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Being an O & A levels Physics teacher, I have a long and distinguished experience.

I have been associated with reputed and renowned educational institutions where I have
always tried to provide the best input to my students with the aid of modern, innovative
teaching techniques and methods.

The content of this workbook is based on internet, IGCSE, O levels and extract of my

I have tried my level best to prepare this workbook to enable students to score good grades
in O levels and IGSCE examination.

However, there might be some human or typing errors. In case of any, please inform me at:
Whatsapp : + 92 333 2101054
Mobile: 0 333 2101054

Please post your valuable feedback, comments or suggestion at

Thank you,

Rashid Manzoor
MSc - Physics

WhatsApp: 0333 2 10 10 54

Facebook: Twitter:
Muqeet Faisal - Bay View Academy (2020)
"Physics was extremely boring in grade 9 and I always
thought it was not my cup of tea until fortunately
someone advice me to study from Sir Rashid. Sir,
encouraged me since day 1 and made sure I completed
all my assignments keeping a thorough check on
myself. The thing I love most about him is the amount
of activities he makes his students do and the energy
he has possesses while teaching to make physics
interesting unlike other teachers. I started from a C
grade, ended with an A in my eleventh grade result and
hoping for an A* in my CAIE. My journey with him has Hasham - Army Public School (2019)
been completely phenomenal. Thank you Sir Rashid"
"Sir i got an A* in physics, thanks a lot for teaching us. And
thanks for your efforts of making us learn. May god bless you
Akasha Younus - Army Public School (2018) with Jannah .. Ameen"
"Thank you so much Sir Rashid for teaching us so well
and thanks for all the guidance I am so grateful for A* i Duaa Zehra - Army Public School (2018)
scored because of your hardwork. Thank you so much "Sir Rashid! I had started the year as a rookie in physics with
for being such a great Physics teacher and thanks for no real love for or much interest in the subject , but the way
showing how teaching and learning can be fun .Also, you taught the subject, the passion you put into teaching
thanks for making your students realize what teaching would not only help me in getting A* in physics but also made
in reality means. God bless you .. Ameen" me love physics to the point that it is my FAVOURITE subject
Areeba Sajid - Army Public School (2019) now. THANKYOU FOR PHENOMENAL SUPPORT AND
"Allhumdulliallah sir got an A* in Physics thanks to your
say, I'll be grateful to you for whatever you've done."
hardwork and continuous encouragement. Physics was
never my strength and honestly I didn't enjoy it much
Deedan - Army Public School (2019)
but you made sure to make the lectures interesting and
"Thank you soo much sir for teaching me physics. thanks for
that we understood everything. Your books were
your physics workbooks they really help me alot. and yes
definitely helpful! Thank you"
thanks alot for providing us extra knowledge and also
providing us the knowledge of our religion islam. insha allah i
Mahnoor Arif - Army Public School (2016)
will bring a* in physics. again thanks alot sir for teaching and
"Sir Rashid's charisma,enthusiasm and knowledge
providing me the best knowledge of physics."
steer the students in the right direction. His words and
actions still linger in my memory even years after i left
Haris Javed - Army Public School (2019)
school and impressed upon me the importance of self-
"A book cant remember its readers but readers surely
reliance because " you cannot teach a man anything;
remember their favorites. and i will too."
you can only help him discover it in himself" galileo."

Zohaib Owais Awan - Army Public School (2019)

Mariya Najeeb - Aisha Bawani Academy (2016)
"Sir rashid has been gifted with his teaching skills and in my
"Sir rashid, i have the utter most respect for you. I'm
observation, always able to pick a student with poor physics.
grateful for all the lessons you've taught us, all the
in my personal o-level experience i had hated physics but this
activities you made us do. I loved attending your
person made this subject so attracted to me that it's my
classes. you are the reason that even today i love
physics, you played a vital role in not only our academic
upbringing but in our moral education as well. you didn't
M. Ubaid Khan - Army Public School (2019)
teach us physics just to pass an exam, you made us
"You are the best i could ever have. you are inventive,
have fun with it and love it. the reason i got an a in my
passionate , creative and a great teacher but most
cies is that you made my basic concept crystal clear.
importantly you are my teacher!!!!!! i would never be able to
i'm grateful to allah that he blessed me with a teacher
thankyou enough."
like you."
Abdullah Asif - Army Public School (2019)
"Physics was very difficult but when i met you as my
teacher it became really interesting"

Umm-E-Hani - Army Public School (2020)

"Sir! it was a great time with you. you are the best example
of the quote " teacher is your second parent". i enjoyed
learning physics with fun. you taught me how to live. i
remember all your advices of appreciating your parents,
helping others etc and they help me alot. honestly, listening
to you for 5 mins used to solve half of my problems. FAISAL MUQEET M. SHEHZAD QURESHI
thankyou for being supportive, understanding, loving,
helpful and the best mentor. the way of your teaching is
amazing. your class was the only one in which i used to
study seriously. even sometimes i came to school just for
physics class. for you every student was equal. if all
teachers were like you, there would be "no child left
behind". i wish i can be a person like"

Amish Noor - Army Public School (2020) JAIWANTI EMAN ANWAR

"I used to hate physics but when u became our
teacher,your unique style of teaching gained my interest in
this subject" High Achievers
Faiza Fahim & Fasih - Army Public School (2020) "You
are the best teacher ever i had seen before. you are the
ideal for us. We wish we have a teacher just like you in our
whole life. you are differ from others in encouraging and
building of your ccc in all students."

Muhammad Rayan - Army Public School (2020)

"Sir u are an amazing teacher u make learning so much MUHAMMAD OMER KUSHAL CHANDANI
fun and progressive. physics wasn't really my fav subject
but u made it my favourite subject . you not only helped us
in phy but also other subjects told us to get extra subject so
we have choices in future ur sincerity towards your
students can be seen"

M.bilal Latif - Army Public School (2020)

"Sir you are an excellent teacher with strong ambitions and
assiduous for all students. you always try your level best to HAMZA HASAN ELLAHE SYED WASAY UDDIN
motivate the students to work on their weak points so they ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL
can improve. sir you are best physics teacher ever"

Alina Arif - Army Public School (2019)

"Thank you Sir Rashid. This A* couldn't have been achieved
without your hard work and guidance. Will always remember
you in prayers."

Abdul Basit Khan - Army Public School (2020)

"Sir Rashid is the one that i look upto the most in our
school. he helped us not only as a teacher but as a father
figure and for that i am forever grateful"
13. General wave properties
Describing wave motion • describe what is meant by a wave motion
• describe the use of
ripple tanks
to demonstrate wave motions.
Wave terms • state what is meant by a wavefront.
• define the terms

• do calculations using
velocity = frequency × wavelength.
• describe a transverse wave.
• describe a longitudinal wave.
• explain the differences between transverse and longitudinal
Wave behaviour • describe how a ripple tank is used to show
• reflection at a plane surface,
• refraction due to a change of speed.
• describe simple experiments to show the reflection of
sound waves.
• describe a simple experiment to show the refraction of
sound waves.

15. Electromagnetic spectrum

Dispersion of light • describe the dispersion of light by a glass prism.
• state the colours of the spectrum.
• explain how the colours are related to frequency and
Properties of • state that all electromagnetic waves travel with the same
electromagnetic waves high speed in air.
• know that the speed is 3 × 10 8 m/s.
• list the components of the electromagnetic spectrum
• describe the important features of each component of the
electromagnetic spectrum.

Applications of • discuss how each component is used:

electromagnetic waves – radiowaves in radio and television communications,
– microwaves in satellite television and
in telephones,
– infra-red in household electrical appliances,
in television controllers, – X-rays in hospitals for medical imaging,
in intruder alarms, in hospitals for killing cancerous cells,
– light in optical fibres in engineering for detecting cracks in
in medical uses, metal objects ,
in telephone cables, – gamma rays in hospitals for medical imaging,
– ultra-violet in sunbeds, in hospitals for killing cancerous cells,
in fluorescent tubes, in engineering for detecting cracks in
in sterilisation, metal objects .
General Wave Properties
Wave Velocity v = velocity of a wave
v=fλ f = frequency
λ = wavelength
Wave frequency
1 T = Period
T f = frequency

Symbols and units of physical quantities

You should be able to state where they indicated. (multipliers: M mega, k kilo, c centi, m milli.)

Quantity Symbol Unit

frequency f Hz
wavelength λ m, cm
focal length f m, cm
angle of incidence i degree (o)
angles of reflection, refraction r degree (o)

critical angle c degree (o)

refractive index n

Wave is defined as the propagation of periodic disturbances from one region to another, without
the transfer of any material medium.

• Source of a wave: vibration or oscillation

• There is a transfer of energy from one point to another without the transfer of any material
between the two points.
• Can be classified into two types: transverse waves and longitudinal waves

Transverse waves
• Transverse wave is a wave in which direction of vibration is perpendicular to the direction of
movement of wave.
• Examples are : water waves, waves on a string and electromagnetic waves (Radio waves,
light waves).

Longitudinal waves
• Longitudinal wave is a wave in which the direction of vibration is parallel to the direction of
travel of the wave
• Examples are: sound waves and waves on a slinky spring.(which consists of regions of
rarefaction and compression).

• A wavefront is an imaginary line or surface that joined all adjacent points which have the
same phase of vibration on the wave.
• Any two points on a wave are said to be in phase when they have completed identical
fractions of their periodic motion.

Sound represented on a pressure-distance graph

The air pressure is the highest at the compressions and lowest at the rarefactions of a sound wave.

Amplitude is the maximum displacement from the rest or central position, in either directions.

• SI unit is metre
• Scalar quantity


Frequency (f) is defined as the number of complete waves produced per unit time.

• SI unit is hertz (Hz) – 1 Hz = 1 complete cycle per second

• Scalar quantity
• Determined by the source (for water waves)


Wavelength (λ) is the distance between corresponding points of two consecutive waves.

• SI unit is metre
• Scalar quantity


Speed of the wave propagation is defined as the distance travelled by a wave per unit

• SI unit is metre per second (m s-1)

• Scalar quantity


Period (T) is defined as the time taken to produce one complete wave.

• SI unit is second (s)

• Scalar quantity
• T=1/f

Velocity is the distance travelled by a wave in one second.

• SI unit is metres per second (m s-1)

• Vector quantity
• v=fλv=fλ (Important!)

Ripple Tank

The ripple tank is used to generate water waves in laboratory. It is useful in demonstrating wave
properties such as reflection and refraction. It consists of a shallow tray of water with a transparent
base, a light source directly above the tray and a white screen beneath the tray to capture the image
of the shadows formed when water waves spread across the tank as shown above. Straight waves
can be set up by using a straight dipper, while circular waves can be formed by using a spherical
dipper. Both dipper are vibrated up and down by a motor.

The waves will be seen in bright and dark patches on the screen below the tray. These patches show
the position of the crests and troughs of the waves. The dark patches will correspond to the crests
and bright patches will be the troughs.
Why does the dark patches correspond to the crests and bright patches correspond to the

Light is absorbed/scattered as it passes through a body of water. At a crest, the light has to travel a
longer distance through the water, which will cause more light to be absorbed/scattered. This will
cause crests to appear as dark patches. The opposite logic applies to the troughs. At a trough, the
light travels a shorter distance through the water, which causes less light to be absorbed/scattered.
This causes troughs to appear as bright patches.

In terms of classical wave theory, a very hot object such as any star or sun produces a range of
electromagnetic waves. (E.g. The Sun produces ultraviolet light in addition to visible
light) Electromagnetic waves are often collectively referred to as electromagnetic radiation.

Electromagnetic radiation is produced by acceleration or sudden movement of electrons. The

electron in motion constitutes the electric current that generates the magnetic field in the wave.

• Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves, consisting of electric and magnetic waves at
right angles to each other and perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.
• Electromagnetic waves can travel through vacuum and do not need a medium to traverse.
They can travel through solids, liquids and gases.
• All electromagnetic waves have the same speed in vacuum of 3 x 108 m s-1 (commonly
referred to as the ‘speed of light’). But the speed slows down in other material media.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

The spectrum of the radiation emitted by a hot body is continuous because there are many different
kind of oscillators in any real lump of matter, so that in practice radiation exists at all frequencies.

The main components of the electromagnetic spectrum are gamma-rays, x-rays, ultra-violet, visible
light, infra-red, microwaves and radio-waves.

Gamma-rays and X-rays are the highest-energy electromagnetic waves and able to penetrate
matter easily. They have the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies. Gamma rays may be
emitted by radioactive substances, while X-rays may be produced by X-ray tubes.

Ultra-violet(UV) radiation is the next highest-energy. It may be produced by very hot bodies, such as
the sun. The atmosphere filters most of the UV radiation from the sun. UV radiation also causes sun-
burned skins.

The visible light is the only electromagnetic radiation that is visible to our eyes. It occupies a
surprisingly small portion in the electromagnetic spectrum. Sun and other white-hot bodies emit
white light, which is made up of violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red colours. (in order
of reducing frequencies)

Infra-red radiation (IR) may be produced by any hot bodies similar to white light, but with longer
wavelengths. IR radiation is readily absorbed by matter and raises their temperature.

Microwave radiation is generated by special electronic devices known as klystron valves.

Microwave receivers can be used to detect microwaves. They are reflected by metals and partly
absorbed by non-metals.

Radio waves have the longest wavelengths, varying from a few centimetres to thousands of metres.
These may be generated by oscillations in special electronic circuits and by electrical sparks and are
detected by metal aerials.

Radio waves can be used to carry messages and simple television pictures at very large distances.
Radio-waves are grouped into bands; each band has particular nature and special set of uses:

In order to reach greater distances than line of sight, some radio waves can be made to travel
towards the sky. (sky waves) The waves are then refracted by the ionosphere (layers of air
stretching from 80 – 550 km above the Earth) and returned later to Earth. These wave signals are
subsequently intercepted by receiving ground stations.
Usage of microwaves in satellite television and telephone

• Microwaves are used to carry telephone calls and television channels as digital signals from
ground station to satellites and vice versa. They are used for communications because they
pass through the atmosphere without significant attenuation and they can be directed in
beams with much less diffraction than radio-waves.
• The micro-wave frequencies are of the order of 10 GHz, sufficiently high to carry much more
information than a copper cable or radio-waves. They allow thousands of telephone calls and
several television channels to be transmitted at the same time.

Usage of infra-red waves in household appliances, television controllers and

intruder alarms

• Infra-red radiation is emitted or absorbed by every object. We feel warm under the sun as we
absorb more IR radiation than we emit (gain internal energy). We feel cool in an air-
conditioned room as we emit more IR radiation than we absorb (lose internal energy).
• IR radiation is commonly used in wireless remote control units for air-conditioners, television,
sound systems and similar devices. The remote unit emits coded IR that is detected by the
• IR radiation can be detected using electronic sensors, as in an intruder alarm system. Modern
IR detectors are solid state detectors which act rather like TV cameras, but in the IR range.

Usage of light in optical fibres, in medical uses and telecommunications

• Endoscopes are used to get the images of hollow organs by sending a beam of light through
optical fibres. In an endoscope there are two bundles of very narrow optical fibres. The
illumination bundle carries the light to the object being studied, and the image bundle carries
back reflected light to provide the image.
• Optical fibres are increasingly being used to replaced coaxial cables, the messages being
converted into pulses of light rather than as radio waves. Since the frequency of light (~107bits
s-1) is much higher than the radio waves (~102 bits s-1), optical fibres are capable of handling
vast amounts of information.
Usage of ultra-violet in sunbeds, fluorescent tubes and sterilization

• UV radiation is energetic enough to ionize atoms and so can cause harm to living tissue. Under
excessive exposure, it will cause sunburn and skin cancers.
• It is used beneficially in the sterilization of water, by killing off harmful living organisms
present in the water for potable uses.
• Paper money are coated with invisible chemicals that only become reflective (visible) when
UV radiation is incident on the paper. The main aim is to distinguish the real money from its
counterfeits easily.
• Florescent tubes contain mercury vapor and their inner surfaces are coated with
florescent powders. Fluorescent materials absorb “invisible” ultraviolet radiation
emitted by excited mercury atoms and re-radiate as “visible” light.

Usage of x-rays in hospital use and engineering applications

• X-ray photographs are used for medical diagnosis Soft X-rays penetrate flesh more
readily than they do bone, which makes X-ray ‘shadow’ photographs possible.
• In industry, X-ray photographs are used to check for flaws in welded metal joints.

Usage of gamma rays in medical treatment

• Gamma rays are ionizing radiation which can kill living cells. They are used to treat
malignant tumors in radiotherapy. For treatment deep within the body, high energy
photons are sent to reach the target tumor without affecting the surrounding
tissue. Though x-rays are also ionizing radiation, because of the lower energy
compared to gamma rays, they may fail to reach sufficiently deep into the body and
may cause instead damage to the surrounding tissues that absorbed them.
• Gamma rays can also act as surgical knifes in surgery.
1 The diagram shows a wave.

displacement from
undisturbed position

0 position
R S along wave

Which dimensions describe the properties of the wave?

A P = amplitude, S = speed C R = amplitude, Q = wavelength

B P = speed, Q = wavelength D R = amplitude, S = wavelength

2 What causes the change in direction when light travels from air into glass?

A The amplitude of the light changes. C The frequency of the light changes.
B The colour of the light changes. D The speed of the light changes.

3 Light from a torch is incident on a plane mirror. The angle of incidence is 38.

What is the angle of reflection?

A 38 B 52 C 76 D 142

4 A thin converging lens is used to produce a sharp image of a candle.

image Various sharp images are produced
on the screen by moving the lens and
the screen backwards and forwards.

Which statement is always correct?


A The image is at the principal focus (focal C The image is closer to the lens than the object.
point) of the lens.
B The image is bigger than the object. D The image is inverted.
5 Thermal radiation is part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
What is the name of this region of the spectrum?

A gamma rays B infrared rays C ultraviolet rays D visible light rays

6 Which process causes a sound wave to produce an echo?

A diffraction B dispersion C reflection D refraction

7 A quiet sound is produced by a loudspeaker. The pitch of the sound remains constant but the
loudness of the sound is increased.

Which property of the sound wave is increased?

A amplitude B frequency speed

8 A plane mirror reflects a ray of light from an object, as shown.

At which position is the image of the object formed?


plane mirror


9 A piece of paper torn out of an exercise book is shown.

As light enters the less dense medium,

the angle from the normal increases.

Which process must be taking place?

A dispersion B magnification C reflection D refraction

10 The thin converging lens in a camera forms image YZ of object PQ.


object image


Distance LF is the focal length of the lens.

To which point does ray QX travel after passing through the lens?


11 Which statement about the image formed by a converging lens is correct?

A It is always real and inverted. C It is always virtual and upright.

B It is always real and upright. D It may be either virtual or real.

12 A student writes four statements about electromagnetic waves.

1 A medium is needed for their transmission. 3 They are composed of electrons.

2 Their speed in air is 3.0  105 km / s. 4 They produce ionisation when their
wavelengths are very short.
Which statements are correct?

A 1 and 2 B 1 and 3 C 2 and 4 D 3 and 4

13 A loudspeaker produces four sounds of different frequencies.

1 1.0 Hz 2 10 Hz 3 1.0 kHz 4 10 kHz

Which sounds are audible for a healthy human ear?

A 1 and 2 B 2, 3 and 4 C 3 and 4 only D 4 only

14 A sound wave passes through three different mediums arranged next to each other.
The speed of the sound wave decreases as it passes from the first medium to the
second and then increases as it passes from the second medium to the third. In which
order does the sound wave travel through the mediums?

A gas  liquid  solid C solid  gas  liquid

B liquid  solid  gas D solid  liquid  gas
15 What is the angle of incidence of the ray of light on the plane mirror?

A 40° B 50°

40q C 90° D 140°

16 The diagram shows the formation of an image by a thin converging lens.

F F image

Which description of the image is correct?

A diminished and upright C enlarged and upright

B diminished and inverted D enlarged and inverted

17 A student shines a narrow beam of white light into a prism, as shown. He sees a spectrum of
colours emerging from the prism.
Which three colours does he see at X, at Y
and at Z?
narrow beam X Y Z
of colours
of white light
X A blue yellow red
Y yellow
B red blue
C red yellow blue
D yellow red blue

18 In which way does ultrasound differ from audible sound?

A Ultrasound can travel through a vacuum. C Ultrasound has a higher frequency.

B Ultrasound has a longer wavelength. D Ultrasound travels at the speed of light.
19 The diagram represents a wave on a rope.
Which type of wave is shown and
rope which labelled arrow shows the
wavelength of the wave?

type of wave wavelength

A longitudinal X
B longitudinal Y
C transverse X
D transverse Y

20 The diagrams show water waves in three different situations. The arrows show the direction of
travel of the waves.

What does each diagram show?

1 2 3

A diffraction reflection refraction

B diffraction refraction reflection
C reflection diffraction refraction
D reflection refraction diffraction
1 2 3

21 The diagram shows a narrow beam of light incident on a glass-air boundary. Some of the light
emerges along the surface of the glass and some is reflected back into the glass.
Which row is correct?
this is an example of angle  is the
total internal reflection critical angle

 A no yes
B no no
C yes no
D yes yes

22 An object is placed in front of a thin converging lens. The diagram shows the paths of two
rays from the top of the object. An image of the object is formed on a screen to the right of the lens.
How does this image compare with the object?
A It is larger and inverted.
converging lens
B It is larger and the same way up.

C It is smaller and inverted.

D It is smaller and the same way up.
23 A student is asked to give two uses of four different types of electromagnetic radiation.
In which row are both the uses correct?

radiation use 1 use 2

A radio sterilising medical equipment mobile phone masts

B microwaves mobile phones sterilising medical equipment
C infrared remote controllers intruder alarms
D X-rays security in airports intruder alarms

24 The diagrams represent the waves produced by four sources of sound. The scales are the same
for all the diagrams.

Which sound has the highest frequency?

A time

B time

C time

D time
25 Which statement about the image of an object formed in a plane mirror is correct?

A It is smaller than the object. C It is larger than the object.

B It is the same size as the object. D It is inverted.

26 The table shows information about different colours of light.

colour frequency Using the data, what is the frequency of orange light?
of light / Hz
A 4.0  1014 Hz
violet 7.2  1014
B 5.0  1014 Hz
blue 6.3  1014
yellow 5.2  1014 C 6.0  1014 Hz

red 4.5  1014 D 7.0  1014 Hz

27 Which description of ultrasound is correct?

A longitudinal waves with a frequency greater than 20 000 Hz

B longitudinal waves with a frequency less than 20 Hz
C transverse waves with a frequency greater than 20 000 Hz
D transverse waves with a frequency less than 20 Hz

28 Which diagram shows waves diffracting?


29 Light waves pass through a gap. The diagrams show two possibilities for what occurs.

diagram 1 diagram 2

Which row is correct?

the effect on the wave as diagram after it has

it passes through the gap passed through the gap

A speed changes diagram 1 is correct

B speed changes diagram 2 is correct
C speed remains constant diagram 1 is correct
D speed remains constant diagram 2 is correct

30 The diagram shows a ray of light striking a plane mirror.

Through which point does the reflected ray pass?



31 The diagram shows typical wavelengths (in metres) of radio waves, microwaves and X-rays in the
electromagnetic spectrum.

In which region are the waves used in TV remote controllers found?

102 10–2 10–10

radio microwaves X-rays
22 Light travelling at a speed of 3.0  108 m / s strikes the surface of a glass block and undergoes
refraction as it enters the block. The diagram shows a ray of this light before and after it enters the

55q What is the speed of light in the glass?

A 1.8  108 m / s

B 2.0  108 m / s
C 4.5  108 m / s
glass block D 5.0  108 m / s

23 The diagram shows a narrow beam of light incident on a glass-air boundary. Some of the light
emerges along the surface of the glass and some is reflected back into the glass.

Which row is correct?

glass this is an example of angle  is the
total internal reflection critical angle
A no yes
B no no
C yes no
D yes yes

24 The sound from a loudspeaker must pass through two materials to reach a microphone.

Which combination of
materials gives the shortest
time for the sound to reach
loudspeaker microphone the microphone?

material 1 material 2
material 1 material 2
A air hydrogen
B air water
C copper aluminium
D water oil

25 A remote-controlled vehicle is travelling on the surface of a planet. The vehicle senses an

obstacle ahead. It sends a radio message to the control room from where it is being controlled.
The control room is 2.4  106 km away from the vehicle. The control room sends a message back
to the vehicle telling it to stop. What is the minimum time that elapses between the vehicle
sensing the obstacle and receiving the message back from the control room?

A 8.0 ms B 16 ms C 8.0 s D 16 s
26 Which row correctly describes what happens to the frequency and to the speed of
electromagnetic waves as we move through the spectrum from -rays to radio waves?

frequency speed in a vacuum

A decreases increases
B decreases remains the same
C increases decreases
D increases remains the same

27 The diagram shows a model of a sound wave passing through air in an open tube.

Q air particle

What is the region Q?

A a compression which is a region of high pressure

B a compression which is a region of low pressure
C a rarefaction which is a region of high pressure
D a rarefaction which is a region of low pressure
5 Fig. 5.1 shows a wind turbine. Theory

Fig. 5.1

(a) Describe how the wind turbine produces electrical energy.




............................................................................................................................................. [3]

(b) Wind turbines are used in many countries to replace coal-fired power stations.

(i) State one disadvantage of using wind turbines compared to coal-fired power stations.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) State two advantages of using wind turbines instead of coal-fired power stations.

1. .......................................................................................................................................

2. .......................................................................................................................................

[Total: 6]
8 Fig. 8.1 represents a travelling wave at an instant in time.

direction of wave travel


displacement / cm 0

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
distance from source
Fig. 8.1 of waves / cm
(a) (i) Determine the amplitude of the wave.

amplitude = .................................................. cm [1]

(ii) Determine the wavelength of the wave.

wavelength = .................................................. cm [2]

(iii) It takes 2.0 s for a source to emit the wave shown in Fig. 8.1.

Calculate the frequency of the wave.

frequency = ................................................... Hz [2]

(b) Fig. 8.2 shows the main regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

microwaves light X-rays γ-rays

Fig. 8.2

(i) Two of the regions are not labelled.

Add the correct label to each of the unlabelled regions by writing in each box. [2]

(ii) Describe one use of γ-rays.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 8]
9 (a) Fig. 9.1 shows two rays of light X and Y leaving an object O. The rays strike a plane mirror.
Ray X is reflected as shown.


ray of light
ray of light

Fig. 9.1

(i) On Fig. 9.1, draw the normal at the point where ray X strikes the mirror. [1]

(ii) On Fig. 9.1, draw the path of ray Y after it strikes the mirror. [1]

(b) An object O is placed on the left of a thin converging lens. F is the principal focus.

This arrangement is shown in Fig. 9.2.



Fig. 9.2

Two rays from the top of the object are incident on the lens, as shown in Fig. 9.2.

On Fig. 9.2, draw the path of each ray to locate the position of the image of O formed by the

On Fig. 9.2, draw an arrow to represent the image and label it I.


[Total: 5]
4 (a) In a demonstration, a teacher uses a loud ticking clock, two hollow tubes A and B, a barrier
and a smooth surface. The clock is used as a source of sound.

Fig. 4.1 shows tube A and the clock, both fixed in position on the left of the barrier.

smooth surface

hollow tube A

hollow tube B

ticking clock ear

Fig. 4.1

Sound from the ticking clock passes along tube A and is incident on the smooth surface.

A student listens to the sound passing along tube B, which is on the right of the barrier.

(i) On Fig. 4.1, draw tube B in the position where the sound heard by the student is loudest.

(ii) Explain your answer to (i).



..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) The speed of sound in air is 330 m / s.

State a typical value for the speed of sound in a solid.

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 4]
10 (a) Fig. 10.1 shows a water wave moving from shallow into deep water. The wavefronts shown
represent the crests of the wave.

shallow deep
water water


12 cm

Fig. 10.1 (not to scale)

The water wave is made by dipping a wooden bar up and down in the water. The bar makes
10 complete up and down movements in 5.0 s.

(i) Determine the wavelength of the wave in the shallow water.

wavelength = ......................................................... [1]

(ii) Calculate the frequency of the wave produced.

frequency = ......................................................... [2]

(iii) Determine the speed of the water wave in the shallow water.

speed = ......................................................... [2]

(iv) On Fig. 10.2, draw lines to show what happens to the wavelength, the frequency and the
speed of the water wave as it enters the deep water.

One line has been drawn for you.

wavelength decreases

frequency stays the same

speed increases

Fig. 10.2

(v) The direction of the boundary is now altered. The water wave now enters the deep water
from the shallow water at an angle, as shown in Fig. 10.3.


Fig. 10.3

On Fig. 10.3, draw the wavefronts in the deep water. [3]

(b) White light is made up of different colours.

(i) State the name of four of the colours in the visible spectrum and place them in order
from the smallest wavelength to the largest wavelength.

smallest wavelength ............................................



largest wavelength ............................................


(ii) A narrow beam of white light can be split into different colours.

Fig. 10.4 shows rays of white light emitted from a lamp.

Complete Fig. 10.4 to show how a narrow beam is produced from these rays and how a
spectrum is shown on the screen. Label your diagram.



Fig. 10.4

[Total: 15]
11 (a) Fig. 4.1 shows a wave on a rope and Fig. 4.2 shows a wave on a spring. Both waves are
moving in the direction shown by the arrows.

Fig. 4.1

Fig. 4.2

(i) State the name of each of the two types of wave shown.

Fig. 4.1 ..............................................................................................................................

Fig. 4.2 ..............................................................................................................................


(ii) On Fig. 4.1, draw a wave which has a smaller frequency than the wave shown. [1]

(iii) Describe the movement of point X on the spring in Fig. 4.2 as the wave passes.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Table 4.1 shows some sentences that a student writes about waves.

His teacher places a ring around each mistake.

Write a suitable correction for each mistake in Table 4.1. One has been done for you.

Table 4.1

sentence correction

Sound travels at 3.0 × 108 m / s in air. 330

Sound with a higher pitch has a larger amplitude.

X-rays are used for pre-natal scanning.

In the electromagnetic spectrum, microwaves have the
highest frequency.

[Total: 6]
12 Fig. 5.1 shows part of the ray diagram of a lens being used as a magnifying glass.

Three rays are shown coming from the top of an object O.

The points labelled F are one focal length from the lens.


Fig. 5.1

(a) State the name of the type of lens shown in Fig. 5.1.

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) Describe what happens to the ray of light R:

• as it enters the lens ................................................................................................................


• as it leaves the lens. ...............................................................................................................


(c) Using all three rays from O, complete Fig. 5.1 to show the image formed. [2]

(d) Underline all of the words in the list that describe the image formed in (c).

inverted upright real virtual


[Total: 6]
13 A narrow beam of white light enters a glass prism and splits into the colours of the visible spectrum,
as shown in Fig. 7.1.

colours of
visible spectrum

w bea t
r o h
nar hite lig
of w

Fig. 7.1

(a) The rays leaving the prism represent the seven main colours of the visible spectrum.

Complete the labelling on Fig. 7.1 by writing the colours of the visible spectrum in the table.

(b) State the term used to describe:

(i) the bending of the light as it enters the prism

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) the different amounts of bending that produce the spectrum.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) A student incorrectly writes some sentences about electromagnetic waves. His teacher circles
a mistake in each sentence.

In the table, write a suitable correction for each mistake. The first one has been done for you.

student’s sentences correction

the speed of light is faster than radio waves in a
the same as

X-rays are used in television remote controllers

radio waves have the highest frequencies in the

electromagnetic spectrum

[Total: 6]
14 (a) A loudspeaker is producing a sound.
Choose words from the box to complete the sentences about sound.

amplitude frequency speed wavelength

(i) To increase the loudness of the sound, increase the ............................................. of the
sound wave. [1]

(ii) To increase the pitch of the sound, increase the ............................................. of the
sound wave. [1]

(b) Two students determine the speed of sound in air.

The students stand together, 80 m from a large brick wall as shown in Fig. 8.1.

brick wall

80 m

Fig. 8.1 (not to scale)

One student shouts and as he shouts the other student starts a stop-watch. She stops the
stop-watch when she hears the echo of the shout.
The reading on the stop-watch is 0.56 s.

(i) State the total distance the sound travels during the 0.56 s.

distance = ..................................................... m [1]

(ii) Calculate the speed of sound in air using the measurements given in part (b).

speed of sound = ................................................. m / s [3]

(iii) The students’ value for the speed of sound is not accurate.

Suggest two ways of improving the students’ experiment.

1. .......................................................................................................................................

2. .......................................................................................................................................

[Total: 8]
15 (a ) Both radio waves and γ-rays (gamma) are radiations in the electromagnetic spectrum. Fig. 7.1
shows the main regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Most regions are labelled.

radio microwave infrared ................... ...................

visible light γ-rays
waves radiation radiation
................... ...................

(i) On Fig. 7.1, write the names of the radiations in the other two parts of the electromagnetic
spectrum. [2]

(ii) State one use of γ-rays.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) A star emits radio waves and γ-rays at the same time. They all travel across the vacuum
of space to the Earth’s atmosphere.

State whether the radio waves or the γ-rays, if either, arrive first at the Earth’s atmosphere.
Give a reason for your answer.

statement ..........................................................................................................................

reason ......................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) Fig. 7.2 shows pulses of a signal from a star.

of signal

time / s
Fig. 7.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

(i) Use the graph in Fig. 7.2 to determine the time between pulses.

time between pulses = ...................................................... s [2]

(ii) Determine the frequency of the pulses in Fig. 7.2.

frequency = .................................................... Hz [2]

[Total: 9]
15 A student uses a semicircular glass block to investigate refraction.

(a) He shines a ray of red light into the block, as shown in Fig. 8.1.
X is the middle of the flat surface.

surface air X

ray of
red light

Fig. 8.1

(i) On Fig. 8.1, draw the normal where the ray meets the flat surface at X. [1]

(ii) On Fig. 8.1, label the angle of refraction. Use the letter R for the label. [1]

(iii) The student uses a semicircular glass block. State the name of one other piece of
equipment that he needs for the investigation.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Fig. 8.2 shows a ray of red light incident on the flat surface of the semicircular glass block.
The angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle for glass.

X air

ray of
red light

Fig. 8.2

On Fig. 8.2, draw the path of the ray after it strikes the flat surface. [2]

[Total: 5]
17 This question is about the electromagnetic spectrum.

(a) (i) State the name of a region of the electromagnetic spectrum which has longer
wavelengths than visible light.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) State the name of a region of the electromagnetic spectrum which has shorter
wavelengths than visible light.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) Electromagnetic waves are travelling through a vacuum. Indicate the property that is
always the same for all the waves.

Tick (3) one box.


(iv) Indicate the correct statement about the nature of electromagnetic waves.

Tick (3) one box.

All electromagnetic waves are transverse.

All electromagnetic waves are longitudinal.
Some electromagnetic waves are transverse and some are longitudinal.

(v) Indicate the correct statement about the action of electromagnetic waves.

Tick (3) one box.

They transfer energy from one place to another.

They transfer atoms from one place to another.
They transfer molecules from one place to another.

(b) State the type of electromagnetic radiation used:

(i) for a remote controller to operate a television

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) in a hospital to produce an image of broken bones.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 7]
18 (a) Fig. 8.1 shows a ray of light incident on a plane mirror.

plane mirror

ray of light Fig. 8.1

(i) State which angle, a, b or c, is the angle of incidence.

angle of incidence = .......................................................... [1]

(ii) State the name of the line labelled X.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) The mirror reflects the ray of light.

On Fig. 8.1, draw the reflected ray. [2]

(b) Fig. 8.2 shows a ray of red light travelling through a semicircular glass block.

(i) Fig. 8.3 shows another ray of red light

air entering the semicircular glass block at 60°.
Continue the path of this ray through the glass
ray of block and into the air.
Fig. 8.2 block
red light

(b) Fig. 8.2 shows a ray of red light travelling through a semicircular glass block.

(i) Fig. 8.3 shows another ray of red light entering

the semicircular glass block at 60°.
Continue the path of this ray through the glass
glass block and into the air.
ray of Fig. 8.2 block
red light


ray of block [2]
red light Fig. 8.4
[Total: 8]
19 Fig. 6.1 is a full-scale diagram that represents a sound wave travelling in air.

Fig. 6.1
direction of travel

(a) On Fig. 6.1, mark two points, each at the centre of a different compression. Label both of the
points C. [1]
(b) The speed of sound in air is 330 m / s. Measure the diagram and determine the frequency of
the sound.

frequency = ......................................................... [3]

(c) The wave reaches a barrier. Fig. 6.2 shows the wave passing through a gap in the barrier.


direction of travel

Fig. 6.2

The frequency of the wave is increased to a value many times greater than the value obtained
in (b). Describe and explain two ways in which a diagram representing the wave with the
greater frequency differs from Fig. 6.2.
1. ..............................................................................................................................................
2. .............................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 7]
6 (a) Fig. 6.1 shows a ray of green light passing through a prism.


ray of
green light

Fig. 6.1

A ray of blue light is directed towards the prism on the same path as the ray of green light.

On Fig. 6.1, draw the path of the blue light through and out of the prism. [3]

(b) The wavelength of the blue light in air is 4.8 × 10–7 m.

Calculate the frequency of the blue light.

frequency = ......................................................... [3]

[Total: 6]
5 (a) Fig. 5.1 shows a wave on the sea approaching a harbour.

harbour walls


wave crests

Fig. 5.1

(i) On Fig. 5.1, draw three wave crests in the harbour. [2]

(ii) Another harbour has a much wider gap between its walls.

Describe and explain how the pattern of wave crests in this harbour is different from the
pattern you have drawn in (i).

description ..........................................................................................................................


explanation .........................................................................................................................

..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) A sound wave of frequency 850 Hz travels through sea water. The speed of sound in sea
water is 1500 m / s.

Calculate the wavelength of this sound wave in sea water.

wavelength = ......................................................... [2]

[Total: 6]
6 Fig. 6.1 is a full-scale diagram of a lens and an object O.


Fig. 6.1

(a) The focal length of the lens is 3.5 cm.

On Fig. 6.1, mark and label with the letter F the positions of the two principal focuses. [1]

(b) On Fig. 6.1, draw three rays to locate the image. Draw an arrow to represent the image and
label the image I. [3]

(c) State three properties of the image I.

............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(d) A student incorrectly states that this lens is being used as a magnifying glass.

(i) State how the image produced by a magnifying glass is different from the image I.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) The student moves the object O to a position P so that the lens shown in Fig. 6.1 acts as
a magnifying glass.

On Fig. 6.1, mark a possible position for P. [1]

[Total: 8]
The diagram shows a cork with a weight attached so that the
cork floats upright in water.
cork water surface

A → ← right and left

B ↑↓ up and down

C → only to the right

D ← only to the left


Transverse waves travel across the water from X to Y.

In which direction do the waves make the cork move? A B C D

Why is soft iron used for the core of an electromagnet?

A Soft iron easily becomes a permanent magnet.

B Soft iron is a good electrical conductor.
C Soft iron is a poor thermal conductor.
D Soft iron loses its magnetism when the current in the coil is switched off.

The diagram shows a wave before it reflects from a barrier.

Which labelled section of the diagram represents a wavefront?


The diagram shows a transverse wave.

1 2 3 5

Which distance is equal to one wavelength?

A the distance between points 1 and 2 C the distance between points 2 and 3
B the distance between points 1 and 3 D the distance between points 4 and 5


Which statement about microwaves is correct?

A Microwaves are longitudinal waves.

B The frequencies of microwaves are greater than the frequencies of visible light.
C The speed of microwaves in a vacuum is equal to the speed of visible light in a vacuum.
D The wavelengths of microwaves are smaller than the wavelengths of infra-red.

When water waves pass through a gap they diffract.

The diagrams show wavefronts approaching a narrow gap.

In which diagram will the diffraction be least?


A vibrating object produces ripples on the surface of a liquid. The object completes 20 vibrations
every second. The spacing of the ripples, from one crest to the next, is 3.0 cm. What is the speed
of the ripples?

A 0.15 cm / s B 6.7 cm / s C 60 cm / s D 120 cm / s


What is the speed of X-rays in a vacuum and in air?

in a vacuum in air

A 3.0 × 106 m / s 2.0 × 106 m / s

B 3.0 × 106 m / s 3.0 × 106 m / s
C 3.0 × 108 m / s 2.0 × 108 m / s
D 3.0 × 108 m / s 3.0 × 108 m / s

The diagram shows wavefronts on the surface of water, viewed from above.

region 1 deep water

region 2 shallow water

Which row is correct for the wavefronts moving from region 1 to region 2?

the speeds of
name of process the wavefronts in
regions 1 and 2 are

A diffraction different
B diffraction the same
C refraction different
D refraction the same
Plane water waves approach a narrow gap in a barrier.

Which diagram shows the diffraction pattern that would occur?



The diagram shows the electromagnetic spectrum.

γ-rays X-rays ultraviolet visible light infrared microwaves

increasing ......................

A word is missing from the label below the spectrum. Which word is missing?

A amplitude B frequency C speed D wavelength

Which type of wave is not an example of a transverse wave?

A sound wave B microwave C infrared wave D radio wave


A surface is made so that it is a good source of infrared radiation.

Which surface is not suitable?

A a surface that is painted matt black C a surface that is heated to a high temperature
B a surface that is painted white D a surface that has a large surface area

A large hill blocks the direct path between a transmitter of radio waves and a receiver, as shown.


hill receiver

The receiver picks up the signal from the transmitter even though the radio waves do not
travel through the hill. Which row is correct?

A possible way A stronger signal is

for this to happen is received using

A diffraction round the hill. longer wavelengths.

B diffraction round the hill. shorter wavelengths.
C refraction round the hill. longer wavelengths.
D refraction round the hill. shorter wavelengths.
(a) Fig. 7.1 shows some devices that each use one type
of electromagnetic radiation.
device electromagnetic radiation
gamma rays


Draw one line from each device

TV remote ultraviolet light to the correct type of
controller electromagnetic radiation. One
has been done for you.
visible light
for daytime (b) (i) State the name of one
use infra-red rays
type of radiation that has a
longer wavelength than visible


Fig. 7.1 radio waves
....................................... [1]

(ii) Complete the sentence about electromagnetic radiation. Use a word from the box.

amplitude frequency speed wavelength

All types of electromagnetic radiation travel through a vacuum with the same [1]

.................................................................. [Total: 5]

(b)(i) infrared OR microwaves OR radio waves

(b)(ii) speed
(a) Fig. 8.1 shows an incomplete diagram of the electromagnetic spectrum.

ultraviolet visible light radio waves

higher frequency longer wavelength

Fig. 8.1

Complete Fig. 8.1 with the names of the missing types of radiation in the correct boxes. [4]

(b) State one use for ultraviolet radiation.

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 5]

(a) In order from left to right:

γ / gamma (rays)
infrared (rays / waves)

(b) sun beds OR security marking

6 Green light of frequency 5.7 × 1014 Hz is travelling in air at a speed of 3.0 × 108 m / s. The light is
incident on the surface of a transparent solid.

Fig. 6.1 shows the wavefronts and the direction of travel of the light in the air.



Fig. 6.1

The light travels more slowly in the transparent solid.

(a) Explain, in terms of the wavefronts, why the light changes direction as it enters the solid. You
may draw on Fig. 6.1 as part of your answer.




............................................................................................................................................. [3]

(b) The refractive index of the transparent solid is 1.3.

(i) The light is incident on the surface of the solid at an angle of incidence of 67°.

Calculate the angle of refraction of the light in the solid.

angle of refraction = ......................................................... [2]

(ii) Determine the wavelength of the green light in the transparent solid.

wavelength = ......................................................... [4]

[Total: 9]

(a) idea of one side of wavefront enters / hits solid first

OR wavefront does not all hit the solid all at once;

idea of this side slowed down first OR this side delayed relative to other side

angle of wave(front) changes OR different parts of wavefront delayed by different amounts

(b)(i) sini sin67°

n= in any form OR n1sinθ 1 = n2sinθ 2 OR 1.3 =
sinr sinr
OR (r = )sin–1(sin67° / 1.3) OR sin–1(0.71)


(b)(ii) v ts = c / n in any form OR (v ts =) c / n OR 3.0 × 108 / 1.3

2.3 × 108 OR 3.0 × 108 / 1.3

λ = v / f in any form OR (λ =) v / f OR 2.3 × 108 / 5.7 × 1014

OR 3.0 × 108 / (1.3 × 5.7 × 1014)

4.0 × 10–7 m

OR (alternative approach)

λ = v / f in any form OR (λ =) v / f OR 3.0 × 108 / 5.7 × 1014

5.3 × 10–7 OR 3.0 × 108 / 5.7 × 1014

λ g = λ a / n in any form OR (λ g =) λ a / n OR 5.3 × 10–7 / 1.3

OR 3.0 × 108 / (1.3 × 5.7 × 1014)

4.0 × 10–7 m
8 Fig. 8.1 shows parallel wavefronts of a light wave in ice. The wavefronts are incident on a boundary
with air.

of wave



Fig. 8.1

The speed of the light wave in air is 3.0 × 108 m / s. The refractive index of the ice is 1.3.

(a) On Fig. 8.1:

(i) draw the wavefronts of the wave that passes into the air [3]

(ii) draw arrows to show the direction of travel of the refracted wave [1]

(iii) label the angle of incidence i and the angle of refraction r. [1]
(b) Calculate the speed of the light wave in the ice.

speed = ......................................................... [2]

[Total: 7]

(a)(i) Wavefronts in the air:

Parallel to each other

Make a larger angle with the boundary than wavefronts in ice and from top left to
bottom right
At least one wavefront meets a wavefront in ice at the boundary

(a)(ii) Arrows at right angles to wavefronts pointing away from boundary

(a)(iii) Acute angle between any wavefront in ice and boundary marked i
Acute angle between any wavefront in air and boundary marked r

In ice, normal at boundary and ray perpendicular to any wavefront both drawn. Angle between
normal and ray in ice marked i. In air, normal at boundary and ray perpendicular to any
wavefront both drawn. Angle between normal and ray in air marked r.

(b) n = speed in air / speed in ice OR n = VAIR / VICE OR (VICE))= VAIR / n

OR 3.0 × 108 / 1.3

2.3 × 108 m / s
6 (a) Fig. 6.1 shows wavefronts of a wave approaching a narrow gap and passing through the gap.
The wavelength is λ.

wavefronts gap barrier

direction of


Fig. 6.1

(i) State the name of the process that occurs as the wave passes through the gap.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) A wave with a wavelength approaches the same gap.
On Fig. 6.2, draw three wavefronts for this wave as it approaches the gap and three
more wavefronts as the wave continues beyond it. [3]

Fig. 6.2
(b) Table 6.1 shows 5 different types of electromagnetic wave.

In the blank column in Table 6.1, write the numbers 1 to 5 to show the order of wavelength.
Write 1 for the wave with the shortest wavelength and 5 for the wave with the longest
wavelength. [2]

Table 6.1

type of electromagnetic wave order of wavelength

gamma rays

(c) (i) State the speed of radio waves in air.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) A radio station transmits radio waves with a frequency of 96 MHz.

Calculate the wavelength of these radio waves.

wavelength = ......................................................... [3]

[Total: 10]

(a)(i) diffraction

(a)(ii) wave on left half the wavelength of waves (c)(i) 3.0 × 108 m/s
in Fig 6.1
both wavelengths on right same (c)(ii) v = fλ in any form OR (λ = v/f )
wavelength as on left
96 × 106 seen
much less spreading than in Fig 6.1

(b) 3 numbers correct 3.0 × 108

(λ = = ) 3.1 m
96 ×106
all 5 numbers correct (Correct answer: 1, 4, 5, 3, 2)
1 A student wants to investigate the effect of air resistance on
the swing of a pendulum. Alternative
Plan an experiment which will enable him to investigate
how air resistance changes the way in which a pendulum
swings. The apparatus available includes:
a light wooden rod, approximately 80 cm long with a hole at Practical
one end, through which a nail will fit a piece of modelling clay
to act as a pendulum bob, as shown in Fig. 4.1 a sheet of thick
card which will provide the air resistance when the pendulum
In your plan, you should:

• list any additional apparatus needed

• explain briefly how you would carry out the experiment including exactly which measurements
should be taken

• state the key variables that you would control

• draw a table, or tables, with column headings, to show how you would display your readings
(you are not required to enter any readings in the table)

• explain how you would use your readings to reach a conclusion.

You may add to Fig. 4.1 or draw an additional diagram if it helps to explain your plan.



Fig. 4.1


















.................................................................................................................................................... [7]

[Total: 7]

means of measuring dependent variable (e.g. stop watch / rule / protractor)

method (one from):
workable means of providing air resistance (e.g. fix card to rod / bob),
allow pendulum to swing,
suitable measurement (e.g. period, amplitude)

repeat for different value of independent variable (e.g. area of card)

control variable (one from): length of pendulum, angle of release, mass of bob

suitable clear format with column headings and units

compare readings to see if change in air resistance produces change in dependent
variable (e.g. change in area of card changes period) / plot graph
2 A student investigates the period of a pendulum. Fig. 1.1 and Fig. 1.2 show the arrangement.

clamp clamp

floor one complete

Fig. 1.1 Fig. 1.2

(a) The student measures the distance d between the bottom of the clamp and the floor.

120.0 cm
d = ..............................................................

This distance d remains constant throughout the experiment.

He adjusts the length l of the pendulum to 70.0 cm.

Calculate the distance x between the centre of the pendulum bob and the floor. Record the
value of x in the first row of Table 1.1. [1]

(b) The student displaces the bob slightly and releases it so that it swings. Fig. 1.2 shows one
complete oscillation of the pendulum.

He measures, and records in the first row of Table 1.1, the time t for 10 complete oscillations.

(i) Calculate, and record in the first row of Table 1.1, the period T of the pendulum.
The period is the time for one complete oscillation. [1]

(ii) Calculate, and record in the first row of Table 1.1, T 2. [2]

(iii) Complete the column headings in Table 1.1. [1]

x/ t/ T/ T2/


45.0 17.3 1.73 2.99

40.0 17.9 1.79 3.20

35.0 18.4 1.84 3.39

30.0 19.0 1.90 3.61

(c) He repeats the procedure using x = 45.0 cm, 40.0 cm, 35.0 cm and 30.0 cm.

He records the readings in Table 1.1.

Plot a graph of T 2 (y-axis) against x (x-axis). You do not need to start your axes at the
origin (0,0).

(d) State whether the graph line shows that T 2 is proportional to x. Give a reason for your answer.

statement ..................................................................................................................................

reason .......................................................................................................................................

(e) Explain why timing 10 oscillations gives a more accurate result for the period T than timing
one oscillation.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 11]
3 A student investigates the position of the image in a plane mirror.

Fig. 2.1 shows the ray-trace sheet that the student uses.





Fig. 2.1
(a) • The line MR shows the position of a plane mirror. Draw a normal to this line that passes
through its centre. Continue the normal so that it reaches the bottom of the ray-trace
sheet. Label the normal NL. Label the point at which NL crosses MR with the letter B.

• Draw a line CD 5.0 cm below MR and parallel to MR.

• Label the point X where CD crosses NL.

• Draw a line EF 5.0 cm below CD and parallel to CD.

• Label the point Y where EF crosses NL.


(b) Draw a line 7.0 cm long from B at an angle of incidence θ1 = 20° to the normal below MR and
to the left of the normal. Label the end of this line A. [1]

(c) The student places two pins, P1 and P2 , on line AB. Suggest a suitable distance x between
the pins for this type of ray-trace experiment.

x = ......................................................... [1]

(d) The student views the images of pins P1 and P2 from the direction indicated by the eye in
Fig. 2.1. She places pin P3 on line CD so that the images of P2 and P1 appear exactly behind
pin P3.

She places pin P4 on line EF so that pin P3, and the images of P2 and P1, all appear exactly
behind pin P4. The positions of P3 and P4 are shown on Fig. 2.1.

(i) Measure and record the distance a from X to P3.

a = ......................................................... [1]

(ii) Measure and record the distance b from Y to P4.

b = ......................................................... [1]
(iii) Calculate .
= ......................................................... [1]
(e) The student repeats the procedure using an angle of incidence θ2 = 40°. She records the new
values of a and b.
4.2 cm
a = ...............................................................

8.3 cm
b = ...............................................................
Calculate the new value .
= ......................................................... [2]

(f) State and explain whether the two values of can be considered to be equal in this


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(g) A student carries out this experiment with care. Suggest a practical reason why the results
may not be accurate.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 11]
01 Assignment
For questions 1 to 4, choose the correct answer by circling the letter.
1 The movement of oscillations in transverse waves is …
(a) parallel to the direction of travel
(b) at right angles to the direction of travel
(c) opposite to the direction of travel
(d) dependent on the direction of travel [1]
2 The number of waves passing through a point per second is known as its …
(a) wave number (b) wavelength (c) frequency (d) amplitude [1]
3 Waves are refracted when they …
(a) enter a medium of a different density
(b) strike a smooth surface
(c) enter a small space
(d) come across an obstacle [1]
4 Which of the following are waves?
(a) sound (b) light (c) infrared (d) a–c [1]

(a) How would you set up a transverse wave in a ‘Slinky’ spring?

��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(b) Describe how you would set up a longitudinal wave in a ‘Slinky’ spring?

��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(c) How is a longitudinal wave different from a transverse wave?


��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(a) What is a wavefront?


��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]
(b) How would you measure the following on a wavefront?

(i) wavelength

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(ii) frequency

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(iii) amplitude

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(a) State the wave equation and describe what it represents�



��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]

(b) Use the wave equation to calculate the speed of waves travelling through air with a
frequency of 25 Hz and wavelength equal to 0�5 m�



��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]

(c) Calculate the frequency when sound waves of wavelength 1 m pass through a point A with a
speed of 200 m/s�


��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]
(a) Draw diagrams to show how reflection and refraction of waves take place�


(b) List three behaviours of waves in addition to those in part (a)�



��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [3]

[Total: 25]
Electromagnetic waves
For questions 1 to 4, choose the correct answer by circling the letter.
1 Which of these are not radio waves?
(a) gamma rays (b) microwaves (c) UHF (d) VHF [1]
2 Which of these have the highest frequency?
(a) X-rays (b) ultraviolet rays (c) gamma rays (d) radio waves [1]
3 Which of these can be used to sound security alarms?
(a) X-rays (b) radio waves
(c) infrared radiation (d) ultraviolet radiation [1]
4 Which of these cause cancer?
(a) X-rays and ultraviolet radiation
(b) radio waves and gamma rays
(c) gamma rays and infrared radiation
(d) gamma rays and X-rays [1]
5 State four properties of electromagnetic waves�




���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [4]

6 State the wavelength range of visible light�

���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(a) Name the type of radiation that:

(i) causes suntan

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(ii) is used for satellite communication

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(iii) passes through a thin sheet of lead

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(iv) is used to take photographs at night

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]
(v) can pass through flesh but is only partially stopped by bones

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(b) Which parts of the electromagnetic spectrum can be harmful to life? State how they are
dangerous in each case�



��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [3]

(c) How would you show that there was an invisible radiation beyond the red end of the visible


��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]

(d) Name one region of the electromagnetic spectrum that has a frequency greater than visible

��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

State briefly:

(i) how the radiation may be produced

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]
(ii) how the radiation may be detected

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(iii) one practical application of the radiation

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

8 How do microwaves cook food? How is this different from cooking with infrared waves?


���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]

[Total: 25]
1 Identify the following marked on the diagram below:

(a) A

��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(b) B

��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

2 State the difference between transverse waves and longitudinal waves�


���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]

3 What is meant by frequency? Calculate the frequency when waves of wavelength 3 m travel
across water with a speed of 12 m/s�



���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [3]

4 Name three examples of waves� State two points of evidence to prove your answer�




���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [5]
5 Describe, with the help of a diagram, how refraction occurs in waves�





���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [5]

6 What is a wavefront? Draw a wavefront to show increasing wavelength of a transverse wave�


���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [3]

[Total: 20]
Topic You s hould be a ble to :

Sound waves • describe the production of sound by vibrating sources.

• explain why sound waves are longitudinal.
• explain what is meant by compressions and
• state the approximate range of audible frequencies.
• explain sound waves need a medium, and
• describe an experiment to demonstrate this..
• explain how the loudness of a sound wave depends on
its amplitude.
• explain how the pitch of sound waves depends on its
• describe how the reflection of sound may produce an
• explain what is meant by the quality (timbre) of a sound
• describe what affects the quality (timbre) of sound
waves, and
• describe how these can be shown on a CRO.
Speed of sound • describe a simple method of measuring the speed of
sound in air, and
• explain how the speed is calculated from the
• state approximate size of the speeds of sound
in air,
in liquids,
in solids.
Ultrasound • define ultra sound.
• describe the uses of ultra sound:
in cleaning,
in detecting flaws (quality control)
in pre-natal scanning.
Sound is a mechanical wave phenomenon and is
normally associated with our sense of

hearing. Sound is a property of vibrating objects.

• Sound is produced by vibrating sources in a material medium. Medium can be any

gas, liquid or solid.
• The vibrating sources set the particles of a medium in vibration in such a way that
sound travels outwards in the form of longitudinal waves.
• Some of the energy of the vibrations are transmitted over a distance.

Examples of vibrating sources:

• Musical instruments, like drums, guitar

• Hitting a piece of iron with a hammer
• Loudspeakers (Consists of a cone which vibrates under the effects of electricity and
• Explosion resulting from explosives.

Tuning Fork

Vibration in the tuning fork produces disturbances in the

surrounding air. When the prongs’

movement is outwards, the prongs push the surrounding air

molecules away, creating a local compression.

This disturbance of air layers is then passed from molecule to molecule by collisions, causing the local
compression to move outwardly.

When the prongs’ movement is inwards, a partial void, or rarefaction is created. Pressure
differences causes the air molecules to rush back into the region again. This periodic to-and-fro
movement of the prongs will create alternating regions of compressions and rarefactions. The sound
waves span outwardly parallel to the direction of the wave propagation (longitudinal nature).
Range of Audible Frequencies

The human ear responds to sounds with frequencies in the range from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. This is
called the audible range of the human ear. Examples of vibrating sources that produce sound in the
audible range of frequencies are drums, guitar strings, tuning fork, human vocal cords and
diaphragms of loudspeakers.

In audible sound waves whose frequencies are less than 20 Hz are in the infrasonic range. Sources of
infrasonic waves include earthquakes, thunder, volcanoes and waves produced by vibrating heavy
machinery. The hearing ranges of elephants and whales extend into the infrasonic region.

Frequencies above 20,000 Hz are in the ultrasonic range. The audible range of dogs, cats, moths and
mice extends into ultrasound frequencies. They can hear very high frequencies that humans cannot.

Determining The Speed of Sound In Air

The speed of sound can be calculated with only two measurements:

• the distance of the sound source from the receiver

• the time taken for the sound wave to travel that distance

Speed=Distance Travelled /Time

Precautions taken to reduce measurement errors:

• Exchange the positions of the sound source and the measuring device and repeat the
experiment. It will reduce the effect of wind on the speed of sound in air.
• Repeat the experiment several times and take the average value of the time intervals
recorded to calculate the average speed of sound.
• The human ear can distinguish two
characteristics of sound. These are the
loudness and pitch, and each refers to a
sensation in the consciousness of the

• It is easy to distinguish among loud and soft sounds. The term loudness of a sound is self-
descriptive. It depends primarily on the amplitude of the sound wave.
• The larger the amplitude, the louder the sound.

Note: The standard unit of sound level is decibel. A sound is judged to be twice as loud as another,
if its sound level is about 10 decibels higher. The reason why it is 10 and not twice the value is that
decibel is a logarithmic unit.


• The pitch of a sound refers to whether it is high (sharp), like the sound of a violin, or low, like
the sound of a bass drum. The physical quantity that determines pitch is the frequency.
• The higher the frequency, the higher the pitch.

Sound waves can be reflected by
large, hard surfaces like buildings,
walls and cliffs. Reflection of sound
occurs just like the reflection of light.

Echo is a distinct, reflected sound wave from a surface.

A reflected sound can be heard separately from the original sound if the sound source is closer to the
receiver while the reflecting hard surface is sufficiently far from receiver. Such reflected sound is called an
Generally the reflected sound is not distinctly heard, as it follows so closely behind the original sound and
prolongs the sensation of the original sound. This effect is called reverberation.
If the surface is rough, the incident sound waves are broken up and the original waveform is lost, thus no
reflected sounds are heard. To reduce the effects of echo, walls can be roughened or “softened” (with
padding) or covered with curtains and floors covered with carpets.
Principle of echo is used in echo sounder to find the depth of a sea or the location of shoals of fish. Echoes
can be used to measure the speed of sound.
Note: Remember that the distance travelled by the sound is doubled for echo. (The sound “go there
and come back”) For instance, if a sound wave takes 10 seconds to travel to the bottom of the sea
and back, the total distance travelled is 2d, where d is the depth of the sea.
Hence, the velocity of the sound for echoes can be calculated by:

V = (Total distance travelled by sound / Time taken) =2d/t

V = (Total distance travelled by sound/Time taken)=2d/t


Ultrasound is the sound with frequencies higher than

20,000 hertz.

Use of ultrasound
Ultrasound Image

• Ultrasound is used to clean street lights by immersing the lighting unit in a tank of water and using
ultrasonic waves to dislodge the dust particles from the surface of the unit. It is also used to clean jewelry
and intricate mechanical and electronic components and weld plastics.
• Other application of ultrasound is in quality control of metals and meat. Ultrasound is used to detect the
position of flaws in metal and in determining the thickness of lean and fat meat in livestock while the
animals are still alive.
• Ultrasound is used to form images of babies in the womb (prenatal scanning). High frequency
ultrasound, typically 3.5 million Hz, is sent into the body and is partially reflected as it encounters
different types of tissue. These reflections are used to form an image on a television monitor. Ultrasound
is also used to provide images of the heart, liver, kidneys, gal bladder, breast, eye, and major blood
• In hospitals, ultrasonic power is used to pulverize kidney stones, thus avoiding the need for surgical
• Automatic focusing cameras use ultrasonic echo-location to determine the distance being photographed.
Ultrasound is used in a hospital to scan a patient.
Ultrasound refracts at the boundary between
muscle and bone because it travels at a greater speed in
Which change takes place when the ultrasound travels from
muscle into bone?

A The frequency of the wave decreases. C The wavelength of the wave decreases.
B The frequency of the wave increases. D The wavelength of the wave increases.



A pulse of sound is produced at the bottom of a boat. The sound travels through the water and is
reflected from a shoal of fish. The sound reaches the boat again after 1.2 s. The speed of sound
in the water is 1500 m / s.
boat How far below the bottom of the boat is the shoal of fish?

A 450 m

B 900 m
shoal of fish C 1800 m

D 3600 m A B C D

Which range is approximately correct for the audio frequencies that can be detected by a healthy
human ear?

A 2 Hz to 2000 Hz B 2 Hz to 20000 Hz C 20 Hz to 2000 Hz D 20 Hz to 20000 Hz


A pulse of sound is produced at the bottom of a boat. The sound travels through the water and is
reflected from the sea-bed. The sound reaches the boat again after 1.3 s. The sea-bed is 1000 m
below the boat.
Using this information, what is the speed of sound in the water?
A 770 m / s

B 1300 m / s
1000 m
sea-bed C 1500 m / s

D 2600 m / s
Which statement about ultrasound is correct?

A It has a higher frequency than audible sound, and it is a longitudinal wave.

B It has a higher frequency than audible sound, and it is a transverse wave.
C It has a lower frequency than audible sound, and it is a longitudinal wave.
D It has a lower frequency than audible sound, and it is a transverse wave.


A sound wave passes a point. The air pressure at that point increases and then decreases
300 times every second. Which descriptions apply to this sound wave?

the type of wave motion the frequency of the sound

A longitudinal outside human hearing range

B longitudinal within human hearing range
C transverse outside human hearing range
D transverse within human hearing range

A boy stands 150 m from a wall. He claps and when he hears the echo, he immediately claps
again. He continues this for some time.

Another student has a stop-watch. She starts the watch on the first clap and stops it on the
eleventh clap. The watch reads 10.0 s.

Which value do her measurements give for the speed of sound in air?

A 150 m / s B 170 m / s C 300 m / s D 330 m / s

A man hears a starting pistol fire 1.5 seconds after he sees a puff of smoke from the pistol. The
sound and the smoke are made at the same time. The starting pistol is 450 metres away from the

What is the speed of sound calculated from this observation?

A 150 m / s B 300 m / s C 330 m / s D 625 m / s

Which row gives a possible set of values for the speed of sound in ice, in water and in steam?

speed of sound speed of sound speed of sound

in ice in water in steam
m/ s m/ s m/ s

A 500 1500 4000

B 1500 4000 500
C 4000 500 1500
D 4000 1500 500 A B C D

Light and sound both travel as waves.

Draw a line from each statement to the correct term

that describes it. One has been done for you.

statement term

change in direction of light when

entering a medium


very high frequency sounds


a glass prism producing a spectrum


light spreading after passing
through a narrow gap


sound reflecting from a wall


seven colours of light ultrasound

[Total: 5]

change in direction of light when entering a medium – refraction

very high frequency sounds – ultrasound
a glass prism producing a spectrum – dispersion
light spreading after passing through a narrow gap – diffraction
sound reflecting from a wall – echo
01 Assignment
For questions 1 to 4, choose the correct answer by circling the letter.
1 Sound waves are …

(a) longitudinal waves

(b) transverse waves

(c) electromagnetic waves

(d) radio waves [1]

2 Sound waves cannot travel through …

(a) iron (b) water (c) vacuum (d) gas [1]

3 Sound waves travel faster through …

(a) cold air (b) warm air (c) pressurized air (d) vacuum [1]

4 Distant trains sound louder at night because sound waves get …

(a) reflected (b) absorbed (c) diffracted (d) refracted [1]

5 State two properties of sound waves�


���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]

6 What is the approximate range of audible frequencies?

���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

7 Describe how sound waves are produced by a loudspeaker�



���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [3]

(a) State the formula for calculating the speed of sound�

��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]
(b) State three factors affecting the speed of sound�


��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [3]

(a) A train blows its whistle as it enters a 50-metre long tunnel� What is the time delay at the
other end of the tunnel between hearing the sound of the train’s whistle through the rails
and through the air? Assume that the speed of sound in air and through steel is 342 m/s
and 1560 m/s respectively�


��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [3]

(b) Whale-watchers use the reflection of ultrasound waves to identify the presence of whales in
the vicinity of their boats� If the safe distance from a whale is 100 m, what is the measured
time delay between the emitted and reflected signal from the whale at a depth of 100 m?
Assume that the speed of sound in water is 1560 m/s�


��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]

(c) Orchestras tune to concert pitch, A, at 440 Hz� What is the wavelength of the instruments
playing at this frequency if the speed of sound is 330 m/s?


��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]

(d) Calculate the time taken by an echo to be heard off a wall at a distance of 2 m from the
source� Take the speed of sound in air to be 330 m/s�


��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]

(e) Suggest two applications of the echo-sounding principle�


��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]

[Total: 25]
Sound propagation in a
vacuum Investigation
This demonstration might be conducted in the classroom
to support discussion on sound propagation�

To demonstrate that sound is a mechanical wave and
cannot propagate in a vacuum

n glass bell jar that can be evacuated by a vacuum pump
n battery-powered alarm clock
n foam pad to sit the alarm clock on, or a system to hang the alarm clock from the bell jar to
minimize the propagation of sound through mechanical parts

1 Set the alarm clock to ring indefinitely�
2 Place the alarm clock in the bell jar and evacuate the bell jar using the vacuum pump�
3 As the vacuum is created, the sound of the alarm decreases until it cannot be heard over the
vacuum pump�
4 Switch off the vacuum pump and vent the system to atmospheric pressure�
5 The alarm can be heard again�

Sound consists of mechanical waves and requires a medium to travel through� By removing the air
from within the bell jar, the sound waves from the alarm clock can no longer propagate away from it�
Refraction of light• define the following:
angle of incidence,
angle of refraction,
refractive index.
• describe experiments to show refraction of
light through glass blocks.
• do calculations using the equation
sin i / sin r = constant .
• define the terms
critical angle,
total internal reflection.
• describe experiments to show total internal reflection.
• describe how optical fibres are used in telecommunications
• state the advantages of their use.

Thin • describe the action of thin converging lenses on a beam of

converging light.
and diverging • describe the action of thin diverging lenses on a beam of
lenses light.
• define the term focal length .
• draw ray diagrams to show the formation of real and virtual
images of an object by a converging lens.
• draw ray diagrams to show the formation of a virtual image
by a diverging lens.
• define the term linear magnification
• draw scale diagrams to determine the focal length
of a converging lens needed for particular values of
• describe the use of a single lens
as a magnifying glass
in a camera
in a projector
in a photographic enlarger.
• draw ray diagrams to show how the image is formed
by a magnifying glass
in a camera
in a projector
in a photographic enlarger.
• draw ray diagrams to show the formation of images in
the normal eye,
a short-sighted eye,
a long-sighted eye.
• describe the correction of short-sight.
• describe the correction of long-sight.

Dispersion • describe the dispersion of light by a glass prism.

of light • state the colours of the spectrum.
• explain how the colours are related to frequency and
In terms of classical wave theory, light is an electromagnetic
wave that is
free space orcapable
throughofa passing
medium in the form of varying
electric of influence,
magnetic the wave
fields. travels straight.
In the

In terms of the modern quantum theory, electromagnetic

radiation, such as light, is a flow of

photons (“small packets of light”) through space. This means

that light is made up of particles.

Particles and waves are two entirely different things. How can light be both a particle and a wave? If
you are interested, check out my post on Wave particle duality and/or google for the term.

When light is incident in a perpendicular direction on the surface, such as a piece of glass, part is
transmitted and part is reflected. This happens at any surface that forms the boundary between two
transparent mediums of different refractive indices.

For the topic of “Reflection And Refraction of Light”, we will only be concerned about light as an
electromagnetic wave.

Reflection of light is the abrupt change in the direction of propagation of light rays that strike the
boundary between different mediums.
Laws of reflection

First law:
The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal to the surface all lie in the same plane.

Second law:
The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

Regular Reflection

• Regular reflection refers to the reflection of rays coming from a smooth plane surface.
• All incident rays have parallel reflected rays

Diffused (irregular) reflection

• Refers to the reflection of rays coming from rough surfaces
• The reflected rays are not in the same direction
• However, at each point on the rough surface, the laws of reflections
are obeyed.

Drawing ray diagrams for plane mirrors

Initially, we have an object in front of a plane mirror.

First, we draw an image of the object on the other side of the mirror

Distance A is equal to distance B and the image

size is the same size as the object size.
Laws of Refraction

First law of refraction states that the incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal to the interface
all lie in the same plane.

Second law of refraction states that for two given media, the ratio (sin ∠i / sin∠r)=Constant
, where ∠i is the angle of incidence and ∠r is the angle of refraction.
Refractive index (n) of a medium is given by η=(sin ∠i /sin∠r)

• The greater the value of the refractive index of a medium, the greater is the “bending” effect
of light when it passes from air into that medium.
• A material with a larger value of n is an optically denser medium.

In summary, light travelling from:

• denser medium to less dense medium – Bend away from normal

• less dense medium to denser medium – Bend towards normal

However, if the light ray enters another medium perpendicularly to the boundary, there is no
deviation of the ray even when there is change in speed of light.

Refractive index (η) of a medium is the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum (c) to the speed
in light
that medium (v). Hence, n can be calculated using:


This implies that the higher the refractive index of a medium, the slower will be the speed of light
through it. This means that a medium’s optical density increases as its refractive index increases.
Consequence of refraction of light: Apparent Depth
A pool of water looks shallower than it really is. A straight object placed in water looks bent at the
Refractive Index & Wavelength of Light
For visible light, the refractive indexes of most transparent medium decrease with increasing
wavelength. Hence,

This causes white light to split in its constituent colors (rainbow) when it passes through a prism.
Total internal reflection refers to the complete reflection of a ray of light within an optically-denser
medium from the surrounding surfaces of optically less dense media back into the denser medium.

• Light ray travel from an optically denser medium to a less dense medium.
• The angle of incidence must be greater than a certain angle, called the critical angle.

For a ray of light passing from an optically denser to a less dense medium, critical angle, c,
the of incidence at which the angle of refraction is 90∘
• When the angle of incidence is less than the critical angle, the ray passes out into the
less dense medium.
• When the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle, the ray is reflected back
into the denser medium.

The equation relating critical angle, c and the refractive index,η is: sin∠c=1/η

Projector is used to produce an enlarged, real and inverted image of an object just beyond the focal
length of a thin converging lens and the image can be projected onto a screen.

• Image formed will be laterally and vertically inverted. Hence, the transparency has to be put
left to right and in upside down position for the image to be the right side up.
• The transparency is placed close to the focal point of the lens.

Ray diagram of a telescope

Long-sightedness, also known as hyperopia,

affects a person's ability to see objects close to
them. Vision problems such as long-sightedness
are often referred to as refractive errors. If you
are long-sighted, you will usually be able to see
distant objects clearly, but nearby objects will be
out of focus.

The medical name for short-sightedness is myopia.

Eyesight problems, such as myopia, are also
known as refractive errors. Short sight leads to
blurred distance vision, but close vision is usually
normal. It is a very common problem that can be
corrected by glasses or contact lenses, or cured
with laser eye surgery.
Law of Reflection Normal
Өi = Өr
Өi Өr
Өi = angle of incidence
Өr= angle of reflection
Snell’s Law (refraction) Normal
n1Sin Өi = n2Sin Өr Өi n1 = refractive index 1

Өi = angle of incidence
Өr = angle of refraction
n2 = refractive index 2
Critical angle
n2 n1 = refractive index 1
sin 𝚯𝐜 = Өc

(special case of Snell’s

law where Өr = 90°) n2 = refractive index 2

Refractive Index c = speed of light in vacuum.

c v = speed of light in medium
v Higher reflective index of a
medium means light travel slower
(n of air ≈ 1) in the medium
Magnification M = magnification
hi di h = height
𝐌= = d = distance from lens
ho do
Subscript i = image
Subscript o = object

Symbols and units of physical quantities

You should be able to state where they indicated. (multipliers: M mega, k kilo, c centi, m milli.)

Quantity Symbol Unit

frequency f Hz
wavelength λ m, cm
focal length f m, cm
angle of incidence i degree (o)
angles of reflection, refraction r degree (o)

critical angle c degree (o)

refractive index n
01. A ray of light is reflected by a plane mirror.


Which row shows the angle of incidence and the angle of


angle of angle of
incidence reflection


02. Which diagram correctly represents rays of light passing through a converging lens in a camera?

camera camera

object object
image image
lens lens

camera camera

object object
image image
lens lens

03. A narrow beam of light is travelling through a transparent liquid. It meets the
surface as shown, at an angle of incidence of 40°. The refractive index of the liquid is 1.5.

What is the angle of refraction as the light enters the air?

air A 25° B 27°

C 60° D 75°


04. An object is placed 30 cm in front of a plane mirror.

Which statement describes the image of the object?

A The image is the same size and 30 cm from the object.

B The image is the same size and 60 cm from the object.
C The image is smaller and 30 cm from the object.
D The image is smaller and 60 cm from the object.

05. The diagram shows light incident at a glass-air boundary. The angle of
incidence i of the ray is greater than the critical angle.
Which line shows the path of the light after it meets the boundary?

glass i

B incident ray
of light

06. The diagram shows radiation from a lamp passing through a prism.
screen Which type of radiation is
prism found at P?
red light A γ-rays
B infrared

radiation from C ultraviolet

D X-rays
07. A student draws a ray diagram to show how a ray of light is reflected by a number of mirrors.
Which reflection has not been drawn correctly?


08. Light passes through a glass block.

What is the path of the light? air



09. A small object O is placed near a converging lens, as shown. The lens forms an image I.


Which statement is correct?

A The image I is diminished. C The image I is real.

B The image I is inverted. D The object O is closer to the lens than its
principal focus.
10. An eclipse of the Sun happens when the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun.

Which statement is correct?

A Infra-red radiation from the Sun disappears before visible light and ultra-violet radiation.
B Ultra-violet radiation from the Sun disappears before visible light and infra-red radiation.
C Visible light from the Sun disappears before ultra-violet radiation and infra-red radiation.
D Infra-red radiation, ultra-violet radiation and visible light from the Sun all disappear
at the same moment.

11. A beam of light passes through a vacuum and then enters a liquid. The diagram
shows the path it takes.
The light travels through the vacuum at a speed of
3.0 × 108 m / s. What is the speed of light in the
40° liquid?
A 1.9 × 108 m / s B 2.0 × 108 m / s

25° C 4.6 × 108 m / s D 4.8 × 108 m / s


12. The diagram shows the image of a clock in a plane mirror.

Which is the actual time?

A 04:15 B 04:45

C 07:15 D 07:45

13. Total internal reflection may occur when light reaches

an air-glass boundary. Under which conditions is light totally internally reflected?

medium in which light

travels towards the angle of incidence

A air greater than the critical angle

B air less than the critical angle
C glass greater than the critical angle
D glass less than the critical angle
14. The diagram shows the path of a ray of green light through a glass prism.
The angle of deviation is the angle between the incident ray and the ray leaving the prism.

angle of
incident ray deviation
of green light

When a ray of white light is incident on the prism, it separates into the colours of the
visible spectrum. What is the name of this effect and which colour of light has the smallest angle
of deviation?
colour with smallest
name of effect
angle of deviation

A diffraction red

B diffraction violet

C dispersion red
D dispersion violet

Which diagram
shows total
reflection of
light by a glass


A converging lens A B
produces an image of an
object O. The focal length O O
of the lens is f.

f f
Which position of
2f 2f
the object
produces a virtual
image? C D

f f
2f 2f

17. A ray of light is incident on a plane mirror. A student measures the angle of incidence i and the
angle of reflection r.

incident i r reflected
ray ray

The student varies the angle of incidence and then plots a graph of r against i. What does the
graph look like?

r r r r

0 0 0 0
0 i 0 i 0 i 0 i


18. White light is refracted and dispersed when it enters a glass prism from air.
Which colour has the lowest speed as it moves through the glass prism?

A blue light B orange light C red light D violet light


19. The following lists show colours of the spectrum.

Which list shows these colours in order of increasing frequency?

A blue, violet, red, orange, yellow, green C red, orange, violet, yellow, green, blue
B green, blue, violet, red, orange, yellow D red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet


20. An object is placed at a distance from a converging lens that is equal to twice the
focal length of the lens. Which statement about the image is correct?

A It is enlarged. B It is inverted.

C It is on the same side of the lens as the object. D It is virtual.

21. An object O is placed in front of a plane mirror. I is the image formed.

mirror A ray from the top of the object is incident on the mirror at X.

What happens to this ray?

top top A It reflects and passes through the bottom of O.
B It reflects and passes through the top of O.
X C It reflects as though it came from the bottom of I.

D It reflects as though it came from the top of I.


22. The diagram shows light passing from glass into air.

What is the name of angle P?

air A the angle of incidence

glass B the angle of reflection
C the angle of refraction
ray of light
D the critical angle


23. An object is placed in front of a converging lens of focal length 4.0 cm. The height of the image is
6.0 cm. The arrangement is shown on the scale diagram.
What is the linear
lens magnification produced
by the lens?
A 0.50

object B 1.5

C 2.0

D 6.0

24. The diagram shows a ray of light in liquid incident on the boundary with air. Two other rays are
observed. One is in the liquid and the other is in the air on the boundary.

air ray on boundary


incident ray in liquid


What is the angle of refraction?

A 0° B 40° C 50° D 90°

25. Light is incident at 90° on the surfaces of two glass prisms P and Q.



45° light

glass prism P glass prism Q

The critical angle for light travelling from glass into air is 42°.

Where does total internal reflection occur?

A in P and in Q B in P only C in Q only D in neither P nor Q


26. The following lists show colours of the spectrum.

Which list shows these colours in order of increasing frequency?

A blue, violet, red, orange, yellow, green

B green, blue, violet, red, orange, yellow
C red, orange, violet, yellow, green, blue
D red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet A B C D
27. The focal length of the lens is FL, as shown in the diagram.

position of
diverging lens


Which ray diagram shows the beam after it has passed through the lens?





28. The lens in the diagram produces an image I of the object O.


Why is this not the ray diagram for a photographic enlarger?

A The image is magnified. C The lens is a converging lens.

B The image is virtual. D The lens is too thin.


Fig. A.1 shows a ray of red light being reflected at the flat
surface of a glass block.
glass block

ray of air
red light

Fig. A.1

(a) Explain why the ray of red light is totally internally reflected by the surface of the glass block.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) A ray of white light passes through a prism and produces a spectrum of colours on a screen,
as shown in Fig. 7.2.

ray of
white light A

B spectrum of colours

Fig. A.2

(i) State the name of the process of separating white light into a spectrum.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Write the names of the seven colours that appear on the screen between A and B.

colour at A ..................................................

2.................................................. 3.................................................

4.................................................. .5.................................................

6.................................................. colour at B ..................................................

(c) Visible light is one part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

State the name of one other part of the electromagnetic spectrum and describe a use of this
type of radiation.

name of radiation ......................................................................................................................

use of radiation .........................................................................................................................


[Total: 5]

(a) Any one from:

angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle

light is travelling from a(n optically) more dense medium to(wards an optically)
less dense medium (at a large angle)

(b)(i) dispersion

(b)(ii) From A to B: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet

(c) correct name for any part of em spectrum other than visible light

correct use of named part of em spectrum


(a) Fig. A.1 shows an incomplete ray diagram of a converging lens forming an image of the
object, O.


Fig. A.1

(i) State the term given to the line XY.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) On Fig. A.1, indicate the position of one principal focus of the lens. Label the principal
focus, F. [1]

(b) (i) On Fig. A.1, draw a ray of light from the top of the object that passes through the lens to
form the image. Use a ruler. [2]

(ii) On Fig. A.1, draw the image formed by the lens. Label the image I. [1]

(iii) Choose words from the box that describe the image formed by the lens in Fig. A.1.

diminished enlarged horizontal inverted same size upright

Draw a ring around each correct word. [2]

[Total: 7]

(a)(i) (principal) axis ignore X-axis

(a)(ii) F marked near intersection of ray and principle axis

(b)(i) Either: ray from top of object towards centre of lens

continues from centre and crosses initial ray
OR 1st ray through F on left of lens (needs to be added by candidate)

2nd ray parallel to principle axis and crosses initial ray

(b)(ii) inverted arrow drawn from axis to point where rays cross

(b)(iii) diminished circled inverted circled


Fig. A.1 shows light approaching a boundary between two materials at speed v. The speed of the
light after crossing the boundary is 1.3v.


Fig. A.1 50°


(a) Determine the angle of incidence.

angle of incidence = ......................................................... [1]

(b) Calculate the angle of refraction.

angle of refraction = ......................................................... [3]

[Total: 4]

(a) 40°

(b) n = 1.3 OR seen in calculation

sin i / sin r = n in any form OR sin 40 / sinr = n sin i / sin r = 1 / n

(sin r = 1.3 × sin 40°) (r =) 57°


Fig. B.1 shows a mirror periscope. The periscope is used to view a golfer over the heads of other
people. The periscope has two plane mirrors each at an angle of 45° to the vertical.


ray of light



Fig. B.1 (not to scale)

(a) (i) On Fig. B.1:

1. Continue the ray of light from the golfer towards the upper mirror of the periscope

2. Draw and label the normal at the point where the ray strikes the mirror.

(ii) On Fig. B.1, continue the ray of light after reflection at the upper mirror until it
leaves the periscope.

(iii) State the law of reflection used to deduce the position of the ray of light after
striking the mirrors.
..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Fig. B.2 shows three rays of red light each entering a semi-circular glass block.


X semi-circular
glass block

ray of air
red light

glass block

ray of
red light


glass block
ray of red light


angle of incidence description

X less than the critical angle
Y equal to the critical angle
Z greater than the critical angle

Using the information in Table , draw on Fig. B.2 to complete the path of each ray of red
light. [3]

[Total: 6]

(a)(i) straight line to mirror AND normal correctly positioned

(a)(ii) two correct reflections drawn

(a)(iii) angle of incidence = angle of reflection

(b) refracted away from normal

refracted along straight edge

totally internally reflected


An object, OX, is placed in front of a converging lens.

Fig. C1 shows a ray of light from the object passing through the lens.

Fig. C.1

(a) (i) The lens forms an image of object OX.

On Fig. C.1, draw another ray from X to locate the position of the image. [1]

(ii) On Fig. C.1, draw an arrow to represent the image of OX and label it I. [1]

(iii) On Fig. C.1, mark a principal focus for the lens and label it F. [1]

(iv) On Fig. C.1, measure and record the focal length of the lens.

focal length = ................................................... cm [1]

(b) Describe the image I.

Choose words from the list. Tick (✓) two boxes.

enlarged diminished same size inverted upright

[Total: 6] [2]

(a)(i) ray from X through centre of lens

(a)(ii) image drawn from axis to point where rays cross and labelled I

(a)(iii) point labelled F where ray crosses principal axis

(a)(iv) 2.7 (cm) ± 0.2 cm

(b) diminished 2nd box ticked inverted 4th box ticked


Fig. E.1 is a partially completed ray diagram.


C F2
O F1

Fig. E.1

The object is at O and its image is at I.

(a) Which distance is the focal length of the lens? Tick one box.

C to F1 O to C F2 to I [1]
O to I

(b) On Fig. E.1, extend the two rays from the arrowhead on the object until both reach the position
of the image. [3]

(c) The object is moved a small distance away from the lens. State the effect, if any, this has on
the position and size of the image.

position .....................................................................................................................................

size ...........................................................................................................................................

[Total: 6]

(a) top box ticked C to F1

(b) Diagonal ray through F1 to lens then parallel to optical axis to I.

ray parallel to principal axis to lens then refracted through F2 to I

both rays meet at arrowhead of image

(c) (image) closer (to lens / F2) owtte

(image) smaller
Fig. A.1 shows a ray of light glass R T
travelling through a glass block and block S
then reflecting from a mirror. P


Fig. A.1

(a) State the term used for the dashed lines drawn in Fig. A.1.

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) Use Fig. A.1 to identify the three angles in the list. Place the correct letter in the box to indicate
each angle.

angle of incidence

angle of reflection

angle of refraction [3]

(c) The ray of light in Fig. A.1 changes direction as it enters the glass block. State the name of
this effect and explain why it happens.

name of effect ...........................................................................................................................

explanation ...............................................................................................................................



[Total: 6]

(a) normal

(b) angle of incidence: N

angle of reflection: S
angle of refraction: P

change in speed OR different refractive indices
Fig.B.1 shows a ray of red light incident on one
side of a glass prism in air. glass prism

Fig. %.1

For red light, the refractive index of glass is nR.

red light

(a) The angle of incidence is 53° and the angle of refraction in the glass is 30°.

(i) Calculate nR.

nR = ........................................................ [2]

(ii) On Fig. B.1, sketch a line to indicate the path of the red light when it emerges from the
glass prism. Label this path R. [1]

(iii) Explain why the quantity refractive index does not have a unit.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) For violet light, the refractive index nV of glass is slightly larger than nR.
(i) A ray of violet light is incident on the prism along the same path as the ray of red
light. On Fig. B.1, sketch a line to indicate the path of the violet light in the prism
and when it emerges into the air. Label this path V.
(ii) When a ray of white light is incident on the prism, dispersion produces a
continuous spectrum of coloured light.
State how the speed of light in glass depends on its frequency. Explain how this is
shown by the dispersion of white light in the prism.
statement ..........................................................................................................................

explanation ........................................................................................................................

[3] [Total: 8]
(a)(i) n = sin(i) / sin(r) in any form words, symbols or numbers or (n =)
sin(i) / sin(r) or sin(53°) / sin(30°) 1.6
(a)(ii) path emerging into air along correct path (by eye) and labelled R
(a)(iii) ratio / division of two identical quantities / speeds / sine functions / (pure) numbers
(b)(i) path labelled V with two correct refractions and below path of red light in glass
(b)(ii) larger frequency results in smaller speed (in glass) or r.a. (reverse argument) or
inversely related / proportional. any two from: more refraction / closer to normal /
larger refractive index for larger frequency or r.a. violet light has larger frequency
or o.r.a. violet light has a smaller speed (in glass) or o.r.a. violet light has larger
refractive index or o.r.a.
(a) Fig. shows an empty container and an observer’s eye. There is a small coin at position O.
The observer is unable to see the coin.


The observer and the coin stay in the same position and the container is filled with water. The observer
can now see the coin.
(i) Explain why the coin can be seen by the observer.


..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) State the name of the wave process which occurs as the light passes from the water into
the air.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) Explain why the image of the coin is a virtual image.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) State the speed of light in air.

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(c) The refractive index of water is 1.3.

Calculate the speed of light in water.

speed of light in water = ........................................................ [3] [Total: 8]

(a)(i) {light from water OR light to air / eye OR light from coin} bends / changes
direction / is refracted
refracts / bends away from normal OR angle of incidence is smaller than
angle of refraction
(a)(ii) refraction (a)(iii) rays do not meet at image / only appear to come
from image / do not originate from image / cannot
(b) 3.0 × 10 8 m / s be seen on a screen owtte

(c) n = ca / cw in any form OR (cw =) ca / n

(cw =) candidate’s (b) / 1.3 (cw =) 2.3 × 108 m / s

(a) Fig. C.1 shows the position of a converging lens, its principal axis and an object O.




Fig. B.1

Each principal focus of the lens is labelled F. On Fig. 7.1, draw a ray diagram to locate the

position of the image formed by the lens. Label the image I.


(b) Describe the nature of the image I.

............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(c) Images formed by lenses sometimes have coloured edges.

Suggest a reason for this.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 6]

(a) ray parallel to axis and through F

ray through centre of lens
position of image correct and labelled
(b) enlarged and upright
(c) different colours have different wavelengths / different frequencies / refracted by
different amounts OR dispersion (in glass)
Visible light is one component of the electromagnetic spectrum.

(a) State the speed of light in a vacuum.

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) State the colours of the visible spectrum.

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(c) An object O of height 3.0 cm is placed 4.0 cm from the centre of a diverging lens.
Fig. G.1 shows the object O, the diverging lens and the two focal points (principal focuses),
F1 and F2, of the lens.

F1 F2

1.0 cm
1.0 cm
Fig. G.1

(i) Determine the focal length of this lens.

focal length = ......................................................... [1]

(ii) The diverging lens produces an image of object O.
On Fig. 10.1, by drawing rays from the tip of O, locate this image and label it I. [4]

(iii) Determine the height of the image.

height = ......................................................... [1]

(iv) Determine the magnification of the image.

magnification = ......................................................... [1]

(v) State two ways in which a virtual image differs from a real image.

1. .......................................................................................................................................

2. ....................................................................................................................................... [2]
(vi) State one use for a diverging lens.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(d) Light passing from air into glass refracts in a similar way to a water wave passing from deep
water into shallow water. Fig. 10.2 represents light passing from air into glass at an angle to
the surface.



Fig. 10.2
One side of a wavefront strikes the glass before the other side. Explain why the wavefronts
change direction as the light enters the glass.




............................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 15]

(a) 3.0 × 108 m / s

(b) red orange yellow green blue indigo violet

(c)(i) (–)6.(0) cm
(c)(ii) any two rays drawn from: paraxial ray that refracts and seems to come from F1
ray through the optical centre of lens ray that aims for F2 but refracts and
emerges paraxially rays traced back to point
(point) labelled I and rest of image drawn down to the principal axis
(c)(iii) 1.7–1.9 cm (c)(iv) candidate’s 10(c)(iii) / 3.0 evaluated

(c)(v) any two from: a real image can be projected on to a screen light actually passes through
a real image on same side (of lens) as object or on opposite side of mirror to object
(c)(vi) correction of short-sight / myopia
(d) light travels more slowly in glass or light changes speed
one side / left-hand side of wavefront slows down first

wavelength decreases or wavefront travels a shorter distance in the same time

01. Alternative
A student investigates the refraction of light by a
right-angled glass prism WXY.

He uses a ray box to direct a ray of light towards

side WY of the prism, as shown in Fig. A1.


ray of light

ray box

Fig. A.1

• He places two pins P1 and P2 on the incident ray and marks each position with a cross.
• He places another two pins P3 and P4 on the emergent ray and marks each position with
a cross.
• He removes the ray box.
• He draws around the outline of the prism and then removes it.
• The student uses a ruler to trace the path of the incident ray until it reaches side WX of
the glass prism.

• He labels the point where the ray hits side WX with the letter Z, as shown in Fig. A.2.


Fig. A.2 P3



(a) (i) Draw the normal to the prism at point Z. [1]

(ii) Use a ruler to draw the path of the ray from Z until after it emerges from the prism. [2]

(b) Describe the overall effect of the prism on the direction of the ray.

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 4]

(a)(i) normal at 90° to prism surface at Z

(a)(ii) ray from Z parallel to WY to hit side XY

ray perpendicular to WY and passing through P3 and P4

(b) reverses the ray / turns the ray through 180° / in the opposite direction

A student is asked to find the focal length f of a lens. He uses

an arrow-shaped slit in a piece of

card as an object, as shown in Fig. B.1.

Fig. B.1

The object is placed at one end of a metre rule and the lens is fixed a distance u from the object,
as shown on Fig. 1.2. The slit is illuminated from behind using a lamp.

A screen is then placed on the metre rule so that a sharp, focussed image of the arrow is formed.
The distance v from the lens to the screen is then measured.

object screen
wooden block
metre rule

u v

Fig. B.2

(a) Explain how the student ensures that the image is sharply focussed on the screen.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) Fig. 1.3 is a full-scale diagram showing the positions of the object, centre of lens and
screen when the sharp, focussed image is obtained.

position position position

of object of centre of screen
of lens

Fig. B.3 (full scale)

(i) Take measurements from Fig. B.3 to find u and v.

u = .......................................................... cm

v = .......................................................... cm

(ii) The focal length f of the lens is given by the equation:

Calculate f, using your measurements in (b)(i).

f = .................................................... cm [1]

(iii) Suggest one way the student ensures that his value for f is accurate.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 4]

1(a) moves the screen forwards and backwards / moves screen slowly

(b)(i) 6(.0 cm) and 4.3 (cm) ±0.1 (cm)

(b)(ii) 2.5 (cm)

(b)(iii) repeat (and average)


A student uses a ray box to investigate the refraction of a ray of blue light as it passes through a
glass prism. He sets up the apparatus as shown in Fig. C.1 on a piece of paper.

blue filter normal

i X
blue light

ray box

Fig. C.1

glass prism

(a) Measure the angle of incidence i of the ray on the prism at point X.
i = ......................................................... [1]

(b) The angle of refraction at X is 19°. On Fig. C.1:

(i) Draw the refracted ray inside the prism. [1]

(ii) Mark with the letter Y, the point where the refracted ray emerges from the prism. Draw
the normal at point Y. [1]
(c) The ray emerges from the prism at Y. Describe how the student can mark the path of the
emergent ray accurately on the paper.




............................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 4]

(a) 30

(b)(i) refracted ray correct side of normal and r = (19 ± 1)°

(b)(ii) Y labelled and normal correct

(c) mark ray with pins / dots / crosses (in middle of beam) and join them (back to the
prism) / draw the line

Some students determine the focal length of a converging lens by two different methods.
They use the apparatus shown in Fig. D.1.

illuminated triangle screen

u v

Fig. D.1

(a) A student sets the distance U between the illuminated triangle and the lens.
She moves the screen until a sharp image of the triangle is seen on the screen.

Method 1

(i) On Fig. D.1, measure the distance u between the illuminated triangle and the lens.

u = ...............................................................

On Fig. D.1, measure the distance v between the lens and the screen.

v = ...............................................................

(ii) Fig. D.1 is drawn to 1/5th scale.

Calculate the actual distance U between the illuminated triangle and the
lens in the experiment.

U = ...............................................................

Calculate the actual distance V between the lens and the screen in the experiment.

V = ...............................................................

(iii) Calculate a value f1 for the focal length of the lens, using the equation f1 = UV .
(U + V)

f1 = ......................................................... [1]
(iv) Briefly describe a technique to obtain an image on the screen that is as sharp as possible
in this experiment.



..................................................................................................................................... [1]

Method 2

(b) (i) On Fig. D.2, measure hO, the height of the illuminated triangle.

hO = ...............................................................

On Fig. D.3, measure hI, the height of the image on the screen.

hI = ...............................................................



Fig. D.2 Fig. D.3

hI .
(ii) Calculate a value for the magnification M, using the equation M =

M = ......................................................... [1]

(iii) Calculate a second value f2 for the focal length of the lens, using the equation f2 = V
and the value of V from (a)(ii). (M + 1)

f2 = ......................................................... [1]

(c) A student suggests that f1 and f2 should be equal.

State whether the results support this suggestion. Justify your statement with reference to the

statement ..................................................................................................................................

justification ................................................................................................................................

(d) State one precaution that could be taken to ensure that the measurements in the experiment
are taken as reliably as possible.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(e) Suggest which of Method 1 or Method 2 is likely to give the more accurate value for the focal
Explain the reason for your choice.

suggestion ................................................................................................................................

explanation ...............................................................................................................................



[Total: 11]

(a)(i) u = 5.0(cm) and v = 7.6(cm)

(a)(ii) U = 25(.0)(cm) and V = 38(.0)(cm)

(a)(iii) f1 15(.1)(cm) and 2/3 sig fig and unit

(a)(iv) move screen slowly / backwards and forwards

(b)(i) hO = 1.5(cm) and hI = 2.4(cm)

(b)(ii) M = 1.6 and no unit

(b)(iii) f2 = 15 / 14.6(cm)

(c) statement matching results

values within limits of experimental accuracy / owtte

(d) any one from:

• mark position of lens on holder ;
• clamp rule / place rule on bench ;
• ensure screen, lens and object all perpendicular (to bench) / vertical ;
• view scale perpendicularly ;
• mark top and bottom of image and measure later

(e) either method suggested if matching valid explanation

METHOD 1: difficult to measure height of image in method 2
METHOD 1: smaller lengths measured in method 2 / reverse argument
METHOD 2: can’t measure u and v to lens accurately in method 1
A student determines the focal length f of a lens. Fig. E.1 shows the set-up.

illuminated d
object u v screen

Fig. E.1

(a) • He places the screen at a fixed distance from the illuminated object.
• He places the lens between the object and the screen so that the lens is very close
to the screen.
• He moves the lens slowly away from the screen until a clearly focused image is
formed on the screen.
• He measures the distance u between the object and the centre of the lens and
the distance v between the centre of the lens and the screen. The readings are
shown in Table 3.1.

(i) On Fig. E.1, measure the distance d between the illuminated object and the screen.

d = ......................................................... [1]

(ii) Fig. E.1 is drawn 1 / 10th actual size. Calculate the actual distance D between the
illuminated object and the screen.

D = ......................................................... [1]

(b)Calculate, and record in Table E.1, the focal length f of the lens using the equation f = uv . [1]
(c) • The student keeps the screen at the same fixed distance D from the illuminated object.

• He moves the lens slowly away from the screen. The image goes out of focus.

• He continues to move the lens slowly away from the screen until another clearly focused
image is formed on the screen.

• He records the new readings of u and v in Table

(i) Calculate, and record in Table E.1 the new value for the focal length f of the lens using
the equation f = uv . [1]

u / cm v / cm f / cm

59.8 20.4

19.8 60.0 Table E.1

(ii) Calculate the average value fA of the focal length of the lens. Give your answer to a
suitable number of significant figures for this experiment.

fA = ................................................... cm [2]

(d) State one precaution that you would take to obtain accurate readings in this experiment.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(e) Another student wants to obtain more measurements for u and for v to check the value for the
focal length f of the lens. The student moves the screen a distance of 40.0 cm to the right.

(i) Calculate the new value for the distance D between the illuminated object and the

D = ................................................... cm [1]

(ii) The student moves the lens to a new position which is a distance from the object
u = 22.2 cm. He observes the image on the screen and says it is clearly focussed at a
distance v = 97.9 cm.

Calculate the new value of the focal length f of the lens using f = uv.

f = ................................................... cm [1]

(iii) State and explain briefly whether the values for fA and f in (e)(ii) are the same within the
limits of experimental accuracy.



..................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 10]

(a)(i) d = 8.0 cm or 80 mm (b) 15.2 / 15.25 / 15.249 (cm)

(a)(ii) D = 80 cm or 800 mm (c)(i) 14.9 / 14.85 (cm)

(c)(ii) correct average 3 significant figures only

(d) one from:
darkened room / brighter lamp - object and lens at same height (above bench)
object and lens and screen perpendicular to the bench ruler on bench or clamped
mark centre of lens (on holder) move lens slowly / back and forth (to obtain best image)
(e)(i) D = 120(.0) (cm)

(e)(ii) (22.2 × 97.9) / 120

= 18.1 (cm)

(e)(iii) (expect not in agreement)

too far apart / not close enough / more than 10% difference between values

A student is investigating the reflection of light by a plane mirror.

Fig. F.1 shows his ray-trace sheet at full size.

sheet C


θ lamp

Fig. F.1

(a) The student carries out an initial experiment.

He draws lines AB and CD as shown in Fig. 1.1.
He then draws a line EF through a point N as shown in Fig. 1.1 and at an angle θ to
line AB.

(i) Measure the angle θ .

θ = ........................................................ [1]

(ii) Draw a normal to line AB at point N and extend the normal to line CD. Label the point at
which the normal crosses line CD with the letter L. [1]
(b) The student places a plane mirror on line EF and a screen with a 2 mm slit on line CD. He
arranges the screen so that a ray of light shines along line LN.
The ray reflected from the mirror passes through point P. State and explain whether point P,
shown on Fig. F.1, is at a suitable distance from point N for this investigation.

statement ..................................................................................................................................

explanation ...............................................................................................................................
(c) • Draw a line joining point N and point P. Extend this line until it meets line CD.
• Label the point at which this line meets line CD with the letter G.
• Measure the length a of line LG.

a = ................................................... cm [2]

(d) The student repeats the procedure for values of θ/° a / cm

θ = 25°, 20°, 15°, 10° and 5°. 25 12.2

20 8.3
His values for a are shown in Table 1.1.
Table 1.1 15 5.7
10 3.6
Use the values from Table 1.1 to plot a graph of a / cm ( y-axis) 5 1.8
against θ / ° ( x-axis).

(e) Suggest a possible source of inaccuracy in this experiment, even if it is carried out carefully.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(f) A student wishes to check if his values for a are reliable.

Suggest how he could improve the experiment, using the same apparatus, to check the
reliability of his results.



............................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 11]

(a)(i) θ = 23(°)±1°

(a)(ii) normal correct

(b) not at a suitable distance

and should be far (as possible) from N

(c) all lines present, neat and labelled correctly

a = 10.2 (cm) ± 0.1 (cm)

(d) graph:
• axes labelled with quantity and unit

• appropriate scales (plots occupying at least ½ grid)

• plots all correct to ½ small square, precise plots

• well judged line and thin continuous line

(e) any suitable reason e.g.:

ray has finite thickness – (difficult to mark position of ray precisely),
reflecting surface of mirror at rear,
inaccuracies have more effect for smaller angles,
small variations in mirror angle have significant effect on ‘a’

(f) reflect ray below NL at same angles

and take averages
01 Light
Fig� 1�1 shows light rays falling on a
plane surface:

Fig. 1.1

(i) Identify whether the plane surface is a mirror or a smooth black surface�

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(ii) Explain how the surface was identified�


�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(iii) Draw a labelled diagram of light rays incident on and being reflected from a plane


(iv) Draw an image of the car as it would appear in the plane mirror in Fig� 1�2:

Fig. 1.2

(v) State the orientation of the image in part (iv)�

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(b) In Fig� 1�3, a student is trying to locate the position of the pin behind the mirror�

Fig. 1.3

(i) Use the ruler to trace the image of the pin on Fig� 1�3�


�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(ii) Draw the position of the eye from where the pin should be observed�


�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(iii) Identify one source of error in this experiment�

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(iv) Suggest one way in which this error can be removed�

�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

[Total: 9]
(a) Fig� 2�1 shows a ray of light incident on a glass slab:

Fig. 2.1

(i) Draw the refracted ray as it passes through the glass and into the air� [1]

(ii) Measure the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction�


�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]

(iii) State the law that describes the relationship between the angle of incidence and the
angle of refraction�



�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(iv) Explain why ∠ r is less than ∠ i�



�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]

(v) Calculate the refractive index of glass�



�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]
(b) Fig� 2�2 shows a ray of light being refracted from glass into air:

Fig. 2.2

(i) Measure the angle of the incident ray and the angle of the refracted ray�


�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]

(ii) Calculate the critical angle of glass�


�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(iii) Draw diagrams to show the path of the incident and refracted rays when ∠ i is 42o and
when it is 50o�

[Total: 12]
(a) Fig� 3�1 shows an object placed a little beyond the focal length of a
converging lens: 03
F F´

Fig. 3.1

(i) Draw rays on Fig� 3�1 to show where two rays passing through the lens converge� [1]

(ii) What is the magnification of the image?


�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]

(iii) What would happen to the image if the object were moved further away from the lens?


�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(b) Fig� 3�2 shows an object placed in between the focal length and the optical centre of a
converging lens�

F F´

Fig. 3.2

(i) Draw rays on Fig� 3�2 to show where the image would form� [1]

(ii) Calculate the linear magnification of this image�


�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]
(iii) How is this image different from the one obtained in part (a)?



�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]

[Total: 9]
1 Identify the following marked on the diagram below:


(a) A

��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(b) B

��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

(c) C

��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [1]

2 State the two laws of reflection�


���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [2]

3 State the difference between a real image and a virtual image� Is the image viewed in a mirror a
virtual one?



���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [3]
4 Why does water in a bucket seem to be shallower than it really is? Explain with the help of a





���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [5]

5 What is meant by refractive index? Calculate the speed of light in diamond when the speed of
light in air is 300 000 km/s and the refractive index of diamond is 2�42�




���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� [4]

6 Show, with the help of diagrams, where the image would be formed if:

(a) the object is placed at the focal length of a convex lens

(b) the object is placed beyond the focal length of a convex lens

(c) an appropriate lens is placed before the eye to correct short sight

[Total: 20]
01 Water waves change direction when they move from shallow water to deep water.
What is the name of this effect?
new wave
A diffraction
B dispersion
wave C reflection
D refraction


02 A vertical stick is dipped up and down in water at P. In two seconds, three wave crests are
produced on the surface of the water.

Which statement is true?

A Distance X is the amplitude of the waves.
wave P B Distance Y is the wavelength of the waves.
C Each circle represents a wavefront.

X D The frequency of the waves is 3 Hz.

03 The drawing shows a wave.

Which labelled distance is the wavelength?


04 Water waves travel more slowly in shallow water than in deep water.
Which diagram shows what will happen to plane waves in deep water when they enter shallow
deep shallow deep shallow deep shallow deep shallow

05 Water waves are reflected at a plane surface. Which property of the waves is changed by the reflection?

A direction B frequency C speed D wavelength

06 Plane water waves travel from a shallow region into shallow water
a deeper region. They travel more quickly in

the deeper water. boundary

deep water
Which diagram shows the wave pattern in the deeper water?


07 The diagram represents water waves about to move into shallow water from deep water.


deep water
shallow water

Which property of the waves remains the same after the waves move into shallow water?

A frequency B speed C wavefront direction D wavelength

08 Two sets of water waves overlap as shown in the diagram.

From which two points are the sets of waves


A P and S B T and R
C Q and T D U and Q
09 The diagrams show water waves that move more slowly after passing into shallow water at the
broken line. Which diagram shows what happens to the waves?

fast slow fast slow

deep shallow deep shallow

water water water water

fast slow fast slow

deep shallow deep shallow

water water water water

10 The diagrams show examples of wave motion.

1 2 3

waves on a rope

waves in air waves in a spring

waves on water
(as shown)
Which are longitudinal waves?

A 1 only B 1, 2 and 4 C 2 and 3 only D 2 and 4 only

11 Which waves are longitudinal?



light waves microwaves sound waves water waves

from a lamp in an oven from a trumpet on a pond

12 A navigation buoy floating on the sea oscillates up and down as a wave passes.


In exactly two minutes, six complete wavelengths pass the buoy.

What is the frequency of the waves?

A 0.050 Hz B 0.33 Hz C 3.0 Hz D 20 Hz

13 Water waves can be used to show reflection, refraction and diffraction.

For each of these, which row shows whether or not the speed of the water waves changes?

reflection refraction diffraction

A no no yes
B no yes no
C yes no no
D yes yes yes
14 A vertical stick is dipped up and down in water at P.

In two seconds, three wave crests are produced on the surface of the water.

Which statement is correct?

A Distance X is the amplitude of the waves.

wave P
crests B Distance Y is the wavelength of the waves.
C Each circle represents a wavefront.
Y D The frequency of the waves is 3 Hz.

15 What is the unit of wavelength?

A hertz B metre C metre per second D second

16 The diagram shows water waves passing through a gap in a harbour wall. The waves curve
round the wall and reach a small boat in the harbour.
What is the name of this curving effect, and how can
the gap be changed so that the waves are less likely
harbour wall to reach the boat?

waves name of effect change to the gap

harbour A diffraction make the gap slightly bigger
B diffraction make the gap slightly smaller
C refraction make the gap slightly bigger
boat D refraction make the gap slightly smaller

17 A woman tunes her radio to a station broadcasting on 200 m.

What does the 200 m tell her about the radio wave?

A its amplitude B its frequency C its speed D its wavelength

18 Which statement is correct about the speed of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum?

A Ultra-violet waves have the C Infra-red waves have the

greatest speed. greatest speed.
B Visible light waves have the D All electromagnetic waves have the
greatest speed. same speed.

19 Which type of wave cannot travel through a vacuum?

A infra-red radiation B microwaves C sound waves D X-rays

20 Which row correctly describes light waves and radio waves?

light waves radio waves

A longitudinal longitudinal
B longitudinal transverse
C transverse longitudinal
D transverse transverse

21 Visible lightand γ -rays are both waves. How may they correctly be described?

visible light γ-rays

A longitudinal longitudinal
B longitudinal transverse
C transverse longitudinal
D transverse transverse

22 The diagram represents a wave.




How many wavelengths are there between X and Y?

A 2
B 1 C 1 21 D 3
23 Different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are used for different purposes. Below are four
statements about parts of the spectrum.

statement 1: Infra-red waves are used in television remote controllers.

statement 2: Radio waves are used to transmit television pictures from satellites to Earth.
statement 3: Ultra-violet waves are used for intruder alarms.
statement 4: X-rays are used for security checks.

Which statements are correct?

A 1 and 2 B 1 and 4 C 2 and 3 D 3 and 4

24 A sound wave passes through the air, in the direction shown.

direction of travel of sound wave
How does a particle of air move as the sound wave passes?

A moves to the right and stays there •→

B moves left and right ←•→

C moves up and stays there •

D moves up and down •

25 A boy is stranded on an island 500 m from the shore.

500 m


He shouts for help, but all he can hear in reply is the echo of his shout from some cliffs.
Sound travels at 340 m / s through the air.
What is the time interval between the boy shouting and hearing the echo?

500 2 × 500 340 2 × 340

A s B s C s D s
340 340 500 500
26 An engineer standing at P hears the sound of an explosion at X.




After the explosion, she hears two bangs. One bang is heard a fraction of a second after the

The second bang is an echo from


27 A fire alarm is not loud enough. An engineer aamplitude frequency

adjusts it so that it produces a note of the same pitch
A larger larger
which is louder.
B larger same
What effect does this have on the amplitude and on
the frequency of the sound? C same larger
D same same

28 To estimate the width of a valley, a climber

starts a stopwatch as he shouts. He hears an
echo from the opposite side of the valley after sound
1.0 s.
The sound travels at 340 m / s. What is the width of climber

the valley?

A 85 m B 170 m C 340 m D 680 m
29 The diagram shows a man standing at X who shouts to a man standing at Y.



The man’s voice will be heard sooner and more clearly if the wind is blowing towards the
A north. B south. C east. D west.

30 Sounds are made by vibrating objects. A certain object vibrates but a person nearby cannot hear
any sound. Which statement might explain why nothing is heard?
A The amplitude of the sound waves is too large. C The sound waves are transverse.
B The frequency of the vibration is too high. D The speed of the sound waves is too high.

31 Music is produced by the loudspeaker of a radio.

Which property of the sound wave increases when the music is made louder?

A amplitude B frequency C speed D wavelength

32 A starting pistol is fired 640 m away from a spectator.

640 m


The spectator hears the sound of the starting pistol two seconds after seeing the flash from the
gun. What is the speed of sound in air?
A 160 m / s B 320 m / s C 640 m / s D 1280 m / s
33 Which equation can be used to calculate the speed of sound?
A speed = distance B speed = distance × time

C speed = time + distance D speed = distance × frequency


34 A battery-operated bell is surrounded by a box with double walls.

air The bell is ringing but no sound at all is

heard outside the box.
bell box walls

What is in the gap?

A a solid C a gas
B a liquid D a vacuum

35 A small boat in a harbour is protected from waves on the sea by harbour walls.

Some waves can curve round the harbour

land sea walls and reach the boat. What is the name
for this effect?

small waves
harbour A diffraction
B dispersion

harbour C reflection
walls D refraction

36 What is the approximate value of the highest frequency that can be heard by a young person?

A 20 Hz B 200 Hz C 2000 Hz D 20 000 Hz

37 A police car siren emits two different sounds P and Q. These are produced alternately. The
diagram represents the sounds emitted.

P P P Which sound is the louder and which

has the lower pitch?

louder lower pitch

time B P Q

38 Sound travels by wave motion.

Which property of waves causes echoes?
A diffraction B dispersion C reflection D refraction

39 A student listens to a machine that makes sounds of different frequencies. He can only hear one
of the sounds. Which frequency of sound is the student able to hear?

A 2 Hz B 10 Hz C 2 kHz D 30 kHz

40 A girl stands at a distance from a large building. She claps her hands and a short time later hears
an echo. Why is an echo produced when the sound waves hit the building?

A The sound waves are absorbed. C The sound waves are reflected.
B The sound waves are diffracted. D The sound waves are refracted.
41 The diagrams represent the waves produced by four sources of sound. The scales are the same
for all the diagrams. Which sound has the highest frequency?

A time C time

B time D time

42 A student claps once when standing 100 m away from a large wall.
The speed of sound in air is 330 m / s.

How long after clapping does the student hear an echo?

A 0.30 s B 0.61 s C 1.7 s D 3.3 s

43 The diagrams represent two sound waves. The scales in the two diagrams are the same.

displacement displacement

time time

sound wave 1 sound wave 2

Which statement describes the waves?

A The waves have different loudness and C The waves have the same loudness and
different pitch. the same pitch.

B The waves have different loudness but D The waves have the same loudness but
the same pitch. different pitch.
44 What causes refraction when light travels from air into glass?

A The amplitude of the light waves changes. C The frequency of the light waves changes.
B The colour of the light changes. D The speed of the light changes.

45 A plane mirror is on a wall. Which is a correct description of the image formed by the mirror?
A the right way up and smaller than the object C upside down and smaller than the object
B the right way up and the same size as the object D upside down and the same size as the object

46 Which diagram correctly shows rays passing through a camera lens?

A camera B camera

film film

object object

lens image lens image

C camera D camera

film film

object object

lens image lens image

47 The diagram shows a ray of light entering a block of glass.

normal Which numbered angles are the angles of incidence

ray of and of refraction?

2 angle angle
air 1 of incidence of refraction
glass 3 A 1 3
B 1 4
C 2 3
D 2 4
48 Three rays of light fall on a converging lens as shown.
Which diagram shows the path of the rays after passing through the lens?



49 Which diagram correctly shows a ray of light passing through a rectangular glass block?


50 The ray diagram shows how an image is formed by a converging lens.

24 cm 10 cm 8 cm

What is the focal length of this lens?

A 8 cm B 10 cm C 18 cm D 24 cm

51 A ray of light passes through a window.

Which path does it take?

air glass air A


52 The diagram shows the image of a clock in a plane mirror.

What time is shown?

A 02:25 B 02:35

C 09:25 D 09:35
53 A ray of light is reflected by two parallel plane mirrors X and Y.

mirror X

30° Which statement is correct?

A The angle of incidence at mirror X is 30°.

B The angle of incidence at mirror Y is 60°.

C The angle of reflection at mirror X is 120°.

mirror Y
D The angle of reflection at mirror Y is 0°.

54 A man sees a stone at the bottom of a pool of water.

Which path could be taken by light from the stone to the man?





55 Which diagram shows total internal reflection of light?

mirror glass prism
56 Light from the Sun passes through a prism and a spectrum is produced on a screen.


narrow slit

light from P
the Sun

A thermometer placed at P shows a large temperature rise.

Which type of radiation causes this?

A infra-red B microwave C ultra-violet D visible light

57 Two thin converging lenses X and Y are used as shown to give a focused image of an illuminated
slit. The rays shown are parallel between X and Y. What are the correct values for the
focal lengths of X and of Y?
slit image

focal length focal length
of light of X / cm of Y / cm

screen A 50 35

30 cm 20 cm 15 cm B 30 20
C 30 15
D 20 20

58 Which diagram shows what happens when a ray of white light passes through a prism?

white white
light light


white white
light light spectrum
59 The diagram shows the path of a ray of light
passing through a principal focus F of a lens.
Which broken line shows the ht
direction of the ray after it leaves A
the lens?
F F’


60 The diagram shows a ray of light incident on the edge of a piece of glass. The angle i is bigger
than the critical angle.

Which arrow correctly shows the direction of the ray after it leaves the edge of the glass?

ray of


61 The diagram shows the dispersion of white light by a glass prism.

white light red light

glass prism violet light

Why does dispersion occur when white light enters the glass?

A The frequency of red light decreases more than that of violet light.
B The frequency of violet light decreases more than that of red light.
C The speed of red light decreases more than that of violet light.
D The speed of violet light decreases more than that of red light.
62 A thin converging lens is used to produce, on a screen, a focused image of a candle.




Various focused images are produced on the screen by moving the lens and the screen
backwards and forwards. Which statement is always correct?

A The image is at the principal focus C The image is closer to the lens than
(focal point) of the lens. the object is.
B The image is bigger than the object. D The image is inverted.

63 The image formed by a plane mirror is upright. What are the other characteristics of the image?

position laterally inverted magnified

object virtual
of image (left to right) (larger than the object)
A no yes yes
B yes no no
C yes no yes
D yes yes no

64 A student draws three rays of light from point P through a converging lens.
Each point labelled F is a principal focus of the lens. Which of the rays are drawn
A ray Y only
P ray X
B ray Z only

C ray X and ray Y

D ray X and ray Z


ray Z ray Y
65 Which diagram shows how a ray of light could pass through a glass block in air?


glass glass glass glass

66 What is the number of wavefronts per second that pass a fixed point?

A the amplitude of the wave C the speed of the wave

B the frequency of the wave D the wavelength of the wave

67 The diagrams represent water waves in a tank.

Which diagram represents a wave that changes speed?

barrier barrier barrier
deeper shallower
water water

68 The diagram shows the electromagnetic spectrum, in order of increasing wavelength.

Three types of radiation, P, Q and R, are missing from the spectrum diagram.

γ-rays X-rays P visible light Q microwaves R

Which types of electromagnetic radiation are represented by P, by Q and by R?


A infra-red
infra-r waves ultraviolet
B infra-red ultraviolet radio waves
C ultraviolet infra-red radio waves
D ultravi
ultraviolet waves infra-red
69 Radiation from the Sun is dispersed by a prism. The prism does not absorb any of the radiation.

Four identical thermometers are prism

placed, one at each of the labelled radiation from
positions. the Sun

In which position does the

thermometer show the greatest rise in A
temperature? B red light

C violet light

70 A scientist tries to direct a ray of light in a glass block so that no light escapes from the top of the
block. However, some light does escape.

light escaping
from top of block
top of block

glass block
ray of

The scientist changes angle X and stops the light escaping from the top.

Which row in the table describes the change to angle X and the name of the effect produced?

change to angle X name of effect produced

A decrease total internal reflection

B decrease total internal refraction
C increase total internal reflection
D increase total internal refraction
71 Which row states two properties of sound waves?

can travel through type of wave

A a vacuum longitudinal
B a vacuum transverse
C water longitudinal
D water transverse

72 A man holding a starting pistol stands 640 m away from a spectator.

640 m


The spectator hears the sound of the starting pistol 2.0 s after seeing the flash from the pistol.

Using this information, what is the speed of sound in air?

A 160 m / s B 320 m / s C 640 m / s D 1280 m / s

73 The diagram shows a cork with a weight attached so that the cork floats upright.
cork water surface

Transverse waves travel across the

water from X to Y. Which way do
the waves make the cork move?

A → ← right and left

B ↑↓ up and down
C → only to the right
weight D ← only to the left
74 Waves travel more slowly on the surface of water when the water is shallow.

A person drops a stone into a pool at X. The

diagram shows the first wavefront on the surface
of the pool. Which region of the pool is likely to B
be most shallow?



75 Which diagram correctly shows the paths taken by red and blue light when a beam of white light
enters a glass prism?


red blue
blue red
white white
light light


blue red
red blue
white white
light light

76 Which change will lower the pitch of a sound?

A decreasing its amplitude C increasing its amplitude

B decreasing its frequency D increasing its frequency
77 Which diagram shows the correct order of the waves in the electromagnetic spectrum?
visible visible
infra ultra ultra infra
radio red violet X-ray X-ray violet red radio

increasing wavelength increasing wavelength

ultra infra
radio violet red X-ray infra ultra
X-ray red violet radio

increasing wavelength
increasing wavelength

78 Astronaut 1 uses a hammer to mend a satellite in space. Astronaut 2 is nearby. There is no

atmosphere in space.
Compared with the sound heard if
they were working on Earth, what
does astronaut 2 hear?

A no sound at all

astronaut 1 B a quieter sound

C a sound of the same loudness

hammer astronaut 2 D a louder sound

79 Which of these waves is longitudinal?

A light waves B sound waves C water waves D X-ray waves

80 Waves move from deep water to shallow water where they are slower.
Which diagram shows what happens to the waves?


deep deep deep deep

water water water water

shallow shallow shallow shallow

water water water water
81 Which type of radiation lies between visible light and microwaves in the electromagnetic
A infra-red B radio waves C ultra-violet D X-rays

82 The critical angle for a glass / air boundary is C.

Which diagram shows the correct path of the light ray?


air air air air

glass glass glass glass

83 The diagram shows the image of a clockface in a plane mirror.

Which of these times is shown?

A 02.25 B 02.35

C 09.25 D 09.35

84 What is the approximate range of audible frequencies for most humans?

A 10 Hz to 10 000 Hz C 10 kHz to 10 000 kHz

B 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz D 20 kHz to 20 000 kHz

85 A 100 metre race is started by firing a gun. The gun makes a bang and a puff of smoke comes
out of the gun as shown.

starter finishing

sees the smoke hears the bang

A immediately immediately
100 m
B immediately after about 0.3 s
When does the finishing judge see the smoke and hear the bang? C after about 0.3 s immediately
D after about 0.3 s after about 0.3 s

86 A plastic tube is immersed in a liquid of refractive index 1.4. Light travelling in the plastic tube
strikes the inside surface at an angle of incidence of 70°. The light undergoes total internal

liquid of refractive
index 1.4

70° reflected ray


plastic tube

What describes the values of the critical angle in the plastic and the refractive index of the

critical angle refractive index

in plastic of plastic

A greater than 70° greater than 1.4

B greater than 70° less than 1.4
C less than 70° greater than 1.4
D less than 70° less than 1.4
87 Which application uses microwaves?

A detecting small cracks in metals C lighting a fluorescent tube

B gaining a sun-tan D satellite television

88 A student stands at a distance d from the base of a tall cliff.

He claps together two pieces of wood and measures the time that elapses before he hears the
echo. He conducts the experiment five times and obtains these results.

0.72 s 0.80 s 0.71 s 0.81 s 0.71 s

The speed of sound is 320 m / s.

What is the distance d?

A 120 m B 240 m C 480 m D 600 m

89 Ultrasound has many uses. For what are ultrasound waves used?
A killing cancerous cells B pre-natal scanning C sunbeds D telephones

90 A metal bar PQ hangs from a thin thread and always comes to rest with end P pointing north.
Another bar XY of the same metal settles in no definite direction.
What happens if the two bars are brought near one another?

A End P and end Q both attract end X. C End P neither attracts nor repels end X.

B End P attracts end X but repels end Y. D End P repels end X but attracts end Y.
91 A shoe shop puts a mirror on the wall so that customers can look at their shoes.
The length of the mirror is 50 cm. A customer has eyes 150 cm above ground level.


150 cm 50 cm

The bottom of the mirror is at height h above the ground.

What is the smallest value of h that allows the customer to see an image of his shoes in the

A 0 B 25 cm C 50 cm D 75 cm

92 The diagram shows light travelling through a medium. The light reaches the boundary with a
vacuum as shown. The light emerges travelling along the surface.



What is the refractive index of the medium?

sin 60° sin 60° sin 90° sin 90°

sin 30° sin 90° sin 30° sin 60°
93 The diagram shows an object on the principal axis of a converging (convex) lens. A principal
focus of the lens is at F.


O F Q principal axis

Where is the image formed by the lens?

A between O and F B between F and Q C at Q D to the right of Q

94 A digital camera uses a lens to produce a diminished (reduced in size) image on a light sensor.

Which row shows the correct type of lens and the nature of the image?

type of lens nature of image

A converging inverted
B converging upright
C diverging inverted
D diverging upright

95 Which application uses microwaves?

A detecting small cracks in metals C lighting a fluorescent tube

B gaining a sun-tan D satellite television

96 A star explodes in outer space. Which waves from the exploding star do not reach the Earth?
A infra-red B light C radio D sound
97 The diagram shows a ball floating in a tank of water.

direction of wave


Which diagram shows the movement of the ball as the wave passes?


98 Which diagram represents the reflection of light along an optical fibre?


99 The diagram shows rays of light.

What is in the space labelled X?

A a converging lens

X B a diverging lens
C a plane mirror
D a rectangular glass block

100 The table lists the main components of the electromagnetic spectrum and their approximate
frequency range.

frequency / Hz Which range of frequencies can be used to detect cracks

inside a block of metal?
gamma rays 1022 to 1019
X-rays 1021 to 1018
ultra-violet 1018 to 1015 A 103 Hz 12
visible light 1015 to 1014 B 1012 H
Hzz 15
14 12
infra-red 10 to 10 C 1015 Hz 18
microwaves 1012 to 109 D 1018 Hz 22
9 3
radiowaves 10 to 10

101 The graph shows how the pressure varies as a sound wave passes through air.
Which point represents a compression?



0 time
102 The sounds produced by two musical instruments are directed towards a microphone connected
to an oscilloscope (c.r.o.). The waveforms produced on the screen are shown.
The waveforms show that the
sounds produced have a
different property. What is the

A frequency

B speed

C timbre (quality)

D wavelength

103 In a ripple tank, a vibrator produces circular wavefronts which hit a flat surface.

The reflected wavefronts are also parts of circles. Where is the centre of these circles?



104 An object is placed in front of a plane mirror. The image produced is

A real and smaller than the object. C virtual and smaller than the object.

B real and the same size as the object. D virtual and the same size as the object.
105 A ray of red light enters a semi-circular glass block normal to the curved surface.
Which diagram shows the partial reflection and refraction of the ray?



106 Which statement about red light and blue light is correct?

A Red light has a higher frequency than blue light.

B Red light has a longer wavelength than blue light.
C Red light has the same speed in glass as blue light.
D Red light is refracted by a glass prism more than blue light.

107 A lens is used to produce a magnified image, as shown in the scale diagram.

What is the linear

magnification of the
object? image

A 0.33 B 3.0

C 4.0 D 6.0
108 During a thunderstorm, there is an interval of 1.70 s between an observer seeing the lightning and
hearing the thunder. The speed of sound is 340 m / s.

What is the distance between the observer and the storm?

A 100 m B 200 m C 578 m D 1160 m

109 A ray of light strikes the surface of a glass block at an angle of incidence of 45°. The refractive
index of the glass is 1.5. What is the angle of refraction inside the block?

A 28° B 30° C 45° D 67°

110 An object is viewed through a concave (diverging) lens. What is the correct description of the
image formed?
A real, inverted, magnified C virtual, inverted, magnified
B real, upright, diminished D virtual, upright, diminished

111 In an experiment using a ripple tank, plane wavefronts arrive at a plane surface.
Which row correctly describes the waves
after they are reflected from the surface?

speed of waves wavelength λ

λ plane
surface A faster shorter
B slower shorter
C the same longer
D the same the same

112 Which pair of emissions travels with the same speed in air?
A alpha-particles and gamma-rays C infra-red waves and sound waves

B gamma-rays and infra-red waves D sound waves and alpha-particles

113 The diagram shows a ball floating in a tank of water. Which diagram shows the movement of
the ball as theement of the ball as the wave passes?wave passes?

direction of wave A B



114 The diagram shows a ray of light from one point on a lamp striking a plane mirror.

lamp The image of the point on the lamp formed

by the mirror is
A at P and is real.
B at P and is virtual.
C at R and is real.
D at R and is virtual.

115 The diagram shows the passage of a ray of light glass

through a triangular glass block.

What is the critical angle of light in glass?

116 An object is placed in front of a diverging lens as shown on the scale diagram.

The principal focus F is marked on each side of the lens.

What is the position of the image formed by the lens?

object A B

117 The diagram shows the trace produced on a cathode-ray oscilloscope (c.r.o.) by a sound.

Which trace is produced when both the loudness and the pitch of the sound are increased?

118 The diagram shows the refraction of water waves in a ripple tank. The water is shallower above
the glass sheet.
oscillating rod shallower region When crossing into the shallower region, what is the
effect on the frequency and on the speed of the

wave frequency wave speed

A changes changes

glass B changes unchanged

C unchanged changes
D unchanged unchanged
deeper region

119 An eye views an object O by reflection in a plane mirror. Which is the correct ray diagram?



eye eye eye

120 A ray of light enters a glass block at an angle of incidence i producing an angle of refraction r in
the glass.


Several different values of i and r are measured, and a graph is drawn of sin i against sin r.

Which graph is correct?

sin i sin i sin i sin i
1 1 1 1

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

0 0 0 0
0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1
sin r sin r sin r sin r

121 In a short-sighted eye, rays from distant objects are not focused on the retina.

Where are these rays focused and what type of lens is needed to correct the problem?

where focused lens needed

A behind the retina converging lens

B behind the retina diverging lens
C in front of the retina converging lens
D in front of the retina diverging lens
122 What is meant by the term wavefront?
A the distance between successive C a line joining points along the peak
peaks of a wave of a wave

B the distance between the trough and the D a line joining the trough and the peak
of a wave
peak of a wave

123 The diagram shows how displacement varies with time as a wave passes a fixed point.

What is the frequency of this wave?

displacement / m

A 0.25 Hz B 0.50 Hz
0.05 C 1.0 Hz D 2.0 Hz

0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
time / s


124 Three students stand 2 m apart in front of a plane mirror which is 3 m long.

2m 2m
student X student Y student Z

Student Y is standing opposite the mid-point of the mirror.

How many students can see the images of the other two?

A 0 B 1 C 2 D 3

125 The human eye has a converging lens system that produces an image at the back of the eye.
An eye views a distant object. What type of image is produced?
A real, erect, same size C virtual, erect, diminished
B real, inverted, diminished D virtual, inverted, magnified
126 The diagrams show oscilloscope traces of sounds picked up by microphones. The oscilloscope
controls are set in the same position for all the traces.
Which trace shows the sound that is both loud and low-pitched?


127 The diagram shows a wave on a string with two points P and Q marked. The wave is moving in
the direction shown.
What will happen next?
P A P will move to the right.
wave direction
B P will move up.
Q C Q will not move.
D Q will move up.

128 The dipper in a ripple tank vibrates at a frequency of 4.0 Hz and the resulting wave pattern is
photographed. The distance between the two crests shown is 20 cm.

What is the speed of the wave?

A 4 cm / s B 5 cm / s

C 16 cm / s D 20 cm / s

20 cm

129 Which characteristics describe an image formed in a plane mirror?

A real and inverted C real and larger than the object

B virtual and upright D virtual and smaller than the object

130 The diagram shows an object O placed 3 cm away from a converging lens of focal length 6 cm.

3 cm

6 cm 6 cm

What type of image is produced?

A real, erect and diminished C virtual, erect and magnified

B real, inverted and magnified D virtual, inverted and diminished

131 Wave forms are shown on an oscilloscope for a flute and a bassoon playing the same note. The
oscilloscope settings are the same for both wave forms.

flute bassoon

What is the difference between the two sounds?

A the amplitude B the frequency C the quality (timbre) D the wavelength

132 The diagram shows a graph of wave motion. Which quantities are shown by
distances P and Q?


A amplitude period
B amplitude wavelength
0 C half the amplitude
0 time period
D half the amplitude wavelength
133 Which diagram correctly shows water waves travelling through deep water to shallower water?

deep deep

shallow shallow

deep deep

shallow shallow

134 A pin is placed in front of, and to the right of, a plane mirror as shown.
Where is the image of the pin?

observer pin
135 An object is placed in front of a diverging lens as shown on the scale diagram.

The principal focus F is marked on each

side of the lens.
At which position will the
image be formed?


A object B C D

136 The diagram shows the spectrum produced when white light is dispersed by a glass prism.


What are the numbered visible colours?

1 2 3 4

A infra-red red green ultra-violet

B red green orange blue
C red orange green blue
D red orange green ultra-violet
137 Which application may use the part of the electromagnetic spectrum called microwaves?
A cooking vegetables C gaining a sun-tan

B detecting small cracks in metals D lighting a fluorescent tube

138 In which diagram is the path of the light ray not correct?

air air air

water glass
perspex air air

139 The displacement-distance and displacement-time graphs are for a water wave in a ripple tank.

displacement displacement

0 0
0 1 2 distance / cm 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 time / s

What is the speed of the water wave?

A 0.02 cm / s B 0.08 cm / s C 25 cm / s D 50 cm / s

140 A ray of light strikes a plane mirror and is reflected.

normal Which pair of angles must be equal in value?

A w and x B w and y

x C x and y D x and z
w z
141 The ray diagram shows two rays from a point on an object placed in front of a diverging
(concave) lens.
What are the properties of the
image produced?
A real and larger than the object
B real and smaller than the object
object C virtual and larger than the object
D virtual and smaller than the object

type of image in type of image in
142 Convex lenses are used in cameras and camera magnifying glass
as magnifying glasses.
A real real
Which types of image are formed?
B real virtual
C virtual real
D virtual virtual

143 Which diagram shows an example of a longitudinal wave?

A light travelling from a lamp to a screen

lamp lens screen

B a spring pushed backwards and forwards

C a spring pushed up and down

D a water ripple caused by a dipper moving up and down

144 A flash of lightning and the corresponding sound of the thunder are detected 6 s apart. A student
calculates that the lightning struck about 1800 m away.

On which assumption is the calculation based?

A Light reaches us almost instantaneously, but sound travels at 300 m / s.

B Light travels 300 m / s faster than sound.
C Light travels 300 times faster than sound.
D The sound of the thunder was emitted 6 s after the flash.

145 A hospital needs to sterilise medical equipment.

Which electromagnetic waves could be used?
A infra-red B microwaves C radiowaves D ultraviolet

146 A student holds a sheet of paper with letters on it facing a plane mirror.
The letters on the paper are shown.

What does the student see in the mirror?


147 A semi-circular block is made from a plastic. A ray of light passes through it at the angles shown.

To two decimal places, what is the refractive index

of the plastic?

28° A 1.25 B 1.41 C 1.51

D 1.61

148 The diagram shows four rays of light from a lamp below the surface of some water.
What is the critical angle for light in water?


water B A


149 When white light is dispersed by a prism, compared with blue light, the red light is

A slowed down less and refracted less. C slowed down more and refracted less.

B slowed down less and refracted more. D slowed down more and refracted more.

150 An ultrasonic tape-measure is used to find the distance to a wall. It sends out an ultrasonic pulse
and times how long it takes for the reflected pulse to return from the wall.

The ultrasound has a frequency, a wavelength and a speed.

Which pair of values is needed to find the distance to the wall?

A frequency and wavelength

B frequency and time taken for the pulse to return
C speed and time taken for the pulse to return
D wavelength and time taken for the pulse to return
151 The diagrams show different views of a water wave in a ripple tank.


cross-section of wave crests seen from above

Which letters represent a wavelength and a wavefront?

wavelength wavefront


152 A ripple tank is used to demonstrate refraction of plane water waves.

deep water shallow water

9.6 cm / s

1.2 cm

0.8 cm

Waves in deep water have a wavelength of 1.2 cm and a speed of 9.6 cm / s. The wavelength of
the waves in shallow water is 0.8 cm.

What is the speed of the waves in the shallow water?

A 6.4 cm / s B 8.0 cm / s C 9.6 cm / s D 14.4 cm / s

153 A ray of red light enters a semi-circular glass block normal to the curved surface.
Which diagram correctly shows the partial reflection and refraction of the ray?



154 An object 5.0 cm high is placed 2.0 cm from a converging (convex) lens which is being used as a
magnifying glass. The image produced is 6.0 cm from the lens and is 15 cm high.

cm What is the focal length of the lens?

15 A 2.0 cm B 3.0 cm

10 C 4.0 cm D 6.0 cm

6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
image object
converging lens
155 A man is short-sighted.

Which ray diagram shows what happens when he looks at a distant object?


156 Which colour, red or blue, has the higher frequency and which has the longer wavelength?

higher frequency longer wavelength

A blue blue

B blue red

C red blue

D red red

157 Waveforms are shown on a cathode-ray oscilloscope for a flute and a guitar playing the same
note. The oscilloscope settings are the same for both waveforms.

flute guitar

What is the difference between the two sounds?

A the amplitude B the frequency C the quality (timbre) D the wavelength

158 The diagram shows a water wave in a ripple tank. P
The wave has a speed of 12 cm / s at R. R S
The wave crosses a boundary PQ
where the distance between crests
changes from 3.0 cm to 1.5 cm.

What is the speed of the wave at S? 3.0 cm 3.0 cm 1.5 cm 1.5 cm

A 3.0 cm / s B 6.0 cm / s

C 12 cm / s D 24 cm / s

159 The diagram shows a child using a periscope to periscope

look at an object on the other side of a wall.

Which diagram shows a correctly drawn

ray of light from the object?

A B wall
from object from object
45° 45°

45° 45°

eye eye


45° from object 45° from object

45° 45°

eye eye
160 What happens to light as it passes from glass into air?

A Its frequency decreases because its C Its wavelength decreases because

speed decreases. its speed decreases.

B Its frequency increases because its D Its wavelength increases because

speed increases. its speed increases.

161 Which type of wave is used to send A infra-red waves

telephone signals to and from a satellite?
B light waves
C microwaves
D sound waves

162 A girl, standing 150 m in front of a tall building, fires a shot using a starting pistol. A boy, standing
350 m from the girl, hears two bangs 1 s apart.

girl boy

150 m 350 m

From this information, what is the speed of sound in air?

A 300 m / s B 350 m / s C 500 m / s D 650 m / s

163 Waves pass from deep water to shallow water and refraction occurs.
What is the speed of the waves in the shallow water?
A 0.2 m / s B 0.8 m / s C 2.0 m / s

D 5.0 m / s

0.4 m
164 Light rays are deviated by a prism.

The deviation angle d is measured for light rays d

of different frequency, including blue light and red
light. Which graph is correct?

d d d d

blue red blue red red blue red blue

frequency frequency frequency frequency

165 Which wave is part of the electromagnetic spectrum?

m/ s

A 330 longitudinal
B 330 transverse
C 3 × 108 longitudinal
D 3 × 108 transverse

166 A boy strikes a rigid metal fence with a stick to create a sound along the fence. A girl listens with
her ear against the fence. One second after the fence is struck, the girl hears a sound through the air.

boy girl

How long will it take for the sound to reach the girl through the fence?

A 0 second C 1 second

B less than 1 second D more than 1 second

167 The diagram shows a patient having her eyes tested. A chart with letters on it is placed behind
her and she sees the chart reflected in a plane mirror.

2m 3m

plane mirror patient chart

How far away from the patient is the image of the chart?

A 2m B 4m C 5m D 7m

168 Which statement is true for all electromagnetic waves?

A They are longitudinal.

B They can be seen.
C They have the same frequency in air.
D They travel at the same speed in a vacuum.

169 Which diagram correctly shows a ray of light reflected by a plane mirror?


ray of 40° 50° ray of 50°

light light


ray of 40° ray of 40°

light light
40° 50°
170 Which diagram shows how a converging lens is used as a magnifying glass?

object F






171 A sound wave travels from a point X to a point Y.


Which diagram represents the movement of the air molecules, due to the sound wave, in the
region between X and Y?


172 The speed of sound in air is 340 m / s. speed of sound in speed of sound in
a liquid / (m / s) a solid / (m / s)
Which row gives typical values for the
speed of sound in a liquid and in a A 250 180
solid? B 250 5000
C 1500 180
D 1500 5000

173 The diagram shows the dispersion of white light by a prism.

prism Which row could be correct for the

colours seen at X, at Y and at Z?

white X
Y spectrum
Z of colours

colour at X colour at Y colour at Z

A red violet yellow

B red yellow violet
C violet yellow red
D yellow red violet

174 Why can ultrasound not be heard by humans?

A The amplitude is too great. C The speed is too great.

B The frequency is too great. D The wavelength is too great.
175 A sound wave has a certain amplitude and a certain frequency.
A second sound wave is quieter and lower in pitch than the first sound wave.
The second wave has

A a larger amplitude and a greater frequency. C a smaller amplitude and a greater frequency.

B a larger amplitude and a smaller frequency. D a smaller amplitude and a smaller frequency.

176 The diagram shows light travelling from air into glass. Four angles v, w, x and y are shown.

normal Which formula is used to calculate the refractive index

light n of the glass?

w sin v sin v
A n= B n=
air v sin y sin x
glass y

sin w sin w
C n= D n=
x sin y sin x

177 Which row shows the natures of light waves, sound waves and X-rays?

light waves sound waves X-rays

A l
longitudinal l
longitudinal transverse
B l
longitudinal t
transverse l

C transverse
t l
longitudinal ttransverse

D transverse
t t
transverse longitudinal

178 The diagram shows a converging lens forming an image of an object.

image object

Which statement about the image is correct?

A It is real and can be seen by an eye at X. C It is virtual and can be seen by an eye at X.
B It is real and can be seen by an eye at Y. D It is virtual and can be seen by an eye at Y.
179 Sound waves of frequency 2.0 kHz travel through a substance at a speed of 800 m / s.

What is the wavelength of the waves?

A 0.40 m B 2.5 m C 400 m D 1600 m

180 Which wave has an amplitude equal to half its wavelength?

displacement 1.0
/ cm

A 0
0 1 2 distance / cm


displacement 1.0
/ cm

B 0
0 1 2 distance / cm


displacement 1.0
/ cm

C 0
0 1 2 distance / cm


displacement 1.0
/ cm

D 0
0 1 2 distance / cm

181 A card with the letter R is made by a student. The letter is drawn on one side, as shown.

A plane mirror is mounted vertically on a bench. The student places the card on
the bench so that the letter is upright and facing the mirror.

plane mirror


How does the image formed by the mirror appear to the student?


182 A student draws four diagrams to represent light passing from air through a glass block and then

back into the air. The critical angle for the glass is 42°. In which diagram is the path of the light
through the glass block not correct?


45° 45°
60° 60°

glass glass glass
183 Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum is used to send television signals from a satellite to

A infra-red B microwaves C ultraviolet D visible light

184 Which property of a sound wave affects the loudness of the sound?

A amplitude B frequency C speed D wavelength

185 In a shallow tank, a water wave moves towards a barrier with a narrow gap.



Which diagram shows the wave beyond the barrier?


186 The points labelled F are the principal foci of a lens. A beam of parallel light is incident on the

Which diagram shows the path of the light after it passes through the lens?





187 What is the main type of radiation given out by a campfire?

A infra-red B microwave C ultraviolet D X-ray

188 A student stands a few hundred metres away from a wall and shouts. He hears a faint echo.

Which statement is correct?

A The sound waves returning are quiet because they have a reduced frequency.
B The sound waves returning are quiet because they have a reduced wavelength.
C The sound waves returning to the student are longitudinal.

D The sound waves returning to the student are transverse.

189 Which statement about ultrasound is correct?

A It is produced by a rapidly vibrating source.

B It is uncomfortable to human ears.
C Its frequency must be greater than 300 kHz.
D It travels the fastest in a vacuum.

190 A person uses a surfboard to ride every 30th wave crest towards the beach. The wave crest
travels at a speed of 1.6 m / s and the distance between each wave crest is 24 m.
How many wave crests does the person surf in one hour?

A 1 B 2 C 8 D 450

191 Light passes along an optical fibre. What happens to the light within the fibre?
A diffraction B dispersion C refraction D total internal reflection

192 A ray of light is incident on the surface of a glass block.

Which row describes how the speed and the direction
normal of the ray of light change when it enters the glass?
direction of
speed in glass direction in glass
ray of light
air A decreases closer to the normal
glass B decreases further from the normal
C increases closer to the normal
D increases further from the normal

193 A boy sees a fish in a lake.

Which labelled path is taken by the light travelling from the fish to the boy’s eye?

194 What causes the change in direction when light travels from air into glass?

A The amplitude of the light changes. C The frequency of the light changes.

B The colour of the light changes. D The speed of the light changes.

195 Light passes into a glass block.

Which is the angle of refraction?


196 The diagrams show four sources of waves. Which source produces longitudinal waves?

stick pushed up
and down in water radio loudspeaker lamp

197 The table shows different types of wave in the electromagnetic spectrum.

radio micro- infra-red visible ultraviolet gamma

waves waves waves light waves rays

Where do all the waves travel at the same speed?

A in a vacuum B in diamond C in glass D in water

198 A fire alarm is not loud enough and the pitch is too low. An engineer adjusts the alarm so that it
produces a louder note of a higher pitch. What
effect does this have on the amplitude and on the amplitude frequency
frequency of the sound?
A larger greater
B larger smaller
C smaller greater
D smaller smaller
199 Which diagram shows how a converging lens forms a real image of an object O?





200 Different waves hit barriers with different sized gaps.

The waves will diffract. In which diagram does the greatest spreading occur?
barrier barrier barrier

gap gap gap

2.0 cm 3.0 cm 3.0 cm
2.0 cm

wavelength wavelength 2.0 cm
2.0 cm
1.0 cm 1.0 cm

201 A converging lens is used as a magnifying glass to view an object.

Which statement is correct?

A The image is inverted. C The image is the same size.

B The image is nearer the lens than the object. D The image is virtual.

202 Light travels in a vacuum and then enters a glass block. The speed of the light in the glass block
is 2.0 × 108 m / s. Which statement about the speed of light is correct?
A The speed in a vacuum is 1.5 times the speed in the glass.
B The speed in the glass is the same as the speed in a vacuum.
C The speed in the glass is 1.5 times the speed in a vacuum.

D The speed in the glass is 1.0 × 108 times the speed in a vacuum.
203 The incomplete ray diagram shows two rays of light that have passed from one point on an object
through a thin converging lens. Which type of image is formed, and on
left lens right which side of the lens is it formed?
type of image which side of lens

A real on the left

B real on the right
C virtual on the left
rays of D virtual on the right

204 A converging lens is used to make an image on a screen.

screen What type of image is formed on the screen?

lens A real and inverted
B real and upright
formed C virtual and inverted
candle here
D virtual and upright

205 The diagram represents a wave travelling rope

along a rope. Which labelled arrow D

indicates the wavelength of the wave?


206 The diagram represents plane wavefronts of a water wave about to

strike a solid barrier. Which diagram shows the position of the wavefronts
wavefronts after reflection at the barrier?

reflected reflected

reflected D

207 The diagram shows an object in front of a plane mirror. A ray of light from the object is incident on
the mirror.

object Through which point does the reflected ray pass,

R and at which point is the image of the object


point through which point at which

plane mirror reflected ray passes image is formed


208 Which ray diagram shows a converging lens forming a real image of a small object O?




209 Visible light, X-rays and microwaves are all components of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Which statement about the waves is correct?
A In a vacuum, microwaves travel faster than visible light and have a shorter wavelength.
B In a vacuum, microwaves travel at the same speed as visible light and have a shorter
C In a vacuum, X-rays travel faster than visible light and have a shorter wavelength.
D In a vacuum, X-rays travel at the same speed as visible light and have a shorter wavelength.

210 Space is a vacuum. Waves from stars are used to reveal information about the stars.
Which type of waves do not reveal information about stars?
A infra-red B radio waves C ultrasound D γ-rays

211 A student stands 180 m in front of a vertical, flat cliff and bangs together two pieces of wood to
make a short, loud sound.
A timer records the echo of the sound 1.5 seconds after the pieces of wood are banged
together. Based on this result, what is the speed of sound?

A 120 m / s B 240 m / s C 270 m / s D 540 m / s

212 A wave moves along the surface of water. What is the wavelength of the wave?
A the distance between one crest and the next crest
B the distance that a crest moves along the surface in one second
C the distance that a particle of water moves up and down
D the number of waves that pass a fixed point in one second

213 The diagram shows an object O in front of a thin converging lens of focal length f.

At which point will the lens form a sharp image of the object?


f f
214 The diagram shows light travelling from glass to air.

air 20°
glass 50°

What is the angle of refraction for this ray of light?

A 20° B 40° C 50° D 70°

215 Which piece of equipment is designed to produce a type of electromagnetic wave?

A electric fire B electric generator C electric motor D electromagnet

216 What is ultrasound?

A sound waves that are so loud that they damage human hearing
B sound waves that are too high-pitched for humans to hear
C sound waves that are too low-pitched for humans to hear
D sound waves that are too quiet for humans to hear

217 A plane wave in a shallow tank of water of uniform depth is incident normally on
the small gap in a barrier. What happens after the wave passes through the gap?

A The frequency increases. C The wavelength decreases.

B The speed decreases. D The wave spreads out.

218 The diagram shows a ray of light in glass. The ray reaches a boundary with air.
One weak ray of light is missing from the diagram.

Which statement is correct?

A At the boundary, the speed of the light will become less.
glass 50°
B The critical angle for light at this boundary is 50°.
C The diagram shows an example of diffraction of light.
D The missing ray is a weak reflected ray.
219 Light enters a transparent block.
The light is refracted into the block and then strikes the top edge of the block at the critical
angle. Which diagram correctly shows the angle of refraction r and the critical angle c?


r c r


r r

220 Which statement about radio waves is correct?

A They are used in television remote controllers.

B They can be detected by the human eye.
C They travel as longitudinal waves.
D They have the same speed in a vacuum as ultraviolet waves.

221 The speed of sound in air is 330 m / s. speed

frequency / Hz
The speed of ultraviolet waves in air is 300 000
000 m / s. Which row gives a possible frequency A 4000 330
and speed of an ultrasound wave in air?
B 4000 300 000 000
C 40 000 330
D 40 000 300 000 000
222 The diagram shows the Earth and its surroundings.
Through which labelled region can sound not be transmitted?

sea land atmosphere outer space
(water) (rock) (air) (vacuum)

not to scale

223 A laser is a source of light with a single frequency.

Which description of this type of light is correct?

A dispersed B focused C monochromatic D refracted

224 The Moon is 380 000 km from the Earth. A laser light beam is directed from the Earth to the
Moon. The beam is reflected back to the Earth.
How long does it take for the light to travel to the Moon and back to the Earth?

A 1.27 ms B 2.53 ms C 1.27 s D 2.53 s

225 Which wavefront is travelling at a speed closest to that of a sound wave through a solid?

A one that moves 10 m in 0.01 s C one that moves 1000 m in 100 s

B one that moves 50 m in 0.5 s D one that moves 2000 m in 2000 s

226 Different waves travel through air. Which waves have the greatest difference in speed?

A ultrasound waves and sound waves C ultraviolet waves and light waves
B ultrasound waves and ultraviolet waves D ultraviolet waves and radio waves
227 The diagram shows a ray of light incident on the surface of a rectangular glass block at 90° to the

ray of light Which quantities remain unchanged as the light

enters the glass block?
A direction and frequency

glass block B direction and speed

C frequency and speed
D speed and wavelength

228 Which piece of equipment is designed to produce a type of electromagnetic wave?

A electric fire B electric generator C electric motor D electromagnet

229 The Moon is 380 000 km from the Earth. A laser light beam is directed from the Earth to the
Moon. The beam is reflected back to the Earth.
How long does it take for the light to travel to the Moon and back to the Earth?

A 1.27 ms B 2.53 ms C 1.27 s D 2.53 s

230 The speed of sound is different in different states of matter.

The speed of sound in water is speed of sound in ice speed of sound in steam
1500 m / s. m/s m/s
Which row correctly compares A less than 1500 less than 1500
the speed of sound in ice and
the speed of sound in steam B less than 1500 more than 1500
with the speed of sound in
C more than 1500 less than 1500
D more than 1500 more than 1500

231 A student finds that it takes sound 0.33 seconds to travel 100 metres.
From this information, what is the speed of sound?

A 30 m / s B 60 m / s C 300 m / s D 600 m / s
232 The diagram shows a ray of light in glass. The ray reaches a boundary with air.
One weak ray of light is missing from the diagram.

Which statement is correct?

glass 50° A At the boundary, the speed of the light will become less.

B The critical angle for light at this boundary is 50°.

C The diagram shows an example of diffraction of light.
D The missing ray is a weak reflected ray.

233 Light travelling in air enters a plastic block at an angle of incidence of 62°.
The plastic has a refractive index of 1.48.

plastic block What is the angle of refraction?

A 18° B 28°

C 37° D 42°
ray of

234 A sound wave travels from a medium in one state into the same medium but in another state.
This causes the speed of the wave to change from approximately 300 m / s to
approximately 3000 m / s. Between which two states is the sound wave travelling?

A gas to solid B liquid to gas C liquid to solid D solid to liquid

235 Light travelling in glass is incident on a glass-air boundary. The angle of incidence of the light is
greater than the critical angle.

Which arrow shows the direction of the light after it is incident on the boundary?


glass C

incident ray A
236 ° as shown.
Light strikes the top surface of a glass block at an angle of 15


(not to scale)
r glass

The refractive index of glass is 1.5.

What is the angle of refraction r ?

A 10° B 23° C 40° D 50°

237 A wall poster showing the electromagnetic spectrum is displayed in a laboratory.

gamma X-ray ultra-violet radio

increasing frequency increasing wavelength

A section of the electromagnetic spectrum has been accidentally ripped from this wall poster.

Which piece is missing?

A infra-red visible light microwave

B microwave infra-red visible light

C visible light infra-red microwave

D visible light microwave infra-red

238 Which type of wave is used to send television signals to a satellite?

A infra-red waves B light waves C microwaves D sound waves

239 A ship that is stationary on the surface of the sea sends pulses of sound vertically downwards
towards the sea bed.

Each pulse that reflects from the sea bed is received 1.0 s after it is sent out.

A whale swims under the boat and a pulse is received 0.60 s after it is sent out.

The speed of sound in sea water is 1500 m / s.

What is the distance of the whale above the sea bed?

A 300 m B 450 m C 600 m D 750 m

240 The diagram shows a water wave in a ripple tank being refracted at the boundary between region
P and region Q.


P region Q

How does the wave in region P compare with the wave in region Q?

wavelength speed of
of wave in wave in
region P region P

A larger faster
B larger slower
C smaller faster
D smaller slower
241 The graph shows how the height of a water wave varies with distance along the wave.

height / mm 6
–2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
distance / cm

Which graph shows a wave with twice the amplitude, half the frequency, and the same speed?

height / mm 6
A 0
–2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
distance / cm

height / mm 6
B 0
–2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
distance / cm

height / mm 6
C 0
–2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
distance / cm

height / mm 6
D 0
–2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
distance / cm
242 A narrow beam of yellow and green light is separated as it passes through a prism.

Which ray diagram is correct?


yellow yellow




243 A wave is travelling in water in a glass-sided tank.

The diagram shows a side view of the wave at one instant.
What are the amplitude and the wavelength of the wave?

amplitude wavelength
/ cm / cm
4.0 cm
A 4.0 5.0
B 4.0 10
C 8.0 5.0
5.0 cm D 8.0 10

244 An earthquake wave travels through the solid surface of the Earth from east to west. The solid
surface vibrates in a north-south direction.
How can the earthquake wave be described?
A electromagnetic B longitudinal C sound D transverse
245 A solid plastic cylinder is immersed in a liquid of refractive index 1.4. Light travelling in the plastic
cylinder strikes the inside surface at an angle of incidence of 70°. The light undergoes total
internal reflection.

liquid of refractive
index 1.4

70° reflected ray


plastic cylinder

What are the values of the critical angle in the plastic and the refractive index of the plastic?

critical angle refractive index

in plastic of plastic

A greater than 70° greater than 1.4

B greater than 70° less than 1.4
C less than 70° greater than 1.4
D less than 70° less than 1.4

246 What is the name and shape of the lens used to correct short sight?

name of lens shape of lens

A converging

B converging

C diverging

D diverging
247 An object is placed in front of a converging lens. The lens forms a magnified image of the object
on a screen. Which statement is correct?
A The distance between the object and the lens is greater than the focal length.
B The image formed is a virtual image.
C The image is the right way up.
D The lens is acting as a magnifying glass.

248 A type of electromagnetic radiation possesses the following properties.

● It is ionising.
● Its frequency is higher than the frequency of microwaves.
● It is not detected by the human eye.

What is this radiation?

A gamma rays B infra-red C light D radio waves

249 Which row gives the speed of sound in air, in water and in steel?

speed in air speed in water speed in steel

m/ s m /s m/ s

A 330 1500 6000

B 330 6000 1500
C 6000 330 1500
D 6000 1500 330

250 As a sound wave travels from one medium to another, its wavelength increases.
What happens to the frequency and to the speed of the sound?

frequency speed

A decreases decreases
B decreases increases
C stays constant decreases
D stays constant increases
251 A sound wave in a solid is represented by a series of lines. The diagram shows compressions C
and rarefactions R at one instant in time.


Which statement is correct?

A All particles on one line move in the same direction at the same time.
B The direction of travel of the sound wave is parallel to the lines.
C The distance between a compression and its adjacent rarefaction is a wavelength.
D The pattern of lines represents a transverse wave.

252 Which diagram shows reflection by a plane mirror?


253 Light is incident on a plastic block of refractive index 1.5.

The angle of incidence is 50° .
What is the angle of refraction?

A 31° B 33° C 40° D 75°

254 The ray diagrams, X and Y, show two ways in which a thin converging lens produces an image
that is larger than the object.

thin converging thin converging

lens lens

object object



Which devices use a lens as shown in diagram X and in diagram Y?


A camera magnifying glass

B magnifying glass projector
C photographic enlarger camera
D photographic enlarger projector

255 The diagram shows the electromagnetic spectrum with three components named. The spectrum
is in order from long wavelength to short wavelength.

Which component of the spectrum is used in a sunbed to produce a suntan?

long wavelength short wavelength

radio visible gamma

waves light rays

256 Which term is the number of crests of a wave passing a point per second?

A amplitude B frequency C speed D wavelength

257 The diagram shows a thin converging lens of focal length f.

Where must an object be placed to produce a real image in the position shown?


f f


258 Which statement about waves is correct?

A Waves do not transfer either energy or matter.

B Waves transfer both energy and matter.
C Waves transfer energy without transferring matter.
D Waves transfer matter without transferring energy.

259 Plane water waves travel from a shallow region into a deeper region. They travel more quickly in
the deeper water.
shallow water

deep water

Which diagram shows the wave pattern in the deeper water?

260 A student reads the following in her physics book.

‘The incident angle is greater than 42° which is the critical angle for glass in air.’

What is the student reading about?

A focal length of a glass lens C refraction as light enters glass

B reflection in a plane mirror D total internal reflection

261 Which statement about radio waves is correct?

A Radio waves are sound waves.

B Radio waves are used to kill cancerous cells.
C Radio waves are used in television communications.
D Radio waves have frequencies higher than those of visible light.

262 Ultrasound is used to map the ocean floor.

During one survey, the depth of water is 1200 m. An ultrasound pulse is sent from the surface and
when it returns to the ship, another pulse is sent immediately. In any period of 8.0 s, five pulses
are sent down from the surface.

What is the speed of the ultrasound in water?

A 150 m / s B 300 m / s C 750 m / s D 1500 m / s

263 White light is dispersed by a prism. Compared with blue light, the red light is

A slowed down less and refracted less. C slowed down more and refracted less.
B slowed down less and refracted more. D slowed down more and refracted more.

264 A plane mirror is fixed so that it is at an angle of 45° to a table. A ray of light, initially parallel to
the table, is incident on the mirror.
Which angle does the reflected ray make with
plane mirror
the table?
ray of light A 0° B 22.5°

C 45° D 90°
45° table
265 An object is placed 20 cm in front of a thin converging lens. The scale drawing shows how the
lens forms a real, inverted image.



5.0 cm

focal length distance of image

Which row gives the focal length of the lens of lens / cm from lens / cm
and the distance of the image from the
lens? A 4.0 5.0
B 5.0 4.0
C 8.0 10.0
D 10.0 8.0

266 What is the approximate value for

A 102 C 106
speed of light in air
speed of sound in air B 104 D 108
267 What are the lowest frequency and the highest frequency of the sound that a human being with
normal hearing can hear?

lowest frequency highest frequency

A 2.0 Hz 2.0 kHz

B 2.0 Hz 20 000 Hz
C 20 Hz 20 kHz
D 20 kHz 20 000 kHz

268 The diagram shows the trace on an oscilloscope screen. The first peak occurs when a pulse of
sound is emitted. The second, smaller peak is the echo received from a wall.
3.0 cm
The trace moves across the screen in a time of 24 ms.

How long does it take for the sound to travel to the wall?

A 4.5 ms B 9.0 ms

8.0 cm C 12 ms D 32 ms

269 Ultrasound has a number of uses in engineering and medicine.

What is ultrasound not used for?

A cleaning C quality control

B pre-natal scanning D sterilising medical equipment

270 Which row gives the nature of sound waves and the name of the effect that causes an echo of a
nature of sound waves effect causing an echo

A longitudinal reflection
B longitudinal refraction
C transverse reflection
D transverse refraction
271 Some of the Sun’s radiation passes through a prism. The diagram shows the spectrum of the
radiation. Which point on the screen does the infra-red radiation reach?


from the
not v
red le
le B
no vi sib C
t v iole
isi t
screen D

272 A woman hears the first note produced by a clarinet.

She then hears a second note that has a higher pitch and is quieter.

Which row compares the frequency and the amplitude of the two notes?

first note second note

A higher frequency larger amplitude

B higher frequency smaller amplitude
C lower frequency larger amplitude
D lower frequency smaller amplitude

273 Which statement about a water wave is correct?

A The amplitude is the vertical distance between a trough and a peak.

B The frequency is the number of troughs passing a point in one second added to the number
of peaks passing a point in one second.
C The speed is the horizontal distance travelled per second by a peak.
D The wavelength is the horizontal distance between a trough and a peak.
274 A parallel beam of light is incident on a plane mirror.

Which diagram shows how the beam is reflected by the mirror?




275 The diagram shows a parallel, cylindrical light beam of diameter d incident on a thin converging
lens. A screen is placed a distance equal to two focal lengths 2f from the lens.

beam of light screen


Which diagram shows the size of the spot of light seen on the screen?


d d 2d
276 Which diagram shows the formation of a real image of an object O placed in front of a converging




277 A thin converging lens has a focal length of 6.0 cm. An observer looks through the lens at an
object which is placed 4.0 cm from the lens.

4.0 cm Which description of the image that is observed is correct?

eye A diminished and inverted

B diminished and virtual
C enlarged and inverted
D enlarged and virtual

278 Which statement about the image formed by a plane mirror is correct?

A The image is larger than the object.

B The image is smaller than the object.
C The image is twice as far from the mirror as the object.
D The image is virtual.
279 What is meant by the frequency of a water wave?

A the distance between consecutive crests of the wave

B the distance moved by the wave per unit time
C the maximum vertical displacement of the wave
D the number of crests passing a point per unit time

280 Which statement about ultrasound is correct?

A Ultrasound must have greater amplitude than audible sound.

B Ultrasound must have greater frequency than audible sound.
C Ultrasound must have lower amplitude than audible sound.
D Ultrasound must have lower frequency than audible sound.

281 A boat moves up and down repeatedly as a water wave passes it.

Which name is given to the number of up-and-down movements of the boat per unit time?

A amplitude C speed

B frequency D wavelength

282 A ray of light is incident on a glass-air surface. The diagrams show the ray of light at different
angles of incidence in the glass.

air air air

glass glass glass
40° 44° 48°

What is the refractive index of the glass?

A 1.35 B 1.44 C 1.50 D 1.55

283 A transmitter produces radio waves of wavelength 1500 m. It takes the waves 0.025 s to travel
from the transmitter to a radio receiver. What is the distance between the radio transmitter and the
A 5.0 × 103 m B 2.0 × 105 m C 7.5 × 106 m D 1.1 × 1010 m
284 Light travels through air and then enters and travels through a parallel-sided glass block.
Which statement is correct?

A The angle of incidence is greater than the angle of refraction as the light leaves the block.
B The light emerging from the block is parallel to the light entering the block.
C The speed of the light decreases as it leaves the block.
D The wavelength of the light does not change as it enters the block.

285 A sheet of ice floats on water. A source of sound S is positioned at the edge of the ice sheet.
Four microphones are placed equal distances from S. Which microphone detects the sound from
S first?




286 The diagram shows two plane mirrors at 90° to each other. screen
A ray of light is incident on one of the A
mirrors. The ray reflects off both
mirrors before reaching a screen. At B
which labelled point does the ray
reach the screen?

ray of
1 Fig. 1.1 shows a girl standing some distance away from a rock face. She has a flat piece of wood
in each hand.

Fig. 1.1 (not to scale)

When the girl bangs the two pieces of wood
rock face
together, they make a loud sound. A short
time later she hears the sound again.

(a) Why does she hear this second sound?



(b) The time interval between the two sounds is 1.8 s. Sound travels at 330 m / s in air.

Calculate the distance of the girl from the rock face.

distance = ........................................... m [3]

(c) A boy standing very close to the rock face only hears one sound.

How long after the girl makes the sound does he hear this sound?

time interval = ............................................ s [1]

(d) State two ways in which a sound wave is different from a light wave.

1. ...............................................................................................................................................

2. ...............................................................................................................................................

[Total: 7]
2 Fig. 2.1 is a ray diagram representing the formation of an image by a converging lens.

F2 F1

Fig. 2.1

F1 and F2 are the two principal focuses of the lens. The object is at O and its image is at I.

(a) On Fig. 2.1,

(i) accurately mark the focal length of the lens and label it f, [2]

(ii) from the top of the object, draw the path of the ray that passes through F2, until it reaches
the image. [2]

(b) Where would a screen need to be placed in order to see a focused image? Tick one box.

at F2

at C

at F1

at I

(c) The object is moved a small distance away from the lens. State what this causes to happen to

(i) the position of the image,


(ii) the size of the image.


[Total: 7]
3 (a) A ray of red light passes through a rectangular glass block, as shown in Fig. 3.1.


glass block


Fig. 3.1

(i) What name describes what happens to the ray of light at B?


(ii) On Fig. 3.1, the emergent ray is not drawn at the correct angle θ to the normal.

State the correct value of the angle θ.

θ = ......................................................
(b) A ray of blue light is directed into a glass prism, as shown in Fig. 3.2.

air air

ray ght

glass prism Fig. 3.2

(i) Using your ruler, draw a possible path for the blue light, until it reaches the screen.

(ii) The ray of blue light is replaced by a ray of red light.

On Fig. 6.2, mark an X to show where the red light might hit the screen.

[Total: 5]
4 Fig. 4.1 is a ray diagram for a converging lens.



Fig. 4.1

(a) On Fig. 4.1, clearly mark and label

(i) the focal length of the lens,

(ii) one principal focus of the lens (use the letter F).

(b) The following can be used to describe the image formed by a lens.

enlarged diminished

inverted upright

image distance image distance

greater than object less than object
distance distance

Put ticks in the boxes containing descriptions that apply to the image in Fig. 7.1. [3]

(c) On Fig. 4.1, draw one more ray from the top of the object to the top of the image. [1]

[Total: 6]
5 A woman stands so that she is 1.0 m from a mirror mounted on a wall, as shown in Fig. 6.1.


Fig. 5.1

1.0 m

(a) On Fig. 6.1, carefully draw

(i) a clear dot to show the position of the image of her eye,
(ii) the normal to the mirror at the bottom edge of the mirror,
(iii) a ray from her toes to the bottom edge of the mirror and then reflected from the mirror.


(b) Explain why the woman cannot see the reflection of her toes.


.................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) (i) How far is the woman from her image?

............................ m
(ii) How far must the woman walk, and in what direction, before the distance between
her and her image is 6.0 m?

distance walked = ............................ m

direction = ............................................
6 A man is using an axe to chop down a tree, as shown in Fig 6.1.

(a) A short time after the axe hits the tree, the man hears a

clear echo. He estimates that the echo is heard 3

seconds after the axe hits the tree.

(i) Suggest what type of obstacle might have caused
Fig. 6.1
such a clear echo.


(ii) The speed of sound in air is 320 m/s. Calculate the distance of the obstacle from the tree.

obstacle distance = ............................ m

(b) A branch from the tree falls into some shallow water in a pond nearby. The branch sets
up a wave. The wave moves to the left a distance of 3.0 m before hitting the side of a moored
boat and reflecting back again.


3.0 m
side of
A Fig. 6.2

The wave takes 5.0 s to travel from AB to the boat and back to AB. Calculate the speed of the water-wave.

speed of wave = ......................... m/s [2]

7 (a) A ray of red light passes through a glass block, as shown in Fig. 7.1.



Fig. 7.1

ray of red light

(i) On Fig. 7.1, clearly label the angle of refraction. [1]

(ii) State the name given to the dashed line drawn at 90° to the boundary.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) A roadside reflector is made of plastic. It reflects the light from car headlamps.

Fig. 7.2 shows part of the path of a ray of light through the reflector.

A roadside
45° reflector


Fig. 7.2

The critical angle for the plastic is less than 45°.

(i) On Fig. 7.2, complete the path of the ray of light. [1]
(ii) State the term used to describe this type of reflection.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) Explain why the ray turns though 90° at A.


...................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 5]
8 (a) Fig. 8.1 shows four traces produced by an oscilloscope for different sounds. For each trace
the same settings of the oscilloscope were used.


Fig. 8.1

(i) In the box, write the letter A, B, C or D of the trace showing the sound with the highest pitch.


(ii) Complete the statement using the letters of the traces.

The two traces that have the same amplitude are ......... and ......... . [1]

(b) Students are provided with a 100 m tape measure and stopwatches. The teacher has a
starting pistol. Describe an experiment that they can carry out to determine the speed of sound in air.









.............................................................................................................................................. [5]

[Total: 7]
9 (a) State the speed of light in air.


(b) Fig. 9.1 shows a ray of blue light passing from air into a glass block and refracting at the

blue light

glass block

Fig. 9.1 (not to scale)

(i) As the light enters the glass, state what happens to

1. the speed of the light,


2. the frequency of the light,


3. the wavelength of the light.


(ii) On Fig. 9.1, mark and label the angle of incidence i and the angle of refraction r. [2]

(c) The refractive index of glass for blue light is 1.5.

(i) A ray of blue light strikes the surface of a glass block at an angle of incidence of 89°.

Calculate the angle of refraction of the light in the block.

angle of refraction = ...........................................................[3]

(ii) Explain why the angle of refraction of blue light in glass is always less than 45°.





(d) Blue light, travelling in air, strikes the side of a different glass block and continues in the same
direction as it enters the glass block. Fig. 9.2 shows the ray of light and the shape of the
glass block. The critical angle for this glass is 42°.



Fig. 9.2

(i) Explain why the light continues in the same direction as it enters the glass block.




(ii) On Fig. 9.2, complete the path of the light until it leaves the glass. [2]

(ii) Explain why the angle of refraction of blue light in glass is always less than 45°.




10 Ripple tanks are often used to illustrate wave motion.

(a) Describe what is meant by wave motion in a ripple tank.




(b) When describing wave motion, state what is meant by

(i) frequency,


(ii) wavelength.



(c) A water wave in a ripple tank strikes a barrier. Fig. 10.1 shows some wavefronts of the incident

direction of
travel of
incident wave



Fig. 10.1

The water wave hits the barrier and is reflected. Three of the wavefronts in Fig. 10.1
have already hit the barrier. The reflected parts of these wavefronts are not shown.

On Fig. 10.1, draw the reflected parts of these three wavefronts. [3]
11 The device shown in Fig.11.1 uses the reflection of ultrasound to measure distances.

ultrasound wave

Fig. 11.1
(a) State what is meant by ultrasound.




(b) Fig. 11.2 shows a builder using the ultrasound device to measure the width of a room.

ultrasound wave

Fig. 11.2

The ultrasound device is placed against one wall and it emits an ultrasound wave that reflects back from the
opposite wall. The time between sending out the ultrasound wave and receiving the reflection is 0.030 s. The
speed of ultrasound in air is 340 m / s. Calculate the distance between the device and the opposite wall.

distance = ...........................................................[2]
12 A physics textbook states that sound is a longitudinal pressure wave with a frequency within
the audible range.

(a) Explain what is meant by a longitudinal wave.



...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) (i) State the approximate range of audible frequencies.

highest frequency: ......................................................

lowest frequency: ......................................................


(ii) The speed of sound in air is 330 m / s. Using your answer in (i), calculate the shortest
wavelength in air of sound in the audible range.

wavelength = .................................................. [2]

13 Fig. 13.1 shows a ray of light that enters a semicircular glass block at A.
At B, some of the light is reflected and some light leaves the glass and travels along the surface.

0.10 m

glass block

Fig. 13.1

(a) State the name of the angle of incidence marked 41°.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Rays of light are incident at B with different angles of incidence.

(i) On Fig. 13.2a, the angle i1 is less than 41°. Draw the path taken by the ray of light after B.

(ii) On Fig. 13.2b, the angle i2 is greater than 41°. Draw the path taken by the ray of light after B.


i1 i2

Fig. 13.2a Fig. 13.2b [2]

(c) The speed of light in the glass block is 2.0 × 108 m / s.

The diameter of the glass block is 0.10 m. Calculate the time taken for the light to travel from A to B.

time = .................................................. [2]

14 Optical fibres are used to transmit telephone signals. Fig. 14.1 shows a ray of light that strikes the
inside surface of an optical fibre at P.

Fig. 14.1

(a) State one advantage of using optical fibres to transmit telephone signals.



(b) (i) On Fig. 14.1, draw a normal at P and mark the angle of incidence with the letter i. [1]

(ii) State and explain what happens to the ray at P. Use the term critical angle in your answer.




(c) The optical fibre is made of glass of refractive index 1.5.

At the start of the optical fibre, the ray enters the glass from air.
The angle of incidence in the air is 60°.

Calculate the angle of refraction in the glass.

angle = ................................................................[2]
15 Fig. 15.1 shows a wave on the surface of water. The wave is travelling to the right.

Fig. 15.1 (not to scale)

(a) Describe what is meant by wave motion.




(b) On Fig. 15.1, draw an arrow to show the direction of the movement of a water molecule at X.

(c) The frequency of the water wave is 2.0 Hz and the wavelength is 2.5 cm.

(i) Calculate the speed of the wave.

speed = ...............................................................[2]

(ii) On Fig. 15.1, mark a distance which shows how far a wavefront at X moves in 1.0 s.
Label this distance D. [1]
16 A laser produces red light of frequency 4.7 × 1014 Hz. The speed of light in glass is
2.0 × 108 m / s.

(a). Calculate the wavelength in glass of light from this laser.

wavelength = .................................................. [2]

(b) Describe an experiment to verify the law of reflection for light. You may include a diagram
in your answer.





...................................................................................................................................... [5]

(c). Fig. 16.1 shows a ray of light travelling in an optical fibre. The ray strikes the side of the fibre at P.

Fig. 16.1

The angle between the ray and the side of the fibre is 7°.

(i) Determine the angle of incidence of the ray at P.

angle = .................................................. [1]

(ii) State and explain what happens to the ray at P.



.............................................................................................................................. [2]

(d) A room is illuminated by wall lamps. Fig. 16.2 shows a mirror on the wall behind one of
the lamps.


0.19 m
point X

wall lamp


Fig. 16.2 (not to scale)

X is a point on the filament of the lamp. It is 0.19 m in front of the mirror.

(i) On Fig. 16.2, draw rays from X and locate the image of X. Label the image I. [3]

(ii) State the distance between I and the mirror.

distance = .................................................. [1]

(iii) Suggest one advantage of placing a mirror behind the lamp in the room.


.............................................................................................................................. [1]
17 Fig. 17.1 shows a glass lens in air and its two focal points F1 and F2.


F1 F2

Fig. 17.1

Three rays of light pass through F1 to the lens.

(a) On Fig. 17.1, continue the three rays through the lens and into the air. [2]

(b) State what happens to the speed of light on

(i) entering the glass lens from air,


(ii) leaving the lens and returning to the air.


(c) Light of wavelength 6.0 × 10–7 m travels in air at a speed of 3.0 × 108 m / s.

(i) Calculate the frequency of this light.

frequency = ....................................................[2]

(ii) State the effect, if any, on the frequency as the light enters the glass from air.

18 Fig. 18.1 shows circular wavefronts produced at the centre of a circular ripple tank.

Fig. 18.1
cork A Two corks, A and B, float on the water in the ripple tank.
They move up and down on the surface of the water as
the wave passes. The wavelength of the wave is 8.0 cm.
cork B
Fig. 4.2 shows how the displacement of A varies with
8.0 cm

/ mm 0
0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25
–2 time / s

Fig. 18.2

(a) State the amplitude of the vibrations of A as the wave passes.

amplitude = .........................................................[1]

(b) The horizontal distance between A and B is half the wavelength of the wave. On Fig. 18.2,

sketch a graph to show how the displacement of B varies with time. [2]

(c) (i) Use Fig. 18.2 to determine the frequency of the wave.

frequency = .........................................................[2]
(ii) The distance between the centre of the ripple tank and its edge is 40 cm.

Determine the time taken by a wavefront to travel from the centre of the tank to the edge.

time = ..................................................................[2]
19 Fig. 19.1 shows an old coin displayed in a museum.



0.17 m


Fig. 19.1
The coin is vertical and is supported by a transparent stand. A vertical mirror 0.17 m behind
the coin ensures that the back of the coin can be seen by a visitor looking from the line P.

M is a point on the back of the coin.

(a) On Fig. 19.1,

(i) draw two rays of light from M to show how its image is produced, [2]
(ii) label the image I. [1]

(b) State the distance from point M on the coin to its image.

distance = .................................................. [1]

20 Fig. 20.1 is a full-scale diagram that represents a sound wave of frequency 5.1 kHz in air.

Fig. 20.1

(a) (i) On Fig. 20.1, mark the position of one compression with the letter C and of one
rarefaction with the letter R. [2]

(ii) Using the full-scale diagram, measure the wavelength of this sound wave.

wavelength = .................................................. [1]

(iii) Calculate the speed of sound in air.

speed = .................................................. [3]

(b) A sound wave is longitudinal. Describe how a longitudinal wave differs from a transverse



...................................................................................................................................... [2]
21 Fig. 21.1 shows a ray of white light from a ray-box passing into a glass prism. A spectrum is
formed between P and Q on the screen.

white light

glass prism screen

ray box

Fig. 21.1

(a) State the colour of the light at end P of the spectrum.

.................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) State whether the value of each of these properties for blue light is greater than, equal
to or less than the value for red light.

(i) speed in a vacuum ............................................................................................. [1]

(ii) wavelength ......................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Fig. 21.2 shows the ray passing through a red filter before it reaches the prism.

red light

glass prism screen

ray box
red filter

Fig. 21.2

Complete Fig. 21.2 to show the ray of red light passing through and emerging from the
prism. [2]
22 (a) Fig. 22.1 shows a ray of light passing through the edge of a converging lens.





Fig. 22.1
(i) Describe what happens to the direction of the ray of light as it enters and leaves the lens.


(ii) State what happens to the speed, frequency and wavelength of the light as it enters the lens


(iii) Calculate the refractive index of the glass used in the lens.

refractive index = ......................................... [3]

(b) The focal length of the lens is 20 cm. An object is placed 50 cm from the lens and an image is
formed on a screen.

(i) Explain what is meant by the focal length of a lens. You may draw a diagram if you wish. [2]
(ii) Draw a ray diagram to scale to show the formation of the image.


(iii) The image is real. State two other properties of the image.

........................................................................................................................................ [2]
23 Fig. 23.1 shows the wavefronts of a water wave in deep water in a ripple tank.

6.0 cm


Fig. 23.1

The frequency of the wave in deep water is 5.0 Hz.(a)

Explain what is meant by the frequency of a wave.



.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(b) (i) Determine the wavelength of the wave in deep water.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Calculate the speed of the wave in deep water.

speed = ........................................................... [2]

(c) The wave passes from deep water into shallow water. The speed of the wave is less in
shallower water.

(i) State and explain how this affects the wavelength of the wave.



...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(ii) The wave in deep water shown in Fig. 9.2 travels towards the right and enters the shallow
water at an angle. The wave refracts.


Fig. 23.2

On Fig. 23.2, draw the wavefronts in the shallow water.

(d) Sound is also a wave.

(i) Describe one difference between a sound wave and a water wave.




...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) The speed of sound in carbon dioxide gas is less than the speed of sound in air. Using
this information, or otherwise, describe an experiment to show the refraction of sound waves.
You may include a diagram of your apparatus.






...................................................................................................................................... [3]
24 Fig. 24.1 shows a wave on a string. The wave is travelling towards the right.

distance along string

0.05 m 0.25 m 0.45 m 0.65 m

Fig. 42.1

(a) Describe the movement of the particles of the string.





(b) Determine the wavelength of the wave.

wavelength = ...........................................................[1]

(c) The speed of the wave is 2.0 m / s.

(i) Calculate the frequency of the wave.

frequency = ...........................................................[2]

(ii) On Fig. 24.1, draw the string at a time 0.10 s later than the time in Fig. 24.1. [1]
25 Fig. 25.1 shows a ray of light entering and passing along an optical fibre.

Fig. 25.1

(a) Calculate the refractive index of the glass in the optical fibre.

refractive index = ...........................................................[2]

(b) Explain why the ray of light is totally internally reflected at A.




(c) Both optical fibre and copper wire are used to transmit data.

Optical fibre is cheaper and can carry more data per second than copper wire.

State one other advantage of using optical fibre rather than copper wire to transmit data.


26 Fig. 26.1 shows part of a long rope used by a student to show a transverse wave.

Fig. 26.1

(a) On Fig. 26.1,

(i) mark the direction of movement of the student’s hand, [1]

(ii) mark and label the wavelength λ of the wave, [1]

(iii) mark and label the amplitude A of the wave. [1]

(b) Describe how the frequency of the wave is found using a stopwatch.




.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(c) Using the same rope, the student produces a wave of a longer wavelength than that shown in

State how the student does this.


.............................................................................................................................................. [1]
27 Visible light, radio waves, X-rays, gamma rays and microwaves are some of the components of the
electromagnetic spectrum.

(a) State two other components of the electromagnetic spectrum.

1. ...............................................................................................................................................

2. ...............................................................................................................................................

(b) White light is a mixture of different colours.

Fig. 27.1 shows a ray of white light entering a glass prism.

The white light separates into a number of colours. Only the blue light and the red light are


white red

Fig. 27.1

Explain why the blue light and the red light separate as shown.

Use the term refractive index in your answer.





.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
28 (a) A beam of parallel light strikes a converging lens of focal length 2.8 cm.

The width of the beam before it reaches the lens is 1.0 cm. The width changes on the other
side of the lens.

State a distance from the lens where the width of the beam is

(i) less than 1.0 cm,

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) more than 1.0 cm.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) An object is placed 3.0 cm from a converging lens of focal length of 2.8 cm. Fig. 28.1 is an
incomplete, full-scale ray diagram for this arrangement.



1 cm

Fig. 28.1 (full scale)

(i) On Fig. 28.1, draw the paths of the two rays after they pass through the lens. [2]

(ii) Explain how your ray diagram shows that the image is more than 11 cm from the lens.


...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) Underline three of the following words which describe the image.

diminished inverted magnified real upright virtual [1]

29 Fig. 29.1 shows a ray of light that enters a semicircular glass block at A.
At B, some of the light is reflected and some light leaves the glass and travels along the

0.10 m

glass block

Fig. 29.1

(a) State the name of the angle of incidence marked 41°.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Rays of light are incident at B with different angles of incidence.

(i) On Fig. 5.2a, the angle i1 is less than 41°.

Draw the path taken by the ray of light after B.

(ii) On Fig. 5.2b, the angle i2 is greater than 41°.

Draw the path taken by the ray of light after B.


i1 i2

Fig. 29.2a Fig. 29.2b [2]

(c) The speed of light in the glass block is 2.0 × 108 m / s.

The diameter of the glass block is 0.10 m.

Calculate the time taken for the light to travel from A to B.

30 A student traces the path of a ray of blue light as it enters and as it leaves a glass prism.
Fig. 29.1 shows the trace obtained by the student.

blue B C

Fig. 30.1

(a) On Fig. 30.1, draw and label, at the point B, the normal, the angle of incidence i and the
angle of refraction r. [3]

(b) State, in terms of the properties of light waves, why the light refracts at B.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) The angle of incidence for the ray of blue light at B is 45°. The refractive index of the
glass is 1.5. Calculate the angle of refraction at B.

angle of refraction = .................................................. [3]

(d) The student performs another experiment with a ray of red light along the line AB.

On Fig. 30.1, show the path taken by this ray of light as it passes through and leaves the
prism. [2]
(e) The student performs another experiment with a semicircular glass block and a ray of
white light. Fig. 10.2 shows the path taken by this ray of light as it enters the glass at P
until it hits the straight edge at Q.

glass block


white light

Fig. 30.2
The student finds that there is no change in direction as the ray enters the glass at P
and that no light passes out of the glass at Q.

(i) Explain why the ray does not change direction at P.


............................................................................................................................. [1]

(ii) Explain why no light passes out of the glass at Q.



............................................................................................................................. [2]

(iii) On Fig. 30.2, draw the complete path followed by this ray. [1]

(iv) The student directs the ray of white light into the glass along different paths, so that
the angle θ is slowly reduced.

Describe what happens to the ray at Q.



............................................................................................................................. [2]
31 Optical fibres are used to transmit telephone signals. Fig. 5.1 shows a ray of light that strikes the
inside surface of an optical fibre at P.

Fig. 31.1

(a) State one advantage of using optical fibres to transmit telephone signals.



(b) (i) On Fig. 31.1, draw a normal at P and mark the angle of incidence with the letter i. [1]

(ii) State and explain what happens to the ray at P. Use the term critical angle in your answer.




(c) The optical fibre is made of glass of refractive index 1.5.

At the start of the optical fibre, the ray enters the glass from air.
The angle of incidence in the air is 60°.

Calculate the angle of refraction in the glass.

angle = ................................................................[2]
32 Fig. 32.1 shows a student clapping in front of a vertical wall. The wall reflects the sound.

student makes
regular claps

distance to wall 80 m

Fig. 32.1

The student changes the number of claps made in 1 minute until the reflection of each clap
returns to her at exactly the same time as she makes the next clap.

The speed of sound in air is 330 m/s.

(a) Explain what is meant by speed.



(b) Calculate the time between claps.

time = …………………….. [3]

(c) Calculate the number of claps in 1 minute.

number of claps = ……………….. [2]

33 Fig. 33.1 shows the lens of a simple camera being used to photograph an object.

object film


Fig. 33.1

The lens forms a focused image of the object on the film.

(a) Draw two rays from the top of the object to show how the lens forms the image. [2]

(b) The object moves closer to the camera. State how the lens is adjusted to keep the
image in focus.



.................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Complete Fig. 34.2 to show how white light is split into a spectrum when it passes
through a glass prism. [3]


white light

Fig. 34.2
35 Fig. 35.1 and Fig. 35.2 show rays of light passing through the same semi-circular block of

Q 27° Q
44° 50°

Fig. 35.1 Fig. 35.2

Q is the centre of the straight side of the block.

(a) State the value of the critical angle in the plastic.

critical angle = ........................................... [1]

(b) Explain what is meant by the critical angle.




.................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) Calculate the refractive index of the plastic. State the formula that you use.

refractive index = ................................... [3]

(d) Some light reflects back into the plastic at Q.

On Fig.35.1, draw the reflected ray at Q. [1]

36 Fig. 36.1 is drawn full scale. The focal length of the lens is 3.0 cm.
Fig. 36.1


(a) On Fig. 36.1, draw two rays from the top of the object O that meet at the image. [2]

(b) (i) Define the term linear magnification.



............................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) Determine the magnification produced by the lens in Fig. 36.1.

magnification = ................................................ [1]

(c) Fig. 36.2 shows a normal eye viewing an object close to it. Fig. 36.3 is a long-sighted eye
viewing an object at the same distance.

normal long-sighted
eye eye

Fig. 36.2 Fig. 36.3

Complete Fig. 36.3 to show the rays travelling through the eye. [1]
37 Fig. 37.1 shows a man looking at his reflection in a rectangular plane mirror.

plane mirror

Fig. 37.1

The vertical side of the mirror has length h.

(a) (i) On Fig. 37.1, draw a ray of light from point X that is reflected by the mirror to the
man’s eye. [1]
(ii) On Fig. 37.1, mark the angle of incidence of your ray at the
mirror. Label this angle i. [1]
(iii) Define the angle of incidence.



............................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) On Fig. 37.1, draw a ray of light from the top of the man’s hat that is reflected by the
mirror to his eye.

Use your rays to determine the smallest value of h that allows the man to see all of the
image in the mirror, from the top of his hat to his toes.

On the diagram, 1 cm represents 0.5 m.

h = ………………………………… [2]
38 Fig. 38.1 shows how ultrasound is used to produce an image of the heart.

heart ultrasound

transmitter and detector Fig. 38.1

(a) Define ultrasound.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) The ultrasound has a wavelength of 1.2 × 10–3 m. The speed of the ultrasound in the
human body is 1500 m / s. Calculate the frequency of the ultrasound.

frequency = ………………………………… [2]

(c) Ultrasound is a longitudinal wave.

Describe how particles in the body move as the ultrasound passes.

You may draw a diagram if you wish.



...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(d) There are small bubbles of gas in the body.

Explain why these bubbles expand and contract as the ultrasound passes.



..................................................................................................................................... [1]
39 Fig. 39.1 is a ray diagram representing two rays passing through a converging lens.


Fig. 39.1

(a) State which of the labelled points is a principal focus of the lens. ............... [1]

(b) State which of the distances BX, XY, YZ or XZ is the focal length of the lens. ............... [1]

(c) On Fig. 39.1, draw another ray from point A to locate the image of point A. Label this image I.

(d) On the ray diagram in Fig. 39.1, the refraction is shown occurring at the centre line of the lens.

State where the refraction actually occurs.



[Total: 6]
40 (a) A ray of light in glass meets a boundary with air.

In Fig. 40.1, the three diagrams X, Y and Z each show a different angle of incidence for the ray.

glass air glass air glass air



Fig. 40.1

(i) Write down the letter of any diagram, X, Y or Z, in which the ray undergoes

1. refraction, ......................

2. total internal reflection. ......................


(ii) On Fig. 40.1, use the letter C to mark the critical angle for light at the glass-air boundary.
(b) Water waves move more slowly in shallow water than in deep water.

Fig. 40.2 shows wavefronts of a wave in deep water meeting the boundary with some
shallow water.

deep shallow
water water
(fast) (slow)

wave moves
in this 2


Fig. 40.2

(i) Using your ruler, carefully complete the wavefronts 1, 2 and 3, showing their possible
positions in the shallow water where they move more slowly. [3]
(ii) Tick the one box that describes what is happening at the boundary.




total internal reflection [1]

[Total: 7]
41 Two students A and B are carrying out an experiment to determine the speed of sound.
They are standing side by side at a distance of 480 m from the school wall, as shown in Fig. 41.1.

Fig. 41.1 (not to scale)

B A 480 m
Student A makes a loud sound by banging two pan lids together once. A short time later, both
students hear the sound again.

(a) State what causes this second sound.


(b) Underline the phrases that correctly complete the sentences below.

louder than

The second sound is equally as loud as the original sound.

quieter than

frequency changed.
This is because the of the sound has
speed not changed.

(c) The time between the two sounds, as measured by student B, is 3.0 s.

(i) Suggest the instrument that student B used to measure the time.


(ii) Use the measurements to calculate the speed of sound.

speed = .................................................. m / s [3]

[Total: 7]
42 (a) Fig. 42.1 represents the waveform of a sound wave. The wave is travelling at constant speed.

of particles

Fig. 42.1 distance

along wave

(i) On Fig. 42.1,

1. label with the letter X the marked distance corresponding to the amplitude of the wave, [1]

2. label with the letter Y the marked distance corresponding to the wavelength of the wave. [1]

(ii) State what happens to the amplitude and the wavelength of the wave if

1. the loudness of the sound is increased at constant pitch,

amplitude ...................................................................................................................

wavelength .................................................................................................................

2. the pitch of the sound is increased at constant loudness.

amplitude ...................................................................................................................

wavelength .................................................................................................................
(b) A ship uses pulses of sound to measure the depth of the sea beneath the ship. A sound pulse
is transmitted into the sea and the echo from the sea-bed is received after 54 ms. The speed
of sound in seawater is 1500 m / s. Calculate the depth of the sea beneath the ship.

depth = ...........................................................[3]
[Total: 7]
43 (a) Explain what is meant by

(i) total internal reflection,



(ii) critical angle.



(b) Fig. 43.1 shows a ray of light, travelling in air, incident on a glass prism.


Fig. 43.1 30°

(i) The speed of light in air is 3.0 × 108 m / s. Its speed in the glass is 2.0 × 108 m / s.
Calculate the refractive index of the glass.

refractive index = ...........................................................[2]

(ii) Show that the critical angle for the glass-air boundary is 42°.


(iii) On Fig. 43.1, draw carefully, without calculation, the continuation of the ray through the
prism and into the air. [3]

[Total: 8]
44 In this question, drawing should be done carefully.

Fig. 6.1 shows a ray of light striking mirror 1 at point X.

ray of
light mirror 2

mirror 1 X


(a) On Fig. 44.1,

(i) draw the normal at X,

(ii) draw the ray reflected from mirror 1,
(iii) mark the angle of incidence using the letter i and the angle of reflection using the
letter r.

(b) Mirror 2 is parallel to mirror 1. The reflected ray from mirror 1 strikes mirror 2.

Compare the direction of the ray reflected from mirror 2 with the incident ray at X. You
may do a further construction if you wish. Complete the sentence below.

The reflected ray from mirror 2 is .....................................................................................

45 The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s.

(a) Complete Fig. 45.1 to show how far a sound wave has travelled 2, 3, 4 and 5 seconds
after the sound was made. [1]

time elapsed/s 0 1 2 3 4 5

distance travelled/m 0 340

Fig. 45.1
(b) On Fig. 45.2, draw the graph of distance travelled against time for the sound wave. [3]





0 1 2


Fig. 45.2
(c) A ship is sinking in the dark as shown in Fig. 45.3.



sinking ship

Fig. 45.3

The sailors on the ship fire a distress flare into the air. It explodes with a bang and a
bright flash of light.

(i) A lifeboat crew hear the bang and see the flash, but not at the same time.
State which reaches the lifeboat first, the bang or the flash, and give a reason.




(ii) The time interval in (c)(i) is 4.2 s. Use your graph in (b) to find how far away the
lifeboat is from the flare. Show clearly on your graph how you got your answer.

distance of lifeboat = .................................. m

46 Boy A throws a large stone into a large still pond, as illustrated in Fig. 46.1.


Fig. 46.1
(a) Girl B hears the ‘plop’ sound of the stone entering the water a very short time after she
sees the splash, but it is many seconds before the water wave reaches the edge of the pond
where she is sitting.
Use this information to decide which wave travels fastest and which travels slowest.

Write ‘fastest’ in one box and ‘slowest’ in another box. Leave one box empty.

sound wave

light wave

water wave [2]

(b) In the boxes below, state whether each type of wave is a transverse or a longitudinal

sound wave

light wave

water wave [3]

(c) In the boxes below, put a tick alongside any of the types of wave that do not need a
substance in which to travel.

sound wave

light wave

water wave [1]

47 (a) A man looks at his reflection in a vertical mirror. This is shown from the side in Fig. 12.1.


Fig. 47.1

(i) On Fig. 47.1, accurately mark with a clear dot labelled B where the image of the tip
A of the man’s beard will be.

(ii) On Fig. 12.1, accurately draw a ray from the tip of the man’s beard that reflects from
the mirror and goes into his eye. You may use faint construction lines if you wish.
Use arrows to show the direction of the ray.

(iii) The man can see the image, but it cannot be formed on a screen. What name is
given to this type of image?


(iv) Write down the equation that links the angles of incidence and reflection that the
ray makes with the mirror.

(b) A girl looks into a bathroom mirror to brush her hair. Fig. 47..2 shows what she sees in
the mirror.

reflection seen
in mirror

Fig. 47.2

(i) In which hand is she holding the brush? Tick one box.

left hand

right hand

(ii) She has a spot on her skin just below her left eye.
Mark clearly on Fig. 47.2 where this will appear on the reflection.
48 (a) A light vertical triangular piece of rigid plastic PQR is pivoted at corner P.

A horizontal 5 N force acts at Q, as shown in Fig. 48.1.



Fig. 48.1

Describe what, if anything, will happen to the piece of plastic.


.................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) On another occasion, two horizontal 5 N forces act on the piece of plastic, as shown in
Fig. 48.2.




Fig. 48.2

(i) Describe what, if anything, will happen to the piece of plastic.


(ii) On Fig. 48.2, mark the force that the pivot exerts on the piece of plastic. Show the
direction of the force by means of an arrow and write the magnitude of the force next to
the arrow. [4]
49 Fig. 49.1 shows the various regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

radio visible

Fig. 49.1

Two of the regions have been labelled.

(a) In the boxes provided, write the names of the other regions. [4]

(b) Only one of the following types of wave is not an electromagnetic wave.

Tick one box to show which type of wave is not electromagnetic.



sound [1]
50 An inventor is trying to make a device to enable him to see objects behind him. He cuts a
square box in half diagonally and sticks two plane mirrors on the inside of the box.
A side view of the arrangement is shown in Fig. 50.1.

Fig. 50.1

Fig. 50.2 shows the arrangement, drawn larger.

box cut
in half


ray 1 from object

ray 2 from object


Fig. 50.2

Fig. 50.2 shows parallel rays from two different

points on a distant object behind the man.

(a) Carefully continue the two rays until they reach the place where the inventor’s head will be.

(b) Look at what has happened to the two rays.

What can be said about the image the inventor sees?

.................................................................................................................................... [1]
51 The speed of sound in air is 332 m/s. A man stands 249 m from a large flat wall, as shown in
Fig. 9.1, and claps his hands once.

Fig. 51.1

woman man

249 m 249 m

(a) Calculate the interval between the time when the man claps his hands and the time
when he hears the echo from the wall.

time interval = ........................... s [3]

(b) A woman is standing 249 m further away from the wall than the man. She hears the
clap twice, once directly and once after reflection from the wall.

How long after the man claps does she hear these two sounds? Tick two boxes.

0.75 s

1.50 s

2.25 s

3.00 s [2]
52 Fig. 52.1 shows a section through a series of waves on water.

Fig. 52.1

(a) On Fig. 52.1, carefully mark and label

(i) the wavelength of the waves,
(ii) the level of the flat, still water surface after the waves have passed.
(b) Describe how, using a stopwatch, the frequency of the waves could be


.................................................................................................................................... [2]

53 (a) Fig. 53.1 shows a ray of blue light shining onto a glass prism.

Fig. 53.1 screen

air air
With the aid of a
straight edge, draw a rm
possible path of the ray
through the prism and into
the air until it reaches
the screen. [3]

ray ht

(b) When a ray of white light passes through the prism, it spreads into a spectrum of colours that
can be seen on the screen.
(i) What is the name of this spreading effect? Tick one box.

(ii) Which colour is deviated least by the prism?

diffraction ..................................................... [1]

(iii) Which colour is deviated most by the prism?

..................................................... [1]
54 Fig. 6.1 and Fig. 54.2 show two of the rays from the top of an object, passing through a lens.

object F2 F1

Fig. 54.1

object F2 F1

Fig. 54.2

(a) On Fig. 54.1, draw the third ray whose path from the top of the object through the lens is
known. [1]

(b) On Fig. 54.2,

(i) copy the ray shown on Fig. 54.1 and complete the diagram to locate the image
formed by the lens, [1]
(ii) mark and label the image. [2]

(c) On Fig. 54.2, indicate clearly where you would position a screen on which to see the
focused image. [1]

[Total: 5]
55 Fig. 55.1 shows the waveform of the note from a bell. A grid is given to help you take


Fig. 55.1

(a) (i) State what, if anything, is happening to the loudness of the note.

............................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) State how you deduced your answer to (a)(i).

............................................................................................................................ [1]

(b) (i) State what, if anything, is happening to the frequency of the note.

............................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) State how you deduced your answer to (b)(i).

............................................................................................................................ [1]
(c) (i) How many oscillations does it take for the amplitude of the wave to decrease to half
its initial value?

............................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) The wave has a frequency of 300 Hz.

1. What is meant by a frequency of 300 Hz ?


..................................................................................................................... [1]

2. How long does 1 cycle of the wave take?

..................................................................................................................... [1]

3. How long does it take for the amplitude to decrease to half its initial value?

..................................................................................................................... [2]

(d) A student says that the sound waves, which travelled through the air from the bell, were
longitudinal waves, and that the air molecules moved repeatedly closer together and
then further apart.

(i) Is the student correct in saying that the sound waves are longitudinal? .................

(ii) Is the student correct about the movement of the air molecules? .................

(iii) The student gives light as another example of longitudinal waves.

Is this correct? .................


[Total: 11]
56 Two apartment blocks are one each side of a road, as shown in Fig. 7.1. A beam of light from
a police helicopter is hitting the top window H of the left-hand apartment block.

beam of light








apartment apartment
block block

Fig. 56.1

(a) (i) On Fig.56.1,

1. draw the normal at the point where the beam hits window H, [1]

2. label the angle of incidence of the beam of light on window H. [1]

(ii) State the equation that links the angle of incidence with the angle of reflection.

................................................. [1]

(iii) Which window does the beam hit next, after reflection from H?

................................................. [1]

(iv) Which other windows, if any, receive light from the helicopter?

................................................. [1]

(b) Fig. 56.2 shows another example of reflection. The drawing is incomplete.



Fig. 56.2

The horizontal card with the letter P on it is being reflected in the vertical mirror.

On Fig. 56.2, draw the reflection of the letter P. [2]

[Total: 7]
57 (a) A musical note is being produced by a loudspeaker connected to a signal generator.

A person is listening to the note, as shown in Fig. 4.1.

signal generator

amplitude frequency

Fig. 57.1
By adjusting the controls on the signal generator, the amplitude and the frequency of
the note from the loudspeaker can each be changed.

The person moves to a position further away from the loudspeaker.

(i) State what, if anything, happens to

1. the pitch of the sound heard,


2. the loudness of the sound heard.

..................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) What adjustment, if any, should be made to the two controls so that the sound
heard in the new position is the same as in the original position?

frequency control ......................................................................................................

amplitude control ................................................................................................ [2]

(b) Fig. 57.2 shows a girl standing some distance from a rock face. She has a bell in her

rock face

Fig. 57.2

The girl rings the bell once. After a short time the sound of the bell reaches her again.(i)

Why did the sound return to her?

............................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) Why was there a short time delay before the girl heard the second sound?

............................................................................................................................ [1]

[Total: 6]
58 Fig. 58.1 shows how an image is formed by a converging lens.

24 cm 10 cm 8cm

Fig. 58.1

O F2 F1

(a) State the value of the focal length of the lens.

focal length = .......................................... cm [1]

(b) The object O is moved a small distance to the left.

State two things that happen to the image I.

1. ......................................................................................................................................

2. ................................................................................................................................ [2]

(c) Points F1 and F2 are marked on Fig. 8.1.

(i) State the name we give to these two points.

............................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) On Fig. 8.1, draw the ray from the top of the object which passes through F2.

Continue your ray until it meets the image. [4]

[Total: 8]
59 Fig. 59.1 shows apparatus being used to project a visible spectrum onto a screen, using a
lamp with a white-hot filament.

glass screen
lens P

visible spe

filament lamp
(white light source)

Fig. 59.1

(a) State two things that happen to the white light as it passes through surface PQ of the

1. ......................................................................................................................................

2. ................................................................................................................................ [2]

(b) What colour light will be seen at

(i) edge A of the spectrum, ...........................................................................................

(ii) edge B of the spectrum? ..........................................................................................


(c) A thermometer with a blackened bulb is moved very slowly across the screen.

(i) On Fig. 59.1, mark using a cross (×) the position where the thermometer will show
its largest reading. [2]

(ii) What type of radiation would cause this high reading?

............................................................................................................................ [1]

[Total: 7]
60 Fig. 60.1 shows a ray of light entering and passing along an optical fibre.

Fig. 60.1

(a) Calculate the refractive index of the glass in the optical fibre.

refractive index = ...........................................................[2]

(b) Explain why the ray of light is totally internally reflected at A.




(c) Both optical fibre and copper wire are used to transmit data.

Optical fibre is cheaper and can carry more data per second than copper wire.

State one other advantage of using optical fibre rather than copper wire to transmit data.


61 Fig. 61.1 shows the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Two regions have not been named.

gamma ultraviolet visible infra-red radio

rays rays light waves waves

Fig. 61.1

(a) Complete Fig. 61.1 by labelling the two regions that have not been named. [2]

(b) On Fig. 61.1, circle the region with the longest wavelength. [1]

(c) (i) Suggest a use for gamma radiation.


...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Suggest a use for ultraviolet radiation.


...................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 5]

62 Fig. 62.1 shows a ray of light incident on a rectangular glass block at point X.

P X air Q

Fig. 7.1

The ray of light is refracted at X.

On Fig. 62.1,

(a) draw the normal at X, [1]

(b) draw the path of the ray through the glass block until it reaches the surface RS, [1]

(c) label, at X, the angle of incidence with a letter i and the angle of refraction with a letter r, [2]

(d) draw the path of the ray of light leaving the glass block. [1]
[Total: 5]

63 Two people watch a storm cloud above a tree. Person A is watching from her house and person B
is watching from a distant hill.

Lightning creates a bright flash and loud thunder at the same time. The lightning strikes the
tree not far from person A’s house, as shown in Fig. 63.1.

g B Fig. 63.1

For each person, describe the time interval

between seeing the lightning and hearing
A the thunder and explain your answers.

person A description of time interval ................................................................................................



person B description of time interval ................................................................................................



explanation .......................................................................................................................................





[Total: 4]
64 A candle is placed in front of a vertical mirror. Fig. 6.1 shows a ray of light reflected from the mirror.




Fig. 64.1

(a) (i) On Fig. 64.1, draw an arrow on the ray to show the direction of travel of the ray of light.

(ii) On Fig. 64.1, label the angle of incidence i and the angle of reflection r. [1]

(iii) Tick (✓) two boxes to describe the image of the candle in the mirror.

closer to the mirror than the candle

the same distance from the mirror as the candle

on the surface of the mirror

smaller than the candle

the same size as the candle [2]

(b) Other rays of light also strike the mirror and are reflected.

State the rule that always links the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection.

.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 5]
65 (a) Fig. 65.1 shows a ray of light striking a plane mirror.


ray of light

Fig. 65.1

State the name given to angle x.


(b) Fig. 65.2 shows an incorrect ray diagram for an image of object O formed by a plane mirror.

plane m

Fig. 65.2

(i) On Fig. 65.2, clearly mark the correct position of the image. Label this I. [1]

(ii) Explain why the ray diagram shown in Fig. 6.2 is incorrect.




[Total: 4]
66 Fig. 66.1 shows how a fishing boat uses ultrasound to locate fish.

sea surface

sound wave sent out

sound wave returned


Fig. 66.1

(a) The boat sends out a pulse of ultrasound. The pulse reflects off the fish and returns to the

The time between sending and receiving the pulse is 0.3 s. The speed of sound in sea water
is 1500 m / s.

Calculate the distance from the boat to the fish.

distance = .......................................................m [3]

(b) Tick the box alongside the correct statement for ultrasound.

The frequency of ultrasound is less than 20 Hz.

The frequency of ultrasound is between 20 Hz and 2000 Hz.

The frequency of ultrasound is between 2000 Hz and 20 000 Hz.

The frequency of ultrasound is more than 20 000 Hz. [1]

(c) Ultrasound is not part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

State the name of a wave that forms part of the electromagnetic spectrum.


[Total: 5]
67 A vibrating source sends a wave along a string.

Fig. 67.1 shows the wave on the string. string

30 cm

Fig. 67.1

(a) Calculate the wavelength of the wave using information from Fig. 8.1.

wavelength = ..................................................... cm [2]

(b) Explain what is meant by the frequency of a wave.



(c) The wave pattern shown in Fig. 67.1 is produced by the vibrating source in a time of 0.05 s.

Calculate the frequency of the wave. Include the unit.

frequency = ...........................................................[3]

[Total: 6]
68 (a) (i) State a typical value for the speed of sound in air.

speed = ...........................................................[1]

(ii) State the range of frequencies that can be heard by a healthy human ear.


(b) A sound wave in air has a wavelength of 22 mm.

Fig. 68.1 represents wavefronts of this sound. These wavefronts are successive compressions.

22 mm

Fig. 68.1

(i) Using your value for the speed of sound in (a)(i), calculate the frequency of the sound

frequency = ...........................................................[2]

(ii) On Fig. 68.1, draw dotted lines to represent three different rarefactions. [1]

(iii) State, in terms of both molecules and pressure, what is meant by a rarefaction.





[Total: 7]
69 Fig. 69.1 shows a box ABCD.


prism 1

ray of light


emergent ray

Fig. 69.1

The box contains two identical glass prisms, one of which is shown. Light incident on prism 1
undergoes total internal reflection within the glass.

(a) (i) On Fig. 69.1, complete the path of the ray of light through prism 1. [2]

(ii) On Fig. 69.1, draw a second prism inside the dashed square, positioned so that the light
reflects inside the glass and emerges from the box as shown. Complete the path of the ray.

(b) Select the statements that correctly describe the necessary conditions for the light to undergo
total internal reflection. Tick two boxes.

The angle of incidence in the glass is less than the critical angle of light in the glass.

The angle of incidence in the glass is greater than the critical angle of light in the

The angle of reflection in the glass is equal to the angle of refraction.

The speed of light in the glass is greater than the speed of light in air.

The speed of light in the glass is equal to the speed of light in air.

The speed of light in the glass is less than the speed of light in air.

[Total: 6]
70 (a) (i) The pitch of a sound wave increases.

Tick one box to indicate the change that occurs.

amplitude decreases

amplitude increases

frequency decreases

frequency increases

(ii) The loudness of a sound wave increases.

Tick one box to indicate the change that occurs.

amplitude decreases

amplitude increases

frequency decreases

frequency increases

(b) Fig. 70.1 shows an astronaut and a spacecraft on the surface of the Moon, where there is no

Fig. 70.1

A piece of machinery within the spacecraft produces a loud sound of frequency 12 kHz.

Tick the one box that indicates the reason why the astronaut cannot hear this sound.

The material of the space suit is soundproof.

Sound cannot travel through a vacuum.

Sound of frequency 12 kHz cannot travel through the air in the spacesuit.

Sound of frequency 12 kHz cannot be heard by any human ear. [1]

(c) Some training for space travel is carried out under water.

(i) State an approximate value for the speed of sound in water.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Calculate the wavelength in water of a sound wave of frequency 12 kHz.

wavelength = .......................................................... [2]

(d) Fig. 70.2 shows successive crests of a water wave approaching a narrow gap in a barrier.

direction of travel of wave


barrier barrier

Fig. 70.2

On Fig. 70.2, draw three crests of the wave that have just passed through the gap in the barrier.[3]
[Total: 9]
71 A student draws a diagram to represent the electromagnetic spectrum.

Fig. 71.1 is the student’s diagram.

visible light

gamma-rays X-rays ultrasound infra-red microwaves earthquake

radiation radiation waves

increasing wavelength

Fig. 71.1

The student has made two mistakes.

(a) On Fig. 71.1, cross out what is wrong and correct the diagram. [2]

(b) The speed of light in an optical fibre is 2.0 × 108 m / s.

(i) State the speed of light in a vacuum.

speed of light = .......................................................... [1]

(ii) For light in the material from which the optical fibre is made, calculate

1. the refractive index,

refractive index = .......................................................... [2]

2. the critical angle.

critical angle = .......................................................... [2]

(iii) Fig. 71.2 shows a section of the optical fibre.



Fig. 71.2

Light is travelling in the optical fibre.

State the full name of the process that takes place each time the light changes direction.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 8]

72 (a) Fig. 72.1 shows the crests of a wave in the sea as it reaches the entrance to a harbour.

sea harbour

direction of travel of wave

harbour wall

Fig. 72.1

(i) The wave reaches the gap in the harbour wall and passes into the harbour.
On Fig. 72.1, draw the first three crests to the right of the harbour wall. [3]
(ii) A wave with a larger wavelength approaches the harbour. Fig. 72.2 shows this wave.

sea harbour

direction of
travel of

harbour wall

Fig. 72.2

This second wave reaches the gap in the harbour wall and passes into the harbour.
On Fig. 72.2, draw the first three crests to the right of the harbour wall. [1]

(b) An earthquake produces two types of wave, P-waves and S-waves.

The vibrations in P-waves are parallel to the direction of travel of the wave.
The vibrations in S-waves are perpendicular to the direction of travel of the wave.

Place one tick for each type of wave, to indicate whether it is longitudinal or transverse.

type of wave longitudinal wave transverse wave

electromagnetic wave



sound wave
ultrasound wave
[Total: 7]
73 Some of the components of the electromagnetic spectrum, in order of decreasing wavelength, are

radio waves microwaves visible light ultraviolet radiation gamma rays

(a) (i) State the speed at which all electromagnetic waves travel in a vacuum.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) State which of the components of the electromagnetic spectrum shown has the lowest

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) Two components of the electromagnetic spectrum are not listed above.

State the names of these components.

1. ......................................................................................................................................

2. ......................................................................................................................................

(b) One application of microwaves is in microwave ovens, which cook food very quickly.

Fig. 73.1 shows the inside of the glass door of a microwave oven, covered with a metal mesh.

metal mesh

Fig. 73.1
The metal mesh prevents the microwaves from escaping by reflecting them back into
the oven.

(i) Suggest one reason why it is sensible to prevent microwaves from escaping.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) State one further application of microwaves, other than in microwave ovens.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

[Total: 6]
74 For blue light, the refractive index of a particular type of transparent plastic is 1.5.

(a) Calculate the critical angle for blue light in this type of plastic.

critical angle = .......................................................... [2]

(b) A block is made of this type of plastic. Blue light travelling in a vacuum is incident on the side
of the block at point P.

Fig. 74.1 shows that the angle of incidence is 45°.


Fig. 74.1

At P, some of the light is refracted into the block and some of the light is reflected.

(i) The blue light used in this experiment is monochromatic.

State, in terms of a measurable quantity, what is meant by monochromatic.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Calculate the angle of refraction of the light in the block.

angle of refraction = .......................................................... [2]

(iii) On Fig. 74.1, draw the path taken by the light that passes into the block and the path of
the light that is reflected at P. [1]

[Total: 6]
75 Fig. 75.1 shows a converging lens, an object O and the image I produced by the lens.

1 cm


Fig. 75.1

(a) The image formed is real and has a linear magnification of 4.0.

(i) Define the term linear magnification.



(ii) Explain what is meant by real image.



(b) On Fig. 75.1 a horizontal ray has been drawn from the top of the object to the

(i) Continue this ray until it meets the image.

(ii) Using Fig. 75.1, determine the focal length of the lens.

focal length = ...............................................................

(iii) Draw another two rays from the top of the object to show how the image is formed.
76 (a) Fig. 76.1 shows two rays from an object that is placed in front of a plane mirror.


Fig. 76.1

(i) On Fig. 76.1, draw the two reflected rays and locate the position of the image. [2]

(ii) Apart from its position, state one characteristic of the image.


(b) Fig. 76.2 shows wavefronts in a ripple tank. They move in the direction of the arrow.

The wave hits the boundary between two regions and the wave slows down as it enters the
shaded region.

wavefronts region where

wave travels

Fig. 76.2

(i) State what is meant by wavefront.


(ii) Both reflection and refraction occur at the boundary.

1. On Fig. 10.2, draw the reflected wavefronts. [1]

2. On Fig. 10.2, draw the refracted wavefronts. [2]

(c) A loudspeaker produces a sound of frequency 2.0 kHz. The wavelength of this sound in air is
16 cm.

(i) Calculate the speed of sound in air.

speed = ...........................................................[2]

(ii) 1. State the range of frequencies that can be heard by a healthy human ear.


2. Calculate the smallest wavelength of sound that can be heard by a healthy human

wavelength = ...........................................................[1]

(iii) Describe a simple experiment to show that sound waves obey the law of reflection.
You may draw a diagram if you wish.




77 (a) Explain the difference between a longitudinal wave and a transverse wave.

You may draw a diagram, if you wish, to help your explanation.






(b) A sound wave has a frequency of 3.8 kHz and a speed of 330 m / s.

(i) Calculate the wavelength of the sound.

wavelength = ...........................................................[2]

(ii) A different sound has a frequency of 3.8 Hz.

State and explain whether a human with normal hearing is able to hear this sound.



78 Fig. 78.1 shows a man in a room looking into a mirror, as viewed from above.


Fig. 78.1

(a) The man can see an image of part of the wall AB in the mirror.

Point C is the point on the wall closest to A that the man can see by reflection in the mirror.
This point is not marked on Fig. 78.1.

(i) On Fig. 78.1, find point C and draw a ray of light from C which enables the man to see
the image of C.

(ii) On the ray that you have drawn on Fig. 78.1, label the angle of incidence i and the
angle of reflection r.

(iii) One characteristic of the image formed by the mirror is that it is virtual.

1. Explain what is meant by a virtual image.




2. State one other characteristic of an image formed by a plane mirror.


(b) Light travels along optical fibres by total internal reflection.

(i) State two differences between total internal reflection and reflection in a mirror.

1. ....................................................................................................................................


2. ....................................................................................................................................


(ii) The critical angle for light travelling from the material of the fibre to air is 44°.

Calculate the refractive index of the material in the fibre.

refractive index = ...........................................................[2]

(iii) Light enters the optical fibre from air with an angle of incidence of 50°.

Calculate the angle of refraction.

angle of refraction = ...........................................................[2]

(iv) Optical fibres are used in telecommunications to send large amounts of data.

Pulses of light travel at almost the same speed along a fibre as electrical pulses travel
along a metal wire.

State two advantages of using optical fibres rather than wires for transmitting data.

1. ....................................................................................................................................


2. ....................................................................................................................................

79 Fig. 79.1 represents a wave on a string.

position of string
without a wave


Fig. 79.1

(a) Complete the sentences about the wave. Use words from the box.

amplitude energy frequency matter oscillation wavelength

The wave transfers ......................................... .

The number of waves per second passing point P is the ......................................... .

The distance between P and Q is the ......................................... .

The distance between points Q and R is the ......................................... .


(b) The wave on the string is an example of a transverse wave.

Explain how a transverse wave differs from a longitudinal wave.



[Total: 5]
80 A cruise ship has a firework display near a cliff as shown in Fig. 80.1.

1.0 km

1.0 km

cruise ship container ship

Fig. 80.1 (not to

A firework is sent into the air from the cruise ship. The firework explodes with a bright flash of light
and a loud bang. scale)

(a) People on a container ship see the flash before they hear the bang.

Explain why.



(b) The people on the container ship hear two bangs. They hear the second bang shortly after
the first bang.

(i) Explain why they hear two bangs.



(ii) The speed of sound in air is 330 m / s. The firework explodes at a distance of 1.0 km from
the container ship.

1. Calculate the time for the first bang to reach the people on the container ship.

time = ........................................................ s [3]

2. Estimate the time delay between hearing the first bang and second bang.

time = ........................................................ s [1]

[Total: 8]
81 Fig. 811 shows two mirrors placed at right angles to each other. A ray of light is incident on
mirror A, which is then reflected towards mirror B.

mirror A


mirror B

Fig. 81.1

(a) Determine the angle of incidence of the ray on mirror A.

angle of incidence = ...........................................................[1]

(b) (i) The ray is also reflected from mirror B.

On Fig. 10.1, continue the path of the ray of light. Show the position of the reflected ray
and the normal to mirror B. [2]

(ii) On Fig. 81.1, use the letter r to label the angle of reflection from mirror B. [1]

(c) State the law you used to complete the ray diagram.


[Total: 5]
82 Fig. 82.1 shows an object and its image formed by a converging lens. One ray from the tip of the
object to the tip of the image is shown.

Fig. 82.1 is drawn full size.




Fig. 82.1

(a) Place a tick (3) in all boxes that correctly describe the image.







(b) On Fig. 7.1, draw a ray, passing through a principal focus of the lens, from the tip of the object
to the tip of the image. Label the principal focus F. [1]

(c) Use the ray you have drawn in (b) to determine the focal length of the lens.

focal length = ...........................................................[1]

(d) Draw another ray, not passing through a principal focus of the lens, that passes from the tip
of the object to the tip of the image. [1]

[Total: 5]
83 Fig. 83.1 shows the position of a man working in a rock quarry. A single explosion is used to break
part of one rock face.

front explosion back

rock rock
face face

170 m
430 m
Fig. 83.1

(a) Explain why the man sees the flash of the explosion before he hears the bang.


.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) The man hears a second bang shortly after the first bang.

(i) State the name given to this second bang.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) State how the second bang compares with the first bang in terms of its amplitude and

amplitude ...........................................................................................................................

speed ................................................................................................................................

(c) The man stands 170 m from the back rock face. The time between hearing the first bang and
hearing the second bang is 1.0 s. Use the information in Fig. 83.1 to
determine the speed of sound in the quarry.

speed of sound = .................................................. m / s [3]

[Total: 7]
84 (a) Fig. 84.1 shows an overhead view of two cars approaching a road junction. A plane mirror
helps the drivers to see other cars.

plane mirror

ray of light
from car 1

driver 2
car 2

driver 1

car 1

Fig. 84.1
tall building

(i) A ray of light from car 1 is shown.

On Fig. 84.1, clearly draw the normal to the plane mirror where this ray hits the plane
mirror. Label the normal N. [1]

(ii) On Fig. 84.1, carefully draw the reflected ray of light. [1]

(iii) State the law used in your answer to (a)(ii).


(iv) Can each driver see the other car?


Explain your answer.

(b) Fig. 84.2 shows a ray of light incident on a glass block.

glass block

ray of light

Fig. 84.2

(i) On Fig. 84.2, continue the path of the ray into the block. [1]

(ii) On Fig. 84.2, clearly label the angle of incidence i and the angle of refraction r. [2]

[Total: 7]

85 Fig. 85.1 shows the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

radio microwaves infra-red 1 ultraviolet X-rays 2

waves waves waves

Fig. 85.1

(a) (i) Give the names of the two regions that are labelled 1 and 2.

1. .......................................................................................................................................

2. .......................................................................................................................................
(ii) Use words from the box to complete the sentence.

acceleration amplitude frequency speed wavelength

Compared with other regions in the electromagnetic spectrum, radio waves have the

largest ......................................... and the smallest ......................................... . [2]

(b) Sound is not an electromagnetic wave.

Give one other way in which sound waves are different from radio waves.


(c) Two students, X and Y, carry out an experiment to determine the speed of sound in air.

X has two blocks of wood that make a loud, sharp sound when banged together. Y has a tape
measure and a stopwatch. Describe how X and Y can use the equipment to measure the
speed of sound in air.






[Total: 9]

86 (a) The diagrams in Fig. 86.1 show reflection, refraction and diffraction.

On Fig. 86.1, write the correct word next to each diagram for the process shown.


ray of


ray of

Fig. 86.1

water [3]
(b) Fig. 86.2 shows a transverse wave.



Fig. 86.2

(i) On Fig. 86.2, label the amplitude of the wave. [1]

(ii) On Fig. 86.2, label the wavelength of the wave. [1]

(c) A thin converging lens forms an image of an object, as shown in Fig. 86.3.




Fig. 86.3

Only one ray is sown in Fig. 86.3. On Fig. 86.3, draw two more rays from point X on
the object that can be used to locate point Y on the image.
[Total: 7]

87 A sound wave is a longitudinal wave.

Fig. 87.1 shows a spring being used to demonstrate a longitudinal wave.

spring direction of
wave travel

Fig. 87.1 coils

(a) The coils of the spring vibrate.

Draw two arrows on Fig. 87.1 8to show the directions of the vibrations. [2]

(b) Through which of these is sound not able to travel? Tick one box.

air steel vacuum water [1]

(c) (i) Very old people cannot hear the highest frequencies of sound that can be heard by
young people. Suggest the highest frequency that very old people can hear.


(ii) State the meaning of the term ultrasound.


[Total: 6]

88 (a) A ray of light in glass is incident on a boundary with air.

State what happens to the ray when the angle of incidence of the ray is

(i) less than the critical angle of the glass,


(ii) greater than the critical angle of the glass.


(b) Fig. 88.1 shows a ray of light incident on a glass block at A. The critical angle of the glass
is 41°.

ray of light glass block

Fig. 88.1 (not to scale)

(i) On Fig. 88.1, without calculation, continue the ray from point B until it leaves the glass
block. [2]

(ii) Calculate the refractive index of the glass.

refractive index = ...........................................................[2]

[Total: 6]

89 A loudspeaker produces a sound wave of constant frequency .

(a) State what is meant by frequency.



(b) The sound wave travels in air towards a barrier with a small gap at its centre. Fig. 89.1
represents the compressions of the wave travelling towards the barrier.
gap barrier Fig. 89.1

(i) State what is meant by a compression.

of travel
compression barrier

(ii) The width of the gap is smaller than the wavelength λ of the wave.
On Fig. 89.1, draw the pattern of the compressions after the sound wave has passed
through the gap. [2]

(iii) The barrier is adjusted so that the gap becomes wider.

Describe how this affects the pattern of the compressions after the sound wave has
passed through the gap.


(c) The frequency of the sound wave is 6800 Hz. The speed of sound in air is 340 m / s.

(i) Calculate the wavelength of the sound wave in air.

wavelength = ...........................................................[2]

(ii) State a typical value for the speed of sound in a liquid.


[Total: 8]

90 (a) The graph in Fig. 90.1 represents a wave on a rope.

position / cm




Fig. 90.1

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
distance along rope / cm
Using Fig. 90.1, determine

(i) the amplitude of the wave,

amplitude = ...........................................................[1]
(ii) the wavelength of the wave.

wavelength = ...........................................................[1]

(b) A wave travelling on the surface of water has a wavelength of 2.5 cm and a speed of 8.0 cm / s.

Calculate the frequency of the wave.

frequency = ...........................................................[2]

(c) The wave in (b) approaches a barrier that has a large gap in its centre.
Fig. 90.2 shows the crests of the wave viewed from above.
Fig. 90.2
The gap in the barrier is larger than the
wavelength λ .
(i) On Fig. 90.2, draw the pattern formed
by three crests after the wave passes
direction through the gap in the barrier.
of wave [2]
(ii) Water is added to the tank and the
speed of a wave in the deeper
water is greater than that in the
shallower water. The frequency of
wave crest barrier the wave remains constant but its
wavelength is different.

1. State and explain how the wavelength in the deeper water has changed.


2. Apart from the change in wavelength, describe one other difference in the pattern
formed by the crests after the wave passes through the gap.

[Total: 8]
91(a) The speed of light in air is 3.0 # 108 m / s.
The speed of light in a transparent liquid is 2.0 # 108 m / s.

A ray of light is incident on the surface of the liquid at an angle of incidence of 40°.


(i) the refractive index of the liquid,

refractive index = ...........................................................[2]

(ii) the angle of refraction in the liquid.

angle of refraction = ...........................................................[2]

(b) Fig. 91.1 shows a side view of an object at the bottom of a tank of liquid. Light travels slower in
this liquid than in air.

eye Fig. 91.1

On Fig. 7.1, draw two rays from the

tank object into the air. Use these rays to

locate the image.

liquid Label this image I.


object [Total: 7]
92 A loudspeaker is built into the side of a swimming pool. The loudspeaker produces sound waves
in the water of wavelength 0.25 m.

(a) (i) The frequency of the sound waves is 6.0 kHz.

Calculate the speed of the sound waves in water.

speed of sound waves in water = ...........................................................[2]

(ii) State a typical value for the speed of sound in air.

speed of sound in air = ...........................................................[1]

(iii) State and explain, for the sound produced by the loudspeaker, how the wavelength of
the sound in air compares with the wavelength of the sound in water.



(b) Sound is a longitudinal wave.

Explain what is meant by a longitudinal wave.




(c) The sound emerges from the loudspeaker through a gap. The sound diffracts as it passes
through the gap.

(i) State how the width of the gap affects the diffraction.



(ii) State how the wavelength of the sound affects the diffraction.



[Total: 8]
93 Red light travelling in air strikes the curved surface of a semi-circular glass block at P.
Fig. 93.1 shows the ray of light.

red light

P air

glass block

Fig. 93.1

The light travels in a straight line from O to Q.

(a) Explain why the light does not change direction as it enters the glass block at P.



(b) The light travels in the glass to Q where it strikes the edge of the block at 30° to the normal.
The light then emerges into the air.

(i) The refractive index of the glass is 1.5. Calculate the angle between the normal and
the ray in the air after the light emerges from the block at Q.

angle = ...........................................................[3]

(ii) On Fig. 93.1, sketch the path of the light in the air after it emerges at Q. [1]
(c) The direction of the light striking the curved surface of the glass block is changed. The angle
between the ray and the normal at Q gradually increases from 30° to 90°. Describe
what happens to the light that strikes the block at Q as this angle increases.







[Total: 8]

94 (a) Fig. 94.1 shows a ray of light inside a semi-circular glass block.
Fig. 94.1

air The angle of incidence at the straight surface is less than

the critical angle for the glass.
On Fig. 94.1, continue the path of the ray.


(b) Fig. 94.2 shows another ray of light inside a semi-circular glass block.

Fig. 94.2
The angle of incidence at the straight surface is
greater than the critical angle for the glass.
(i) On Fig. 94.2, continue the path of the ray. [2]
(ii) State the term used to describe what happens to the light when it strikes the straight
surface in Fig. 94.2.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) A wave on the surface of water approaches a barrier. There is a small gap in the barrier, as
shown in Fig. 94.3.
Fig. 94.3
On Fig. 94.3, draw three wavefronts that
have passed through the gap.


gap [2]

[Total: 7]
95 (a) Fig. 95.1 shows a man listening to a radio.

Fig. 95.1
centre of loudspeaker

(i) Sound from the radio makes an air particle at X vibrate.

On Fig. 95.1 draw two arrows on point X to show the directions of vibration of the air particle.[2]
(ii) Which of these terms correctly describes the sound wave?
Tick one box.
transverse longitudinal electromagnetic [1]

(iii) Suggest a value for the frequency of the sound that the man can hear. State the unit.

frequency = ................................................................ [2]

(iv) Explain why the man cannot hear ultrasound.


...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(b) Fig. 95.2 shows a distance-time graph for ultrasound travelling in sea-water.

distance / m





0 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80
time / s
Fig. 95.2

(i) Use the graph to calculate the speed of ultrasound in sea-water.

speed = ............................................. m / s [2]

(ii) A scientist measures the depth of the sea by using ultrasound. She sends a pulse of
ultrasound from the ship to the seabed. It reflects from the seabed as shown in Fig. 95.3.

Fig. 95.3

The time taken between sending a pulse and receiving

the echo is 0.60 s. Use the graph to determine the depth
reflection pulse of of the sea.

depth = ................................................. m [2]

[Total: 10]
96 Fig. 96.1 shows a ray of light reflected from mirror 1 at point P and striking mirror 2 at point Q.

(a) On Fig. 96.1,

45° P plane mirror 1
ray of light • clearly mark the position of
the normal at Q,

• draw the ray reflected from

point Q,
• mark the angle of reflection at
plane mirror 2 Q using the letter r, State the law
you used to draw the reflected ray.

Fig. 96.1

................................................................................................................................................... [4]

(b) Compare the direction of the ray reflected from mirror 2 at Q with the direction of the ray
incident on mirror 1 at P. Tick one box. The ray of light reflected from mirror 2 is

parallel to the incident ray at P,

perpendicular to the incident ray at P,

at an angle of 45° to the incident ray at P. [1]

(c) A thin, converging lens forms an image, I, of an object, O, as shown in Fig. 96.2.

24 cm 10 cm 8 cm

O Fig. 96.2

(i) On Fig. 96.2, label a principal focus of the lens, using the letter F. [1]
(ii) State the focal length of the lens.

focal length = .................................................... cm [1]

[Total: 7]
97 Fig. 97.1 shows the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

radio micro- infra-red ultraviolet X-rays gamma rays

waves waves

Fig. 97.1

(a) Fig. 97.1 shows the first letter of some colours in the visible part of the spectrum.

State which colours are missing.

................................................................... and ................................................................... [1]

(b) State the names of the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum that are used in

(i) communications,

............................................................... and ............................................................... [1]

(ii) remote controls for televisions and DVD players.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Describe how high levels of microwave energy can be dangerous to people.


.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(d) State two safety precautions required when using X-rays.

1. ...............................................................................................................................................

2. .......................................................................................................................................... [2]

[Total: 6]
98 Fig. 98.1 shows some equipment used in a demonstration.

wires from battery

rubber bung The glass jar is connected to a
vacuum pump. The electric bell is
switched on. The observers see and
hear the bell working.

(a) (i) The vacuum pump

electric bell glass jar removes air from the glass jar.
State what the observers see and
Fig. 98.1 what they hear after the air is removed.

to vacuum pump
observers see ....................................................................................................................


observers hear ..................................................................................................................

...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) State what the demonstration in (a)(i) shows about the transmission of sound waves.



...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(iii) When the bell is working, the hammer strikes the gong. Describe how the gong produces
the sound.


...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Indicate the lowest and highest frequencies lowest frequency lowest frequency
that can be heard by the human ear.
2 Hz 2 Hz
Tick one box from each column.
20 Hz 20 Hz

200 Hz 200 Hz [2]

2 kHz 2 kHz
[Total: 7]
99 Fig. 99.1 shows a floating plastic ball attached by a long rope to a weight on the bottom of a lake.
A water wave on the surface of the lake causes the ball to move vertically up and down.

direction of travel of the water wave


24 cm


Fig. 99.1

(a) On Fig. 99.1, indicate the wavelength of the wave. Label the distance W. [1]

(b) Determine the amplitude of the wave.

amplitude = .................................................... cm [1]

(c) The ball reaches its maximum height 40 times in 60 seconds. Calculate the frequency of the

frequency = .................................................... Hz [2]

(d) Explain how the motion of the ball shows that the water wave is transverse.



.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(e) State another example of a transverse wave.

.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 6]
100 Fig 100.1 shows two parallel rays of light that pass through a thin converging lens. The diagram is
incomplete. There is a principal focus at f1 and at f2 .

X f1 f2 Y

Fig. 100.1

(a) (i) On Fig. 100.1, complete the ray diagram to show how the lens focuses the light. [3]
(ii) Which distance on Fig. 8.1 is a focal length of the lens? Tick (✓) one box.

C to f2 f1 to f2 f2 to Y [1]

(b) (i) A ray of light travels through a semicircular glass block, as shown in Fig. 100.2.


glass block

Fig. 100.2

State the term given to the angle of incidence labelled z.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Fig. 100.3 shows another ray of light travelling in the semicircular glass block.


glass block

Fig. 100.3

The angle of incidence is greater than z. Continue the path of the ray of light until it [2]
leaves the block.
[Total: 7]
101 A machine pushes a metal post into the ground using a hammer, as shown in Fig. 9.1. The hammer
makes a loud noise when it hits the post.

A man stands 160 m from the hammer.

Fig. 101.1
hammer (a) A man sees the hammer hit the post
and a short time later hears the sound of
the post being hit. Explain the delay in
hearing the sound.



.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) (i) The hammer is 320 m from a large building as shown in Fig. 101.2.

320 m 160 m
machine man

Fig. 101.2

The man hears the hammer hit the post and then hears an echo. Explain why he hears the echo.


...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) The speed of sound in air is 320 m / s.

Calculate the time difference between the man hearing the first sound and the time at
which he hears the echo.

time difference = .......................................................... [3]

(c) Suggest how the sound of the echo is different from the first sound.

.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

[Total: 6]
102 (a) A wave passes through a gap in a barrier. The wavelength of the wave is the same magnitude
as the width of the gap in the barrier. Tick one box to indicate what happens to the wave.
diffraction and dispersion
diffraction only
dispersion only
refraction and diffraction
refraction and dispersion
refraction only [1]

(b) Fig. 102.1 shows six wavefronts of a wave travelling on the surface of deep water. The wave is
incident on a boundary with a region where the water is shallow.


of wave

deep water shallow


Fig. 102.1

(i) On Fig. 102.1, draw the wavefronts of the wave in the shallow water where the wave travels
more slowly. [2]

(ii) The depth of the shallow water is now changed so that the speed of the wave in the
shallow water is 0.60 m / s. The speed of the wave in the deep water is 0.80 m / s.
The distance between successive wavefronts in the deep water is 1.4 cm.

Calculate the wavelength of the wave in the shallow water.

wavelength = ...........................................................[4]

[Total: 7]
102 (a) The left-hand column of the table shows some possible speeds of a sound wave.

In the right-hand column, write down the medium in which a sound wave has this speed.

Choose from solid, liquid or gas.

speed of sound wave medium


(b) Fig. 102.1 represents a series of compressions and rarefactions of a sound wave.

Fig. 102.1

(i) On Fig. 102.1, mark, with the letters X and Y, the mid-points of two rarefactions. [1]

(ii) State, in terms of pressure, what is meant by a rarefaction.



(c) Astronauts set up a mirror on the Moon’s surface. A laser beam is transmitted from the Earth’s
surface to the mirror and is then reflected back to Earth.

On a certain day, the time between transmitting the beam from a point on the Earth’s surface
and receiving the reflected signal at the same point is 2.56 s.

The speed of the laser beam is 3.00 × 108 m / s.

Calculate the distance between the Earth’s surface and the Moon’s surface.

distance = ...........................................................[3]

[Total: 7]
103 (a) Fig. 103.1 shows a converging lens and its principal axis. The points labelled F are each a
principal focus of the lens.


Fig. 103.1

On Fig. 103.1, draw two rays from the top of the object O, to locate the image of O. Label the
image I. [3]

(b) Underline three of the terms below to describe the nature of the image produced by a
converging lens used as a magnifying glass.

diminished enlarged inverted real same size upright virtual


(c) Fig. 7.2 shows the path of a ray of red light passing through a glass prism.


Fig. 103.2

A ray of green light enters the prism along the same path as the ray of red light.

On Fig.103.2, draw the path of the ray of green light as it passes through the prism and emerges
into the air. [2]

[Total: 7]
104 Fig. 104.1 represents wavefronts of a water wave on the surface of water approaching a gap in a

barrier with gap

direction of travel
of wavefronts


(a) The wavefronts to the right of the barrier spread out as far as the dashed lines in Fig. 6.1.

(i) State the name of the process of spreading out.


(ii) Draw four wavefronts to the right of the barrier. [2]

(b) (i) State the effect of increasing the width of the gap in the barrier.



(ii) State and explain the effect of decreasing the frequency of the water wave.




[Total: 6]
105 (a) Fig. 105.1 is a diagram of a converging lens used to produce an image of an object. Each point
marked F is a principal focus.



Fig. 105.1

Write down three terms that describe the image produced.




(b) Fig. 105.2 shows a plane mirror, a point object O and an observer’s eye.


O eye

Fig. 105.2

(i) On Fig. 105.2, draw two rays from the object reflected to the observer’s eye. [2]

(ii) On Fig. 105.2, complete your drawing to determine the position of the image of the object O.
Label this image I.

[Total: 7]
106 Visible light is one component of the electromagnetic spectrum.

(a) (i) In the table, place a tick in the box next to the approximate value of the speed of light
in air. [1]

m/s (ii) The frequency of a light wave is 4.8 × 1014 Hz.
3.0 × 1010
Calculate the wavelength of this light in air.
3.0 × 108
3.0 × 106
3.0 × 104
3.0 × 102

wavelength = ...........................................................[2]

(b) Light is travelling in an optical fibre that is made of glass.

(i) The glass has a refractive index of 1.5.

1. Explain why the quantity refractive index does not have a unit.



2. Calculate the speed of light in the glass.

speed = ...........................................................[2]

(ii) Describe one use of optical fibres in communication technology.






[Total: 9]
107 Some medical processes involve the use of ultrasound.

(a) Explain what is meant by ultrasound.




.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(b) Explain briefly how ultrasound is used in pre-natal scanning.






.............................................................................................................................................. [3]

108 The main part of a cathode-ray oscilloscope consists of a glass tube. At one end of the tube,
electrons are emitted by a hot metal filament.

(a) State two requirements for there to be a continuous flow of electrons in the tube.

1. . ..............................................................................................................................................


2. . ..............................................................................................................................................

(b) A microphone detects two pulses of sound. The output is displayed on the screen of an
oscilloscope. Fig.108.1 shows how the voltage output of the microphone varies with time.

Fig. 108.1

Describe how the time between

the two pulses can be determined
using the display on the screen of
the oscilloscope.

0 time




.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

109 Fig. 109.1 represents the electromagnetic spectrum.

visible light

P X-rays Q infra-red R radio

radiation waves

Fig. 109.1

(a) State the name of the component of the electromagnetic spectrum that is found in region

(i) P, .......................................................................................................................................

(ii) Q, .......................................................................................................................................

(iii) R. .......................................................................................................................................
(b) On Fig. 10 9.1, mark a tick ( ✓) in all of the boxes that represent the components with
frequencies greater than the frequencies of visible light. [1]

(c) The speed of electromagnetic radiation in a vacuum is 3.0 × 108 m / s.

A television remote controller uses infra-red radiation of wavelength 9.4 × 10−7 m.

(i) Calculate the frequency of this radiation.

frequency = .......................................................... [3]

(ii) Explain how infra-red radiation is used in television remote controllers.




...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(d) Fig. 109.2 shows a ray of green light in air striking the side of a glass prism.

Fig. 109.2 (not to scale)

The refractive index of the glass for green

green light light is 1.5.

(i) On Fig. 109.2,

1. draw the normal for this ray,

2. mark the angle of incidence with a letter i. [1]

(ii) This angle of incidence is 57°. Calculate the angle of refraction in the glass.
(iii) State what happens, as the light enters the glass, to the light’s

1. frequency,


2. speed,


3. wavelength.


(iv) On Fig. 109.2, draw the path taken by the light as it passes through the glass and into the air.

110 Fig.110.1 shows a girl standing a few hundred metres in front of a large building.

Fig. 110.1 (not to scale)

The girl uses a signal generator and a

loudspeaker to send a short pulse of
sound towards the building. The sound
has a frequency of 3700 Hz.
A short time later, the girl hears an echo

(a) State what is meant by the term echo.


(b) The pitch of the echo is the same as that of the original sound but the echo is not as loud.
State what has happened to

(i) the amplitude of the sound wave,


(ii) the frequency of the sound wave.


(c) The speed of sound in air is 330 m / s. Calculate the wavelength of this sound.

wavelength = ...........................................................[2]
111 Some waves are longitudinal and some waves are transverse.

(a) State how a longitudinal wave differs from a transverse wave.


.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) A vibrating rod produces a water wave in a ripple tank. Fig. 111.1 shows the crests of the wave
passing into the right-hand section of the tank where the depth of the water is different from
the depth in the rest of the tank.

vibrating rod

depth of water

wave crests

The arrows on Fig. 111.1 show the direction of travel of the wave in the two sections of the ripple

(i) In the left-hand section of the tank, the wavelength of the wave is 0.019 m and it travels
at 0.17 m / s. Calculate the frequency of the wave.

frequency = .......................................................... [2]

(ii) State what happens to the frequency of the wave, as it passes into the right-hand section
of the tank.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) Using Fig. 111.1, state and explain what happens to the speed of the wave as it passes
into the right-hand section of the tank.



...................................................................................................................................... [2]
(c) Fig. 111.2 shows light, in air, striking the vertical side of a rectangular glass block at an angle of
incidence of 60°.

glass block


Fig. 111.2

The refractive index of the glass is 1.6. The light travels in the glass and strikes side XY at P.

(i) Underline all the terms that describe a light wave.


(ii) At the point where the light enters the glass, the angle of refraction is r.

Calculate angle r.

r = ........................................................... [2]

(iii) 1. Calculate the critical angle c for light travelling in the block.

c = ........................................................... [2]

2. At P, the angle θ between the ray and the normal is given by θ = 90° – r.

State and explain what happens to the light when it strikes side XY.



............................................................................................................................... [2]

3. On Fig. 111.2, draw the path of the light after it strikes side XY at P and the path of
the light when it is again travelling in the air. [2]
112 Both sound and ultrasound are waves that travel in solids, liquids and gases.
(a) State how sound differs from ultrasound.


.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) Sound and ultrasound are longitudinal waves that consist of compressions and rarefactions.

(i) Explain what is meant by a wave and describe how a longitudinal wave differs from a
transverse wave.





...................................................................................................................................... [3]

(ii) Fig. 112.1 represents a longitudinal wave of frequency 25 000 Hz travelling in oil.

Fig. 112.1 (full scale)

1. On Fig. 112.1, mark two points at the centre of two different rarefactions and label
each one R. [1]

2. On Fig. 112.1, draw a double-headed arrow to indicate a distance that is equal to one
wavelength of the wave. [1]

3. Measure the length of the arrow drawn on Fig. 112.1 and use it to determine the speed of
the wave in oil.

speed = ........................................................... [2]

(c) A sound wave travelling in a liquid, passes into air.

(i) State what happens to the speed of the sound wave as it enters the air.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(ii) The wave in the liquid travels towards the surface at an angle. Fig. 9.2 shows the centres
of the compressions of the sound wave in the liquid.


centres of compressions
of wave

Fig. 112.2

Some compressions shown have reached the liquid-air boundary. The parts of
these compressions in the air are not shown on Fig. 112.2.

On Fig. 112.2, draw the parts of these compressions that are in the air. [3]

(d) Describe, in outline, how ultrasound is used in cleaning.





.............................................................................................................................................. [3]
113 Fig. 113.1 shows the electromagnetic spectrum. One type of radiation is not labelled.

radio micro- infra-red visible gamma

waves waves waves light rays

Fig. 113.1

(a) (i) On Fig. 113.1, add the label for the missing type of radiation. [1]

(ii) The arrow in Fig. 113.1 indicates a property that is increasing.

State the name of the property that is increasing in the direction of the


(iii) Compare the speeds of radio waves and visible light in a vacuum.


(b) (i) Describe how X-rays are used for security in airports.




(ii) Explain the properties of X-rays that make them useful in airport security.




[Total: 7]
114 (a) Fig. 114.1 shows a tuning fork and a wooden block.

tuning fork

wooden block

Fig. 114.1

(i) The tuning fork is hit against the wooden block and then makes a sound.

Describe how the tuning fork produces the sound.



(ii) The tuning fork produces a sound with a frequency of 659 Hz.

State whether a healthy human ear can hear this frequency of sound. Explain your



(b) Fig. 114.2 represents the sound wave produced by a tuning fork.


Fig. 114.2

A second tuning fork produces a different sound. Compared with the sound represented in
Fig. 114.2, this sound is quieter and has half the frequency.

On Fig. 114.2, draw the wave to show the sound produced by the second tuning fork. [2]

[Total: 5]
115 (a) Fig. 115.1 shows a ray of red light incident on part of a lens.


red light

Fig. 115.1

(i) On Fig. 115.1, continue the path of the ray as it passes through the lens and
emerges from it. [2]

(ii) State the term used to describe the process as the ray enters and leaves the lens.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Fig. 115.2 shows two parallel rays of light travelling towards another lens.

Fig. 115.2

The two rays of light pass through the lens to form an image.

On Fig. 6.2, continue the path of the rays. Extend the rays for at least 5 cm beyond the lens.

[Total: 5]
116 (a) A ray of white light is incident on a glass prism. It forms a spectrum that is visible on the
screen. Fig. 7.1 shows the arrangement.

narrow slit

ray of white light red


Fig. 116.1
Two of the colours in the visible spectrum are listed in the box below. Complete the box. List the
five missing colours of the visible spectrum, in the correct order.
red .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. violet

(b) Electromagnetic radiation has many uses. [2]

(i) Draw a line from each use to the type of radiation it requires.

use type of radiation

radio waves

detecting an intruder at night microwaves


communicating by satellite
visible light
for a telephone


detecting broken bones in

the body X-rays

gamma rays [3]

(ii) The types of radiation listed in (b)(i) form the electromagnetic spectrum.

amplitude frequency velocity

Complete the sentence. Choose a word from the box. The position of each type of radiation in
the electromagnetic spectrum depends on its ........................................ .[1][Total: 6]
117 (a) A healthy human ear can hear a range of frequencies.

Three frequency ranges are shown.

Draw a ring around the range for a healthy human ear.

0 Hz – 20 Hz 10 Hz – 10 000 Hz 20 Hz – 20 000 Hz

(b) Explain the meaning of the term ultrasound.


.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(c) A student listens to two different sounds, P and Q.

The two different sounds are represented on a computer screen on the same scale.

Fig. 117.1 shows the screens.

sound P sound Q

Fig. 117.1

State and explain how sound P is different from sound Q.




.............................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 6]
118 (a) Fig. 118.1 shows a transverse wave. Four distances A, B, C and D are marked on the wave.


Fig. 118.1

State the letter that shows the amplitude of the wave.


(b) State the meaning of the term frequency of a wave.



(c) A long spring is fixed at one end, as shown in Fig. 5.2. The spring is moved towards and
away from the fixed end, repeatedly. The compressions and rarefactions on the spring at a
particular time can be seen.

direction of wave travel fixed end

towards and
away from
fixed end

0 1m 2m 3m 4m
Fig. 118.2
(i) State the type of wave in the spring.


(ii) State one other example of this type of wave.


(iii) Use the scale in Fig. 118.2 to determine the wavelength of the wave in the spring.

wavelength = .................................................... cm [1]

[Total: 6]
119 (a) Fig. 119.1 shows a ray of green light hitting a glass



ray of green light

Fig. 119.1

(i) On Fig. 119.1, label the angle of incidence for the ray, using the letter, i. [1]

(ii)On Fig. 119.1, complete the path of the ray of green light until it hits the [2]
(b) The ray of green light is replaced with a ray of white light.

(i) The white light splits into a spectrum of colours. State the term used to describe this


(ii) State the colour that is refracted most by the prism.


[Total: 5]
120 Some students make statements about sound.

In each part of the question, only one statement is correct.

Place a tick in the box next to each correct statement.

(a) Sound travels at the same speed as light.

Sound travels faster than the speed of light.

Sound travels slower than the speed of light. [1]

(b) Healthy human ears can hear sounds in the range 2.0 Hz to 2000 Hz.

Healthy human ears can hear sounds in the range 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz.

Healthy human ears can hear sounds in the range 200 Hz to 200 000 Hz. [1]

(c) Increasing the amplitude of a sound wave increases its speed.

Increasing the amplitude of a sound wave increases its frequency.

Increasing the amplitude of a sound wave increases its loudness. [1]

(d) An echo is produced when sound is diffracted.

An echo is produced when sound is refracted.

An echo is produced when sound is reflected. [1]

[Total: 4]
121 (a) A laser produces a beam of monochromatic light. State what is meant by the term


(b) A wave, in air, is incident on a glass block. Fig. 121.1 shows the wavefronts at the air-glass
boundary. The arrow shows the direction of travel of the wavefronts.

direction of
travel of



Fig. 121.1

The wave undergoes reflection and refraction at the air-glass boundary. On Fig. 121.1 draw:

(i) the wavefronts of the reflected wave [3]

(ii) the wavefronts of the refracted wave. [3]

(c) A transverse wave is produced in a long, horizontal rope. The rope is much longer than the
wavelength of the wave.

In the space below, sketch a diagram to show the appearance of the rope as the wave passes
along it. Label two important features of the wave.


[Total: 9]
122 A vibrating source on a ship produces a sound wave that travels through the ocean. The wave
produced is a longitudinal wave.

(a) Explain what is meant by the term longitudinal wave.





(b) The frequency of the sound wave is 800 Hz.

(i) The speed of sound in air is 330 m / s.

State a typical value for the speed of sound in a liquid.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Using your value from (b)(i), calculate the wavelength of the sound wave in the ocean.

wavelength = ...........................................................[2]
[Total: 6]

123 (a) Fig. 123.1 shows a visible spectrum focused on a screen by passing light from a source of
white light through a lens and a prism.


visible spectrum

filament lamp
(white light source)
Fig. 123.1

(i) State the name of the process that separates the colours in white light.

(ii) State the colour of the light on the screen at:

point A ........................................

point B ........................................

(iii) State the property of the glass of the prism that causes white light to be split into the
different colours of the spectrum.


(b) Fig. 124.2 shows a section of an optical fibre in air. A ray of light is incident on the fibre wall at X.

optical fibre

ray of

Fig. 124.2

(i) On Fig. 124.2, continue the path of the ray of light up to the end of the fibre. [1]

(ii) The refractive index of the material of the fibre is 1.46. Calculate the critical angle of the
material of the fibre.

critical angle = ...........................................................[2]

(iii) State two uses of optical fibres.

1 ........................................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................................

[Total: 8]
125 Fig. 125.1 represents a sound wave of wavelength 0.45 m travelling from left to right.

Fig. 125.1 (not to scale)

(a) On Fig. 125.1:

(i) at the centre of a compression, mark a cross and label it C [1]

(ii) at the centre of a rarefaction, mark a cross and label it R [1]

(iii) draw a double-headed arrow to represent a distance of 0.90 m. [1]

(b) The frequency of the wave is 750 Hz.

Calculate the speed of the wave.

speed = ...........................................................[2]

(c) Suggest a medium through which the sound wave is travelling and state your reasoning.

medium ..............................................................................................................................

reason ................................................................................................................................


(d) Another type of wave that consists of compressions and rarefactions is ultrasound.

(i) State one other similarity between sound of frequency 750 Hz and ultrasound.



(ii) State one way in which sound of frequency 750 Hz is different from ultrasound.



[Total: 8]
126 A wave is travelling across the surface of water in a tank at a speed of 0.15 m / s.

(a) The wavelength of the wave is 0.030 m.

Calculate the frequency of the wave.

frequency = ...........................................................[2]

(b) This water wave is a transverse wave.

(i) Explain what is meant by the term transverse wave motion.





(ii) Draw a diagram that represents a transverse wave travelling from left to right across the
page. On your diagram, label:

• the wavelength
• the amplitude.


[Total: 8]
6 (a) Fig. 6.1 shows white light incident at point X on a glass prism.


ray of white light

Fig. 6.1

(i) From point X on Fig. 6.1, draw a ray of red light, labelled R and a ray of violet light,
labelled V, to show how a spectrum is formed on the screen. [2]

(ii) State the colour of light in the visible spectrum with the shortest wavelength.


(b) The critical angle for a type of glass is 42°.

Fig. 6.2 and Fig. 6.3 show two prisms ABC and PQR made of this type of glass. A ray of
monochromatic red light passes into each of the prisms.


45° normal 60° Y normal

45° 60°

Fig. 6.2 Fig. 6.3

(i) State what is meant by monochromatic light.



(ii) Describe and explain what happens to the ray of light in Fig. 6.2 as it strikes side AC of
the prism.




(iii) Describe and explain what happens to the ray of light in Fig. 6.3 as it strikes the glass at
point Y.





[Total: 9]
1 An IGCSE student was investigating the passage of red light through a prism.
Fig. 1.1 shows the outline of the prism and an incident ray.
Fig. 1.1 normal

i D



(a) Measure the angle of incidence i shown in Fig. 1.1.

i = …………………………….[1]

(b) The angle of refraction as the ray entered side AB of the prism was 22°.

(i) On Fig. 1.1, draw in the refracted ray from point D as accurately as possible.
(ii) Mark the point E, where the ray meets side AC. Draw the normal at point E.

(c) At point E the ray came out of the prism with an angle of refraction of 75°. On Fig. 1.1,
draw as accurately as possible the ray coming out of the prism. [1]

(d) Another student used four optics pins to trace the passage of a ray through a prism.
Fig. 1.2 shows the prism, the position of the student’s eye and the directions of the ray.

incident ray


Fig. 1.2

On Fig. 1.2, show positions of the four optics pins, placed to obtain as accurate a result
as possible. Mark each position clearly with a cross (X). [2]
2 A student is investigating the oscillation of a metre rule that has one end resting on the
laboratory bench. The other end is held above the level of the bench by a spring attached
at the 90.0 cm mark. The arrangement is shown in Fig. 2.1.



metre rule


Fig. 2.1

The period of oscillation is changed by moving a 200 g mass to different positions along the
rule. The student records the time t taken for 10 oscillations of the end of the rule for each
position of the mass. He measures the distance d from the end of the rule to the mark
under the centre of the mass. The readings are shown in the table.

d / cm t/s T/s

20.0 3.4

40.0 4.4

50.0 4.9

60.0 5.3

70.0 6.0

80.0 6.3

(a) Calculate the period T for each set of readings and enter the values in the table. [2]
(b) Plot a graph of d / cm (x-axis) against T / s (y-axis). The scale on the x-axis has been
started for you. [5]

0 20 40 60 80

(c) Using the graph, determine the period T when the distance d is 55.0 cm.

T = ............................................................ [2]

(d) The student suggests that T should be proportional to d. State with a reason whether
your results support this suggestion.

statement .........................................................................................................................

reason ..............................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................... [2]
3 A student investigates the refraction of light through a transparent block.

He places the transparent block on a sheet of plain paper, largest face down, and draws a
line round the block. He draws a line to represent an incident ray and places two pins W
and X in the line. Fig. 3.1 shows the outline of the block and the incident ray.

Fig. 3.1 W



(a) On Fig. 3.1, draw a normal to line AB at the point where the incident ray meets the block. The incident
ray is drawn on the diagram. The positions of the two pins W and X that mark the incident ray are shown.

(b) Measure the angle of incidence i.

i = ........................................................ [1]

(c) Draw in the refracted ray with an angle of refraction of 20°. Continue this line until it meets the line
CD. [2]

(d) The ray emerges from the block in a direction that is parallel to the incident ray. Draw in this emergent ray.

(e) Two pins Y and Z are placed so that the pins W and X, viewed through the block, and the pins Y and Z
all appear exactly in line with each other. Mark on the diagram, with the letters Y and Z, where you would
place these two pins. [2]
4 The IGCSE class is determining the refractive index of the material of a transparent block.
Fig. 4.1. shows the drawing that a student makes.






sheet of
plain paper

Fig. 4.1
The student places two pins P1 and P2 on line EF to mark an incident ray. Then she places the block on
the paper and observes the images of P1 and P2 through side CD of the block so that the images of P1
and P2 appear one behind the other. She places two pins P3 and P4 between her eye and the block so
that P3 and P4 and the images of P1 and P2, seen through the block, appear one behind the other.

(a) (i) Draw a line joining the positions of P3 and P4. Continue the line until it meets CD.

Label this point H.

(ii) Measure the distance a between G and H.

a = ................................................... [1]
(iii) Draw the line HF.
(iv) Measure the length b of the line HF.

b = ................................................... [1]
(v) Extend the straight line EF within the outline of the block to a point I. The
distance FI must be exactly equal to b.
(vi) From I draw a line that meets NN at a right angle. Label this position J.
(vii) Measure the length c of the line JI.

c = .................................................... [3]
(viii) Calculate the refractive index n of the material of the block using the equation

n ––

n = ................................................... [2]

(b) Suggest two improvements you would make to this experiment to ensure an accurate
result for the refractive index n.

1 .......................................................................................................................................


2 .......................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................... [2]
5 The IGCSE class is investigating the formation of images by a lens.

Fig. 5.1 shows the apparatus that is being used.

illuminated screen

Fig. 5.1

(a) A student places the screen at a distance d = 0.800 m from the illuminated object. She
adjusts the position of the lens until a clearly focused magnified image is formed on the
screen. She measures the distance x between the centre of the lens and the screen.
Without moving the illuminated object or the screen, she moves the lens towards the
screen until a second clearly focused (but diminished) image is formed on the screen.
She measures the distance y between the centre of the lens and the screen. She repeats
the experiment with the distance d increased to 0.900 m. The readings are shown in the

x/m y/m d/m f/m

0.205 0.600 0.800

0.180 0.720 0.900

(i) For each set of readings calculate the focal length f of the lens using the equation
f= .

Enter the values in the table.

(ii) Calculate the average value of the focal length f.

average value of the focal length f = ................................................ [4]

(b) Suggest two precautions that can be taken in this experiment in order to obtain an
accurate result.

1. ......................................................................................................................................


2. ......................................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) The illuminated object is triangular in shape, as shown in Fig. 5.2.

Fig. 5.2

In the space below, sketch the appearance of one of the images on the screen.


[Total: 7]
6 The IGCSE class is investigating the reflection of light by a plane mirror. Fig. 6.1 shows a student’s
ray-trace sheet.

Fig. 6.1


(a) On Fig. 6.1, draw a normal to the centre of the mirror.

(b) On Fig. 6.1, draw an incident ray at 30 ° to the normal and to the left of the normal.
(c) Fig. 6.2 shows a diagram of a ray box.
lamp hole

Fig. 6.2 ray box

On Fig. 6.1, draw the ray box in a suitable position to produce the incident ray that you have
drawn. [1]
(d) On Fig. 61, draw a reflected ray in the position you would expect it to be using the incident
ray that you have drawn. [1]

(e) State two precautions that you could take in this experiment to obtain reliable results.

1. ...............................................................................................................................................


2. ............................................................................................................................................... [Total: 6]

................................................................................................................................................... [2]
7 The IGCSE class is determining the magnification of an image produced by a lens.

The apparatus is shown in Fig. 7.1.

u v


Fig. 7.1

(a) (i) On Fig. 7.1, measure and record in mm the distance u from the illuminated object to the
centre of the lens.

u = ............................................... mm

(ii) On Fig. 7.1, measure and record in mm the distance v from the centre of the lens to the

v = ............................................... mm
(b) Calculate the ratio .

= ................................................. [1]

(c) The diagram is drawn one tenth of actual size.

(i) Calculate the actual distance U from the illuminated object to the centre of the lens.

U = ............................................... mm

(ii) Calculate the actual distance V from the centre of the lens to the screen.

V = ............................................... mm

(d) The student measures the height h from the top to the bottom of the image on the screen.

h = ................................................ cm
(i) On Fig. 7.2, measure the height x of the illuminated object.

illuminated object

Fig. 7.2 (full size)

h x = ......................................................
(ii) Calculate .

h = ......................................................
(e) The magnification m of the image is given by the equation m = . The student suggests that
the ratio U also gives the magnification m. State whether the results support this suggestion
and justify your answer by reference to the results.

statement ..................................................................................................................................

justification ................................................................................................................................


(f) State two precautions that you could take in this experiment to obtain reliable results.

1. ...............................................................................................................................................


2. ...............................................................................................................................................


(g) The image on the screen in this experiment is magnified and dimmer than the object.

State one other difference that you would expect to see between the image and the illuminated


(h) Suggest one precaution that you would take in this experiment in order to focus the image as
clearly as possible.


[Total: 10]
8 A student investigates the deviation of a ray of light by a prism.

A ray of red light passes through the prism. The student places pins P1 and P2 on the incident
ray and pins P3 and P4 on the emergent ray.

Fig. 8.1 on page 11 shows the positions of the pins and the prism.

(a) (i) On Fig. 8.1, draw a straight line through P1 and P2.
Continue this line through the prism. [1]

(ii) On Fig. 8.1, draw a straight line through P3 and P4.

Continue this line to cross the line drawn in (i). [1]

(iii) Measure the smaller angle between the line drawn in (i) and the line drawn in (ii).

angle = .............................................................. [1]

(iv) On Fig. 8.1, draw a line to represent the actual path of the ray through the prism.

(b) Suggest why the student uses red light and not white light in this experiment.


.................................................................................................................................... [1]

Question 8 continues on next page





Fig. 8.1
(c) In a different experiment, the student is asked to draw the normal at the point where an
incident ray strikes a prism.

The student draws a line, as shown in Fig. 8.2.




Fig. 8.2

(i) Explain why the student’s line is not the normal.


............................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) On Fig. 8.2, draw the correct normal. Measure the angle of incidence i.

i = ...................................................................... [1]
9 A student investigates the refraction of light through a parallel-sided glass block.

Fig. 9.1 shows the student’s diagram. A line represents a ray of light arriving at the upper surface
of the block.
The student forgets to mark the lower surface of the block.
The student draws two crosses M1 and M2 on the path of the emergent ray.

(a) (i) On Fig. 9.1, draw the normal through the point where the ray enters the block. [1]
(ii) Mark the angle of incidence and label it i. [1]
(iii) Measure the angle of incidence i.

i = ...........................................................[1]

(b) The distance between the upper surface and the lower surface of the block is 5.0 cm.

On Fig. 9.1,

(i) draw the lower surface of the block, [1]

(ii) complete the path of the emergent ray from the lower surface of the block through M1
and M2, [1]
(iii) complete the path of the ray within the block. [1]

(c) Measure the angle of refraction r inside the block.

r = ...........................................................[1]

upper surface
of block





Fig. 4.1 (full size)

10 A group of students measures the speed of a wave along a slinky spring.
A teacher and a student hold the ends of a slinky spring stretched along a bench, as shown
in Fig. 10.1.



five metre rules

Fig. 10.1

The teacher moves one end of the spring to make a wave pulse travel along the spring.
Five metre rules are placed end-to-end alongside the spring.
Five students with stopwatches stand together near the centre of the spring to measure the
time t taken by the wave pulse to travel the distance of 5.0 m.

(a) The five students record the following values for t, measured in seconds.

1.71 1.64 1.78 1.75 1.67

(i) Find the average time tav for the wave to travel 5.0 m along the spring.

tav = ................................................ [1]

(ii) Calculate the average speed vav of the wave pulse along the spring.
Give your answer to a suitable number of significant figures.

vav = ................................................ [2]

b) ( Explain why, in practice, the position of the students and the metre rules causes a
parallax error.


............................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) Explain why this parallax error causes the measured values of t to be too small.


............................................................................................................................ [1]

(iii) Explain one other reason why the times recorded by the students are not all exactly
the same.


............................................................................................................................ [1]

(iv) Describe how the students could measure the time t more accurately.




............................................................................................................................ [2]

(c) One student suggests that the speed of a slower wave pulse can be measured more
Suggest a method of making a wave pulse travel more slowly along the spring.



.................................................................................................................................... [1]
11 Fig. 11.1 shows an experiment to measure the speed of sound in air.


Fig. 11.1

The teacher has a starting pistol that produces a loud bang and a puff of smoke when the trigger is
pulled. The students use stopwatches to time the interval between seeing the smoke and hearing
the bang.

The teacher stands 100 m away from the students and fires the starting pistol.

(a) Suggest a method of measuring the distance of 100 m from the teacher to the students.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) Explain why it is important that the starting pistol produces a puff of smoke at the same time
as the bang.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]
(c) The teacher chooses an open area, well away from any buildings. Explain why.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(d) Only eight students manage to obtain a suitable reading for the time interval.

Suggest two reasons why the other students did not.

1. ...............................................................................................................................................

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

2. ...............................................................................................................................................

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(e) A different group of students does the experiment on a windy day. The wind is blowing from
behind the teacher towards the students.

What will be the effect of the wind on their value for the speed of sound?


............................................................................................................................................. [1]
12 A student takes three lenses from a drawer labelled ‘convex lenses: f = 15 cm’.

(a) Describe, with the aid of a labelled diagram, how the student quickly checks that the lenses
have the correct focal length.




............................................................................................................................................. [3]

(b) The student places two of the lenses touching each other, as shown in Fig. 12.1, and then
measures the focal length of the two lenses together.

Fig. 12.1 Fig. 12.2

The focal length of two lenses together is found to be 7.5 cm.

The student repeats the experiment with three lenses together, as shown in Fig. 12.2, and
the focal length is now 5.0 cm.

State the relationship between the number of lenses and the focal length.



............................................................................................................................................. [2]
13 A student performs an experiment to find the position of the image of an object in a plane mirror.
The student forgets to draw the line of the mirror on the paper he uses.
The paper with the positions of object O and the pins is shown in Fig. 13.1.

The student places two pins P1 and P2 on an incident ray from O to the mirror. He places two pins
P3 and P4 on the reflected ray.

This is repeated with pins Q1 and Q2 on a different incident ray and Q3 and Q4 on the reflected

(a) On Fig. 13.1,

(i) draw the incident ray from the object through pins P1 and P2,
(ii) draw the reflected ray through pins P3 and P4,
(iii) continue these two rays and find where they meet. [3]

(b) Repeat (a) using pins Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4. [1]

(c) On Fig. 13.1, draw a line to show the position of the mirror. Label this line M. [1]

(d) On Fig.13.1, use the reflected rays to find the position of the image in the plane mirror. Label
the image position I. [1]

(e) Measure the distance between O and I.

distance = …………………… [1]

(f) Explain why the student should observe the bottom of the pins when performing the


.............................................................................................................................................. [1]






14 A student is asked to measure the focal length f of a convex lens. A quick method is used
first to obtain a rough estimate for f. This is followed by a more accurate experiment.

(a) For the quick estimate, the student forms a focused image of the Sun on a piece of
(i) In the space below, sketch a labelled diagram to show how f can be measured.

(ii) The student repeats the experiment in (a) using a window 4 m away instead of the
Sun. State how this will affect the measurement obtained for f.

............................................................................................................................ [1]

(b) For the more accurate experiment, the student uses the small illuminated object shown
in Fig. 14.1. This object and a plane mirror are set up as shown in Fig. 14.2.

front view of plane mirror

illuminated object
illuminated convex lens

hole in card
covered with lamp
tracing paper
lens holder

Fig. 14.1 Fig. 14.2

(i) Two rays from the illuminated object to the mirror are shown on Fig. 3.2. Explain
why a clear focused image of the illuminated object is seen beside the object on the card.

............................................................................................................................ [1]

(ii) State the effect on the image of

1. moving the mirror further away from the lens,
..................................................................................................................... [1]

2. moving the lens towards the object.

..................................................................................................................... [1]
15 A student determines the refractive index of the glass in a semi-circular block.

The student uses the relationship

refractive index = sin(angle of incidence) .

sin(angle of refraction)

Describe an experiment the student can perform to obtain an accurate value for the refractive index
of the glass. Normal laboratory equipment is available. In your description of the experiment you should

• state the equipment used,

• describe how the equipment is used,
• state the readings taken,
• explain how the refractive index is obtained from the readings,
• describe how the student makes the experiment accurate.

The semi-circular glass block is drawn for you in Fig. 15.1. You may draw on Fig. 15.1.


















Fig. 15.1
16 A student performs an experiment to obtain an accurate value for the focal length of a converging
lens. His school has lenses with focal lengths 10 cm and 15 cm. The student is given a lens from a
packet labelled ‘focal length 10 cm’.

(a) Describe a simple method the student can use in order to check that the lens has a focal
length of 10 cm. You may use a diagram in your answer.



.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(b) The student then uses the apparatus in Fig. 16.1 to obtain an accurate value for the focal
length f of the lens.

metre rule

lens holder


Fig. 16.1 (not to scale)

The student places the lens a measured distance u from the illuminated object. He then
adjusts the position of the screen until a clear focused image is seen on the screen. He
measures the distance D from the object to the focused image on the screen.

(i) On Fig. 16.1, mark and label the lengths u and D. [2]

(ii) The distance u is set at 85.0 cm and the student measures the distance D. He repeats
the experiment and obtains the following values, in cm, for D.

96.5 96.3

Calculate Dav , the average value of D.

Give your answer to three significant figures.

Dav = ...................................... [1]

(iii) State one way in which the student can ensure that each measurement of D is accurate.

...................................................................................................................................... [1]
(c) The student repeats the experiment for a range of values of u and obtains a value for Dav
each time. The results are recorded in Fig. 16.2.

u / cm Dav / cm
70.0 81.0
50.0 62.3
25.0 41.6
18.0 40.5
15.0 45.1
12.0 69.5

Fig. 16.2

(i) On Fig. 16.2, add your value of Dav for u = 85.0 cm from (b)(ii).
(ii) On Fig. 16.3, plot the graph of Dav / cm on the y-axis against u / cm on the x-axis. Start your
axes from (0, 30).

The graph shows that Dav has a minimum value.

Draw the smooth curve of best fit.

Fig. 16.3

30 [4]

(iii) Use your graph to find

1. the minimum value of Dav ,

minimum value of Dav = ...................................... [1]

2. um, the value of u when Dav is minimum.

um = ...................................... [1]
(iv) Theory shows that the minimum value for Dav is when Dav = 4f and when um = 2f.
Dav u
Calculate and m from the values you have given in (c)(iii). Comment on your
4 2


...................................................................................................................................... [1]

17 A student uses a pin-hole camera to produce an image.

The pin-hole camera consists of a light-proof box with a small hole (pin-hole) on one side and a
very thin paper screen on the opposite side, as shown in Fig. 17.1.

thin paper
light-proof screen



20 cm

Fig. 17.1 (not to scale)

The student points the pin-hole of the camera towards a bright window, as shown in Fig. 17.2.

window A

Fig. 17.2
Light enters the camera through the pin-hole and produces an image on the thin paper screen.
The student can see the image through the thin paper.
The student observes the image of the window on the screen.
(a) (i) On Fig. 17.2,

1. draw a ray of light from the top A of the window, through the pin-hole to the screen, [1]

2. draw a ray of light from the bottom B of the window, through the pin-hole to the
screen, [1]

3. measure the angle between the two rays of light.

18 A student is investigating the magnification of images produced by a lens.

The apparatus is shown in Fig. 3.1. angle = ........................................................ [1]

a b screen

Fig. 18.1
The student places a screen at a distance D = 80.0 cm from an illuminated object. The screen and
the illuminated object remain in the same positions throughout the experiment.

(a) She places the lens close to the illuminated object. She moves the lens until she sees a
sharply focused, enlarged image of the object on the screen.

She measures the distance a from the illuminated object to the centre of the lens.

20.3 cm
a = ................................................................

She measures the distance b from the centre of the lens to the screen.

59.7 cm
b = ................................................................
Calculate the magnification m1 of the image, using the equation m1 = .

m1 = .......................................................... [1]
(b) The student then moves the lens towards the screen until a smaller, sharply focused image
of the object is seen on the screen.

She measures the distance x from the illuminated object to the centre of the lens.

60.2 cm
x = ...............................................................

She measures the distance y from the centre of the lens to the screen.

19.8 cm
y = ...............................................................
Calculate the magnification m2 of the image, using the equation m2 = .

m2 = .......................................................... [1]

(c) A student suggests that m1 × m2 should equal 1.

State whether the results support this suggestion. Justify your answer by reference to the

statement ..................................................................................................................................

justification ................................................................................................................................


(d) State two precautions that you would take in this experiment to obtain reliable results.

1. ...............................................................................................................................................


2. ...............................................................................................................................................


(e) Suggest one reason why it is difficult, in this type of experiment, to decide on the best position
of the lens to obtain a sharply focused image on the screen.



[Total: 7]
19 A student is investigating refraction using a transparent block.
Fig. 19.1 shows the first stage of the student’s ray trace. ABCD is the outline of the
transparent block. E is at the centre of AB and G is at the centre of CD.


angle ƒ




Fig. 19.1
(a) On Fig. 19.1, draw a line FE to the left of the normal, above the outline of the block, and at
an angle i = 20° to the normal. [1]

(b) • The student places a pin P on the line FE, at a suitable distance from the block.

• There is a vertical line L1 drawn on side AB of the block at point E. There is a second
vertical line L2 drawn on side CD at point G.

• The student observes the images of L1 and P through side CD of the block. He carefully
turns the block to the dashed position in Fig. 3.1. In this position the vertical line L2 and
the images of L1 and P appear one behind the other.

(i) On Fig. 19.1, mark with a cross (×) a suitable position for pin P. [1]

(ii) Explain briefly the experimental reason for your choice of position for pin P.




(iii) On Fig. 19.1, measure the angle θ and enter it in the first row of table 19.1. [1]

(c) • The student measures the angle θ between the original position of AB and the
new position of AB, as indicated in Fig. 19.1.

• He repeats the procedure, using values of i = 30°, 40°, 50° and 60°.

• The readings are shown in Table 19.1.

Table 19.1

i/° θ/°
30 29
40 41
50 51
60 59

Plot a graph of θ / ° (y-axis) against i / ° (x-axis).

(b) The ray meets mirror AB at Q.

On Fig. 3.1,

(i) label Q,

(ii) draw the normal at Q,

(iii) measure the angle of incidence i at Q,

i = .................

(iv) measure the angle of reflection r at Q.

r = .................

(c) Explain how the student could improve the positions of P3 and P4 to achieve a more accurate
value for the angle r.


20 The lines AB and CD, as shown in Fig. 20.1, represent mirrors. A student traces a ray of light that
reflects off both the mirrors.

B P4 D


P2 C


Fig. 20.1

The student places two optics pins P1 and P2 on the ray that is incident on the mirror AB. The
student places two other optics pins P3 and P4 on the ray after reflection by the mirror CD.

(a) (i) On Fig. 20.1, using the positions of pins P1, P2, P3 and P4, draw lines to show the path
of the ray through the mirror system. [1]

(ii) Describe the steps that you took to draw these lines.




(iii) State a precaution that you took to ensure that the lines are drawn accurately.


(b) The ray meets mirror AB at Q.

On Fig. 20.1,

label Q,

(i) draw the normal at Q,

(ii) measure the angle of incidence i at Q,

i = .................

(iii) measure the angle of reflection r at Q.

r = .................

(c) Explain how the student could improve the positions of P3 and P4 to achieve a more accurate
value for the angle r.


21 An object is moved between a lamp and a screen. A student investigates how the height of the
shadow cast by the object on the screen changes.

The apparatus is shown in Fig. 21.1.


object (side view)

D = 80.0 cm

Fig. 21.1 (not to scale)

The object is a square sheet of white card. The length of each side is H. The object is attached to
a pin and supported by a cork, as shown in Fig. 4.2.

card H



Fig. 21.2 (full size)

(a) Measure and record the length H as shown in Fig. 4.2.

H = ............................................... cm [1]
(b) The screen is placed at a distance D = 80.0 cm from the centre of the lamp.

She places the object at a distance d = 70.0 cm from the centre of the lamp and observes the
shadow made by the object on the screen. The shadow is shown in Fig. 4.3.



Fig. 21.3 (full size)

(i) Measure and record the length h of the shadow shown in Fig.

21.3. h = ............................................... cm [1]

(ii) Suggest why it would be difficult to measure accurately the length of the shadow.


22 Some students are investigating the magnification produced by a converging lens.

They are using the apparatus shown in Fig. 22.1.

illuminated u


(a) A student sets the distance u between the illuminated triangle and the lens to 20.0 cm.
She moves the screen until a sharp image of the triangle is seen on the screen.

The student measures the height of the illuminated triangle hO.

1.5 cm
hO = ...............................................................

Measure and record, in Table 22.1, the height of the image of the triangle hI on the screen, as
shown in Fig. 22.2. [1]


Fig. 22.2

Table 22.1

u / cm hI / cm M


25.0 2.25

35.0 1.10

45.0 0.75

55.0 0.55
(b) The student measures the height hI of the image for u values of 25.0 cm, 35.0 cm, 45.0 cm
and 55.0 cm. Her results are shown in Table 3.1.

For each value of u, calculate and record in Table 3.1 a value for the magnification M.
Use the equation M = and the value of hO from (a). [1]

(c) Plot a graph of M (y-axis) against u / cm (x-axis).


(d) From your graph, determine the value of u when M = 1.0. Show clearly on your graph how
you obtained the information.

u = ...........................................................[2]
(e) Describe one difficulty that might be experienced when measuring the height of the image in
this experiment. Suggest one improvement to the apparatus to overcome this.

difficulty .....................................................................................................................................


improvement .............................................................................................................................


(f) When setting up the apparatus, the student makes sure that the card with the illuminated
triangle, the lens and the screen are all perpendicular to the bench.

Explain why this is an important precaution in this experiment.




[Total: 11]
23 The class is investigating the refraction of light passing through a transparent block. A student is
using optics pins to trace the paths of rays of light.

Fig. 23.1 shows the student’s ray-trace sheet.




sheet eye

Fig. 23.1
(a) • On Fig. 23.1, draw a normal at the centre of side AB. Label this line NL. Label the point E
where the normal crosses AB. Label the point M where the normal crosses CD.

• Draw a line above AB to the left of the normal and at an angle of incidence i = 30° to the
normal. Label this line FE.

• Label the positions of two pins P1 and P2 placed a suitable distance apart on FE for
accurate ray tracing. [2]
(b) The student observes the images of P1 and P2 through side CD of the block so that the
images of P1 and P2 appear one behind the other. He places two pins P3 and P4 between his eye
and the block so that P3 and P4, and the images of P1 and P2 seen through the block, appear
one behind the other. The positions of P3 and P4 are marked on Fig. 23.1.

Draw a line joining the positions of P3 and P4. Continue the line until it meets the normal. Label
this point K. [1]

(c) • Measure and record the angle α between the line joining the positions of P3 and P4 and
the line KM.

α = ...............................................................

• Measure and record the length x between points M and K.

x = ...............................................................
(d) The student repeats the procedure with the angle of incidence i = 50°.
His readings for α and x are shown.
α = ...............................................................

19 mm
x = ...............................................................

A student suggests that the angle α should always be equal to the angle of incidence i.

State whether the results support this suggestion. Justify your answer by reference to the
values of α for i = 30° and i = 50°.

statement ..................................................................................................................................

justification ................................................................................................................................

(e) Suggest one precaution that you would take with this experiment to obtain reliable results.




[Total: 8]
24 The class is investigating images formed on a screen using a lens.

Fig. 24.1 shows the apparatus.

object u v

Fig. 24.1

(a) The lens has a focal length of 15.0 cm.

Suggest a suitable distance D between the illuminated object and the screen in order to form
a clearly focused image on the screen.

D = ...........................................................[1]

(b) The student places the lens as shown in the diagram a distance u from the object. She then
moves the screen until she obtains a clearly focused image on the screen.

It is difficult to decide on the exact position of the screen that gives the best image.

Explain how you would find the best position for the screen as reliably as possible.



(c) Another student uses a different lens and obtains these readings:

15.0 cm
u = ...............................................................

29.7 cm
v = ...............................................................
Calculate the focal length f of the lens using the equation f = .
(u + v)
Include the unit and give your answer to a suitable number of significant figures.

f = ...........................................................[2]
(d) Suggest one difference that you would expect to see in this experiment between the
appearance of the object and the image.


(e) Which of the following procedures, A–F, are sensible for this experiment?
Circle one or more of the letters.

A Carry out the experiment in a darkened room.

B Close one eye when taking readings.

C Draw thin lines.

D Fix the rule in position on the bench.

E Make sure the pins are at least 5 cm apart.

F Repeat the experiment using different values of u and determine an average value for f.

[Total: 8]
25 A student is investigating the refraction of light by a transparent block.
She uses her results to determine a quantity known as the refractive index of the material of the
block. The student’s ray-trace sheet is shown full size in Fig. 25.1.

position Y


P2 i
A L S P6 B



position X
(a) The student places a transparent block ABCD at the centre of the ray-trace sheet, as indicated
in Fig. 25.1. She draws round the block. She removes the block and then draws lines
NL and EL.

Measure the angle θ between the lines NL and EL.

θ = ...........................................................[1]

(b) The student places two pins P1 and P2 on line EL, a suitable distance apart for accurate

Suggest a suitable distance between the two pins.

distance = ...........................................................[1]

(c) The student replaces the block. She views the images of P1 and P2 through the block
from the direction indicated by the eye in position X in Fig. 25.1.

She places two pins P3 and P4 so that pins P3 and P4, and the images of P1 and P2, all
appear exactly one behind the other.

She labels the positions of P3 and P4 and then removes the block and pins from the ray-trace

She draws a line FG through P3 and P4, extending it as far as CD.

(i) • Draw a normal to CD at point G and extend it to meet AB.

Label the point at which this normal meets AB with the letter H.

(ii) • Draw a line joining points L and G.

• Extend line EL until it meets GH.
• Label the point at which this line meets GH with the letter K.

• Measure the length a of line LG.

a = ......................................................... cm

• Measure the length b of line LK.

b = ......................................................... cm
(iii) Calculate a value n for the refractive index, using the equation n = – .

n = ...........................................................[2]
(d) The student places a mirror against side CD, with the reflecting surface facing towards the
She views the images of P1 and P2 from the direction indicated by the eye in position Y in
Fig. 25.1.
She places two pins P5 and P6 so that pins P5 and P6, and the images of P1 and P2, all
appear exactly one behind the other.

She labels the positions of P5 and P6 and then removes the mirror and the pins from the

The student draws a line RS through pins P5 and P6.

(i) • Extend line RS until it meets GH.

Label the point at which this line meets GH with the letter T.
Measure the angle α , where α is the smaller angle between linesRT and GH.

α = ...............................................................

(ii) A student suggests that angle α and angle θ, measured in part (a), should be equal.

State whether the results support this suggestion. Justify your answer with reference to
the results.

statement ..........................................................................................................................

justification ........................................................................................................................

(e) Suggest why different students, all carrying out this experiment carefully, may not obtain
identical results.



[Total: 11]
26 A student is determining the focal length f of a lens.
Fig. 26.1 shows the apparatus used.

object u v


Fig. 26.1

(a) The student obtains a sharply-focused image on the screen.

(i) On Fig. 26.1, measure the distance v from the lens to the screen.

v = ...............................................................

(ii) On Fig. 26.1, measure the distance d from the illuminated object to the screen.

d = ...............................................................

(b) Fig. 26.1 is drawn 1/10th actual size.

(i) Calculate V, the actual distance from the lens to the screen. Record the value of V in the
first row of Table 26.1.

(ii) Calculate D, the actual distance from the illuminated object to the screen. Record the
value of D in the first row of the table.

(iii) Calculate UV and record the result in the table. [2]

(c) The student repeated the procedure with the lens at a distance U = 30.0 cm from the
illuminated object. All the readings are recorded in the table.

U / cm V / cm UV / cm2 D / cm
Table 26.1
30.0 29.5 885 59.5

State one difference that you would expect to observe between the image formed on the
screen when U = 20.0 cm and when U = 30.0 cm.


(d) (i) Use the results in the first row of the table to calculate a value f1 for the focal length of the
lens. Use the equation f1 = .

f1 = ...............................................................

(ii) Use the results in the second row of the table to calculate a value f2 for the focal length of
the lens. Use the equation f2 = .

f2 = ...............................................................

(iii) Calculate the average value fA for the focal length of the lens. Give your answer to a
suitable number of significant figures for this experiment.

fA = ...............................................................

(e) Suggest two reasons why it may be difficult to obtain reliable results in this experiment.

1. ...............................................................................................................................................


2. ...............................................................................................................................................


(f) A student states that a more reliable value for the focal length is obtained if more values of U,
V and D are collected, enabling a graph to be drawn of UV against D.

(i) Suggest a suitable number of values for U.


(ii) Suggest a suitable range of values for U.


[Total: 12]
27 A student is determining the focal length f of a lens.

Fig. 27.1 shows the apparatus used.

u v screen

Fig. 27.1

(a) • The student places the screen about 100 cm from the illuminated object.
• She places the lens between the object and the screen so that the centre of the lens is at
a distance u = 20.0 cm from the object.
• She adjusts the position of the screen until a clearly focused image is formed on the
• She measures the distance v between the centre of the lens and the screen.
• She repeats the procedure using values for u of 22.0 cm, 25.0 cm, 30.0 cm and 35.0 cm.
• The readings are shown in Table 3.1.

Table 27.1

u / cm v / cm
20.0 60.0
22.0 47.1
25.0 37.5
30.0 29.8
35.0 26.3

Plot a graph of v / cm (y-axis) against u / cm (x-axis). You do not need to start your axes at the
origin (0, 0). Draw the best-fit curve.

(b) (i) • Mark, with a cross, the point on the graph grid where u = 25.0 cm and v = 25.0 cm.
• Mark with a cross, the point on the graph grid where u = 35.0 cm and v = 35.0 cm.
• Join these two points with a straight line. [1]

(ii) • Record u1, the value of u at the point where the straight line crosses your graph line.

u1 = .......................................................... cm

• Record v1, the value of v at the point where the straight line crosses your graph line.

v1 = .......................................................... cm
(u1 + v1)
(iii) Calculate the focal length f of the lens using the equation f = .

f = .......................................................... cm
(c) Suggest two differences that you would expect to see between the appearance of the
illuminated object and the image on the screen.

1. ...............................................................................................................................................

2. ...............................................................................................................................................

(d) Suggest two precautions that you would take in order to obtain reliable readings in this

1. ...............................................................................................................................................

2. ...............................................................................................................................................

[Total: 12]

28 A student has a box of converging lenses but does not know their focal lengths.

Plan an experiment which will enable her to determine an accurate value for the focal length f of
one of the lenses, using the equation

f= uv
(u + v )
where u is the distance between an object and the lens and v is the distance between the lens and
the focused image of the object.

The apparatus available includes:

a lens holder
a 12 V lamp in a holder, with a power supply
a card with a triangular hole covered with tracing paper.

Write a plan for the experiment.

You should:

• list any additional apparatus needed

• draw a diagram of how the apparatus will be arranged, clearly labelling u and v

• write a method for carrying out the experiment including how f will be determined

• state the precautions which should be taken to obtain a clear, focused image

• state the precautions which should be taken to ensure that measurements are accurate
once a focused image has been obtained.


















[Total: 7]

29 In Fig. 291, AB represents a converging lens. An object PQ is placed with end Q on the principal
axis ST of the lens.


Fig. 29.1 (full scale)

(a) The point F is a focal point (principal focus) of the lens.

Measure the focal length of the lens.

focal length = .........................................................[1]

(b) (i) Draw a line from P, parallel to ST, to meet the lens AB at point C. Label C. [1]

(ii) Explain how you ensured that this line is parallel to ST.



(c) Draw a straight line from F to C and extend this line until it meets the dotted line at point R.

Label R. [1]

(d) Measure the angle i between the lines RC and CP.

i = .........................................................[1]

(e) Determine the length l in centimetres where

l= .
sin i
l = .........................................................[1]

(f) Theory suggests that l is equal to the distance CF.

Measure CF and comment on the extent to which your results agree with the theory.



30 A student measures the refractive index of the material of a transparent block ABCD by tracing the

path of a ray of light through it. The experiment is set up as shown in Fig. 30.1.

ray box




Fig. 30.1
(a) She directs a ray of light PQ from the ray box on to side AB of the block.

(i) On Fig. 30.1, draw a normal to side AB at point Q. Extend the normal so that it
crosses side CD. Label the point at which the normal crosses CD with the letter R.

(ii) Measure the angle of incidence α of the ray PQ on side AB.

α = ...................................................[1]

(b) She marks, with crosses, two points on the emergent ray from CD, as shown on Fig. 30.1.

• On Fig. 30.1 draw a line joining the two crosses and continue this line until it meets QR.
• Label the point where the line crosses CD with the letter S and the point where it crosses
QR with the letter T.
• Draw a straight line from Q to S.

(i) Measure the length x of QS.

x = .......................................................

(ii) Measure the length y of ST.

y = .......................................................

(c) The refractive index n of the material of the block is given by the equation
n= .
Calculate n.

n = . ....................................................[1]
31 A student is determining the refractive index n of the material of a transparent block.

Fig. 31.1 shows the outline ABCD of the transparent block.






Fig. 31.1
(a) (i) On Fig. 31.1:

• draw a normal NL at the centre of side AB

• continue the normal so that it passes through side CD of the block

• label the point F where NL crosses AB

• label the point G where NL crosses CD. [1]

(b) Draw a line EF at an angle i = 30° to the left of the normal and above side AB. [1]

(iii) Mark the positions of two pins P1 and P2 on line EF placed at a suitable distance apart
for this type of ray-tracing experiment. [1]

(b) The student observes the images of P1 and P2 through side CD of the block so that
the images of P1 and P2 appear one behind the other.
He places two pins P3 and P4 between his eye and the block so that P3, P4 and the images of
P1 and P2 seen through the block, appear one behind the other.
The positions of P3 and P4 are marked on Fig. 31.1.

(i) •Draw a line joining the positions of P3 and P4. Continue the line until it meets
the normal NL.

• Label the point H where the line meets side CD. Draw the line FH.

(ii) Measure and record the length a of the line GH.

a = ........................................................ [1]

(iii) Measure and record the length b of the line FH.

b = ........................................................ [1]
(iv) Calculate the refractive index n using the equation n = .

n = ........................................................ [1]

(c) The student repeats the procedure using the angle of incidence i = 45°.

a = ....................................................... cm

b = ....................................................... cm
Calculate the refractive index n, using the equation n = .

n = ........................................................ [1]

(d) The student expected the two values of refractive index n obtained in this experiment to be

State two difficulties with this type of experiment that could explain any difference in the two
values of n.

1. ...............................................................................................................................................


2. ...............................................................................................................................................


(e) A student suggests precautions to take in this experiment to obtain reliable results.
Tick one box to indicate the most sensible suggestion.

Carry out the experiment in a darkened room.

Use pins that are taller than the height of the block.

View the bases of the pins.

View the pins with one eye closed.


[Total: 11]
32 A student is investigating the reflection of light by a plane mirror.
Her ray-trace sheet is shown in Fig. 32.1.

ray-trace sheet




α P6


Fig. 32.1

(a) (i) Measure and record in Table 32.1 the angle α between AN and CN, as shown in Fig. 32.1.

(ii) Draw a normal to AB at point N, towards the top of the page. Label the top point of this
normal L. [1]

(iii) Two pins P1 and P2 are placed on line LN, a suitable distance apart for ray tracing. On
Fig. 32.1, label suitable positions for P1 and P2.
(b) The student places the reflecting surface of a plane mirror on line CD and views the images
of P1 and P2 from the direction indicated by the eye in Fig. 32.1.

She places two pins P3 and P4 so that the images of P1 and P2, and the pins P3 and P4, all
appear exactly one behind the other.

(i) Draw a line passing through P3 and P4 and reaching point N. [1]

(ii) Measure the angle θ between this line and the normal LN.
Record this value in Table 3.1. [1]
Table 32.1

α/° θ/°
mirror on CD
mirror on EF 35

(c) The student moves the mirror to a line EF at an angle α = 35° to AN. Line EF is not shown in
Fig. 32.1.
The student repeats the process with the mirror on EF and places pins P5 and P6 in line with
the new images.

(i) Draw a line passing through P5 and P6 and reaching point N. [1]

(ii) Measure the angle θ between this new line and the normalLN.
Record this value in Table 32.1. [1]

(d) A student suggests that when the mirror is moved, the change in θ should be equal to twice
the change in α . State whether your readings support this idea. Justify your answer with
reference to thereadings.
statement ..................................................................................................................................

justification ................................................................................................................................



(e) Suggest two precautions that you would take to ensure accurate results from this type of

1 ................................................................................................................................................


2 ................................................................................................................................................

[Total: 11]
33 A student and her friend measure an approximate value for the speed of sound in air using echoes.
• She stands a large distance from a reflecting wall.
• She claps her hands at a regular rate.
• She adjusts her rate of clapping until each clap coincides with the echo of the previous clap.
• Her friend then uses a stopwatch to measure the time t between claps.
• They measure the distance to the wall.

The time t between claps is recorded four times.

The values of t, measured in seconds, are shown below.

0.87 0.97 0.94 0.88

(a) (i) Calculate tav, the average value of t. Give your answer to 2 decimal places.

tav = ................................................ s [2]

(ii) Suggest why it is sensible to give tav to 2 decimal places.



(b) The distance s from the students to the wall is 130 m.

(i) A metre rule is not an appropriate device for measuring this distance.

Suggest a device that can be used to measure this distance.


(ii) The speed v of sound in air is given by the equation

v= .
Calculate v.

v = ........................................... m / s [1]

(iii) Suggest one reason why the value for the speed of sound in air measured by this method
is only approximate.


Marking Scheme A B C D


1. 26. 51. 76.

2. 27. 52. 77.

3. 28. 53. 78.

4. 29. 54. 79.

5. 30. 55. 80.


6. 31. 56. 81.

7. 32. 57. 82.

8. 33. 58. 83.

9. 34. 59. 84.

10. 35. 60. 85.


11. 36. 61. 86.

12. 37. 62. 87.

13. 38. 63. 88.

14. 39. 64. 89.

15. 40. 65. 90.


16. 41. 66. 91.

17. 42. 67. 92.

18. 43. 68. 93.

19. 44. 69. 94.

20. 45. 70. 95.


21. 46. 71. 96.

22. 47. 72. 97.

23. 48. 73. 98.

24. 49. 74. 99.

25. 50. 75. 100.

Marking Scheme A B C D


101. 126. 151. 176.

102. 127. 152. 177.
103. 128. 153. 178.

104. 129. 154. 179.

105. 130. 155. 180.


106. 131. 156. 181.

107. 132. 157. 182.

108. 133. 158. 183.

109. 134. 159. 184.
110. 135. 160. 185.


111. 136. 161. 186.

112. 137. 162. 187.
113. 138. 163. 188.
114. 139. 164. 189.

115. 140. 165. 190.


116. 141. 166. 191.

117. 142. 167. 192.
118. 143. 168. 193.
119. 144. 169. 194.
120. 145. 170. 195.

121. 146. 171. 196.

122. 147. 172. 197.

123. 148. 173. 198.

124. 149. 174. 199.
125. 150. 175. 200.
Marking Scheme A B C D


201. 226. 251. 276.

202. 227. 252. 277.
203. 228. 253. 278.

204. 229. 254. 279.

205. 230. 255. 280.


206. 231. 256. 281.

207. 232. 257. 282.

208. 233. 258. 283.

209. 234. 259. 284.
210. 235. 260. 285.


211. 236. 261. 286.

212. 237. 262. 287.
213. 238. 263. 288.
214. 239. 264. 289.

215. 240. 265. 290.


216. 241. 266. 291.

217. 242. 267. 292.
218. 243. 268. 293.
219. 244. 269. 294.
220. 245. 270. 295.


221. 246. 271. 296.

222. 247. 272. 297.

223. 248. 273. 298.

224. 249. 274. 299.
225. 250. 275. 300.
Marking Scheme

B marks are independent marks, which do not depend on other marks. For a B mark to be
scored, the point to which it refers must be seen specifically in the candidate’s

M marks are method marks upon which accuracy marks (A marks) later depend. If a
candidate fails to score a particular M mark, then none of the dependent A marks
can be scored.

C marks are compensatory marks in general applicable to numerical questions. These can
be scored even if the point to which they refer are not written down by the
candidate, provided subsequent working gives evidence that they must
have known it.

A marks A marks are accuracy or answer marks which either depend on an M mark, or
which are one of the ways which allow a C mark to be scored. A marks are
commonly awarded for final answers to numerical questions. If a final numerical
answer, eligible for A marks, is correct, all the C marks for that question are
normally awarded. An A mark following an M mark is a dependent mark.

Brackets ( ) Brackets around words or units in the mark scheme are intended to indicate
wording used to clarify the mark scheme, but the marks do not depend on seeing
the words or units in brackets, e.g. 10 (J) means that the mark is scored for 10,
regardless of the unit given.

Underlining Underlining indicates that this must be seen in the answer offered, or something
very similar.

OR / or This indicates alternative answers or words, any one of which is satisfactory for
scoring the marks.

AND Both answers or words must be given for credit to be awarded.

e.e.o. This means "each error or omission".

o.w.t.t. This means “or words to that effect”.

c. This means “correct answer only”.
Marking Scheme

Not/NOT This indicates that an incorrect answer is not to be disregarded, but cancels
another otherwise correct alternative offered by the candidate, i.e. right plus
wrong penalty applies.

e. This means "error carried forward". If a candidate has made an earlier mistake
and has carried an incorrect value forward to subsequent stages of working,
marks indicated by e.c.f. may be awarded, provided the subsequent working is
correct, bearing in mind the earlier mistake. This prevents a candidate from being
penalised more than once for a particular mistake, but only applies to marks
annotated e.c.f.

Significant Answers are normally acceptable to any number of significant figures > 2. Any
exceptions to this general rule will be specified in the mark scheme.

Deduct one mark for each incorrect or missing unit from an answer that would
otherwise gain all the marks available for that answer: maximum 1 per question.

Allow these only where specified in the mark scheme.

Marking Scheme
01 (a) echo OR sound reflected (from rock face) B1

(b) speed = distance / time in any form OR (distance =) speed × time C1

330 × 1.8 OR 330 × 0.9 OR 594 C1
297 (m) accept 2 or 3 sig. figs. A1

(c) 0.9 (s) B1

(d) any two from:

(sound is) longitudinal / light is transverse
(sound) travels more slowly / light travels faster
(sound) has lower frequency / longer wavelength accept reverse for light
(sound) cannot travel through a vacuum / light can travel in a vacuum
(sound is a) mechanical/pressure wave OR is not electromagnetic / light is
electromagnetic B2

[Total: 7]

02 (a) (i) a line between F2 or F1 and C ±3 mm C1

a line between F2 or F1 and C ±1 mm A1

(ii) refraction either at centre line OR at both surfaces, B1

parallel after lens OR reaches tip of image B1

(b) bottom box ticked: at I B1

(c) (i) closer to F1 / C / lens / F2 NOT closer to object B1

(ii) smaller / reduced / diminished B1

[Total: 7]
03 (a) (i) refraction
accept refracted ray, ignore bends B1

(ii) 45 (°) condone no/incorrect unit B1

(b) (i) refracted down at first surface B1

refracted down at 2nd surface B1

(ii) X marked above point where candidate’s blue light hits screen B1
[Total: 5]
04 (a) (i) focal length indicated ± 0.2 cm
(ii) either principal focus clearly indicated
(b) diminished, inverted, image distance less
(c) any correct ray with appropriate refraction either at centre line or at both
surfaces [Total: 6]

5 (a) (i) eye to image line perpendicular to mirror, by eye B1

object distance = image distance, by eye B1

(ii) normal correctly drawn, by eye B1

(iii) ray to bottom edge of mirror correct M1

reflected ray at correct angle to mirror, by eye

(condone sloppy normal) A1

(b) sensible attempt at explanation B1

c) 2 (m) (NO ecf) B1

(ii) distance lady to mirror = 3 (m) C1

distance moved = 2 (m) (NO ecf) A1

away from mirror/wall B1


6 (a) (i) large, OR accept any large example e.g. cliff B1

(ii) speed = distance/time OR speed = 2xdistance/time C1

(in any form)

correct substitution C1

480 (m) c.a.o. A1

(b) speed = 6/50 OR 3/50 C1

0.12 (m/s) OR 0.06 (m/s) A1

7 (a (i) angle of refraction correctly labelled B1

(ii) normal B1
b) light ray shown undergoing TIR/turns through 90° B1

(ii) total internal (reflection) B1

(iii) angle of incidence = angle of reflection OR angle of incidence greater than

critical angle B1

[Total: 5]
8 (a (i) C in box B1

(ii) A AND C in any order B1

(b) any 5 points in any order from: B5

• starting pistol fired
• stopwatch started on seeing smoke/signal
• stopwatch stopped on hearing bang
• time taken (between flash and bang) calculated/recorded
• distance measured OR at least 100 m apart, IGNORE distances less than 100 m
• speed = distance ÷ time [Total: 7]

9 (a) 3.0 × 108 m / s B1 [1]

(b) (i) 1. decreases cao B1

2. no change cao B1
3. decreases cao B1

(ii) 1. i correctly marked (to normal) B1

2. r correctly marked (to normal) B1 [5]

(c) (i) sin i / sin r = n or sin i / sin r = 1.5 C1

sin 89 / sin r = 1.5 or sin 89 / 1.5 or 0.67(0.666565)
42° or 41.8025° A1
(ii) i equal to / close to 90° sin i / sin 45 sin–1(1/n) / sin–1(1 / 1.5)
and r less than 45° and 41.8° B1
i never bigger than i >1 r not be more than c
89° / 90°
0° [5]

(d) (i) (sin) i = 0 or ray enters directly / wavefront / light hits surface
along normal / perpendicular or all together B1
(sin) r = 0 or no refraction all slows down together B1

(ii) correct reflection at bottom surface (by eye) M1

second correct reflection at top and no refraction at either point A1 [4]

[Total: 15]
11 (a longitudinal / pressure / sound (wave) or compressions and rarefactions
(frequency) greater than 15 – 25 kHz / above limits of audibility B1

(b) (x = ) vt / 2 or 340 × 0.030 / 2 or 340 × 0.015 or 10.2 C1

5.1 m A1 [4]

12 (a) transmission of energy through a medium or vibration or oscillation or two

opposite motions (e.g. up and down) or compressions and rarefactions C1
vibration direction parallel to energy travel/wave direction or similar A1

(b) (i) 1.5–2.5 × 104 Hz or 15–25 kHz cao B1

15–25 Hz cao B1

(ii) (λ =) c/f or 330/either of candidate’s frequencies C1

330/candidate’s higher frequency and correctly calculated with unit
(candidate’s higher frequency is either the one stated as the highest
or the one that is in fact the higher) A1 [6]

13 (a (thin-walled) bulb and capillary tube B1

mercury/liquid in bulb and constriction/U-bend B1

(b) mercury/liquid contracts B1

mercury/liquid/thread breaks (at the constriction)/constriction stops the mercury
falling back

14 (a space is a vacuum/empty B1
these methods need matter/medium/molecules
or do not occur in vacuum B1

(b) any three of:

day: white is a poor absorber/good reflector

day: less heat absorbed/less heating (of house)

night: white is a poor emitter/radiator

night: less heat emitted/heat loss (from house)

anywhere: of IR/radiation/radiant heat B3 [5]

15 (a (i) electrons cao (not positive electrons) B1

(ii) (from) heated (filament) or heat or boiled off (from filament) or

knocked out by energetic/fast-moving atoms B1

(iii) to allow electrons to reach the screen or

no collisions with (air) atoms/molecules/particles B1

(b) (1/t = )I/Q or 1.6 × 10–19/5.6 × 10–3 or 5.6 × 10–3/1.6 × 10–19 or

2.86/2.9 × 10–17 C1
3.5 × 1016 A1 [5]

8 14
16 (a) (λ = )v/f or 2 /4
/4. C1
4.3 × 10–7 m A1 [2]

(b) raybox/light source/ pin(s) and mirror

laser and mirror B1
shine ray at mirror place two pins B1
mark rays or two more pins in line with image B1
measure i and r and equal measure i and r and equal B1
repeat repeat B1 [5]

(c) (i) 83° B1

(ii) total internal reflection or TIR cao B1

angle of incidence exceeds critical angle B1 [3]

(d) (i) (at least) one ray from X to mirror M1

(at least) two rays from X to mirror and correct reflections A1
rays traced back to marked I or I marked in correct place (by eye) B1

(ii) 0.19 m B

(iii) less/no light wasted or hall brighter B1 [5]

[Total: 15]
17 (a) (E/Q =) mc∆T in any algebraic or numerical form e.g. 4200 × 16, 2100 × 5 C1
67 200 or 10 500 or 77 700 seen or (E/Q =) ml or mL algebraic seen C1
4.2 × 105 J A1

(b) (i) break bonds // separate molecules // give molecules more P.E. B1

(ii) (different) change in distance // molecules not so far apart // incomplete

bond breaking // doesn’t push atmosphere back // less work against B1 [5]

18 (a) 2(.0) mm B1

(b) same period (by eye), with at least one wave B1

opposite phase to wave drawn B1

(c) (i) (f =) 1/T numerical or algebraic seen (e.g. 1/0.5) // 1 wave in 0.5 s // 2 waves
in 1 s C1
2(.0) Hz A1

(ii) v = fλ // 8 × 2 or 8 × (i) // 16 (cm / s) // 5 (wavelengths from centre to edge) //

(t =) d/v C1
2.5 s ecf from (i) – i.e. accept 5/(c)(i) A1 [7]

19 (i) one ray from M correctly reflected – checked by eye C1

two rays from M correctly reflected – checked by eye – and traced back to
image A1

(ii) image point clearly marked at intersection/correct place checked by eye B1

(b) 0.34 m cao B1 [4]

20 (a (i) C in correct position i.e. gap 4, 18 or 32 { allow arrows/ B1

R in correct position i.e. gap 11 or 25 { brackets < λ/2 B1
OR two correct positions but R and C reversed 1/2

(ii) 6.2 → 6.6 cm B1

(iii) (v =)fλ or 5.1/5100 × 6.4/0.064 (using candidate’s 5 (a) (ii)) C

3.16 – 3.37 × 10n C1
316 – 337 m/s A1

(b) (longitudinal wave:) vibration/oscillation direction parallel to/in same direction as

wave/energy travel direction (not L & R) B1
transverse wave: directions perpendicular or can be polarized (not up & down) B1 [8]
21 (a red B1

(b) (i) equal to B1

(ii) less than B1

(c) two correct refractions on Fig. 6.2 M1

no dispersion and ray ends close to P A1 [5]

22 (a) (i) (as it enters) bends towards normal B1

(as it leaves) bends away from the normal B1

(ii) speed and wavelength change C1

speed and wavelength decrease A1
frequency unaltered B1

(iii) sin(i)/sin(r) C1
sin 40°/sin 25° C1
1.5(2) (penalise °, accept 2 or more sig figs; 1.5 alone with no working B1) A1 [8]

(b) Mark (i) and (ii) separately unless specifically referred to (i) in (ii)

i) Word distance between (principal) focus/focal point (not F) and lens M1
centre of lens A1
Diagram: F/(principal) focus/focal point marked and lens marked/curved
and correct arrow of some sort M1
f/FL/fl/focal length marked and arrow from centre of lens to F A1

(ii) diagram showing object, lens and one correct ray M1

second correct ray M1
correct image shown (½ < h < 1) A1

(iii) smaller / de-magnified / e.c.f (ii) B1

upside down B1

23 (a number of waves (that pass a point) M1

or number of oscillations (passing a point)
in unit time or per second or in 1 second A1
(b) (i) 1.5 cm B1

(ii) (v = )fλ or 5 × 1.5 seen C1

or (s=)d / t and f = 1 / t
7.5 cm / s A1

(c) (i) wavelength decreases B1

travels a shorter distance in the same time B1
or frequency stays the same (and v = fλ)
24 (a oscillate / vibrate stated or described B1
transverse movement described B1

(b) 0.40 m B1

(c) (i) v = f λ or (f =) v / λ or 2 / (b)

5.0 Hz A1

(ii) clear attempt to draw wave moved along 0.20 m to right B1

25 (a sin i / sin r or sin 50 / sin 30 C1
1.5(321) A1

(b) moving from more dense to less dense medium B1

or moving to lower refractive index (air)
angle of incidence is greater than critical angle B1

(c) less heat loss / more efficient B1

less chance of hacking / more secure / less interference
less reduction in signal / less need for boosting / larger distances possible / thinner
or less bulky

26 (a (i) up and down clear, e.g. by double headed arrow or down [B1]

(ii) any correct distance between consecutive points in phase [B1]

(iii) correct distance [B1]

(b) measure number of oscillations / count waves (passing) in a stated time or time at least
one oscillation [B1]
show how to calculate number of oscillations per second [B1]

(c) moves (hand or rope) with slow(er) speed or rate / less frequency / less times per sec [B1]


27 (a ultra violet and infra-red [B1]

(b) blue refracts / bends / deviates more [B1]

blue slows more (than red when entering glass) or blue and red have different speeds
(from each other in glass) [B1]
blue and red have different refractive indices [B1]

28 (a (i) any single value between 0 and 5.6 cm or a range all of whose values are correct [B1]

(ii) any value beyond 5.6 cm

m [B

b) ray through optical centre undeviated [B1]
other ray correct through or to axis 2.8 cm (± ½ small square) from lens [B1]

(ii) lines drawn meet after 11 cm or rays do not meet (on page) or rays almost parallel [B1]

(iii) inverted, magnified, real all 3 needed and none wrong [B1]


29 (a critical angle B1

b) light refracted out into air and bent away from normal (ignore reflected ray) B1

(ii) correct internal reflection (by eye) and no refracted ray (not at 90°) B1

(c) (t =) distance/speed in any form numerical or algebraic (e.g. d/s, s/v 10/2 × 108) C
2.5 × 10–10 s A1 [5]

30 (a) correct normal by eye B1

correct angle of incidence between candidate’s normal and incident ray B1
correct angle of refraction marked between candidate’s normal and BC B1 [3]

(b) decrease / change in speed / wavelength

av [1]

(c) n = sin i/sin r seen in any form

(sin r =) sin 45°/1.5
or 0.47(14) seen

(d) refracts less at first face and on correct side of normal

refraction at second face away from normal so that red ray and blue ray are
(e) angle of incidence is 0 B1

or ray along normal/perpendicular to glass

(ii) angle of incidence/θ is larger than critical angle B1
total internal reflection occurs
(iii) reflected ray drawn correctly and emerging without refraction from block
(iv) (eventually) light emerges (into air at Q)
or light refracts (out at Q)
or (weak) refracted ray appears
B1 [6]
light emerging at Q coloured in some way
or correct description of movement of reflected ray (as θ decreases)
[Total: 15]

31 (a) more telephone signals (at one time)

OR great(er) bandwidth; more data (per sec); more signals
OR faster data/information transfer
OR less attenuation; less energy/power/signal loss;
OR long(er) distance (before regeneration)
OR (more) secure
OR less noise/interference OR high(er) quality/clear(er) B1

(b) (i) correct normal and angle marked B1

(ii) total internal reflection B1

angle of incidence is larger than critical angle B1

(c) (n =) sin i/sin r in any form numerical or algebraic C1

35(.2644)° unit ° needed A1 [6]

32 (a) distance traveled per unit time or in one second / distance ÷ time
or rate of change of distance B1
(b) s = d/t in any algebraic or numerical form C1
any doubling of distance or final time C1
0.48 s (allow 0.24s 2/3 accept 0.5s) A1
(c) 60/0.48 (5) C1
123.75 accept 120, 123, 124 (ecf (b)) A1
Total [6]
32 (a) straight line through optical centre by eye M1
one other line from same point on object correctly to image on film A1

(b) move lens towards object/to left/away from film B1

(c) 1st and 2nd face correct refraction for all rays shown B1
dispersion into at least two rays at first face only B1
colours marked on diverging rays outside prism
(any 2 visible colours from spectrum, any order, accept letters) B1 6

33 (a) 46 (°) B1

(b) angle of incidence B1

when refracted ray is along surface
or minimum angle of incidence for Total Internal Reflection B1

(c) sin i/sin r or 1/sinC B1

sin 63/sin 40 or 1/sin 46 C1
1.39 (accept 1.3860 –1.3902) A1

(d) correct reflected ray by eye B1 [7]

34 (a any ray from top of object correct through lens within 1mm of optical centre or F B1
other ray from same point correct through lens meeting 1st ray and none wrong B1

(b) (i) image size/object size or v/u) B1

(ii) 0.55–0.65 ecf diagram in (a) sizes or distances B1

(c) rays completed to retina but would meet behind retina B1 [5]

35 (a (i) correct ray B1

(ii) correct angle marked to normal B1

(iii) (the angle) between the incident ray and the normal (at the point of contact) B1

(b) correct ray from hat to eye B1

0.85–1.15 m B [5]
36 (a any ray from top of object correct through lens within 1mm of optical centre or F B1
other ray from same point correct through lens meeting 1st ray and none wrong B1

(b) (i) image size/object size (accept image dis or v/u) B1

(ii) 0.55–0.65 ecf diagram in (a) sizes or distances B1

(c) rays completed to retina but would meet behind retina B1 [5]

37 (a (i) correct ray B1

(ii) correct angle marked to normal B1

(iii) (the angle) between the incident ray and the normal (at the point of contact) B1

(b) correct ray from hat to eye B1

0.85–1.15 m B [5]

38 (a (sound) too high a frequency to be heard or (frequency) above 20 kHz


(b) (f =) v/λ or v = f λ algebraic or numerical C1

1 250 000 Hz z

(c) vibrate/oscillate
vibration etc. in same direction as/parallel to wave/energy or horizontally A1

(d) pressure increases and decreases or compressions and rarefactions mentioned

in (d) or particles come together and move apart B1 [6]
39 (a) Y B1

(b) XY B1

(c) ray to X M1
continuing straight on after lens A1
ray through correctly positioned principal focus on left of lens (M1)
continuing parallel to principal axis after lens (A1)

image at intersection of candidate’s ray with printed ray from A B1

(d) at surface(s) (of lens) B1

[Total: 6]

40 (a) (i) 1. X OR Y B1

2. Z B1

(ii) C marked between incident/reflected ray and normal on Y B1

(b) (i) three straight line wavefronts drawn, no discontinuities and bent in any
direction B1

wavefronts bent down at boundary and closer together B1

refracted wavefronts parallel B1

(ii) refraction B1

[Total: 7]
41 (a) echo / reflection (of sound) B1

(b) quieter B1
amplitude AND changed B1

(c) (i) stopwatch/stopclock/millisecond timer B1

(ii) distance ÷ time in any form e.g. 480 ÷ 3 C1

960 ÷ 3 OR evidence that double distance used or time halved C1
320 (m / s) c.a.o. A1

[Total: 7]
42 (a (i) 1. Mark amplitude with X B1
2. Mark wavelength with Y B1

(ii) 1. Amplitude increases and wavelength stays the same B1

2. Amplitude stays the same and wavelength decreases B1

(b) v = (total) distance / time OR d / t OR 2d / t in any form C1

d = 1500 × 0.054 / 2 C
40 m OR 41 m A1

[Total: 7]

43 (a (i) Reflection in a more dense material where there is no refracted ray or wtte
OR All light in a more dense material is reflected or wtte B1

(ii) e.g. The greatest angle of incidence (in the material) at which refraction
OR The angle of incidence (in the material) at which the refracted B1
ray travels along the boundary / angle of refraction is 90°
OR The angle of incidence / (in the material) above which total internal
reflection occurs

(b) (i) (refractive index =) speed of light in air / speed of light in glass
OR 3.0 × 108 / 2.0 × 108 M1
= 1.5 A1

(ii) sin c = 1 / n OR 1 / 1.5 seen

(c = 42°) B1

(iii) No change of direction at first face B1

Total internal reflection at hypotenuse with i = r by eye B1
Refraction with r greater than i at lower face B1

[Total: 8]

44 (a) (i) normal correct, by eye F B1 mark

(ii) reflected ray correct, by eye (ignore normal; F B1 side
ignore any arrow) diagram

(iii) both i and r correctly marked (condone F B1

sloppy normal and sloppy refracted ray)

(b) parallel to ray striking mirror 1 (allow incident ray) C B1

OR same direction (NOT equal/same as) 4
(N.B. sentence must be completed, i.e. no inference
from line on diagram)
45 (a) 680 1020 1360 1700 F B1

(b) 5 points plotted ± 1

2 small square (-1 e.e.o.o.) F B2
ignore 0,0 (e.c.f.)

reasonable line through his points – F B1

drawn with rule/thickness reasonable

(c) (i) flash F B1

light travels quickly OR sound travels slowly F C1

(accept figure)

light travels faster than sound (accept figure) F C1

light travels much faster than sound (accept C A1


(iii) 1400 - 1450 OR correct value from his graph F B1

± 12 square

clear and correct indication on graph of how F B1

obtained (minimum: dot at appropriate point) 10

46 (a) light wave fastest ) 2F B1+B1

water wave slowest )

(b) longitudinal F B1

transverse C B1

transverse F B1

(c) light wave ticked use + = 0 if extras F B1

47 (a) (i) beard tip to dot perpendicular to mirror (by F B1

distance beard tip to mirror = dist. mirror to F B1

dot (by eye)

(ii) reflected ray along line from eye to his dot C M1

(by eye)

incident ray from beard tip to join reflected C A1

ray at mirror

arrows from beard to eye C B1

(iii) virtual C B1

(iv) angle of incidence = angle of reflection OR F B1

i = r OR “they are equal” OR “sini = sinr”

b) right hand F B1

(ii) mark shown under L.H. eye on Fig. 11.2 F B1


48 (a it turns F M1
clockwise C A1
(b) (i) stationary OR nothing F B1
(ii) horizontal arrow (intention of from OR to pivot -
condone gap, if clear)
to left F A1
10 (N) C B1
49 (a) (from L to R) infra red (OR µwave)/ ultra violet/
4F B1 x 4
x rays/gamma rays
sound ticked F B1
50 (a) one 90° deviation at 1st mirror, by eye F C1
two 90° deviations at 1st mirror, by eye F A1
emerging rays parallel to incident rays, by eye F B1
(b) upside down OR inverted OR same size OR real C B1
51 (a) speed = distance/time )
) in any form F C1
OR speed = 2 x distance/time )
2 x 249/332 F C1
1.5 F A1
(b) 0.75 and 2.25 ticked e.c.f. use + x = 0 for
2C B1 + B1
Mark (b) independent of (a) 5
52 (a) (i) wavelength labelled clearly ± 3mm F C1
wavelength labelled clearly ± 1mm C A1

(ii) horizontal line F M1

anywhere between top & bottom of wave pattern C A1

(b) (measure time for) (count number of) (measure time)

(a numbe
number of ) OR (waves passing ) OR (for 1 wave F M1
(waves to pass ) ( ) (to pass )
f = no. of waves OR in F A1
time 6
53 (a) ray bent down at first surface F M1
not below normal F A1
ray bent down at second surface C B1

(b) (i) dispersion ticked F B1

(ii) red C B1

(iii) violet C B1
(allow B1,B0 if red and violet both written but interchanged) 6

54 (condone rays not drawn with a ruler, if reasonably straight)

(a) straight ray through centre of lens (±1 mm on axis by eye) (ignore any arrows) [B1]

(b) (i) ray correct, either through pole or

reasonably parallel to axis and then through F1 (±1 mm in either case)
NOTE: any refraction must be at centre line or at both surfaces [B1]

(ii) (condone image not labelled if it is clear where it is; condone image labelled as
‘object’ if image line clearly drawn)
image located at his intersection, even if intersection of incorrect rays [C1]
image drawn between axis and his intersection, and not beyond either [A1]

(c) clear indication of screen at candidate’s image, using vertical line [B1]

[Total: 5]
55 (a (i) decreasing OR getting lower/quieter/softer M1

(ii) amplitude/length of wave decreased OR waves got smaller

NOT wavelength decreased A1

b) nothing OR constant M1

(ii) waves equally spaced OR wavelength/period/T constant A1

(c) (i) 12 – 14 B1

(ii) 1. 300 (waves, oscillations, vibrations) every second B1

2. 1/3 (s) OR 0.0033 OR 0.003 with indication of recurring 3 B1
3. 1/his300 × his 12 OR his (1/30 C1
0.04 (s) e.c.f. A1

(d) (i) yes/ )


(ii) yes/ ) –1 e.e.o.o. B2


(iii) no/ ) [11]

56 (a) (i) 1. normal correct, by eye B1

2. i correctly labelled B1

(ii) i = r in any recognisable form accept incidence = refraction

NOT sin i = sin r B0 for refraction, refrection, reflaction B1

(iii) V B1

(iv) none B1
(b) be reasonably generous:
correct inversion M1
stem approx. parallel to card edge A1 [7]
57 (a) (i) 1 nothing OR no change B1
2 quieter/softer OR loudness less/decreases B1

(ii) frequency control: none OR no adjustment no e.c.f. B1

amplitude control: increase (amplitude) no e.c.f.
allow turn clockwise/to right B1

(b) (i) echo OR reflection (of sound) OR bounced (back) B1

(ii) idea of sound taking a finite time to travel

OR idea of sound doesn’t travel infinitely fast
IGNORE sound has to travel to rock face and back B1

58 (a 10 (cm) B1

(b) gets smaller NOT gets lower B1

gets closer to lens/moves to left/moves closer to F1 B1

c) principal focus/foci OR focal/focus point(s)
NOT focal length NOT focus B1

(d) (ii) (ignore any arrows)

ray drawn from top of object, through F2, to lens

must pass through the stroke indicating F2 B1
single refraction clearly at centre line
OR two appropriate refractions at surfaces B1
travels parallel to axis after lens, by eye must be drawn with ruler B1
reaches top of image B1
59 (a) refraction OR slows down OR changes speed/wavelength OR bends
NOT reflaction or refrection B1
dispersion OR divides/splits into colours/wavelengths/frequencies B1

b) red If red and violet interchanged, B1
allow B1 only
(ii) violet NOT blue NOT purple B1

c) X at or above top of visible spectrum M1
middle of X clearly above top of visible spectrum but no more than
twice height of the letter A from top of visible spectrum, by eye A1

(ii) infra-red OR IR OR ir OR heat/thermal (radiation) B1

60 (a temperature at which a liquid becomes a gas B1

(b) (i) molecules close together / touching or closer than in gas B1

randomly arranged or irregular structure B1
(ii) to separate / increase the distance between molecules B1
work done against (intermolecular) forces or supply p.e. or break bonds B1 [5]

61(a) micro waves

(b) radio waves B1
(c) one from:
cancer detection / treatment, sterilising (hospital equipment / dressings), B1
gamma-ray photography / scanning, preserving food, detecting cracks in
metal structures, locating leaks from underground pipes

any one from: B1

detecting forgeries, suntan beds, hardening dental fillings, astronomy,
security pens, treating jaundice, locating blood / body fluids Total: 5

62(a) normal drawn at X above and in the block

(b) ray refracted toward normal drawn from X to side RS
(c) angle of incidence correctly labelled
angle of refraction correctly labelled
(d) ray drawn refracted away from the normal Total: 5
63 Person A : lightning seen and thunder heard at (almost) same time

Person B : lightning seen first OR thunder heard later/after flash of lightning


light travels faster than sound OR reverse argument sound has further to travel to B so time
delay is greater or similar argument OR distances for A are so short that no observable
difference in time.

64 arrow on incident ray pointing towards mirror OR arrow on reflected ray pointing away from mirror

a(i) i AND r both correctly labelled

ii same distance from mirror as candle

same size as the candle

(b) angle of incidence = angle of reflection

65(a) (angle of) reflection

(b)(i) image ‘I’ correctly positioned

(b)(ii) angle of reflection incorrect OR object and image are not same distance from mirror owtte

angle of incidence ≠ angle of reflection owtte

66(a) speed = distance ÷ time in any form

indication of halving e.g. 450/2 OR 1500 × 0.15

225 (m)

(b) more than 20 000 Hz

(c) any wave from electromagnetic spectrum 5

67(a) 30 ÷ 4

7.5 (cm)

(b) number of waves (passing a point) in 1 second

(c) f = 4/0.05


Hz 6

68(a)(i) 300 – 360 m / s

(a)(ii) 20 Hz – 20 kHz

(b)(i) v = f λ OR (f =) v / λ OR (a)(i) / 0.022

Correct answer: e.g. 330 m / s gives 15 000 Hz

(b)(ii) Vertical dotted lines midway (by eye ) between each pair of compressions OR to right or
left of compressions shown with correct spacing (by eye)

(b)(iii) (At rarefactions) molecules have above normal separation / far apart / spread out
Pressure (of air) is below normal / low OR Molecules exert below normal / low pressure 7

69(a)(i) Ray continues through first face, without bending, to sloping face
Ray reflected vertically down at sloping face

(a)(ii) Prism drawn with correct orientation in square

Correct reflection to produce emergent ray

(b) Tick in box 2

Tick in box 6 6
70(a)(i) 1 tick 4th box NOT extra tick(s)

(a)(ii) 1 tick2ndbox NOT extra tick(s)

(b) 1 tick 2nd box NOT extra tick(s)

(c)(i) 1300 ⩽ v ⩽ 1700 m / s

(c)(ii) v = f λ in any form OR (λ =) v / f

candidate’s (i) / 12 000 evaluated

(d) any 2 wavelengths same as original

3 wave fronts curved AND concave up

3 part circles, 2 emanating from gap,

must reach about 45° each side of centre line

71 (a) ultra-vio written above / below ultrasound

radio written above / below earthquake

(b)(i) 3.0 × 108 m / s

(b)(ii)1 n = cv / cof in any form OR (n = )cv / cof


(b)(ii)2 sin c = 1 / n in any form OR (c = )sin–1(1 / n)


b)(iii) total internal reflection

72(a)(i) same wavelengths (as original) and three crests (or more)
sensible curvature at top and bottom (not touching wall)
straight line section in middle

(a)(ii) Innermost curve beyond guidelines and same wavelength

(b) type of wave longitudinal wave transverse wave

electromagnetic wave 9
P-wave 9
S-wave 9
sound wave 9
ultrasound wave 9
} 7
73(a)(i) 3.0 × 108 m / s

a)(ii) (a)(ii (waves)

(a)(iii) infra-red (radiation)

X-rays or Röntgen rays
(7b)(i) (b)(i energy wasted or danger (to people nearby)/harmful

(7b)(ii) (b)(ii) sa communication / television or mobile / cell telephones or

other sensible use (e.g. radar)

74(a) ( c = )sin–1(1/n) or sin–1(1/1.5) or sin–1(0.6667) or n = 1/sin(c) 42(41.8103)°

(b)(i) (all of the) same / one frequency / wavelength

b)(ii) ( r = )sin–1(sin(i) / n) or sin–1(sin(45(°)) / 1.5) n = sin (i) / sin(r) or

1.5 = sin(45°) / sin(r) or sin(r) = 0.47(140)
28(.1255057)° or 28°/27.63930015°

(b)(iii) reflected ray and refracted ray at correct angles

Question Answer

(a)(i) height / object height or image distance / object distance

(a)(ii) rays go to / meet at image or can be formed on a screen

(b)(i) horizontal ray continued to bottom of I

(b) cm

(b)(iii) any two other rays drawn, e.g. through centre of lens
Question Answer

76(a)(i) both reflected rays correct by eye

image in correct position shown by continuation of rays behind mirror

(a)(ii) virtual or upright or laterally inverted or same size (as object)

(b)(i) line ( joining points )

line joining points / particles on wave with same phase or line joining points along a crest etc.

(b)(ii)1 correct angle to surface ± 7° with correct orientation and similar wavelength (by eye)

(b)(ii)2 at least two lines at smaller angle to surface with correct orientation in slower medium

showing smaller and constant wavelength with wavefronts deviated in correct direction

(c)(i) (v = ) fλ or 2(000) × 16

32 000 cm / s or 320 m / s

(c)(ii)1 a range with 15–25 Hz as the lowest frequency and 15–30 kHz as the highest

(c)(ii)2 1.6 cm (if highest frequency is 20 000 Hz)

(c)(iii) tube or other method to produce (narrow) beam of sound on source and/or on detector

stated detector or stated reflector

detector moved to find maximum loudness or angles i and r measured with suitable experiment

77(a) longitudi - vibration / oscillation / movement to and fro and in direction of wave
or has compressions and rarefactions

transverse – vibration / oscillation / movement up and down and at right angles to wave
or has crests and troughs

(b)(i) λ = ) v / f or 330 / 3800

0.087 m or 8.7 cm

(b)(ii) heard and because below the range of audible frequencies or audible range is 20 – 20 000 Hz
or too low a pitch / frequency
78(a)(i) ray from right-hand corner of mirror to eye

any incident and corresponding reflected ray correct by eye

78(a)(ii) normal drawn at any intersection of incident and reflected ray

both r and i labelled correctly with normal

(a)(iii)1 cannot be formed on a screen

or nothing at the image (position)

rays do not come (all the way) from the image

or rays only appear to come from image

(a)(iii)2 (same distance) behind the mirror

or same size (as object)
or upright / erect
or laterally inverted

b)(i) reflection in mirror occurs at any angle

or total internal reflection (TIR) only occurs for i > critical angle
or there is no critical angle for the mirror B1

TIR occurs from dense to less dense medium

or in the dense(r) medium
or from glass to air or inside / does not escape glass
or from slow to fast (media)
or mirror reflection from air to glass B1

(mirror) reflection is not total, e.g., not all reflected

or better quality of image
or multiple images from a mirror B1

(b)(ii) 1 / sinC or 1 / sin44


(b)(iii) =
n sini / sinr in any form, e.g. sinr = sin50 / n

32° – 33°

(b)(iv) ANY 2 lines from

• more data per second or per unit time
• less decrease in strength / amplitude / attenuation
• less heat / power produced / wasted
• less need for repeating or amplification stations
• less interference / noise
• more secure / less chance of cross-talk
• lighter / less heavy
79(a) energy




(b) (transverse) vibrations perpendicular to travel/energy transfer

80(a) indication of speeds / velocity

light quickest

(b)(i) echo / reflection (of sound)

from cliff

(b)(ii) speed = distance ÷ time in any recognised form

1000 ÷ 330

3.03 (s)

5–7 seconds

81a (o)

(b)(i) normal correctly positioned on B

reflected ray drawn correctly

(b)(ii) r labelled correctly

(c) i = r / angle of incidence = angle of reflection

82(a) Diminished, inverted and real ticked. All correct = 2 marks; 1 or 2 correct = 1 mark;
contradiction loses
(b) Incident ray parallel to axis from tip of object to centre line of lens. Refracted ray from
centre line of lens OR: Refracted ray parallel to axis from tip of image to centre line of lens.
Incident ray from tip of object to meet refracted centre line of lens
Principal focus to right or left of lens marked

(c) Candidate’s distance from centre of lens to point marked F (even if clearly in wrong position)
OR candidate’s distance from centre of lens to correct point even if not marked F

(d) Any straight-line ray from tip of object to tip of image, not passing through a principal focus
of the lens, at centre line of lens

83(a) light travels faster than sound or converse argument

(b)(i) echo

(b)(ii) amplitude – smaller speed – the same

(c) speed = distance ÷ time 170 + 170 OR 340 ÷ 1 340 (m / s)

84(a)(i) normal line drawn at 90° to mirror by eye

(a)(ii) reflected ray drawn with i = r by eye

(a)(iii) angle of incidence = angle of reflection

(a)(iv) Mark is for the explanation linked to candidate’s diagram.

e.g. if answer is YES they should state that the reflected ray hits/reaches the (other)driver/
car or can be seen
(b)(i) ray refracted toward the normal

(b)(ii) angle of incidence labelled angle of refraction labelled

85(a)(i) visible light gamma rays

(a)(ii) wavelength frequency

(b) (sound) is a longitudinal wave (radio waves are transverse)

(sound) needs a medium to be transmitted (but radio waves do not)
(c) any four from: only award 4 marks if valid procedure (use tape measure) to
measure distance of at least 100 m blocks banged together
stopwatch started when blocks are SEEN to hit stopwatch stopped when sound
heard time taken recorded/calculated
speed = distance ÷ time
86(a) top diagram labelled diffraction middle diagram labelled reflection
bottom diagram labelled refraction

(b)(i) amplitude correctly indicated by eye

(b)(ii) wavelength correctly indicated by eye
(c) straight line (by eye) drawn through centre of lens to Y
sloping ray that emerges horizontally from lens to Y

87(a) horizontal arrows by eye arrows pointing in opposite directions

(b) 3rd box ticked vacuum
(c)(i) value less than 20 000 Hz
(c)(ii) sound with frequency above upper (frequency) limit of human hearing

88(a)(i) (Ray passes into the air and) refracts / changes direction / bends
(a)(ii) Total internal reflection (takes place)

(b)(i) Total internal reflection at B with angle of incidence equal to angle of reflection (by eye)
Refraction into air at right-hand face with angle of refraction greater than angle of

(b)(ii) incidence (n =) 1/sin c OR 1/sin 41 1.5

89(a) Number of wavefronts (generated/produced/passing a point) in 1 sec/per sec/in unit time

(b)(i) (Part of wave where) pressure/density is higher OR molecules are closer together

(b)(ii) At least 3 wavefronts shown as part semi-circles

Same separation between wavefronts drawn by candidate

as for incident wavefronts
(b)(iii) Less spreading out OR less diffraction
(c)(i) (λ =) v / f OR 340 / 6800 0.050 m
(c)(ii) In range 900 – 2000 m / s

90(a)(i) 3.4 cm
(a)(ii) 30 cm
(b) v= f λ in any form or (f = )v / λ (f = 8.0/2.5=) 3.2 Hz
(c)(i) 3 crests straight AND some spreading out

2 wavelengths same as original

(c)(ii)1. (wavelength) increases/ longer AND (because wave) travels further in same/periodic time
or because wave has higher speed /moves faster
(c)(i)2. More diffraction/spreading/deflection out/more curved OR no/smaller straight part in centre
91(a)(i) (n = ) speed in air / speed in liquid (n = 3 × 108 / 2.0 × 108 ) = 1.5

(a)(ii) n = sin i / sin r in any form (r = sin–1 (sin 40 / 1.5) = ) 25°

(b) one ray from object either with refraction at surface OR vertical
another ray from object, must have refraction at surface away from normal

both rays extended back to meet in the liquid

AND intersection labelled image/ I

92(a)(i) (v = )fλ or 6000 × 0.25 1500 m / s

(a)(ii) 300 m / s ⩽ c ⩽ 360 m / s

(a)(iii) less and travels less far in same/periodic time

(b) vibration/oscillation

vibration/oscillation parallel to direction of travel OR compressions and rarefactions

(c)(i) inversely related OR the wider the gap, the less the diffraction OR v.v.

(c)(ii) directly related OR greater wavelength, greater diffraction OR v.v.

93(a) OP/it is along the normal/at 90° (to the curved surface)

(b)(i) sin i / sin r = n sin r / sin 30(°) = 1.5 OR sin r = 1.5 × sin 30(°) 49°

(b)(ii) ray bends away from the normal c.a.o.

(c) angle (from normal) of refraction increases

refracted ray travels along boundary OR reflected ray becomes brighter OR refracted
ray becomes dimmer light reflects back into glass (with i = r)

94(a) ray leaves glass at top surface ray refracted away from normal
(b)(i) ray reflected into glass angle i = angle r by eye
(ii) total internal reflection
(c) waves with arcs centred on gap same wavelength
95(a)(i) arrows horizontal / on line from radio to man arrows in opposite direction
(a)(ii) middle box ticked longitudinal
(a)(iii) number in range 20–20 000 hertz
(a)(iv) (frequency of ultrasound) is above human (hearing) range
(b)(i) speed = dist ÷ time or any two corresponding values of distance ÷ time e.g. 600 ÷ 0.4
1500 (m / s)
(b)(ii) 900 (m) read from graph depth = 450 (m)
96(a) normal correctly positioned

(a)(ii) correct reflected ray at 45° to normal

(a)(iii) r correctly indicated

(a)(iv) angle i = angle r
(b) parallel to the incident ray at P
(c) F correctly labelled / 10 cm from lens 10 (cm)

97(a) green and indigo

(b) radio and microwaves infra-red
(c) damages cells / heats cells
(d) reduced exposure / leave room / move far away
metal apron / exposure badge / metal shielding

98(a)(i) electric bell working owtte no sound from bell / bell is quieter

(a)(ii) any two from:

sound will travel through air / glass
sound will not cross a vacuum
sound needs a medium to travel through
(a)(iii) vibrations
(b) 20 Hz from first column 20 kHz from second column

99(a) wavelength correctly indicated

(b) 12 (cm)
(c) 40 / 60 0.67 (Hz)
(d) direction of travel perpendicular to direction of vibration owtte

(e) any component of the electromagnetic spectrum

100(a)(i) top ray passes through f2 bottom ray passes through f2

refraction correctly shown either at centre of lens OR at both edges of lens
(a)(ii) C to f2
(b)(i) critical angle

(b)(ii) ray internally reflected reflecting angle = incident angle

101(a) light travels faster than sound OR reverse argument

(b) reflection (from building) / bouncing back (from building)

(c) time taken for first sound = 0.5 s

Time taken for echo = 2.5 s OR time for sound to travel from hammer and return = 2.0 s

2.0 s

(d) quieter / less amplitude / less energy

102(a) Tick 2nd box only

(b)(i) At least 3 parallel wavefronts in shallow water sloping upwards from left to

right Wavefronts in shallow water meet wavefronts in deep water

(b)(ii) Indication that frequency is same in deep and shallow water

In deep water v = fλ in any form OR f( =) v / λ OR 80 / 1.4 = 57.1 (Hz)

Wavelength in shallow water = v / f OR 60 / 57.1 = 1.05 cm OR

speed in deep water / speed in shallow water = 0.80 / 0.60 = 1.33

(f is constant so) λ in deep water / λ in shallow water = 1.33

λ in shallow water = 1.4 / 1.33 = 1.05 cm

103(a) 1500 m / s liquid 5000 m / s solid 300 m / s gas

(b)(i) X and Y marked at centres of any two rarefactions

(b)(ii) Area of low pressure or low density (of atoms) or where atoms / molecules far apart

(c) v = = d / t or 2 d / t in any form d = v t / 2 OR 3.0 × 108 × 2.56 / 2

3.84 × 108 m OR 3.84 × 105 km

103(a) One ray with correct path through lens

Another ray with correct path through lens

Rays intersect to right of F and below axis, inverted image

drawn and labelled I

(b) enlarged, upright and virtual only underlined or ringed

Two of above descriptions underlined

(c) On entering prism: green ray deflection more than red ray and above normal

On leaving prism: diverging downwards from red ray and not along surface of prism
104(a)(i) diffraction

(a)(ii) 4 arcs between dashed lines centred vertically at centre of gap

any 3 wavelengths same as incident wavelengths including wavelength from

wavefront in gap
(b)(i) wavefronts have smaller angular width
OR do not extend as far as dashed lines OR less (angular) spread

(b)(ii) increased wavelength OR more spreading use of v=f λ OR increased wavelength

105(a) real enlarged OR magnified Inverted OR upside down (answers in any order for 7(a))

(b)(i) 1st straight incident ray from close to point object to mirror correctly reflected, i = r

2nd straight incident ray from point object to mirror correctly reflected, i = r

(b)(ii) BOTH reflected rays extended back to intersect behind mirror

BOTH reflected rays extended back in straight lines AND I in correct position AND
{labelled OR clearly indicated}

106(a)(i) box next to 3.0 × 108 (second box down) ticked

(a)(ii) (λ = )c / f or 3.0 × 108 / 4.8 × 1014

6.2 / 6.25 / 6.3 × 10–7 m

(b)(i) 1. sines have no unit or sines are ratio of two lengths or ratio of two speeds (whose units
cancel) or units cancel
2. (v =) c / n or 3.0 × 108 / 1.5

2.0 × 108 m / s

(b)(ii) information / message / music/sound / signal / data (encoded as pulses of light) sent

light (travels along fibre) or infra-red (radiation)

light detected (at far end) or message decoded or total internal reflection mentioned

107(a) pressure / vibrational / longitudinal (wave) or (wave that consists of)

compressions and rarefactions or sound wave or inaudible sound

frequency greater than 15 kHz–25 kHz

(b) (ultrasound) transmitted into body echo / reflection from (baby / fetus) image produced
108(a) (high) positive potential

very low gas pressure or heat filament continuously / filament must remain hot

(b) determine distance / number of squares between pulses

multiply by time-base setting or multiply by number of ms / div

109(a) P - gamma(-rays) or γ(-rays) Q - ultraviolet (radiation) R - microwaves

any one correct all three correct
(b) P and X-rays and Q ticked

(c)(i) (f = )c / λ or 3.0 × 108 / 9.4 × 10–7 3.2 × 10N 3.2 × 1014 Hz

(c)(ii) infra-red / radiation / signal / wave emitted by control and received at set

infra-red / radiation / signal / wave is encoded or is decoded

(d)(i) normal indicated and angle of incidence indicated

(d)(ii) n = sin i / sin r or 1.5 = sin 57(°) / sin r or (r = )sin–1(sin 57(°) / n) or

sin–1(sin 57(°) / 1.5) 34°
(d)(iii) 1 no change

decreases and decreases

110(a) reflection of sound

(b)(i) decreases

(b)(ii) does not change

(c) (λ =) c / f or 330 / 3700 0.089 m or 8.9 cm or 89 mm

(a) the vibration direction is parallel to the wave / energy travel direction
or longitudinal waves have compressions and rarefactions or transverse waves have
crests and troughs or longitudinal waves cannot be polarised

(b)(i) (f =) v / λ or 0.17 / 0.019

8.9 Hz

(b)(ii) (frequency) stays constant or does not change

(b)(iii) (speed) decreases

(Fig. shows that) wavelength decreases or refraction is towards normal or i > r or top of
wave (in shaded region) lags behind bottom of wave

(c)(i) electromagnetic and transverse underlined

(c)(ii) n = sin(i) / sin(r) or (r =) sin–1(sin(i) / n) or (r =) sin–1(sin(60°) / 1.6) 33(°)

(c)(iii) 1 n = 1 / sin(c) or (c =) sin–1(1 / n) or sin–1(1 / 1.6) 39°

2 total internal reflection
θ > c or 57(°) > 39(°) or angle of incidence greater than the critical angle

3 reflected ray at P (correct angle by eye) light in air at 30° (by eye) to vertical surface

112(a) frequency of sound wave small(er) or its frequency is less than 20 000 Hz

(b)(i) transmission of energy

(through a medium) with no net movement of medium or by vibrating particles

vibrations parallel (and antiparallel) to wave / energy travel direction or cannot be polarised

(b)(ii) 1 two centres of rarefactions labelled R

2 distance from one point to adjacent identical point indicated (with double-headed arrow)

3. (v =) fλ or 25 000 × 0.047 / 0.048 / 0.049 or 25 000 × 4.7 / 4.8 / 4.9 or 25 000 × 47 / 48 / 49

1200 m / s
(c)(i) decreases

(c)(ii) four / five straight lines in air that touch the compressions still in the liquid and no
intermediate / extra lines between the correct lines
at least four compressions in air parallel to each other
at least four straight lines at shallower angle from horizontal and slope correct
(d) object (to be cleaned) immersed in liquid / solvent object / liquid agitated / vibrated by ultrasound
dirt (particles) shaken off or dislodges / removes dirt
113(a)(i) ultraviolet (waves / radiation)

(a)(ii) wavelength

(a)(iii) (visible light and radio waves) / (they have) the same (speed)

(b)(i) Any 2 from:

Checking bags or people or packages
For hidden objects
shadow / image on screen / monitor

(b)(ii) Transmission (of X-rays)

through less dense materials owtte
absorption (of X-rays)
by dense materials

114(a)(i) vibrates

(a)(ii) Yes (as within audible range of) 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz

(b) line drawn with smaller amplitude lower frequency i.e. fewer waves on screen

115(a)(i) refracted at first boundary correctly

refracted at second boundary correctly

(a)(ii) refraction

(b)(i) converging / bent inwards / meet at a point e.g. focus

(b)(ii) two straight rays drawn converging

116(a) orange yellow green blue indigo

(b)(i) detecting an intruder to infra-red communicating by satellite to microwaves

detecting broken bones to X-rays
(b)(ii) frequency

117(a) circle around 20 Hz–20 000 Hz

(b) frequencies (of sound) above 20 000 Hz

(c) Quieter sound AND has lower pitch (as) smaller amplitude (as) frequency is lower
118(a) A

(b) number of (complete) waves produced by source / passing a point

each second / in unit time

(c)(i) longitudinal

(c)(ii) sound wave

(c)(iii) 85–99 (cm)

119(a)(i) i placed between incident ray and normal

(a)(ii) ray refracted towards normal at 1st surface

ray refracted down at 2nd surface

(b)(i) dispersion

(b)(ii) violet

120(a) 3rd box – sound travels slower than the speed of light

(b) 2nd box – 20 to 20000 Hz

(c) 3rd box – Increasing the amplitude of a sound wave increases its loudness

(d) 3rd box – an echo is produced when sound is reflected

121(a) Light of a single colour / wavelength / frequency

(b)(i) Reflected wavefronts: In air, at least 3 wavefronts parallel to each other.

Same spacing as incident wavefronts
Reflecting at same angle with surface as incident wavefronts

(b)(ii) Refracted wavefronts:

In glass, at least 3 wavefronts parallel to each other AND continuous with incident wavefronts,
unless drawn to right of incident wavefronts.

Smaller wavelength than incident wavefronts AND equally spaced.

At smaller angle with surface than incident wavefronts and rotated clockwise compared to
incident wavefronts
(c) Rope drawn with two of: Amplitude labelled Wavelength labelled
Crest and trough labelled
122(a) Particles / molecules / water / medium vibrate

Vibration is in the direction travel of the wave

Has compressions and rarefactions

(b)(i) Value in range from 900 m / s to 2000 m / s

(b)(ii) v = fλ in any form OR (λ =) v / f OR answer to (b)(i) / 800

correct evaluation with unit (m)

123(a)(i) dispersion

(a)(ii) point A: red point B: violet

(a)(iii) different speeds / refractive indices / refractions( for different colours / wavelengths)

(b)(i) 1 more reflection on top wall of fibre, between X and end of fibre AND 0 reflections on
lower wall of fibre AND ray reaches end of fibre

(b)(ii) sin c = 1 / n in any form

(c = sin –1(1 / 1.46) =) 43°

(b)(iii) Any two from

• to carry (telephone) signals / communications
• for medical diagnosis / imaging
• specified artistic (display)
• specified lighting

124(a)(i) C marked within the shortest gap

(a)(ii) R marked within longest gap

(a)(iii) double-headed arrow across two wavelengths

(b) (v = ) f λ in any form (v = 750 × 0.45 = ) 340 m / s

(c) air OR any / a gas AND speed is (typical) of sound in a gas

(d)(i) longitudinal OR vibration parallel to wave travel direction OR transfer energy

(d)(ii) frequency / pitch less OR below 20 000 Hz OR audible (to someone with normal hearing)
125(a) (f = ) v / λ or 0.15 / 0.030

5.0 Hz

(b)(i) transmission of energy (through medium) and no transfer of matter

(direction of) vibration of particles or (direction of) vibration of medium

perpendicular to direction of energy travel / wave / propagation

(b)(ii) wave with constant wavelength and amplitude

wavelength indicated and labelled

amplitude indicated and labelled

126(a)(i) correct refractions and dispersion at first surface

correct and more refractions of both rays at second surface and (more) divergence and labels

(a)(ii) violet

(b)(i) (light of) a single frequency

(b)(ii) total internal reflection (at side AC) or internal reflection and no refraction

angle of incidence greater than critical angle / 42°

(and refractive index of glass greater than that of air than air)

(b)(iii) light refracts (at Y)

angle of incidence less than critical angle / 42°

(some) light reflects

Marking Scheme
1 (a) 36o (61o) 1

(b) Refracted ray drawn 1

22o (61o) 1
normal correct (by eye) 1
neat, thin, correct lines 1

(c) Correct refracted ray (by eye) with arrow 1

(d) Separation (LHS) at least 5cm 1

Separation (RHS) at least 5cm 1


2 (a All T values correct (0.34, 0.44, 0,49, 0.53, 0.60, 0.63) 1

All T values to 2 sf OR all to 3sf 1

(b) Graph:
Scales suitable 1
Scales labeled and with units 1
Plots correct to ½ sq (-1 each error) 2
Line judgement 1
Line thickness (and small, neat plots) 1

(c) T = 0.51 (s) correct answer only; NO ecf 1

(d) Statement: NO 1
Reason: line not through origin (or equivalent) 1

(allow mark if candidate describes str. line or constant gradient) TOTAL 11

3 (a normal in correct position and at 90o (by eye) [1]

(b) i = 29 - 31 [1]

(c) refracted ray correct side of normal and at angle < i [1]
r = 18 - 22 [1]

(d) ray displaced and parallel to incident ray (by eye) [1]
all correct lines drawn neatly, not too thick, and forming
continuous path [1]

(e) two pins on emerging ray, labelled Y and Z [1]

pins at least 3 cm apart [1]

[total: 8]
4 (a All lines present and neat, a = 1.5 cm [1]

(iv) b = 4.3 cm [1]

(iv) FI = 4.3 cm (or cand's a value) [1]

(v) IJ meets NN' at right angle (by eye) [1]

(vi) c correct to + 1 mm, 2.1 cm [1]

(vii) n calculation correct [1]

2/3 sf and no unit (1.4) [1]

(b) repeats and averages [1]

greater pin spacing [1]


5 (a) correct arithmetic for f, 0.154, 0.144 (any sf) [1]

correct average f (0.149, ecf) [1]
average f to 2/3 sf [1]
correct unit for average f (m) [1]

(b) precautions:
any two from:
use darkened area (wtte)
metre rule on bench or clamped
object and lens same height from bench
mark on lens holder to show position of lens centre
take more readings
choosing mid point between acceptable positions
parallax, action and reason
lens/screen perpendicular to bench [2]

(c) inverted [1]

[Total: 7]
6 (a normal at 90°, straight, at centre [1]
(b) incident ray at 30° on left of normal, straight [1]

(c) ray box near beginning of incident ray and pointing along it [1]

(d) reflected ray at angle of reflection approximately 30° [1]

(e) any two from:

darkened room / brighter ray box owtte
mark rays at centre / edge of beam
use sharp pencil
thin ray / small slit in ray box [2]
perpendicular viewing of protractor
[Total: 6]

7 (a) u = 20 mm AND v = 58 mm [1]

(b) v / u = 2.9 e.c.f. from (a) no unit [1]

(c) U = 200, V = 580 e.c.f. from (a) [1]

(d) 1.5 cm OR 15 mm [1]

(e) statement to match results (expect yes) [1]

justified by reference to results, communicating idea of within (beyond, ecf) limits

of experimental accuracy [1]

(f) any two from:

use of darkened room / brighter lamp
mark position of centre of lens on holder
place metre rule on bench (or clamp in position)
ensure object and (centre of) lens are same height (from the bench)
repeats and average
moving lens / object / screen back and forth (to find sharpest image) owtte
screen and lens and object all perpendicular to bench [2]

(g) image inverted [1]

(h) any one from:

darkened room / brighter lamp
moving lens / object / screen back and forth owtte [1]
use object with fine detail e.g. cross-wires
[Total: 10]
measure at middle of range where image is sharp
8 (a (i) line correctly drawn through P1 and P2 and extended into prism B1 [1]

(ii) line correctly drawn through P3 and P4 and extended back to cross (a)(i) B1 [1

(iii) correct construction lines and 36° ± 2° B1 [1]

(iv) path through prism correctly drawn B1 [1]

(b) spectrum formed/ dispersion occurs/ splits into colours B1 [1]

B1 [1]
(c) not perpendicular/at 90° to surface/prism/side of prism normal is
perpendicular to surface B1 [1]

(ii) correct normal seen and 32°± 2° [Total: 7]

9 (a (i) normal drawn correctly B1 [1]

(ii) i marked (ecf incorrectly drawn normal) B1 [1]

(iii) 29° to 31° (ecf (ii)) B [1]

(b) line drawn parallel to and 5 cm ±1 mm below upper surface of block B1 [1]

(ii) line through (within 1 mm of) crosses M1 and M2 to candidate’s line B1 [1]
in (b)(i)
B1 [1]
(iii) ray drawn within block
B1 [1]

(c) 14° to 20° [Total: 7]

10 (a (i) 1.7(1) (s) B1

(ii) 2.924 m/s ecf (i) unit required C1

2.9 or 2.92 m/s ecf (i) A1

(d) (i) student not in line with end of rule /

distance between rule and spring / students or between spring and students
allow lines drawn on diagram B1

(ii) start stopwatch after wave has passed start / stop stopwatch before wave gets to
end / observed distance is smaller (than 5 m)
(iii) students have different reaction times / students in different positions
(iv) how to start stopwatch accurately.
e.g. teacher / student says ‘go’ as wave starts; student stands at start of spring B1
rules / how to stop stopwatch accurately e.g. student (at end) says stop
NOT just student stands closer to rule
(c) immerse in fluid, e.g. water / oil / foam / decrease the tension in the spring /
teacher closer to student / spring shorter B1

[Total: 9]
11 (a trundle wheel / measuring tape / more than one metre rule / metre tape B1 [1]
ignore 10 m ruler

(b) know when to start stopwatch / when sound is made / when pistol fired B1 [1]

(c) avoid echoes / reflections / sound bouncing off buildings B1 [1]

ignore noise from surroundings / sound hits buildings

(d) mark 1 and 2 together any TWO sensible suggestions, e.g. reactions too slow

ignore just human error

stopwatch faulty / failed to start / stop / not at zero

time interval too short / speed too fast / distance too short poor hearing / could not

hear the bang

poor eyesight / could not see the smoke

different distances (from teacher)

lack of concentration / not paying attention

ignore faulty pistol

B2 [2]
NOT parallax error
B1 [1]

(e) faster / larger / speed quicker

ignore takes less time / hears sound quicker [Total: 6]

12 (a uses light from a distant object B1

allow parallel light mentioned / at least 2 parallel rays drawn (not including
axis unless arrow shown)

moves lens/focuses light onto a screen B1

allow f/F/15 correctly marked on ray diagram

measures from lens to screen / image / repeats for all 3 lenses B1 [3]
max 2 if concave lens drawn

(b) N increases, f decreases / inverse relationship C1

inversely proportional / N x f = constant A1 [2]

allow max 1 mark if focal point used for focal length

allow one mark if inversely proportional stated then incorrect description

[Total: 5]
13 (a line through OP1P2 with ruler, neat, touching each dot B1

line through P3P4 with ruler, neat, touching each dot B1

lines produced to meet B1 [3]

(b) repeat for Q B1
1 [

(c) mirror line accurately drawn through intersections B1 [1]

(d) P3P4 and Q3Q4 produced back to meet B1 [1]

(e) 12.5 to 14.0 cm to nearest mm B1 [1]

(f) pins may not be vertical / pins not straight / where pins enter paper

allow more accurate / pins placed correctly or properly B1 [1]

[Total: 8]
14 (a) (i) diagram of convex lens + Sun/distant object/parallel rays to lens
+ screen or rays to focus + f marked or ruler show [1]

(ii) value for f too large or larger/image is further from lens [1]

(b) (i) rays hit mirror at 90o/reflected by mirror/

rays go back along the same path (can be shown on diagram) [1]

(ii) 1 no change/image in focus/image is dimmer [1]

2 image becomes blurred/out of focus/disappears [1]

[Total 5]
15 a correct experiment described [M0]
i.e. must be refraction

ray box OR pins AND [B1]

protractor AND ruler AND
any one from
(plain) paper / board / (sharp) pencil

mark ray in air on both sides of block with pins or crosses [B1]

written description of: [B1]

join points in air to block (both sides) and (remove block to) draw ray in

correct angles measured and labelled on diagram or described if no [B1]

diagram drawn

accuracy mark: e.g. repeats described anywhere [B1]

fine pencil pins far apart bottom of pins large angles
vary angle of incidence
[Total marks: 5]

16 (a use of distant object and screen B1

(b) (i) u marked correctly B1

D marked correctly B1
(ii) 96.3 cm unit required B1

(iii) avoid parallax in reading (ruler) / view perpendicularly

lens / screen close to ruler
use darkened room
check for zero error
clamp ruler
move screen (not lens) backwards and forwards (until sharp image found) object
and lens same height (above bench)
object and lens and screen perpendicular to bench / vertical B1
(c) (ii) axes correct way round, labelled quantity and unit B1
scales linear, sensible B1
points plotted accurately within ½ small square
neat crosses or small points (in circle) B1
best fit smooth curve drawn B1

(iii) 1. 39 to 41 (cm) B1

2. 20 ± 2 (cm) B1

(iv) both values for f correctly calculated and sensible comment B1

[Total: 12]
17 (a (i) ray from A to screen through pinhole B1
ray from B to screen through pinhole B1
17 ± 2° B1

(ii) use of longer lines, e.g. use of rays on left hand side of pinhole / extend rays
on right / measure the angle from both rays / measure angle at both sides of
the inter section B1

(iii) ray from A forms bottom of image ora with B / image is real / rays of light
cross or intersect / rays of light meet at the pinhole (before the screen) B1

(b) light from A spread out / diverge on screen / form more than one image / rays from
A do not meet (at a point on screen) B1

[Total: 6]
18(a) m1 =2.94
(b) (m2 = 0.329 OR 0.33) m1 and m2 to 2 or 3 significant figures only
AND both m with no unit (accept ×)
(c) Statement, expect YES. Must match results. e.c.f .allowed
Justification to include idea of within (or beyond) limits 1
of (experimental) accuracy
(d) Any two from:
• Use of darkened room / brighter lamp / no other lights 1
• Mark position of centre of lens on holder
• Place metre rule on bench (or clamp in position)
• Ensure object and centre of lens are same height from the bench
• Move lens slowly / to and fro (when focussing)
• Lens, object, screen vertical / perpendicular to bench
• Repeat with different D
• Use of graph paper / cm scale on screen to measure image
(a) trace: i = 20 1

b)(i) P at least 5 cm from the block 1

(b)(ii) Greater accuracy with greater distance owtte 1

OR easier to line up accurately

(b)(iii) 19° 1

(c) Gra
θ 19 (or ecf), 29,41,51,59
i 20, 30, 40, 50, 60

Axes correctly labelled and right way round 1

Suitable scales 1
All plots correct to ½ small square 1
Good line judgement, thin, continuous line 1

(d) Triangle method shown on graph and triangle using at least half of candidate’s line 1

G 0.9 – 1.1 1 10

20(a)(i) line through each pair of dots to mirror and line joined between mirrors – correct by eye

(a)(ii) de
line through P1 and P2 and line through P3 and P4

joining the two lines in the middle at the points where the lines meet the mirror

(a)(iii) lines through the centre of the blobs / a thin line drawn / use of a sharp pencil / any
sensible precaution
(b)(i), (ii) normal drawn at Q by eye
(b)(iii) i = 44° ± 1°

(b)(iv) r = 47° ± 1°

(c) 3 and P4 further apart / line up the bases of the pins / ensure pins are vertical
21(a) 2.0 (cm) correct answer only

(b)(i) 2.3 (cm) correct answer only

(b)(ii) (edges of) shadow curved / not distinct / (shadow of) ruler / hand / person
gets in the way / shadow is of variable height

(c) axes labelled quantity and unit and axes correct way round

x axis scale linear, not awkward, starts from (0,0) points plotted accurately
smooth best fit curve drawn
(d)(i) 4(.0) ± 0.2 (cm)

(d)(ii) ÷2

(d)(iii) expect YES and values very close / nearly the same / close enough / within
limits of experimental error < 10%

(e)(i) correct value from sensible extrapolation

(e)(ii) shadow becomes too big to fit on screen / becomes more blurred / off the scale of the graph

(f) chang D changes the height of the shadow / to make it (a) fair (test) / a fair comparison

22(a) hI = 4.5 (cm)

(b) corr M calculations – 3.00 / ecf, 1.50, 0.73, 0.50, 0.37

(c) gra
axes labelled with quantity and unit

appropriate scales (plots occupying at least ½ grid)

plots all correct to within ½ small square

well judged line and single, continuous thin line

(d) construction line(s) clearly seen on graph

u in range 28.0 to 32.0 (cm)

(e) any appropriate difficulty:

e.g. hand / ruler in way of image

matching improvement:
e.g. use translucent screen and view from behind,
fix ruler / grid to screen

(f) able to achieve a sharp / complete / focused image / owtte

23(a) Normal in centre of AB and CD and FE at 30° to normal
P1 P2 distance at least 5 cm
(b) P3 P4 line and KE correctly drawn (to K)
(c) α in range 28–32 x in range 20–24 (mm)
(d) Statement matches readings (Expect YES, owtte)
Justification to include the idea of within (or beyond, ecf) the limits of experimental accuracy
(e) Any one from:
Large pin separation
Ensure pins vertical / upright / erect
View bases of pins
Use thin pencil lines / thin pins

24(a) 50 – 200 cm inclusive

(b) move (the screen) slowly/carefully back and forth until the best position is found

(c) 9.966/9.97/10 cm

answer to 2/3 significant figures (regardless of value – even if incorrect)

(d) upside down/magnified/fainter/coloured

(e) A, D, F

25(a) θ = 30°±1°

(b) distance ⩾ 5 cm ⩽ 15 cm

(c)(i) normal correct

(c)(ii) a = 6.4 (cm) and b = 4.3 (cm)

(c)(iii) n = 1.49 or ecf 2 or 3 sig figs and no unit

(d)(i) all lines in correct places and neat α = 28°±3
(d)(ii) statement matching results
justification matching the statement (‘within limits of experimental accuracy’ / owtte)

(e) difficulty in aligning pins / placing pins accurately,

pins (too) thick
26(a)(i),(ii) v = 6.(0) AND d = 8.(0) or v = 60 AND d = 80 correct matching unit

(b)(i),(ii),(iii) V = 60 cm (or 10 × candidate’s v) and

D = 80 cm (or 10 × candidate’s d) UV 1200 (ecf)

(c) One from:

Different size
Different brightness
Sharpness / clearness / coloured edges

(d)(i),(ii),(iii) f values 15(.0)

and 14.9 (14.87) fA correct method 2 or 3 significant figures

(e) Any two from:

Difficulty deciding exact position of sharpest image
Difficulty measuring to centre of lens
Product uv increases problem
Image edges blurred / not clear
Insufficient sets of results

(f)(i) 5 – 10

(f)(ii) Difference of at least 40 cm with a range 15–100

27(a) Graph axes correctly labelled suitable scales

all plots correct to ½ small square

good best-fit curve judgement thin, continuous line based on all the plots

(b)(i) 2 points and straight line correct

(b)(ii) u1 and v1 read correctly to ½ small square

(b)(iii) correct (calculation of) f from candidate’s values

f value rounding to 14 – 16cm

(c) any two from:

upside down
less bright / brighter
coloured edges
different sizes

(d) any two from:

darkened room / bright object
object AND lens AND screen perp. to bench / vertical
object and lens same height (from bench)
move screen (not lens) slowly / backwards and forwards
clamp rule / fix rule to bench
28 MP1 additional apparatus: screen AND (metre) rule

MP2 diagram: suitable arrangement of apparatus with u & v labelled correctly

MP3 method:
obtain (clear focused) image AND measure u, v

MP4 repeat for other values of u

MP5 one precaution for clear, focused image:

move screen slowly / backwards and forwards,
object AND lens AND screen perpendicular to bench / vertical,
object and lens at same height (from bench),
use of dark room / bright light

MP6 one precaution with measurements:

clamp rule / fix to bench,

mark centre of lens on holder

avoidance of parallax explained and specific

MP7 one additional point:

additional precaution,
calculate f from given equation
at least 3 values obtained,
calculate average,
mention of at least one appropriate u value,
mention of preliminary expt to obtain rough f value (e.g. light from window)

29(a) 5(.0) cm (± 0.1 cm)

(b)(i) line drawn from P to meet AB – parallel to ST by eye and point C labelled

(b)(ii) distance from ST measured at least once (other than at P) to get the same
answer / correct use of set squares / dividers / protractors

(c) correct line drawn and point R labelled.

(d) θ =23° ± 1°

(e) 2.2 / sin (their value from d)

(f) CF measured and sensible comment e.g. very close so they agree ecf their results.
30(a)(i) normal drawn at point Q and extended to cross CD with point R correctly labelled

(a)(ii) α = 30 ± 1°
unit required

(b)(i) straight line through crosses, crossing CD at S and QR at T, S and T both labelled
and x = 5.3 ± 0.1 (cm)

(b)(ii) y = 3.5 ± 0.1 (cm)

(c) candidate’s x / y calculated correctly

31(a)(ii) i = 30° on correct side of normal

(a)(iii) P1 and P2 at minimum distance apart of 5.0 cm

(b)(i) Line through P3 and P4 straight and continued to NL

(b)(ii) a in range 17 mm to 21 mm

(b)(iii) b in range 55 mm to 56 mm and both a and b with correct unit

(b)(iv) n in range 1.31–1.65, 2 or 3 significant figures

(c) n = 1.5 or 1.53, both n with no unit

(d) Any two from:

Getting pins vertical / pins are bent
Lining up the pins exactly / seeing pins clearly
Drawing accurate / thin lines
Replacing block accurately on outline / outline larger than block / owtte

(e) 3rd box (view bases of pins)

32(a)(i) α = 20° ± 1°

(a)(ii) normal correct (a)(iii) pin separations ⩾ 5.0 cm

(b)(i) line in correct place and neat (b)(ii) θ = 40° ± 1°

(c)(i) line in correct place and neat

(c)(ii) θ = 68° ± 1°

(d) statement matching results including qualitative justification (e.g. ‘within limits of
experimental accuracy’ / owtte)

justification that makes use of the data to support statement

(e) Any two suitable precautions:

pins upright / view pins at base; thin pins; thin lines / sharp pencil; large pin separations;
ensure mirrored surface lies along drawn line.
33(a)(i) 0.915 (s)

0.92 (s)

(a)(ii) the data is only given to 2 decimal places / there is a large variation in the raw data

(b)(i) measuring tape

(b)(ii) 282.6 (280 / 283 / 300) (m / s)

[284.2 (m / s) if 0.915 s used]

(b)(iii) distance is only approximate / difficult to measure distance accurately / difficult to

coordinate claps with the echoes / reaction time errors
Best of Luck
Please post your valuable feedback at

Rashid Manzoor
MSc - Physics

0333 2 10 10 54


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