Angielski Steps Plus KL 4 Kartkowka Unit 4

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Unit 4 Five-minute test

Unit 4 Vocabulary page 49 Test A

1 Wybierz właściwy czasownik.

1 climb / drive / jump a tree

2 dive / ride / play into the pool
3 stand / ride / climb a bike
4 dive / drive / play a go-kart
5 fly / drive / play frisbee

2 Dopasuj wyrazy do właściwych wyrażeń.

1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 ___

1 ride a three balls at the same time

2 swim b a mountain
3 juggle c on your head
4 stand d a horse
5 climb e in the sea


Unit 4 Vocabulary page 49 Test B

1 Wybierz właściwy czasownik.

1 ride / climb / fly a horse

2 stand / swim / drive a go-kart
3 swim / drive / ride in the pool
4 dive / jump / juggle these balls
5 stand / drive / ride on our heads

2 Dopasuj wyrazy do właściwych wyrażeń.

1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 ___

1 skip a a bike
2 fly b frisbee
3 roller c a kite
4 ride d rope
5 play e skate to school

.PHOTOCOPIABLE. © Oxford University Press

Unit 4 Five-minute test
Unit 4 Grammar page 52 Test A
1 Wybierz właściwą formę.

1 Dogs can / can't fly.

2 Birds can / can't sing.
3 Horses can / can't climb a tree.
4 Dogs can / can't catch a ball.
5 Cats can / can't swim.

2 Napisz zdania z can i can't.

Alicja / swim  Alicja can't swim.

1 Marek / swim  ________________________________________
2 Wiktor / ride a horse  ________________________________________
3 Alicja / ski  ________________________________________
4 Marek and Alicjia / ride a horse  ________________________________________
5 Marek and Wiktor / ski  ________________________________________

Unit 4 Grammar page 52 Test B
1 Wybierz właściwą formę.

1 Horses can / can't jump.

2 Dogs can / can't swim.
3 Cats can / can't talk.
4 Dogs can / can't ride a bike.
5 Cats can / can't fly.

2 Napisz zdania z can i can't.

Tomek / play the violin  Tomek can play the violin.

1 Anya / play the violin  ________________________________________
2 Tomek / juggle  ________________________________________
3 Natalia / roller skate  ________________________________________
4 Anya and Natalia / juggle  ________________________________________
5 Anya and Tomek / roller skate  ________________________________________

.PHOTOCOPIABLE. © Oxford University Press

Unit 4 Five-minute test
Unit 4 Grammar page 54 Test A
1 Wybierz właściwą formę.
A: You can / Can you swim?
B: Yes, I 2can. / am.
A: Can Nina / Nina can ride a bike?
B: No, she 4can't ride / can't.

2 Uzupełnij dialog formami can i can't.

A: Nina, 1_______________ you ski?

B: No, I 2_______________, but I 3 _______________ ride a bike. 4_______________
your brother ski?
A: Yes, he 5_______________, but he 6_______________ swim.

______________________________ _______

Unit 4 Grammar page 54 Test B

1 Wybierz właściwą formę.

A: Mum, 1can we / we can go to the park?

B: Yes, you 2can / go.
A: Can 3we have / have we sandwiches for lunch?
B: No, you 4can't have / can't.

2 Uzupełnij dialog formami can i can't.

A: _______________ your sister drive a car?
B: No, she 2_______________, but she 3_______________ ride a bike. 4_______________
you ride a bike?
A: No, I 5_______________, but I 6_______________ swim.

.PHOTOCOPIABLE. © Oxford University Press

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