Revision Worksheet Class 7

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Revision worksheet class 7

Ch 1,2,3 history
Fill in the blanks
1 _______ performed a ritual known as Hiranya garbha.
2. The foundation of the pala dynasty was laid by _______.
3. The most famous Chaha Mana ruler is ______.
4. _______defeated in the first battle of Tarain .
5. Nayanars emphasised worship of ______ .
Multiple choice questions
1.The entire chole Kingdom was divided into provinces called
a.mandalams b.nadus. c.kurrams d.valanadus
2. Buddhist text describe India as
a. jambudvipa
b.sapta Sindhu c.Hindustan
3. Islam was introduced in India in the
a. 7th century
b. 3rd century
c. 10 th century
d. None of the above

4 Prithviraj raso gives an account of the famous Rajput ruler

a Prithviraj Chauhan
b Maharana Pratap
c Shahjahan
d Somdeva
5. The smallest unit of administration in chola empire .
b city
d village

Define the following

1. Inscriptions
2. Prashasti
3 Numismatics
4. Manuscripts
5. Chronicle
6. Pen regional Empire
7 literary sources
8 Samanthas
Answer the following question in one word or sentence
1. Name the king founded a new capital gangaikonda cholapuram ?
2. Brihadeshwar or rajarajeshvara temple was constructed by which king ?
3. In the chola administration name the assemblies at the village level.
4. In The chola Kingdom association of traders were called ?
5. In the Chola Kingdom name the important poets .
6. Who are referred to as the three jewels of Kannada literature ?
Answer the following into two points each
1. What are miniature paintings ? Explain any one feature about miniature painting.
2. Over the ages different people have used different names to describe India .explain any two
3. Describe any two reasons for the success of Turks in India .

Answer the following question in three points each

1. The history of medieval India was shaped by its geography explain
2. List some archaeological sources that shed light on the medieval period of India
3. Enlist any three theories regarding the origin of the Rajput.
4. Who were rajputs. Describe any two Rajput clans of medieval period.
5. How did Ghorids established their rule in India ?
6 write a short note on chole administration.

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