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Dear Judges, I wish you a good day.

I want to introduce you to my safety device that helps the

elderly without supervision. The idea for this project came from my desire to help the elderly
and make their daily lives easier and enable them to enjoy old age. The various diseases that
lead to a person’s death could have prevented that control over the person was available. I
found statistics from San Francisco and I was very shocked and disappointed that there are a
large number of people who have died that way. Statistics have shown that 70% of people
between the ages of 78 and 80 have died this way. There are countless such cases all over the
world, and unfortunately in our country as well. I conducted a self-research survey on the
number of sick elderly people living alone. 162 people were surveyed. It was found that 60.2%
of people heard about the death of a living person and who was found only after a few days. It
was found that people know 81.3% of people living without supervision. The survey proved that
the most common diseases that cause the death of people without supervision are cardiac
arrest, falls, body fractures, suffocation, the consequences of fire and freezing. With this
knowledge I decided to help them in the following way, I made a self-safe device for the elderly
who live alone without supervision with their mentor. This device does not need internet and is
very affordable. Through this system we can reduce mortality and increase and secure the lives
of people living alone. The system has sensors for measuring heart rate, measuring humidity,
detecting fire and smoke and movement. The device is made using an arduino hexuino
microcontroller. We connected the sensors, the gsm module and the hexuino to the
motherboard. When the sensors notice an unusual action, they send a warning to the
microcontroller, and the microcontroller sends an sms warning to the phone via the gsm
module. Each sensor has its own inputs, pins and outputs.The DHT sensor is a basic, ultra low-
cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a

capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air and spits out a

digital signal on the data pin ( no analogue input pins needed).-Flame sensor is an electronic
device which is capable of sensing\detection of fire or a high

temperature zone.The flame sensor module has the following features :

The operating voltage is 3.3 - 5V. It gives us both analogue and digital output.It has a led
indicator, which indicates whether the flame is detected or not.The threshold value can be
changed by rotating the top of a potentiometer. Flame detection distance, the lighter flame test
can be triggered within 0.8m, if the intensity of the flame is high, the detection distance will be
increased.The detection angle of the flame sensor module is about 60 degrees.

Heartbeat sensor measures the heart rate of the heart, it can be found in any medical
equipment thatis used in measuring heart rate. It can be worn on the finger or on the earlobe.

Suitable for all projects that require heart rate data. Pir sensor is a motion sensor. It works on
the principle that if it does not detect the movement of a person during the day, it means that
something happened to the person and also a warning. The heartbeat sensor can also be a
bracelet that can carry a bsm or gprs module with which it measures its heart rate and reports
where it is. From our readings and results we concluded that this security system works, that
we can measure and use sensors. This example of a security system would be very good and
high quality if the sensor was installed in every room of the house of course with these sensors

but more professional sizes stunning results. The hardest part was the codes, but I researched
them through the arduino page. I am very grateful to my mentor who worked with me from the
beginning and supported me. I would especially like to thank my parents who were with me
and encouraged me. I thank my friends from the boarding school for their immense
support. This project would be of great help in the world if it were further upgraded.

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