traditional British song, «We wish you a merry Christmas”, Jane exchanges gifts with his friends. ‘The party is wonderful. Everyone has fun and feels happy I's a perfect way to welcome the New Year. Reading Comprehension (6 marks) 1- cirele the right title for the text(1 mark) éTappy new year ~ happy birthday - happy holidays 2 -write true or false (3 marks) a)-Jane is celebrating the arrival of a new year with his family and his friend .. Lud’... b)-Mr, John prepares delicious food. Llales : c) - Mrs. Alicia sends invitations to Jane’s friends 4 3 - Answer the following question, (2 marks) Did Jane enjoy the party? Yes/No Iustify..\fen.. an Mle Hogers ne What relation is Jane to Mrs. Alicia? Mars Mreceurgerauds Adee y , Language (8 marks} | |-Mach sentences in A with sentences in B (4 marks) A B a | i ea | | a)- what the weather’s like? | D-she goes to the library, | Sie eae |b): when is your birthday? 2)- he’s Alicia ‘s father c)-where does Nancy go on Friday | 3)- my birthday is on the twenty-s afternoon? of April : /d)-what relation is Mr. 4) - itis cold, foggy and windy. Alicia? ison to Oe i 2- complete the paragraph with the mi [ Sunny - on - primary - party - speak - British | Hi! My name is Alicia. come from Britain. So, I’m. pol English very well. It is my mother tongue. I'm a | pupil. I study in a. yaaooctsdgooessee-e.8ehool. I go to the school every day except on Saturday and Sunday. Today, I’m going with my mother to the supermarket. I'm preparing for my birthday «pean My birthday is (Fite the twenty ~second of April. I hope the weather will be and beautiful, so that all my friends could come to my birthday party. | 3- circle the right words (1 mark) -The weather in Tunisia is hot and sunny .It’s viful, terrible), -The weather in London is terrible. Its (raining dogs and cats [raining cats and dogs). , Writing (6 marks) Ahmed writes a letter to his pen friend Jane in Britain to describe the weather in Tunisia and tell him what he does during the summer and the winter. Winter: cold, windy, foggy. rain, cloud. In the morning: go to school. In the evening: stay at home, surf the net Summer: hot, sunny, beautiful. -not cold ‘ In the morning: go to the workshop with his father. Weekend: go to swim. Dear Jane BG elm. Fe pad Se gh a Dy yi Oe len which fot USKech.oe. abet, (MEA la. A 0h rfl nn “Tinian Mali, ve colb nigel phe ‘2 i seni “stl uate “ie ; ee us all what's sboal Best Regards e Your friend Amed | teachers: Ato Raja Lagha | Academic Yoor D031] 20237 | i en foreune a] add lance peep choad of Soon Final Test N°1_ Se =. Exercise: GS dua RTO COVD wiaton conan gown open ination project) PR oN bh {o-make aware people about getting vaccinated against the corona virus, ~ ject should pass through diferent steps. Identify the missing steps in order: pny pe ene cy information Sea UMN, dias. tas ne Be 9) You have prepared the following storyboard for your projéct: cereal c re i ynuser thre 4) Add the backdrop and the sprites you nee / spts) b) Animate the girl and the man gs-in the pow 2.7 hoay ©) Add the speech of each spried (2) Ay (spts) me - a ea : a Ay Exercise2: .5pts) You have received a bad message from your online friends on your phone. a) How do we call such Internet danger? O Virus O Fake news Gyberbullying © Cyber predators O Fake account b)_ What should you do? (esr the message [JReply back with another bad message WBlock the person and Report to a responsible adult ©) You have gone on a gaming website, and it asks you to download a link before you play. How do we call stich Internet danger? oD. a dd} What should you do? Wye the link to an adult and ask them ifit's safe] Download it anyway oa you installed a good antivirus before downloading = ™ --) Exercise3: fires) ont of the proposition that is part of good behavior on the Internet: Pat across a) What should you do if a stranger asks you to send a picture of yourself to him? O Send the picture if you think you know them raight away Do not send any pictures and tell an adult s Send the picture even though they're a stranger b) Who should you accept friend requests from online? O Someone you think you've met before OAnyone OA friend of a friend (QOnly from people you definitely know ©) In a Messenger group, a friend spread fake news about your college. What should you do? OReport my friend's account OShare it immediately “WCheck the source before sha 2 Ay d) with whom can you share your password? Nobody ~ you should keep them to yourself Gro ly -y Pp J O Your friends O Your teacher €) You wa ry) of you sure. Who to ask before doing it? t to share a video ( lf on Instagram, but you are not O The website can tell me whether it is able or not. PF Your parents ONobody. I can delete it later if I need-to-—— GOD WORK A$ As Mid Term English Test Nt 1- Tick the correct alternative (1m) The passage is mainly about / 2- What's the problem with holidays according to the speaker J malhnbeat ac cand 3+ How long do the ah BAN set 2m) 1 tony fh ahonia, & peti, ae 4 Are the cowie ue’ot False ? (2m) = Inhils country there are a 2 [9k of atonal holidays ( Anclin4 Qodne 4 All ores nh county ave on tee wes any» Tang © 5- Listen and fill in the blanks with 2 words (1m) Lae Sano, nel kel of 6 Findn utterance in the text expressing LtKes (1m) A TRevsten dada wn es 7- Pick two verb. s from the passage with the following sounds (1m) Even summer holidays aren’ AS yer Language (12 marks) Brin O he n\ \ 1- Fill in the blanks with words from the box bel words (3 m) low. Thefe are two extra George Mikes oncésaid “ when: people say England, they sometimes mean Great Britain, some.times the United kingdom, sometimes the British Isles-but Wu, England”, Britain-or Great Britain (GB) is the name for England, wales and Scotland, ’ NA ey: Britain is the ...@44(\.largest island in the world. The Baidu. the name for England, Scotland, Wales, both parts of Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Island. The United.K.luslagis England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is about 250.00 « sKilometres in size and 1.000 , ny EONAR ;: kilometres from North to.0eull....The British ‘dovernment is the government ee les is of the UK. 3 Kingdgm south eigth eight | British Square - never Queen — sue 2- Circle the correct alternative (4 m) at Even the British royal family have to think about Gave\- saving)~ to save) Money sometimes. In the past few years, they have tried to find different ways of cutting (Eosts b costly ~ cost) . The royal ship, the Britannia, was very famous for more than forty years. # travelled } travel) all over the world. It was her)= their) family for business — for example, From 1953 to 1977 it ‘travels used by the Queen and (his for visits by people in foreign governments — and for family holidays. After Prince Charles and Princess Diana (was — are — @ere) married, they had a holiday on the Britannia. a But many people (taughi)- thought/— caught) that the royal family did not need an (expensive — @ld)- awful) ship like the Britannia. So finally the royal family stopped using it. It was taken to Edinburgh, and thousands of tourists visit it there. 30 Today ordinary people can enjoy (walk ing = to walk) around this wonderful ship. 3- Match a iine in A with a line in B to get a coherent paragraph (3 m) [Pics See be a im Es = | 1- The Romans built a city,2nd calledit | a- size and had a wall around it. ; 2- It was about a square mile in b- doing business in the ares of 3- In 1300 s, money lenders from the walled city. | 4- They started c- Londinium, in A D 50 5- Now the city of London is the most | d- business centre. important e- Italy came to London. 6- It has hundreds f- The history of the city of London. g- of banks, insurance companies L _ erase fet ancl and financial centres. | 4- Reorder the scrambled sentences (2 m) Visitors to Britain generally agree about one thing — British cooking. “It’s terrible !” they say.(“you ~ vegetables ~ mahy — can. - ih ~ nis a interesting’)... WAM...Cor.) aint. LORATUN dk alo Qan it NBL. dap ih Maa, julobtan But the British i ge th for too long,(lose — so ~ taste — they — their) Addn i O These visitors eat in the wrong places. ol (Cooking ~ te ~ ih ~ bdst ~ f ~ Brifish - respdurants - g2od pW orhome,) ; Sau nie y = so ALANA SS an Ac eerie. fon ASss oooh i A kaunanld oy wh Ror « British tastes have changed over the past twenty years. People now prefer chicken and fresh fish. (nterested ~ And ~ in ~ more ~ pedple* eating ~ are iY 2 healthy Jaya Aaputle ang. @atia satilesals ay The British have a “sweet tooth”. They love cakes, chocolates, sweets and puddings. Can you imagine a pudding made mostly with bread and butter ? It is British and it is great! 30 of Anliée Seoluire 2012201. | Duration: 1 hour _ .NUMBE] seco |- Listening comprehension: marks) | 4), Underline e'the right option: (mark) , Anna and Dave are speaking about al Organizing a trip next balitey b/ Arranging a mesting for dinner, 7 c! Planning a visit to a museum, 21 Tick the day Dave and Anna ars busy doing the foll K | Monday” [uesday [Wednesday [Thursday [Friday | Saturday : i = a ee fave has late | classes as oe Seve ei a a el aenee hasa , wing Tepsom | 2 y 3/- Answer the following questions: 2 marks) al What will Anna Wedn-siay night? ae ‘b/ Did Anna and Dave agree onl spec Ny be 4lFind out the function of the following statement : (1 mitrky’ Lets sesifwe finda day when we re both freey = —, petting i ie i i Listen and complete the two missing words i(1mark) «| Anna : « Anyway, Pm not free. } Dave: « The weekend I’m not free-at all Because 1, . to. meet friends». i \ Pronunciation: t 7 Cee Choose two words having the following sounds 1 mark) 1 I- as are sie :2 marks) o> 2: ds front the list (Be carefitl there are? extra words!) (4 marks). in 1975, my family ‘eft England. After five hours in the aeroplane, we arrived to ous. _ Which was Krnman, Jordan. As soon as we arrived, my mother felt a bit relaxed... “she hated plane journeys. My family lived in alovely apartment ss a a big company that built bridges in Jordan, My father worked J attended an. 2° %. chool with children from all over the world. At first, we home but then we quickly made new neighbours. were friendly. In 1986, my family and T returned to England but I lovédmiy stay. in Jordan. I learnt 60... ‘information about an interesting culture. : ~ Pome ise © | = \ Dear Mike, i \ ee | Hi! How areyou ? ee We (enjoy /is enjoying/ frevengaying, our holiday in the ; Gulf of Aqaba gf the moment. Yesterd day, we went Seuba diving in-the Red Sea. I was amazed: (see. t ‘see, saw) the fish swimming and I was even lucky enough to catch one, We wore wear! gyre wearing) wet suits,-which I found a little, bit “ uncomfortable. * We) swam qrext frear/ by) to an old. boat and even took photos. a was (ead dereaneitly)! . FU shou yoit the photos. (Luckily {eldnbisd t Unfors tunatels)the day was too short. There was nore to pee. See you, ; o a qa - _below. ~_ (Be carefitl there are 2 ext at pictures of a holiday SPO Two friends looking ‘Tim Aten, do you want to see the pictures of my holiday in taly? Alan : Sure, what was it like? 5 a ‘Tin Spelling: co . Listen and complete the two missing words (1 mark) | | Anyway, Pm not free... KHAN... se :« The weekend I’m not free at all Because 1. 4 oucenswer: either, . to meet friends» \ . ‘ 0 He Language +02 marks) ol 41. with words from the-list th 1975, my family Jeft England, After fj = a ful there are? extra words!) (4 me, E b ve hours “in the aeroplane, we airived Ye our. hea tndiion (Which was Amman, Jordan. As soon as'w ve arrived, my mother felt 2 bit relaxed... boeceus + Shé hated plane Journeys. My family lived ina in Jordan. My father worked as an EMAUBES lovely apartment ~-in a big company that built bridges T attended an iantiovaaliowel. sehdor Wn children from all over the world. At first, we renner. sv-vhome but then we quickly made new neighbours.” ae were friendly. In 1986, my family and I returned to England but I. nef? eW/i loved my stay in Jordan, ] learnt so,.,c0mchy. | interesting culture, : ; ua | & ai Jnformation about ar uise- engineer eservation Hi! How are-you? a We (enjoy fis enjoying’ Ge enjoying) our holiday in the Guif of | Aqaba at the moment. Yesterday, we went Scuba the Red Sea. F was amazed (see ies the fish swimming and Twas oven lucky enough. to catch one, We Gord Avear/ are, wi wet suilywhich I found a litte. bit" uncomfortable. We swan Gexi\/near/ by to an old boat and even took Photos. It was Til show soi the photos. (Luckily Aidyyfany | Unfortunately re day was too short. There was more to gee, is | 5 See you, Love. ete this conversation below with 4 parts from the ist. Write the sponding number only. (Be careful there are 2 extra items) (2 marks) ‘Two friends looking at pictures of a holiday Tim : Alan, do you want to see the pictures of my holiday in Italy? Alan : Sure, what was it like? Tim: Ah,the holiday was great but the traffic was horrible! Alan : Why was the traffic horrible ? Tim C Alan : Ok, ok, let's rem to the good parts... Tim °: Yes, so here’s a picture of the Leaning Tower of Pisa Alan : Fantastic | ! ..-! Tdon’t want to think about it | Tim : aw .» but it was still wonderful, We climbed to the top! Alan : And-wha’s this ? Tim of the Amo River, in Florence Alan : ‘Tim Tewas very interesting, There were beautiful old buildings inthe eity’and lots of wonderful: mus : Xe ‘wasn't ver The list: ‘What was Florence like? 2/ Because Italians respect traffic lights. @) Did you learn Italian? @ It was raining that day 5/ How was your Italian? | ‘Those Halians are crazy drivers! dy 4! Pui the words between brackets in the right tense or form: (8marks) Q Dear Mum and Dad, It’s ten O'clock in Brazil. I’m sitting in the aigport waiting for thy plane now. ‘There's a woman sitting next to (1) 163 Ym so (pleasure), ‘plaued, cS busy here. There (not-be)., free! oT. many passengers waiting for _ the (fly) . T (buy)... "ae he at the aixpot bécause the one uncle James gave me’ doesn’t have enough ho has got many suitcases. J haven't got much luggage. It’s not very 2. J0h’s probably because I got here early. “hook about Brazil in the airport shop when I arrived information about the area I’m visiting. I (rine) Sa, .you when I get there. 5 ‘ Love, i Joon “ciguage :(12 marks) 2% ne : 3S in the p blanks with words from the list (Be careful there are2 extra words!) (4 marks) 3 my family left England. ‘After five hours in the aeroplane, we arrived to © our. eating Ort, which was Annan, Jordan, As soon as weatrived, niy mother felt a wv bit relaxed. Laon... --she hated plane journeys. My family lived in a lovely apartment in Jordan. My father worked as an Oe AAeYre in a big company that built bridges. a ee T attended an‘ a 4ockesaaeinechoot “th children ftom all over the world, At first, we ‘ pact frome. (iuu:.-chome but then we quickly made new neighbours, WAERE, were friendly. In 1986, my family and I returned to England but Lweerr/, : nT Bos loved my stay in Jordan, I learnt , so...amuwCly........information about -& interesting culture. A 2 pO e- engijecr —niGth — missed — whith destination seally “who ~ inftrnatio: ircle the right option ; Rear Mike, | Hil How are you? bas We (enjoy fis enioyine/ Ge enjoaingd our holiday in the Guif of Agaba dt the moment, Yesierdgy, we went Scuba diving in the Red Sea, Tuas amazed (see {fo see saw) the fish swiniming and T was even lucky enough io catch one, We (Gor/wear/ are wearing) Wayans auniel T found-a little bit uncomfortable. We swam feat Ynear/ by) to an old boat and even took photos. It ws . (sad KFeatYsilly)! . 11 show yoii the photos. (Luckily ftidpBilsy “Gufortunatelyyhe day was too short. There was more to see. ee See you, ON eG iol yr oS oe Ae de don toe Se doe Be Soe Se Sp Be Be Se The text : My holiday 24, Regent street , London 27th August Dear Alan, 1:1 hope you are well . | am fine and the rest of the family is well tod . As you asked me about my summer holiday In your last letter , This s what we dic We all went to Scotland and toured around in the car. We spent a couple of days in Edinburgh . It didn't stop raining once when we arrived there . We visited Ue castle and went to the military tattao one evening . 2-Then , we went north to Perth . Dad lovet this part becatise we visited a whisky distillery and saw it being made.. We stayed there for four days . Luckily , it stopped ralning and so ane day we went walking in the hills around Ben Nevis ; Scotland’s highest mountain . We also went to Loch Ness ,a very famous lake hoping to see the monster | We didn’t of course , but we had a good fun trying | 3-Well, that’s what we did this year. Next year, we are planning to ga to the USA . | promise to send you a postcard when you are there. Best wishes, Jira he Sp Se Sin Be Be BeBe Be Se eS Be Se Se Be he Se be. Se Se Se Sp Soe Spe Se Soe Bae Sp @ Reading comprehension : (6 marks) 1/ Read the text and Tick ( V) the most correct answer (1 mark) © Jim is writing a letter to Alan to tell him about his.... a Easter holiday with his cousins be: Sunnner holioy wath his hatwnly ©: Christmas holiday with his friends 2/ Complete the follawing paragraph with words from paragraph 1. (1%2=2 marks) Jim was travelling to Scotland with his family by (4) car There was a bad weather. It was (2)__ arrived in Edinburgh. when they 3/ Complete the table with information about the places whish Jim and his family visited in Scotland (1 x 2 = 2 marks) Cities Places Pin Mel Edinbergh he castle and went te the on Perth They visited a whichy distillory and saw it being made and went v round Nevis ; Seatlany very famous lake hops the monster 4/ Provide a short answer to the following question (1 mark) ‘a How fong wos Jim's family’s holiday in Scotland ? How family’s eolitay in § t for 6 days & the te be Se Se SSeS Se Se be Si Se Se aa he See Sp Se So So Be be Bi. Bi Ba Be Language : 1/ Fill in the blanks with six words from the box below .Be careful | . There ore two extra words (0.5 6 = 3 marks) I don't have a lot of free time because Lam a mother of three children 3/5 anda teacher ut the same time . [have many things to do for my family und miy students, but what really enjoy doing in my [psi time especially in the holiday is (2). .theNet , joining my English club and checking my e-mails because Hike to keep(3). touch with my students and my friends. Hike to learn new things , So I try to download new programmes think my computer brings the world into my living room . tam never (a). happier than when Lam playing and making cakes with ny kids . They give (5)...s°» a tomy life. [sometimes go fora 16). together and | find walking very relaxing. nat sunset with my sister. We speak and laugh Se Se be So Boe So Se Se SoS Spe Sp a Se te v he be bee Se Be Spe Se Se Be Be Be Be pe 2/Put the verbs or words between brackets in the right tense or form (0.5% § = 2,5 marks) one morning , a man was fishing in the river. The sun was shining and the man (SI OL cccsssernecsseee OR MMe river bank . Fishing was his favourite pastime. Mews quiet and (peace) 06 0!L oo ssnmnnnnnn « The aan (wail woiting cove patiently whien he (stand) up quickly and begun to take the tine . There was a big fish, but it fell back into the river . At first , the inan dide’t know what happened . Then be looked careful). 4. at his fishing tine . HL was empty. the man was so disappointed that he packed all his things and went home . 3/ Fill in the blanks with the right alternative from the box below (0.5 § =2.5 marks) . [Condon is one of the largest cities in Europe (i}to/ at /for The netting ofits wide streets may be confusing (1). $0 ssi ..nt first time visitor .The London underground started t0 (2). tent (2) travel / wunsport 7 _ people in / 1863, was the first system of its kind in the world . Get The tube Is part of life of «ill Landoners and tourists in {the capital city. About 3 million passengers use the tube . There are 270 stations in all aver the city Getting (3. oun. London by tube allows (3Jaround / on /at people a4 fast, sons hd easy access to the heart of | (4) enjoyable /fast / slow the city without worrying about the taffic (5). jan or getting toast. This year, 2019, the | (8) crowd / hour / jon Condon underground is celebrating 156 years of be he bee be bp de bad bated? ™ be, Cee ee es eaten tees ie Mie iia ate ie la i i ae dh Se he ee Be Sie be Se Se Si Se Sa (2) WRITING ; (6 marks) ‘Your friend Chins is getting fatter and fatter. He never practinys sports in his spare time . His classinates often make fun of hn Send Chris an e-mail to advise hin to practise regular sporting activities and to tell him about the benefits of sports this totter berdy dea Wwant'ty tet you hit proche ne activi Woprar Lge Uniaig gE tive ectay or hau, pesetivws spills 16 peck: nai nit ants etivities Th pyar belly a plagiaginon ae ake ad ma tos. am iy friend that 7 tn Upeebtaiinge by 4 parts as cuuct te keg fit ane fealt te Sie Se Boe Sie Soe Spe See Sp Se S55 w

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