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Answers to case study questions

1. The key issue is that Samir is experiencing stress at his job and is unable to balance his work
life with personal commitments, particularly his newly married life, and its responsibilities.
The continuous pressure from his boss to attain the sales target with set deadlines by the
company, economic instability, and rising inflation all lead to his declined performance and
productivity at his job as indicated by his forgetfulness and tardiness. This coupled with high
medical expenses and the need for frequent travel between Lahore and Rawalpindi further
exacerbates his stress. Moreover, there is a lack of effective communication between not
only Sameer and his boss but also with his wife (regarding their financial position and the
need to manage expenses).

2. Samir’s boss Qureshi had high performance expectations as he set unrealistic sales targets to
be achieved despite the condition of the economy. However, he did not provide any kind of
support or proactive intervention to Samir. This increased work responsibility with pressing
deadlines caused Samir to undergo stress. His personal challenges especially the demanding
nature of his wife and other family commitments, and his financial situation all aggravated
his struggles.

3. Since all of the aforementioned points were hindrance stressors that kept Samir away from
reaching his goals it is crucial that Samir prioritizes tasks effectively and openly
communicates the problems he is facing with both his boss and his wife. Thus if I were in
Samir’s place I would voice my concerns to my boss, explain my family issues, and
respectfully ask him to redistribute the work so that there is no delay in achieving goals. I’d
structure my workday with specific time blocks for different tasks that will help me manage
my workload efficiently. Simultaneously, I’d set clear boundaries between work and personal
life to protect the interests of both. I’d also seek some financial advice to manage escalating

4. If I were Qureshi, I would try to be a more emotionally intelligent leader and be more
observant of my employees’ well-being provide immediate assistance and support through
counseling or dividing the workload, and consider evaluating the feasibility of sales targets.
Setting achievable yet ambitious goals can motivate employees without overwhelming them.
Moreover, I would be more considerate towards Samir and prioritize his health by offering
him a sabbatical. Implementing flexible work hours or remote work options, where feasible,
allows employees to better manage personal commitments, and so it can reduce the strain
Samir feels between work and family obligations. I’ll try to acknowledge and appreciate
Samir's hard work to boost his morale and lessen his mental burden.

5. A key lesson learned is that for sustainable success/ increased job productivity and
performance outcomes, it is crucial that organizational goals are balanced with employee
welfare. Recognizing and addressing the signs of stress an employee shows through open,
honest communication is significant for maintaining a healthy work environment. Even in
personal life, one should effectively and timely communicate to avoid unnecessary stress
and anxiety in life. This helps build relationships, teamwork and trust.

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