Lesson Plan

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School : SMP N1 Berbah

Class / Semester : VIII ( Eight ) / I
Subject : Science (PHYSICS)
Time Allocation : 2 JP

A. Competency Standards, Basic Competencies, and Indicators

Competency Standards Basic Competencies Indicators

5. Understand the role of 5.1. Identify the types of force, 1. Identify the style that
effort, style and energy in the sum of forces and their direct-contact and indirect-
everyday life. effects on an object touch style.
subjected to force. 2. Describe the forces acting
on an object
3. Describe summation
style and the
difference between inline
forces, both unidirectional
and opposite.
4. Analyze the magnitude of
frictional forces on various
surfaces of different
roughness, that
is, slippery surfaces,
is a bit rough and rude.
B. Learning Objectives.
Through discussion Learners can:

1. Explain the definition of style correctly in accordance with literature review.

2. Determine the direction of the force acting on an object and describe it with force
3. Gives an example of applying a force acting on an object correctly.
4. Calculates the resultant force, both unidirectional and counterdirectional.

C. Learning Materials: Force and Acceleration.

Style in English is called Force so the symbol of style is the letter F Force is a pull or push that
causes objects to move or stop from their motion, it is called force. In physics, force is defined
as a push or Pull.
The changes that can occur are as follows:
a. Stationary objects move.
b. Moving objects become stationary.
c. The shape and size of objects change.
d. The direction of motion of objects changes.

The forces that cause changes in objects can be grouped according to their cause and based
on their nature. The various styles based on the cause are:
a. Electric force, which is the force that arises due to the presence of electric charge.
b. The magnetic force, which is the force that comes from the magnetic poles, is an
attraction or a push.
c. Spring force, that is, the force generated by the spring.
d. Gravitational force, which is the force of attraction emanating from the center of the earth.
e. Machine force, that is, the force that comes from the engine.
f. Frictional force, which is the force caused by the shift between two surfaces in contact.

Gravity is the force of gravity acting on an object.
Normal Style
Normal force is the touch force that arises due to the touch of two objects. The direction of
the normal force is always perpendicular to the touch plane. The magnitude of the normal
force of an object located in a horizontal plane is equal to the weight of the object and is
formulated as follows. w = m . g .
where W= force (newtons), m= mass (kg), and g= gravity of the earth (m/s2)
Rope Tension Force
The tension force of the rope acts on two objects connected by the rope.
D. Learning Approaches, Methods, and Models
1 Approach : Scientific Approach (5M)
2 Type : Direct Instruction ( DI ) dan Cooperative Learning ( CL )
3 Method : Discussion and Experimentation

E. Media/Tools, Materials, and Learning Resources

1. Tools and Materials
a. Spring dynamometer/ balance
b. Burden
c. Slippery surface (tiled floor)
d. Rough surface (wooden table)
e. Rubber band
f. Bar magnets
g. Nail
h. Plastic ruler

2. Learning Resources
a. Teacher
1) Tipler, P.A. (1998). Physics for Science and Engineering. Jakarta: Erlangga.
2) Umar Y. 1996. Fisika Mekanik. Jakarta: Gunadarma.
3) Saeful Karim, et al. 2008. Learning Science Opens the Horizons of the
Environment BSE class VIII. Jakarta: CV Arya Duta.

2. Learners
a. Saeful Karim, et al. 2008. Learning Science Opens the Horizons of the Environment
BSE class VIII. Jakarta: CV Arya Duta.

b. LKPD "Style"
F. Activity Steps

Activities Description Time

a. Students and teachers pray to start the activity
b. Teachers check student attendance
Motivation and Perception

The teacher asks questions that are:

Introduction 5 minutes
c. Why will the ball we throw up over time stop
moving after reaching its highest point, and then

d. Teachers convey learning objectives

a. Learners are divided into 8 groups,

b. Learners are asked to sit according to a
predetermined group
c. Learners are asked to perform a simple
experiment by pulling blocks on surfaces of
different roughness.
d. Teachers distribute LKPD "Style 2" to students
e. Learners ask questions about things that are
Core poorly understood related to LKPD "Style 2". 30 minutes
f. Students conduct discussion and observation
activities in accordance with LKPD "Style 2" to
identify various styles.
g. Learners present the results of a group discussion
about style.
h. Teachers select learners from groups other than

who come forward to provide responses and
i. Teachers assess the ability of learners to
communicate orally.
j. The teacher clarifies if there is a concept that
from the results of student discussions.
a. Teachers provide opportunities for students to ask
questions about things that are not clear /
b. The teacher gave praise to the group who had
dared to come forward to present.
Cover c. Together with the learners, the teacher 4 minute

summarizes and makes conclusions.

d. The teacher informs the activity plan at the next
e. The teacher closes the teaching and learning
activities with

G. Assessment, Remedial, and Enrichment
1. Assessment Techniques
No. Competence Assessment Instrument Shape
1 Knowledge Written test Cognitive tests
2. Skills Nontest Performance assessment sheet
2. Assessment Instruments
3. Remidial Learning and Enrichment
At the end of the chapter, learners are given tests. Test results are analyzed to
determine the achievement of KKM achievement, as well as identify which indicators
have not been achieved by students or materials that have not been mastered by students.
For students who have not reached KKM are given a remidial program, which is to
relearn material that has not been mastered with the guidance of the teacher. The
implementation of the remidial is carried out one week after the final chapter test is
scheduled at a certain time, for example after school hours end for 30 minutes.
For students who have fulfilled the KKM but still have not entered the next
chapter, they are given an enrichment program, for example through a more challenging
assignment program (challence). The implementation of enrichment and remidial
programs can be carried out at the same time.
A. Scientific Performance
This sheet is filled out by teachers to assess students' skills in stating scientific
performance in the laboratory. Give a check mark (√) in the score column according to
the scientific performance displayed by students, with the following criteria:
3 = Conduct activities based on correct procedures, conduct discussions and
Record the results, and conclude the results of the discussion.
2 = Conduct activities based on correct procedures, conduct discussions and
Record the results, but do not correctly conclude the results of the study.

1 = Conduct activities based on correct procedures, conduct discussions, no
record the results, and do not correctly conclude the results of the study.

Class :
Day, Date of Observation :
Subject matter : Classification of Living
No. Student Name e Information
1 2 3

B. Communication Performance
This sheet is filled out by the teacher to assess the skills of learners in communicating the
results of the investigation orally. Give a check mark (√) in the score column according to
the communication skills displayed by students, with the following criteria:
3 = Be active in Q&A, respect the opinions of other learners, and be able to
put forward an idea or ideas.
2 = Active in question and answer, respecting the opinions of other students, not
put forward an idea or ideas.
1 = Passive in question and answer, less respect the opinions of other learners,

and did not participate in expressing ideas or ideas.

Class :
Day, Date of Observation :
Subject matter : Classification of Living
No. Student Name Information
1 2 3


1. Force is a quantity. . . .
a. Pokok c. Vector
b. Tensile force d. Scalar
2. The resultant four styles in the figure below are . . .

a. 1 N to the left c. 2 N to left

b. 1 N to the right d. 2 N to the right
3. If the force 12 N is depicted with an arrow 6 cm long, then an arrow of 30 cm length

describes a force equal to . . . .

a. 90 N c. 50 N
b. 60 N d. 40 N

4. The two forces F1 = 45 N and F2 = 55 N have opposite directions. The resultant of both
styles is . . . .
a. 10 N in the same direction as F1.
b. 10 N in the direction of F2.
c. 100 N in the direction of F1.
d. 100 N in the same direction as F2.
5. Four forces act on an object as pictured.

The magnitude and direction of the resultant force on the object are equal to . . . .
a. 3 N to the left c. 6 N to left
b. 3 N to the right d. 6 N to the right
6. Objects are in equilibrium if they are on them....
a. There are a number of styles of the same magnitude.
b. The resultant whole force works together with zero.
c. There are two unidirectional styles.
d. There are four unidirectional styles.
7. The force gauge is . . . .
a. Barometer c. Thermometer
b. Spring balance d. Scales
8. The resultant two forces will be zero if . . . .
a. The magnitude is the same.
b. The direction is the same.
c. Big and the direction is the same.
d. The magnitude is the same, but the direction is opposite.
1. Consider the following events.
(1) arc stretched
(2) rubber drawn
(3) per pressed
(4) moving compass needle

Of the above events that give rise to spring force are . . . .
a. (1), (2), and (3)
b. (1), (2), and (4)
c. (1), (3), and (4)
d. (2), (3), and (4)
2. The unit of force in SI is . . . .
a. newton
b. joule
c. kg.m/s
d. pascal
3. The resultant two forces that are in line and unidirectional are equal to . . . .
a. the sum of the two styles
b. The difference between the two styles
c. Multiplication of the two styles
d. division of the two styles
4. An object will be in equilibrium when two forces act on the object . . . .
a. Equally large and unidirectional
b. Equally large and in opposite directions
c. not equally large and unidirectional
d. not equal in magnitude and opposite directions
5. Four forces act on an object as pictured.

The magnitude and direction of the resultant force on the object are equal to . . . .
a. 3 N to the left c. 6 N to left
b. 3 N to the right d. 6 N to the right

6. If an object is carried up a hill then its weight . . . while the mass . . . .

a. getting bigger, still
b. getting smaller, fixed
c. Still, the bigger
d. fixed, getting smaller
7. An astronaut weighs 750 N when weighed on earth. If the gravitational acceleration of the
moon is 1/6 times the acceleration of the earth's gravity then the weight of the astronaut when
on the moon . . . .
a. 900 N
b. 400 N
c. 150 N
d. 125 N

8. Below that includes the touchless style is . . . .
a. Friction Force
b. Earth's gravitational force
c. buffalo style pulling plow
d. Child style lifting chair


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