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-~ -- -·otlltdfa

d,~tatlaa but ~er translatiou
~Old lf 9'1 t ttdu*

l ..
one hollow (metal) and the other solid (wood) with the same ~ ~ ~ -
are aimultaneously allowed to roll without slipping doWn an indined'plalW hi
Ute hollow cylinder will reach the bottom of tbe i1lcllned p1ane firat. · ,...

. ___ . . 1'dnclple of conservation of energy, the total kinetic energies of both the cylinden •
~when they reach the bottom of the incline. ·
~ -,rATBMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT-2 la a correct explanatioe iw
aTATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is True; STATEMENT-2 18 IIOT a COl'RiL1
egpleuation for STATEMENT-!
(Cl STATEMENT-1 is True, STATEMENT-2 is False
(D)STATEMENT-1 is False, STATEMENT-2 is True
82.A sphere is rolling without slipping on a fixed horizontal plane surlace. In the figure, A is the
..point ofcontact. B is the centre of the sphere and C is its topmost point. Then,
(~Ve-VA• 2~a-Ve) (B) Ve-Vs= Vs-VA ~
(C)lvc-VAI •21ve-Vel (D) Ive-VAi =41vsl _ill..:
solid spheres each of diameter ✓ S cm and mass 0.5 kg are placed with their centers
rs of a square of side 4 cm. The moment of inertial of the system about the •·
.square is Nx 10-4 kg m 2 , then N is
mass m is attached to a massless string whose .other end is fixed at P as
The mass is undergoing circular motion in the x-y plane with centre at 0
speed 0>. If the angular momentum of the system, calculated about 0
noted by Lo and LP respectively, then
not vary with time .
time while L, remains constant
netant while L, varies with time.
88JDC! u;,aaa and ~ e radius start rolling down
the aame time. Cylinder P has most of its
'1!,...-·~ trated near the axis.
e bY removlnK I Mm udi , of d
dell'lty and radlui 2R h I m t r 2H I 1,m
~ - aboUl axe, p111ln~ thro~ '""c" In th n11
.,di are perpendicular to thr. plat 0' 1 P1i I
IJlieger 11: ,1 min
dfCUl~ disc of ~aes 50 kg ond rudlu O4 m i
a1)oUl ita own axis, which i8 vertical 1' , mt ting
ua O2 m ar tl I ' wo um,<1rrn < re 'r r
. .h h' e gen y p aced symmetrically "" the di.
eac ot er along the axis of the di1c: and h ,
, . such. that the nngs
· are tnorwn1tll
are at rest relative and
the d IC All
origlllal IIJ(IS. The new angular velodty (in rad/8) of the fYlllem

2014CU:~\ar disc of mass 1.5 kg and radiu• 0.5 m i• initially ai res , ,
fricllonless surface. Three forces of equal magnitude JI • (J.5 are
s1111~1taneously alon~ the three sides of an equilateral triangle XYZ
verttces on the penmeter of the disc (see figure). One w,ond after
h , •

the forces, the angular speed of the disc in rads, is ...

the rigure, a )adder of mass m ls shawn leaning agaiOllt a wait It n ,s
!llaliC equilibrium making an angle 0 with the horiwntal noor. 1'he coeff',cierl
,A friction between the wall and the !adder is µ, and that l,etWeef1 the floor
and the ladder is µ, .. The nonnal reaction of the wall on the ladder ,s N and

tt,at of the floor is N,. If the !adder is about to slip, then
(A) µ, =0 µ, • 0 and N, tan0 = 2 (Bl µ, =0 µ, =0 and N, tan0 =~

(Cl µ, ;0 µ,, 0 and N, = _!!1L- (D) µ, =0 µ,, 0 and N, tan0=~

!+ µ,µ, 2

40.two identical unlfonn discs roll without slipping on two different surface• AB and CO ,ice
JEE figUf"l
otartln& at A and C with linear speeds v1 and v,, respectively, and aJwaY" n,u,aDl m
c:onta<:t with the surface• Jf they reach Band D with the same linear speed and v • 3 m •
then v2 in m/s is lg= 10 m/s2)
~f>•aml• __ _

\j~\t:~\~"- ' C \\\~~\\)'. : •.

\;\\\\~\\\\\:;·~\;:UY\L;- · ·<:..· :7 • 1· ::·:·: .

41.A ring ol mas• M and radius R is rotating with angular speed "' about a fixed

vertical oxi• passing through its centre O with two paint masses each of mass
M at rest at o. These masses can move radially outward• along two massless
rod• fil<ed on the ring as shown in the figure. At some instant the angular speed
of the system is ~ro and one ol the masses is at a distance ol :3.R (rom O. At
9 5
this jnStant the distance ol the other mas• from O is 3
(A) ~ R (B) .!_ R 5
(C) - R
3 3

OSSt O77HD4'4M
42.The dens1bes of two solid sphrreR A nnd B of the nmr radii H v uy with r id1 I di t irit r •

P~(r} kl;) nndpo(r) k(;), respectively, k Is o con tont 'fh momeut
of the mdtvidual spheres about axes passing through thr.lf' rcntrH1 nrr IA ind I , r P tiv ly
1 n
If 9 - 1 the value of n 1s
1A 10

JEE (Adv)-2017
43.A wheel of radius Rand mass M is placed at the bottom of n fixed step of
height R a shown in the figure. A constant force is continuously applied
o~ ~e surfa~ of the wheel so that it just climbs the step without
slipping. Consider the torque t about an axis normal to the plane of the
paper passing through the point Q. Which of the following options is/ ore
(A) ~f the force is applied normal to the circumference at point P then t
1s zero
(B) If the force is applied tangential at point s then t ~ o but the wheel never climbs the step
(Cl If the force is applied at point P tangentially then t decreases continuously as the wheel
(D) If the force is applied normal to the circumference at point X then t is constant
JEE (Adv)-2019
44.A thin an uniform rod of mass M and length Lis held vertical on a floor with large friction.
The rod is released from rest so that it falls by rotating about its contact-point with the floor
without slipping. Which of the following statement(s) is/ are correct, when the rod makes an
angle 60° with vertical? [g is the acceleration due to gravity]
(A) The angular speed of the rod will be [3g
(B) The angular acceleration of the rod will be 2g
(C) The radial acceleration of the rod's center of mass will be 3g
(D) The normal reaction force the floor on the rod will be Mg
JEE (Adv}-2020
45.A rod of mass m and length L, pivoted at one of its ends, is hanging vertically.

A bullet of the same mass moving at speed v strikes the rod horizontally at a
distance x from its pivoted end and gets embedded in it. The combined system
now rotates with angular speed ro about the pivot. The maximum angular
speed roM is achieved for x = xM. Then
(A) ro = 2 2 (B) ro - 12vx
L +3x - L2 +12x2
(C) XM = ../3 (D) roM .!_ ✓3

Educare Pvt. Ltd.
IAdmln Block:KablrNagar. Durgakund, Varanml 1111 tr 05422310358 Dno5044444 (J) www.orlgerl:eonllnacom
A(ootbaJI or rndlii I I kr ,,, lltl ,
on a plank kept l111117,oJJI lly t 11 ,, 1 ,
eo that it get tilt d tr1 kiri~ r, ,
shown in the ngurn b low 'lfo 111
football doc not t tJt rol1Jt1f'i ,lh "'
schematic and not druwt1 to 1,)
r 1
(Al smO R (IJJ l1JJ10
47.A small roller of diameter 20, m h
(see figure below on the J ftJ ft I "'' f <, 'II
meter scale ia positioned horfa(1r tsJ y m
Y., ,


of the scale on top c,f the ~.xJ, ( fir, tt ,,
scale is now pushed slowly <m th( ~ :d, 0 t
roller starts rolling without IIJ,pm11, M r f , ,.,
will look like (figures are sc:hcm:,t e ;; r,, 1 <
x•O x=50cm 1. fJ 1. 7J,m


~~ f

JEE (Adv)-2021
48.A horizontal force f is ~ppJied at tr e u:r
objec t of mass m and radimi P., perpe nd at
the figure. The coeffic.ient of frk"ti<J. bet eeTJ
groun d is µ. The centre u'i man uf r. e ob;e<; , , ' -··~ --·
The acceleration due to grw1t y s g Ober. t ;:.
witho ut slippi ng, which of the foilown g , te· ,.,,
(A) For the same F, the value of a does r a ~ ,
· cylind er is solid or hollow
(B) For a solid cylinder, the po1; ;.•
(C) The magn itude of the frictional force an , • ..,
(D) For a thin-w alled hollow cylinder, a - ;

,., . . . IS l 1 -

66 C
D B 9S
A - C 68 B
69. D
9 C
100 A
A A 13 ... B
39. A 70. B 101 8
A 133
9 C 40. A 71. C 10- B
103.A 134.A
l A 1. D 72. B 135 A
l B 42. C 73. A 104.C
105.A 136 B
12 B 43. C 74. A 137.B
13. D 44. B 75. D 106.B
107.B 138. D
14. A 45. D 76. C 139.D
15. D 46. D 77. D 108.A
109. C 1.,0.A
16 D 47. A 78. B
110. B 141. C
17. B 48. D 79. A
111. C 142.B
18. D 49. C 80. A
81. D 112. A 143.A
19. D 50. A
113. B 144.A
20. A 51. B 82. B
83. A 114. B 145. D
21. B 52. D
22. D 53. A 84. A 115.A
23. C 54. A 85. B 116.A
24. C 55. D 86. D 11-.0
25. D 56. D 87. A 118.D
26. C 57. D 88. A 119. B
27. D 58. D 89. B 120.B
28. D 59. D 90. A 121. D
29. A 60. A 91. C 122.C
30. A 61. B 92. D 123.A
31. B 62. A 93. C 124.D
1. AD 4. AD 7. A IO.BC 13.C
2. BC 5. AC 8. BC 11.C 14.A
3. ABO 6. BC 9. AC 12.B 15.B

1. C 3. C 5. A 7. B 9. C
2. B 4. C 6. A 8. D
1. A-Q, B-P , C-S, D-R 3. A-Q, B-S, C-R. D-P
2. A-Q, B-R, C-S, D-P

@orlgence I Admln Block: Kabir Nager, Durgakund, Varanal - S' 0542 231 03 59 0 no 50 44 444 l!) www,oogen:eonin8tof11
Educare Pvt. Ltd. --
f50 4. 4 7. 2 10.2.]4 13.10
20 s.4 8. 2 11.31.4 14.10
3..~ 6.8 9. 3 12.3 15.8.6

SEC'T:O:'\ - Ill
M081PCSMIIED ltf MEE/ JEE (Main)/ IITJEE (Adv)
l. C 11.20 21.9 31.D 41.D
2. D 12.A 22.4 32.B 42.6
3.. C 13.B 23.B 33.9 43.AD
4. D 14.20 24.4 34.C 44.ACD
S. C IS.A 25.C 35.D 45.ACD
6. A 16.A 26.D 36.3 46.A
7. A 17.20 27.A 37.8 47.B
8. D 18.C 28.A 38.2 48.BD
9. Bonus 19.D 29.D 39.CD
10.C 20.C 30.ABC 40.7

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