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Poe’s biography VIDEO CORRIGÉ

Childhood Education Career

His mother passed away He started writing at about His primary literary occupation
when he was 2. His father 13. He kept writing all the was as a literary critic. He worked
had already abandoned the time. at several newspapers and
family. literary magazines. He had a
In 1826, he enrolled at the harsh reputation as a literary
University of Virginia. He critic. One of his editor called
went into debt and found him "a tomahawk man".
himself into greater debt.
Ultimately, he had to During his lifetime, he bearly
withdraw from University. lived from his writing.

Wife and family life Most famous works

He secretly married his 13- Poe published some of his most

year old cousin. Then in 1836, famous shortstories in his 1840
he publicly married her in a collection Tales of the Grotesque
more open ceremony. and Arabesque
He loved her very much till When he wrote The murders in
she died. She was 24. the rue Morgue in 1841, it started
the whole of detective fiction.
His career went up and down
until he wrote the Raven.
The Raven, published in 1845 was
Edgar Allan POE his huge breakthrough.

Associated authors Mysterious death

Poe died at the age of 40, under mysterious circumstances. Poe's
death, one of the most bizarre thing in his life.He left Virginia, on
his way to New York, disappeared. A week later, he was out on the
street in Baltimore.
We don't have a single piece of information about what he was
doing. At the end of that week, he was found in a tavern, ill, drunk.
He was taken to a hospital. It turned out that he was wearing
clothes thay didn't belong to him. A couple of days later, he died of

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