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Color is the most expressive element of art. What is color?

Color is not something you can feel, smell, taste

or touch. Color is the way you see light. So, in order to see color, we need light.

We see color when white light is refracted through a prism. Refracted light creates a spectrum. Prism breaks a
white beam of light into six colors. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. This is how droplets of
water create a rainbow. Objects absorb some rays and reflect others. The rays that the object reflects determine
its color.

Color is how we see light reflected from a surface. Different objects reflect and absorb different light rays.
White surface will reflect all light rays. A green apple, for example, would reflect only green light and absorb
all other light rays. Black surface absorbs all lights and reflects no light at all.

Colors are arranged in a particular order in the spectrum. This order is based on each color's wavelength.
When color spectrum is arranged in a circle, it forms a color wheel. Color wheel shows the relationships
between primary colors, secondary colors and tertiary colors. Three primary colors are evenly spaced and
create a triangle.

Three secondary colors are placed between the primaries and also form a triangle. Six tertiary colors are in
between a primary and a secondary color. There are three colors that are considered as primary. Red, yellow
and blue. These colors cannot be made by mixing other colors, but any other color can be created by mixing
primary colors.

Secondary color is a color created by mixing two primary colors. If you mix yellow and red, you will get
orange. Orange is your secondary color because it is created by mixing two primaries. Yellow and blue will
create green. Green is your next secondary color. Finally, by mixing red and blue, you will get purple. So,
here are your three secondary colors.

Orange, green and purple. If we mix a primary and a secondary color, we will get a tertiary or intermediate
color. These colors are really fun because of their complexity. Yellow-orange and red-orange. Yellow-green
and blue-green. Red-purple and blue-purple. Now the color wheel is complete.

Color wheel is a great reference tool for color mixing and color choices. When you mix two or more colors,
you should always start with a lighter color. Then add darker color a little bit at a time. This way you will
achieve your desired color faster and without wasting your paint.

Thank you for watching.

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