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Integrated Physiology ( Skin, Temperature regulation , Exercise & Yoga)

1. Explain the physiological basis of bradycardia in athelets.
Due to increased vagal tone caused by regular physical activity, athletes have bradycardia
2. Briefly describe how blood supply in skeletal muscle increases during exercise
Two mechanisms cause vasodilation:.
-The neural mechanism is the activation of the sympathetic vasodilator system.
-The local mechanisms are accumulation of metabolites and rise in temperature
in the active muscles.
-Vasodilation opens up many closed capillaries by opening up precapillary sphincters
3. Describe the effect of exercise on heart rate, cardiac output & blood pressure
Heart rate increases due to decreased vagal tone & also due to sympathetic stimulation
Cardiac output increases as the heart rate and stroke volume increase
Systolic BP rises moderately and diastolic BP usually remains unchanged or falls in heavy exercise
4. Explain briefly the respiratory changes during muscular exercise
Ventilation is increased & increase in the O2 extraction from blood in exercising muscles
5. What are the types of yogic exercise? What are the health benefits of yoga?
Types of yogic exercises:
a) Asanas or body postures
b) Pranayama or breathing exercises
c) Purification practices or kiryas
d) Music and sound therapy
e) Deep relaxation
Health benefits of yoga:
On CNS :
Stability of ANS
Predominance of alpha waves ( more mental relaxation)
Improvement of higher intellectual activities
Higher cerebral blood flow
Decrease in heart rate & systolic BP
Increased cardio vascular efficiency
On Respiration:
Decrease in rate
Increase in tidal volume, Vital capacity & respiratory efficiency
On digestion
Relax GIT → effective elimination
Stimulate peristalsis → Proper digestion and absorption
On musculo skeletal system:
Increase in flexibility, range of movement, strength, endurance & energy level
6. What are the different ways of heat loss from the body?
Radiation, Conduction, convection, sweating & vasodilation
7. What is the pathogenesis of fever?
Endotoxin, Inflammation & other pyrogenic stimuli

Monocytes, macrophages & Kupffer cells
↓ cytokines
Preoptic area of hypothalamus
↓ Prostaglandins
Raise temperature set point


8. Explain briefly how shivering is a protective mechanism.

- It is one of the important mechanisms of thermogenesis (heat production)
- It helps to prevent the fall in body temperature in cold environment
9. What are the different ways of heat production in the body?
a) Hypothalamic stimulation of shivering
b) Sympathetic excitation of chemical thermogenesis)
c) Increased thyroxine output → increased BMR
10. List out the effects of fever
- Increase in phagocytic activities
- Increase in blood flow to the injured tissues → large numbers of the leucocytes reach the site
- increase in antibody production & “T” cell proliferation
- increase in metabolic reactions → faster repair of tissues
- decrease in bacterial multiplication

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