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Virtual reality refers to the use of a computer that creates an environment for the

user that appears to be real so that the user can feel immersed in the surroundings.
With the help of a headset or helmet, a user can work on the virtual reality system.
The environment provided is 3-D and the user controls the environment according to
his/her need. Virtual reality is a boon in the field of education and entertainment. In
the field of education, it has made a revolution as it has become easy to explore and
understand the topic or subject. In media also virtual reality has made a great

 Virtual reality helps in exploring places without actually being there:

Virtual reality refers to the imaginary environment made with the help of
technology with an essence of reality. It helps therefore to explore various
places without even going to that place. This has made the life of people
much easier and more entertaining. The fact that one has not got enough
money to explore everything has made possible the entrance of virtual reality.
 The education system has been improved: The old text-based learning has
now been replaced by virtual study in which a teacher teaches the student
with the help of virtual reality equipment. This equipment allows the user to
see the imaginary environment based on the topic and analyze the study.
 It creates a realistic world: Virtual reality creates an imaginary world for the
user based on the topics to study or for entertainment. Although the Virtual
Reality created is imaginary, it seems to the user as if it is an actual real
world. Therefore help them to have a better experience of the current reality
although everything may be unreal.
 Help in providing training: A lot of people who are not skilled in different
fields of work can get training in the virtual environment. E.g., engineering
requires practical knowledge therefore for the application of knowledge virtual
reality technology can be used.

 Addiction to Virtual Reality: Many a time it has been seen that teenagers and
a few adults become addicted to Virtual Reality and get affected
physiologically. The addiction, therefore, leads to various issues and teenagers
also will not study their regular studies and would always be interested in
playing games.
 Impact on the real human body: Many people using Virtual Reality have
many physical problems like eye strain, dizziness, and nausea issues. This is
because of the illusion made by Virtual Reality.
 Not engaged in the real world: As people become addicted to Virtual Reality
they don’t want to engage themselves with the real world. The virtual world
becomes their actual world and they don’t want to deal with the real world.
 Psychological damage: As people become addicted to Virtual Reality they
also get impacted psychologically and therefore humans are recommended to
avoid using Virtual Reality for long period.

 Implementation is expensive: Implementation of Virtual Reality is an

expensive procedure. The technology and equipment used in Virtual Reality
are costly and therefore only a few could afford such technology. The initial
installation of such a kind of machinery, therefore, is costly.
 Only develop technical skills no interaction is there: The experience
gained in Virtual Reality is based on a pre-recorded environment and
therefore although technical skill is developed there is no place for interaction
with a tutor. Therefore doubts of the learner remain there till any other person
who is also skilled provides the knowledge of the same.
 Technology is complex: Virtual Reality technology has to be learned to gain
skills and it is not easy for everyone to understand the technology for how to
use therefore training is required to learn the complex technology.

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