Destination B1 - T NG H P NG Pháp T V NG

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De Pe A @TTO CHANNEL TONG HOP NGU PHAP & TU VUNG Sir dung kem Video trén YouTube Compiled by OTTO CHANNEL Grammar Phrasal verbs aaa ae form Word pattern --- Than tang cac ban da ng hé Otto Channel Teach from Ld not from }] Online Zoom Class_ One price for all levels he APPETIZER 1. Lop A1 (Thi Flyers & HSG lop 4,5) 2. Lop A2 (Thi KET & HSG lép 5,6) SPECIAL COURSES 3. Lop B1 (Thi PET & HSG lép 6, 7 & DH Chuyén) 4. Lép B2 (trir) (Thi FCE & HSG |6p 7,8 & DH Chuyén) 5. Lop B2 (Thi HSG Iép 8,9 & cdc tinh thanh KHO vira) DESSERT 8.C1C2-HSG cap Ill (Thi HSG Lép 10, 11, 12 & Chuyén) 6. Lop C1 - HCM (Thi chuyén, CAE, HSG l6p 9 HCM. Va cdc tinh thanh cé 46 KHO cao) 7. Lop C1-HN (ken un Sener ene Va cdc tinh thanh cé dé KHO cao) KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 CHUYEN GIA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HSG TONG: HOP DESTINATION B1 DESTINATION B1 - UNIT 1 (GRAMMAR) A) PRESENT SIMPLE 1. CAU TRUC THI HIEN TAI BON D6ng tir “TO BE” ! am EX: I'm Lan. Khang dinh | You/We/They are EX: We're students. He/ She / It is EX: She is my teacher. ' am not EX: I'm not Minh. I'm Lan. Phi Binh You/We/They aren't EX: We aren't doctors. He/ She / It isn't EX: He isn’t handsome. acai 1 EX: Am | tall? — Yes, you are. / + No, you aren't. EX: Are you a student? F Are | You/We/They Nghi van — Yes, lam. // + No, | am not. EX: Is it beautiful? Is He/ She / It — Yes, itis. — No, it isn’t. Déng tir thudng (V1 / Visies)) 1/You/We/They | V1 EX: | go to school by bus everyday. EX: He goes to school by bike Khang dinh Ngoai le He / She /It vi . saad EX: She has a new dress. (have — has) 1/You/We/ They | don't V1 EX: They don't go out in the evening. Phd Binh He / She /It doesn't Vi | EX: She doesn't buy that flower. Nghi van 1/ You / We / EX: Do you play soccer? Do Vi They — Yes, we do. EX: Does he walk to school everyday? — No, he doesn't. Does | He/She/It Mi 3] You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643699 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 2. CACH SU DUNG THI HIEN TAI DON Thi hién tai don [a thi ding dé dién dat mét hanh déng mang tinh thong xuyén (regular actions), theo théi quen (habitual actions) hoc hanh déng lap di lp lai cé tinh quy luat, ho&c dién ta chan ly va su that hién nhién. 4 D4u higu nhan biét a) Khi trong cau xuat hign céc trang tir chi tan sudt v Always, usually, often, sometimes, frequently, seldom, rarely, hardly, never, generally, regularly. v Every day, week, month, year... Y — Once, twice, three times, four times... a day, week, month, year... b) Vi tri cua cdc trang tir chi tn suat trong cau thi hign tai don. Cc trang tir nay (Always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom...) thuéng dtrng truéc d6ng tiv thudng, ding sau déng tir to be. 3. CACH THEM E/ES CHO BONG TU’ a) Théms vao dang sau hau hét cc d6ng tir: EX: want - wants; work - works; b) Thémes vao cac déng tir két thic bang ch, sh, s, $8, x, Z, 0: EX: miss - misses; wash - washes; fix - fixes; teach - teaches; go - goes ... c) Béy va thém ies vao sau cdc d6ng tir két thc boi mét phy am + y: EX: study - studies; fly - flies; try - tries ... 4. CACH PHAT AM VO! PHY AM DUO! S/ES Is! | Khi tir c6 tan cing [a cde phy am Hf, 10, Ik, Ipl, 181 EX: stops, works, months... Khi tir c6 tan cing [a cae am /s/, nS Jal, MI, tl, 13/, aay Aycan leva) > (thueng c6 tan cling la cae chor ci ce, x, z, sh, ch, s, ge) EX: changes, wishes, Tai: | Khittr c6 t€n cing la nguyén am va cc phy am con lai EX: dreams, belongs... CAn tra tir didn 48 x4c dinh cac am cudi va 4p dung nguyén tac trén 4] You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 B) PRESENT CONTINOUS 4. CAU TRUC THI HIEN TAI TIEP DIEN S+amiis/are+V-ing a 1 am | V-ing | EX: I'm studying Math now. He/Shellt EX: He's baking a cake. Danh tir 86 it is | Ving | EX: The cat is playing with Kh&ng | Danh tt khong dém duc toys. gin EX: They're singing a song You/We/They together. are | V-ing Danh tir s6 nhidu EX: The kids are playing outside. S + amiis/are + not + V-ing \ am | ying | EX: 1am not cooking now not een EX: He's not feeding his dogs Pha now. "| Danh tir sé it isnt | Vsing | the bid ien't singing at Binh : : The bird isn't singing Danh tir khong dém dug Peace You/We/They EX: The guitarists are not aren't | V-ing ‘ Danh tir s6 nhidu practicing at present. Am/ Is/ Are + S + V-ing hoac WH- + am/is/are +S + V-ing? EX: Are you doing Am |1 V-ing | homework? — Yes, lam. He/She/lt EX: Is John playing football Is | Danh tir sé it V-ing | now? Bea Danh tir khong dém duge — No, he isn’t. van YouiWelThey __ | EX: Are they singing now? Are V-ing Danh tir s6 nhidu EX: What are you doing now? Wh- + am/ are/ is (not) + S + Ving? EX: Who is she studying with? 5 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § BEN LOP 12 2. CACH SU DUNG THI HIEN TAI TIEP DIEN Thi hién tai tiép dién (Present Continuous) dung dé dién ta nhirng sy viée xay ra ngay dc ching ta néi hay xung quanh théi diém néi, va hanh déng cha cham ditt (con tiép tuc dién ra). + Dau higu nhan biét a) _Khi trong cau xudt hign cac trang tir chi thoi gian ¥ Now, right now, at this moment, at present Y Today, this week... It’s + gid cu thé + now (EX: It's 12 o'clock now) Look! WatchI, Listen... b) rong cau xudt hign cdc dong tiv nh Y Keep silent! EX: The teacher is saying the main point of the lesson! ¥ Watch out! (= Look out!) EX: Watch out! The train is coming! 4 Luuy Khéng dung thi hién tai tiép di&n véi cac d6ng tly chi tri gidc, nhan thirc nh: be, see, hear, feel, realize, seem, remember, forget, understand, know, like, want, glance, ‘smell, love, hate, ... C) — STATIVE VERBS Y Stative verb hay cdn goi la non-action verbs la nhing dong tir ding 4é chi trang thai. ¥ — B6ng tiv chi trang thai thudng lién quan t6i: cdm xuc (emotions); sy tdn tai (existence); ham muén (desire); cam gidc (sense); sé hiru (possession); y nghi/quan diém (thoughts/opinion) hoc 48 chi cdc sé do, kich co (measurement). ¥ — B6ng tir chi trang thai khong str dung & thi tiép dién. Chi st? dung 6 thi tiép din trong trong hop né mang nghia khdc so v6i nghia “chi trang thai” 6 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643509 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 [ Stative Verbs | Nghia tiéng Viet Stative Verbs | Nghia tiéng Viet appear Té vé, duéng nh love yéu (throng) be thi, la, 6... need ean believe tin tuéng prefer thich hon belong to thudc (vé cai gi) see thay hate ghet seem dwong nhu have ) taste c6 vi (ném) include bao gdm think suy nght know biét understand higu like thich want muén, can D) —_TU'VYNG TRONG UNIT 1 Stt Tw vung Tw loai Nghia 1. | habit (n) | thi quen 2. | permanent (adj) | tau dai, 06 dinh, thueng xuyén 3. | rarely (adj) | hiém hi 4. | annoy (v) | lam phién, lam khé chiu 5. | prompt (n) | svgoiy 6. | fast-food (n phr) | thirc 4n nhanh 7. |haveftake a shower | (v) _| tm (bang vdi sen) 8. | aunt (n) | di, c6, bac, 0, thim... 9. | musician (n)__ | nhac sy 10. | lie (v) | néi déi 44. | liar (n) | ngudi noi déi 12. | touch (v) | cham vao, dung vao 13. | button (n) _ | ci nat (press the button: nhdn cai nat nay) 14. | washing machine | (n phr) | may giat 15. | library (n) | th vién 7 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 16. | expedition (n) | cudc tham hiém 17. | jungle (a) | khu rieng 18. | squash (v) | chen chic, ty tap 19. | squash (n) mén béng quan 20. | upset (adj) | ture gian 21. | spell (v) | danh van 22. | sweater (n) | 40 len dai tay 23. | kite (n) | chiéc didu 24. | astronomy (n) | thién van hoc 25. | backgammon (n) _ | 0@ tao cdo (mét loai c&, chess) 26. | throw (vy) | ném 27. | dice (n) _ | xtie xde, trd choi xtc x4o 28. | chess (n) | oe 8 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § BEN LOP 12 CHUYEN GIA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HSG TONG HOP DESTINATION B1 DESTINATION B1 — UNIT 2 (GRAMMAR) A) PAST SIMPLE 4. CAU TRUC THI QUA KHU DON ‘Déng tir “TO BE” => S + was / were + (adj) I/ Hel She / It EX: I was s0 bored this moming! Danh tir sé it was | EX: Lan was so excited about ob Danh tir khéng d&m duoc camping yesterday. YouNWe/They EX: They were in Nha Trang on Danh tir s6 nhiéu were | their last holiday. EX: She wasn't happy last night 1/ Hel She /It was ; because her mother went on Danh tir $6 it, khéng dém duoc | not i business trip. You/We/They were |EX: We weren't at home Danh tir sé nhiéu not —_| yesterday EX: Was he interested? 1/ Hel She /It Was : — Yes, he was. 9 Danh tir sé it, khong dém dug r, — No, he wasn’t You/WelThey EX: Were you tired? Were , Danh tr s6 nhiéu — Yes, we were. ‘Déng tir throng (V2 / View) eel sonlwive EX: She watched this film last (ed) Friday with her friends. EX: He didn't play soccer with us - S+ didn't V2/ Vieq) yesterday. EX: Did she miss the train ? |pa |s V4 F nguyen tnd yesterday? — No, she didn't miss the train. 9| You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 2. CACH CHIA BONG TU VE QUA KHU 2.1. BONG TU CO QUY TAC: THEM ED a) Thém ed vao dang sau d6ng tir EX: watch —watched tun turned want—wanted attach — attached b) Néu déng tir tan cing [a “e” ta chi cn thém “a” EX: type — typed smile—smiled agree — agreed ©) Néu dong tir cé MOT am tiét, tan cling la MOT phy am, truéc phy am la MOT nguyén am, ta cn nhan doi phy am cudi rdi thém “ed” EX: stop-stopped shop—shopped tap — tapped %* =~ Luu y: Co 1 vai tir khong thude quy tac trén EX: commit — committed travel —travelled __ prefer — preferred d) Bdng ti tan cing la “y” ma truéc y [a “nguyén 4m” “e”” “u” “o” “a” “i”, ching ta ity nquyén va thém ed. Néu trréc y la mot “phy 4m” thi ching ta chuyén y thanh iva them ed . EX: enjoy—enjoyed play — played stay - stayed EX: carry - carried study—studied hurry — hurried iG 2.2. CACH PHAT AMED lid! | khi tan cling cia dong tir Mt, /d/ EX: noted, added, decided... it | khitn cling cia dOng tir Id /chv,/s/, /x/, Ist, /K/,/f1,/p/ EX: watched, fixed, coughed... dl khi tan cling cia d6ng tir la cac phy 4m va nguyén am con lai EX: smiled, played. * Cac tir ngoai 16: Te Phién am Nghia aged Peidgid / cao tuéi, l6n tudi blessed Ilesid / than thanh, thiéng liéng crooked M'krskid / cong, o&n, van veo dogged I'dogid / gan géc, gan li, ban bi naked I'neikid / tro trui, tran trudng 10 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 leamed Me:nid / 6 hoe thive, théng thai, uyén bac ragged Mreegid / rach té toi, bu xu wicked wikid / tinh quai, ranh manh, nguy hai wretched Mretlid / khén khé, ban cing, tdi té 2.3. BONG TU BAT QUY TAC (THAM KHAO DANH SACH CUOI TRANG) Vea | V2 Tiéng Viet | V bare V2 Tiéng Viet go went di keep kept git see saw nhin take took lay smell smelt ngtri understand | understood | hiéu break —_| broke Vo, bé know knew biét tell told ké write wrote viét think | thought nghi hear heard nghe say said noi come came aén hold held cam,ndm | read read doc a) EX: EX: b) C EX: a) v CACH SU’ DUNG THI QUA KHU DON Dién dat mét hanh d6ng xy ra trong qué kh He visited his school yesterday She came to her grandmother's house last week. Dién dat cdc hanh d6ng xay ra lién tiép trong qua khir : She went home, switched on her laptop and checked her emails first. Dién dat m6t hanh déng xen vao mét hanh dong dang dién ra trong qua khir When | was cooking, my parents came. Du higu nhan biét Khi trong céu xuat hign cac tir nhu yesterday, ago, last (week, year, month), in the past, the day before nhing khodng thdi gian da qua trong ngay nhw today, this morning, this afternoon an hout/ a week/ a year ago... 11 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643590 KHAl GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 b) Sau ede tir nhur as if, as though (nhu thé la), it’s time (4a dén luc), if only, wish (uéc gi), would sooner! rather (thich hon) SSRN B) PAST CONTINOUS 1. CAU TRUC THI QUA KHU TIEP DIEN S + was/ were + V-ing He/Sheilt EX: The cat was sleeping Danh tir $6 it, was | V-ing | When we came home. Khang dinh_ | khéng dém duoc You/We/They EX: We were just talking were | V-ing ; , Danh tir s6 nhidu about it before you arrived. S + wasiwere + not + V-ing He/Shellt was EX: He wasn’t working Danh ti 86 it, khéng dém| | V-ing When his boss came esterda Phiginh — | d¥ge : ” a You/We/They were EX: They weren't practicing V-ing Danh tir s6 nhigu not forthes match. Was! Were + S + V-ing He/Shellt EX: Was your grandmother Was | anh tir s6 it, khong aém | V-ing | Soing to Ben Thanh market pa at 7 A.M. yesterday? ; Youwerthey EX: The sun was rising, and Nghivén | Were V-ing | the birds were singing this Danh tr s6 nhiéu morning! EX: Why were you Wh- + was/were + S + Ving? continuously arguing this issue? 12 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 2. a) Ex: b) EX: °) EX: d) EX: a a) Be... z< CACH SU DUNG THI QUA KHL? TIEP DIEN Dién dat hanh dong dang xay ra tai mot thoi diém trong qua khi? tiép dién At9 A.M. yesterday, he was watching Spider Man. Dién dat hai hanh déng xay ra déng thoi trong qué khir While | was taking a bath, she was using my computer. Din dat hanh déng dang xay ra thi c6 hanh dong khéc xen vao When I was cooking, the light went out. Hanh dong lap di lp lai trong qua knw va lam phién dén ngwoi khac When he worked here, he was always making noise Dau higu nhan biét Cac trang tir chi thoi gian trong qua khir kém theo théi diém xac dinh. at + gid + thdi gian trong qua khtr (at 12 o'clock last night,...) at this time + thoi gian trong qué khw. (at this time two weeks ago, ...) an hour/ a week/ a year ago... in + nam (in 2000, in 2005) Trong cau c6 “when” ki d6ng khac xen vao. as if, as though (nhu thé [a), it's time (da dén luc), if only, wish (uéc gi), would sooner/ rather (thich hon) ién ta mét hanh dong dang xay ra va mét hanh Luu y: Khi trong cau xuat hign cdc tir nhu: While (trong khi); When (Khi); at that time (vao thoi diém dé); ... + cn nhac st dung qua khe tiép dién. EX EX: The man was sending his letter in the post office at that time She was dancing while I was singing 18 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU’ LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 Cc) USEDTO 1. CAU TRUC SU DUNG USED TO Od a a _St used to + V nguyén ind ao EX: We used to go to school together. Khang dinh Ngay truéc, chung t6i tiyng di hoc cing véi nhau. _ St didn’t + use to + V nguyéntnd 3 EX: We didn't use to be vegetarians. Phii dinh Ching tdi cha timng la nhirng ngudi an chay. + Did + S+ use to + V nguyen nd . EX: Did he use to work in the office very late at night? Nghi van Anh ta da ting lam viéc rat tré & van phong phai khong? 2. CACH SU DUNG USE TO a) 8 chi thdi quen trong qué khir EX: | used to walk to school when I was a child. b) Tinh trang / trang thai trong qué khir EX: _ She used to have long hair but nowadays this hair is very short. 3. SO SANH USED TO - BE USED TO - GET USED TO Be used to +N/ Ving Used to+V get use to + N/ Ving Not used to + N/ Ving Used to duge sir dung 48 | Bé din ta thoi quen ban | Dugc sir dung dé dign ta chi théi_quen trong qua | da ting lam 1 viée gi dé | mét qua trinh dan quen Kkhte va khéng dugc duy tri | nhiéu ln, da rt c6 kinh | voi 1 van daisy vie nao 6 hin tai. nghiém voi viéc nay rdi va | dé. khéng con la lm hoac gap khé khan véi viéc nay nova. 14| You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 EX: When | was 6, | used | EX: | am used to getting | EX: He gets used to to eat ice - cream | up lately in the moming. | American food. everyday. Téi quen voi viée ng day | Anh dy dan quen voi mon Khi t6i 6 tudi, t6i da tlrng | tr8 vao budi sang, &n cia ngudi My. an kem méi ngay. EX: | am not used to the new system in the factory yet Toi chua quen voi hé théng méi ctia nha may. When | was teenager, | used to eat pizza almost every day. | get used to using chopstick! 15 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643590 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 D) TU VUNG TRONG UNIT 2 Stt Ti vyng Ti loai Nghia 1. | repeat (v) __ | fp lai (adj: repeated, repeating) 2. | theatre (n) | rap hat 3. | spend (v) __ | tiéu (tin, thoi gian) 4. | progress (n)___| sy tién trién (in progress: dang xay ra) 5. _| washing-up (n) _ | viée riva chén bat (sau bra an) 6. | post-office (a) | buudién 7. | mistake (n) _ | IBisai (make mistakes: pham vai Idi) 8. | run (out) (v) _| chay (ra khdi...) 9. | umbrella (n) | chiéc da (6) 10. | earthquake (n) tran déng dat 41. | slip (v) | trrot 12. | skiing (n) mén trugt tuyét (go skiing) 13. | chef (n) | ddubép 14. | argue (v) | tranh cai 15. | band (nm) | ban nhac 16. | alarm clock (n) _ | ddng hé bao thir 17. | trumpet (n) | kén trumpet 18. | neighbor (n) __| hang xém (= neighbour) 19. | complain (v) | phan nan 20. | shine (v) | chiéu sng 21. | downstairs (n) _ | dui lau (to go downstairs: xuéng lu) 22. | nervous adj | lo ling 23. | toast (n)__| banh mi (toaster: 16 nuéng banh mi) 24. | fridge (n) | td lanh 25. | butter (n) _ | bo (get the butter out: ly bo ra khdi (Io) 26. | accident (9) | tainan 27. | surprised (adj) _| ngac nhién 28. | disappointed (adj) _| thdt vong 29. | supermarket (a) | siéu thi 30. | cabbage (n) bap cai 31. | blonde-hair (n) | téc vang hoe 16 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643590 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 CHUYEN GA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HSG: TONG HOP DESTINATION B1 DESTINATION B1 - UNIT 3 ( VOCABULARY) A) TOPIC VOCABULARY (TU VUNG TRONG BAI) Stt Tor vyng Tw loai Nghia 1 beat (vy) danh bai (thang di thi...) 2. | defeat (n) | sy that bai (bai tran) 3. | board game (n phn) | ce ban 4. | captain (n) | dditrréng 5. | challenge (n) | thar thach 6. | champion (n) | quan quan (nha vé dich) 7. | cheat (v)___ | lia dao (gian lan) 8. | classical music (n) | nhac od aién 9. club (n) cau lac b6 10. | coach (n) | hudn luyén vien 11 competition (n) ‘cuéc thi, sy tranh tai 12. | concert (n) | buéi héa nhac 13. | entertaining (aqj) | gidi tri, tha vi 14, | folk music (nphr) | nhac dan téc 15. | group (») | nom 16. | gym (n) | phong tap thé duc (phéng gym) 17. | have fun! (phn) | choi vui vé nhé! 18. | interest (vn) | quan tam, sy quan tam 19. | member (n) _ | thanh vien 20. | opponent (n) | dich tha 21. | organise | téchec 22. | pleasure (n) | qidu tha vi 17 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 23. | referee (n) | trong tai 24. | rhythm (n) | giai digu 25. | risk (vn) | mao hiém, sy rdiro 26. | score (v,n) | ghi diém, ty s6 27. | support (v,n) | hd tro, sy giup 40 28. | team (a) | ddinhom 29. | train (v) | hudn luyén 30. | video game (n) | tro choi video 31. | basketball (n) | bong r5 32. | whistle (n) _ | ci cdi (blow whistle) 33. | perform (v) | trinh dién 34. | fair (mn) | héichg 35. | briliant (adj) | tai gidi 36. | parachute jump (n phr) | cugc nhay da 37. | dream (n) | gidc mo (dream of sth: mo vé gi) 38. | local council (nphr) | chinh quyén dia phuong 39. | armchairs (n) | ghé banh 40. | afford () | 06 a0 tién a8 tra (can't afford to: khong di tin dé...) 41. | vegetarian (n) | ngudi an chay 42. | meat (n) | thit 43. | stadium (n) | sn van déng 44. | fantastic (adj) | tuyét voi 45. | clap () | vb tay 46. | professional (adj) | chuyén nghiép 47. | Honest (adj) | Thanh that 48. | Chase (v) | Budi theo 49. | Kitten (n) | Meo con 50. | Skateboarding (n) | Mén van trot 18 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § DEN LOP 12 B) PHRASA VERBS (CUM DONG TU) Stt | Ti veng Nghia tiéng Viet 1. | carry on tiép tuc 2. | eat out &n & ngoai (hang quan, nha hang...) 3. | give up tl? bd (1 viée gi dé thuéng xuyén lam) 4. [join in tham gia 5. | send off truc xudt (duéi, tec quyén tham gia 1 cuéc thi) 6. | take up bat du (1 théi quen, 1 mén thé thao...) 7. | turn down gidm (4m lung), tir chi 8. | turn up tng (4m lwong) C) PREPOSITION PHRASES (CUM GIO1 TU) Stt | Tir vung Nghia tiéng Viet 1. | fora long time trong khoang thoi gian dai 2. ‘| for fun tiéu khién (cho vui) 3. | inthe middle (of) —_| & chinh giga 4. | in time (for) viva Kip (Ide) 5. | on CD/DVDivideo _ trén bang dia (CD/DVD/video) 6. | onstage lén sn khdu D) WORD FORMATION (TU GIA BINH) stt [Tw Tw gia dinh Tir loai | Nghia tiéng Viet act (v) | din, hanh déng 1. | act (inactive (adj) | (khéng) tich cyrc, chi dong actor/actress (n) | dién vién namine athlete (n) | van déng vién (dién kinh...) 2. | athlete athletic (adj) | (thuéc) dién kinh athletics athletic sports: mén dién kinh a eSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS 19| You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 children (n) | tré con (s6 nhidu) 3. | Child childhood (n) | thoi tho du collection (n) [bo suutap 4. | collect collector (n) | nguéi suu tap entertain w) giai tri, tiéu khién 5. | entertain entertainment (n) | sy gidi tri heroic (adj) | anh hung, qua cam 6. | hero hero (7) | anh hing, nam chinh heroine (9) | ng anh hing thuge am nhac musical (adj) ad 8 7. | music musical instrument (dung cu) musician (n) | nhacsy player (n) | nguai choi 8. | play playful (adj) | vui vé, khéi hai —_ (n) | sudithuyén sailing 9. | sail sailing club: clb dua thuyén sailor () | thay tha sing — sang — sung | canat 10. | sing singer (n) [casy singing (n) | tiéng hat 20 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643509, KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 E) WORD PATTERNS (Sl! KET HOP TU) stt [Ti vyng Tir loai | Nghia tiéng Viet 1. | bored with (adj) | chan nan véi... The boys are bored with staying at home alll day, 2. | crazy about (adj) _| rt nhiét tinh hao hing Tom is crazy about football. 3. | good at (adj) | tai gidi (good at sth // good at doing sth) Helen is good at Maths (doing Maths) 4, | interested in (adj) | quan tam vi cam thay hung tha I'm interested in astronomy. 5. keen on (adj) hang hai, nhiét tinh keen on doing sth am keen on reading books. 6. | popular with (adj) | phd bién, ndi tiéng 7. | feel like () | cam thay thich, cam thay nhu la | feel like a complete idiot. 8. | listen to Ww) lang nghe I'm fond of listening to folk music. 9. | take part in (v) | tham gia 10. | book (by sb) about | (n) | mot cudn sach (clia ai dé...) va... 11. | afanof (n) | métnguoi ham mé cia 12. | agame against (n) _ | tran game d6i khang véi ai dé ... 21 | Youcan make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 CHUYEN GA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HS¢: TONG: HOP DESTINATION 81 DESTINATION Bi — UNIT 4 (GRAMMAR) A) PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE 4. CAU TRUC THi HIEN TAI HOAN THANH S + have / has + past participle (= Vs / Vies)) ] EX: [hi : He! She /tt | lave seen this film already. ; Danh tir sé it, | has EX: ‘John has already invited Tony Khang dinh | to his birthday party. WYouNWe/They ‘| EX: They have never played this have Danh tir s6 nhiéu game before. He/ She / It EX: He hasn’t finished his . hasn't Danh tir sé it, homework. Phii dinh Wou/WelThey EX: They haven't arrived the ae haven't | Danh tir sé nhiéu airport yet. Has | He! She it EX: Has your mother met our s Danh tir sé it teacher yet? Nghi van = _ WV YouNWe/They EX: Have you ever gone camping Have A Danh tir sd nhiéu before? 2. CACH SU’ DUNG THi HIEN TAI HOAN THANH a) Hanh déng bat dau & qua khir va dang tiép tuc & hién tai. EX: __ Ithas rained since late night yesterday. b) _Dién ta hanh déng da ting lam true day va bay gid’ vn con lam EX: Mr. Tom has been the principal for three years. c) Mt hanh G6ng da hoan thanh trong qué kh nhung quan trong la két qua trong hién tai EX: __ I've done all my homework. 22 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_007100064359 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 * EX: EX: Luuy Khéng sir dung hién tai hoan thanh d& din ta mét hanh dong 4a xay ra trong qué khir ma sé sir dung qua khir don. * Ihave done my homework yesterday. Y I did my homework yesterday. Khéng sir dung qua khir don d8 di&n t& mot hanh déng chi méi xy ra trong qua khir OR van cdn quan trong toi thei diém néi. * | finished my homework! Can | watch TV now? v I've finished my homework! Can | watch TV now? Déu higu nhan Trong cau xuat hign nhieng ti nh just, recently, lately, already, before, ever, never, yet for + N — quéing théi gian since + N — méc/diém thoi gian so far = until now = up to now = up to the present in/ for/ during/ over + the past/ last + thei gian Vi tri cia trang tir trong cau str dung thi hign tai hoan thanh already, never, ever, just: sau “have/ has” va dizng truéc déng tir V2 already: cling c6 thé ding cudi cau Yet: ding cudi cau, va thuéng duge si dung trong cau phii dinh va nghi van so far, recently, lately, up to present, up to this moment, in/ for/ during/ over + the past/ last + thoi gian: Cé thé dieng dau hoc cuéi cau Hign tai hoan thanh ~ Nndn manh abn kit qua ede EY ? mét hanh dng... Hign tai hoan thanh tiép dién — Nh&n manh dén sy lién tiép cia mét hanh d6ng 23 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 B) PRESENT PERFECT CONTINOUS 4. CAU TRUC THI HIEN TAI HOAN THANH TIEP DIEN S + have/has + been + V-ing He/Shellt = EX: I have been studing for Danh tir 86 ft, khong | 3 | V-ing_| my exams tomorrow dém duge Khang dinh V YouMerthey — EX: Children have been : \V-ing | sitting in their bedrooms for Danbh tir s6 nhigu been half day. S + haven’t/ hasn't + been + V-ing He/She/lt —_ EX: She hasn't been Danh tir sé it, khong V-ing | practicing for her concert. been Phidinh | dém duge WV YouWe/They haventt| |, |EX: They haven't been in Danb tir s6 nhiu been | planning for BB. Has / Have + S + been + V-ing? He/She/lt EX: Has he been practicing been : Has | Danhtirs6it, khéngdém |), |S° hard for this Nghi van dugc competition? i VYouWe/They been | EX: Have you been doing lave Danbh tir s6 nhidu V-ing | recently? 2. CACH SU’ DUNG THI HIEN TAI HOAN THANH TIEP DIEN Hanh déng kéo dai t6i thoi diém néi hod chi moi bat dau. EX: 4 Ddu higu nhan biét c) Trong cau xuat hién nhieng ti nh Y for, since, just You've been writing this email for an hour. How long is it going to take you? 24 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 c) TU VUNG TRONG UNIT 4 Stt Tir veng Ti loai Nghia 1. | long-playing (LPs) (n) | dia hat (may hat dia od xwa) 2. | needle (n) | cdi kim 3. | noisy (adj) | én ao 4. | fight (n) | tran 4u 4a, tranh chdp 5. | volleyball (n) | béng chuyén 6. skier (n) ngwdi truot tuyét 7. | newspaper (n) | to bao 8. | emphasize (v) | nhén manh 9. | tidy w) don dep 10. | bedroom (n) | phong ngii 11. | interview w) phéng van 12. | strange (adj) | xa la, khéng quen 25 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 A) PAST PERFECT SIMPLE 1. CAU TRUC THI QUA KHU’ HOAN THANH S + had + Viiea EX: He had gone out when | came into the house. S + had + not + Vsies EX: She hadn't come home when | got there. Had + S + Viiea EX Had the film started when you arrived at the cinema? 2, CACH CHIA DONG TU’ VE QUA KHU 24. BONG TU CO QUY TAC: THEM ED ‘Tham khdo Unit 2 2.2. BONG TU BAT QUY TAC (tiép theo Unit 2) CHUYEN GIA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HS6 TONG HO? DESTINATION BI DESTINATION B1 — UNIT 5 (GRAMMAR) Vobare V3 Tiéng Viét | Vbare Vs : Tiéng Viet go gone di | keep kept gift see seen aa nhin take taken lay smell smelt | ngiri understand | understood | higu break broken | vo, b& know known biét tell told ké write written viét think thought nghi ~ | hear heard nghe say said noi come come - | dén hold held cam, ndm | buy bought | mua 26 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643509 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 3, a) EX: b) °) d) e) EX: a) b) 4 MESSE ENTE CACH SU’ DUNG THI QUA KHU’ HOAN THANH (Instructed by Otto Trung) Dung trong truéng hop 2 hanh déng cing xay ra trong qué khir, ta ding thi qué khir hoan thanh cho hanh d6ng xy ra trvéc va qua khir don cho hanh dong xay ra sau. I met she after she had divorced Thi qua khtr hoan thanh duge sir dung dé di&n ta hanh dong da xay ra va da hoan thanh truéc mot thei diém duge néi dén trong qua khtr, hoac truéc mét hanh dng khdc cGing 4a két thac trong qué kht. We had had lunch when she arrived. Hanh déng xay ra nhu la diéu kién tién quyét cho hanh dong khéc had prepared for the exams and was ready to do well. Trong cau diéu kién loai 3 48 din ta digu kién khéng c6 thy She would have come to the party if she had been invited. Hanh déng xay ra trong 1 khoang théi gian trong qua kh, truéc 1 méc thoi gian khac had lived abroad for twenty years when | received the transfer. Du higu nhan biét Trong cau xuat n nhieng tir nh By: I'd finished my homework by 9 o'clock. By the time: By the time | got the class, the lesson had started. Before: The teacher had checked the answers before the lesson. After: | left after I'd finished the test. Just: Simon had just finished the test when the bell rang. When: | left when I'd finished the test. Tuy thugc vao ngi nghia. Luuy Khi str dung thi qué khtr don hay qué khir hoan thanh thi ngi nghia clia cau déu c6 kha nang bi thay déi EX: EX: The lesson started when | arrived. Khi t6i dén I6p thi budi hoc bat dau. The lesson had started when | arrived. Budi hoc da bat dau ri thi téi méi dén lop hoc. 27 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643509, KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 Hign tai hoan thanh have/ has + Vsied —+ Méc tham chiéu thai gian: hién tai — Din ta hanh d6ng trong qua khwr va Qua kh hoan thanh ké0 dai toi hién tai hay mot hanh dong had + Vises xy ra tai thoi diém khéng xac dinh . ; _ . a — Méc tham chiéu théi gian: qué khtr. se — Dién ta hanh d6ng xay ra kéo dai toi mét thoi diém nao d6 trong qué kh (xac dinh dugc thdi diém trong qua B) PAST PERFECT CONTINOUS 1. CAU TRUC THI QUA KHU HOAN THANH TIEP DIEN S + had + been + V-ing EX: It had been raining very hard for two hours before it stopped. S + had + not + been + V-ing EX: My father hadn't been doing anything when my mother came home. Had + S + been + V-ing EX: Had she been watching TV for 4 hours before she went to eat dinner? 2. CACH SU’ DUNG THI QUA KHU HOAN THANH TIEP DIEN a) Dién dat mét hanh déng dang xay ra tru mét hanh déng trong qua khte (nhdn mang tinh tiép dién) EX: I had been thinking about that before you mentioned it. b) —_Dién dat hanh dong la nguyén nhn ciia mét diéu gi dé trong qua khiv. EX: Sam gained weight (=result) because she had been overeating (= reason). c) Din ta hanh dong xay ra dé chudn bi cho mét hanh dong khac. EX: | had been practicing for five months and was ready for the championship. d) Din té mét hanh déng xy ra kéo dai lién tuc truée mot hanh déng khac trong qua khe. EX: She had been walking for 2 hours before 11 p.m. last night. EX: My younger brother had been crying for almost 1 hour before lunchtime. 28 | Youcan make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 fe) Nhdnmanh hanh déng dé lai két qua trong qué khir. EX: Yesterday morning, he was exhausted because he had been working on his report all night. EX: _ She would have been more confident if she had been preparing better. 4 =~ Dau higu nhan biét a) Trong cau xuat hién nhieng ti nh Y until then v by then ¥ prior to that time Y before, after ¥ allday, all night... b) Tuy thuge vao ngir nghia. C) — TU'VUNG TRONG UNIT 5 stt | Tavyng Tir loai_ | Nghia 1. | homework (n) bai tap v8 nha 2. | grammar (n) | ngt phap 3, headache (n) | cheng dau dau 4. | housewok (») | vige nha 5. | flooded (adj) | (bi) ngap ung 6. | crash (| vacham 7. _| fantastic (aqj) | tuyét voi 8. | nervous (adj) | lo lang 9. | read (sth) out (vphr)_ | doc (cai gi) to én 10. | envelope (n) | bao thy 11. | geography (n) | mondialy 12. | shout with joy (vphr) | reo ho phan khich 29 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU’ LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 CHUYEN GIA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HS6: TONG HOP DESTINATION B1 DESTINATION B1 — UNIT 6 (VOCABULARY) A) TOPIC VOCABULARY (TU VUNG TRONG BAI) stt |Tivyng Tir loai | Nghia 1. | achieve (v)__ | dat dvoe, hoan thanh (muc tiéu) 2. | brain (n) | bd nao 3. | clever (ad) |lanhigi, théng minh 4, | concentrate (| tap trung 5. | consider (v) can nhac 6. | course (n) | khoa hoc 7. | degree (n) bang cdp 8. | experience (n) | kinh nghiém, trai nghiem 9. | expert (n) | chuyén gia 40. | fail (v) | rét, thatbai 11. | guess @) | dy doan | 12, | hesitate (¥) | do dy, ngap nging 13. | instruction (n) | huong dan 14. make progress (v phr) | tién bO make a lot of progress: tién bé rat nhigu 15. | make sure (vphr) | dam bao 16. | mark (n) | diém sé 17. | mental (adj) | (thudc) tri tué, du 6c 18. | pass (| a4u, vuot qua (ki thi) 19. | qualification (n)__ | kha nang chuyén mon 20. | remind () nhac nhé 21. | report (n) | ban bao co 22. | revise (| entap 30 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 23. | search (| tim kiém 24. | skill (n) | ky nang 25. | smart (adj) | théng minh 26. | subject (n) | mén hoc 27. | take/sit an exam (v phr) | dy thi 28. | talented (adj) | c6 tai, c6 khiéu 29. | term (n) | hoc ky 30. | wonder () | ty hdila... 31. | arithmetic (n) | sé hoc 32. | astronomy (n) | thién van hoc 33. | astrology (n) | chiém tinh hoc 34. | experiment (n) | thi nghiém 35. | chemistry (n) | héa hoc 36. | disaster (n) | tham hoa 37. | dictionary (n) | te din 38. | neatly (adv) | gon gang 39. | carefully (adv) | can than 40. | poem (n) | bai tho 41. | composition (a) | baituan 42. | award (n) | phan thuéng 43. | advertisement (n) | quang cao 44. | afraid (adj) | so hai 45. | prize (n) | gidi thuéng 46. | what a shame! (n phr) | that dang tiéc! 47. | Dinosaur (n) | Khiing long B) PHRASAL VERBS (CUM BONG TU) Stt | Tir vyng Nghia tiéng Viet 1. | cross out gach bé 2. | look up tim kiém 3. | point out chi ra (cho ai) théng tin gi 31 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 4, | read out oe (cai gi) lon len 5. | ripup xé nhé (thanh tung manh) 6. | rub out béi x6a (= erase) 7. | turn over lat ngugc (cdi gi) lai 8. | write down viét (ra gidy) C) PREPOSITION PHRASES (CYM GI0I TU) STT | Ti vung Nghia tiéng Viet 1. | by heart thudc long, bang tm lng 2. | for instance vi dy nh 3. | in conclusion tom 4. [in fact that ra thi... 5. _ | in favour (of) ing hd (ai / cai gi), thién va, nghiéng v8 6. | in general n6i chung D) WORD FORMATION (TU GIA BINH) stt [Tw Tir gia dinh Tir logi | Nghia tiéng Viét 1. [begin | begin—began—begun| (v) | bat dau beginner (n) | nguoi bat aau beginning (n) | phan adu [ 2. |brave | brave (adj) | dang cam bravery (n) | sw ganda, long ding cam 3. | correct | correction (9) | sw chinh stra (cho dung) (in)correct (adj) | (khéng) ding / chinh xc 4. | Divide | divide (v) | phan chia division (n) | phép chia, sw phan chia 5. | educate | educate (v) | gido duc, education (n) | sy gido dye 6. instruct | instruct (v) huéng dan instruction (n) | sy huéng dan, 161 chi dan instructor (n) | nguei huéng d&n 32 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643590 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 7. [memory | memory (n) [trinhe memorise () | ghinhe memorial (n) | aai/ vat tuéng niem 8. [refer | refer (| chidan reference (n) | sy tham khdo, chi dn 9. silent — | silent (agj)_| im kang silence (n) | sy im lang silently (adv) | mot cach im kang 10. | simple | simple (adj) | don gian simplify (v) | lam don gidn hoa simplicity (n) | su don gidn, dé dang E) WORD PATTERNS (SY KET HOP TU) Stt | Ti vyng Ti loai | Nghia tiéng Viet 1. | capable of (adj) | c6 kha nang 2. | talented at (adj) | thién tai vé. She is talented at music 3. | cheat atfin (v) _ | gian lan (trong...) 4. | confuse sth and / with (W) | binham ln chuyén gi voi chuyén gi 5. | continue with (v)__ | tiép tue 6. | cope with (v) | dwong dau voi 7. | help (sb) with () | giup ao 8. | know about () | biét v8 (cai gi) 9. | learn about (v) | tim hidu (va) 10. | succeed in (v) | thanh c6ng (trong viéc....) 11. | an opinion aboutlof (n) | ykién va (cai gi) 12. | a question about (n) mét cau hdi vé (cai gi) 33 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643500 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 CHUYEN GIA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HSG TONG HOP DESTINATION BI DESTINATION B1 — UNIT 7 (GRAMMAR) A. FUTURE TIME 1. PRESENT CONTINOUS & PRESENT SIMPLE Tham khao Unit 1 2. CAU TRUC WILL & BE GOING TO WILL BE GOING TO ‘S + will + Voare 'S + am/ is/are + going to + Voare EX: Will you pass this card to me after | EX: When | grow up, | am going to play finishing? trumpet in rock music band! S +will + not + Voare S + am/ is/are + not + going to + Vbare EX: Nam is not going to invite all class to | EX: Lan will not visit museum on her trip | ‘ | his birthday party — just some his close to Hanoi. friends. Will + S + Viare Am / Is / Are + S + going to + Vbare EX: Will you invite all of us? | EX: Is Minh going to be on time? 3. SO SANH CACH SU’ DUNG WILL - BE GOING TO WILL BE GOING TO Sy kién din ra trong tuong lai Su kién sé din ra trong tong lai EX: The new airport will be the most | EX: This new university is going to be the modern in Singapore. most expensive in this area. Tién doan, dy bao Dy dinh EX: You'll have a great time in the | EX: | am going to be a doctor when | grow Bhutan up. % | am being a doctor when | grow up. 34 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 é nghi, yeu cdu Tién Goan, dy bao (thuong di kém voi c&n cir d8 dy doan) EX: We'll help you get ready for your birthday party. EX: It’s going to rain, so take umbrella. %* Do you think it is raining soon? Sy kign dugc quyét dinh ngay lac néi EX: I'll go to Cambodia this summer. Luu y: Khéng str dung Will cho nhéng, hanh déng mang tinh chat sép xép * We will visit grandmother this weekend. B. TU VUNG TRONG UNIT 7 stt | Tirvyng Tir loi | Nghia 1. | encyclopaedia (n) | bach khoa toan thy 2. | subtraction (n) | phép céng 3. | multiplication (n) | phép nhan 4. | crossword (n) | tro choi 6 char 5. _| intention (n) | ydinh _ 6. _| prediction (mn) | tien doan 7. | offer (n) dé nghi 8. | request (n) | yeucdu 9. | arrangement () | sap xép 10. | evidence (n) | chimg ctr, dn ching - 11. | explore (| Kham pha 12. | growup (vphr) | 1én (én) 13. | tourist (nm) | dukhach 14. | delicious (adj) | ngon 15. | furniture (n) | 43 dac, ndi that 16. | snowboarding (n) | trvot tuyét i 35 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643590 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 17. | excited (about) (adj) | hao hing 18. | dentist (0) [nhasy 19. | beard () | rau (ria mép) 20. | paintbrush (n) | co quét son 21. | scientist (n) | nha khoa hoc 22. | terrible (adj) | kinh khiing 23. | weather (n) | thoi tiét 36 | You can make a don: to offer the author a cup of coffee at: OG dy9 IOW OSH 8 NZANHO IHL SNIINO dO Syd NJANX ONONHL ONYIO WHY | LE “peoy uopuoy ZeL ye Sen) ulsnoo AW :X¥ “16 e6ed uo sesesyd ueijey] Injasn ewos ale eleyy x3 eyesep ul 2! 211] S324 XA suojBei pueseary x sesso, sobe, oo1xXeW Ul SI JeyJoUq AW ‘XS PPy ¥ do saaval £2104 HOA syueunuosg seujunog x UPON 2y) 7 ey!) 1 SEU >Xa| MEN UO pakeIs om ‘IeAA yse| 2g | YBINquIPA UI epseD snowy e s,e104) °XF seoeidjoexg x spurs, x somo geumo, x uoowaye yy Ul senee] UleN AW XZ Aepowpsosued = ¥ J2qUIM Ul Bulpys 06 Ueyo eM :X3 Peinaies suoseeg = ye Bulop nok ae yeu :x3 “Wid wht Uo s! Aepyuig AW :X3 9002 Ul sued 0} ]UOM ISU | :XF spoyied AepiioH =x sqeq wee, S}OL2e sng e sereu :xa Aepinjeg uo seo mau e 106 | ‘XZ “AVN U! n@puom s| ueder x3 soup 42019 + skeq siuoW x NO NI Jo uojodeig iv «LV ‘uNOn ‘uNIn QLIQID SNAG NS HOY (aWWINVYD) 8 LINN — 1€ NOILVNILSSG 18 NOLLVNLLS30 40H ONO ‘OSH-ANY NANHO IAL NANT WO N3ANHO id Jouueua ono — earano, wan ® ,eUUBHD OHO 19ASOH, 882g van O04 dplopo uN Guo ORIN MWeUL 0G dy9 IOW SSH ® NJANHO IHL SNIINO dO D¥9 NZANX SNONHL ONYIS IWHY | Se eWOUID Axele9 Je 199 $397 XJ YUL YuRY BUN WEI AeY UOY Q4U OAA NYY OYD Ly BUNP Ag 1yoeeq 90ND Nyd ey Ul Bulp}s 06 $387 :X3 “9p @ Buep 19u 1enBu ew Uo| o“4A NYY OUD NI Burp AS “moiowio} Ueder 0} BUIAY 24,2M :X3 211916 Bunp ns Buguy &} *yYBIU Aepleysek ‘BulWOW MOLIOWO} ‘AePIEISEK ‘MOLIOWD} LOA, ‘quBlu Aepseny NO ueder 0} Buiy 21,9, “Bulwiow ayy Ni Ueder 0} Bulky 21,9) X3 jane / uooueye / Bulow Kepuoyy NO Sunyu Buluene / uooweye / BulWiow! oY} NI LV 40. NO 'NI {A Aety OL Bunp ag Jem ‘uns “now ‘06 ‘awOd :aA (6ugp upAnyo e1yBu 4 Buew 2 Budp) sqien uonow BuNYU LOA, ‘MOpulm /JOOP eu IW aaniny oun Uy wonog / doy aun iy Avessenjuue / Kepyyiq Au ud Jo eIpplu oun | wo y 1UBu / ya] 84) UO 40 JUOy Ul quawow ayy yoesq ay) UD anoy ue /seynutw @ U} “hued eye says unoy ue 10) sjuabe ‘ay jus! Bluey :Xa Jeney ay} ul useq sey WOL “xy MARY x ‘em Sujpuing e epsuy + o1uey, Bulyoyem | 4} UO aiqeyeuuy e S,esUL XI “woos Buln) ou Ul s}8499 OU YO! OA :X3 euoulo au 1 S| UYOr MUILA | :XS eoeunseuQ =x woos epsuy x ero ueddey yeu) semianoe e219} UeyD yy eu ynoge —Bupyey uo sfey 480 nok ynd nok pid :xa Jomelp au ul si wodssed sno, :x3 exe em ueym ‘Burpiing + yalqouejodojug + yofqo ue episul JOUUEYD OHO — eGMINOA UBL ,|@UUEYD ONO 1NADOH, a6ed UB 964 do} De UN Bug OU WEYL KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 TU VUNG TRONG UNIT 8 stt | Tw vyng Tir loai | Nghia 1. | wonderful (adj) _| ky la, phi thuéng 2. | castle (n) [lau aai 3. | region (n) | vung, dia phan 4. | passport (n) | h6 chiéu 5. | island (n) | Han dao 6. | timetable (n) | lich trinh 7. | forest (n) | canh ring 8. | statue (n) | bec trong 9. | drive (wv) [lai %e) 10. | sheep (n) | conciu 11. | field (n) | canh ddng 12. | jetlag (n) | sw mét mai vi lech mai gid 13. | awake (v) | danh thite, tinh tao 39 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643509, KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU’ LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 CHUYEN GIA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HSG TONG: HO? DESTINATION BI DESTINATION B1 — UNIT 9 (VOCABULARY) A) TOPIC VOCABULARY (MOT SO TU’ VUNG TRONG BAl) St | Ti vyng Tir loai_ | Nghia tiéng Viet 1. | abroad (adv) | & nude ngoai, rong khap 2. | accommodation (n) | ché tro 3. | book (| @at cd 4. | break (n) | sy nghingoi 5. | cancel [hay 6. | catch wv) | bat 7. | coach (n) | xe bus (duong dai) 8. | convenient (adj) | thuan tien 9. | crash (v.n) | dam vao, sy va cham 10. | crowded (adj) | déng dic an 11. | cruise (n) | cude di choi (bang tau bién) 12. | delay (wn) | cham td 13. | destination (n) | diémaén 14. | ferry (n) pha (di qua s6éng) 15. | flight (n) | chuyén bay 16. | foreign (ad) | Thue nue ngoai 17._| harbour (n) | béncang 18. | journey (n) | chuyénai 19. | luggage (n) | hanhly 20. | nearby (adj, adv) | gan 21. | pack () | dong goi 22. | passport (n) | ho chigu 40 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU’ LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 23. | platform (n) | san ga (tau bay) 24. | public transport (nphr) | phuong tien giao théng cong cong 25. | reach () | cham, di dén (dia diém nao 46) 26. | resort (n) | khunghi duéng 27. | souvenir (n) | qua tang 28. | traffic (n) | giao thong 29. | trip - (n) | chuyénai 30._ | vehicle (nm) |xe08 31. | suitable (for) (adj) | phi hop 32. | tightly (ad) | chat 33. | helicopter (n) | tryc thang 34. ‘station (n) tram (xe lira) 35. | cowboy (n) cao bdi 36. | horse (n) | conngva 37.__ | famous (adj) | nditiéng 38. appointment (n) ‘sy hen gap B) PHRASAL VERBS (CUM DONG TU) stt [To vyng Nghia tiéng Viet 1. | get in(to) len (xe hoi) 2. | get off xudng (xe bus, tu...) 3. | get on(to) len (xe bus, tau) 4. | get out (of xudng (xe hoi), ri (khei tba nha, phong...) 5. | goaway Oi Khoi khu vyre nao d6 6. | go back (to) 16 lai 7. | set off bat dau (mét chuyén di) 8. | take off (may bay) edt canh ‘41 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643590 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 C) PREPOSITION PHRASES (CUM GIOI TU) st | Tirvyng Nghia tiéng Viet 1. | by air/sea/bus/car/etc | (di chuyén) bang may bay/ bién / xe bus... 2. | onboard trén tau 3. | on foot ibd 4. | on holiday trong ky nghi 5. | on schedule theo lich 6. | onthe coast trén bai bién D) WORD FORMATION (TU GIA BINH) st | Tw Tir gia dinh Tir logi | Nghia tiéng Viet 1. | attract | attract (v) | I6icuén, hdp dan attractive (adj) | hp dn, thu hat attraction (n) sv Idi cuén, hdp dan 2. |back — | back (n, adj) | lung (n)/ phia sau (adj) backwards (ad) | tuthau 3. | choose | choose-chose- chosen | (v) | chon choice (») | sya chon 4. | comfort | (un)comfortable | dj) _| (khéng) thoai mai 5. | depart | departure (n) | sw roi khdi (xudt bén) 6. [direct | direction (n) | phuong hong 7. [drive | drive—drove — driven @ | tie driver (n) | tai xé 8. | fy fly — flew — flown | bay flight (n) | chuyén bay 9. travel traveller (n) l@ khach 10. | visit | visitor (n) | dukhach 42 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_00710006435600 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 E) WORD PATTERNS (SY KET HOP TU) Stt | Tir vyng Tw loai | Nghia tiéng Viet 1. | close to (adj) | gan voi 2. | famous for (adj) | ndi tiéng (va) 3. | far from (adj) | xa (voi) 4. | late for (adj) | tré 5. _ | suitable for (adj) | phi hop véi 6. | arrive at/in (v) | toi (diém nao do) 7. _ | ask (sb) about (v) | héi (ai 46) vd 8. | ask for | yéucdu vé 7 9. | look at (vy) | nhin vao 10. | prepare for (v) | chun bi 11. _| provide sb with (v) | cung cp (cho ai) cai gi 12. wait for (wv) che doi 43 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 Fa r ESF CHUYEN GIA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HSt& BEE . a TONG HOP DESTINATION BI F 3s DESTINATION Bt — UNIT 10 & 11 (GRAMMAR) $25 lame cei PASSIVE 4 aoe KHANG BINH ACTIVE PASSIVE S+Vees+O © + amiislare + Veas (+ by 8) Present simple EX: They always invite Tom EX: Tom is always invited. S+Vew2+ O O + was / were + Vears (+ by S) Past simple EX: They invited Tom. EX: Tom was invited. S + will + V bare + O O + will be + Veas (+ by S) Future simple EX: They will invite Tom EX: Tom will be invited. PHU BINH ACTIVE PASSIVE S + don't/ doesn't + V bae+O | O + amlis/are + not + Vews (+ by S) Present simple EX: They don't invite Tom. EX: Tom isn't invited. S$ + didn't + V bare +O O + was/were + not + Veas (+ by S) Past simple EX: They didn’t invite Tom. EX: Tom wasn't invited. S +won't + V bare +O O + will NOT be + Veas (+ by S) Future simple EX: They will not invite Tom. EX: Tom will not be invited. NGHI VAN ACTIVE PASSIVE Do/does + S + V bare + O Amils/Are + O + Veus (+ by S) Present simple EX: Do they invite Tom? EX: Is Tom invited? Did + S+V bare+ O Was/were + O + Veas (+ by S) Past simple EX: Did they invite Tom? EX: Was Tom invited? Will +S + V pore + O Will + O + BE + Vea (+ by S) Future simple EX: Will they invite Tom? EX: Will Tom be invited? 44 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 CACH SU DUNG CAU B] BONG (Instructed by Otto Trung) 4. Khi khéng r6 ai d6 da lam gi EX: My bicyle was stolen yesterday. 2. Khi muén nhn manh téi chii thé cia hanh dong. EX: Dig they take her to hospital in an ambulance? They will s — 4 » Was she taken to hospital in an ambulance? PASSIVE 2 A apple tree is planted in this garden this moming. end the letters to first class. Se =. a! The letters will be sent to first class. ACTIVE PASSIVE ‘S + amiis/are (+ not) + V-ing + O O + amiis/are (+ not) + BEING + Thi hign tai Vows (+ by S) tiép din | | am doing the washing up. The washing up is being done. They're not doing the washing up. | The washing up is NOT being done. Oth + not) + BEEN + V. S + has/have (+ not) + Vesa +O = havelnas (ped. = (+ by S) Thi hién tai ' —— — hoan thanh My cousin has sent the invitations. | The oe have been sent by my My cousin hasn't sent the | cousin. invitations The invitations haven't been sent ... O + wasiwere (+not) + BEING + Ve 'S + was/were (+not) + V-ing + O et ba (+ by S) Thi qua Keni tip | MY uncle was cleaning the car. | The car was being cleaned by my ign My uncle was not cleaning the car | uncle. at that moment. The car was NOT being cleaned by my uncle at that moment. S + had (+ not) + Vesa +O + had (+not) BEEN + Veas (+ by S) Thi qua| Our neighbor had taken the | The children had been taken to the Khir hoan | children to the zoo. Zoo by our neighbor. thanh My aunt hadn't taken her twins to the zoo. The twins had not been taken to the 200. 45 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643509 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU’ LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 < O + BE (+ not) going to + BE + Veas S+BE to + V bare + O Cu trae ee (+ bys) GOING TO | They're going to invite Lan to the | Lan is going to BE invited to the party. party. MODAL | S + modals (+not) + V bare + O 0 + modal (+not) +BE + Veaa (+ by S) They might invite Maudie to their MIGHT _| anniversary party. Maudie might BE invited to their anniversary party. They might NOT invite Maudie. Maudie might NOT BE invited. We should tell Jenny about this Jenny should BE told about this. SHOULD We shouldn't tell Jenny. Jenny should NOT BE told... We must tell Tom about this Tom must BE told about this. MUST We must not tell Tom... Tom must NOT BE told... We can hold the party at Jack's |The party can BE hold at Jack's CAN house. house. We can't hold the party. The party can NOT BE hold... TU VYING TRONG UNIT 10 & 11 stt | Ti vung Tir loai | Nahia 1. | attraction (») | sy thu hot 2. | distance (n)_ | khoang cach 3. | amaze (v)__ | lamkinh ngac 4, | amazing (ad) | kinh ngac, ngac nhién 5. | toobrush (n) | ban chai dann rang 6. | steal— stole — stolen | trom 7. | crime (n) | toipham 8. | fingerprint (n) dau van tay 9. | feed (v) | cho gia suc...) an 10. | organization (n) | té chive 11. | keep in perfect condition | (vphr) | gitr & diéu kién tét 12, | discount (n) | swgiamgia 46 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643509, KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 13. | invitations (n) | leimei 14. | twins (n) | cp song sinh 15. | spoon (n) | cai mudng 16. | camival (n) | ngay hoi 17. | ony (n) | xe tai 18. | gorilla (n) | con khi aot 119. | pirate (n) | cwep bién 20. | balloon (n) | bong bong 21. | astronaut : (n) | phihanh gia 22. | clown (n) [cha ne 23. | fancy — dress (n) | quan do héa trang 24. | decorate () [trang tr 25. | a pair of scissors (n) | cay kéo 26. | candle (n) cay nén 27. | jacket (n) | 0 jacket 28. | soapy (adj) | (c6) tinh xa phong 29. | credit card (n) _ | thé tin dung 30. | sweep | quet 31. | vacuum cleaner () | may hat byl 32. | brush (n) | cay chdi 47 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 CHUYEN GIA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HSG& TONG HOP DESTINATION B1 DESTINATION B1 — UNIT 12 (VOCABULARY) A) TOPIC VOCABULARY (MOT SO TU VUNG TRONG BAI) Stt | Tir vung Tir loai | Nghia tiéng Viet 1. | apologise () | xin 18i 2. | boyfriend (n) | bantrai 3. | close (ad) | gan (gd), than thuée 4. | confident (adj) | ty tin —_ 5. | cool (adj) _| ngau (cool ngau) 6. | couple (n) | cap doi | 7. | decorate | trang tri 8. defend (v) phéng thd, chéng do 9. | divorced (adj) | lyhon I 10. | flat (n) | can ho 11. | generous (adj) | réng iwong, thinh soan 12. | girlfriend (n) | ban gai 13, | grateful (ad) | biéton = [14. | guest (n) | khach (aén choi) 15. | independent (adj) | d6c lap | 16. | introduce () | gidi thigu 17. | loving (adj) | thuong yéu - 18. | loyal (adj)_| trung thanh 19. mood (n) tam trang, tinh tinh 20. neighbourhood (n) hang x6m 2 ordinary (adj) | tm thudng 22. | patient (adj) | kién nhdn 23. _| private (adj) |riéngte 48 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP § DEN LOP 12 24. | recognise (v) | nhan biét 25. | relation (n) | bacon, sy lien he 26. | rent (v.n) | cho thue 27. | respect (vn) | ton trong 28. | single (adj) | d6c than 29. | stranger (n) | nguoila 30. | trust v.n__ | tin tuéng, sy tin twéng 31. | secret (n) | bimat 32. | strict (adj) _| nghiém khdc 33. | freedom (n) | twdo 34. | split up | (wphr) | chia tay 35. | imagine (y) | twéng trong B) PHRASAL VERBS (CUM BONG TU) Stt | Ti vyng Nghia tiéng Viet 1. | bring up nudi duéng (con cai cho dén |én) 2. _| fall out (with) bat ding (v6i ai), nghi choi véi 3. | get on (with) 6 méi quan hé tét, hda déng voi 4. | go out with hen ho (tre thanh ban trai / ban géi) 5. | grow up trvéng thanh 6. | letdown that vong - 7. | look after cham soc 8. | split up két thac méi quan hé, chia tay 49 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 C) PREPOSITION PHRASES (CUM GIOI TU) STT | Tir vung Nghia tiéng Viét [ 1. | by yourself ty minh (lam) 2. | common (with) in | c6 diém chung... 3. | contact (with) in git lién lac v6i (ai) 6... 4. | love (with) trong quan hé tinh cam 5. | on purpose 6 y (by mistake = vd y) 6. | on your own tu chinh strc minh, ty minh lam D) WORD FORMATION (CUM GIGI TU) stt | Tw Ti gia dinh Tir loai | Nghia tiéng Viét 1. | able ability (n) | danh ter disabled (adj) | tan tat unable (adj) | khéng thé 2. | admire | admire (v) | kham phy admiration (9) _ | sy than phuc, khém phuc 3. | care careful (adj) | can than careless (adj) | khéng dé y, khéng cn than 4. | confident | confidence (n) | su ty tin, tin tuéng 5. | forgive | forgive - forgave -| (v) _| tha ther forgiven forgiveness (n) | su tha the 6. | honest | dishonest (adj) | khéng thanh thye honesty (n) | sy trung thy 7. | introduce | introduction (n) | Su gidi thiéu, sy ra adi 8. | lie liar (n) | nguoi noi déi lying (n) | sw nei ddi 9. | person personality (n) tinh cach personal (adj) | ca nhan ‘50 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599, KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 10. |relate | relative (adj) | 6 lién quan [relation | (n)_— [ho hang relationship (n) méi quan hé £) WORD PATTERNS (CUM GIO! TU) Stt | Tir vung Tw loai | Nghia tiéng Viet 1. | fond of (adj) | yeumén 2. | jealous of (adj) | ganh ty 3. | kind to (adj) | t6t bung 4. | married to (adj) | két hén voi 5. | proud of (adj) | ty hao 6. | admire sb for (v) | nguong m6 7. | apologise (to sb) for (v) xin 18i (ai) v8 8. | argue (with sb) about (v) | tranh cai (véi ai) ve 9. | care about (v) | quan tam vé 10. | chat (to sb) about (v) | ban tan (véi ai) v8 11. | an argument (with sb) about (n) | cuéc tranh Iuén 12. | a relationship with (n) | méi quan hé voi 51 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TY LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 A) CACH SU’ DUNG DANH TU DEM BUG & KHONG DEM BUGC CHUYEN GIA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HSG | TONG HOP DESTINATION BI DESTINATION B1 — UNIT 13 (GRAMMAR) Danh tir dém duge Danh tir khéng dém duoc Countable noun Uncountable noun Dang tr Sé it & sé nhiéu x [Deng tr sé it &sb nhiéu a Luén di kém déng tir sé it Ababy | babies Bread, hair, fruit, advice, furniture, Ashop | many shops homework: Thuong — di | a/an, many, a few. A\little, much, a bit, a piece of... aol one, two, three... Danh tir bat | A child > two children CO vai tir di kém déng tir sé nhiéu. guy tae A foot > two feet Clothes (are)... Aman — > twomen Jeans (are) Awoman > twowomen | Cé vai tir kde nhau vé nghia khi & Aperson > two people dang dém duge hay khéng 4ém Atooth > two teeth aia B) TU VUNG TRONG UNIT 43 Stt | Tu vung Tw loai | Nghia 1. | marathon (n) | cudc chay dua marathon 2 — (n) | ter thien 3. (adj) | h@u ich 4. absolutely (adv) | tuyét déi, hoan toan 5. | tank (n) | bé (a), thing dyng (chat long) 52 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 6. | wedding reception (7) [tie cvei 7. [cheese (n) | pho mai 8. | jar (n) | lo (@uong, mudi, cafe...) 9. | strawberry (n) | dau tay 10. | vase (n) _ | binh (ding c&m hoa...) 11. | cough (n) | chang ho 12. | throat - (n) | cd hong 13. | cupboard (n) | taco niu otra (kitchen cupboard: tii bép) 14, | open-air market (n) | cho phien 53 | You can make @ donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 CHUYEN GIA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HSGx TONG HOP DESTINATION 81 DESTINATION B1 — UNIT 14 (GRAMMAR) ‘Sir dung v6i ning danh tir dém duge sé it (khong cu thé) Luuy Nh@ng danh tir bat dau “uni" EX: a uniform, a university Dang truéc “half” (métniva) khi né theo sau mét don vi nguyén ven EX: a half of kg, a half of day Dung cho phan sé EX: 1/3 = a one third Dung cho gid cd, tbc 46 EX: a 140km/h Nhiing tir khac EX: a dozen, a lot of, a thousand... 4+ AN Tuong ty “a”, ‘an’ sir dung voi nh@ng danh tiv bat dau bang nhtrng nguyén am. Luu y: duy nhat hoc dugc xem la duy nat Truéc mét danh tir néu danh tir nay vira duge dé cp true a6. Truéc mét danh tir néu danh tir nay duge xac bang 1 cum tir hoae 1 ménh dé. at trvec mét danh tir chi mot 8 vat riéng biét ma ngudi ndi va ngudi nghe déu hiéu Trwéc so sanh nhat (ding trude first, second, only...) Khi cc tir nay duge ding nhu tinh tl hode dai tir. The + danh tir sé it: tuong trung cho mét nhom thi vat hoac dé vat: The + of + danh tir The + ho (& dang sé nhiéu) co nghia la Gia dinh EX: The Smiths Ding “the” néu ta nhac dén mot dia diém nao dé nhung khéng duge str dung véi ding chive nang. A) ARTICLE Mao tir bat dinh Mao tiv xac dinh Khéng can mao tir alan The No article 4A Khi vat thé hay nhom vat thé la | Trée tén quéc gia, chau luc, tén nui, hd, duong phd Khi danh tir khéng dém dugc hoae danh tir s6 nhigu dung theo nghia chung chung, khéng chi riéng trvong hop nao EX: | like dogs. Truvoc danh tir triru tugng, tri khi danh tir 6 chi mét trvong hop ca biét EX: Men fear death. : The death of his father made him completely hopeless. 4 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 tat EX: an SOS, an Xray... Cé vai am cdm nén sir | EX: They went to the school to dung an thay via see their children. an lu6n di voi nhtng ti viét B) MOT SO TRUONG HQP BI KEM VOI MAO TU Places Alan x The Seas: the Atlantic, the Pacific... Rivers: the Amazon, The Nile Areas: Some countries: the USA, the England.. Public buildings: the theater, ... Others: the Earth, the world, the sky, the moon, the sun, the ‘sea, the environment. No article Towns & cities: Moscow Most countries: France Continents: Europe Streets: Nguyen Hue street Planet: Mars, Jupiter. Have a job, work as a waiter... On the radio, the media, play the piano. No article | Go to work, on TV, go shopping, play tennis, listen to music, go to school, be at school, be at university, school subjects... ‘Aan x a The _| Inthe momning / afternoon, evening On the 20" March, in the 1950s. No article | Days (Thursday), months (May), years (2009), at night. Alan x People | Te The King, the Prime Minister, the army, the navy, the police, the Germans, the English... No article | Become King, he’s English, speak English. 55 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 BEN LOP 12 C) TU VUNG TRONG UNIT 14 stt | Tw vung Tir loai | Nghia 1. | insect (n) | sdu bo, cén tring 2. | properly (adv) | mét cdch dung dan 3. | blame () | khign trach, 48 181 4. | popular (adj) | wa thich, phé bién 5. | theft/ thief (n) | vu trom /tén trom 6. | army (n) | quan ai 7. | soldier (9) | ngwéitinn 6 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 GHUYEN GA LUYEN THI CHUYEN ANH-HSG: TONG: HOP DESTINATION BI DESTINATION B1 — UNIT 15 (VOCABULARY) A) TOPIC VOCABULARY (MOT SO TU VUNG TRONG BAI) stt | Ti vyng Tir loai | Nghia tiéng Viet 1. | advertisement (n) | mu quang c4o 2. | afford (sth) (v) | 66 dit sive (thoi giany tin bac) thudng sir dung véi can, could... or trong cu héi, cau phii dinh. We wonder if he could afford a new car. 3. | bargain (n) | sy mac A, tré gid [ 4. | brand (n) | nhan hang 5. catalogue a) catalogue (danh sach cac mat hang, mau ma) 6. | change (n) _ | tién 16, tién théi 7. | coin (n) | tién xu 8. | cost (v,n) | tiéu t6n, phi tdn (chi phi) 9. | customer (n) | khach hang 10. | debt (a) [ng 14. | demand (v) | yéu cu, di héi 12. | export (v) | xudt khdu 13. | fee (n) tién thu lao, hoc phi... 14. | fortune (n) | s6 tin ton make a fortune in sth: kiém bé6n tién tiv... 15. import (v) nhap khau 16. | invest @™) | dau ty 17. | obtain (v) | datdugc 18. | owe ™ jng 57 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 19. | own (v) | séhou 20. | Pint of milk (n phr) | don vi tinh = 473.17mI 2 pints = 1 squart 4 squarts = 1 gallon = 3. 7851 21. | profit (n) | Iginhuan 22. | property (n) tai san, dat dai, nha clva... 23. | purchase (v,n) | mua 24. | receipt (n) | héadon 25. | require (v) | adi hdi 26. | sale (n) | dgt khuyén mai, gidm gid 27. | save (wv) tiét kiém 28. | select (v) | chon 29. ‘supply (v,n) | cung cdp 30. | variety (n) | sy da dang 31. | waste (vn) | phung phi 32. | worry (v) | to ang 33. | pocket money (n phr) | tién tiéu vat 34. | lawyer (n) | wat sv B) PHRASAL VERBS (CUM BONG TU) stt | Tw vyng Nghia tiéng Viet 1. | add up téng céng 2. | come back (from) | tré lai (tt...) 3. | give away cho di 4. | hurry up nhanh chéng, voi va 5. _ | pay (sb) back tra tién (lai cho ai dé) 6. save up (for) tiét kiém (cho...) 7. | take back tra lai (vi tri ban dau) 8. | take down 96 (bd) 58 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643699 KHAI GIANG THUONG XUYEN LOP HSG & CHUYEN ANH QUA ZOOM TU LOP 5 DEN LOP 12 C) PREPOSITION PHRASES (CUM GI01 TU) stt | Tur vyng Nghia tiéng Viet 1. | by credit card/cheque (thanh ton) bang thé tin dung / ngan phiéu 2. | forrent cho thué ; 3. | forsale 8 ban (sth is for sale: cai gi dé sn dé ban) 4. | in cash bang tién mat 5. |indebt mac ng (in a lot of debt) 6. _| in good/bad condition trong tinh trang tét / x4u D) WORD FORMATION (TU GIA BINH) Stt | Te Twp gia dinh | Tirloai | Nghia tiéng Viét 1. | add add w) thém vao addition (n) phan thém vao, phép c6ng 2. | afford affordable | (adj) _—_‘| cd kha nang chi tra 3. | compare compare w) so sanh comparison | (n) sy so sénh 4. | decide decide (v) quyét dinh decisive (adj) | kién quyét decision —|(n) | quyétdinh_ 5. | expense expense (n) phi tén, chi phi (inexpensive | (adj) _| (khéng) dat (mac tién) 6. | judge judge ” anh gia judgement | (n) sy danh gia 7. | serve service | (n) dich vu servant (n) nguoi hau civil servant: céng chire nha née 8. | tue truth (n) sy that untrue (adj) —_| khong dung truthful (ad) | chinh xéc 59 | You can make a donation to offer the author a cup of coffee at: VCB_Bui Van Trung_0071000643599

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