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Date:______________________ Class:__________

1. Warming up​:

Working in teams,​ ​look at the picture and and discuss about the following questions​:

● What do you think is happening?

● Do you like this kind of activity for your holiday?

● How do you describe this place and this activity?

2. Now, read the following blog by Amy Klingensmith. She writes about the activities she is
doing for 4 days.

My Camping Trip ​by Amy Klingensmith

Day 1​: We arrive at the campsite at 10:00 in the morning after a long bus trip. It takes around
10 hours to get here from our city. First, we check in at the campsite reception and then we
put up our tents. After that we are all hungry and have lunch. After that, we sleep for a while
and in the afternoon we explore the campsite. The facilities are good. There is a shop, a
kitchen and a dining room. Now, I’m writing these lines and after I’m having a shower before

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4​: We wake up early. It’s our last day here and we have a long way back. I’m writing these
lines now because there is a long journey ahead. We are having breakfast and then we are
packing. It always takes me a long time to find all my stuff! Then we are taking the tents down
before putting them away. Finally we are putting everything into the back of the bus and going
back home.
Ask all the words you don’t understand
Working in teams, make a list of sequencing words and time expressions such as ​First, in the

3. Pre - Writing task

You have to complete Amy’s diary

1. Choose three activities for days 3 and 4.

Here you have some ideas: party, swimming pool, hiking, making a fire, cooking, walking
in the forest, visiting the local town, museum visit, shopping…

2. Then write a draft of your entries for days 3 and 4 (140-160 words)
Use the blog entries of days 1 and 4 as a model to compose yours.
Use your own ideas from 1.
Include sequencing words and expressions:

First/Then/After that/Finally...
In the morning/In the afternoon / At night…

3. ​Check your blog

Make sure your sequencing words are correct and you use the expressions properly
Then, swap your blog with your shoulder pal and check your blog’s mate.

4. Write a final version of your blog entries and hand it. Write between 140 and 160 words.

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