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Billabong High International School, Puducherry, is more than just a

school; it's a realm of endless possibilities and remarkable
experiences. Our dedicated teachers are not just educators but
mentors who light the path to knowledge and success. Within our
walls, you'll find state-of-the-art classrooms and facilities that beckon
to the curious minds of our students. The learning experience is not
confined to textbooks alone; it's a journey of discovery, where we
encourage each student to explore their passions, talents, and dreams.
We believe in a holistic approach, and that's why sports and arts are
integral parts of our curriculum. Billabong High International School,
Puducherry, is a community where friendships are forged, dreams are
nurtured, and the future is built. Let your aspirations take flight in an
environment where every day is an opportunity to shine and thrive.
is the most powerful weapon you can use to
change the world
~Nelson Mandela

Dear Readers,
Welcome to the world of creativity, intellect, and imagination as we proudly present the
“Ocean of Knowledge”, a compilation of articles, drawings, games, riddles, and more, all
crafted by the talented students of Grade XI at Billabong High International School.

In these pages that follow, you'll discover the remarkable skills and talents of our students as
they take you on a journey through their thoughts, ideas, and artistic expressions.

This magazine is a celebration of our students’ passion for learning and their enthusiasm for
sharing their unique perspectives with the world. Whether it's an insightful article, a
captivating drawing, a mind-bending riddle, or an engaging game, each contribution in this
magazine represents the dedication and creativity of our Grade XI students.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the students who contributed to this
magazine, pouring their creativity and talents into its pages. Their hard work and
commitment have made this publication a true showcase of the spirit of Billabong High
International School.

As you delve into the pages of the magazine, we hope you will be inspired, entertained, and
maybe even challenged by the talent and ingenuity on display. This magazine serves as a
testament to the outstanding potential of our students and the vibrant educational
environment here at Billabong High.

We invite you to immerse yourself in the Ocean of Knowledge and celebrate the creativity and
innovation of our Grade XI students.
Thank you.

Viraj Jain
Grade XI
Space Events 1

About Mr. P. Veeramuthuvel 3

Harmonium Harmony 5

How to eliminate negative habits and 6
enhance your study skills

Problems faced by adolescents in recent 7

Mental health of adolescents 8

The hands that talk 9

The Coalgate scam 11

Fun experiments 14

English facts 18

Time (Story) 19
Alive (Poem) 20

Vocabulary 21
Idioms 22

Photography 24

Drawing 25

Riddles 26

Puzzles 27
Do space events
amaze you?

MARK YOUR CALENDARS for these upcoming celestial events in
November and December 2023 that will
leave you in awe

Get ready for the breathtaking Leonids meteor
shower. Stay up late on the night of November 17 until
dawn on November 18 to witness this celestial
phenomenon. Under a moonless sky, you might spot
10 to 15 Leonid meteors per hour, painting the sky
with their radiant streaks.

The moon will reach its peak illumination at 4:16 AM Eastern
Standard Time. The night before, on November 26, the moon will appear
exceptionally bright due to its proximity to Earth. Keep an eye out for this
enchanting lunar display.

The Moon will be a waxing crescent on the peak, making
viewing conditions favourable.
As with most showers your best chance to see meteors is in
the early hours of the morning around the peak, though a
good number should be seen any time from a few hours after

Fill your view with the sky and wait for the lights to appear. And,
given this is a midwinter wonder, don't forget to wrap up warm!

Chandrayaan 3 is the third mission in the
Chandrayaan program. It was
developed by the Indian Space
Research Organization (ISRO) for the
purpose of lunar exploration.

It was launched on July 14, 2023. On

August 23, 2023, at 18:30 IST, the
Vikram lander accomplished a soft
landing on the south pole of the lunar
surface. Chandrayaan 3 has successfully
completed its assignment and has now
been put into deep sleep mode on
September 2, 2023.

Do you know about the man

behind the success of the
Chandrayaan 3 mission?

(Project director of Chandrayaan-3 mission)

Palanivel Veeramuthuvel is an Indian aerospace engineer who works for the Indian
Space Research Organization (ISRO); was born and bought up in the Villupuram district
of Tamil Nadu. He completed his primary education in a railway school in Villupuram as
his father served as a railway technician in southern railways. He did a diploma in
mechanical engineering from a polytechnic college, and got a bachelor’s degree in
engineering from Sri Sai Ram Engineering College and then a master’s degree in
engineering from a regional engineering college in Trichy. Later on, he got a doctorate in
IIT Madras. He was an average student during his school days, after getting into
engineering he gained a lot of interest in his subject that his scores skyrocketed to 90%.
Only because of his focus on his dreams he was able to make it to an aerospace engineer
of ISRO and served as the project director of the Chandrayaan-3 mission. Determination
and Dedication were the most important aspects for his great success.

It doesn’t matter where we are from and how we were then; but what matters is
where we are going to stand in future. So let us chase our dreams with heartfelt and true
determination and dedication.

The harmonium, a keyboard instrument -mances, enriching the musical landscape
that produces sound by forcing air with its unique sound. Its adoption in
through reeds, has a rich history in music. bhajans and kirtans (devotional songs)
It was invented in the early 19th century further cemented its significance in
and gained popularity in the mid-1800s. religious and devotional music practices.
Originally developed in France, the
harmonium found its way into various The harmonium’s influence extended
musical traditions around the world. beyond India as well. In the Caribbean,
especially in genres like chutney music,
In India, the harmonium became an the harmonium played a vital role,
essential instrument in classical and reflecting the diverse cultural influences
devotional music, often accompanying in the region. Its warm and expressive
vocal performances and religious tones made it a beloved instrument in
ceremonies. Its portability and versatility various musical expressions worldwide.
made it a favoured choice for musicians.
In recent years, there has been a
In Western music, the harmonium made its resurgence of interest in the harmonium,
mark in the 19th and early 20th centuries, both in traditional and fusion musical
featuring in compositions by several contexts. Artists and musicians have been
notable composers. It was also in religious experimenting with combining the
and gospel music in the United States. harmonium with electronic music, creating
innovative sounds that bridge the gap
The harmonium’s versatility and between tradition and modernity.
portability made it a popular choice across
different musical traditions. In India, it Overall, the harmonium’s rich history and
became an essential accompanying cultural impact continue to be felt across
instrument for classical vocalists and the globe. Its distinct sound and
instrumentalists. Its ability to produce adaptability have allowed it to endure
sustained tones and intricate melodic changing musical landscapes, ensuring its
phrases made it well-suited for the legacy in the world of music.
intricate ornamentations and
improvisations in Indian classical music.

In addition to classical music, the

harmonium also found its way into
popular and folk music traditions in India.
It became a staple in regional folk perfor-

How to eliminate NEGATIVE HABITS
as a student and enhance your STUDY SKILLS

The points that are presented below Consistency: Consistency in your study
are for improving your study habits and habits is indeed crucial. Regular, shorter
boosting your grades. study sessions tend to be more
effective than occasional long sessions.
Procrastination: Putting your phone in Consistency helps in building a routine
"do not disturb" mode and keeping it in and ensures that you're keeping up with
another room is a great way to minimize the material. It also reduces stress and
distractions. Reducing access to anxiety associated with last-minute
tempting distractions can significantly preparation.
improve your focus and productivity.
In addition to these strategies, I would
Quality before quantity: It's not about like to emphasize the importance of
the number of hours you study but setting clear goals, creating a study
about how effectively you learn and schedule, and finding a study
retain the material. Techniques like environment that works for you. Setting
active recall and the Feynman technique achievable goals and breaking your
are powerful tools for deepening your study sessions into manageable chunks
understanding and memory retention. can make your learning more structured
These methods encourage active and less overwhelming. Remember,
engagement with the material, which is every student is unique, and what works
more effective than passive reading. best for you may vary. It's essential to
experiment with different study
Revising the syllabus last minute: methods and adapt them to your
Revising the topics on the same day personal learning style and needs.
they are taught is an excellent strategy. Additionally, seeking help from
It helps reinforce your understanding of teachers, peers, or academic resources
the material and reduces the need for a when you encounter challenges or have
massive last-minute cram session. questions is also a valuable part of the
Spaced repetition, where you revisit learning process.
topics at increasing intervals, can also
be a helpful complement to this

In today's modern world, adolescents • Anxiety and stress

are gravely affected and influenced by With the increased socio-academic
society and peers. pressure from parents and others, teens
get burdened which results in stress.
Out of this influence rises major issues Anxiety is being slowly developed by
that have a direct impact on adolescents, teens due to nervousness, restlessness,
such as: etc.

• Low self-esteem To cope with all the various forms of

Shyness and lack of confidence are all
pressure they experience, the usage of
signs of low self-esteem, teenagers
drugs, liquor, and other such substances
having low self-esteem constantly
has become common.
isolate and deprive themselves of any
social interactions, this can also be a
• Body image
form of affect mental health due to
society's judgment towards them from Comparison is one thing that greatly
an early age, which in turn affects their affects teens and negatively influences
academic performance. their opinion of themselves. The
capability to accept flaws and improve is
• Social media addiction lacking in teens hence resulting in body
In today's era where everything is a image issues.
touch away, social media has a huge
impact on adolescents.

Due to their excessive usage, they get

hooked on it without realizing it, and the
desire to become famous and make
online friends grows sturdier day by day
which slowly starts forming a negative
change in their behavior and mental


In the contemporary world, we find Parental or peer pressure: The

multiple causes that exert influence on adolescents are at a point in their lives
the mental health of growing where they choose their future career
adolescents. The most important causes path and stream. Parents may put
are as follows: pressure on the adolescent to strive
harder and score higher marks. These
Substance abuse is a crucial point where can lead to stress for the individual. In
the student might face the urge to relate order to Keep up with them; they use
to group members that they are close other means to escape reality. As in,
with. This includes the use of drugs and using drugs, getting into a relationship,
other medications that keep their minds etc.
distracted from other subjects requiring
attention. Eating disorders like anorexia nervosa
and bulimia are prominent among female
Delinquency, another major concern, adolescents. The projection of an ideal
points towards unlawful minor crimes body in the media influences their mind
undertaken by students. These include into starving themselves or following a
theft, vandalism, avoiding school, binge-and-purge eating pattern.
depression,depression or anxiety, etc.
This can be a result of the adolescent's Other issues that the individual may face
need to confirm with their peer group. are bullying or being compared with
students who have a higher level of
. academic validation. So, they end up
having a negative self-identity.

In conclusion, physical and mental health

need to be healthy. Teenagers have to
be encouraged to sleep well, eat well,
and engage in peer groups that are
motivating. Simultaneously, they can
find hobbies that are helpful in coping
with stress, like journaling, reading,
gardening, etc. "Positive mental health
leads to positive self-identity" .

What is sign language?
It is a visual and gestural language used by deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals to
communicate. We all should learn to communicate with our deaf friends/ family by sign

Here are some countries with

There are many sign languages around the different types of sign language:
world, each with its grammar and vocabulary.
They are distinct from spoken language and 1. Indian Sign Language {ISL}
have their linguistic properties. So it is 2. American Sign Language {ASL}
important to note that different countries and 3. British Sign Language {BSL}
regions often have their sign language. 4. Korean Sign Language {KSL}
5. International Sign Language {IS}

When we hear "International sign language" we all think that it's an international language
that is common to all but it is not. It is a sign language used by deaf people to communicate
with other deaf people from different countries in sports events, international conferences,
international gatherings, etc.

Sign language interpreters help bridge the communication gap between deaf and hearing
individuals in settings like education, healthcare, and public events.

In this noisy world, learning sign language will not be that hard.
An admirable quote said by a beautiful person, "When
we learn to sign
language, we learn not just a
new form of communication
but a new way of thinking "
-Yvonne Pitrois

Give a try spelling your
name in sign language

Also find:
Who is the father of Indian Sign Language {ISL}?

According to the 2012 report by the Comptroller
and Auditor General (CAG) of India, it was
estimated that the potential financial losses to the
The Coalgate scam unfolded over a period government were around Rs. 1.86 lakh crore (1.86
spanning roughly from 2004 to 2009. During trillion rupees) during the 2004-2009 period. This
these years, coal block allocations were made loss could have been used for public welfare.
under questionable circumstances.
The Coalgate scam led to a significant political
In this scandal, it was alleged that coal blocks controversy because it involved government
were allocated to certain companies without officials and politicians from different parties
following a fair and transparent process between during those years. There were allegations that
2004 and 2009. These companies received coal some of them favored certain companies, which
blocks without proper competition. raised questions about corruption and cronyism.

The Coalgate scam, also known as the coal allocation scam, took place over several years in
India, primarily during the period of 2004 to 2009. While it is challenging to pinpoint an
exact amount of money scammed due to the complexity of the issue, it was estimated that
the potential financial losses to the government were in the range of Rs. 1.86 lakh crore (1.86
trillion rupees) according to the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India's report in

The Coalgate scam had repercussions for the

energy sector in India during the years of 2004
to 2009. It disrupted coal supply to power plants,
leading to concerns about electricity shortages.
The scandal highlighted the need for more
transparency and accountability in the allocation
of natural resources like coal and led to the
cancellation of many allocations.

11 8
Your home can be your science lab

“A goal with no plan is called
a delusion. You need a plan in
order to achieve your goal”.

3D Hologram Projector
Materials required:
Cardboard, a piece of glass, cutter, glue sticks
3D Hologram - is a 3D projection created by light refraction that
floats in space. The Hungarian-British physicist Dennis Gabor Holography
is based on 2D and 3D Geometry. Simple holograms are 2D surfaces that produce the illusion
of a 3D object when light is shined through them.

The actual mathematics behind the hologram is quite complex, literally. The light wave used
for recording as well as for reconstructing can be modelled using Complex Numbers. The
complex numbers, in this case, represent the electric or magnetic field of the light wave.

Take a cardboard with the following measurements
2 cardboards - 16 x 10.6 cm
4 cardboards - 10.6 x 10.6 cm
Take a glass with a measurement of 15 x 15 cm
From 4, cut 2 cardboards in triangular shape
Paste the triangles in other 2 cardboards
Now measure your phone and out of 2 cut 1 of the cardboard accordingly
and use the other one as base
Paste all the parts together
Place the glass in the construction

Observations :
We can observe the length, breadth, and height and we can observe it at any

We can see a conversion 3D from 2D.


In cards such as MasterCard, Visa card, passport
there is a small picture which we think is for our
attraction but it is an hologram which is for our

For example, if a teacher wants to teach the internal anatomy of a whale, she cannot
bring the real whale in front of the students to show. Instead, she can use a hologram to
illustrate the internal anatomy of the whale.
Similarly we can use for the
following applications as well:
3.Forensic sciences

Materials required:
We need a fish tank. It can be of any type. That is glass, plastic or it can be large or small. We
also need fishes, pumping motor to pump water to plants media beds - that is, it can be bridge
chips, clay balls, etc. to make plants stand stiff.

The process is the nitrogen cycle. Firstly it starts from ammonia. It is
a waste product from the respiratory cycle of the fish as well as
decomposing fish food and fish waste.

When ammonia accumulates in high concentrations it becomes toxic

to the fish. On every dark wet surface in the aquaponic system exist
nitrifying bacteria called nitrosomonas. These are naturally occurring
and extremely beneficial because they convert ammonia to nitrite.
Aquaponic, tissue culture and aeroponics are useful for future food production. Therefore, as
the quote says someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long
time ago, let's grow plants this way and give shelter to many.

The world of English

“Hard work is worthless for
those that don't believe in
is a global language that serves as a common means of
communication for people from diverse backgrounds. It is renowned
for its vast vocabulary and versatility, making it the lingua franca of
international trade, diplomacy, education, and technology. As one of
the most widely spoken languages, it facilitates cross-cultural
understanding and connections on a global scale.

But did you know...

The letter I is the shortest, oldest and
most commonly used word in English. 02
Many English words have changed
their meaning over time – for
example, “awful” used to mean

‘inspiring wonder’ and was a short
version of “full of awe”, whereas
‘nice’ used to mean “silly”.
The longest words with no
repeated letters are
“misconjugatedly,” and
04 The original name for
butterfly was flutterby.

The oldest English word that is still in use is
“town” and the word "set" has the highest number
of definitions .

TIME The sound of the rain woke him. He was a teenager who
sought to achieve something remarkable in his life. It was his
struggling phase of life where he had to make some hard
A STORY sacrifices to accomplish his life goals. But he was too young to
-Thirumurugan.M.B realise what it takes to make the sacrifices. All that was required
Grade XI to enjoy his life as well as achieve his goals was “Time”.

After waking up, he was afraid of the forthcoming day as he

struggled to complete all his work on time. It was time for his
school and he went to the school fearing of what would happen
as he did not complete his work. The teacher scolded him as he
expected and he returned home disappointed. He slept anxious
of what the next day holds for him. Just like every day, he woke
up and went to school but the same teacher again scolded him
for the same work he didn’t do. He was confused and realized
that the date and day was same as yesterday. He was absolutely
blown away as he thought to himself, “How is this possible?!”
Anyway, he went to his home and slept wondering what was
happening. The next day did not turn out to be the next as it still
remained as yesterday. He still got scolded for his incomplete
work and went home on a serious note to complete the work

The day moved on the next. He was confused as to how it all

works. He submitted his work and was relieved. He further
struggles to finish a work and the day repeats until he did the
work. He finally realised that the day only repeats if he fails to
complete his work. So from that moment he never failed to
complete his work and no day repeated after that. He
proceeded to become successful in his life and was content
with it.

He did not do his work because time repeated nor did it

actually repeat but it was his fear which gave all the possibilities
of how his life could be if he didn’t get the work done and it was
his determination which motivated him to complete all his
works on time thus leading to his happy life . Time never stops
for anyone but it is us who should realise its value and start
moving on towards our goal.
ALIVE -Ashvika
Grade XI

Is there anything worth more than knowledge?

Is there anything more fascinating than this universal language?
Bring me diamonds, bring me gold,
Yet I would still not trade my mind for yours.
Bring me pearls, bring me rubies,
Yet I would still debate that wisdom is the greatest gift.

To shape this world, to destroy it

To rule this world, to face it
Wit can get you almost anywhere
However, if used unwisely, it can also get you nowhere.

From the darkest nights to the brightest days,

From the deepest oceans to the highest space,
Every inch of this reality,
Screams to be understood.
Yet you and I are here,
Still unaware of what we could.

To see things for what they truly are,

Requires expertise.
However, it is just as much a boon as it is a curse.
And to get lost in the void of delusions,
Could be just as worse.

Yet I would still not deny,

Still not neglect this present.
As I am aware that,
To breathe is to exist
But to learn is to stay alive.
Vocabulary is a set of words that are known and used by a person or
group of people. It can also refer to a list of words or phrases that are
arranged alphabetically and defined or explained.
Vocabulary is also known as Word stock, Lexis or Lexicon.

Tractable - Capable of being easily led, taught or controlled.

Example: - She has always been tractable and obedient, even
as a child.

Brusque - Abrupt or offhand in speech or manner.

Example: -It was a brusque apology, short and almost snappy,
but it was genuine.

Perspicacious - Having a ready insight into and understanding of things.

Example: - It offers quite a few facts to the perspicacious

Didactic - Intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as

an ulterior motive.
Example: - Although the prose is clear and readable it is also
assertive, didactic and sometimes patronizing.

Eclectic - Deriving ideas, style or taste from a board and diverse range
of sources.
Example: - She has an eclectic taste in music.

Becoming fluent in
Meaning: Finish something no matter how unsatisfying or unpleasant it is / Get something over
Example: Danny had been putting off discussing the financial management of the company but
decided to bite the bullet and talk to Sid today.


Meaning: To understand what is happening
Example: As a detective, you are always obliged to learn which way the wind blows and then
make a statement.


Meaning: There is always some good in everything that happens / Something good will
happen after something bad
Example: Do not be worried about your current situation; after all, every cloud has a silver


Meaning: Meaning:

Example: Example:

Your canvas shows your way of thinking


9.10.2023, 6:22 PM
Shot by Kamaleswar. P. M
Grade XI

6.6.2023, 6:18 PM

The phenomenon in the two pictures is known as The Cloud Iridescence Phenomenon. It is a
spectacular rainbow-like colors in clouds that is caused by the diffraction of sunlight on
water droplets. This phenomenon usually occurs during the time of sunset after a very hot
and humid day. The Cloud Iridescence Phenomenon is considered as Nature's fleeting

art.has no limits

Folk arts reflect the cultural life of a

community. The art form encompasses the
expressive culture associated with the
fields of folklore and cultural heritage.
Tangible folk art can include objects which
historically are crafted and used within a
traditional community.

Drawing by
Daksh Kumar Jain

Drawing by
Tamizh Vendhan V.K

Pencil shading drawing is like creating

detailed, lifelike pictures using only a pencil.
It's all about using different pressures and
angles to make things look real by adding
shadows and textures.

These are really tricky to solve, be careful.

What can you put in a bucket to make it weigh less?

A hole.
What is at the end of a rainbow?
The letter W.
How can you drop a raw egg from a height onto a concrete floor without
cracking it?
Normally. The concrete is hard to break.
What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat, and 2/4 goat?
Why is Europe like a frying pan?
Because it has greece at the bottom.
What building has the most stories?
A library.
What has four wheels and flies?
A garbage truck.
What starts with T, ends with T, and has T in it?
A teapot.
Why was King Arthur’s army too tired to fight?
It had too many sleepless knights.
What do you call a thieving alligator?
A crook-o-dile.
What do you call a bee that can’t make up its mind?
A maybe.
What kind of nut has a hole?
A donut.

A mind game and a puzzle that you solve with reasoning and logic. Fill in the
grid with digits in a such a manner that every row, column and every 3x3 box
accommodates the digits 1 to 9 without repeating any.

Difficulty: Easy Difficulty: Medium Difficulty: Hard


2. Spins sideways (planet) 1. 8th largest country in the world
7. Cleanest country in the world 3. .......... has more pyramids than any country in the
8. ......... is the only fish that can blink with both eyes world
9. It is physically impossible for .......... to look up into 4. Who invented exams?
the sky (animal) 5. Cannot stick its tongue out (animal)
10. The heaviest substance on earth 6. Its heart is in its head (animal)
11. Almonds are the member of .......... family 12. .......... urine glows under black light (animal)
13. Unicorn is its national animal (country)


Easy Medium Hard

Across Down
2.Uranus 1.Argentina
Space Events Alive
7.Denmark 3.Sudan
Afrin Banu Ashvika
8.Shark 4.Henry Fischel
9.Pigs 5.Crocodile About Mr. P. Veeramuthuvel Vocabulary
10.Osmium 6.Shrimp Gideon Josepaul. G Stacey Samson
11.Peach 12.Cat Harmonium Harmony Idioms
13.Scotland Heem Jain Rohit. v
How to eliminate negative habits Photography
CREDITS and enhance your study skills Kamaleswar. P. M
Magazine Designed By Cynthiya Drawing
Viraj Jain. R Problems faced by adolescents Daksh Kumar Jain
in recent times Tamizh Vendhan. V. K
Teachers In-Charge Aarna Catherine Riddles
All PGT’s Mental health of adolescents Prasheetha Amul
Anesha Ravindharan
The hands that talk Proverbs
Viraj Jain. R
Rithica. M. P Marcus Micheal
Editorial Team The coalgate scam Sudoku
Grade XI Raghavarshan Monish
(2023-2024) Fun experiments Crossword
Marianissi Brenda. M Jane Sharon Rubella. N
English facts
Vinesh Prasad
Time The students of Grade XI
Thirumurugan. M. B (2023-24)

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