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1. A central power station is supplying energy to a community through two substations. One
substation feeds four distributing circuits; the other six. The maximum daily recorded demands
Power Station 12,000 kW
Substation A 6,000 kW
Feeder 1 1,700 kW
Feeder 2 1,800 kW
Feeder 3 2,800 kW
Feeder 4 600 kW
Substation B 9,000 kW
Feeder 1 620 kW
Feeder 2 1,500 kW
Feeder 3 1,000 kW
Feeder 4 2,900 kW
Feeder 5 2,200 kW
Feeder 6 3,000 kW

(DF=1.25, .115, 1.25)

2. A 75 MW power plant has an average load of 35,000 kW and a load factor of 65%. Find the reserve
over peak. (ROP=21.15 MW)

3. The Annual peak load on a 15,000 kW power plant is 10,500 kW. Two substations are supplied by
this plant. Annual energy dispatch through substation A is 27,500,000 kWhr with a peak load at
8,900 kW, 16,500,000 are sent through substation B with a peak load at 6,650 kW. Neglect the
losses. Find the diversity factor between substations and capacity factor of the power plant.
(DF=1.48, 0.335)

4. What is the daily average load in a certain power plant if the daily energy produced is 500,000
kWhrs? (DL=20.83 MW)

5. A distributing transformer supplies a general power customers having connected load of 75 kW.
Demand factor and diversity factor are 0.75 and 1.5 respectively. If the load factor for the group
will average 45% and the energy sells 12 pesos per kWhr, what will be the monthly income (30
day) from energy delivered through the transformer? Assume average motor efficiency is 75%.
(Ans. PhP 194,400.00)

6. What is the annual capacity factor of the plant if the annual energy produced in a 150 MW power
plant is 500,000,000 kWhrs? (30.05%)

7. A power plant is said to have a use factor of 48.5% and a capacity factor of 42.4%. How many
hours did it operate during the year? (7659.10 hrs)
8. A central station has an annual factors as follows: Load factor 58.5%, capacity factor=40.9%, use
factor 45.2%. The reversed carried over above the peak load is 8,900 kW. Find the no. of hours
per year not in service.

9. A 50,000 kW steam plant delivers an annual output of 238,000,000 kWhr with a peak load of 42,
860 kW. What is the annual load factor and capacity factor.
10. Calculate the use factor of a power plant if the capacity factor is 35% and it operates 8000 hrs
during the year.

11. Given a load factor, 0.48, installed capacity, 35,000 kW, reserve or peak, 3,000 kW, hours out of
service per year 410. Find the capacity and the use factor.

12. The system shown in the figure consists in part of transformer serving customers x,y,z. Estimate
the peak load on the transformer.
X – store building 5kW lighting, 25kW small motor power
Y – store building with 18 kW lighting, 35 kW small motor power
Z – office building with 55 kW lighting, 80 kW motor power.

13. A daily load curve which exhibited a 15 minute peak of 150,000 kW is drawn to scales of 1 cm = 3
hrs and 1 cm = 10,000 kW. The area under the curve is measured by a planimeter and found to be
60 cm2. What is the load factor based on the 15-minute peak?

14. A distribution transformer supplies a group of general power customers having a connected load
of 200kW. If the demand and diversity factors are 0.75 add 1.5 respectively. Calculate the
maximum simultaneous demands.

15. If the rated capacity of the system is 50,000 kW and the actual maximum demand is 35,000kW,
what is the utilization factor?

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