03 Single Tank System

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CEL-V: Process Instrumentation and Control Sem-VIII

Experiment No.:

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Date: Sign:

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere Page 1

CEL-V: Process Instrumentation and Control Sem-VIII


AIM: To determine time constant of a system from a step response curve and to compare it with
theoretical value.

THEORY: Consider the tank as shown in Figure 1. The volumetric (volume/time) flow in is Fi
and the outlet volumetric flowrate is Fo. In the outlet stream there is a resistance to flow such as a
pipe, valve, wire, etc. Assume that the effluent flowrate Fo is related linearly to the hydrostatic
pressure of the liquid level h, through the resistance R, i.e.
h Driving force for flow
Fo = =
R Resistance to flow
At any time point, the tank has the capacity to store mass. The total mass balance gives:
dh h
A = Fi − Fo = Fi −
dt R

or AR dt + h = RFi (1)

Where, A is the cross sectional area of the tank.

At steady state:
h(s) = RFi(s) (2)

and from (10.6) and (10.6a) we take the following equation in terms ofdeviation variables:
AR + h′ = RF ′ i

where, h' = h - h'(s) and F'i= Fi - Fi(s).

Let, τp = AR = time constant of the process, and

Kp = R = the steady state gain of the process

Which on substitution and taking laplace gives,

′ ′ ′
τp { s ∙ h̅′ (s) − h̅ (0)} + h̅ (s) = K p F̅ i (s)

Assume that the system is initially at steady state. Then

h̅ ′(0) = (dh′ / dt)t=0 = 0

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere Page 2

CEL-V: Process Instrumentation and Control Sem-VIII

Then the transfer function is:

h̅′ (s) Kp
G(s) = ′ = (3)
F̅ i (s) τp s + 1

Dynamic Response of a First Order System:

Consider the step change in Fi(t) were of magnitude C, then its transfer function is,

F̅i(s) =

Hence, response in h can be manipulated from,

C Kp
h̅′ (s) = ∙
s τp s + 1

Taking inverse laplace,

h(t) = CK p (1 − ℯ −t⁄τp )



A h

R Fo
Fig 1. Single tank (first order) system

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere Page 3

CEL-V: Process Instrumentation and Control Sem-VIII


1. ID of tank, D1 = ………. m
2. OD of tank, D2 = ……….. m
3. Cross sectional area of tank, A = 4 (D22 − D12 )
4. Initial flowrate, Fi = ………. LPH
5. Magnitude in step input = ……….. LPH
6. Final steady state flowrate, Fo = ………. LPH


Case 1: To calculate resistance

1. The liquid level is maintained at steady state value around the lower middle point of
level guage.
2. Now flowrate is varied from one to another and respective steady state heights and
outlet flowratesare noted.
3. Plot a graph of flowrate v/s steady state height.
4. Slope of graph will give resistance in outlet flowrate.

Case 2: Step response

1. The liquid level in the vessel is maintained at steady state value around the lower
middle part of the level guage.
2. A step change in input flowrate is introduced by opening the valve at the bypass of
inlet valve.
3. The increase in height (due to step input in inlet flowrate) with respect to time is
noted down.
4. After attaining steady state, the height and outlet flowrate is noted.
5. Plot a graph of h(t)/CR v/s t.
6. Compare the response of system and determine time constant.


Case 1: To calculate resistance

Flowrate, Fs (LPH) Steady state height, hs (m) Fs (m3/ min)

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere Page 4

CEL-V: Process Instrumentation and Control Sem-VIII

Case 2: Step response

Sr.No. Time, t (s) Height, Deviation H/CR H/CR

h (m) variable, Experimental Theoretical
H=h-hs (m)



The time constant for step response are,

1. τexpt=
2. τtheo=

Discuss your result.

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere Page 5

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