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What devices/applications do you use to help you study or work.

 I have utilized a wide range of devices to support my study and work endeavors, maximizing
my efficiency and productivity. But my laptop remains my all time favorite due to its
convienience and versaltility.
 For example, it very portable so i can bring it to a coffe shop to study with ease or use it to
prepare for presentations at school.
 When it comes to applications, I usually use many note-taking application to jot down ideas as
soon as they come to me and also to keep track with my to do list.

Is the internet is bad for people.

 It depends, the internet itself is not inherently bad but how it is used can have both negative
and positivie impacts on people.
 When it comes to its benefits, internet can provide people with a wealth of information and ,
knowledge on a wide variety of different topics, offers several entertainment options such as
movies, gameshows, which can help people releive stress and enjoy their free time.
 Howerver, excessive internet use can lead to some serious physical well-being problems such as
eyes strain and posture issues.

What will technology be like in the future?

 I’m not a Technology-savvy

 There are several trends that can give us insights into what technology may be like in the

future/ in the foreseeable future

 AI ( Artificial intelligence ) is predicted/ is anticipated to be a continued advancement
 The development of robot can assist people in solving many complex problems

Do you like texting

1. Pros and Cons ( 40/60)

- Although texting has become an itegral part of modern communication
- It is not without its drawbacks
- Texting can be a hindrance to effective comunication due to its limited capacity for
conveying tones and emotions.
- In addition , frequent texting can have negative impacts on physical well-being , such as eye
strain and posture issues resulting from prolonged screen time.
2. Depends
- Well, it depends on the context and the purposes of communication
- If I need to convey detailed information or lenghthy discussion then i would prefer face-to-
face conversations or phone calls
- Howerver, if conversation requires immediately respones, texting can be more beneficial as
it allows for back-and -forth exchanges.
3. Alternative/ instead
- Yes, i do like texting, but i also appreciate other forms of commnunication.
- For example, face to face conversations provide a more personal and direct interaction,
allowing nuanced expression and immediate feedback
- Morever, in certain situations, written letters and emails offer a formal means of
4. I find
5. For example

What was the best movie you watch?

 Descendant of the Sun directed by a very well-known Korean director.

 The movie beautifully captures/ portrays the multifaceted aspects of a challenging love/
complexity of human relationship.
 The reasons why i was into this film is the powerful and exeptional storytelling, the depth of
the characters, and its touching and emotional original sountracks.

What kind of movie do you like?

 As a movie buff, I have watched a wide rage of movies.

 But i have to say that I’m still a kid at heart so i have a deep appreciation for/ I extremely fond
of kid’s movies, such as Sophia the first,... no name but a few.
 Although they may seem pretty simple and innocent, i believe there are numerous valuable life
lessons packed into this type of movie
 Besides, I’m also particularly fond of romatic movie, so i can spend hours sitting in front of the
screen to binge watch my favourite movies, which I consider as the most effective way to
relieve stress/ effective stress relieve and recharge the batteries.

Do you prefer foreign films or films made in your country.

 I dont have a strict bias towards the origin of the movies, I mean foreign or domestic film are
both fine
 But what I specifically care about before deciding whether to watch a movie or not is the
storyline/ narrative, the messaged packed into the film= underlying themes conveyed in the
film and the calibre of the cast
 While foreign films provide a unique window into different customs, traditions, and values,
broadening one's perspective and enhancing their understanding of the world., domestic
movies can offer a reflection of the nuances of my culture , evoke a sense of patriotism and
can help viewers to better understand and appreciate their own heritage.

Would you like to be in a movie ?

 "Becoming the main character in a romantic movie has always been my secret dream, or
perhaps the fantastic dream of every girls on this planet.
 Although I don’t consider myself to be proficient in acting, If i have a chance i will definitely
seize any opportunity to fulfill this long-cherished dream of becoming the lead in a romantic
movie because I want to step out my comfort zone and try to experience something new
Have become all the rage

What kind of people are popular at school?

 More likely to gain popularity
 People who excel academically/ excel in academics and consistently achieve flying colors
 As they have a broad knowledge base, and are able to support their peers with their studies so
they are often respected and admired by their classmates
 Those who possesses a good-looking appearance, confidence , a sense of style are immensely
famous at school due to their attractive appearance and social skills.
 It’s universally understood that aesthetics hold a significant appeal for everyone.

What do young people usually save money for?

- Young people have various motivations (multitude of interests) for saving money
 Set aside funds to cater for their personal needs/ meets the demands
 Save money to pay for higher education as they have become more mindful of their future, I
mean they can understand the importance of investing in expanding their knowledge and skills
for their future careers and personal development (down the line)
 Usually set aside money for travel and exploration-> They dream of experiencing new cultures
and expanding/ broaden their horizons
 Purchase luxury items in order to keep up with the latest trends

What kinds of activities do ppl in your country do in the holidays

 During the holidays, people in my country enjoy/ engage in / partake in an array of engaging
 They prioritize spending quality time with their family / flesh and blood– usually gather
together to celebrate/ throw parties, exchange gifts and enjoy festive meals.
 These occasions can be phenomenal opportunities to strengthen the family bond and cultivate
indelible memories together.
 Travelling to some well-known tourist attractions within the country is also a very popular
 Places such as Vũng Tàu, Đà lạt are regarded as ideal holiday destinations/ exemplary holiday
destinations in my country for families and they are always jam packed during holiday seasons

Well-matched buddies

Give me a hand
Have Wide A circle of friends

Share common interests.

Unwind after mounting workloads

Dedicate my time to my flesh and blood

Recreational activities

Dedicated and well-qualified teachers

Elite and well-educated individual

Sibling rivalry

I am only the apple of her parents’ eye. -> should I call it a privilege

It’shorribly humiliating

I almost got desperate and started crying!

I accidentally sent a private message to a large group chat, and it contained embarrassing personal
information. I felt horribly humiliated and wished I could take it back, it was impossible.

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