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1) Instructions
2) Band
3) Procession
4) Prayer and anthem: i)Arabic prayer ii) School prayer iii) Qatar and iv)
Indian anthems
5) Invite teacher MCs
6) Welcome speech
7) Annual report
8) Address - Chief Guest
9) Address - BOD
10)BOD+SLT = Unveiling of Vicennium Logo
11) Student felicitation: Academic (class XII)
12)Staff medal: 10 and 15 years (perfect attendance - teacher and student)



1)Students Fillers
2)Compering for Dance
3)Welcome Dance
4)Appreciation for Dance
6)Compering for drama
7)Drama - Heroes of Homer
8)Appreciation for Drama
10)Compering for Graduation
11) Graduation
12) Vote of thanks (Diya Dileep)

Sandra -: “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! This evening is as brief as the
twinkling of an eye yet such twinklings is what eternity is made of, said Fred
Rogers, and this evening is A testimony to this great quote.

Dear guests, parents,teachers students and all the beloved members of our
great community gathered here, today we celebrate Vicenneium of Birla Public
School - our 20th Founders’ Day. Iam Sandra , and my friends Husna and,Elijah
are your proud hosts today.We're extremely thrilled to have you all amidst us
to commemorate this momentous occasion


For the smooth functioning of today’s program and to make this event an unforgettable
one, we request you all to cooperate and follow some simple directions:

1. We request you to remain seated during the programme and avoid

unnecessary movements.
2. Kindly keep your mobile in silent mode.
3. Avoid individual photography and videography as the school has
arranged for experts to do the same… We also request you to avoid
filming and photography in the green rooms and at the reception.
4. Dispersal of participants will be announced in time by the anchors and
only 1 parent can collect his/her child from the dispersal venue, so please
listen to the announcements and only then move towards the green
rooms, I repeat...
5. Please avoid going into the green rooms…before the dispersal time as it
creates confusion and inconvenience.
6. For the convenience of the parents and our well-wishers, a ‘help desk’
and the’ Lost and found corner’ is arranged in front of the girls’ canteen,
Nurse room, entrance number 3 and in the Reception(all on the ground
7. First Aid is arranged on the 1st floor - the room number is 160, class V D,
on the ground floor- Library, Nurse room
8. Prayer Rooms are near the entrance, opposite to Gate 6. Room number
04 for ladies and 05 for gents.
9. PLEASE help us to keep the premises clean, this is a humble request;
kindly do not litter the grounds and the place where you are seated.
Please let us make use of the Litter bins provided in different corners of
the campus. Thank you.
And this is for the information of all Birlaites:

1. Kindly ensure that all visitors and guests are seated comfortably….
2. You will act your best, and volunteer timely assistance, and we would like
all Birlites to provide your seats to our guests if needed and follow the
golden rules.

May I request the audience to stand as a mark of respect in welcoming our

guests to this grand evening(procession to start)

(procession gets over)

A2:‘The more you celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” Said
Oprah Winfrey. Befitting this quote , dear guests, parents, teachers, students and all beloved
members of our dedicated community that have gathered here , it is with great pleasure we commence
this evening of achievements and celebrations with enthusiasm that befits a
significant milestone . We request the audience to be seated.

A3:In God, we live, move and have our being. Prayer is an aspiration of the
heart, it is a simple glance directed to heaven, it is a cry of gratitude and love
amid trial as well as joy; As a sign of immense gratitude for all that we have
received from His bounty.

I call upon…………………. to recite a few verses from the holy Quran followed by
………………………….. It will be followed by the School Prayer led by Ananya Anoop
during which all are requested to rise. You may continue to stand for the
National Anthems.

A1: The National Anthem of a country is a representation of true patriotism,

devotion and honour for one’s nation and today by singing the National
Anthems of Qatar and India, we honour and emphasise their importance in the
life of the countrymen.

Let’s all rise for the National Anthems.

(Now I invite Ms. Beena Devarajan and Ms. Jino Koshy to take over the
proceedings of the formal function)


A1(Sandra walks in) I think I am early. Where are they, Elijah and Husna?
Usually, they are never late.
A2: SANDRA ,Hi! there you are!
A1: Oh, Husna. I was desperately looking for you.
A2: Isn’t Elijah here yet?
A1: Well, you know him. He's always late. Should I call him?
A3: Oh, Hey guys ! I am here.
A1 and A2 : You are late, Elijah.
A1: Why can’t you ever be on time?
A3: I was stunned by l the amazing decorations and the grandeur all around
A2:It is Vicennium today: a jubilant occasion for all gathered here celebrating
the 20 long years of education and long-lasting legacy of Birla Public School.

A2: This 20th Founders’ Day is not just a celebration of time, but a celebration of
the relentless pursuit of excellence ,and the unwavering commitment to shaping
young minds.

A3: We stand here today, proud of our history, grateful for our present, and
filled with hope for the bright future that Birla Public School will continue to

A1: "Two decades of brilliance, a journey beyond measure, and a legacy that
resonates – welcome to the cultural evening of the Vicennium Celebration
A3:We have an exciting lineup of performances by our students, showcasing
their skills in music, dance, and drama.

A2:So, Buckle up everyone and get ready !!!

A1:But before we dive into the mesmerising performances, let's take a moment
to understand and appreciate the essence of the welocme dance, the very first
performance of the evening.


A2: Mudra, the openng dance, symbolises the offering of prayers to the stage,
the sacred space where our performers will enthral us. In essence, it's a prayer,
an offering to the stage, to commence the evening's proceedings. It's like
preparing the canvas before the masterpiece is painted.

A3: Indeed, Ranga Pooja signifies the essence of sanctity and respect for the
performing arts. Nature, with its vibrant colours, intricate designs, and
boundless beauty, is the inspiration behind this unique Ranga Pooja.

A1: And now, let the cultural evening unfold with the enchanting ruthmic beats.


A3: That was a stellar performance portraying nature at its finest.

A2: Kudos to the teachers and the students for the exhilarating performance.
Indeed, the dance was a marvellous tribute to the beauty of nature.



A2: These lines…oh they are from the odyssey. But, why are we discussing
this now?

A1 - Homer's epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, stand as timeless
masterpieces that have shaped the very essence of Western literature.
A3- Through the vivid tapestry of the Ten-year-long Trojan War in the Iliad,
Homer delves into the complexities of human nature, showcasing the inexorable
power of fate and the profound impact of honour and glory.

A2- And in the Odyssey, we are transported into an enthralling journey spanning
a decade, following the trials and tribulations of Odysseus. This is a tale that
resonates with themes of unyielding perseverance, the irresistible allure of
temptation, and the enduring strength of the human spirit.

A1- With their rich characterizations, poetic language and enduring exploration
of the human condition, Homer’s works continue to captivate and inspire
readers across generations, leaving an indelible mark on the world of literature.

A3- The root cause of the war, as many of you may recall, was the audacious
abduction of Queen Helen by the Trojans, compelling the Greeks to embark on
an epic quest to retrieve her. It's a story that epitomises valour and heroism.
Just as Homer's works continue to enthral and inspire generations, tonight's
performance promises to etch an indelible mark on your heart.

A2: So, dear audience, settle in and prepare to embark on this extraordinary
journey with us. The stage is set, the actors are poised, and we are on the cusp
of witnessing a magnificent performance.

A1: Let's take an epic journey through ancient Greece and witness the
captivating adventures of Odysseus unfold before our very eyes.


A1: That was an astounding performance. The soothing music, flowing dances,
and energetic expressions of the young actors kept us all enthralled and glued
to our seats.

A2: Indeed the heroes of Homer took us through a spellbinding journey across
ancient Greece and its glorious legends. The ever-resilient Odysseus will
continue to inspire us all with his clever feats.

A3: Don’t you all think this marvellous display deserves an olive crown and a
big round of applause for putting on this electrifying performance? This drama
really took our breath away.

A1: A Big Thank you to all the teachers and students for unravelling this
wonderful show.

A2: Now, we are moving towards a moment of mixed emotions – the Graduation

A1: Our Dear Grade XII Students, all these years you've worked, persevered,
and conquered challenges. Take pride in how far you've come, and have faith in
how far you’ll go, but don't forget to enjoy the journey.

A3: Graduates, this day marks not just an end but a new beginning. As you step
forward into the world, believe steadfast in your talents. Your potential knows
no bounds. Your dreams and aspirations are within your reach.

A2: Behind you, all your memories. Before you, all your dreams. Around you, all
who love you. Within you, all you need.

A3: We delightfully welcome on stage, the grade XII batch of 2023-24.

The programme ends with the Cultural Secretary proposing the Vote of Thanks.

…………………………………………………………THE END…………………………………………………………….

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